It is a REST service for getting Jira issues, generating reports on them, generating release notes.
Fill the jira.url
in report-service/application.yml
file. See details below
Fill your Jira auth data. Choose one of:
- create env variable
- fill the
file. See details below.
Type: String
Url for Jira.
Type: String
Env variable: JIRA_AUTH_BASIC
Your auth data for Jira. It should be the result of "Basic " + base64 (login + ":" + password)
For example:
jira.auth.basic=Basic TW9ya292a0E6bXlTdXBlclBhc3M=
Type: Int
Default limit on the number of returned issues from Jira.
Type: String
String to search test cases in issue comments, used as comment.startsWith("\${}")
For example:Сценарий для тестирования на препроде
Type: String
String to search deploy instructions in issue comments, used as comment.startsWith("\${jira.comment.deploy.instruction.start}")
For example:
jira.comment.deploy.instruction.start=Инструкция по установке
Type: Int
Strength the log rounds to use by BCryptPasswordEncoder, between 4 and 31
Type: String
Env variable: TOKEN
Key string for checking permissions in requests. It should be sent as the secret code in Authorization header for each request.
There are examples of common requests in jira-report-tools/src/test/kotlin/ru/morkovka/report/requestExample/service/
Type: GET
Url: /api/task/byJql?jql={jql}&limit={limit}
Returns a list of representation of the issues for the given jql (Jira query language) search.
Type: GET
Url: /api/task/byKey?jiraKey={issueIdOrKey}
Returns a representation of the issue for the given issue key.
Type: GET
Url: /api/task/byRelease?jiraProject={jiraProject}&jiraRelease={fixVersion}&limit={limit}
Returns a list of representation of the issues for the given fixVersion.
Type: GET
Url: /api/release/infoByRelease?jiraProject={jiraProject}&jiraRelease={fixVersion}&releaseNumber={releaseNumber}&limit={limit}
Returns test cases and deploy instructions of the issues for the given fixVersion.
Type: GET
Url: /release/getReleaseNote?jiraProject={jiraProject}&jiraRelease={fixVersion}&releaseNumber={releaseNumber}&limit={limit}
Returns release report data for the given fixVersion.
Type: GET
Url: /release/getReleaseNoteString?jiraProject={jiraProject}&jiraRelease={fixVersion}&releaseNumber={releaseNumber}&limit={limit}
Returns release report data for the given fixVersion.
Any questions or problems give me a shout on email [email protected]
Copyright 2020 Anton Klimakov
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0