Releases: Netflix/governator
Releases · Netflix/governator
ProvidesWithAdvice feature
Merge pull request #323 from elandau/provides_with_advice ProvidesWithAdvice feature
v1.14.2: Merge pull request #317 from twicksell/revert41Fixes
Rollback duplicated guice 4.1.0 safeguard
v1.14.1: Merge pull request #315 from elandau/singleton_scope_npe
Bugfix in supporting Guice 4.1.0
Upgrade to Guice 4.1.0
Upgrade to Guice 4.1.0
Deprecate all LifecycleInjectorBuilder methods that take module classes instead of instances
bug fixes and guice 4.1.0 compatibility
improved memory management and scope-aware lifecycle processing
this release has the following improvements:
- improved lifecycle detection for instances in short-lived scopes (such as RequestScope)
- use of weak references to track internal instance state and lifecycle actions
- bug fixes for legacy-path lifecycle management of scoped beans
Fix bug with static resources on embedded Jetty
Merge pull request #306 from drtechniko/master Fix bug with static resources on embedded Jetty
Fix Jetty initialization with static resources
Merge pull request #305 from drtechniko/master Fix Jetty META-INF/resources discovery issue
v1.13.1: Merge pull request #303 from tcellucci/master
Set JSR-250 validation as optional by default
Update JettyModule to serve META-INF/resources by default as per servlet spec
v1.13.0: Merge pull request #301 from elandau/switch_to_junit
- New JUnit TestRunner with support for replacing bindings with Mockito Mocks
- LifecycleListeners now invoked in order of registration and reverse order for onStopped events
- Add AutoCloseable support to PreDestroyLifecycleActions
- Deprecated @WarmUp