Frontend: HTML/ CSS/ JS
Database: SQLite (until MVP)
Database Schema: Click here.
Fork the repo
Click the "Fork" button on the top right corner.
Clone the repo
git clone"your-github-username"/OSAC-Forum
To run project on your PC,
Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
#using virtual environment is highly recommended
Initialize the database and run server
python migrate
python runserver
Accessing Admin Dashboard
Create a superuser
python createsuperuser
Navigate to http://localhost:8000/admin
for admin login.
- Code a html file in your PC as you normally would.
- Switch to dummy_template branch by running: ```sh git switch dummy_template ```
- visit dummy_template folder and paste your code to the specified files.
Add the CSS inside the style tag and JS inside script tag in the same HTML file.
Send Pull Request to the dummy_temp branch.