issues Search Results · repo:Neg9/OpenCTF-2019 language:Python
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inNeg9/OpenCTF-2019 (press backspace or delete to remove)During development, we generally had a more complete description and hypothesis for each challenge. That was lost in the
publishing of this content initially, but we still have it in our development project ...
- Opened on Oct 12, 2020
- #4
Challenge author details were lost in making these challenges public, they should be added back in case people want to
ask the author questions.
- Opened on Oct 11, 2020
- #3
tellmemore needs a solution writeup, as well as a solution script/program.
Challenge source:
Solution Needed
- Opened on Oct 11, 2020
- #2
HTTPS-CYOA needs a solution writeup, as well as a solution script/program.
Challenge source:
Solution Needed
- Opened on Oct 11, 2020
- #1

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