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Event System

dpslwk edited this page Mar 13, 2020 · 6 revisions

Owen's original email from 16th May 2016

Hi Software Team,

Here's a link to the feature request pondering I've been doing following chats in the Comms Slack channel:

Google doc link removed see below

The idea would be to simplify the way Events are booked, announced and managed between the various teams (primarily Events, Membership & Comms). So in a "user story" world I guess the index cards would read:

As a member of the Events team
I need a simple way to book, update and cancel events
So that

  • A google calendar appointment is created, edited or cancelled
  • (optional) An event is created, edited or cancelled in Eventbrite
  • (optional) An event is created, edited or cancelled on Facebook
  • A message is sent to Membership so they can arrange cover if needed
  • A message is sent to Comms so they can promote the event that includes links to the content for the event

I know that's a "epic" and really ought to be broken down in to individual user stories; I can do that if it would help?



Google doc content

Talk to Matt/James/Rob on a Wednesday evening, or write up some notes on what your looking for and paste here or email software@

Matt's brain dump (2020-03-12)

Event System with area booking/reservation

Booking of the an area within the hackspace is a different problem space to usage booking of a tool. As such this needs a different approach

Areas in the space we could consider bookable

  • Classroom
  • Blueroom
  • Studio
  • Comfey Area
  • General Workshop
  • Metalworking area
  • Craft room
  • Kitchen
  • CNC Area
  • Electronics area

should also allow for off site events (EMF, AGM)

I see three types of space booking

  • Open attendance
    the space is being used for an event open for anyone to just turn up and get involved
    thing the Monthly members meeting, bad movie night, Festivus, pizza making, Nottinghack Comics Making
    even if an area is reserved we don't mind if you stick you head in and join the fun
  • Registered attendance
    the space is being used for an event that requires pre registration to attend
    be it a paid or unpaid event
    think Arduino workshop, CNC engraving workshop, etc
  • Closed attendance
    strict invite only event
    think trustee meeting, complaint meeting (though this should really be held of site),
    could also be used to area maintenance/renovations? kitchen revamp
    the area reserved should be considered out of bounds to anyone not invited

might also need to consider public or members only, which could take this to 5 types

  • open to public (Nottinghack Comics Making)
  • open to members (bad movie night?)
  • registration open to anyone (Ardunio workshop)
  • registration open to members only (Artemis)
  • closed invite only (trustee meeting)

Creation of an event should be open to all members but have review from the events team (if we reinstate it) and final approval of trustees by Resolution (Constitution 6.3)

having the nice HMS2 calender to show events and indicate if an associated area is booked is good for information display but creation/update of events is much more involved that just dragging a box on the calender so this process should really start with a detailed form not fullcalendar

recurring events like members meeting also need to be considered, allowing them to be bulk scheduled into the future
changes to next or a future event should not effect proceeding events
changes could effect one event or all future events, if change a single event then a derivation needs to be created from the recurring event template(?)


intergrate or replace?
eventbrite has an api so we could create the eventbrite listing from HMS listing
but fees are quite high considering now we have working stripe
EB £0.49 + 6.5% / per paid ticket (+20% UK VAT)
Stripe 20p + 1.4%

example the cnc workshop is £25 + fees of 2.54, so £27.54 to the customer
looks like we are directly passing that cost onto the customer

stripe would be £25 to customer 55p fees so we would only see £24.45
with stripe we can not pass on fees to the customer

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