Swagger-coverage gives a full picture about coverage of API tests (regression) based on OAS 2 (Swagger). By saying coverage we mean not a broad theme functionality, but presence (or absence) of calls defined by API methods, parameters and return codes which corresponds specification of API.
Producing coverage report consists of two parts. Firstly, during test execution, filter/interceptor save information of calls in swagger format in specific folder on executing tests. The next stage is to compare saved result with current API specification and builds report.
- Add dependencies and filter to your test client Add repository to pom.xml
Add filter dependency:
or if use gradle, it can be added like
repositories {
maven { url 'https://dl.bintray.com/viclovsky/maven' }
compile "com.github.viclovsky.swagger.coverage:swagger-coverage-rest-assured:$latest-swagger-coverage-version"
Just add filter into test client SwaggerCoverageRestAssured. For instance, as presented below:
RestAssured.given().filter(new SwaggerCoverageRestAssured())
- Download and run command line. Download zip archive and unpack it
wget https://dl.bintray.com/viclovsky/maven/com/github/viclovsky/swagger/coverage/swagger-coverage-commandline/{latest-swagger-coverage-version}/swagger-coverage-commandline-{latest-swagger-coverage-version}.zip
unzip swagger-coverage-commandline-{latest-swagger-coverage-version}.zip
Here is help of unzip swagger-commandline
./swagger-coverage-commandline --help
* -s, --spec
Path to swagger specification.
* -i, --input
Path to folder with generated files with coverage.
Return swagger specification which represents uncoveraged items.
Default: false
Ignored header names separated by comma.
Ignore all status codes not equal 200.
Default: false
Print commandline help.
-q, --quiet
Switch on the quiet mode.
Default: false
-v, --verbose
Switch on the verbose mode.
Default: false
To compare result of API tests with current API specification and build report call command line tool after running tests like that:
./swagger-coverage-commandline -s swagger.json -i swagger-coverage-output --ignoreHeaders X-Request-Id,X-Some-Header --ignoreNotOkStatusCodes
Output of the command:
19:21:21 INFO OperationSwaggerCoverageCalculator - Empty coverage:
19:21:21 INFO OperationSwaggerCoverageCalculator - Partial coverage (status code or parameter absent):
19:21:21 INFO OperationSwaggerCoverageCalculator - Full coverage:
19:21:21 INFO OperationSwaggerCoverageCalculator - Empty coverage 49.284 %
19:21:21 INFO OperationSwaggerCoverageCalculator - Partial coverage 12.034 %
19:21:21 INFO OperationSwaggerCoverageCalculator - Full coverage 38.682 %
19:21:21 INFO FileSystemResultsWriter - Write html report in file '.../swagger-coverage-report.html'
Results (swagger-coverage-report.html/swagger-coverage-results.json) will be created after running of swagger-coverage.
Swagger-coverage works fine with clients which were generated from swagger (for example: https://github.com/OpenAPITools/openapi-generator). Because all methods/parameters which will be saved are 100% compatible with current API specification.
For a moment it is available such output formats:
- Default output in html format: list of fully covered http methods, partially covered and not covered at all.
- Json swagger format with all methods etc. which isn’t covered. It is possible to build html from swagger json for visualisation.
For a moment swagger-coverage is compatible only with OpenApi specification v2. It is possible that swagger-coverage will support other versions.
Swagger coverage is released under version 2.0 of the Apache License