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Made with create-react-library
npm install --save @notbaldrick/react-crossfade-carousel
yarn add @notbaldrick/react-crossfade-carousel
import CrossfadeCarousel from '@notbaldrick/react-crossfade-carousel'
function Example() {
return (
You can put as much or as few images in the array as you want.
If TRUE the cycle prop will loop through all the images. You can set the cycle prop to FALSE to pause the cycling of images.
function example() {
const [pause, setPause] = useState(false)
return <CrossfadeCarousel cycle={pause} onClick={() => setPause(!pause)} />
Interval is the time in milliseconds where the image is shown before transitioning to the next.
<CrossfadeCarousel interval={6900} />
Transition is the time in milliseconds where one image transitions to the next.
<CrossfadeCarousel transition={4200} />
By default it's set to NULL, but if given a number the carousel will show the corresponding image. For example if given the value of 2 the carousel will show the third image in the array. If it's a TRUTHY value then the cycling of images will stop, even if the cycle prop is set to TRUE.
const images = [
function Example() {
const [activeImage, setActiveImage] = useState(0)
function nextImage() {
setActiveImage(active === props.images.length - 1 ? 0 : active + 1)
function previousImage() {
setActiveImage(activeImage === 0 ? images.length - 1 : active - 1)
return (
<button onClick={nextImage}> Next Image </button>
<button onClick={previousImage}> Previous Image </button>
<CrossfadeCarousel images={images} forceActiveImage={activeImage} />
Add props to every image component.
onClick: () => console.log('Heyo')
Add inline styles to every image component.
filter: 'blur(2px)'
Name | Required | Type | Default |
images | no | array | [3 images] |
cycle | no | boolean | true |
interval | no | number | 5000 |
transition | no | number | 5000 |
forceActiveImage | no | number | null |
imageProps | no | object | {} |
imageStyles | no | object | {} |
MIT © NotBaldrick