diff --git a/.env.template b/.env.template
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c42edccd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.env.template
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.firebase/hosting.YnVpbGQvd2Vi.cache b/.firebase/hosting.YnVpbGQvd2Vi.cache
index 613c6d57..e4f64439 100644
--- a/.firebase/hosting.YnVpbGQvd2Vi.cache
+++ b/.firebase/hosting.YnVpbGQvd2Vi.cache
@@ -1,844 +1,986 @@
diff --git a/.firebaserc b/.firebaserc
index 356b27ad..215fa5e6 100644
--- a/.firebaserc
+++ b/.firebaserc
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
"projects": {
- "default": "ottaaproject-flutter",
- "keyboard": "keyboard-98820",
- "ottaa": "ottaaproject-flutter"
+ "OTTAAFlutter": "ottaaproject-flutter"
- "targets": {}
\ No newline at end of file
+ "targets": {},
+ "etags": {}
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index c8b6799d..c6c854d8 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -101,7 +101,10 @@ unlinked_spec.ds
# macOS
@@ -119,6 +122,6 @@ app.*.symbols
diff --git a/Readme.md b/Readme.md
index c2a85852..223e1802 100644
--- a/Readme.md
+++ b/Readme.md
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
-# Welcome to the OTTAA Project #
+# Welcome to the OTTAA Project
The [OTTAA Project](https://www.ottaaproject.com/) is an augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) mobile application intended for users with speech and language impairments. It is a fast and effective tool that significantly improves users' quality of life and facilitates their social and labor reintegration. We have already positively impacted the lives of more than 40000 people in 11 countries, helping individuals with cerebral palsy, aphasia, autism, Down syndrome, and mild ALS.
@@ -14,11 +14,11 @@ You can be a part of this open-source project and help build life-changing techn
-Read our [Project's Roadmap](https://github.com/orgs/OTTAA-Project/projects/4/views/1) to learn about what features we are currently working on, what stage they are in, and when we expect to deliver them to you.
+Read our [Project's Roadmap](https://github.com/orgs/OTTAA-Project/projects/4/views/1) to learn about what features we are currently working on, what stage they are in, and when we expect to deliver them to you.
## How does it work?
-The OTTA app facilitates human communication via pictograms for those who are speech impaired, suggesting to each user the most appropriate pictograms based on preference, need, and environment. Watch this video for a more comprehensive walkthrough.
+The OTTA app facilitates human communication via pictograms for those who are speech impaired, suggesting to each user the most appropriate pictograms based on preference, need, and environment. Watch this video for a more comprehensive walkthrough.
@@ -26,52 +26,54 @@ The OTTA app facilitates human communication via pictograms for those who are sp
## Getting started: setting up your IDE for the first time
-* Run `flutter pub get` to get the dependencies.
-* Run `flutter pub run build_runner build` to generate the model class code.
-* Run `flutter run` to run the project.
+- Run `flutter pub get` to get the dependencies.
+- Run `flutter pub run build_runner build` to generate the model class code.
+- Run `flutter run` to run the project.
+- run `flutter run -d chrome --web-port 3000` to run the project in web.
\* In case you encounter any errors in model building:
-* Run `flutter packages pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs`.
+- Run `flutter packages pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs`.
+## Run tests
+- Run `flutter test` to run all tests.
+- Run `flutter test test/.dart` to run a specific test file.
+- Run `lcov --remove ./coverage/lcov.info -o ./coverage/output.info 'lib/core/*'` to remove the core folder from the coverage report.
## Resources
### Libraries & tools
The OTTAA Project was developed and runs mainly on:
-* [Flutter](https://flutter.dev/)
-* [Firebase](https://firebase.google.com/)
+- [Flutter](https://flutter.dev/)
+- [Firebase](https://firebase.google.com/)
The complete list of libraries used and their functions can be found [here](libraries.md).
### Tools
-* Official Android developer tools
+- Official Android developer tools
[Android Studio](https://developer.android.com/studio)
-* Repository
+- Repository
-* Pictograms
+- Pictograms
-* Testing Platform
+- Testing Platform
### API reference
- * We are using [Dartdoc](https://pub.dev/packages/dartdoc) to automate the [API reference documentation] (place_holder: link to API reference). For some help getting started with Dartdoc, check out [this guide](/dartdoc_automatic_documentation.md) we put together.
+- We are using [Dartdoc](https://pub.dev/packages/dartdoc) to automate the [API reference documentation] (place_holder: link to API reference). For some help getting started with Dartdoc, check out [this guide](/dartdoc_automatic_documentation.md) we put together.
## Contributing
@@ -81,12 +83,12 @@ Contributors help the OTTAA Project grow. If you would like to become a contribu
Open standards establish protocols and building blocks to help make digital public goods more functional and interoperable. This not only streamlines product development but also removes vendor-imposed boundaries to read or write data files by improving data exchange and open-source development support that is why we use the following Technology standards across our software and implementations.
-* HTTPS for secure communication over networks
-* OAuth 2 for authentication and user authorization
-* UTF-8 for string localization and internalization
-* JSON for database structure and data transfer
-* PNG & Webp for images and pictograms
-* OGG for audio files
+- HTTPS for secure communication over networks
+- OAuth 2 for authentication and user authorization
+- UTF-8 for string localization and internalization
+- JSON for database structure and data transfer
+- PNG & Webp for images and pictograms
+- OGG for audio files
## FAQ
@@ -94,7 +96,6 @@ We have compiled a list of FAQs, you can check it [here](place_holder: link to F
## Acknowledgments
@@ -116,13 +117,9 @@ Support this project by [becoming a sponsor](https://www.ottaaproject.com/suppor
## :memo: Legal & Licenses
-* Code - GPLv3
-* ARASAAC Symbols - CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
-* Global Symbols CIC - CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
-* OTTAA Project™ 2016 - 2022
+- Code - GPLv3
+- ARASAAC Symbols - CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
+- Global Symbols CIC - CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
+- OTTAA Project™ 2016 - 2022
OTTAA's brand assets, texts, logos, icons, designs, names of other OTTAA software, and any other brand features and elements, whether registered or unregistered (“Brand Assets”)—are proprietary assets owned exclusively by OTTAA and its group of companies.
diff --git a/analysis_options.yaml b/analysis_options.yaml
index 839cc647..d11f52fc 100644
--- a/analysis_options.yaml
+++ b/analysis_options.yaml
@@ -1,29 +1,11 @@
-# This file configures the analyzer, which statically analyzes Dart code to
-# check for errors, warnings, and lints.
-# The issues identified by the analyzer are surfaced in the UI of Dart-enabled
-# IDEs (https://dart.dev/tools#ides-and-editors). The analyzer can also be
-# invoked from the command line by running `flutter analyze`.
-# The following line activates a set of recommended lints for Flutter apps,
-# packages, and plugins designed to encourage good coding practices.
include: package:flutter_lints/flutter.yaml
+# analyzer:
+# plugins:
+# - custom_lint
- # The lint rules applied to this project can be customized in the
- # section below to disable rules from the `package:flutter_lints/flutter.yaml`
- # included above or to enable additional rules. A list of all available lints
- # and their documentation is published at
- # https://dart-lang.github.io/linter/lints/index.html.
- #
- # Instead of disabling a lint rule for the entire project in the
- # section below, it can also be suppressed for a single line of code
- # or a specific dart file by using the `// ignore: name_of_lint` and
- # `// ignore_for_file: name_of_lint` syntax on the line or in the file
- # producing the lint.
- # avoid_print: false # Uncomment to disable the `avoid_print` rule
- # prefer_single_quotes: true # Uncomment to enable the `prefer_single_quotes` rule
-# Additional information about this file can be found at
-# https://dart.dev/guides/language/analysis-options
\ No newline at end of file
+ use_build_context_synchronously: false
+# custom_lint:
+# rules:
diff --git a/android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml b/android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
index 1132128b..733792cd 100644
--- a/android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
+++ b/android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
@@ -1,6 +1,32 @@
diff --git a/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-anydpi-v26/ic_launcher.xml b/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-anydpi-v26/ic_launcher.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..345888d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-anydpi-v26/ic_launcher.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-anydpi-v26/logo_ottaa_square.xml b/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-anydpi-v26/logo_ottaa_square.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 15f55f35..00000000
--- a/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-anydpi-v26/logo_ottaa_square.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/ic_launcher.png b/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/ic_launcher.png
index db77bb4b..1b3778f2 100644
Binary files a/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/ic_launcher.png and b/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/ic_launcher.png differ
diff --git a/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/logo_ottaa_square_background.png b/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/ic_launcher_background.png
similarity index 100%
rename from android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/logo_ottaa_square_background.png
rename to android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/ic_launcher_background.png
diff --git a/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/ic_launcher_foreground.png b/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/ic_launcher_foreground.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..67a2574f
Binary files /dev/null and b/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/ic_launcher_foreground.png differ
diff --git a/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/ic_launcher_monochrome.png b/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/ic_launcher_monochrome.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..67a2574f
Binary files /dev/null and b/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/ic_launcher_monochrome.png differ
diff --git a/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/logo_ottaa_square.png b/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/logo_ottaa_square.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 1781f859..00000000
Binary files a/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/logo_ottaa_square.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/logo_ottaa_square_foreground.png b/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/logo_ottaa_square_foreground.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 4970d067..00000000
Binary files a/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/logo_ottaa_square_foreground.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-mdpi/ic_launcher.png b/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-mdpi/ic_launcher.png
index 17987b79..af11333a 100644
Binary files a/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-mdpi/ic_launcher.png and b/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-mdpi/ic_launcher.png differ
diff --git a/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-mdpi/logo_ottaa_square_background.png b/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-mdpi/ic_launcher_background.png
similarity index 100%
rename from android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-mdpi/logo_ottaa_square_background.png
rename to android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-mdpi/ic_launcher_background.png
diff --git a/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-mdpi/ic_launcher_foreground.png b/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-mdpi/ic_launcher_foreground.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d611fd7e
Binary files /dev/null and b/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-mdpi/ic_launcher_foreground.png differ
diff --git a/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-mdpi/ic_launcher_monochrome.png b/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-mdpi/ic_launcher_monochrome.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d611fd7e
Binary files /dev/null and b/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-mdpi/ic_launcher_monochrome.png differ
diff --git a/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-mdpi/logo_ottaa_square.png b/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-mdpi/logo_ottaa_square.png
deleted file mode 100644
index e7590081..00000000
Binary files a/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-mdpi/logo_ottaa_square.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-mdpi/logo_ottaa_square_foreground.png b/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-mdpi/logo_ottaa_square_foreground.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 9876ce52..00000000
Binary files a/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-mdpi/logo_ottaa_square_foreground.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xhdpi/ic_launcher.png b/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xhdpi/ic_launcher.png
index 09d43914..7c919097 100644
Binary files a/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xhdpi/ic_launcher.png and b/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xhdpi/ic_launcher.png differ
diff --git a/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xhdpi/logo_ottaa_square_background.png b/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xhdpi/ic_launcher_background.png
similarity index 100%
rename from android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xhdpi/logo_ottaa_square_background.png
rename to android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xhdpi/ic_launcher_background.png
diff --git a/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xhdpi/ic_launcher_foreground.png b/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xhdpi/ic_launcher_foreground.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ebdc13d7
Binary files /dev/null and b/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xhdpi/ic_launcher_foreground.png differ
diff --git a/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xhdpi/ic_launcher_monochrome.png b/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xhdpi/ic_launcher_monochrome.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ebdc13d7
Binary files /dev/null and b/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xhdpi/ic_launcher_monochrome.png differ
diff --git a/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xhdpi/logo_ottaa_square.png b/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xhdpi/logo_ottaa_square.png
deleted file mode 100644
index b7cc2632..00000000
Binary files a/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xhdpi/logo_ottaa_square.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xhdpi/logo_ottaa_square_foreground.png b/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xhdpi/logo_ottaa_square_foreground.png
deleted file mode 100644
index eee361a3..00000000
Binary files a/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xhdpi/logo_ottaa_square_foreground.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxhdpi/ic_launcher.png b/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxhdpi/ic_launcher.png
index d5f1c8d3..08341173 100644
Binary files a/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxhdpi/ic_launcher.png and b/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxhdpi/ic_launcher.png differ
diff --git a/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxhdpi/logo_ottaa_square_background.png b/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxhdpi/ic_launcher_background.png
similarity index 100%
rename from android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxhdpi/logo_ottaa_square_background.png
rename to android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxhdpi/ic_launcher_background.png
diff --git a/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxhdpi/ic_launcher_foreground.png b/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxhdpi/ic_launcher_foreground.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1394fb40
Binary files /dev/null and b/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxhdpi/ic_launcher_foreground.png differ
diff --git a/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxhdpi/ic_launcher_monochrome.png b/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxhdpi/ic_launcher_monochrome.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1394fb40
Binary files /dev/null and b/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxhdpi/ic_launcher_monochrome.png differ
diff --git a/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxhdpi/logo_ottaa_square.png b/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxhdpi/logo_ottaa_square.png
deleted file mode 100644
index e8bbf72e..00000000
Binary files a/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxhdpi/logo_ottaa_square.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxhdpi/logo_ottaa_square_foreground.png b/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxhdpi/logo_ottaa_square_foreground.png
deleted file mode 100644
index d89684ca..00000000
Binary files a/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxhdpi/logo_ottaa_square_foreground.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxxhdpi/ic_launcher.png b/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxxhdpi/ic_launcher.png
index 4d6372ee..d63f0f54 100644
Binary files a/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxxhdpi/ic_launcher.png and b/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxxhdpi/ic_launcher.png differ
diff --git a/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxxhdpi/logo_ottaa_square_background.png b/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxxhdpi/ic_launcher_background.png
similarity index 100%
rename from android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxxhdpi/logo_ottaa_square_background.png
rename to android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxxhdpi/ic_launcher_background.png
diff --git a/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxxhdpi/ic_launcher_foreground.png b/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxxhdpi/ic_launcher_foreground.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7e1f1a5e
Binary files /dev/null and b/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxxhdpi/ic_launcher_foreground.png differ
diff --git a/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxxhdpi/ic_launcher_monochrome.png b/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxxhdpi/ic_launcher_monochrome.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7e1f1a5e
Binary files /dev/null and b/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxxhdpi/ic_launcher_monochrome.png differ
diff --git a/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxxhdpi/logo_ottaa_square.png b/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxxhdpi/logo_ottaa_square.png
deleted file mode 100644
index f8284c96..00000000
Binary files a/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxxhdpi/logo_ottaa_square.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxxhdpi/logo_ottaa_square_foreground.png b/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxxhdpi/logo_ottaa_square_foreground.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 95361522..00000000
Binary files a/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxxhdpi/logo_ottaa_square_foreground.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/android/app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml b/android/app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ce59fa19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/android/app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ OTTAA Project
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/android/build.gradle b/android/build.gradle
index ecd1cc62..14fba4e8 100644
--- a/android/build.gradle
+++ b/android/build.gradle
@@ -26,6 +26,6 @@ subprojects {
-task clean(type: Delete) {
+tasks.register("clean", Delete) {
delete rootProject.buildDir
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/android/gradle.properties b/android/gradle.properties
index 94adc3a3..8e2ab5f9 100644
--- a/android/gradle.properties
+++ b/android/gradle.properties
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx1536M \
+--add-exports=java.base/sun.nio.ch=ALL-UNNAMED \
+--add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED \
+--add-opens=java.base/java.lang.reflect=ALL-UNNAMED \
+--add-opens=java.base/java.io=ALL-UNNAMED \
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/android/ottaa_project_flutter_android.iml b/android/ottaa_project_flutter_android.iml
index 3e44773e..79929925 100644
--- a/android/ottaa_project_flutter_android.iml
+++ b/android/ottaa_project_flutter_android.iml
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/assets/Buscar-Orange.png b/assets/Buscar-Orange.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8d493ad6
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/Buscar-Orange.png differ
diff --git a/assets/Buscar.png b/assets/Buscar.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9535bc70
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/Buscar.png differ
diff --git a/assets/Delete-orange.png b/assets/Delete-orange.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..68f839a4
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/Delete-orange.png differ
diff --git a/assets/Delete.png b/assets/Delete.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3aa938b4
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/Delete.png differ
diff --git a/assets/Group 704.png b/assets/Group 704.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c712c536
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/Group 704.png differ
diff --git a/assets/Ottaa-orange.png b/assets/Ottaa-orange.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fccb2984
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/Ottaa-orange.png differ
diff --git a/assets/Ottaa.png b/assets/Ottaa.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3d47f364
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/Ottaa.png differ
diff --git a/assets/board/board_edit_image_1.png b/assets/board/board_edit_image_1.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..00814e19
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/board/board_edit_image_1.png differ
diff --git a/assets/board/board_edit_image_2.png b/assets/board/board_edit_image_2.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8124071d
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/board/board_edit_image_2.png differ
diff --git a/assets/board/customize_wait_icon.png b/assets/board/customize_wait_icon.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d0df0c79
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/board/customize_wait_icon.png differ
diff --git a/assets/board/icons/icons_not_selected/camara.png b/assets/board/icons/icons_not_selected/camara.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..82c3fd1f
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/board/icons/icons_not_selected/camara.png differ
diff --git a/assets/board/icons/icons_not_selected/delete.png b/assets/board/icons/icons_not_selected/delete.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..627285e7
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/board/icons/icons_not_selected/delete.png differ
diff --git a/assets/board/icons/icons_not_selected/dice.png b/assets/board/icons/icons_not_selected/dice.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7227a2ea
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/board/icons/icons_not_selected/dice.png differ
diff --git a/assets/board/icons/icons_not_selected/favourite.png b/assets/board/icons/icons_not_selected/favourite.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2de51c35
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- "tipo": 3,
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- },
- "relacion": [
- {
- "id": 118,
- "frec": 20
- },
- {
- "id": 34,
- "frec": 43
- },
- {
- "id": 29,
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- },
- {
- "id": 11,
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- {
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- {
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- {
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- {
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- {
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- {
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- {
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- {
- "id": 2,
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- ],
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- {
- "id": 49,
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- "tipo": 3,
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- },
- "relacion": [
- {
- "id": 177,
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- },
- {
- "id": 597,
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- {
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- {
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- {
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- {
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- {
- "id": 277,
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- ],
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- },
- {
- "id": 51,
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- },
- "tipo": 3,
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- },
- "relacion": [
- {
- "id": 500,
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- },
- {
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- {
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- {
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- {
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- {
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- {
- "id": 52,
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- },
- {
- "id": 53,
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- },
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- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 54,
- "texto": {
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- "tipo": 3,
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
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- },
- {
- "id": 57,
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- },
- "relacion": [],
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- },
- {
- "id": 61,
- "texto": {
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- "tipo": 3,
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- },
- "relacion": [],
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- {
- "id": 64,
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- {
- "id": 65,
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 66,
- "texto": {
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- },
- "tipo": 3,
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 68,
- "texto": {
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- "tipo": 3,
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- },
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- {
- "id": 69,
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- {
- "id": 70,
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- {
- "id": 71,
- "texto": {
- "en": "cut",
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- },
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 76,
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- },
- "tipo": 3,
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
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- },
- {
- "id": 78,
- "texto": {
- "en": "hacer el amor",
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- },
- "tipo": 3,
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- "picto": "hacer_el_amor"
- },
- "relacion": [],
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- },
- {
- "id": 79,
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- "en": "smell",
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- },
- "tipo": 3,
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- },
- "relacion": [],
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- },
- {
- "id": 81,
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- },
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- },
- {
- "id": 82,
- "texto": {
- "en": "play with the tablet",
- "es": "jugar con la tablet"
- },
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- "picto": "jugar_con_la_tablet"
- },
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- ]
- },
- {
- "id": 85,
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- {
- "id": 86,
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- {
- "id": 87,
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- {
- "id": 88,
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- "en": "beat legs",
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
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- {
- "id": 90,
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 92,
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- "en": "put",
- "es": "poner"
- },
- "tipo": 3,
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- },
- "relacion": [],
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- "gps": 0
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- {
- "id": 93,
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- "tipo": 3,
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- },
- "relacion": [],
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- },
- {
- "id": 94,
- "texto": {
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- },
- "tipo": 3,
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- },
- "relacion": [],
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- {
- "id": 95,
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- },
- "tipo": 3,
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 97,
- "texto": {
- "en": "take out",
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- },
- "tipo": 3,
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 98,
- "texto": {
- "en": "go out",
- "es": "salir"
- },
- "tipo": 3,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "salir"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 100,
- "texto": {
- "en": "dry",
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- },
- "tipo": 3,
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
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- },
- {
- "id": 101,
- "texto": {
- "en": "seat",
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
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- },
- {
- "id": 103,
- "texto": {
- "en": "blow your nose",
- "es": "sonarme la nariz"
- },
- "tipo": 3,
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- "picto": "sonarse_los_mocos"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 104,
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
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- {
- "id": 107,
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- },
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- "agenda": 0,
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- },
- {
- "id": 108,
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- "en": "travel by car",
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- },
- "relacion": [],
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- {
- "id": 112,
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- "tipo": 3,
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- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
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- },
- {
- "id": 113,
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- "en": "heal",
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- },
- "tipo": 3,
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- "picto": "curar"
- },
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- "agenda": 0,
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- {
- "id": 116,
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- "tipo": 3,
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
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- },
- {
- "id": 117,
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- "en": "touch",
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- },
- "tipo": 3,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "tocar"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 118,
- "texto": {
- "en": "eat",
- "es": "comer"
- },
- "tipo": 3,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "comer"
- },
- "relacion": [
- {
- "id": 474,
- "frec": 3
- },
- {
- "id": 504,
- "frec": 4
- },
- {
- "id": 494,
- "frec": 1
- },
- {
- "id": 515,
- "frec": 4
- },
- {
- "id": 478,
- "frec": 4
- },
- {
- "id": 482,
- "frec": 4
- },
- {
- "id": 481,
- "frec": 4
- },
- {
- "id": 521,
- "frec": 4
- },
- {
- "id": 480,
- "frec": 2
- },
- {
- "id": 483,
- "frec": 1
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- {
- "id": 600,
- "frec": 1
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- {
- "id": 400,
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- }
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- {
- "id": 119,
- "texto": {
- "en": "dull",
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- },
- "tipo": 4,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "ic_aburrido"
- },
- "relacion": [
- {
- "id": 44,
- "frec": 1
- }
- ],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 121,
- "texto": {
- "en": "scared",
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- },
- "tipo": 4,
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- "picto": "asustado"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 122,
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- "en": "acid",
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- },
- "tipo": 4,
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- "picto": "acido"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 123,
- "texto": {
- "en": "tall",
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- },
- "tipo": 4,
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- "picto": "alto"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 124,
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 125,
- "texto": {
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- },
- "tipo": 4,
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 126,
- "texto": {
- "en": "fixed",
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- },
- "tipo": 4,
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- "picto": "arreglado"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 129,
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- "tipo": 4,
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
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- },
- {
- "id": 130,
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- },
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- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 131,
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
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- {
- "id": 132,
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 133,
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- "en": "good",
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- },
- "tipo": 4,
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- "picto": "ic_estoy_bien"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 134,
- "texto": {
- "en": "drunk",
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- },
- "tipo": 4,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "borracho"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 135,
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- "tipo": 4,
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- {
- "id": 136,
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- },
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- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 137,
- "texto": {
- "en": "tired",
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- },
- "tipo": 4,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "ic_cansado"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 138,
- "texto": {
- "en": "expensive",
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- },
- "tipo": 4,
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 139,
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- },
- "tipo": 4,
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 140,
- "texto": {
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- "picto": "caliente_cosa"
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- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
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- },
- {
- "id": 141,
- "texto": {
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- },
- "tipo": 4,
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
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- {
- "id": 144,
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- },
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 147,
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- },
- "tipo": 4,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "claros"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 149,
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- "en": "comfortable",
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- },
- "tipo": 4,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "comodo"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 153,
- "texto": {
- "en": "quarter",
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- },
- "tipo": 4,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "cuarto"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
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- {
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- {
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- },
- "tipo": 2,
- "imagen": {
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 363,
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- "es": "atún"
- },
- "tipo": 2,
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 367,
- "texto": {
- "en": "duck",
- "es": "pato"
- },
- "tipo": 2,
- "imagen": {
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 374,
- "texto": {
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- "es": "ternera"
- },
- "tipo": 2,
- "imagen": {
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
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- {
- "id": 375,
- "texto": {
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- "tipo": 2,
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 376,
- "texto": {
- "en": "rabbit",
- "es": "conejo"
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- "tipo": 2,
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- "picto": "conejo"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 377,
- "texto": {
- "en": "Hello",
- "es": "Hola"
- },
- "tipo": 5,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "ic_hola"
- },
- "relacion": [
- {
- "id": 378,
- "frec": 12
- },
- {
- "id": 49,
- "frec": 4
- },
- {
- "id": 44,
- "frec": 1
- },
- {
- "id": 380,
- "frec": 8
- },
- {
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- "frec": 3
- },
- {
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- {
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- {
- "id": 22,
- "frec": 1
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- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 378,
- "texto": {
- "en": "How are you?",
- "es": "¿Cómo estás?"
- },
- "tipo": 5,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "ic_como_estas"
- },
- "relacion": [
- {
- "id": 22,
- "frec": 2
- },
- {
- "id": 49,
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- "frec": 1
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- ],
- "agenda": 0,
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- {
- "id": 379,
- "texto": {
- "en": "Good morning",
- "es": "Buen día"
- },
- "tipo": 5,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "ic_buenos_dias"
- },
- "relacion": [
- {
- "id": 22,
- "frec": 1
- },
- {
- "id": 44,
- "frec": 1
- },
- {
- "id": 49,
- "frec": 1
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- "horario": [
- ],
- "gps": 0,
- "esSugerencia": false
- },
- {
- "id": 380,
- "texto": {
- "en": "Good afternoon",
- "es": "Buenas tardes"
- },
- "tipo": 5,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "ic_buenas_tardes"
- },
- "relacion": [
- {
- "id": 22,
- "frec": 1
- },
- {
- "id": 49,
- "frec": 1
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- {
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- ],
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- },
- {
- "id": 381,
- "texto": {
- "en": "Good night",
- "es": "Buenas noches"
- },
- "tipo": 5,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "ic_buenas_noches"
- },
- "relacion": [
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- ],
- "gps": 0
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- {
- "id": 382,
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- "es": "Adiós"
- },
- "tipo": 5,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "ic_adios"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 383,
- "texto": {
- "en": "Please",
- "es": "Por favor"
- },
- "tipo": 5,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "por_favor"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 384,
- "texto": {
- "en": "Thank you",
- "es": "Gracias"
- },
- "tipo": 5,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "ic_gracias"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 385,
- "texto": {
- "en": "Help",
- "es": ". ¿me ayudas?"
- },
- "tipo": 5,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "ic_ayuda"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 386,
- "texto": {
- "en": "Luck",
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
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- {
- "id": 387,
- "texto": {
- "en": "Good bye",
- "es": "Chau"
- },
- "tipo": 5,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "ic_adios"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 388,
- "texto": {
- "en": "Yes",
- "es": "Si"
- },
- "tipo": 5,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "ic_si"
- },
- "relacion": [
- {
- "id": 49,
- "frec": 5
- },
- {
- "id": 44,
- "frec": 1
- },
- {
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- }
- ],
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- },
- {
- "id": 389,
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- "imagen": {
- "picto": "ic_no"
- },
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- {
- "id": 49,
- "frec": 13
- },
- {
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- {
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- {
- "id": 390,
- "texto": {
- "en": "I would love to",
- "es": "Me encantaría"
- },
- "tipo": 5,
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- },
- "relacion": [],
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- },
- {
- "id": 391,
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- "en": "chard",
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- },
- "tipo": 2,
- "imagen": {
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 393,
- "texto": {
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- "es": "almendras"
- },
- "tipo": 2,
- "imagen": {
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 394,
- "texto": {
- "en": "pineapple",
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- },
- "tipo": 2,
- "imagen": {
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 396,
- "texto": {
- "en": "sugar",
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- "tipo": 2,
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 398,
- "texto": {
- "en": "sandwich",
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 399,
- "texto": {
- "en": "pumpkin",
- "es": "calabaza"
- },
- "tipo": 2,
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 400,
- "texto": {
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- "tipo": 2,
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 401,
- "texto": {
- "en": "cappchino",
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 402,
- "texto": {
- "en": "chestnuts",
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
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- {
- "id": 403,
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- "en": "onion",
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- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 404,
- "texto": {
- "en": "cherry",
- "es": "cerezas"
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- "tipo": 2,
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 406,
- "texto": {
- "en": "chupetin",
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- "tipo": 2,
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0,
- "edad": [
- "NINO"
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": 407,
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- "en": "plum",
- "es": "ciruela"
- },
- "tipo": 2,
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 408,
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- "en": "apricot",
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- "tipo": 2,
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 412,
- "texto": {
- "en": "creme caramel",
- "es": "flan"
- },
- "tipo": 2,
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- "picto": "flan"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 413,
- "texto": {
- "en": "raspberry",
- "es": "frambuesa"
- },
- "tipo": 2,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "frambuesas"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 414,
- "texto": {
- "en": "strawberry",
- "es": "frutilla"
- },
- "tipo": 2,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "fresa"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 415,
- "texto": {
- "en": "cookie",
- "es": "galleta"
- },
- "tipo": 2,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "galletas"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 417,
- "texto": {
- "en": "jelly",
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- },
- "tipo": 2,
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- "picto": "gelatina"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 420,
- "texto": {
- "en": "boiled egg",
- "es": "huevo duro"
- },
- "tipo": 2,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "huevo_duro"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 421,
- "texto": {
- "en": "fried eg",
- "es": "huevo frito"
- },
- "tipo": 2,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "huevo_frito"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 424,
- "texto": {
- "en": "canned tuna",
- "es": "lata de atún"
- },
- "tipo": 2,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "atun"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 425,
- "texto": {
- "en": "canned sardine",
- "es": "lata de sardinas"
- },
- "tipo": 2,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "lata_de_sardinas"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 426,
- "texto": {
- "en": "milk with cacao",
- "es": "leche con cacáo"
- },
- "tipo": 2,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "leche_con_cacao"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0,
- "edad": [
- "NINO"
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": 427,
- "texto": {
- "en": "milk and cookies",
- "es": "leche y galletas"
- },
- "tipo": 2,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "leche_y_galletas"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 428,
- "texto": {
- "en": "lettuce",
- "es": "lechuga"
- },
- "tipo": 2,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "lechuga"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 430,
- "texto": {
- "en": "corn",
- "es": "maiz"
- },
- "tipo": 2,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "maiz"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 431,
- "texto": {
- "en": "butter",
- "es": "manteca"
- },
- "tipo": 2,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "manteca"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 432,
- "texto": {
- "en": "peach",
- "es": "durazno"
- },
- "tipo": 2,
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- "picto": "melocoton"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 435,
- "texto": {
- "en": "orange",
- "es": "naranja"
- },
- "tipo": 2,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "naranja"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 438,
- "texto": {
- "en": "white bread",
- "es": "pan blanco"
- },
- "tipo": 2,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "pan_blanco"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 439,
- "texto": {
- "en": "black bread",
- "es": "pan negro"
- },
- "tipo": 2,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "pan_negro"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 447,
- "texto": {
- "en": "grapefruit",
- "es": "pomelo"
- },
- "tipo": 2,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "pomelo"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 449,
- "texto": {
- "en": "smashed potatoes",
- "es": "puré"
- },
- "tipo": 2,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "pure"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 458,
- "texto": {
- "en": "sandwich",
- "es": "sandwich"
- },
- "tipo": 2,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "sandwich"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 462,
- "texto": {
- "en": "pie",
- "es": "tarta"
- },
- "tipo": 2,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "tarta"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 463,
- "texto": {
- "en": "tomato",
- "es": "tomate"
- },
- "tipo": 2,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "tomate"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 465,
- "texto": {
- "en": "toast",
- "es": "tostada"
- },
- "tipo": 2,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "tostada"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 468,
- "texto": {
- "en": "apple juice",
- "es": "jugo de manzana"
- },
- "tipo": 2,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "zumo_de_manzana"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 469,
- "texto": {
- "en": "peach juice",
- "es": "jugo de durazno"
- },
- "tipo": 2,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "melocoton"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 471,
- "texto": {
- "en": "grape juice",
- "es": "jugo de uva"
- },
- "tipo": 2,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "zumo_de_uva"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 472,
- "texto": {
- "en": "soup",
- "es": "Sopa"
- },
- "tipo": 2,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "sopa"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 473,
- "texto": {
- "en": "banana",
- "es": "banana"
- },
- "tipo": 2,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "banana"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 474,
- "texto": {
- "en": "apple",
- "es": "manzana"
- },
- "tipo": 2,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "manzana"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 475,
- "texto": {
- "en": "pear",
- "es": "pera"
- },
- "tipo": 2,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "pera"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 476,
- "texto": {
- "en": "fish",
- "es": "pescado"
- },
- "tipo": 2,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "zid_pescado"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 477,
- "texto": {
- "en": "salad",
- "es": "ensalada"
- },
- "tipo": 2,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "zid_ensalada"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 478,
- "texto": {
- "en": "vegetables",
- "es": "verduras"
- },
- "tipo": 2,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "zid_verduras"
- },
- "relacion": [],
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- "id": 480,
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
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- {
- "id": 482,
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- {
- "id": 484,
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- "id": 486,
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
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- {
- "id": 487,
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- "id": 492,
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- },
- "relacion": [],
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- "JOVEN",
- "NINO"
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- "relacion": [],
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- {
- "id": 500,
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- {
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- "relacion": [],
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- {
- "id": 505,
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- {
- "id": 507,
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- "relacion": [],
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- {
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- {
- "id": 515,
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- {
- "id": 517,
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- {
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- {
- "id": 561,
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- {
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- {
- "id": 564,
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- {
- "id": 565,
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- {
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
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- {
- "id": 568,
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- {
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- {
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- {
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- {
- "id": 583,
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- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 587,
- "texto": {
- "en": "How much is it?",
- "es": "¿cuánto sale?"
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- "tipo": 2,
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- "picto": "ic_precio"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
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- {
- "id": 588,
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- {
- "id": 589,
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- "relacion": [],
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- {
- "id": 590,
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- "en": "dinner",
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- "tipo": 2,
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
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- {
- "id": 594,
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 595,
- "texto": {
- "en": "Where?",
- "es": "¿Dónde es?"
- },
- "tipo": 6,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "donde"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 597,
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- {
- "id": 598,
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- "relacion": [],
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- {
- "id": 599,
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
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- {
- "id": 600,
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 602,
- "texto": {
- "en": "What time is it?",
- "es": "¿Qué hora es?"
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- "tipo": 5,
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- {
- "id": 604,
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- {
- "id": 605,
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- {
- "id": 606,
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- },
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- },
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- "id": 607,
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- "id": 608,
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- {
- "id": 609,
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- {
- "id": 611,
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- "id": 614,
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- "id": 617,
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- },
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- },
- {
- "id": 619,
- "texto": {
- "en": "chef",
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- {
- "id": 621,
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- {
- "id": 622,
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- {
- "id": 623,
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- "id": 22,
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- },
- {
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- "id": 624,
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- {
- "id": 626,
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- },
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- {
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- },
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- {
- "id": 44,
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- {
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- {
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- },
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- {
- "id": 631,
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- "id": 44,
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- {
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- "id": 635,
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- },
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- },
- {
- "id": 638,
- "texto": {
- "en": "Queen",
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- },
- "relacion": [],
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- {
- "id": 639,
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- {
- "id": 640,
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- {
- "id": 642,
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- "id": 643,
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- "id": 22,
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- {
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- "frec": 20
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- {
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- "id": 644,
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- {
- "id": 646,
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- },
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- "id": 648,
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- {
- "id": 649,
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- },
- {
- "id": 650,
- "texto": {
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- },
- "relacion": [],
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- {
- "id": 651,
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- {
- "id": 653,
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- {
- "id": 656,
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 657,
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 660,
- "texto": {
- "en": "bathroom",
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- },
- "relacion": [],
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- },
- {
- "id": 661,
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- "en": "disco",
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- },
- "relacion": [],
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- {
- "id": 662,
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
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- },
- {
- "id": 666,
- "texto": {
- "en": "Burger shop",
- "es": "hamburguesería"
- },
- "tipo": 2,
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- "picto": "hamburgueseria"
- },
- "relacion": [],
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- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 668,
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
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- },
- {
- "id": 672,
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- {
- "id": 675,
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- {
- "id": 678,
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- },
- "relacion": [],
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- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 679,
- "texto": {
- "en": "Pizza shop",
- "es": "pizzería"
- },
- "tipo": 2,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "pizzeria"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 680,
- "texto": {
- "en": "Poultry shop",
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- },
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- "picto": "polleria"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
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- },
- {
- "id": 682,
- "texto": {
- "en": "square",
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- "tipo": 2,
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- "picto": "plaza"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 685,
- "texto": {
- "en": "Restaurant",
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- },
- "relacion": [],
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- },
- {
- "id": 687,
- "texto": {
- "en": "traffic light",
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- },
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
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- },
- {
- "id": 688,
- "texto": {
- "en": "supermarket",
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- },
- "tipo": 2,
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 698,
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- "tipo": 2,
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 700,
- "texto": {
- "en": "Blockbuster",
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- },
- "tipo": 2,
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- "picto": "videoclub"
- },
- "relacion": [],
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- {
- "id": 702,
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- {
- "id": 703,
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 704,
- "texto": {
- "en": "celebration",
- "es": "celebración"
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- "tipo": 6,
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- "picto": "celebracion"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 706,
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- "en": "fulfillment",
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- },
- "tipo": 6,
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 707,
- "texto": {
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- },
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 708,
- "texto": {
- "en": "Personal hygiene",
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- },
- "tipo": 6,
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- "picto": "higiene_personal"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 712,
- "texto": {
- "en": "physical abuse",
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- },
- "tipo": 6,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "maltrato_fisico"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 713,
- "texto": {
- "en": "verbal abuse",
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- },
- "tipo": 6,
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- "picto": "maltrato_verbal"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 714,
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 718,
- "texto": {
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- },
- "relacion": [],
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- {
- "id": 721,
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- },
- "tipo": 6,
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- },
- "relacion": [],
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- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 722,
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 725,
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 728,
- "texto": {
- "en": "verbs",
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- "id": 729,
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- {
- "id": 730,
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- "agenda": 0,
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- "id": 731,
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- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
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- {
- "id": 732,
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- "id": 733,
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- "id": 734,
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- "id": 737,
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- "en": "Colors",
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- "agenda": 0,
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- "id": 738,
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- {
- "id": 740,
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- "id": 742,
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- {
- "id": 743,
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- "picto": "ic_negro"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
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- },
- {
- "id": 744,
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- "en": "Silver",
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- },
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- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 745,
- "texto": {
- "en": "What color it is?",
- "es": "¿Qué color es?"
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- {
- "id": 746,
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- "id": 747,
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- {
- "id": 748,
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- "id": 749,
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- {
- "id": 750,
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- "en": "Light green",
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- },
- "relacion": [],
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- "id": 752,
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- {
- "id": 753,
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- {
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- {
- "id": 755,
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- {
- "id": 756,
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- "en": "Crayon",
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- "relacion": [
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- {
- "id": 769,
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- {
- "id": 770,
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- {
- "id": 771,
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- "id": 773,
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- "id": 774,
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- "id": 776,
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- {
- "id": 777,
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- "id": 781,
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- "id": 782,
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- "id": 783,
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- {
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- {
- "id": 785,
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- {
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- "id": 788,
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- "id": 789,
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- "id": 790,
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- "id": 791,
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- "id": 792,
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- "id": 795,
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- "id": 797,
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- "id": 799,
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- "id": 800,
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- "id": 803,
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- "id": 804,
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- "id": 806,
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- "id": 807,
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- {
- "id": 810,
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- },
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- "agenda": 0,
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- {
- "id": 811,
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- {
- "id": 812,
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- {
- "id": 815,
- "texto": {
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- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
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- {
- "id": 816,
- "texto": {
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
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- {
- "id": 817,
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- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 818,
- "texto": {
- "en": "summer",
- "es": "verano"
- },
- "tipo": 2,
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 819,
- "texto": {
- "en": "sick",
- "es": "enfermo"
- },
- "tipo": 4,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "enfermo"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 820,
- "texto": {
- "en": "diarrhea",
- "es": "diarrea"
- },
- "tipo": 2,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "zid_diarrea"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 821,
- "texto": {
- "en": "pain",
- "es": "dolor"
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- "tipo": 2,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "zid_dolor"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 822,
- "texto": {
- "en": "toothache",
- "es": "dolor de muela"
- },
- "tipo": 2,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "zid_dolor_de_muela"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 823,
- "texto": {
- "en": "chest pain",
- "es": "dolor de pecho"
- },
- "tipo": 2,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "zid_dolor_de_pecho"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 824,
- "texto": {
- "en": "earache",
- "es": "dolor de Oido"
- },
- "tipo": 2,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "zid_dolor_de_oido"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 825,
- "texto": {
- "en": "stomachache",
- "es": "dolor de Panza"
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- "tipo": 2,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "zid_dolor_de_espalda"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 826,
- "texto": {
- "en": "throat sore",
- "es": "dolor de Garganta"
- },
- "tipo": 2,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "zid_dolor_de_garganta"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 827,
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- "en": "headache",
- "es": "dolor de cabeza"
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- "tipo": 2,
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- "picto": "zid_dolor_de_cabeza"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 828,
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- "en": "constipation",
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- "tipo": 2,
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 829,
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- "en": "flu",
- "es": "gripe"
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- "tipo": 2,
- "imagen": {
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
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- {
- "id": 831,
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 834,
- "texto": {
- "en": "football match",
- "es": "partido de fútbol"
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- "tipo": 2,
- "imagen": {
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
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- {
- "id": 835,
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- "en": "Football",
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- "agenda": 0,
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- {
- "id": 836,
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- {
- "id": 837,
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- "id": 838,
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- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 839,
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- "en": "four",
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
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- {
- "id": 840,
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- "en": "five",
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- },
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- {
- "id": 841,
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- "gps": 0
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- {
- "id": 842,
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- "en": "seven",
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- {
- "id": 843,
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- {
- "id": 844,
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- "en": "nine",
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
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- {
- "id": 845,
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- "en": "ten",
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- {
- "id": 846,
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- "en": "zero",
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- },
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- {
- "id": 850,
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- "en": "minim",
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- },
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- "gps": 0
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- {
- "id": 851,
- "texto": {
- "en": "peruvian box",
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- },
- "relacion": [],
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- },
- {
- "id": 853,
- "texto": {
- "en": "chore",
- "es": "el coro"
- },
- "tipo": 2,
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- "picto": "coro"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 855,
- "texto": {
- "en": "guitar",
- "es": "la guitarra"
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 857,
- "texto": {
- "en": "musical instruments",
- "es": "los instrumentos musicales"
- },
- "tipo": 2,
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- "picto": "instrumentos"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 860,
- "texto": {
- "en": "music lesson",
- "es": "música"
- },
- "tipo": 2,
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- "picto": "ic_musica_id"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
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- {
- "id": 865,
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- "en": "piano",
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 870,
- "texto": {
- "en": "drum",
- "es": "el tambor"
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- "tipo": 2,
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- "picto": "tambor"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 871,
- "texto": {
- "en": "triangle",
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 874,
- "texto": {
- "en": "trumpet",
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 876,
- "texto": {
- "en": "violin",
- "es": "el violín"
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
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- {
- "id": 878,
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 881,
- "texto": {
- "en": "descongestant",
- "es": "descongestivo"
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- "picto": "ic_descongestivo"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 882,
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- "en": "digestive",
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 884,
- "texto": {
- "en": "syrup",
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- "picto": "jarabe"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 885,
- "texto": {
- "en": "nebulizer",
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 886,
- "texto": {
- "en": "pills",
- "es": "pastillas"
- },
- "tipo": 2,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "pastillas"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 887,
- "texto": {
- "en": "bandage",
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- "tipo": 2,
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 889,
- "texto": {
- "en": "although",
- "es": "aunque"
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- "tipo": 6,
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- },
- "relacion": [
- {
- "id": 22,
- "frec": 3
- }
- ],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 890,
- "texto": {
- "en": "which?",
- "es": "¿Cuál?"
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- "tipo": 6,
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- "picto": "cual"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 891,
- "texto": {
- "en": "anyone",
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- "tipo": 6,
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- "picto": "cualquier"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 892,
- "texto": {
- "en": "when?",
- "es": "¿Cuándo?"
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- "tipo": 6,
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- "picto": "cuando"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 893,
- "texto": {
- "en": "how many?",
- "es": "¿Cuántos?"
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- "tipo": 6,
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- "picto": "cuantos"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
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- {
- "id": 894,
- "texto": {
- "en": "how much",
- "es": "¿Cuántas?"
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- "tipo": 6,
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 895,
- "texto": {
- "en": "his",
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
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- {
- "id": 896,
- "texto": {
- "en": "hers",
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
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- {
- "id": 897,
- "texto": {
- "en": "its",
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- "tipo": 6,
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
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- "id": 898,
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- "en": "and",
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- {
- "id": 899,
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- "en": "he",
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- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
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- {
- "id": 900,
- "texto": {
- "en": "she",
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 901,
- "texto": {
- "en": "I like",
- "es": "me gusta"
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- "picto": "gustar"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
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- {
- "id": 903,
- "texto": {
- "en": "no one",
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 904,
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- "en": "neither",
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- {
- "id": 905,
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- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
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- {
- "id": 906,
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- "agenda": 0,
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- {
- "id": 907,
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- "en": "I don't like",
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- },
- "relacion": [],
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- {
- "id": 910,
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- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
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- {
- "id": 911,
- "texto": {
- "en": "who?",
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- {
- "id": 912,
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- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
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- {
- "id": 913,
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- "en": "what?",
- "es": "¿Qué?"
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- "picto": "que_pregunta"
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- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
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- {
- "id": 914,
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- "en": "who?",
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- "relacion": [],
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- {
- "id": 915,
- "texto": {
- "en": "who?",
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- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
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- {
- "id": 918,
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- {
- "id": 919,
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- "tipo": 6,
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
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- {
- "id": 920,
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- {
- "id": 923,
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- {
- "id": 924,
- "texto": {
- "en": "overcoat",
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- "tipo": 2,
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 928,
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- {
- "id": 930,
- "texto": {
- "en": "bag",
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+ "selection": {
+ "text1": "¿Quién va a utilizar la aplicación en este dispositivo?",
+ "caregiver_text": "Necessita comunicar-se",
+ "user_text": "Necessita comunicar-se"
+ },
+ "hello": "Hola {name}!",
+ "ottaa": {
+ "tips": "Consells OTTAA"
+ },
+ "mail": "Correo electrónico",
+ "date": "Data de naixement",
+ "faq": {
+ "title": "Preguntes freqüents",
+ "faq0": "Qui pot usar l'aplicació OTTAA?",
+ "faq0Description": "OTTAA está diseñado para personas no verbales, es decir, cualquier persona que no utilice el habla oral para comunicarse. Las personas que usan OTTAA hoy en día fueron diagnosticadas con autismo, parálisis cerebral, síndrome de Down, esclerosis lateral amiotrófica (ELA), atrofia muscular espinal (AME) o síndrome de enclaustramiento post al accidente cerebrovascular (LiS), entre otras afecciones. Al ser una herramienta de comunicación dinámica, OTTAA requiere que sus usuarios posean funciones cognitivas de nivel medio a alto. Sin embargo, nos gusta considerar cada caso individualmente, así que no dude en ponerse en contacto y solicitar una evaluación en línea con nuestro equipo.",
+ "faq1": "Com funciona l'aplicació?",
+ "faq1Description": "La aplicación OTTAA proporciona al usuario pictogramas: imágenes que representan acciones, objetos, sentimientos o emociones. El usuario puede elegir los pictogramas que necesita y crear una frase, esta se traduce de los pictogramas a una oración escrita que aparece en la pantalla y que la aplicación también lee en voz alta. Consulta nuestro canal de Youtube para obtener una explicación más visual.",
+ "faq2": "En què es diferencia aquesta aplicació d'altres dispositius AAC (comunicació augmentativa i alternativa)?",
+ "faq2Description": "L'aplicació OTTAA és diferent d'altres aplicacions de CAA a causa del seu innovador algorisme predictiu i generador de llenguatge natural, que permet que l'aplicació aprengui del comportament de l'usuari a l'aplicació, la seva edat, sexe, l'hora del dia i la seva ubicació per pre-seleccionar pictograma(s) per al moment comunicacional en què es troben.",
+ "faq3": "Quant costa l'aplicació OTTAA?",
+ "faq3Description": "L'aplicació OTTAA és gratuïta per descarregar i usar. Per crear un producte sostenible que resisteixi el pas del temps, hi ha algunes característiques que requereixen una subscripció per utilitzar-les. No obstant, estem treballant durament per brindar finançament a tothom que ho necessiti.\n\nSi estàs a Argentina, qualsevol ajuda tècnica que necessiti una persona ha d'estar cobert per un assegurança de salut. Comuniqui's amb el nostre equip per obtenir orientació i assistència sobre com obtenir aquesta cobertura.\n\nSi ets de qualsevol altre país de LATAM i vols compartir la teva experiència sobre aquest tema, no dubtis en comunicar-te, la teva contribució podria ajudar a moltes persones.",
+ "faq4": "Quins idiomes són compatibles amb el Projecte OTTAA?",
+ "faq4Description": "Actualmente admitimos español, inglés, portugués y francés. Para español, tenemos versiones localizadas de Argentina, Chile, Colombia y España. Estamos buscando activamente contribuciones sobre nuevos idiomas o una mejor localización para las variedades españolas. Únete a nuestra comunidad de crowdin para contribuir.",
+ "faq5": "Com puc col·laborar amb el Projecte OTTAA?",
+ "faq5Description": "Los colaboradores pueden ayudar a OTTAA con el desarrollo, las pruebas y/o la traducción. Para leer más sobre el tema y comenzar, consulta la sección Contribuir en el repositorio oficial de OTTAA en GitHub."
+ },
+ "caregiver": "Acompanyant",
+ "caregivers_families": "Professionals/Familiars",
+ "user": "Usuari/a",
+ "user_description": "Persona no verbal",
+ "wait": "Por favor espera",
+ "setting_exp": "Configurant la teva experiència...",
+ "link_account": "Vincular un compte",
+ "use": {
+ "ottaa": "Utilizar OTTAA"
+ },
+ "close_profile": "Ocultar",
+ "open_profile": "Veure perfil",
+ "no_account": "Mode sense perfil",
+ "new_existant": "Nou/Existente",
+ "what_do": "¿Qué quieres hacer?",
+ "profile": "Perfil",
+ "linked_accounts": "Comptes vinculats",
+ "name": "Nom",
+ "logout": "Tancar sessió",
+ "last_name": "Cognom",
+ "role": "Rol d'ús",
+ "day": "Dia",
+ "month": "Mes",
+ "year": "Any",
+ "tips": {
+ "title1": "Estadístiques",
+ "title2": "Taulells",
+ "title3": "Historial",
+ "title4": "Favorits",
+ "text1": "Mira las estadísticas de tu paciente/familiar, para ver su actividad y cómo fue mejorando a lo largo de los días, semanas y meses.",
+ "text2": "Oculta los tableros que no use el usuario, para que le aparezcan los tableros que más utiliza y necesita.",
+ "text3": "Utiliza el historial para ver tus frases pasadas, qué hiciste durante el día y contar historias.",
+ "text4": "Guarda pictogramas o frases favoritas, para poder acceder a ellas más rápidamente."
+ },
+ "unlink": "Desvincular",
+ "unlink_account": "¿Desea desvincular a {name} de sus cuentas?",
+ "help": {
+ "help": "¿Necesita ayuda?",
+ "title1": "Preguntes freqüents",
+ "title2": "Contactar con el soporte"
+ },
+ "link": {
+ "title": "Vincular Compte",
+ "mail": {
+ "title": "Introduzca el correo electrónico vinculado a la cuenta de OTTAA",
+ "input": {
+ "required": "El correo electrónico es obligatorio",
+ "invalid": "El correo electrónico no es válido"
+ },
+ "warn": "*Se enviará una notificación con un código para enlazar los perfiles.",
+ "contact": "*Asegurate de estar en contacto con la persona que posea esta cuenta en un dispositivo."
+ },
+ "token": {
+ "title": "Coloque el código de verificación que llegó como notificación a otro dispositivo.",
+ "problem": "¿Tiene problemas para vincular las cuentas?",
+ "resend": "Reenviar codi",
+ "back": "Introducir otro email",
+ "invalid": "Token no válido"
+ },
+ "wait": {
+ "title": "Espere",
+ "subtitle": "Carregant perfil..."
+ },
+ "success": {
+ "title": "Perfil vinculat amb èxit!",
+ "lastTime": "Últ. vegada {date}"
+ },
+ "error": {
+ "link-exist": "Ja estan vinculades",
+ "miss-caregiver": "Error: Cuidador 404",
+ "miss-user": "Error: Usuario 404",
+ "user-no-comp": "Error: Usuario 406",
+ "caregiver-no-comp": "Error: Cuidador 406",
+ "autolink": "Error: Mateixa compte",
+ "auth/user-not-found": "Usuari no trobat",
+ "miss-token": "Falta el Token",
+ "invalid-token": "Token no válido",
+ "expired-token": "Token caducado"
+ }
+ },
+ "delete_account": "Eliminar cuenta"
+ },
+ "user": {
+ "main": {
+ "title": "Configura la teva experiència",
+ "subtitle1": "Ús de l'aplicació",
+ "subtitle2": "Llenguatge predictiu"
+ },
+ "settings": {
+ "main_screen": "Pantalla principal",
+ "accessibility": "Accessibilitat",
+ "voice_and_subtitles": "Veu i subtítols",
+ "language": "Llenguatge"
+ },
+ "main_setting": {
+ "interaction": "Interaccions",
+ "talk_delete": "Hablar y Borrar",
+ "shortcut": "Atajos en el Inicio",
+ "board_view": "Vista de taulells",
+ "tabs": "Per pestanyes",
+ "grid": "Grella",
+ "ottaa_labs": "OTTAA Labs",
+ "labs_text": "Funció frases verbals",
+ "labs_long": "Funció en Mode Beta\nPermet generar frases amb temps verbals més complexos",
+ "one_by_one": "ONE by ONE"
+ },
+ "accessibility": {
+ "selection": "Selecció",
+ "bar_text": "Temps de clic (Segons)",
+ "connected": "Dispositius connectats",
+ "device": "Dispositiu d'accessibilitat",
+ "press": "Press&Press",
+ "scroll": "Scroll&Press",
+ "sip": "Soplo y succión",
+ "selection_type": "Tipus de selecció",
+ "swept": "Barrido",
+ "speed": "Velocitat",
+ "selection_speed": "Velocitat de selecció"
+ },
+ "voice_and_subtitle": {
+ "voice_types": "Tipus de veu",
+ "voice_rate": "Velocitat de veu",
+ "voz1": "Veu 1",
+ "voz2": "Veu 2",
+ "voz3": "Veu 3",
+ "mute": "Silenciar pictogramas",
+ "subtitle": "Subtítols",
+ "show": "Mostrar subtítulos",
+ "size": "Mida",
+ "capital": "Majúscules"
+ },
+ "language": {
+ "set": "Llenguatge establert"
+ }
+ },
+ "global": {
+ "hello_world": "Hola Món",
+ "hello": "Hola",
+ "continue": "Continuar",
+ "next": "Següent",
+ "back": "Anterior",
+ "please_enter_text": "Por favor, introduce un texto",
+ "done": "Fet",
+ "yes": "Sí",
+ "delete": "Esborrar",
+ "edit": "Editar",
+ "no": "No",
+ "mute": "Silenciar",
+ "important": "Important",
+ "save_changes": "Desar canvis",
+ "send": "Enviar",
+ "skip": "Ometre",
+ "email": "Correu electrònic",
+ "step": "Pas",
+ "share": "Compartir",
+ "support": "Suport",
+ "congrats": "Felicitacions",
+ "settings": "Configuració",
+ "general": "General",
+ "pictogram": "Pictogrames",
+ "configuration": "Configuració",
+ "user_ottaa": "Usar OTTAA como",
+ "cancel": "Cancel·lar",
+ "slow": "Lenta",
+ "default": "Per defecte",
+ "fast": "Ràpida",
+ "voice": "Veu",
+ "small": "Pequeño",
+ "medium": "Mitjana",
+ "big": "Gran",
+ "comingsoon": "¡Esta característica estará disponible muy pronto!",
+ "delicate": "Región",
+ "chile": "Chile",
+ "spanish": "Español",
+ "argentina": "Argentina",
+ "colombia": "Colombia",
+ "english": "Inglés",
+ "italian": "Italiano",
+ "french": "Francés",
+ "portuguese": "Portugues",
+ "test": "Esta es la voz que vas a usar en ota",
+ "add": "Agregar",
+ "confirm": "Confirmar",
+ "gallery": "galería",
+ "arasaac": "ARASAAC",
+ "text": "Texto",
+ "color": "Color",
+ "search": "Buscar",
+ "actions": "Acciones",
+ "people": "Personas",
+ "miscellaneous": "Miscelaneas",
+ "noun": "Sustantivos",
+ "adjective": "Adjetivos",
+ "predictive": "Predictivo",
+ "sunday": "Domingo",
+ "monday": "Lunes",
+ "tuesday": "Martes",
+ "wednesday": "Miércoles",
+ "thursday": "Jueves",
+ "friday": "Viernes",
+ "saturday": "Sábado",
+ "tomorrow": "Mañana",
+ "noon": "Mediodía",
+ "late": "Tarde",
+ "evening": "Noche",
+ "add_new": "Agregar nuevo",
+ "disguise": "Ocultar",
+ "save": "Guardar",
+ "image": "Imágen",
+ "saved_in": "Guardado en",
+ "location": "Ubicación",
+ "voices": "Por favor, instale voces desde la configuración para una mejor usabilidad"
+ },
+ "onboarding": {
+ "start": "Començar",
+ "profile": {
+ "title": "Pantalla de perfils",
+ "subtitle": "Qui utilitzarà OTTAA avui?",
+ "description": "Amb la selecció de perfils podràs utilitzar OTTAA des de qualsevol dispositiu, mantenint els teus pictogrames i estils!"
+ },
+ "home": {
+ "title": "Personaliza tu Inicio",
+ "subtitle": "Accessos directes a la pantalla principal",
+ "description": "Personalizá de acuerdo a tus gustos y necesidades"
+ },
+ "customize": {
+ "title": "Personalizá tu Home",
+ "subtitle": "Acompanyem en el procés d'aprenentatge",
+ "description": "Activá o desactivá tableros o pictogramas para modificar la predicción, vos tenés el control."
+ },
+ "skip": {
+ "title": "Estàs d'acord en saltar la introducció?"
+ }
+ },
+ "terms": {
+ "button": "Accepto els termes",
+ "text": "Per continuar, necessitem que acceptis els termes i condicions.\nVeure termes"
+ },
+ "loginWait": {
+ "text": "Et donem la benvinguda!\nAl món d'OTTAA"
+ },
+ "login": {
+ "title": "Ingresa con tu cuenta",
+ "google": "Continuar con Google.",
+ "facebook": "Continuar amb Facebook",
+ "apple": "Continuar con Apple",
+ "register": "¿Todavía no tienes cuenta? Regístrate aquí",
+ "wait": {
+ "title": "Et donem la benvinguda!",
+ "subtitle": "Al nou món d'OTTAA Project"
+ }
+ },
+ "customize": {
+ "board": {
+ "title": "Quins taulells utilitzarà l'usuari per comunicar-se?",
+ "appbar": "Taulells predictius",
+ "skip": "Ometre la selecció de taulells?",
+ "subtitle": "Veure pictogrames"
+ },
+ "shortcut": {
+ "title": "Seleccioná los atajos que aparecerán en la pantalla principal.",
+ "appbar": "Accessos directes",
+ "favorites": "Favorits",
+ "history": "Historial",
+ "camera": "Càmera",
+ "games": "Jocs"
+ },
+ "picto": {
+ "title": "Taulell {name}",
+ "switch": "Activar taulell"
+ },
+ "help": {
+ "boards": "Los tableros predictivos permiten configurar qué grupo de pictogramas se mostrará en la pantalla del usuario/a final.",
+ "shortcut": "Els accessos directes són accessos ràpids a diferents funcions perquè l'usuari/a final disposi a la seva pantalla principal."
+ },
+ "wait": {
+ "title": "Felicitats!",
+ "subtitle": "Has configurado la experiencia de {name}",
+ "button": "Anar al panell de perfils"
+ },
+ "skip": "Estàs d'acord en saltar les preferències del perfil?"
+ },
+ "home": {
+ "grid": {
+ "title": "Taulells",
+ "pictos": "Taulell {group}"
+ }
+ },
+ "chatgpt": {
+ "prompt": "escribir una frase en español con estas palabras como si fueras {gender}, agregando conectores y artículos cuando sea necesario, pero sin cambiar las palabras: {pictograms}"
+ },
+ "notification": {
+ "code": {
+ "request": {
+ "title": "Verificación de OTTAA Link",
+ "body": "Están intentando vincular tu cuenta con el token {linkToken}"
+ },
+ "confirm": {
+ "title": "Confirmación de OTTAA Link",
+ "body": "Se ha confirmado la vinculación de tu cuenta"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "game": {
+ "play": "¡Juguemos!",
+ "next": "Jugar",
+ "game_header_0": "¿Cuál es el pictograma?",
+ "game_header_1": "Unir pictogramas",
+ "game_header_2": "Juego de la Memoria",
+ "game_header_3": "Armá una historia",
+ "game_sub_0": "Respondé las preguntas eligiendo el pictograma correcto. Aprende jugando",
+ "game_sub_1": "Unir los pictogramas de manera correcta",
+ "game_sub_2": "Prueba tu memoria, ¿Cuánto recuerdas los pictogramas?",
+ "game_sub_3": "Elegí los pictogramas que más te gusten, y con la ayuda de Chat GPT, crearás una historia.",
+ "group": "Seleccioná una categoría para poder jugar",
+ "search": "Buscar Tablero",
+ "find": "Encuentra los tableros que quieras, fácilmente!",
+ "game_1_line": "Seleccioná el pictograma que escuches",
+ "game_2_line": "Seleccioná la palabra que corresponde a su pictograma",
+ "game_3_line": "Seleccioná una tarjeta y encontrá la pareja del pictograma",
+ "game_4_line": "Agregá hasta 4 pictogramas y creá tu propia historia",
+ "no": "¡Oh Oh!",
+ "yes": "¡Muy bien!",
+ "correct": "Correcto",
+ "incorrect": "Incorrecto",
+ "use_time": "Tiempo total",
+ "maximum_streak": "Mejor racha",
+ "speak_what": "¿Cual es el picto {name}?",
+ "gptbtn": "Crear historia",
+ "prompt": "Actúa como maestra de jardín de infantes y escribe una historia en español para niños usando las siguientes palabras:",
+ "nivel": "Nivel"
+ },
+ "exit": {
+ "long": {
+ "headline": "¿Deseas volver a la pantalla de perfiles?",
+ "body": "Mantén presionado el botón resaltado para volver",
+ "check": "No volver a mostrar este mensaje",
+ "btn": "De acuerdo"
+ },
+ "short": {
+ "headline": "¿Confima que deseas volver a la pantalla de perfiles?"
+ }
+ },
+ "create": {
+ "heading": "Crear pictograma",
+ "image_selection": "Elije la imagen que represente al pictograma",
+ "choose_color": "Elije el color",
+ "search_arsaac": "Buscar ARASAAC",
+ "time_headline": "Selecciona los horarios que más se adecuen a sus actividades",
+ "time_sub1": "¿Qué días de la semana es cuando más lo utiliza?",
+ "schedule": "¿En qué horario?",
+ "save": "Guardar pictograma",
+ "created_by_me": "Creados por mi",
+ "new_board": "Nuevo tablero",
+ "create_new_board": "Crear nuevo tablero",
+ "board_name": "Nombre del tablero",
+ "edit_picto": "Editar pictograma",
+ "final_heading": "Listo, chequea que todo este correcto"
+ }
diff --git a/assets/i18n/en.json b/assets/i18n/en.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 8bceed80..00000000
--- a/assets/i18n/en.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
- "level": "Level",
- "report": "Report",
- "vocabulary": "Vocabulary",
- "most_used_phrases": "MOST USED PHRASES",
- "pictogram_by_sentence_on_average": "Pictograms by sentences on average",
- "phrases_last_seven_days": "Phrases created in the last 7 days",
- "score_text_1": "OTTAA Score is a measure of the overall use of the application, using data as usage in the last days and average picts per sentence.",
- "most_used_groups": "Most used Groups",
- "ottaa_score": "OTTAA Score",
- "favourite_sentence": "Favourite Sentences",
- "galeria_grupos": "Gallery Groups",
- "add_pict": "Add Pict",
- "add_group": "Add Group",
- "hello_world": "Hello World",
- "we_are_preparing_everything": "We are preparing everything...",
- "Hello": "Hello",
- "Continue": "Continue",
- "Please_register_to": "Please Register to",
- "Login_with_google": "Login with Google",
- "Login_with_facebook": "Login with Facebook",
- "Welcome_this_is_ottaa": "Welcome, this is OTTAA",
- "We_help_thousands_of_children_with_speech_problems_to_communicate_improving_their_quality_of_life": "We help thousands of children with speech problems to communicate, improving their quality of life",
- "Previous": "Previous",
- "Next": "Next",
- "Thank_you_for_choosing_ottaa_project": "Thank you for choosing OTTAA PROJECT",
- "please_enter_some_text": "Please enter some text",
- "Name": "Name",
- "Gender": "Gender",
- "Date_of_birth": "Date of Birth",
- "Lets_get_to_knwo_each_other_first": "Let\"s get to know each other first",
- "We_are_going_to_collect_some_data_to_get_to_know_you_better": "We are going to collect some data to get to know you better",
- "Launch_short_tutorial": "LAUNCH SHORT TUTORIAL",
- "Do_a_guided_workshop": "DO A GUIDED WORKSHOP",
- "Book_a_demo": "BOOK A DEMO",
- "Ottaa_is_a_powerful_communication_tool": "OTTAA is a powerful \ncommunication tool",
- "We_offer_you_different_options_so_that_you_learn_how_to_use_it_and_get_the_most_out_of_it": "We offer you different options so that you learn how to use it and get the most out of it.",
- "Choose_your_avatar": "Choose your Avatar",
- "Final_step_join": "Final step, join",
- "Create_your_avatar_to_be_able_to_recognize_you_all_the_time": "Create your Avatar to be able to recognize you all the time",
- "Create_your_phrase": "CREATE YOUR PHRASES",
- "step1_long": "Touch one or more of the pictograms to create a sentence as long as you like. The pictograms are automatically related and you will always have one more pictogram to add",
- "Talk_to_the_world": "TALK TO THE WORLD",
- "step2_long": "Once the phrase is created, touch the OTTAA logo to speak aloud or using the share icon, you can send your phrase through the most used social networks",
- "Access_thousands_of_pictograms": "ACCESS THOUSANDS OF PICTOGRAMS",
- "Step3_long": "In OTTAA you have access to thousands of pictograms so you can talk about whatever you want. Find the Gallery of Pîctos in the lower left corner of the main screen",
- "Ready": "Ready",
- "Step4_long": "Enter the selection of games to learn while playing. OTTAA has educational games to learn vocabulary, concepts and much more. Also, more games will be available soon.",
- "Play_and_learn": "PLAY AND LEARN",
- "Male": "Male",
- "Female": "Female",
- "Binary": "Binary",
- "Fluid": "Fluid",
- "Other": "Other",
- "hola_nnos_conozcamos_un_poco": "Hello,\nLet\"s get to know each other a little bit.",
- "vamos_a_pedirte_cierta_informaci_n_para_nmejorar_tu_experiencia_con_ottaa": "We will ask you for certain information\nto improve your experience with OTTAA.",
- "check_if_the_info_is_correct_nif_not_change_it_as_you_wish_this_will_help_us_to_personalize_the_app_for_you": "Check if the info is correct,\nif not, change it as you wish. This will help us to personalize the app for you.",
- "te_ofrecemos_varias_opciones_para_naprender_a_utilizarla_y_sacarle_el_maximo_provecho": "We offer you several options to\nlearn how to use it and get the most out of it",
- "por_ltimo": "At Last!",
- "elige_un_personaje_que_nmejor_te_represente": "Choose a character that best represents you",
- "edit_pictogram": "Edit pictogram",
- "text": "Text",
- "frame": "Frame",
- "tags": "tags",
- "keep_your_ottaa_up_to_date": "Keep your OTTAA up-to-date",
- "account_info": "Account Info",
- "account": "Account",
- "account_type": "Account Type",
- "current_ottaa_installed": "Current OTTAA Installed",
- "current_ottaa_version": "Current OTTAA Version",
- "device_name": "Device Name",
- "contact_support": "Contact Support",
- "edit": "Edit",
- "delete": "Delete",
- "fitzgerald_key": "Fitzgerald key",
- "actions": "Actions",
- "interactions": "Interactions",
- "people": "people",
- "nouns": "Nouns",
- "adjectives": "Adjectives",
- "miscellaneous": "Miscellaneous",
- "choose_a_tag": "Choose a TAG",
- "tags_widget_long_1": "By choosing TAGs you need to predict better when to show certain pictgorams, based on Time,Location, Calender or Weather",
- "text_widget_long_1": "Enter the text to say it loud, can be a single word or a full sentence. Is up to you!",
- "important": "Important",
- "do_you_want_to_save_changes": "Do you want to save changes",
- "no": "No",
- "yes": "Yes",
- "go_back": "Go Back",
- "choose_an_option": "Choose an option",
- "camera": "Camera",
- "gallery": "Gallery",
- "download_from_arasaac": "Download from ARASAAC",
- "tags_will_come_in_next_release": "TAGs will come in next Release",
- "mute": "Mute",
- "about_ottaa": "About OTTAA",
- "configuration": "Settings",
- "tutorial": "Tutorial",
- "close_application": "Close Application",
- "sign_out": "Sign out",
- "language": "Language",
- "ottaa_labs": "OTTA Labs",
- "language_page_long_1": "Use artificial intelligence to generate a richer sentence. You need a stable internet connection.",
- "settings": "Settings",
- "pictograms": "Pictograms",
- "prediction": "Prediction",
- "accessibility": "Accessibility",
- "voice_and_subtitles": "Voice and subtitles",
- "all_phrases": "All Phrases",
- "search": "Search",
- "please_enter_a_valid_search": "Please enter a valid search",
- "choose_a_picto_to_speak": "Choose a Picto to speak",
- "we_are_working_on_this_feature": "We are working on this feature",
- "most_used_sentences": "Most used Sentences",
- "price_one": "Get access today to all the useful features that OTTAA Premium has to offer for only 990 ARS per month.",
- "purchase_subscription": "PURCHASE SUBSCRIPTION",
- "sentence_1": "Get access to educational games that allow you to evaluate vocabulary in a fun way",
- "sentence_2": "Use OTTAA Project with screen scanning, connect accessible buttons and much more.",
- "sentence_3": "With the premium version you can use the GPS to have a better prediction based on the commerce or place where you are",
- "whats_the_picto": "What\"s the picto?",
- "game1": "Answer the questions by choosing the right pictogram.\nLearn by playing!",
- "match_picto": "Match Picto",
- "game2": "Attach the pictogram correctly",
- "memory_game": "Memory Game",
- "game3": "Test your memory",
- "play": "PLAY",
- "select_a_category_to_play": "Select a category to play",
- "image": "Image",
- "share_text": "please, create a phrase and select the share button",
- "text_to_speche_engine": "TEXT-TO-SPEECH-ENGINE",
- "enable_custom_tts": "Enable custom TTS",
- "speech_rate": "Speech Rate",
- "speech_pitch": "Speech Pitch",
- "customized_subtitle": "Customized subtitle",
- "size": "Size",
- "upperCase": "UpperCase",
- "it_allows_uppercase_subtitles": "It allows uppercase subtitles.",
- "login_screen": "Hello, welcome to OTTAA Project, the first predictive communication platform for people with speech impairments, please login with your account and fill in some data to benefit from our prediction."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/assets/i18n/en_US.json b/assets/i18n/en_US.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5233153f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/i18n/en_US.json
@@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
+ "profile": {
+ "selection": {
+ "text1": "Who is going to use the app on this device?",
+ "caregiver_text": "Needs to communicate",
+ "user_text": "Needs to communicate"
+ },
+ "hello": "Hi {name}!",
+ "ottaa": {
+ "tips": "OTTAA tips"
+ },
+ "mail": "Mail",
+ "date": "Date of birth",
+ "faq": {
+ "title": "Frequently Asked Questions",
+ "faq0": "Who can use the OTTAA app?",
+ "faq0Description": "OTTAA is designed for non-verbal individuals, that is anyone that does not use oral speech to communicate. People that are using OTTAA today were diagnosed with autism, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), Spinal Motor Atrophy (SMA), or post-stroke locked-in syndrome (LiS), among other affections. Being a dynamic communication tool, OTTAA requires its users to be capable of mid to high-level cognitive functions. However, we like to consider every case individually so do not hesitate to get in touch and request an online assessment with our team.",
+ "faq1": "How does the app work?",
+ "faq1Description": "The OTTAA app provides the user with pictograms: images that represent actions, objects, feelings, or emotions. The user can choose the pictogram(s) he or she needs and create a speech utterance. The utterance is translated from the pictogram(s) to a written sentence that appears on the screen and is also read out loud by the app. Check out our Youtube channel for a more visual explanation.",
+ "faq2": "How is this app different from other AAC (augmentative and alternative communication) devices?",
+ "faq2Description": "The OTTAA app is different from other AAC apps because of its innovative predictive algorithm and natural language generator, which allow the app to learn from the user’s behavior on the app, their age, gender, the time of the day, and their location to pre-select pictogram(s) for the communicational moment they are in.",
+ "faq3": "How much does the OTTAA app cost?",
+ "faq3Description": "The OTTAA app is free to download & use. In order to create a sustainable product that withstands the passage of time, there are some features that require a subscription to access. However, we are working hard to provide financing to everyone that needs it.\n\nIf you are in Argentina, any assistive device a person needs should be covered by health insurance. Contact our team to get guidance and assistance on how to obtain this coverage.\n\nIf you are from any other country in LATAM and want to share your experience around this subject, feel free to reach out, your contribution might help many people in need.",
+ "faq4": "Which languages are supported by the OTTAA Project?",
+ "faq4Description": "We currently support Spanish, English, Portuguese, and French. For Spanish, we have localized versions from Argentina, Chile, Colombia, and Spain. We are actively looking for contributions on new languages or better localization for Spanish varieties. Join our crowdin community to contribute.",
+ "faq5": "How can I collaborate with the OTTAA Project?",
+ "faq5Description": "Contributors can help OTTAA with developing, testing, and/or translation. To read more about the subject and get started, please see the Contributing section in the official OTTAA GitHub repository."
+ },
+ "caregiver": "Caregiver",
+ "caregivers_families": "Caregivers/Relatives",
+ "user": "User",
+ "user_description": "Non-verbal person",
+ "wait": "Please wait",
+ "setting_exp": "Setting up your experience...",
+ "link_account": "Link to an account",
+ "use": {
+ "ottaa": "Use OTTAA"
+ },
+ "close_profile": "Hide",
+ "open_profile": "View profile",
+ "no_account": "No account mode",
+ "new_existant": "New/Existent",
+ "what_do": "What do you want to do?",
+ "profile": "Profile",
+ "linked_accounts": "Linked accounts",
+ "name": "Name",
+ "logout": "Logout",
+ "last_name": "Last Name",
+ "role": "Role",
+ "day": "Day",
+ "month": "Month",
+ "year": "Year",
+ "tips": {
+ "title1": "Stats",
+ "title2": "Boards",
+ "title3": "History",
+ "title4": "Favorites",
+ "text1": "Take a look at the statistics of your patient/family member, to check their activity and how they improved over the days, weeks and months.",
+ "text2": "Hide boards the user does not need, so we only show what is important.",
+ "text3": "Use the history feature to see old sentences, what you did during the day, or tell stories.",
+ "text4": "Save pictograms and sentences in Favorites, so you can access them quickly."
+ },
+ "unlink": "Unlink",
+ "unlink_account": "Do you want to unlink {name} from your accounts?",
+ "help": {
+ "help": "Need help?",
+ "title1": "Frequently Asked Questions",
+ "title2": "Contact support"
+ },
+ "link": {
+ "title": "Link to an account",
+ "mail": {
+ "title": "Enter the email of the account you want to link",
+ "input": {
+ "required": "Email is required",
+ "invalid": "Invalid email"
+ },
+ "warn": "*We will show a token on the device screen to link accounts.",
+ "contact": "*Be sure you are in contact with the person using this email."
+ },
+ "token": {
+ "title": "Input the verification code that appears on the other device.",
+ "problem": "Having trouble linking accounts?",
+ "resend": "Resend code",
+ "back": "Please enter another email",
+ "invalid": "Invalid token"
+ },
+ "wait": {
+ "title": "Wait",
+ "subtitle": "Loading profile..."
+ },
+ "success": {
+ "title": "Profile successfully linked!",
+ "lastTime": "Last seen {date}"
+ },
+ "error": {
+ "link-exist": "Already linked",
+ "miss-caregiver": "Error:Caregiver 404",
+ "miss-user": "Error:User 404",
+ "user-no-comp": "Error:User 406",
+ "caregiver-no-comp": "Error: Caregiver 406",
+ "autolink": "Error: Same account",
+ "auth/user-not-found": "User not found",
+ "miss-token": "Missing token",
+ "invalid-token": "Invalid token",
+ "expired-token": "Expired token"
+ }
+ },
+ "delete_account": "Delete Account"
+ },
+ "user": {
+ "main": {
+ "title": "Setting up your experience",
+ "subtitle1": "Application usage",
+ "subtitle2": "Predictive texting"
+ },
+ "settings": {
+ "main_screen": "Main Screen",
+ "accessibility": "Accessibility",
+ "voice_and_subtitles": "Voice & subtitles",
+ "language": "Language"
+ },
+ "main_setting": {
+ "interaction": "Interactions",
+ "talk_delete": "Talk & Erase",
+ "shortcut": "Shortcuts",
+ "board_view": "Board view",
+ "tabs": "Tabs",
+ "grid": "Grid",
+ "ottaa_labs": "OTTAA Labs",
+ "labs_text": "Verbal phrases feature",
+ "labs_long": "Beta mode\nAllows creating sentences with more complex tenses",
+ "one_by_one": "ONE by ONE"
+ },
+ "accessibility": {
+ "selection": "Selection",
+ "bar_text": "Clicking time (Seconds)",
+ "connected": "Connected devices",
+ "device": "Assistive device",
+ "press": "Press&Press",
+ "scroll": "Scroll&Press",
+ "sip": "Sip&Puff",
+ "selection_type": "Selection method",
+ "swept": "Screen scanning",
+ "speed": "Speed",
+ "selection_speed": "Selection speed"
+ },
+ "voice_and_subtitle": {
+ "voice_types": "Voices",
+ "voice_rate": "Speech rate",
+ "voz1": "Voice 1",
+ "voz2": "Voice 2",
+ "voz3": "Voice 3",
+ "mute": "Mute",
+ "subtitle": "Subtitles",
+ "show": "Show subtitles",
+ "size": "Size",
+ "capital": "Uppercase"
+ },
+ "language": {
+ "set": "Language"
+ }
+ },
+ "global": {
+ "hello_world": "Hello World",
+ "hello": "Hello",
+ "continue": "Continue",
+ "next": "Next",
+ "back": "Previous",
+ "please_enter_text": "Please enter some text",
+ "done": "Done",
+ "yes": "Yes",
+ "delete": "Delete",
+ "edit": "Edit",
+ "no": "No",
+ "mute": "Mute",
+ "important": "Important",
+ "save_changes": "Save changes",
+ "send": "Submit",
+ "skip": "Skip",
+ "email": "Email",
+ "step": "Step",
+ "share": "Share",
+ "support": "Support",
+ "congrats": "Congratulations",
+ "settings": "Settings",
+ "general": "General",
+ "pictogram": "Pictograms",
+ "configuration": "Settings",
+ "user_ottaa": "Use OTTAA as",
+ "cancel": "Cancel",
+ "slow": "Slow",
+ "default": "Default",
+ "fast": "Fast",
+ "voice": "Voice",
+ "small": "Small",
+ "medium": "Medium",
+ "big": "Large",
+ "comingsoon": "¡This feature will be available very soon!",
+ "delicate": "Zone",
+ "chile": "Chile",
+ "spanish": "Spanish",
+ "argentina": "Argentina",
+ "colombia": "Colombia",
+ "english": "English",
+ "italian": "Italian",
+ "french": "French",
+ "portuguese": "Portuguese",
+ "test": "This is the voice you are going to use in ota",
+ "add": "Add",
+ "confirm": "Confirm",
+ "gallery": "gallery",
+ "arasaac": "ARASAAC",
+ "text": "Text",
+ "color": "Color",
+ "search": "Search",
+ "actions": "Actions",
+ "people": "People",
+ "miscellaneous": "Miscellaneous",
+ "noun": "Nouns",
+ "adjective": "Adjectives",
+ "predictive": "Predictive",
+ "sunday": "Sunday",
+ "monday": "Monday",
+ "tuesday": "Tuesday",
+ "wednesday": "Wednesday",
+ "thursday": "Thursday",
+ "friday": "Friday",
+ "saturday": "Saturday",
+ "tomorrow": "Tomorrow",
+ "noon": "Noon",
+ "late": "Evening",
+ "evening": "Night",
+ "add_new": "Add new",
+ "disguise": "Hide",
+ "save": "Save",
+ "image": "Image",
+ "saved_in": "Saved at",
+ "location": "Location",
+ "voices": "Please, install voices from settings for better experience"
+ },
+ "onboarding": {
+ "start": "Get Started",
+ "profile": {
+ "title": "Profiles screen",
+ "subtitle": "Who is using OTTAA today?",
+ "description": "With the profile selection, you will be able to use OTTAA from any device, keeping your pictograms and styles!"
+ },
+ "home": {
+ "title": "Customize your Home",
+ "subtitle": "Shortcuts on main screen",
+ "description": "Customize according to your tastes and needs"
+ },
+ "customize": {
+ "title": "Customize your Home",
+ "subtitle": "We guide you in the learning process",
+ "description": "Activate or deactivate boards and pictograms to enhance the prediction, you have control."
+ },
+ "skip": {
+ "title": "Do you really want to skip the tutorial?"
+ }
+ },
+ "terms": {
+ "button": "I accept the terms",
+ "text": "To continue we need you to accept the terms & conditions.\nSee terms & conditions"
+ },
+ "loginWait": {
+ "text": "Welcome!\nTo the OTTAA World"
+ },
+ "login": {
+ "title": "Log in with your account",
+ "google": "Login with Google.",
+ "facebook": "Login with Facebook",
+ "apple": "Login with Apple",
+ "register": "Don't have an account yet? Sign up here",
+ "wait": {
+ "title": "Welcome!",
+ "subtitle": "To the OTTAA Project World"
+ }
+ },
+ "customize": {
+ "board": {
+ "title": "What boards will the user use?",
+ "appbar": "Predictive boards",
+ "skip": "Do you skip board customization?",
+ "subtitle": "See pictograms"
+ },
+ "shortcut": {
+ "title": "Choose the shortcuts to use on Home screen.",
+ "appbar": "Shortcuts",
+ "favorites": "Favorites",
+ "history": "History",
+ "camera": "Camera",
+ "games": "Games"
+ },
+ "picto": {
+ "title": "Board {name}",
+ "switch": "Enable board"
+ },
+ "help": {
+ "boards": "Predictive boards allow choosing what boards & pictograms will show up to the user.",
+ "shortcut": "Shortcuts are a fast way to access different features for the user on Home Screen."
+ },
+ "wait": {
+ "title": "¡Congratulations!",
+ "subtitle": "{name} experience is all set up",
+ "button": "Go to profile screen"
+ },
+ "skip": "Do you want to skip profile customization?"
+ },
+ "home": {
+ "grid": {
+ "title": "Boards",
+ "pictos": "Board {group}"
+ }
+ },
+ "chatgpt": {
+ "prompt": "write a proper sentence in english with the following words as if you are a {gender}, adding connectors and articles when needed, without changing words: {pictograms}"
+ },
+ "notification": {
+ "code": {
+ "request": {
+ "title": "OTTAA Link verification",
+ "body": "Someone is trying to link your account with token {linkToken}"
+ },
+ "confirm": {
+ "title": "OTTAA Link confirmation",
+ "body": "You have successfully linked your account"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "game": {
+ "play": "¡Let's play!",
+ "next": "Play",
+ "game_header_0": "What's the pictogram?",
+ "game_header_1": "Match pictograms",
+ "game_header_2": "Memory game",
+ "game_header_3": "Create a story",
+ "game_sub_0": "Answer questions picking the right pictogram. Learn playing",
+ "game_sub_1": "Match the pictograms correctly",
+ "game_sub_2": "Test your memory, can you remember all pictograms?",
+ "game_sub_3": "Choose the pictograms you like and with ChatGPT you will create a story.",
+ "group": "Choose a category to play",
+ "search": "Search board",
+ "find": "Easily find the boards you want!",
+ "game_1_line": "Choose the pictogram you listen to",
+ "game_2_line": "Choose the word that match the pictogram",
+ "game_3_line": "Choose a card and find the pictogram match",
+ "game_4_line": "Add up to 4 pictograms and create a story",
+ "no": "Oh Oh!",
+ "yes": "Great!",
+ "correct": "Right",
+ "incorrect": "Incorrect",
+ "use_time": "Total time",
+ "maximum_streak": "Best streak",
+ "speak_what": "What's the picto {name}?",
+ "gptbtn": "Create a story",
+ "prompt": "Act as a kindergarten teacher and write a story in English for kids using the following words:",
+ "nivel": "Level"
+ },
+ "exit": {
+ "long": {
+ "headline": "Do you want to go back to profile screen?",
+ "body": "Press and hold the highlighted button to go back",
+ "check": "Do not show this message again",
+ "btn": "Ok"
+ },
+ "short": {
+ "headline": "Do you want to go back to profile screen?"
+ }
+ },
+ "create": {
+ "heading": "Create pictogram",
+ "image_selection": "Choose the image that best represent the pictogram",
+ "choose_color": "Choose color",
+ "search_arsaac": "Search in ARASAAC",
+ "time_headline": "Choose the timing that better suits your needs",
+ "time_sub1": "What days of the week is when you use it the most?",
+ "schedule": "In what schedule?",
+ "save": "Save pictogram",
+ "created_by_me": "Created by me",
+ "new_board": "New board",
+ "create_new_board": "Create new board",
+ "board_name": "Board name",
+ "edit_picto": "Edit pictogram",
+ "final_heading": "Done! Check everything is OK"
+ }
diff --git a/assets/i18n/es.json b/assets/i18n/es.json
deleted file mode 100644
index e4532c9d..00000000
--- a/assets/i18n/es.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
- "hello_world": "Hola Mundo",
- "we_are_preparing_everything": "Estamos preparando todo...",
- "Hello": "Hola",
- "Continue": "Continuar",
- "Please_register_to": "Por favor regístrese en",
- "Login_with_google": "Acceder con Google",
- "Login_with_facebook": "Acceder con Facebook",
- "Welcome_this_is_ottaa": "Bienvenidos, esto es OTTAA",
- "We_help_thousands_of_children_with_speech_problems_to_communicate_improving_their_quality_of_life": "Ayudamos a miles de niños con problemas de habla a comunicarse, mejorando su calidad de vida",
- "Previous": "Anterior",
- "Next": "Siguiente",
- "Thank_you_for_choosing_ottaa_project": "Gracias por elegir OTTAA PROJECT",
- "please_enter_some_text": "Por favor ingrese un texto",
- "Name": "Nombre",
- "Gender": "Genero",
- "Date_of_birth": "Fecha de Nacimiento",
- "Lets_get_to_knwo_each_other_first": "Vamos a conocernos primero",
- "We_are_going_to_collect_some_data_to_get_to_know_you_better": "Vamos a recolectar algunos datos para conocerte mejor",
- "Launch_short_tutorial": "TUTORIAL CORTO",
- "Do_a_guided_workshop": "HACER UN TALLER GUIADO",
- "Book_a_demo": "RESERVA UNA DEMO",
- "Ottaa_is_a_powerful_communication_tool": "OTTAA es una potente\nherramienta de comunicación",
- "We_offer_you_different_options_so_that_you_learn_how_to_use_it_and_get_the_most_out_of_it": "Te ofrecemos diferentes opciones para que aprendas a usarla y sques el mayor provecho",
- "Choose_your_avatar": "Escoge tu Avatar",
- "Final_step_join": "Paso final, unete",
- "Create_your_avatar_to_be_able_to_recognize_you_all_the_time": "Crea tu Avatar para poder reconocerte todo el tiempo",
- "Create_your_phrase": "CREA TUS FRASES",
- "step1_long": "Toca uno o más de los pictogramas para crear una frase tan larga cómo quieras. Los pictogramas se relacionan automáticamente y siempre tendrás un pictograma más para agregar",
- "Talk_to_the_world": "HABLA CON EL MUNDO",
- "step2_long": "Una vez creada la frase, toca el logo de OTTAA par hablar en voz alta o usando el ícono de compartir, podrás enviar tu frase a través de las redes sociales más usadas",
- "Access_thousands_of_pictograms": "ACCEDE A MILES DE PICTOGRAMAS",
- "Step3_long": "En OTTAA tenés acceso a miles de pictogramas para que hables de lo que quieras. Encuentra la Galería de Pîctos en la esquina inferior izquierda de la pantalla principal",
- "Ready": "Listo",
- "Step4_long": "Entra a la selección de juegos para aprender jugando. OTTAA cuenta con juegos didácticos para aprender vocabulario, conceptos y mucho más. Además, pronto habrá más juegos disponibles",
- "Play_and_learn": "JUEGA Y APRENDE",
- "Male": "Masculino",
- "Female": "Femenino",
- "Binary": "Binary",
- "Fluid": "Fluid",
- "Other": "Other",
- "hola_nnos_conozcamos_un_poco": "Hola,\nNos conozcamos un poco",
- "vamos_a_pedirte_cierta_informaci_n_para_nmejorar_tu_experiencia_con_ottaa": "Vamos a pedirte cierta información para\nmejorar tu experiencia con OTTAA",
- "check_if_the_info_is_correct_nif_not_change_it_as_you_wish_this_will_help_us_to_personalize_the_app_for_you": "Comprueba si la información es correcta,\nsi no, cámbiala como quieras. Esto nos ayudará a personalizar la aplicación para ti.",
- "te_ofrecemos_varias_opciones_para_naprender_a_utilizarla_y_sacarle_el_maximo_provecho": "Te ofrecemos varias opciones para\naprender a utilizarla y sacarle el maximo provecho",
- "por_ltimo": "Por Ultimo!",
- "elige_un_personaje_que_nmejor_te_represente": "Elige un personaje que mejor te represente",
- "edit_pictogram": "Editar pictograma",
- "text": "Texto",
- "frame": "Marco",
- "tags": "Tag",
- "keep_your_ottaa_up_to_date": "Mantenga su OTTAA actualizada",
- "account_info": "Informacion de cuenta",
- "account": "Cuenta",
- "account_type": "Tipo de cuenta",
- "current_ottaa_installed": "OTTAA actual instalado",
- "current_ottaa_version": "Versión actual de OTTAA",
- "device_name": "Nombre del dispositivo",
- "contact_support": "Soporte de contacto",
- "edit": "Editar",
- "delete": "Borrar",
- "fitzgerald_key": "clave fitzgerald",
- "actions": "Comportamiento",
- "interactions": "Interacciones",
- "people": "gente",
- "nouns": "Sustantivos",
- "adjectives": "adjetivos",
- "miscellaneous": "Diverso",
- "choose_a_tag": "Elige una ETIQUETA",
- "tags_widget_long_1": "Al elegir las ETIQUETAS, necesita predecir mejor cuándo mostrar ciertos pictogramas, según la hora, la ubicación, el calendario o el clima.",
- "text_widget_long_1": "Ingrese el texto para decirlo en voz alta, puede ser una sola palabra o una oración completa. ¡Depende de ti!",
- "important": "Importante",
- "do_you_want_to_save_changes": "Quieres guardar los cambios",
- "no": "No",
- "yes": "sí",
- "go_back": "Regresa",
- "choose_an_option": "Elige una opcion",
- "camera": "Cámara",
- "gallery": "Galería",
- "download_from_arasaac": "Descargar desde ARASAAC",
- "tags_will_come_in_next_release": "Los TAG aparecerán en la próxima versión",
- "mute": "Silenciar",
- "about_ottaa": "Acerca de OTTAA",
- "configuration": "Configuración",
- "tutorial": "Tutorial",
- "close_application": "Cierra la aplicación",
- "sign_out": "Desconectar",
- "language": "Idioma",
- "ottaa_labs": "Laboratorios OTTAa",
- "language_page_long_1": "Usa la inteligencia artificial para generar una oración más rica. Necesitas una conexión a Internet estable.",
- "settings": "Ajustes",
- "pictograms": "Pictogramas",
- "prediction": "Predicción",
- "accessibility": "Accesibilidad",
- "voice_and_subtitles": "Voz y subtítulos",
- "all_phrases": "Todas las frases",
- "search": "Búsqueda",
- "please_enter_a_valid_search": "Por favor ingrese una búsqueda válida",
- "choose_a_picto_to_speak": "Elige un Picto para hablar",
- "we_are_working_on_this_feature": "Estamos trabajando en esta funcionalidad",
- "most_used_sentences": "Oraciones más usadas",
- "price_one": "Obtenga acceso hoy a todas las funciones útiles que OTTAA Premium tiene para ofrecer por solo 990 ARS al mes.",
- "purchase_subscription": "COMPRAR SUSCRIPCIÓN",
- "sentence_1": "Accede a juegos educativos que te permiten evaluar vocabulario de una manera divertida",
- "sentence_2": "Use OTTAA Project con escaneo de pantalla, conéctese accesible Botones y mucho más.",
- "sentence_3": "Con la versión premium puedes usar el GPS para tener una mejor predicción basada en el comercio o lugar donde te encuentres",
- "whats_the_picto": "¿Cual es el Picto ?",
- "report": "Reporte",
- "game1": "Responde a las preguntas eligiendo el pictograma adecuado. ¡Aprende jugando!",
- "match_picto": "Igualar pictogramas",
- "game2": "Adjunta el pictograma correctamente",
- "memory_game": "Juego de memoria",
- "game3": "Prueba tu memoria",
- "play": "JUGAR",
- "select_a_category_to_play": "Seleccione una categoría para jugar",
- "image": "Imagen",
- "share_text": "por favor, crea una frase y selecciona el botón de compartir",
- "text_to_speche_engine": "MOTOR DE TEXTO A VOZ",
- "enable_custom_tts": "Habilitar TTS personalizado",
- "speech_rate": "Nivel de conversación",
- "speech_pitch": "Tono de voz",
- "customized_subtitle": "subtítulo personalizado",
- "size": "Tamaño",
- "upperCase": "Mayúsculas",
- "it_allows_uppercase_subtitles": "Permite subtítulos en mayúsculas",
- "login_screen": "Hola, bienvenido a OTTAA Project, la primera plataforma de comunicación predictiva para personas con problemas del habla, inicie sesión con su cuenta y complete algunos datos para beneficiarse de nuestra predicción.",
- "ottaa_score": "OTTAA Score",
- "most_used_groups": "Grupos más usados",
- "score_text_1": "OTTAA Score es una medida del uso en general de la aplicación, usando datos como uso en los últimos días y promedio de pictos por frase",
- "phrases_last_seven_days": "Frases creadas en los últimos 7 días",
- "pictogram_by_sentence_on_average": "Pictogramas por frases en promedio",
- "most_used_phrases": "Frases Mas Usadas",
- "vocabulary": "Vocabulario",
- "add_group": "Añadir grupo",
- "add_pict": "Agregar imagen",
- "galeria_grupos": "Galeria Grupos",
- "profile.omitir": "Omitir",
- "profile.continuar": "Continuar",
- "profile.selection.text1": "¿Quién usará la aplicación en este dispositivo?",
- "profile.acompanante": "Acompañante",
- "profile.profesionales.familiares": "Profesionales / Familiares",
- "profile.necesita.comunicarse": "Necesita comunicarse",
- "profile.usuario.a": "Usuario / a",
- "profile.aguarde": "Aguarde",
- "profile.configurando.su.experiencia": "Configurando su experiencia...",
- "profile.hola": "Hola",
- "profile.vincular.con.cuenta": "Vincular con cuenta",
- "profile.crear.nueva.cuenta": "Crear nueva cuenta",
- "profile.usar.ottaa": "Usar Ottaa",
- "profile.modo.sin.perfil": "Modo sin perfil",
- "profile.nuevo.existente": "Nuevo / Existente",
- "profile.agregar.cuenta": "Agregar cuenta",
- "profile.qué.deseas.hacer": "¿Qué deseas hacer?",
- "profile.perfil" : "Perfil",
- "profile.ayuda" : "Ayuda",
- "profile.cerrar.sesión" : "Cerrar sesión",
- "profile.ottaa.tips" : "Ottaa tips ",
- "profile.cuentas.vinculadas" : "Cuentas vinculadas",
- "profile.rol.de.uso" : "Rol de uso"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/assets/i18n/es_AR.json b/assets/i18n/es_AR.json
index 59e5621b..69382dd1 100644
--- a/assets/i18n/es_AR.json
+++ b/assets/i18n/es_AR.json
@@ -1,141 +1,388 @@
- "level": "Nivel",
- "report": "Informe",
- "vocabulary": "Vocabulario",
- "most_used_phrases": "Frases más usadas",
- "pictogram_by_sentence_on_average": "Pictogramas por oración en promedio",
- "phrases_last_seven_days": "Fases creadas en los últimos 7 días",
- "score_text_1": "El puntaje OTTAA es una medida del uso de la aplicación, usa los datos de los últimos días y el promedio de pictogramas por frase.",
- "most_used_groups": "Grupos más usados",
- "ottaa_score": "Puntaje OTTAA",
- "favourite_sentence": "Frases Favoritas",
- "galeria_grupos": "Galería de Grupos",
- "add_pict": "Añadir Pictograma",
- "add_group": "Añadir Grupo",
- "hello_world": "Hola Mundo",
- "we_are_preparing_everything": "Estamos preparando todo...",
- "Hello": "Hola",
- "Continue": "Continuar",
- "Please_register_to": "Por favor, regístrate en",
- "Login_with_google": "Iniciar sesión con Google",
- "Login_with_facebook": "Iniciar sesión con Facebook",
- "Welcome_this_is_ottaa": "Bienvenido, esto es OTTAA",
- "We_help_thousands_of_children_with_speech_problems_to_communicate_improving_their_quality_of_life": "Ayudamos a miles de niños con problemas del habla a comunicarse, mejorando su calidad de vida",
- "Previous": "Anterior",
- "Next": "Siguiente",
- "Thank_you_for_choosing_ottaa_project": "Gracias por elegir OTTAA Project",
- "please_enter_some_text": "Por favor ingrese algún texto",
- "Name": "Nombre",
- "Gender": "Género",
- "Date_of_birth": "Fecha de nacimiento",
- "Lets_get_to_knwo_each_other_first": "Conozcámonos primero",
- "We_are_going_to_collect_some_data_to_get_to_know_you_better": "Vamos a recopilar algunos datos para conocer mejor",
- "Launch_short_tutorial": "Empezar Tutorial Corto",
- "Do_a_guided_workshop": "DO A GUIDED WORKSHOP",
- "Book_a_demo": "BOOK A DEMO",
- "Ottaa_is_a_powerful_communication_tool": "OTTAA is a powerful \ncommunication tool",
- "We_offer_you_different_options_so_that_you_learn_how_to_use_it_and_get_the_most_out_of_it": "We offer you different options so that you learn how to use it and get the most out of it.",
- "Choose_your_avatar": "Choose your Avatar",
- "Final_step_join": "Final step, join",
- "Create_your_avatar_to_be_able_to_recognize_you_all_the_time": "Create your Avatar to be able to recognize you all the time",
- "Create_your_phrase": "CREATE YOUR PHRASES",
- "step1_long": "Touch one or more of the pictograms to create a sentence as long as you like. The pictograms are automatically related and you will always have one more pictogram to add",
- "Talk_to_the_world": "TALK TO THE WORLD",
- "step2_long": "Once the phrase is created, touch the OTTAA logo to speak aloud or using the share icon, you can send your phrase through the most used social networks",
- "Access_thousands_of_pictograms": "ACCESS THOUSANDS OF PICTOGRAMS",
- "Step3_long": "In OTTAA you have access to thousands of pictograms so you can talk about whatever you want. Find the Gallery of Pîctos in the lower left corner of the main screen",
- "Ready": "Ready",
- "Step4_long": "Enter the selection of games to learn while playing. OTTAA has educational games to learn vocabulary, concepts and much more. Also, more games will be available soon.",
- "Play_and_learn": "PLAY AND LEARN",
- "Male": "Masculino",
- "Female": "Femenino",
- "Binary": "Binary",
- "Fluid": "Fluid",
- "Other": "Other",
- "hola_nnos_conozcamos_un_poco": "Hello,\nLet\"s get to know each other a little bit.",
- "vamos_a_pedirte_cierta_informaci_n_para_nmejorar_tu_experiencia_con_ottaa": "We will ask you for certain information\nto improve your experience with OTTAA.",
- "check_if_the_info_is_correct_nif_not_change_it_as_you_wish_this_will_help_us_to_personalize_the_app_for_you": "Check if the info is correct,\nif not, change it as you wish. This will help us to personalize the app for you.",
- "te_ofrecemos_varias_opciones_para_naprender_a_utilizarla_y_sacarle_el_maximo_provecho": "We offer you several options to\nlearn how to use it and get the most out of it",
- "por_ltimo": "At Last!",
- "elige_un_personaje_que_nmejor_te_represente": "Choose a character that best represents you",
- "edit_pictogram": "Edit pictogram",
- "text": "Text",
- "frame": "Frame",
- "tags": "tags",
- "keep_your_ottaa_up_to_date": "Keep your OTTAA up-to-date",
- "account_info": "Account Info",
- "account": "Account",
- "account_type": "Account Type",
- "current_ottaa_installed": "Current OTTAA Installed",
- "current_ottaa_version": "Current OTTAA Version",
- "device_name": "Device Name",
- "contact_support": "Contact Support",
- "edit": "Edit",
- "delete": "Delete",
- "fitzgerald_key": "Fitzgerald key",
- "actions": "Actions",
- "interactions": "Interactions",
- "people": "people",
- "nouns": "Nouns",
- "adjectives": "Adjectives",
- "miscellaneous": "Miscellaneous",
- "choose_a_tag": "Choose a TAG",
- "tags_widget_long_1": "By choosing TAGs you need to predict better when to show certain pictgorams, based on Time,Location, Calender or Weather",
- "text_widget_long_1": "Enter the text to say it loud, can be a single word or a full sentence. Is up to you!",
- "important": "Important",
- "do_you_want_to_save_changes": "Do you want to save changes",
- "no": "No",
- "yes": "Sí",
- "go_back": "Volver",
- "choose_an_option": "Elige una opción",
- "camera": "Camera",
- "gallery": "Gallery",
- "download_from_arasaac": "Download from ARASAAC",
- "tags_will_come_in_next_release": "TAGs will come in next Release",
- "mute": "Mute",
- "about_ottaa": "About OTTAA",
- "configuration": "Settings",
- "tutorial": "Tutorial",
- "close_application": "Close Application",
- "sign_out": "Sign out",
- "language": "Language",
- "ottaa_labs": "OTTA Labs",
- "language_page_long_1": "Use artificial intelligence to generate a richer sentence. You need a stable internet connection.",
- "settings": "Settings",
- "pictograms": "Pictograms",
- "prediction": "Prediction",
- "accessibility": "Accessibility",
- "voice_and_subtitles": "Voice and subtitles",
- "all_phrases": "All Phrases",
- "search": "Search",
- "please_enter_a_valid_search": "Please enter a valid search",
- "choose_a_picto_to_speak": "Choose a Picto to speak",
- "we_are_working_on_this_feature": "We are working on this feature",
- "most_used_sentences": "Most used Sentences",
- "price_one": "Get access today to all the useful features that OTTAA Premium has to offer for only 990 ARS per month.",
- "purchase_subscription": "PURCHASE SUBSCRIPTION",
- "sentence_1": "Get access to educational games that allow you to evaluate vocabulary in a fun way",
- "sentence_2": "Use OTTAA Project with screen scanning, connect accessible buttons and much more.",
- "sentence_3": "With the premium version you can use the GPS to have a better prediction based on the commerce or place where you are",
- "whats_the_picto": "What\"s the picto?",
- "game1": "Answer the questions by choosing the right pictogram.\nLearn by playing!",
- "match_picto": "Match Picto",
- "game2": "Attach the pictogram correctly",
- "memory_game": "Memory Game",
- "game3": "Test your memory",
- "play": "PLAY",
- "select_a_category_to_play": "Select a category to play",
- "image": "Image",
- "share_text": "please, create a phrase and select the share button",
- "text_to_speche_engine": "TEXT-TO-SPEECH-ENGINE",
- "enable_custom_tts": "Enable custom TTS",
- "speech_rate": "Speech Rate",
- "speech_pitch": "Speech Pitch",
- "customized_subtitle": "Customized subtitle",
- "size": "Size",
- "upperCase": "UpperCase",
- "it_allows_uppercase_subtitles": "It allows uppercase subtitles.",
- "login_screen": "Hello, welcome to OTTAA Project, the first predictive communication platform for people with speech impairments, please login with your account and fill in some data to benefit from our prediction."
\ No newline at end of file
+ "profile": {
+ "selection": {
+ "text1": "¿Quién va a utilizar la aplicación en este dispositivo?",
+ "caregiver_text": "Necesita comunicarse",
+ "user_text": "Necesita comunicarse"
+ },
+ "hello": "Hola {name}!",
+ "ottaa": {
+ "tips": "OTTAA tips"
+ },
+ "mail": "Correo electrónico",
+ "date": "Fecha de nacimiento",
+ "faq": {
+ "title": "Preguntas frecuentes",
+ "faq0": "¿Quién puede usar la aplicación OTTAA?",
+ "faq0Description": "OTTAA está diseñado para personas no verbales, es decir, cualquier persona que no utilice el habla oral para comunicarse. Las personas que usan OTTAA hoy en día fueron diagnosticadas con autismo, parálisis cerebral, síndrome de Down, esclerosis lateral amiotrófica (ELA), atrofia muscular espinal (AME) o síndrome de enclaustramiento post al accidente cerebrovascular (LiS), entre otras afecciones. Al ser una herramienta de comunicación dinámica, OTTAA requiere que sus usuarios posean funciones cognitivas de nivel medio a alto. Sin embargo, nos gusta considerar cada caso individualmente, así que no dude en ponerse en contacto y solicitar una evaluación en línea con nuestro equipo.",
+ "faq1": "¿Cómo funciona la aplicación?",
+ "faq1Description": "La aplicación OTTAA proporciona al usuario pictogramas: imágenes que representan acciones, objetos, sentimientos o emociones. El usuario puede elegir los pictogramas que necesita y crear una frase, esta se traduce de los pictogramas a una oración escrita que aparece en la pantalla y que la aplicación también lee en voz alta. Consulta nuestro canal de Youtube para obtener una explicación más visual.",
+ "faq2": "¿En qué se diferencia esta aplicación de otros dispositivos AAC (comunicación aumentativa y alternativa)?",
+ "faq2Description": "La aplicación OTTAA es diferente de otras aplicaciones de CAA debido a su innovador algoritmo predictivo y generador de lenguaje natural, que permite que la aplicación aprenda del comportamiento del usuario en la aplicación, su edad, sexo, la hora del día y su ubicación para pre -seleccionar pictograma(s) para el momento comunicacional en el que se encuentran.",
+ "faq3": "¿Cuánto cuesta la aplicación OTTAA?",
+ "faq3Description": "La aplicación OTTAA es gratuita para descargar y usar. Para crear un producto sostenible que resista el paso del tiempo, hay algunas características que requieren una suscripción para utilizarlas. Sin embargo, estamos trabajando arduamente para brindar financiamiento a todos los que lo necesitan.\n\nSi estás en Argentina, cualquier ayuda técnica que necesite una persona debe estar cubierto por un seguro de salud. Comuníquese con nuestro equipo para obtener orientación y asistencia sobre cómo obtener esta cobertura.\n\nSi sos de cualquier otro país de LATAM y querés compartir tu experiencia sobre este tema, no dudes en comunicarte, tu contribución podría ayudar a muchas personas.",
+ "faq4": "¿Qué idiomas son compatibles con el Proyecto OTTAA?",
+ "faq4Description": "Actualmente admitimos español, inglés, portugués y francés. Para español, tenemos versiones localizadas de Argentina, Chile, Colombia y España. Estamos buscando activamente contribuciones sobre nuevos idiomas o una mejor localización para las variedades españolas. Únete a nuestra comunidad de crowdin para contribuir.",
+ "faq5": "¿Cómo puedo colaborar con el Proyecto OTTAA?",
+ "faq5Description": "Los colaboradores pueden ayudar a OTTAA con el desarrollo, las pruebas y/o la traducción. Para leer más sobre el tema y comenzar, consulta la sección Contribuir en el repositorio oficial de OTTAA en GitHub."
+ },
+ "caregiver": "Acompañante",
+ "caregivers_families": "Profesionales/Familiares",
+ "user": "Usuario/a",
+ "user_description": "Persona no verbal",
+ "wait": "Por favor espera",
+ "setting_exp": "Configurando tu experiencia...",
+ "link_account": "Vincular una cuenta",
+ "use": {
+ "ottaa": "Utilizar OTTAA"
+ },
+ "close_profile": "Ocultar",
+ "open_profile": "Ver perfil",
+ "no_account": "Modo sin perfil",
+ "new_existant": "Nuevo/Existente",
+ "what_do": "¿Qué quieres hacer?",
+ "profile": "Perfil",
+ "linked_accounts": "Cuentas vinculadas",
+ "name": "Nombre",
+ "logout": "Cerrar sesión",
+ "last_name": "Apellido",
+ "role": "Rol de uso",
+ "day": "Día",
+ "month": "Mes",
+ "year": "Año",
+ "tips": {
+ "title1": "Estadísticas",
+ "title2": "Tableros",
+ "title3": "Historial",
+ "title4": "Favoritos",
+ "text1": "Mira las estadísticas de tu paciente/familiar, para ver su actividad y cómo fue mejorando a lo largo de los días, semanas y meses.",
+ "text2": "Oculta los tableros que no use el usuario, para que le aparezcan los tableros que más utiliza y necesita.",
+ "text3": "Utiliza el historial para ver tus frases pasadas, qué hiciste durante el día y contar historias.",
+ "text4": "Guarda pictogramas o frases favoritas, para poder acceder a ellas más rápidamente."
+ },
+ "unlink": "Desvincular",
+ "unlink_account": "¿Desea desvincular a {name} de sus cuentas?",
+ "help": {
+ "help": "¿Necesita ayuda?",
+ "title1": "Preguntas frecuentes",
+ "title2": "Contactar con el soporte"
+ },
+ "link": {
+ "title": "Vincular Cuenta",
+ "mail": {
+ "title": "Introduzca el correo electrónico vinculado a la cuenta de OTTAA",
+ "input": {
+ "required": "El correo electrónico es obligatorio",
+ "invalid": "El correo electrónico no es válido"
+ },
+ "warn": "*Se enviará una notificación con un código para enlazar los perfiles.",
+ "contact": "*Asegurate de estar en contacto con la persona que posea esta cuenta en un dispositivo."
+ },
+ "token": {
+ "title": "Coloque el código de verificación que llegó como notificación a otro dispositivo.",
+ "problem": "¿Tiene problemas para vincular las cuentas?",
+ "resend": "Reenviar código",
+ "back": "Introducir otro email",
+ "invalid": "Token no válido"
+ },
+ "wait": {
+ "title": "Espere",
+ "subtitle": "Cargando perfil..."
+ },
+ "success": {
+ "title": "Perfil vinculado con éxito!",
+ "lastTime": "Últ. vez {date}"
+ },
+ "error": {
+ "link-exist": "Ya están vinculadas",
+ "miss-caregiver": "Error: Cuidador 404",
+ "miss-user": "Error: Usuario 404",
+ "user-no-comp": "Error: Usuario 406",
+ "caregiver-no-comp": "Error: Cuidador 406",
+ "autolink": "Error: Misma cuenta",
+ "auth/user-not-found": "Usuario no encontrado",
+ "miss-token": "Falta el Token",
+ "invalid-token": "Token no válido",
+ "expired-token": "Token caducado"
+ }
+ },
+ "delete_account": "Eliminar cuenta"
+ },
+ "user": {
+ "main": {
+ "title": "Configura tu experiencia",
+ "subtitle1": "Uso de la aplicación",
+ "subtitle2": "Lenguaje predictivo"
+ },
+ "settings": {
+ "main_screen": "Pantalla principal",
+ "accessibility": "Accesibilidad",
+ "voice_and_subtitles": "Voz y subtítulos",
+ "language": "Lenguaje"
+ },
+ "main_setting": {
+ "interaction": "Interacciones",
+ "talk_delete": "Hablar y Borrar",
+ "shortcut": "Atajos en el Inicio",
+ "board_view": "Vista de tableros",
+ "tabs": "Por pestañas",
+ "grid": "Grilla",
+ "ottaa_labs": "OTTAA Labs",
+ "labs_text": "Función frases verbales",
+ "labs_long": "Función en Modo Beta\nPermite generar frases con tiempos verbales más complejas",
+ "one_by_one": "ONE by ONE"
+ },
+ "accessibility": {
+ "selection": "Selección",
+ "bar_text": "Tiempo de clickeo (Segundos)",
+ "connected": "Dispositivos conectados",
+ "device": "Dispositivo de accesibilidad",
+ "press": "Press&Press",
+ "scroll": "Scroll&Press",
+ "sip": "Soplo y succión",
+ "selection_type": "Tipo de selección",
+ "swept": "Barrido",
+ "speed": "Velocidad",
+ "selection_speed": "Velocidad de selección"
+ },
+ "voice_and_subtitle": {
+ "voice_types": "Tipos de voz",
+ "voice_rate": "Velocidad de voz",
+ "voz1": "Voz 1",
+ "voz2": "Voz 2",
+ "voz3": "Voz 3",
+ "mute": "Silenciar pictogramas",
+ "subtitle": "Subtítulos",
+ "show": "Mostrar subtítulos",
+ "size": "Tamaño",
+ "capital": "Mayúsculas"
+ },
+ "language": {
+ "set": "Idioma establecido"
+ }
+ },
+ "global": {
+ "hello_world": "Hola Mundo",
+ "hello": "Hola",
+ "continue": "Continuar",
+ "next": "Siguiente",
+ "back": "Anterior",
+ "please_enter_text": "Por favor, introduce un texto",
+ "done": "Listo",
+ "yes": "Sí",
+ "delete": "Borrar",
+ "edit": "Editar",
+ "no": "No",
+ "mute": "Silenciar",
+ "important": "Importante",
+ "save_changes": "Guardar cambios",
+ "send": "Enviar",
+ "skip": "Omitir",
+ "email": "Email",
+ "step": "Paso",
+ "share": "Compartir",
+ "support": "Soporte",
+ "congrats": "Felicitaciones",
+ "settings": "Configuración",
+ "general": "General",
+ "pictogram": "Pictogramas",
+ "configuration": "Configuración",
+ "user_ottaa": "Usar OTTAA como",
+ "cancel": "Cancelar",
+ "slow": "Lenta",
+ "default": "Predeterminada",
+ "fast": "Rápida",
+ "voice": "Voz",
+ "small": "Pequeño",
+ "medium": "Mediano",
+ "big": "Grande",
+ "comingsoon": "¡Esta característica estará disponible muy pronto!",
+ "delicate": "Región",
+ "chile": "Chile",
+ "spanish": "Español",
+ "argentina": "Argentina",
+ "colombia": "Colombia",
+ "english": "Inglés",
+ "italian": "Italiano",
+ "french": "Francés",
+ "portuguese": "Portugues",
+ "test": "Esta es la voz que vas a usar en ota",
+ "add": "Agregar",
+ "confirm": "Confirmar",
+ "gallery": "galería",
+ "arasaac": "ARASAAC",
+ "text": "Texto",
+ "color": "Color",
+ "search": "Buscar",
+ "actions": "Acciones",
+ "people": "Personas",
+ "miscellaneous": "Miscelaneas",
+ "noun": "Sustantivos",
+ "adjective": "Adjetivos",
+ "predictive": "Predictivo",
+ "sunday": "Domingo",
+ "monday": "Lunes",
+ "tuesday": "Martes",
+ "wednesday": "Miércoles",
+ "thursday": "Jueves",
+ "friday": "Viernes",
+ "saturday": "Sábado",
+ "tomorrow": "Mañana",
+ "noon": "Mediodía",
+ "late": "Tarde",
+ "evening": "Noche",
+ "add_new": "Agregar nuevo",
+ "disguise": "Ocultar",
+ "save": "Guardar",
+ "image": "Imágen",
+ "saved_in": "Guardado en",
+ "location": "Ubicación",
+ "voices": "Por favor, instale voces desde la configuración para una mejor usabilidad"
+ },
+ "onboarding": {
+ "start": "Comenzar",
+ "profile": {
+ "title": "Pantalla de perfiles",
+ "subtitle": "¿Quién va a usar OTTAA hoy?",
+ "description": "Con la selección de perfiles vas a poder usar OTTAA desde cualquier dispositivo, manteniendo tus pictogramas y estilos!"
+ },
+ "home": {
+ "title": "Personaliza tu Inicio",
+ "subtitle": "Atajos en la pantalla principal",
+ "description": "Personalizá de acuerdo a tus gustos y necesidades"
+ },
+ "customize": {
+ "title": "Personalizá tu Home",
+ "subtitle": "Acompañamos en el proceso de aprendizaje",
+ "description": "Activá o desactivá tableros o pictogramas para modificar la predicción, vos tenés el control."
+ },
+ "skip": {
+ "title": "¿Estás de acuerdo en saltar la introducción?"
+ }
+ },
+ "terms": {
+ "button": "Acepto los términos",
+ "text": "Para continuar, necesitamos que aceptes los términos y condiciones.\nVer términos"
+ },
+ "loginWait": {
+ "text": "Te damos la bienvenida!\nAl mundo de OTTAA"
+ },
+ "login": {
+ "title": "Ingresa con tu cuenta",
+ "google": "Continuar con Google.",
+ "facebook": "Continuar con Facebook",
+ "apple": "Continuar con Apple",
+ "register": "¿Todavía no tienes cuenta? Regístrate aquí",
+ "wait": {
+ "title": "Te damos la bienvenida!",
+ "subtitle": "Al nuevo mundo de OTTAA Project"
+ }
+ },
+ "customize": {
+ "board": {
+ "title": "¿Qué tableros utilizará el usuario para comunicarse?",
+ "appbar": "Tableros predictivos",
+ "skip": "¿Omitir la elección de tableros?",
+ "subtitle": "Ver pictogramas"
+ },
+ "shortcut": {
+ "title": "Seleccioná los atajos que aparecerán en la pantalla principal.",
+ "appbar": "Atajos",
+ "favorites": "Favoritos",
+ "history": "Historial",
+ "camera": "Cámara",
+ "games": "Juegos"
+ },
+ "picto": {
+ "title": "Tablero {name}",
+ "switch": "Activar tablero"
+ },
+ "help": {
+ "boards": "Los tableros predictivos permiten configurar qué grupo de pictogramas se mostrará en la pantalla del usuario/a final.",
+ "shortcut": "Los atajos son accesos rápidos a distintas funciones para que el/la usuario/a final disponga en su pantalla principal."
+ },
+ "wait": {
+ "title": "¡Felicitaciones!",
+ "subtitle": "Has configurado la experiencia de {name}",
+ "button": "Ir al panel de perfiles"
+ },
+ "skip": "¿Estás de acuerdo en saltar las preferencias del perfil?"
+ },
+ "home": {
+ "grid": {
+ "title": "Tableros",
+ "pictos": "Tablero {group}"
+ }
+ },
+ "chatgpt": {
+ "prompt": "escribir una frase en español con estas palabras como si fueras {gender}, agregando conectores y artículos cuando sea necesario, pero sin cambiar las palabras: {pictograms}"
+ },
+ "notification": {
+ "code": {
+ "request": {
+ "title": "Verificación de OTTAA Link",
+ "body": "Están intentando vincular tu cuenta con el token {linkToken}"
+ },
+ "confirm": {
+ "title": "Confirmación de OTTAA Link",
+ "body": "Se ha confirmado la vinculación de tu cuenta"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "game": {
+ "play": "¡Juguemos!",
+ "next": "Jugar",
+ "game_header_0": "¿Cuál es el pictograma?",
+ "game_header_1": "Unir pictogramas",
+ "game_header_2": "Juego de la Memoria",
+ "game_header_3": "Armá una historia",
+ "game_sub_0": "Respondé las preguntas eligiendo el pictograma correcto. Aprende jugando",
+ "game_sub_1": "Unir los pictogramas de manera correcta",
+ "game_sub_2": "Prueba tu memoria, ¿Cuánto recuerdas los pictogramas?",
+ "game_sub_3": "Elegí los pictogramas que más te gusten, y con la ayuda de Chat GPT, crearás una historia.",
+ "group": "Seleccioná una categoría para poder jugar",
+ "search": "Buscar Tablero",
+ "find": "Encuentra los tableros que quieras, fácilmente!",
+ "game_1_line": "Seleccioná el pictograma que escuches",
+ "game_2_line": "Seleccioná la palabra que corresponde a su pictograma",
+ "game_3_line": "Seleccioná una tarjeta y encontrá la pareja del pictograma",
+ "game_4_line": "Agregá hasta 4 pictogramas y creá tu propia historia",
+ "no": "¡Oh Oh!",
+ "yes": "¡Muy bien!",
+ "correct": "Correcto",
+ "incorrect": "Incorrecto",
+ "use_time": "Tiempo total",
+ "maximum_streak": "Mejor racha",
+ "speak_what": "¿Cual es el picto {name}?",
+ "gptbtn": "Crear historia",
+ "prompt": "Actúa como maestra de jardín de infantes y escribe una historia en español para niños usando las siguientes palabras:",
+ "nivel": "Nivel"
+ },
+ "exit": {
+ "long": {
+ "headline": "¿Deseas volver a la pantalla de perfiles?",
+ "body": "Mantén presionado el botón resaltado para volver",
+ "check": "No volver a mostrar este mensaje",
+ "btn": "De acuerdo"
+ },
+ "short": {
+ "headline": "¿Confima que deseas volver a la pantalla de perfiles?"
+ }
+ },
+ "create": {
+ "heading": "Crear pictograma",
+ "image_selection": "Elije la imagen que represente al pictograma",
+ "choose_color": "Elije el color",
+ "search_arsaac": "Buscar ARASAAC",
+ "time_headline": "Selecciona los horarios que más se adecuen a sus actividades",
+ "time_sub1": "¿Qué días de la semana es cuando más lo utiliza?",
+ "schedule": "¿En qué horario?",
+ "save": "Guardar pictograma",
+ "created_by_me": "Creados por mi",
+ "new_board": "Nuevo tablero",
+ "create_new_board": "Crear nuevo tablero",
+ "board_name": "Nombre del tablero",
+ "edit_picto": "Editar pictograma",
+ "final_heading": "Listo, chequea que todo este correcto"
+ }
diff --git a/assets/i18n/es_BO.json b/assets/i18n/es_BO.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b2682ab..00000000
--- a/assets/i18n/es_BO.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
- "level": "Level",
- "report": "Report",
- "vocabulary": "Vocabulary",
- "most_used_phrases": "MOST USED PHRASES",
- "pictogram_by_sentence_on_average": "Pictograms by sentences on average",
- "phrases_last_seven_days": "Phrases created in the last 7 days",
- "score_text_1": "OTTAA Score is a measure of the overall use of the application, using data as usage in the last days and average picts per sentence.",
- "most_used_groups": "Most used Groups",
- "ottaa_score": "OTTAA Score",
- "favourite_sentence": "Favourite Sentences",
- "galeria_grupos": "Gallery Groups",
- "add_pict": "Add Pict",
- "add_group": "Add Group",
- "hello_world": "Hello World",
- "we_are_preparing_everything": "We are preparing everything...",
- "Hello": "Hello",
- "Continue": "Continue",
- "Please_register_to": "Please Register to",
- "Login_with_google": "Login with Google",
- "Login_with_facebook": "Login with Facebook",
- "Welcome_this_is_ottaa": "Welcome, this is OTTAA",
- "We_help_thousands_of_children_with_speech_problems_to_communicate_improving_their_quality_of_life": "We help thousands of children with speech problems to communicate, improving their quality of life",
- "Previous": "Previous",
- "Next": "Next",
- "Thank_you_for_choosing_ottaa_project": "Thank you for choosing OTTAA PROJECT",
- "please_enter_some_text": "Please enter some text",
- "Name": "Name",
- "Gender": "Gender",
- "Date_of_birth": "Date of Birth",
- "Lets_get_to_knwo_each_other_first": "Let's get to know each other first",
- "We_are_going_to_collect_some_data_to_get_to_know_you_better": "We are going to collect some data to get to know you better",
- "Launch_short_tutorial": "Launch short Tutorial",
- "Do_a_guided_workshop": "DO A GUIDED WORKSHOP",
- "Book_a_demo": "BOOK A DEMO",
- "Ottaa_is_a_powerful_communication_tool": "OTTAA is a powerful \ncommunication tool",
- "We_offer_you_different_options_so_that_you_learn_how_to_use_it_and_get_the_most_out_of_it": "We offer you different options so that you learn how to use it and get the most out of it.",
- "Choose_your_avatar": "Choose your Avatar",
- "Final_step_join": "Final step, join",
- "Create_your_avatar_to_be_able_to_recognize_you_all_the_time": "Create your Avatar to be able to recognize you all the time",
- "Create_your_phrase": "CREATE YOUR PHRASES",
- "step1_long": "Touch one or more of the pictograms to create a sentence as long as you like. The pictograms are automatically related and you will always have one more pictogram to add",
- "Talk_to_the_world": "TALK TO THE WORLD",
- "step2_long": "Once the phrase is created, touch the OTTAA logo to speak aloud or using the share icon, you can send your phrase through the most used social networks",
- "Access_thousands_of_pictograms": "ACCESS THOUSANDS OF PICTOGRAMS",
- "Step3_long": "In OTTAA you have access to thousands of pictograms so you can talk about whatever you want. Find the Gallery of Pîctos in the lower left corner of the main screen",
- "Ready": "Ready",
- "Step4_long": "Enter the selection of games to learn while playing. OTTAA has educational games to learn vocabulary, concepts and much more. Also, more games will be available soon.",
- "Play_and_learn": "PLAY AND LEARN",
- "Male": "Male",
- "Female": "Female",
- "Binary": "Binary",
- "Fluid": "Fluid",
- "Other": "Other",
- "hola_nnos_conozcamos_un_poco": "Hello,\nLet\"s get to know each other a little bit.",
- "vamos_a_pedirte_cierta_informaci_n_para_nmejorar_tu_experiencia_con_ottaa": "We will ask you for certain information\nto improve your experience with OTTAA.",
- "check_if_the_info_is_correct_nif_not_change_it_as_you_wish_this_will_help_us_to_personalize_the_app_for_you": "Check if the info is correct,\nif not, change it as you wish. This will help us to personalize the app for you.",
- "te_ofrecemos_varias_opciones_para_naprender_a_utilizarla_y_sacarle_el_maximo_provecho": "We offer you several options to\nlearn how to use it and get the most out of it",
- "por_ltimo": "At Last!",
- "elige_un_personaje_que_nmejor_te_represente": "Choose a character that best represents you",
- "edit_pictogram": "Edit pictogram",
- "text": "Text",
- "frame": "Frame",
- "tags": "tags",
- "keep_your_ottaa_up_to_date": "Keep your OTTAA up-to-date",
- "account_info": "Account Info",
- "account": "Account",
- "account_type": "Account Type",
- "current_ottaa_installed": "Current OTTAA Installed",
- "current_ottaa_version": "Current OTTAA Version",
- "device_name": "Device Name",
- "contact_support": "Contact Support",
- "edit": "Edit",
- "delete": "Delete",
- "fitzgerald_key": "Fitzgerald key",
- "actions": "Actions",
- "interactions": "Interactions",
- "people": "people",
- "nouns": "Nouns",
- "adjectives": "Adjectives",
- "miscellaneous": "Miscellaneous",
- "choose_a_tag": "Choose a TAG",
- "tags_widget_long_1": "By choosing TAGs you need to predict better when to show certain pictgorams, based on Time,Location, Calender or Weather",
- "text_widget_long_1": "Enter the text to say it loud, can be a single word or a full sentence. Is up to you!",
- "important": "Important",
- "do_you_want_to_save_changes": "Do you want to save changes",
- "no": "No",
- "yes": "Yes",
- "go_back": "Go Back",
- "choose_an_option": "Choose an option",
- "camera": "Camera",
- "gallery": "Gallery",
- "download_from_arasaac": "Download from ARASAAC",
- "tags_will_come_in_next_release": "TAGs will come in next Release",
- "mute": "Mute",
- "about_ottaa": "About OTTAA",
- "configuration": "Settings",
- "tutorial": "Tutorial",
- "close_application": "Close Application",
- "sign_out": "Sign out",
- "language": "Language",
- "ottaa_labs": "OTTA Labs",
- "language_page_long_1": "Use artificial intelligence to generate a richer sentence. You need a stable internet connection.",
- "settings": "Settings",
- "pictograms": "Pictograms",
- "prediction": "Prediction",
- "accessibility": "Accessibility",
- "voice_and_subtitles": "Voice and subtitles",
- "all_phrases": "All Phrases",
- "search": "Search",
- "please_enter_a_valid_search": "Please enter a valid search",
- "choose_a_picto_to_speak": "Choose a Picto to speak",
- "we_are_working_on_this_feature": "We are working on this feature",
- "most_used_sentences": "Most used Sentences",
- "price_one": "Get access today to all the useful features that OTTAA Premium has to offer for only 990 ARS per month.",
- "purchase_subscription": "PURCHASE SUBSCRIPTION",
- "sentence_1": "Get access to educational games that allow you to evaluate vocabulary in a fun way",
- "sentence_2": "Use OTTAA Project with screen scanning, connect accessible buttons and much more.",
- "sentence_3": "With the premium version you can use the GPS to have a better prediction based on the commerce or place where you are",
- "whats_the_picto": "What\"s the picto?",
- "game1": "Answer the questions by choosing the right pictogram.\nLearn by playing!",
- "match_picto": "Match Picto",
- "game2": "Attach the pictogram correctly",
- "memory_game": "Memory Game",
- "game3": "Test your memory",
- "play": "PLAY",
- "select_a_category_to_play": "Select a category to play",
- "image": "Image",
- "share_text": "please, create a phrase and select the share button",
- "text_to_speche_engine": "TEXT-TO-SPEECH-ENGINE",
- "enable_custom_tts": "Enable custom TTS",
- "speech_rate": "Speech Rate",
- "speech_pitch": "Speech Pitch",
- "customized_subtitle": "Customized subtitle",
- "size": "Size",
- "upperCase": "UpperCase",
- "it_allows_uppercase_subtitles": "It allows uppercase subtitles.",
- "login_screen": "Hello, welcome to OTTAA Project, the first predictive communication platform for people with speech impairments, please login with your account and fill in some data to benefit from our prediction."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/assets/i18n/es_CL.json b/assets/i18n/es_CL.json
index 1b2682ab..b5bec778 100644
--- a/assets/i18n/es_CL.json
+++ b/assets/i18n/es_CL.json
@@ -1,141 +1,388 @@
- "level": "Level",
- "report": "Report",
- "vocabulary": "Vocabulary",
- "most_used_phrases": "MOST USED PHRASES",
- "pictogram_by_sentence_on_average": "Pictograms by sentences on average",
- "phrases_last_seven_days": "Phrases created in the last 7 days",
- "score_text_1": "OTTAA Score is a measure of the overall use of the application, using data as usage in the last days and average picts per sentence.",
- "most_used_groups": "Most used Groups",
- "ottaa_score": "OTTAA Score",
- "favourite_sentence": "Favourite Sentences",
- "galeria_grupos": "Gallery Groups",
- "add_pict": "Add Pict",
- "add_group": "Add Group",
- "hello_world": "Hello World",
- "we_are_preparing_everything": "We are preparing everything...",
- "Hello": "Hello",
- "Continue": "Continue",
- "Please_register_to": "Please Register to",
- "Login_with_google": "Login with Google",
- "Login_with_facebook": "Login with Facebook",
- "Welcome_this_is_ottaa": "Welcome, this is OTTAA",
- "We_help_thousands_of_children_with_speech_problems_to_communicate_improving_their_quality_of_life": "We help thousands of children with speech problems to communicate, improving their quality of life",
- "Previous": "Previous",
- "Next": "Next",
- "Thank_you_for_choosing_ottaa_project": "Thank you for choosing OTTAA PROJECT",
- "please_enter_some_text": "Please enter some text",
- "Name": "Name",
- "Gender": "Gender",
- "Date_of_birth": "Date of Birth",
- "Lets_get_to_knwo_each_other_first": "Let's get to know each other first",
- "We_are_going_to_collect_some_data_to_get_to_know_you_better": "We are going to collect some data to get to know you better",
- "Launch_short_tutorial": "Launch short Tutorial",
- "Do_a_guided_workshop": "DO A GUIDED WORKSHOP",
- "Book_a_demo": "BOOK A DEMO",
- "Ottaa_is_a_powerful_communication_tool": "OTTAA is a powerful \ncommunication tool",
- "We_offer_you_different_options_so_that_you_learn_how_to_use_it_and_get_the_most_out_of_it": "We offer you different options so that you learn how to use it and get the most out of it.",
- "Choose_your_avatar": "Choose your Avatar",
- "Final_step_join": "Final step, join",
- "Create_your_avatar_to_be_able_to_recognize_you_all_the_time": "Create your Avatar to be able to recognize you all the time",
- "Create_your_phrase": "CREATE YOUR PHRASES",
- "step1_long": "Touch one or more of the pictograms to create a sentence as long as you like. The pictograms are automatically related and you will always have one more pictogram to add",
- "Talk_to_the_world": "TALK TO THE WORLD",
- "step2_long": "Once the phrase is created, touch the OTTAA logo to speak aloud or using the share icon, you can send your phrase through the most used social networks",
- "Access_thousands_of_pictograms": "ACCESS THOUSANDS OF PICTOGRAMS",
- "Step3_long": "In OTTAA you have access to thousands of pictograms so you can talk about whatever you want. Find the Gallery of Pîctos in the lower left corner of the main screen",
- "Ready": "Ready",
- "Step4_long": "Enter the selection of games to learn while playing. OTTAA has educational games to learn vocabulary, concepts and much more. Also, more games will be available soon.",
- "Play_and_learn": "PLAY AND LEARN",
- "Male": "Male",
- "Female": "Female",
- "Binary": "Binary",
- "Fluid": "Fluid",
- "Other": "Other",
- "hola_nnos_conozcamos_un_poco": "Hello,\nLet\"s get to know each other a little bit.",
- "vamos_a_pedirte_cierta_informaci_n_para_nmejorar_tu_experiencia_con_ottaa": "We will ask you for certain information\nto improve your experience with OTTAA.",
- "check_if_the_info_is_correct_nif_not_change_it_as_you_wish_this_will_help_us_to_personalize_the_app_for_you": "Check if the info is correct,\nif not, change it as you wish. This will help us to personalize the app for you.",
- "te_ofrecemos_varias_opciones_para_naprender_a_utilizarla_y_sacarle_el_maximo_provecho": "We offer you several options to\nlearn how to use it and get the most out of it",
- "por_ltimo": "At Last!",
- "elige_un_personaje_que_nmejor_te_represente": "Choose a character that best represents you",
- "edit_pictogram": "Edit pictogram",
- "text": "Text",
- "frame": "Frame",
- "tags": "tags",
- "keep_your_ottaa_up_to_date": "Keep your OTTAA up-to-date",
- "account_info": "Account Info",
- "account": "Account",
- "account_type": "Account Type",
- "current_ottaa_installed": "Current OTTAA Installed",
- "current_ottaa_version": "Current OTTAA Version",
- "device_name": "Device Name",
- "contact_support": "Contact Support",
- "edit": "Edit",
- "delete": "Delete",
- "fitzgerald_key": "Fitzgerald key",
- "actions": "Actions",
- "interactions": "Interactions",
- "people": "people",
- "nouns": "Nouns",
- "adjectives": "Adjectives",
- "miscellaneous": "Miscellaneous",
- "choose_a_tag": "Choose a TAG",
- "tags_widget_long_1": "By choosing TAGs you need to predict better when to show certain pictgorams, based on Time,Location, Calender or Weather",
- "text_widget_long_1": "Enter the text to say it loud, can be a single word or a full sentence. Is up to you!",
- "important": "Important",
- "do_you_want_to_save_changes": "Do you want to save changes",
- "no": "No",
- "yes": "Yes",
- "go_back": "Go Back",
- "choose_an_option": "Choose an option",
- "camera": "Camera",
- "gallery": "Gallery",
- "download_from_arasaac": "Download from ARASAAC",
- "tags_will_come_in_next_release": "TAGs will come in next Release",
- "mute": "Mute",
- "about_ottaa": "About OTTAA",
- "configuration": "Settings",
- "tutorial": "Tutorial",
- "close_application": "Close Application",
- "sign_out": "Sign out",
- "language": "Language",
- "ottaa_labs": "OTTA Labs",
- "language_page_long_1": "Use artificial intelligence to generate a richer sentence. You need a stable internet connection.",
- "settings": "Settings",
- "pictograms": "Pictograms",
- "prediction": "Prediction",
- "accessibility": "Accessibility",
- "voice_and_subtitles": "Voice and subtitles",
- "all_phrases": "All Phrases",
- "search": "Search",
- "please_enter_a_valid_search": "Please enter a valid search",
- "choose_a_picto_to_speak": "Choose a Picto to speak",
- "we_are_working_on_this_feature": "We are working on this feature",
- "most_used_sentences": "Most used Sentences",
- "price_one": "Get access today to all the useful features that OTTAA Premium has to offer for only 990 ARS per month.",
- "purchase_subscription": "PURCHASE SUBSCRIPTION",
- "sentence_1": "Get access to educational games that allow you to evaluate vocabulary in a fun way",
- "sentence_2": "Use OTTAA Project with screen scanning, connect accessible buttons and much more.",
- "sentence_3": "With the premium version you can use the GPS to have a better prediction based on the commerce or place where you are",
- "whats_the_picto": "What\"s the picto?",
- "game1": "Answer the questions by choosing the right pictogram.\nLearn by playing!",
- "match_picto": "Match Picto",
- "game2": "Attach the pictogram correctly",
- "memory_game": "Memory Game",
- "game3": "Test your memory",
- "play": "PLAY",
- "select_a_category_to_play": "Select a category to play",
- "image": "Image",
- "share_text": "please, create a phrase and select the share button",
- "text_to_speche_engine": "TEXT-TO-SPEECH-ENGINE",
- "enable_custom_tts": "Enable custom TTS",
- "speech_rate": "Speech Rate",
- "speech_pitch": "Speech Pitch",
- "customized_subtitle": "Customized subtitle",
- "size": "Size",
- "upperCase": "UpperCase",
- "it_allows_uppercase_subtitles": "It allows uppercase subtitles.",
- "login_screen": "Hello, welcome to OTTAA Project, the first predictive communication platform for people with speech impairments, please login with your account and fill in some data to benefit from our prediction."
\ No newline at end of file
+ "profile": {
+ "selection": {
+ "text1": "¿Quién va a utilizar la aplicación en este dispositivo?",
+ "caregiver_text": "Necesita comunicarse",
+ "user_text": "Necesita comunicarse"
+ },
+ "hello": "Hola {name}!",
+ "ottaa": {
+ "tips": "OTTAA tips"
+ },
+ "mail": "Correo electrónico",
+ "date": "Fecha de nacimiento",
+ "faq": {
+ "title": "Preguntas frecuentes",
+ "faq0": "¿Quién puede usar la aplicación OTTAA?",
+ "faq0Description": "OTTAA está diseñado para personas no verbales, es decir, cualquier persona que no utilice el habla oral para comunicarse. Las personas que usan OTTAA hoy en día fueron diagnosticadas con autismo, parálisis cerebral, síndrome de Down, esclerosis lateral amiotrófica (ELA), atrofia muscular espinal (AME) o síndrome de enclaustramiento post al accidente cerebrovascular (LiS), entre otras afecciones. Al ser una herramienta de comunicación dinámica, OTTAA requiere que sus usuarios posean funciones cognitivas de nivel medio a alto. Sin embargo, nos gusta considerar cada caso individualmente, así que no dude en ponerse en contacto y solicitar una evaluación en línea con nuestro equipo.",
+ "faq1": "¿Cómo funciona la aplicación?",
+ "faq1Description": "La aplicación OTTAA proporciona al usuario pictogramas: imágenes que representan acciones, objetos, sentimientos o emociones. El usuario puede elegir los pictogramas que necesita y crear una frase, esta se traduce de los pictogramas a una oración escrita que aparece en la pantalla y que la aplicación también lee en voz alta. Consulta nuestro canal de Youtube para obtener una explicación más visual.",
+ "faq2": "¿En qué se diferencia esta aplicación de otros dispositivos AAC (comunicación aumentativa y alternativa)?",
+ "faq2Description": "La aplicación OTTAA es diferente de otras aplicaciones de CAA debido a su innovador algoritmo predictivo y generador de lenguaje natural, que permite que la aplicación aprenda del comportamiento del usuario en la aplicación, su edad, sexo, la hora del día y su ubicación para pre -seleccionar pictograma(s) para el momento comunicacional en el que se encuentran.",
+ "faq3": "¿Cuánto cuesta la aplicación OTTAA?",
+ "faq3Description": "La aplicación OTTAA es gratuita para descargar y usar. Para crear un producto sostenible que resista el paso del tiempo, hay algunas características que requieren una suscripción para utilizarlas. Sin embargo, estamos trabajando arduamente para brindar financiamiento a todos los que lo necesitan.\n\nSi estás en Argentina, cualquier ayuda técnica que necesite una persona debe estar cubierto por un seguro de salud. Comuníquese con nuestro equipo para obtener orientación y asistencia sobre cómo obtener esta cobertura.\n\nSi sos de cualquier otro país de LATAM y querés compartir tu experiencia sobre este tema, no dudes en comunicarte, tu contribución podría ayudar a muchas personas.",
+ "faq4": "¿Qué idiomas son compatibles con el Proyecto OTTAA?",
+ "faq4Description": "Actualmente admitimos español, inglés, portugués y francés. Para español, tenemos versiones localizadas de Argentina, Chile, Colombia y España. Estamos buscando activamente contribuciones sobre nuevos idiomas o una mejor localización para las variedades españolas. Únete a nuestra comunidad de crowdin para contribuir.",
+ "faq5": "¿Cómo puedo colaborar con el Proyecto OTTAA?",
+ "faq5Description": "Los colaboradores pueden ayudar a OTTAA con el desarrollo, las pruebas y/o la traducción. Para leer más sobre el tema y comenzar, consulta la sección Contribuir en el repositorio oficial de OTTAA en GitHub."
+ },
+ "caregiver": "Acompañante",
+ "caregivers_families": "Profesionales/Familiares",
+ "user": "Usuario/a",
+ "user_description": "Persona no verbal",
+ "wait": "Por favor espera",
+ "setting_exp": "Configurando tu experiencia...",
+ "link_account": "Vincular una cuenta",
+ "use": {
+ "ottaa": "Utilizar OTTAA"
+ },
+ "close_profile": "Ocultar",
+ "open_profile": "Ver perfil",
+ "no_account": "Modo sin perfil",
+ "new_existant": "Nuevo/Existente",
+ "what_do": "¿Qué quieres hacer?",
+ "profile": "Perfil",
+ "linked_accounts": "Cuentas vinculadas",
+ "name": "Nombre",
+ "logout": "Cerrar sesión",
+ "last_name": "Apellido",
+ "role": "Rol de uso",
+ "day": "Día",
+ "month": "Mes",
+ "year": "Año",
+ "tips": {
+ "title1": "Estadísticas",
+ "title2": "Tableros",
+ "title3": "Historial",
+ "title4": "Favoritos",
+ "text1": "Mira las estadísticas de tu paciente/familiar, para ver su actividad y cómo fue mejorando a lo largo de los días, semanas y meses.",
+ "text2": "Oculta los tableros que no use el usuario, para que le aparezcan los tableros que más utiliza y necesita.",
+ "text3": "Utiliza el historial para ver tus frases pasadas, qué hiciste durante el día y contar historias.",
+ "text4": "Guarda pictogramas o frases favoritas, para poder acceder a ellas más rápidamente."
+ },
+ "unlink": "Desvincular",
+ "unlink_account": "¿Desea desvincular a {name} de sus cuentas?",
+ "help": {
+ "help": "¿Necesita ayuda?",
+ "title1": "Preguntas frecuentes",
+ "title2": "Contactar con el soporte"
+ },
+ "link": {
+ "title": "Vincular Cuenta",
+ "mail": {
+ "title": "Introduzca el correo electrónico vinculado a la cuenta de OTTAA",
+ "input": {
+ "required": "El correo electrónico es obligatorio",
+ "invalid": "El correo electrónico no es válido"
+ },
+ "warn": "*Se enviará una notificación con un código para vincular los perfiles.",
+ "contact": "Asegúrate de estar en contacto con la persona que posea esta cuenta en un dispositivo."
+ },
+ "token": {
+ "title": "Coloque el código de verificación que llegó como notificación a otro dispositivo.",
+ "problem": "¿Tiene problemas para vincular las cuentas?",
+ "resend": "Reenviar código",
+ "back": "Introducir otro email",
+ "invalid": "Token no válido"
+ },
+ "wait": {
+ "title": "Espere",
+ "subtitle": "Cargando perfil..."
+ },
+ "success": {
+ "title": "Perfil vinculado con éxito!",
+ "lastTime": "Últ. vez {date}"
+ },
+ "error": {
+ "link-exist": "Ya están vinculadas",
+ "miss-caregiver": "Error: Cuidador 404",
+ "miss-user": "Error: Usuario 404",
+ "user-no-comp": "Error: Usuario 406",
+ "caregiver-no-comp": "Error: Cuidador 406",
+ "autolink": "Error: Misma cuenta",
+ "auth/user-not-found": "Usuario no encontrado",
+ "miss-token": "Falta el Token",
+ "invalid-token": "Token no válido",
+ "expired-token": "Token caducado"
+ }
+ },
+ "delete_account": "Eliminar cuenta"
+ },
+ "user": {
+ "main": {
+ "title": "Configura tu experiencia",
+ "subtitle1": "Uso de la aplicación",
+ "subtitle2": "Lenguaje predictivo"
+ },
+ "settings": {
+ "main_screen": "Pantalla principal",
+ "accessibility": "Accesibilidad",
+ "voice_and_subtitles": "Voz y subtítulos",
+ "language": "Lenguaje"
+ },
+ "main_setting": {
+ "interaction": "Interacciones",
+ "talk_delete": "Hablar y Borrar",
+ "shortcut": "Atajos en el Inicio",
+ "board_view": "Vista de tableros",
+ "tabs": "Por pestañas",
+ "grid": "Grilla",
+ "ottaa_labs": "OTTAA Labs",
+ "labs_text": "Función frases verbales",
+ "labs_long": "Función en Modo Beta\nPermite generar frases con tiempos verbales más complejas",
+ "one_by_one": "ONE by ONE"
+ },
+ "accessibility": {
+ "selection": "Selección",
+ "bar_text": "Tiempo de clickeo (Segundos)",
+ "connected": "Dispositivos conectados",
+ "device": "Dispositivo de accesibilidad",
+ "press": "Press&Press",
+ "scroll": "Scroll&Press",
+ "sip": "Soplo y succión",
+ "selection_type": "Tipo de selección",
+ "swept": "Barrido",
+ "speed": "Velocidad",
+ "selection_speed": "Velocidad de selección"
+ },
+ "voice_and_subtitle": {
+ "voice_types": "Tipos de voz",
+ "voice_rate": "Velocidad de voz",
+ "voz1": "Voz 1",
+ "voz2": "Voz 2",
+ "voz3": "Voz 3",
+ "mute": "Silenciar pictogramas",
+ "subtitle": "Subtítulos",
+ "show": "Mostrar subtítulos",
+ "size": "Tamaño",
+ "capital": "Mayúsculas"
+ },
+ "language": {
+ "set": "Idioma establecido"
+ }
+ },
+ "global": {
+ "hello_world": "Hola Mundo",
+ "hello": "Hola",
+ "continue": "Continuar",
+ "next": "Siguiente",
+ "back": "Anterior",
+ "please_enter_text": "Por favor, introduce un texto",
+ "done": "Listo",
+ "yes": "Sí",
+ "delete": "Borrar",
+ "edit": "Editar",
+ "no": "No",
+ "mute": "Silenciar",
+ "important": "Importante",
+ "save_changes": "Guardar cambios",
+ "send": "Enviar",
+ "skip": "Omitir",
+ "email": "Email",
+ "step": "Paso",
+ "share": "Compartir",
+ "support": "Soporte",
+ "congrats": "Felicitaciones",
+ "settings": "Configuración",
+ "general": "General",
+ "pictogram": "Pictogramas",
+ "configuration": "Configuración",
+ "user_ottaa": "Usar OTTAA como",
+ "cancel": "Cancelar",
+ "slow": "Lenta",
+ "default": "Predeterminada",
+ "fast": "Rápida",
+ "voice": "Voz",
+ "small": "Pequeño",
+ "medium": "Mediano",
+ "big": "Grande",
+ "comingsoon": "¡Esta característica estará disponible muy pronto!",
+ "delicate": "Región",
+ "chile": "Chile",
+ "spanish": "Español",
+ "argentina": "Argentina",
+ "colombia": "Colombia",
+ "english": "Inglés",
+ "italian": "Italiano",
+ "french": "Francés",
+ "portuguese": "Portugues",
+ "test": "Esta es la voz que vas a usar en ota",
+ "add": "Añadir",
+ "confirm": "Confirmar",
+ "gallery": "galería",
+ "arasaac": "ARASAAC",
+ "text": "Texto",
+ "color": "Color",
+ "search": "Buscar",
+ "actions": "Acciones",
+ "people": "Personas",
+ "miscellaneous": "Miscelaneas",
+ "noun": "Sustantivos",
+ "adjective": "Adjetivos",
+ "predictive": "Predictivo",
+ "sunday": "Domingo",
+ "monday": "Lunes",
+ "tuesday": "Martes",
+ "wednesday": "Miércoles",
+ "thursday": "Jueves",
+ "friday": "Viernes",
+ "saturday": "Sábado",
+ "tomorrow": "Mañana",
+ "noon": "Mediodía",
+ "late": "Tarde",
+ "evening": "Noche",
+ "add_new": "Agregar nuevo",
+ "disguise": "Ocultar",
+ "save": "Guardar",
+ "image": "Imágen",
+ "saved_in": "Guardado en",
+ "location": "Ubicación",
+ "voices": "Por favor, instale voces desde la configuración para una mejor usabilidad"
+ },
+ "onboarding": {
+ "start": "Comenzar",
+ "profile": {
+ "title": "Pantalla de perfiles",
+ "subtitle": "¿Quién va a usar OTTAA hoy?",
+ "description": "Con la selección de perfiles vas a poder usar OTTAA desde cualquier dispositivo, manteniendo tus pictogramas y estilos!"
+ },
+ "home": {
+ "title": "Personaliza tu Inicio",
+ "subtitle": "Atajos en la pantalla principal",
+ "description": "Personaliza de acuerdo a tus gustos y necesidades"
+ },
+ "customize": {
+ "title": "Personaliza tu Inicio",
+ "subtitle": "Acompañamos en el proceso de aprendizaje",
+ "description": "Activa o desactiva tableros o pictogramas para modificar la predicción, tú tienes el control."
+ },
+ "skip": {
+ "title": "¿Estás de acuerdo en saltar la introducción?"
+ }
+ },
+ "terms": {
+ "button": "Acepto los términos",
+ "text": "Para continuar, necesitamos que aceptes los términos y condiciones.\nVer términos"
+ },
+ "loginWait": {
+ "text": "Te damos la bienvenida!\nAl mundo de OTTAA"
+ },
+ "login": {
+ "title": "Ingresa con tu cuenta",
+ "google": "Continuar con Google.",
+ "facebook": "Continuar con Facebook",
+ "apple": "Continuar con Apple",
+ "register": "¿Todavía no tienes cuenta? Regístrate aquí",
+ "wait": {
+ "title": "Te damos la bienvenida!",
+ "subtitle": "Al nuevo mundo de OTTAA Project"
+ }
+ },
+ "customize": {
+ "board": {
+ "title": "¿Qué tableros utilizará el usuario para comunicarse?",
+ "appbar": "Tableros predictivos",
+ "skip": "¿Omitir la elección de tableros?",
+ "subtitle": "Ver pictogramas"
+ },
+ "shortcut": {
+ "title": "Selecciona los atajos que aparecerán en la pantalla principal.",
+ "appbar": "Atajos",
+ "favorites": "Favoritos",
+ "history": "Historial",
+ "camera": "Cámara",
+ "games": "Juegos"
+ },
+ "picto": {
+ "title": "Tablero {name}",
+ "switch": "Activar tablero"
+ },
+ "help": {
+ "boards": "Los tableros predictivos permiten configurar qué grupo de pictogramas se mostrará en la pantalla del usuario/a final.",
+ "shortcut": "Los atajos son accesos rápidos a distintas funciones para que el/la usuario/a final disponga en su pantalla principal."
+ },
+ "wait": {
+ "title": "¡Felicitaciones!",
+ "subtitle": "Has configurado la experiencia de {name}",
+ "button": "Ir al panel de perfiles"
+ },
+ "skip": "¿Estás de acuerdo en saltar las preferencias del perfil?"
+ },
+ "home": {
+ "grid": {
+ "title": "Tableros",
+ "pictos": "Tablero {group}"
+ }
+ },
+ "chatgpt": {
+ "prompt": "escribir una frase en español con estas palabras como si fueras {gender}, agregando conectores y artículos cuando sea necesario, pero sin cambiar las palabras: {pictograms}"
+ },
+ "notification": {
+ "code": {
+ "request": {
+ "title": "Verificación de OTTAA Link",
+ "body": "Están intentando vincular tu cuenta con el token {linkToken}"
+ },
+ "confirm": {
+ "title": "Confirmación de OTTAA Link",
+ "body": "Se ha confirmado la vinculación de tu cuenta"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "game": {
+ "play": "¡Juguemos!",
+ "next": "Jugar",
+ "game_header_0": "¿Cuál es el pictograma?",
+ "game_header_1": "Unir pictogramas",
+ "game_header_2": "Juego de la Memoria",
+ "game_header_3": "Crea una historia",
+ "game_sub_0": "Respondé las preguntas eligiendo el pictograma correcto. Aprende jugando",
+ "game_sub_1": "Unir los pictogramas de manera correcta",
+ "game_sub_2": "Prueba tu memoria, ¿Cuánto recuerdas los pictogramas?",
+ "game_sub_3": "Elige los pictogramas que más te gusten, y con la ayuda de Chat GPT, crearás una historia.",
+ "group": "Selecciona una categoría para poder jugar",
+ "search": "Buscar Tablero",
+ "find": "Encuentra los tableros que quieras, fácilmente!",
+ "game_1_line": "Selecciona el pictograma que escuches",
+ "game_2_line": "Selecciona la palabra que corresponde a su pictograma",
+ "game_3_line": "Selecciona una tarjeta y encuentra la pareja del pictograma",
+ "game_4_line": "Agrega hasta 4 pictogramas y crea tu propia historia",
+ "no": "¡Oh Oh!",
+ "yes": "¡Muy bien!",
+ "correct": "Correcto",
+ "incorrect": "Incorrecto",
+ "use_time": "Tiempo total",
+ "maximum_streak": "Mejor racha",
+ "speak_what": "¿Cual es el picto {name}?",
+ "gptbtn": "Crear una historia",
+ "prompt": "Actúa como maestra de jardín de infantes y escribe una historia en español para niños usando las siguientes palabras:",
+ "nivel": "Nivel"
+ },
+ "exit": {
+ "long": {
+ "headline": "¿Deseas volver a la pantalla de perfiles?",
+ "body": "Mantén presionado el botón resaltado para volver",
+ "check": "No volver a mostrar este mensaje",
+ "btn": "De acuerdo"
+ },
+ "short": {
+ "headline": "¿Confima que deseas volver a la pantalla de perfiles?"
+ }
+ },
+ "create": {
+ "heading": "Crear pictograma",
+ "image_selection": "Elije la imagen que represente al pictograma",
+ "choose_color": "Elije el color",
+ "search_arsaac": "Buscar ARASAAC",
+ "time_headline": "Selecciona los horarios que más se adecuen a sus actividades",
+ "time_sub1": "¿Qué días de la semana es cuando más lo utiliza?",
+ "schedule": "¿En qué horario?",
+ "save": "Guardar pictograma",
+ "created_by_me": "Creados por mi",
+ "new_board": "Nuevo tablero",
+ "create_new_board": "Crear nuevo tablero",
+ "board_name": "Nombre del tablero",
+ "edit_picto": "Editar pictograma",
+ "final_heading": "Listo, chequea que todo este correcto"
+ }
diff --git a/assets/i18n/es_CO.json b/assets/i18n/es_CO.json
index 1b2682ab..69382dd1 100644
--- a/assets/i18n/es_CO.json
+++ b/assets/i18n/es_CO.json
@@ -1,141 +1,388 @@
- "level": "Level",
- "report": "Report",
- "vocabulary": "Vocabulary",
- "most_used_phrases": "MOST USED PHRASES",
- "pictogram_by_sentence_on_average": "Pictograms by sentences on average",
- "phrases_last_seven_days": "Phrases created in the last 7 days",
- "score_text_1": "OTTAA Score is a measure of the overall use of the application, using data as usage in the last days and average picts per sentence.",
- "most_used_groups": "Most used Groups",
- "ottaa_score": "OTTAA Score",
- "favourite_sentence": "Favourite Sentences",
- "galeria_grupos": "Gallery Groups",
- "add_pict": "Add Pict",
- "add_group": "Add Group",
- "hello_world": "Hello World",
- "we_are_preparing_everything": "We are preparing everything...",
- "Hello": "Hello",
- "Continue": "Continue",
- "Please_register_to": "Please Register to",
- "Login_with_google": "Login with Google",
- "Login_with_facebook": "Login with Facebook",
- "Welcome_this_is_ottaa": "Welcome, this is OTTAA",
- "We_help_thousands_of_children_with_speech_problems_to_communicate_improving_their_quality_of_life": "We help thousands of children with speech problems to communicate, improving their quality of life",
- "Previous": "Previous",
- "Next": "Next",
- "Thank_you_for_choosing_ottaa_project": "Thank you for choosing OTTAA PROJECT",
- "please_enter_some_text": "Please enter some text",
- "Name": "Name",
- "Gender": "Gender",
- "Date_of_birth": "Date of Birth",
- "Lets_get_to_knwo_each_other_first": "Let's get to know each other first",
- "We_are_going_to_collect_some_data_to_get_to_know_you_better": "We are going to collect some data to get to know you better",
- "Launch_short_tutorial": "Launch short Tutorial",
- "Do_a_guided_workshop": "DO A GUIDED WORKSHOP",
- "Book_a_demo": "BOOK A DEMO",
- "Ottaa_is_a_powerful_communication_tool": "OTTAA is a powerful \ncommunication tool",
- "We_offer_you_different_options_so_that_you_learn_how_to_use_it_and_get_the_most_out_of_it": "We offer you different options so that you learn how to use it and get the most out of it.",
- "Choose_your_avatar": "Choose your Avatar",
- "Final_step_join": "Final step, join",
- "Create_your_avatar_to_be_able_to_recognize_you_all_the_time": "Create your Avatar to be able to recognize you all the time",
- "Create_your_phrase": "CREATE YOUR PHRASES",
- "step1_long": "Touch one or more of the pictograms to create a sentence as long as you like. The pictograms are automatically related and you will always have one more pictogram to add",
- "Talk_to_the_world": "TALK TO THE WORLD",
- "step2_long": "Once the phrase is created, touch the OTTAA logo to speak aloud or using the share icon, you can send your phrase through the most used social networks",
- "Access_thousands_of_pictograms": "ACCESS THOUSANDS OF PICTOGRAMS",
- "Step3_long": "In OTTAA you have access to thousands of pictograms so you can talk about whatever you want. Find the Gallery of Pîctos in the lower left corner of the main screen",
- "Ready": "Ready",
- "Step4_long": "Enter the selection of games to learn while playing. OTTAA has educational games to learn vocabulary, concepts and much more. Also, more games will be available soon.",
- "Play_and_learn": "PLAY AND LEARN",
- "Male": "Male",
- "Female": "Female",
- "Binary": "Binary",
- "Fluid": "Fluid",
- "Other": "Other",
- "hola_nnos_conozcamos_un_poco": "Hello,\nLet\"s get to know each other a little bit.",
- "vamos_a_pedirte_cierta_informaci_n_para_nmejorar_tu_experiencia_con_ottaa": "We will ask you for certain information\nto improve your experience with OTTAA.",
- "check_if_the_info_is_correct_nif_not_change_it_as_you_wish_this_will_help_us_to_personalize_the_app_for_you": "Check if the info is correct,\nif not, change it as you wish. This will help us to personalize the app for you.",
- "te_ofrecemos_varias_opciones_para_naprender_a_utilizarla_y_sacarle_el_maximo_provecho": "We offer you several options to\nlearn how to use it and get the most out of it",
- "por_ltimo": "At Last!",
- "elige_un_personaje_que_nmejor_te_represente": "Choose a character that best represents you",
- "edit_pictogram": "Edit pictogram",
- "text": "Text",
- "frame": "Frame",
- "tags": "tags",
- "keep_your_ottaa_up_to_date": "Keep your OTTAA up-to-date",
- "account_info": "Account Info",
- "account": "Account",
- "account_type": "Account Type",
- "current_ottaa_installed": "Current OTTAA Installed",
- "current_ottaa_version": "Current OTTAA Version",
- "device_name": "Device Name",
- "contact_support": "Contact Support",
- "edit": "Edit",
- "delete": "Delete",
- "fitzgerald_key": "Fitzgerald key",
- "actions": "Actions",
- "interactions": "Interactions",
- "people": "people",
- "nouns": "Nouns",
- "adjectives": "Adjectives",
- "miscellaneous": "Miscellaneous",
- "choose_a_tag": "Choose a TAG",
- "tags_widget_long_1": "By choosing TAGs you need to predict better when to show certain pictgorams, based on Time,Location, Calender or Weather",
- "text_widget_long_1": "Enter the text to say it loud, can be a single word or a full sentence. Is up to you!",
- "important": "Important",
- "do_you_want_to_save_changes": "Do you want to save changes",
- "no": "No",
- "yes": "Yes",
- "go_back": "Go Back",
- "choose_an_option": "Choose an option",
- "camera": "Camera",
- "gallery": "Gallery",
- "download_from_arasaac": "Download from ARASAAC",
- "tags_will_come_in_next_release": "TAGs will come in next Release",
- "mute": "Mute",
- "about_ottaa": "About OTTAA",
- "configuration": "Settings",
- "tutorial": "Tutorial",
- "close_application": "Close Application",
- "sign_out": "Sign out",
- "language": "Language",
- "ottaa_labs": "OTTA Labs",
- "language_page_long_1": "Use artificial intelligence to generate a richer sentence. You need a stable internet connection.",
- "settings": "Settings",
- "pictograms": "Pictograms",
- "prediction": "Prediction",
- "accessibility": "Accessibility",
- "voice_and_subtitles": "Voice and subtitles",
- "all_phrases": "All Phrases",
- "search": "Search",
- "please_enter_a_valid_search": "Please enter a valid search",
- "choose_a_picto_to_speak": "Choose a Picto to speak",
- "we_are_working_on_this_feature": "We are working on this feature",
- "most_used_sentences": "Most used Sentences",
- "price_one": "Get access today to all the useful features that OTTAA Premium has to offer for only 990 ARS per month.",
- "purchase_subscription": "PURCHASE SUBSCRIPTION",
- "sentence_1": "Get access to educational games that allow you to evaluate vocabulary in a fun way",
- "sentence_2": "Use OTTAA Project with screen scanning, connect accessible buttons and much more.",
- "sentence_3": "With the premium version you can use the GPS to have a better prediction based on the commerce or place where you are",
- "whats_the_picto": "What\"s the picto?",
- "game1": "Answer the questions by choosing the right pictogram.\nLearn by playing!",
- "match_picto": "Match Picto",
- "game2": "Attach the pictogram correctly",
- "memory_game": "Memory Game",
- "game3": "Test your memory",
- "play": "PLAY",
- "select_a_category_to_play": "Select a category to play",
- "image": "Image",
- "share_text": "please, create a phrase and select the share button",
- "text_to_speche_engine": "TEXT-TO-SPEECH-ENGINE",
- "enable_custom_tts": "Enable custom TTS",
- "speech_rate": "Speech Rate",
- "speech_pitch": "Speech Pitch",
- "customized_subtitle": "Customized subtitle",
- "size": "Size",
- "upperCase": "UpperCase",
- "it_allows_uppercase_subtitles": "It allows uppercase subtitles.",
- "login_screen": "Hello, welcome to OTTAA Project, the first predictive communication platform for people with speech impairments, please login with your account and fill in some data to benefit from our prediction."
\ No newline at end of file
+ "profile": {
+ "selection": {
+ "text1": "¿Quién va a utilizar la aplicación en este dispositivo?",
+ "caregiver_text": "Necesita comunicarse",
+ "user_text": "Necesita comunicarse"
+ },
+ "hello": "Hola {name}!",
+ "ottaa": {
+ "tips": "OTTAA tips"
+ },
+ "mail": "Correo electrónico",
+ "date": "Fecha de nacimiento",
+ "faq": {
+ "title": "Preguntas frecuentes",
+ "faq0": "¿Quién puede usar la aplicación OTTAA?",
+ "faq0Description": "OTTAA está diseñado para personas no verbales, es decir, cualquier persona que no utilice el habla oral para comunicarse. Las personas que usan OTTAA hoy en día fueron diagnosticadas con autismo, parálisis cerebral, síndrome de Down, esclerosis lateral amiotrófica (ELA), atrofia muscular espinal (AME) o síndrome de enclaustramiento post al accidente cerebrovascular (LiS), entre otras afecciones. Al ser una herramienta de comunicación dinámica, OTTAA requiere que sus usuarios posean funciones cognitivas de nivel medio a alto. Sin embargo, nos gusta considerar cada caso individualmente, así que no dude en ponerse en contacto y solicitar una evaluación en línea con nuestro equipo.",
+ "faq1": "¿Cómo funciona la aplicación?",
+ "faq1Description": "La aplicación OTTAA proporciona al usuario pictogramas: imágenes que representan acciones, objetos, sentimientos o emociones. El usuario puede elegir los pictogramas que necesita y crear una frase, esta se traduce de los pictogramas a una oración escrita que aparece en la pantalla y que la aplicación también lee en voz alta. Consulta nuestro canal de Youtube para obtener una explicación más visual.",
+ "faq2": "¿En qué se diferencia esta aplicación de otros dispositivos AAC (comunicación aumentativa y alternativa)?",
+ "faq2Description": "La aplicación OTTAA es diferente de otras aplicaciones de CAA debido a su innovador algoritmo predictivo y generador de lenguaje natural, que permite que la aplicación aprenda del comportamiento del usuario en la aplicación, su edad, sexo, la hora del día y su ubicación para pre -seleccionar pictograma(s) para el momento comunicacional en el que se encuentran.",
+ "faq3": "¿Cuánto cuesta la aplicación OTTAA?",
+ "faq3Description": "La aplicación OTTAA es gratuita para descargar y usar. Para crear un producto sostenible que resista el paso del tiempo, hay algunas características que requieren una suscripción para utilizarlas. Sin embargo, estamos trabajando arduamente para brindar financiamiento a todos los que lo necesitan.\n\nSi estás en Argentina, cualquier ayuda técnica que necesite una persona debe estar cubierto por un seguro de salud. Comuníquese con nuestro equipo para obtener orientación y asistencia sobre cómo obtener esta cobertura.\n\nSi sos de cualquier otro país de LATAM y querés compartir tu experiencia sobre este tema, no dudes en comunicarte, tu contribución podría ayudar a muchas personas.",
+ "faq4": "¿Qué idiomas son compatibles con el Proyecto OTTAA?",
+ "faq4Description": "Actualmente admitimos español, inglés, portugués y francés. Para español, tenemos versiones localizadas de Argentina, Chile, Colombia y España. Estamos buscando activamente contribuciones sobre nuevos idiomas o una mejor localización para las variedades españolas. Únete a nuestra comunidad de crowdin para contribuir.",
+ "faq5": "¿Cómo puedo colaborar con el Proyecto OTTAA?",
+ "faq5Description": "Los colaboradores pueden ayudar a OTTAA con el desarrollo, las pruebas y/o la traducción. Para leer más sobre el tema y comenzar, consulta la sección Contribuir en el repositorio oficial de OTTAA en GitHub."
+ },
+ "caregiver": "Acompañante",
+ "caregivers_families": "Profesionales/Familiares",
+ "user": "Usuario/a",
+ "user_description": "Persona no verbal",
+ "wait": "Por favor espera",
+ "setting_exp": "Configurando tu experiencia...",
+ "link_account": "Vincular una cuenta",
+ "use": {
+ "ottaa": "Utilizar OTTAA"
+ },
+ "close_profile": "Ocultar",
+ "open_profile": "Ver perfil",
+ "no_account": "Modo sin perfil",
+ "new_existant": "Nuevo/Existente",
+ "what_do": "¿Qué quieres hacer?",
+ "profile": "Perfil",
+ "linked_accounts": "Cuentas vinculadas",
+ "name": "Nombre",
+ "logout": "Cerrar sesión",
+ "last_name": "Apellido",
+ "role": "Rol de uso",
+ "day": "Día",
+ "month": "Mes",
+ "year": "Año",
+ "tips": {
+ "title1": "Estadísticas",
+ "title2": "Tableros",
+ "title3": "Historial",
+ "title4": "Favoritos",
+ "text1": "Mira las estadísticas de tu paciente/familiar, para ver su actividad y cómo fue mejorando a lo largo de los días, semanas y meses.",
+ "text2": "Oculta los tableros que no use el usuario, para que le aparezcan los tableros que más utiliza y necesita.",
+ "text3": "Utiliza el historial para ver tus frases pasadas, qué hiciste durante el día y contar historias.",
+ "text4": "Guarda pictogramas o frases favoritas, para poder acceder a ellas más rápidamente."
+ },
+ "unlink": "Desvincular",
+ "unlink_account": "¿Desea desvincular a {name} de sus cuentas?",
+ "help": {
+ "help": "¿Necesita ayuda?",
+ "title1": "Preguntas frecuentes",
+ "title2": "Contactar con el soporte"
+ },
+ "link": {
+ "title": "Vincular Cuenta",
+ "mail": {
+ "title": "Introduzca el correo electrónico vinculado a la cuenta de OTTAA",
+ "input": {
+ "required": "El correo electrónico es obligatorio",
+ "invalid": "El correo electrónico no es válido"
+ },
+ "warn": "*Se enviará una notificación con un código para enlazar los perfiles.",
+ "contact": "*Asegurate de estar en contacto con la persona que posea esta cuenta en un dispositivo."
+ },
+ "token": {
+ "title": "Coloque el código de verificación que llegó como notificación a otro dispositivo.",
+ "problem": "¿Tiene problemas para vincular las cuentas?",
+ "resend": "Reenviar código",
+ "back": "Introducir otro email",
+ "invalid": "Token no válido"
+ },
+ "wait": {
+ "title": "Espere",
+ "subtitle": "Cargando perfil..."
+ },
+ "success": {
+ "title": "Perfil vinculado con éxito!",
+ "lastTime": "Últ. vez {date}"
+ },
+ "error": {
+ "link-exist": "Ya están vinculadas",
+ "miss-caregiver": "Error: Cuidador 404",
+ "miss-user": "Error: Usuario 404",
+ "user-no-comp": "Error: Usuario 406",
+ "caregiver-no-comp": "Error: Cuidador 406",
+ "autolink": "Error: Misma cuenta",
+ "auth/user-not-found": "Usuario no encontrado",
+ "miss-token": "Falta el Token",
+ "invalid-token": "Token no válido",
+ "expired-token": "Token caducado"
+ }
+ },
+ "delete_account": "Eliminar cuenta"
+ },
+ "user": {
+ "main": {
+ "title": "Configura tu experiencia",
+ "subtitle1": "Uso de la aplicación",
+ "subtitle2": "Lenguaje predictivo"
+ },
+ "settings": {
+ "main_screen": "Pantalla principal",
+ "accessibility": "Accesibilidad",
+ "voice_and_subtitles": "Voz y subtítulos",
+ "language": "Lenguaje"
+ },
+ "main_setting": {
+ "interaction": "Interacciones",
+ "talk_delete": "Hablar y Borrar",
+ "shortcut": "Atajos en el Inicio",
+ "board_view": "Vista de tableros",
+ "tabs": "Por pestañas",
+ "grid": "Grilla",
+ "ottaa_labs": "OTTAA Labs",
+ "labs_text": "Función frases verbales",
+ "labs_long": "Función en Modo Beta\nPermite generar frases con tiempos verbales más complejas",
+ "one_by_one": "ONE by ONE"
+ },
+ "accessibility": {
+ "selection": "Selección",
+ "bar_text": "Tiempo de clickeo (Segundos)",
+ "connected": "Dispositivos conectados",
+ "device": "Dispositivo de accesibilidad",
+ "press": "Press&Press",
+ "scroll": "Scroll&Press",
+ "sip": "Soplo y succión",
+ "selection_type": "Tipo de selección",
+ "swept": "Barrido",
+ "speed": "Velocidad",
+ "selection_speed": "Velocidad de selección"
+ },
+ "voice_and_subtitle": {
+ "voice_types": "Tipos de voz",
+ "voice_rate": "Velocidad de voz",
+ "voz1": "Voz 1",
+ "voz2": "Voz 2",
+ "voz3": "Voz 3",
+ "mute": "Silenciar pictogramas",
+ "subtitle": "Subtítulos",
+ "show": "Mostrar subtítulos",
+ "size": "Tamaño",
+ "capital": "Mayúsculas"
+ },
+ "language": {
+ "set": "Idioma establecido"
+ }
+ },
+ "global": {
+ "hello_world": "Hola Mundo",
+ "hello": "Hola",
+ "continue": "Continuar",
+ "next": "Siguiente",
+ "back": "Anterior",
+ "please_enter_text": "Por favor, introduce un texto",
+ "done": "Listo",
+ "yes": "Sí",
+ "delete": "Borrar",
+ "edit": "Editar",
+ "no": "No",
+ "mute": "Silenciar",
+ "important": "Importante",
+ "save_changes": "Guardar cambios",
+ "send": "Enviar",
+ "skip": "Omitir",
+ "email": "Email",
+ "step": "Paso",
+ "share": "Compartir",
+ "support": "Soporte",
+ "congrats": "Felicitaciones",
+ "settings": "Configuración",
+ "general": "General",
+ "pictogram": "Pictogramas",
+ "configuration": "Configuración",
+ "user_ottaa": "Usar OTTAA como",
+ "cancel": "Cancelar",
+ "slow": "Lenta",
+ "default": "Predeterminada",
+ "fast": "Rápida",
+ "voice": "Voz",
+ "small": "Pequeño",
+ "medium": "Mediano",
+ "big": "Grande",
+ "comingsoon": "¡Esta característica estará disponible muy pronto!",
+ "delicate": "Región",
+ "chile": "Chile",
+ "spanish": "Español",
+ "argentina": "Argentina",
+ "colombia": "Colombia",
+ "english": "Inglés",
+ "italian": "Italiano",
+ "french": "Francés",
+ "portuguese": "Portugues",
+ "test": "Esta es la voz que vas a usar en ota",
+ "add": "Agregar",
+ "confirm": "Confirmar",
+ "gallery": "galería",
+ "arasaac": "ARASAAC",
+ "text": "Texto",
+ "color": "Color",
+ "search": "Buscar",
+ "actions": "Acciones",
+ "people": "Personas",
+ "miscellaneous": "Miscelaneas",
+ "noun": "Sustantivos",
+ "adjective": "Adjetivos",
+ "predictive": "Predictivo",
+ "sunday": "Domingo",
+ "monday": "Lunes",
+ "tuesday": "Martes",
+ "wednesday": "Miércoles",
+ "thursday": "Jueves",
+ "friday": "Viernes",
+ "saturday": "Sábado",
+ "tomorrow": "Mañana",
+ "noon": "Mediodía",
+ "late": "Tarde",
+ "evening": "Noche",
+ "add_new": "Agregar nuevo",
+ "disguise": "Ocultar",
+ "save": "Guardar",
+ "image": "Imágen",
+ "saved_in": "Guardado en",
+ "location": "Ubicación",
+ "voices": "Por favor, instale voces desde la configuración para una mejor usabilidad"
+ },
+ "onboarding": {
+ "start": "Comenzar",
+ "profile": {
+ "title": "Pantalla de perfiles",
+ "subtitle": "¿Quién va a usar OTTAA hoy?",
+ "description": "Con la selección de perfiles vas a poder usar OTTAA desde cualquier dispositivo, manteniendo tus pictogramas y estilos!"
+ },
+ "home": {
+ "title": "Personaliza tu Inicio",
+ "subtitle": "Atajos en la pantalla principal",
+ "description": "Personalizá de acuerdo a tus gustos y necesidades"
+ },
+ "customize": {
+ "title": "Personalizá tu Home",
+ "subtitle": "Acompañamos en el proceso de aprendizaje",
+ "description": "Activá o desactivá tableros o pictogramas para modificar la predicción, vos tenés el control."
+ },
+ "skip": {
+ "title": "¿Estás de acuerdo en saltar la introducción?"
+ }
+ },
+ "terms": {
+ "button": "Acepto los términos",
+ "text": "Para continuar, necesitamos que aceptes los términos y condiciones.\nVer términos"
+ },
+ "loginWait": {
+ "text": "Te damos la bienvenida!\nAl mundo de OTTAA"
+ },
+ "login": {
+ "title": "Ingresa con tu cuenta",
+ "google": "Continuar con Google.",
+ "facebook": "Continuar con Facebook",
+ "apple": "Continuar con Apple",
+ "register": "¿Todavía no tienes cuenta? Regístrate aquí",
+ "wait": {
+ "title": "Te damos la bienvenida!",
+ "subtitle": "Al nuevo mundo de OTTAA Project"
+ }
+ },
+ "customize": {
+ "board": {
+ "title": "¿Qué tableros utilizará el usuario para comunicarse?",
+ "appbar": "Tableros predictivos",
+ "skip": "¿Omitir la elección de tableros?",
+ "subtitle": "Ver pictogramas"
+ },
+ "shortcut": {
+ "title": "Seleccioná los atajos que aparecerán en la pantalla principal.",
+ "appbar": "Atajos",
+ "favorites": "Favoritos",
+ "history": "Historial",
+ "camera": "Cámara",
+ "games": "Juegos"
+ },
+ "picto": {
+ "title": "Tablero {name}",
+ "switch": "Activar tablero"
+ },
+ "help": {
+ "boards": "Los tableros predictivos permiten configurar qué grupo de pictogramas se mostrará en la pantalla del usuario/a final.",
+ "shortcut": "Los atajos son accesos rápidos a distintas funciones para que el/la usuario/a final disponga en su pantalla principal."
+ },
+ "wait": {
+ "title": "¡Felicitaciones!",
+ "subtitle": "Has configurado la experiencia de {name}",
+ "button": "Ir al panel de perfiles"
+ },
+ "skip": "¿Estás de acuerdo en saltar las preferencias del perfil?"
+ },
+ "home": {
+ "grid": {
+ "title": "Tableros",
+ "pictos": "Tablero {group}"
+ }
+ },
+ "chatgpt": {
+ "prompt": "escribir una frase en español con estas palabras como si fueras {gender}, agregando conectores y artículos cuando sea necesario, pero sin cambiar las palabras: {pictograms}"
+ },
+ "notification": {
+ "code": {
+ "request": {
+ "title": "Verificación de OTTAA Link",
+ "body": "Están intentando vincular tu cuenta con el token {linkToken}"
+ },
+ "confirm": {
+ "title": "Confirmación de OTTAA Link",
+ "body": "Se ha confirmado la vinculación de tu cuenta"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "game": {
+ "play": "¡Juguemos!",
+ "next": "Jugar",
+ "game_header_0": "¿Cuál es el pictograma?",
+ "game_header_1": "Unir pictogramas",
+ "game_header_2": "Juego de la Memoria",
+ "game_header_3": "Armá una historia",
+ "game_sub_0": "Respondé las preguntas eligiendo el pictograma correcto. Aprende jugando",
+ "game_sub_1": "Unir los pictogramas de manera correcta",
+ "game_sub_2": "Prueba tu memoria, ¿Cuánto recuerdas los pictogramas?",
+ "game_sub_3": "Elegí los pictogramas que más te gusten, y con la ayuda de Chat GPT, crearás una historia.",
+ "group": "Seleccioná una categoría para poder jugar",
+ "search": "Buscar Tablero",
+ "find": "Encuentra los tableros que quieras, fácilmente!",
+ "game_1_line": "Seleccioná el pictograma que escuches",
+ "game_2_line": "Seleccioná la palabra que corresponde a su pictograma",
+ "game_3_line": "Seleccioná una tarjeta y encontrá la pareja del pictograma",
+ "game_4_line": "Agregá hasta 4 pictogramas y creá tu propia historia",
+ "no": "¡Oh Oh!",
+ "yes": "¡Muy bien!",
+ "correct": "Correcto",
+ "incorrect": "Incorrecto",
+ "use_time": "Tiempo total",
+ "maximum_streak": "Mejor racha",
+ "speak_what": "¿Cual es el picto {name}?",
+ "gptbtn": "Crear historia",
+ "prompt": "Actúa como maestra de jardín de infantes y escribe una historia en español para niños usando las siguientes palabras:",
+ "nivel": "Nivel"
+ },
+ "exit": {
+ "long": {
+ "headline": "¿Deseas volver a la pantalla de perfiles?",
+ "body": "Mantén presionado el botón resaltado para volver",
+ "check": "No volver a mostrar este mensaje",
+ "btn": "De acuerdo"
+ },
+ "short": {
+ "headline": "¿Confima que deseas volver a la pantalla de perfiles?"
+ }
+ },
+ "create": {
+ "heading": "Crear pictograma",
+ "image_selection": "Elije la imagen que represente al pictograma",
+ "choose_color": "Elije el color",
+ "search_arsaac": "Buscar ARASAAC",
+ "time_headline": "Selecciona los horarios que más se adecuen a sus actividades",
+ "time_sub1": "¿Qué días de la semana es cuando más lo utiliza?",
+ "schedule": "¿En qué horario?",
+ "save": "Guardar pictograma",
+ "created_by_me": "Creados por mi",
+ "new_board": "Nuevo tablero",
+ "create_new_board": "Crear nuevo tablero",
+ "board_name": "Nombre del tablero",
+ "edit_picto": "Editar pictograma",
+ "final_heading": "Listo, chequea que todo este correcto"
+ }
diff --git a/assets/i18n/es_ES.json b/assets/i18n/es_ES.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..69382dd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/i18n/es_ES.json
@@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
+ "profile": {
+ "selection": {
+ "text1": "¿Quién va a utilizar la aplicación en este dispositivo?",
+ "caregiver_text": "Necesita comunicarse",
+ "user_text": "Necesita comunicarse"
+ },
+ "hello": "Hola {name}!",
+ "ottaa": {
+ "tips": "OTTAA tips"
+ },
+ "mail": "Correo electrónico",
+ "date": "Fecha de nacimiento",
+ "faq": {
+ "title": "Preguntas frecuentes",
+ "faq0": "¿Quién puede usar la aplicación OTTAA?",
+ "faq0Description": "OTTAA está diseñado para personas no verbales, es decir, cualquier persona que no utilice el habla oral para comunicarse. Las personas que usan OTTAA hoy en día fueron diagnosticadas con autismo, parálisis cerebral, síndrome de Down, esclerosis lateral amiotrófica (ELA), atrofia muscular espinal (AME) o síndrome de enclaustramiento post al accidente cerebrovascular (LiS), entre otras afecciones. Al ser una herramienta de comunicación dinámica, OTTAA requiere que sus usuarios posean funciones cognitivas de nivel medio a alto. Sin embargo, nos gusta considerar cada caso individualmente, así que no dude en ponerse en contacto y solicitar una evaluación en línea con nuestro equipo.",
+ "faq1": "¿Cómo funciona la aplicación?",
+ "faq1Description": "La aplicación OTTAA proporciona al usuario pictogramas: imágenes que representan acciones, objetos, sentimientos o emociones. El usuario puede elegir los pictogramas que necesita y crear una frase, esta se traduce de los pictogramas a una oración escrita que aparece en la pantalla y que la aplicación también lee en voz alta. Consulta nuestro canal de Youtube para obtener una explicación más visual.",
+ "faq2": "¿En qué se diferencia esta aplicación de otros dispositivos AAC (comunicación aumentativa y alternativa)?",
+ "faq2Description": "La aplicación OTTAA es diferente de otras aplicaciones de CAA debido a su innovador algoritmo predictivo y generador de lenguaje natural, que permite que la aplicación aprenda del comportamiento del usuario en la aplicación, su edad, sexo, la hora del día y su ubicación para pre -seleccionar pictograma(s) para el momento comunicacional en el que se encuentran.",
+ "faq3": "¿Cuánto cuesta la aplicación OTTAA?",
+ "faq3Description": "La aplicación OTTAA es gratuita para descargar y usar. Para crear un producto sostenible que resista el paso del tiempo, hay algunas características que requieren una suscripción para utilizarlas. Sin embargo, estamos trabajando arduamente para brindar financiamiento a todos los que lo necesitan.\n\nSi estás en Argentina, cualquier ayuda técnica que necesite una persona debe estar cubierto por un seguro de salud. Comuníquese con nuestro equipo para obtener orientación y asistencia sobre cómo obtener esta cobertura.\n\nSi sos de cualquier otro país de LATAM y querés compartir tu experiencia sobre este tema, no dudes en comunicarte, tu contribución podría ayudar a muchas personas.",
+ "faq4": "¿Qué idiomas son compatibles con el Proyecto OTTAA?",
+ "faq4Description": "Actualmente admitimos español, inglés, portugués y francés. Para español, tenemos versiones localizadas de Argentina, Chile, Colombia y España. Estamos buscando activamente contribuciones sobre nuevos idiomas o una mejor localización para las variedades españolas. Únete a nuestra comunidad de crowdin para contribuir.",
+ "faq5": "¿Cómo puedo colaborar con el Proyecto OTTAA?",
+ "faq5Description": "Los colaboradores pueden ayudar a OTTAA con el desarrollo, las pruebas y/o la traducción. Para leer más sobre el tema y comenzar, consulta la sección Contribuir en el repositorio oficial de OTTAA en GitHub."
+ },
+ "caregiver": "Acompañante",
+ "caregivers_families": "Profesionales/Familiares",
+ "user": "Usuario/a",
+ "user_description": "Persona no verbal",
+ "wait": "Por favor espera",
+ "setting_exp": "Configurando tu experiencia...",
+ "link_account": "Vincular una cuenta",
+ "use": {
+ "ottaa": "Utilizar OTTAA"
+ },
+ "close_profile": "Ocultar",
+ "open_profile": "Ver perfil",
+ "no_account": "Modo sin perfil",
+ "new_existant": "Nuevo/Existente",
+ "what_do": "¿Qué quieres hacer?",
+ "profile": "Perfil",
+ "linked_accounts": "Cuentas vinculadas",
+ "name": "Nombre",
+ "logout": "Cerrar sesión",
+ "last_name": "Apellido",
+ "role": "Rol de uso",
+ "day": "Día",
+ "month": "Mes",
+ "year": "Año",
+ "tips": {
+ "title1": "Estadísticas",
+ "title2": "Tableros",
+ "title3": "Historial",
+ "title4": "Favoritos",
+ "text1": "Mira las estadísticas de tu paciente/familiar, para ver su actividad y cómo fue mejorando a lo largo de los días, semanas y meses.",
+ "text2": "Oculta los tableros que no use el usuario, para que le aparezcan los tableros que más utiliza y necesita.",
+ "text3": "Utiliza el historial para ver tus frases pasadas, qué hiciste durante el día y contar historias.",
+ "text4": "Guarda pictogramas o frases favoritas, para poder acceder a ellas más rápidamente."
+ },
+ "unlink": "Desvincular",
+ "unlink_account": "¿Desea desvincular a {name} de sus cuentas?",
+ "help": {
+ "help": "¿Necesita ayuda?",
+ "title1": "Preguntas frecuentes",
+ "title2": "Contactar con el soporte"
+ },
+ "link": {
+ "title": "Vincular Cuenta",
+ "mail": {
+ "title": "Introduzca el correo electrónico vinculado a la cuenta de OTTAA",
+ "input": {
+ "required": "El correo electrónico es obligatorio",
+ "invalid": "El correo electrónico no es válido"
+ },
+ "warn": "*Se enviará una notificación con un código para enlazar los perfiles.",
+ "contact": "*Asegurate de estar en contacto con la persona que posea esta cuenta en un dispositivo."
+ },
+ "token": {
+ "title": "Coloque el código de verificación que llegó como notificación a otro dispositivo.",
+ "problem": "¿Tiene problemas para vincular las cuentas?",
+ "resend": "Reenviar código",
+ "back": "Introducir otro email",
+ "invalid": "Token no válido"
+ },
+ "wait": {
+ "title": "Espere",
+ "subtitle": "Cargando perfil..."
+ },
+ "success": {
+ "title": "Perfil vinculado con éxito!",
+ "lastTime": "Últ. vez {date}"
+ },
+ "error": {
+ "link-exist": "Ya están vinculadas",
+ "miss-caregiver": "Error: Cuidador 404",
+ "miss-user": "Error: Usuario 404",
+ "user-no-comp": "Error: Usuario 406",
+ "caregiver-no-comp": "Error: Cuidador 406",
+ "autolink": "Error: Misma cuenta",
+ "auth/user-not-found": "Usuario no encontrado",
+ "miss-token": "Falta el Token",
+ "invalid-token": "Token no válido",
+ "expired-token": "Token caducado"
+ }
+ },
+ "delete_account": "Eliminar cuenta"
+ },
+ "user": {
+ "main": {
+ "title": "Configura tu experiencia",
+ "subtitle1": "Uso de la aplicación",
+ "subtitle2": "Lenguaje predictivo"
+ },
+ "settings": {
+ "main_screen": "Pantalla principal",
+ "accessibility": "Accesibilidad",
+ "voice_and_subtitles": "Voz y subtítulos",
+ "language": "Lenguaje"
+ },
+ "main_setting": {
+ "interaction": "Interacciones",
+ "talk_delete": "Hablar y Borrar",
+ "shortcut": "Atajos en el Inicio",
+ "board_view": "Vista de tableros",
+ "tabs": "Por pestañas",
+ "grid": "Grilla",
+ "ottaa_labs": "OTTAA Labs",
+ "labs_text": "Función frases verbales",
+ "labs_long": "Función en Modo Beta\nPermite generar frases con tiempos verbales más complejas",
+ "one_by_one": "ONE by ONE"
+ },
+ "accessibility": {
+ "selection": "Selección",
+ "bar_text": "Tiempo de clickeo (Segundos)",
+ "connected": "Dispositivos conectados",
+ "device": "Dispositivo de accesibilidad",
+ "press": "Press&Press",
+ "scroll": "Scroll&Press",
+ "sip": "Soplo y succión",
+ "selection_type": "Tipo de selección",
+ "swept": "Barrido",
+ "speed": "Velocidad",
+ "selection_speed": "Velocidad de selección"
+ },
+ "voice_and_subtitle": {
+ "voice_types": "Tipos de voz",
+ "voice_rate": "Velocidad de voz",
+ "voz1": "Voz 1",
+ "voz2": "Voz 2",
+ "voz3": "Voz 3",
+ "mute": "Silenciar pictogramas",
+ "subtitle": "Subtítulos",
+ "show": "Mostrar subtítulos",
+ "size": "Tamaño",
+ "capital": "Mayúsculas"
+ },
+ "language": {
+ "set": "Idioma establecido"
+ }
+ },
+ "global": {
+ "hello_world": "Hola Mundo",
+ "hello": "Hola",
+ "continue": "Continuar",
+ "next": "Siguiente",
+ "back": "Anterior",
+ "please_enter_text": "Por favor, introduce un texto",
+ "done": "Listo",
+ "yes": "Sí",
+ "delete": "Borrar",
+ "edit": "Editar",
+ "no": "No",
+ "mute": "Silenciar",
+ "important": "Importante",
+ "save_changes": "Guardar cambios",
+ "send": "Enviar",
+ "skip": "Omitir",
+ "email": "Email",
+ "step": "Paso",
+ "share": "Compartir",
+ "support": "Soporte",
+ "congrats": "Felicitaciones",
+ "settings": "Configuración",
+ "general": "General",
+ "pictogram": "Pictogramas",
+ "configuration": "Configuración",
+ "user_ottaa": "Usar OTTAA como",
+ "cancel": "Cancelar",
+ "slow": "Lenta",
+ "default": "Predeterminada",
+ "fast": "Rápida",
+ "voice": "Voz",
+ "small": "Pequeño",
+ "medium": "Mediano",
+ "big": "Grande",
+ "comingsoon": "¡Esta característica estará disponible muy pronto!",
+ "delicate": "Región",
+ "chile": "Chile",
+ "spanish": "Español",
+ "argentina": "Argentina",
+ "colombia": "Colombia",
+ "english": "Inglés",
+ "italian": "Italiano",
+ "french": "Francés",
+ "portuguese": "Portugues",
+ "test": "Esta es la voz que vas a usar en ota",
+ "add": "Agregar",
+ "confirm": "Confirmar",
+ "gallery": "galería",
+ "arasaac": "ARASAAC",
+ "text": "Texto",
+ "color": "Color",
+ "search": "Buscar",
+ "actions": "Acciones",
+ "people": "Personas",
+ "miscellaneous": "Miscelaneas",
+ "noun": "Sustantivos",
+ "adjective": "Adjetivos",
+ "predictive": "Predictivo",
+ "sunday": "Domingo",
+ "monday": "Lunes",
+ "tuesday": "Martes",
+ "wednesday": "Miércoles",
+ "thursday": "Jueves",
+ "friday": "Viernes",
+ "saturday": "Sábado",
+ "tomorrow": "Mañana",
+ "noon": "Mediodía",
+ "late": "Tarde",
+ "evening": "Noche",
+ "add_new": "Agregar nuevo",
+ "disguise": "Ocultar",
+ "save": "Guardar",
+ "image": "Imágen",
+ "saved_in": "Guardado en",
+ "location": "Ubicación",
+ "voices": "Por favor, instale voces desde la configuración para una mejor usabilidad"
+ },
+ "onboarding": {
+ "start": "Comenzar",
+ "profile": {
+ "title": "Pantalla de perfiles",
+ "subtitle": "¿Quién va a usar OTTAA hoy?",
+ "description": "Con la selección de perfiles vas a poder usar OTTAA desde cualquier dispositivo, manteniendo tus pictogramas y estilos!"
+ },
+ "home": {
+ "title": "Personaliza tu Inicio",
+ "subtitle": "Atajos en la pantalla principal",
+ "description": "Personalizá de acuerdo a tus gustos y necesidades"
+ },
+ "customize": {
+ "title": "Personalizá tu Home",
+ "subtitle": "Acompañamos en el proceso de aprendizaje",
+ "description": "Activá o desactivá tableros o pictogramas para modificar la predicción, vos tenés el control."
+ },
+ "skip": {
+ "title": "¿Estás de acuerdo en saltar la introducción?"
+ }
+ },
+ "terms": {
+ "button": "Acepto los términos",
+ "text": "Para continuar, necesitamos que aceptes los términos y condiciones.\nVer términos"
+ },
+ "loginWait": {
+ "text": "Te damos la bienvenida!\nAl mundo de OTTAA"
+ },
+ "login": {
+ "title": "Ingresa con tu cuenta",
+ "google": "Continuar con Google.",
+ "facebook": "Continuar con Facebook",
+ "apple": "Continuar con Apple",
+ "register": "¿Todavía no tienes cuenta? Regístrate aquí",
+ "wait": {
+ "title": "Te damos la bienvenida!",
+ "subtitle": "Al nuevo mundo de OTTAA Project"
+ }
+ },
+ "customize": {
+ "board": {
+ "title": "¿Qué tableros utilizará el usuario para comunicarse?",
+ "appbar": "Tableros predictivos",
+ "skip": "¿Omitir la elección de tableros?",
+ "subtitle": "Ver pictogramas"
+ },
+ "shortcut": {
+ "title": "Seleccioná los atajos que aparecerán en la pantalla principal.",
+ "appbar": "Atajos",
+ "favorites": "Favoritos",
+ "history": "Historial",
+ "camera": "Cámara",
+ "games": "Juegos"
+ },
+ "picto": {
+ "title": "Tablero {name}",
+ "switch": "Activar tablero"
+ },
+ "help": {
+ "boards": "Los tableros predictivos permiten configurar qué grupo de pictogramas se mostrará en la pantalla del usuario/a final.",
+ "shortcut": "Los atajos son accesos rápidos a distintas funciones para que el/la usuario/a final disponga en su pantalla principal."
+ },
+ "wait": {
+ "title": "¡Felicitaciones!",
+ "subtitle": "Has configurado la experiencia de {name}",
+ "button": "Ir al panel de perfiles"
+ },
+ "skip": "¿Estás de acuerdo en saltar las preferencias del perfil?"
+ },
+ "home": {
+ "grid": {
+ "title": "Tableros",
+ "pictos": "Tablero {group}"
+ }
+ },
+ "chatgpt": {
+ "prompt": "escribir una frase en español con estas palabras como si fueras {gender}, agregando conectores y artículos cuando sea necesario, pero sin cambiar las palabras: {pictograms}"
+ },
+ "notification": {
+ "code": {
+ "request": {
+ "title": "Verificación de OTTAA Link",
+ "body": "Están intentando vincular tu cuenta con el token {linkToken}"
+ },
+ "confirm": {
+ "title": "Confirmación de OTTAA Link",
+ "body": "Se ha confirmado la vinculación de tu cuenta"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "game": {
+ "play": "¡Juguemos!",
+ "next": "Jugar",
+ "game_header_0": "¿Cuál es el pictograma?",
+ "game_header_1": "Unir pictogramas",
+ "game_header_2": "Juego de la Memoria",
+ "game_header_3": "Armá una historia",
+ "game_sub_0": "Respondé las preguntas eligiendo el pictograma correcto. Aprende jugando",
+ "game_sub_1": "Unir los pictogramas de manera correcta",
+ "game_sub_2": "Prueba tu memoria, ¿Cuánto recuerdas los pictogramas?",
+ "game_sub_3": "Elegí los pictogramas que más te gusten, y con la ayuda de Chat GPT, crearás una historia.",
+ "group": "Seleccioná una categoría para poder jugar",
+ "search": "Buscar Tablero",
+ "find": "Encuentra los tableros que quieras, fácilmente!",
+ "game_1_line": "Seleccioná el pictograma que escuches",
+ "game_2_line": "Seleccioná la palabra que corresponde a su pictograma",
+ "game_3_line": "Seleccioná una tarjeta y encontrá la pareja del pictograma",
+ "game_4_line": "Agregá hasta 4 pictogramas y creá tu propia historia",
+ "no": "¡Oh Oh!",
+ "yes": "¡Muy bien!",
+ "correct": "Correcto",
+ "incorrect": "Incorrecto",
+ "use_time": "Tiempo total",
+ "maximum_streak": "Mejor racha",
+ "speak_what": "¿Cual es el picto {name}?",
+ "gptbtn": "Crear historia",
+ "prompt": "Actúa como maestra de jardín de infantes y escribe una historia en español para niños usando las siguientes palabras:",
+ "nivel": "Nivel"
+ },
+ "exit": {
+ "long": {
+ "headline": "¿Deseas volver a la pantalla de perfiles?",
+ "body": "Mantén presionado el botón resaltado para volver",
+ "check": "No volver a mostrar este mensaje",
+ "btn": "De acuerdo"
+ },
+ "short": {
+ "headline": "¿Confima que deseas volver a la pantalla de perfiles?"
+ }
+ },
+ "create": {
+ "heading": "Crear pictograma",
+ "image_selection": "Elije la imagen que represente al pictograma",
+ "choose_color": "Elije el color",
+ "search_arsaac": "Buscar ARASAAC",
+ "time_headline": "Selecciona los horarios que más se adecuen a sus actividades",
+ "time_sub1": "¿Qué días de la semana es cuando más lo utiliza?",
+ "schedule": "¿En qué horario?",
+ "save": "Guardar pictograma",
+ "created_by_me": "Creados por mi",
+ "new_board": "Nuevo tablero",
+ "create_new_board": "Crear nuevo tablero",
+ "board_name": "Nombre del tablero",
+ "edit_picto": "Editar pictograma",
+ "final_heading": "Listo, chequea que todo este correcto"
+ }
diff --git a/assets/i18n/es_MX.json b/assets/i18n/es_MX.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b2682ab..00000000
--- a/assets/i18n/es_MX.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
- "level": "Level",
- "report": "Report",
- "vocabulary": "Vocabulary",
- "most_used_phrases": "MOST USED PHRASES",
- "pictogram_by_sentence_on_average": "Pictograms by sentences on average",
- "phrases_last_seven_days": "Phrases created in the last 7 days",
- "score_text_1": "OTTAA Score is a measure of the overall use of the application, using data as usage in the last days and average picts per sentence.",
- "most_used_groups": "Most used Groups",
- "ottaa_score": "OTTAA Score",
- "favourite_sentence": "Favourite Sentences",
- "galeria_grupos": "Gallery Groups",
- "add_pict": "Add Pict",
- "add_group": "Add Group",
- "hello_world": "Hello World",
- "we_are_preparing_everything": "We are preparing everything...",
- "Hello": "Hello",
- "Continue": "Continue",
- "Please_register_to": "Please Register to",
- "Login_with_google": "Login with Google",
- "Login_with_facebook": "Login with Facebook",
- "Welcome_this_is_ottaa": "Welcome, this is OTTAA",
- "We_help_thousands_of_children_with_speech_problems_to_communicate_improving_their_quality_of_life": "We help thousands of children with speech problems to communicate, improving their quality of life",
- "Previous": "Previous",
- "Next": "Next",
- "Thank_you_for_choosing_ottaa_project": "Thank you for choosing OTTAA PROJECT",
- "please_enter_some_text": "Please enter some text",
- "Name": "Name",
- "Gender": "Gender",
- "Date_of_birth": "Date of Birth",
- "Lets_get_to_knwo_each_other_first": "Let's get to know each other first",
- "We_are_going_to_collect_some_data_to_get_to_know_you_better": "We are going to collect some data to get to know you better",
- "Launch_short_tutorial": "Launch short Tutorial",
- "Do_a_guided_workshop": "DO A GUIDED WORKSHOP",
- "Book_a_demo": "BOOK A DEMO",
- "Ottaa_is_a_powerful_communication_tool": "OTTAA is a powerful \ncommunication tool",
- "We_offer_you_different_options_so_that_you_learn_how_to_use_it_and_get_the_most_out_of_it": "We offer you different options so that you learn how to use it and get the most out of it.",
- "Choose_your_avatar": "Choose your Avatar",
- "Final_step_join": "Final step, join",
- "Create_your_avatar_to_be_able_to_recognize_you_all_the_time": "Create your Avatar to be able to recognize you all the time",
- "Create_your_phrase": "CREATE YOUR PHRASES",
- "step1_long": "Touch one or more of the pictograms to create a sentence as long as you like. The pictograms are automatically related and you will always have one more pictogram to add",
- "Talk_to_the_world": "TALK TO THE WORLD",
- "step2_long": "Once the phrase is created, touch the OTTAA logo to speak aloud or using the share icon, you can send your phrase through the most used social networks",
- "Access_thousands_of_pictograms": "ACCESS THOUSANDS OF PICTOGRAMS",
- "Step3_long": "In OTTAA you have access to thousands of pictograms so you can talk about whatever you want. Find the Gallery of Pîctos in the lower left corner of the main screen",
- "Ready": "Ready",
- "Step4_long": "Enter the selection of games to learn while playing. OTTAA has educational games to learn vocabulary, concepts and much more. Also, more games will be available soon.",
- "Play_and_learn": "PLAY AND LEARN",
- "Male": "Male",
- "Female": "Female",
- "Binary": "Binary",
- "Fluid": "Fluid",
- "Other": "Other",
- "hola_nnos_conozcamos_un_poco": "Hello,\nLet\"s get to know each other a little bit.",
- "vamos_a_pedirte_cierta_informaci_n_para_nmejorar_tu_experiencia_con_ottaa": "We will ask you for certain information\nto improve your experience with OTTAA.",
- "check_if_the_info_is_correct_nif_not_change_it_as_you_wish_this_will_help_us_to_personalize_the_app_for_you": "Check if the info is correct,\nif not, change it as you wish. This will help us to personalize the app for you.",
- "te_ofrecemos_varias_opciones_para_naprender_a_utilizarla_y_sacarle_el_maximo_provecho": "We offer you several options to\nlearn how to use it and get the most out of it",
- "por_ltimo": "At Last!",
- "elige_un_personaje_que_nmejor_te_represente": "Choose a character that best represents you",
- "edit_pictogram": "Edit pictogram",
- "text": "Text",
- "frame": "Frame",
- "tags": "tags",
- "keep_your_ottaa_up_to_date": "Keep your OTTAA up-to-date",
- "account_info": "Account Info",
- "account": "Account",
- "account_type": "Account Type",
- "current_ottaa_installed": "Current OTTAA Installed",
- "current_ottaa_version": "Current OTTAA Version",
- "device_name": "Device Name",
- "contact_support": "Contact Support",
- "edit": "Edit",
- "delete": "Delete",
- "fitzgerald_key": "Fitzgerald key",
- "actions": "Actions",
- "interactions": "Interactions",
- "people": "people",
- "nouns": "Nouns",
- "adjectives": "Adjectives",
- "miscellaneous": "Miscellaneous",
- "choose_a_tag": "Choose a TAG",
- "tags_widget_long_1": "By choosing TAGs you need to predict better when to show certain pictgorams, based on Time,Location, Calender or Weather",
- "text_widget_long_1": "Enter the text to say it loud, can be a single word or a full sentence. Is up to you!",
- "important": "Important",
- "do_you_want_to_save_changes": "Do you want to save changes",
- "no": "No",
- "yes": "Yes",
- "go_back": "Go Back",
- "choose_an_option": "Choose an option",
- "camera": "Camera",
- "gallery": "Gallery",
- "download_from_arasaac": "Download from ARASAAC",
- "tags_will_come_in_next_release": "TAGs will come in next Release",
- "mute": "Mute",
- "about_ottaa": "About OTTAA",
- "configuration": "Settings",
- "tutorial": "Tutorial",
- "close_application": "Close Application",
- "sign_out": "Sign out",
- "language": "Language",
- "ottaa_labs": "OTTA Labs",
- "language_page_long_1": "Use artificial intelligence to generate a richer sentence. You need a stable internet connection.",
- "settings": "Settings",
- "pictograms": "Pictograms",
- "prediction": "Prediction",
- "accessibility": "Accessibility",
- "voice_and_subtitles": "Voice and subtitles",
- "all_phrases": "All Phrases",
- "search": "Search",
- "please_enter_a_valid_search": "Please enter a valid search",
- "choose_a_picto_to_speak": "Choose a Picto to speak",
- "we_are_working_on_this_feature": "We are working on this feature",
- "most_used_sentences": "Most used Sentences",
- "price_one": "Get access today to all the useful features that OTTAA Premium has to offer for only 990 ARS per month.",
- "purchase_subscription": "PURCHASE SUBSCRIPTION",
- "sentence_1": "Get access to educational games that allow you to evaluate vocabulary in a fun way",
- "sentence_2": "Use OTTAA Project with screen scanning, connect accessible buttons and much more.",
- "sentence_3": "With the premium version you can use the GPS to have a better prediction based on the commerce or place where you are",
- "whats_the_picto": "What\"s the picto?",
- "game1": "Answer the questions by choosing the right pictogram.\nLearn by playing!",
- "match_picto": "Match Picto",
- "game2": "Attach the pictogram correctly",
- "memory_game": "Memory Game",
- "game3": "Test your memory",
- "play": "PLAY",
- "select_a_category_to_play": "Select a category to play",
- "image": "Image",
- "share_text": "please, create a phrase and select the share button",
- "text_to_speche_engine": "TEXT-TO-SPEECH-ENGINE",
- "enable_custom_tts": "Enable custom TTS",
- "speech_rate": "Speech Rate",
- "speech_pitch": "Speech Pitch",
- "customized_subtitle": "Customized subtitle",
- "size": "Size",
- "upperCase": "UpperCase",
- "it_allows_uppercase_subtitles": "It allows uppercase subtitles.",
- "login_screen": "Hello, welcome to OTTAA Project, the first predictive communication platform for people with speech impairments, please login with your account and fill in some data to benefit from our prediction."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/assets/i18n/es_PE.json b/assets/i18n/es_PE.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b2682ab..00000000
--- a/assets/i18n/es_PE.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
- "level": "Level",
- "report": "Report",
- "vocabulary": "Vocabulary",
- "most_used_phrases": "MOST USED PHRASES",
- "pictogram_by_sentence_on_average": "Pictograms by sentences on average",
- "phrases_last_seven_days": "Phrases created in the last 7 days",
- "score_text_1": "OTTAA Score is a measure of the overall use of the application, using data as usage in the last days and average picts per sentence.",
- "most_used_groups": "Most used Groups",
- "ottaa_score": "OTTAA Score",
- "favourite_sentence": "Favourite Sentences",
- "galeria_grupos": "Gallery Groups",
- "add_pict": "Add Pict",
- "add_group": "Add Group",
- "hello_world": "Hello World",
- "we_are_preparing_everything": "We are preparing everything...",
- "Hello": "Hello",
- "Continue": "Continue",
- "Please_register_to": "Please Register to",
- "Login_with_google": "Login with Google",
- "Login_with_facebook": "Login with Facebook",
- "Welcome_this_is_ottaa": "Welcome, this is OTTAA",
- "We_help_thousands_of_children_with_speech_problems_to_communicate_improving_their_quality_of_life": "We help thousands of children with speech problems to communicate, improving their quality of life",
- "Previous": "Previous",
- "Next": "Next",
- "Thank_you_for_choosing_ottaa_project": "Thank you for choosing OTTAA PROJECT",
- "please_enter_some_text": "Please enter some text",
- "Name": "Name",
- "Gender": "Gender",
- "Date_of_birth": "Date of Birth",
- "Lets_get_to_knwo_each_other_first": "Let's get to know each other first",
- "We_are_going_to_collect_some_data_to_get_to_know_you_better": "We are going to collect some data to get to know you better",
- "Launch_short_tutorial": "Launch short Tutorial",
- "Do_a_guided_workshop": "DO A GUIDED WORKSHOP",
- "Book_a_demo": "BOOK A DEMO",
- "Ottaa_is_a_powerful_communication_tool": "OTTAA is a powerful \ncommunication tool",
- "We_offer_you_different_options_so_that_you_learn_how_to_use_it_and_get_the_most_out_of_it": "We offer you different options so that you learn how to use it and get the most out of it.",
- "Choose_your_avatar": "Choose your Avatar",
- "Final_step_join": "Final step, join",
- "Create_your_avatar_to_be_able_to_recognize_you_all_the_time": "Create your Avatar to be able to recognize you all the time",
- "Create_your_phrase": "CREATE YOUR PHRASES",
- "step1_long": "Touch one or more of the pictograms to create a sentence as long as you like. The pictograms are automatically related and you will always have one more pictogram to add",
- "Talk_to_the_world": "TALK TO THE WORLD",
- "step2_long": "Once the phrase is created, touch the OTTAA logo to speak aloud or using the share icon, you can send your phrase through the most used social networks",
- "Access_thousands_of_pictograms": "ACCESS THOUSANDS OF PICTOGRAMS",
- "Step3_long": "In OTTAA you have access to thousands of pictograms so you can talk about whatever you want. Find the Gallery of Pîctos in the lower left corner of the main screen",
- "Ready": "Ready",
- "Step4_long": "Enter the selection of games to learn while playing. OTTAA has educational games to learn vocabulary, concepts and much more. Also, more games will be available soon.",
- "Play_and_learn": "PLAY AND LEARN",
- "Male": "Male",
- "Female": "Female",
- "Binary": "Binary",
- "Fluid": "Fluid",
- "Other": "Other",
- "hola_nnos_conozcamos_un_poco": "Hello,\nLet\"s get to know each other a little bit.",
- "vamos_a_pedirte_cierta_informaci_n_para_nmejorar_tu_experiencia_con_ottaa": "We will ask you for certain information\nto improve your experience with OTTAA.",
- "check_if_the_info_is_correct_nif_not_change_it_as_you_wish_this_will_help_us_to_personalize_the_app_for_you": "Check if the info is correct,\nif not, change it as you wish. This will help us to personalize the app for you.",
- "te_ofrecemos_varias_opciones_para_naprender_a_utilizarla_y_sacarle_el_maximo_provecho": "We offer you several options to\nlearn how to use it and get the most out of it",
- "por_ltimo": "At Last!",
- "elige_un_personaje_que_nmejor_te_represente": "Choose a character that best represents you",
- "edit_pictogram": "Edit pictogram",
- "text": "Text",
- "frame": "Frame",
- "tags": "tags",
- "keep_your_ottaa_up_to_date": "Keep your OTTAA up-to-date",
- "account_info": "Account Info",
- "account": "Account",
- "account_type": "Account Type",
- "current_ottaa_installed": "Current OTTAA Installed",
- "current_ottaa_version": "Current OTTAA Version",
- "device_name": "Device Name",
- "contact_support": "Contact Support",
- "edit": "Edit",
- "delete": "Delete",
- "fitzgerald_key": "Fitzgerald key",
- "actions": "Actions",
- "interactions": "Interactions",
- "people": "people",
- "nouns": "Nouns",
- "adjectives": "Adjectives",
- "miscellaneous": "Miscellaneous",
- "choose_a_tag": "Choose a TAG",
- "tags_widget_long_1": "By choosing TAGs you need to predict better when to show certain pictgorams, based on Time,Location, Calender or Weather",
- "text_widget_long_1": "Enter the text to say it loud, can be a single word or a full sentence. Is up to you!",
- "important": "Important",
- "do_you_want_to_save_changes": "Do you want to save changes",
- "no": "No",
- "yes": "Yes",
- "go_back": "Go Back",
- "choose_an_option": "Choose an option",
- "camera": "Camera",
- "gallery": "Gallery",
- "download_from_arasaac": "Download from ARASAAC",
- "tags_will_come_in_next_release": "TAGs will come in next Release",
- "mute": "Mute",
- "about_ottaa": "About OTTAA",
- "configuration": "Settings",
- "tutorial": "Tutorial",
- "close_application": "Close Application",
- "sign_out": "Sign out",
- "language": "Language",
- "ottaa_labs": "OTTA Labs",
- "language_page_long_1": "Use artificial intelligence to generate a richer sentence. You need a stable internet connection.",
- "settings": "Settings",
- "pictograms": "Pictograms",
- "prediction": "Prediction",
- "accessibility": "Accessibility",
- "voice_and_subtitles": "Voice and subtitles",
- "all_phrases": "All Phrases",
- "search": "Search",
- "please_enter_a_valid_search": "Please enter a valid search",
- "choose_a_picto_to_speak": "Choose a Picto to speak",
- "we_are_working_on_this_feature": "We are working on this feature",
- "most_used_sentences": "Most used Sentences",
- "price_one": "Get access today to all the useful features that OTTAA Premium has to offer for only 990 ARS per month.",
- "purchase_subscription": "PURCHASE SUBSCRIPTION",
- "sentence_1": "Get access to educational games that allow you to evaluate vocabulary in a fun way",
- "sentence_2": "Use OTTAA Project with screen scanning, connect accessible buttons and much more.",
- "sentence_3": "With the premium version you can use the GPS to have a better prediction based on the commerce or place where you are",
- "whats_the_picto": "What\"s the picto?",
- "game1": "Answer the questions by choosing the right pictogram.\nLearn by playing!",
- "match_picto": "Match Picto",
- "game2": "Attach the pictogram correctly",
- "memory_game": "Memory Game",
- "game3": "Test your memory",
- "play": "PLAY",
- "select_a_category_to_play": "Select a category to play",
- "image": "Image",
- "share_text": "please, create a phrase and select the share button",
- "text_to_speche_engine": "TEXT-TO-SPEECH-ENGINE",
- "enable_custom_tts": "Enable custom TTS",
- "speech_rate": "Speech Rate",
- "speech_pitch": "Speech Pitch",
- "customized_subtitle": "Customized subtitle",
- "size": "Size",
- "upperCase": "UpperCase",
- "it_allows_uppercase_subtitles": "It allows uppercase subtitles.",
- "login_screen": "Hello, welcome to OTTAA Project, the first predictive communication platform for people with speech impairments, please login with your account and fill in some data to benefit from our prediction."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/assets/i18n/es_PY.json b/assets/i18n/es_PY.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b2682ab..00000000
--- a/assets/i18n/es_PY.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
- "level": "Level",
- "report": "Report",
- "vocabulary": "Vocabulary",
- "most_used_phrases": "MOST USED PHRASES",
- "pictogram_by_sentence_on_average": "Pictograms by sentences on average",
- "phrases_last_seven_days": "Phrases created in the last 7 days",
- "score_text_1": "OTTAA Score is a measure of the overall use of the application, using data as usage in the last days and average picts per sentence.",
- "most_used_groups": "Most used Groups",
- "ottaa_score": "OTTAA Score",
- "favourite_sentence": "Favourite Sentences",
- "galeria_grupos": "Gallery Groups",
- "add_pict": "Add Pict",
- "add_group": "Add Group",
- "hello_world": "Hello World",
- "we_are_preparing_everything": "We are preparing everything...",
- "Hello": "Hello",
- "Continue": "Continue",
- "Please_register_to": "Please Register to",
- "Login_with_google": "Login with Google",
- "Login_with_facebook": "Login with Facebook",
- "Welcome_this_is_ottaa": "Welcome, this is OTTAA",
- "We_help_thousands_of_children_with_speech_problems_to_communicate_improving_their_quality_of_life": "We help thousands of children with speech problems to communicate, improving their quality of life",
- "Previous": "Previous",
- "Next": "Next",
- "Thank_you_for_choosing_ottaa_project": "Thank you for choosing OTTAA PROJECT",
- "please_enter_some_text": "Please enter some text",
- "Name": "Name",
- "Gender": "Gender",
- "Date_of_birth": "Date of Birth",
- "Lets_get_to_knwo_each_other_first": "Let's get to know each other first",
- "We_are_going_to_collect_some_data_to_get_to_know_you_better": "We are going to collect some data to get to know you better",
- "Launch_short_tutorial": "Launch short Tutorial",
- "Do_a_guided_workshop": "DO A GUIDED WORKSHOP",
- "Book_a_demo": "BOOK A DEMO",
- "Ottaa_is_a_powerful_communication_tool": "OTTAA is a powerful \ncommunication tool",
- "We_offer_you_different_options_so_that_you_learn_how_to_use_it_and_get_the_most_out_of_it": "We offer you different options so that you learn how to use it and get the most out of it.",
- "Choose_your_avatar": "Choose your Avatar",
- "Final_step_join": "Final step, join",
- "Create_your_avatar_to_be_able_to_recognize_you_all_the_time": "Create your Avatar to be able to recognize you all the time",
- "Create_your_phrase": "CREATE YOUR PHRASES",
- "step1_long": "Touch one or more of the pictograms to create a sentence as long as you like. The pictograms are automatically related and you will always have one more pictogram to add",
- "Talk_to_the_world": "TALK TO THE WORLD",
- "step2_long": "Once the phrase is created, touch the OTTAA logo to speak aloud or using the share icon, you can send your phrase through the most used social networks",
- "Access_thousands_of_pictograms": "ACCESS THOUSANDS OF PICTOGRAMS",
- "Step3_long": "In OTTAA you have access to thousands of pictograms so you can talk about whatever you want. Find the Gallery of Pîctos in the lower left corner of the main screen",
- "Ready": "Ready",
- "Step4_long": "Enter the selection of games to learn while playing. OTTAA has educational games to learn vocabulary, concepts and much more. Also, more games will be available soon.",
- "Play_and_learn": "PLAY AND LEARN",
- "Male": "Male",
- "Female": "Female",
- "Binary": "Binary",
- "Fluid": "Fluid",
- "Other": "Other",
- "hola_nnos_conozcamos_un_poco": "Hello,\nLet\"s get to know each other a little bit.",
- "vamos_a_pedirte_cierta_informaci_n_para_nmejorar_tu_experiencia_con_ottaa": "We will ask you for certain information\nto improve your experience with OTTAA.",
- "check_if_the_info_is_correct_nif_not_change_it_as_you_wish_this_will_help_us_to_personalize_the_app_for_you": "Check if the info is correct,\nif not, change it as you wish. This will help us to personalize the app for you.",
- "te_ofrecemos_varias_opciones_para_naprender_a_utilizarla_y_sacarle_el_maximo_provecho": "We offer you several options to\nlearn how to use it and get the most out of it",
- "por_ltimo": "At Last!",
- "elige_un_personaje_que_nmejor_te_represente": "Choose a character that best represents you",
- "edit_pictogram": "Edit pictogram",
- "text": "Text",
- "frame": "Frame",
- "tags": "tags",
- "keep_your_ottaa_up_to_date": "Keep your OTTAA up-to-date",
- "account_info": "Account Info",
- "account": "Account",
- "account_type": "Account Type",
- "current_ottaa_installed": "Current OTTAA Installed",
- "current_ottaa_version": "Current OTTAA Version",
- "device_name": "Device Name",
- "contact_support": "Contact Support",
- "edit": "Edit",
- "delete": "Delete",
- "fitzgerald_key": "Fitzgerald key",
- "actions": "Actions",
- "interactions": "Interactions",
- "people": "people",
- "nouns": "Nouns",
- "adjectives": "Adjectives",
- "miscellaneous": "Miscellaneous",
- "choose_a_tag": "Choose a TAG",
- "tags_widget_long_1": "By choosing TAGs you need to predict better when to show certain pictgorams, based on Time,Location, Calender or Weather",
- "text_widget_long_1": "Enter the text to say it loud, can be a single word or a full sentence. Is up to you!",
- "important": "Important",
- "do_you_want_to_save_changes": "Do you want to save changes",
- "no": "No",
- "yes": "Yes",
- "go_back": "Go Back",
- "choose_an_option": "Choose an option",
- "camera": "Camera",
- "gallery": "Gallery",
- "download_from_arasaac": "Download from ARASAAC",
- "tags_will_come_in_next_release": "TAGs will come in next Release",
- "mute": "Mute",
- "about_ottaa": "About OTTAA",
- "configuration": "Settings",
- "tutorial": "Tutorial",
- "close_application": "Close Application",
- "sign_out": "Sign out",
- "language": "Language",
- "ottaa_labs": "OTTA Labs",
- "language_page_long_1": "Use artificial intelligence to generate a richer sentence. You need a stable internet connection.",
- "settings": "Settings",
- "pictograms": "Pictograms",
- "prediction": "Prediction",
- "accessibility": "Accessibility",
- "voice_and_subtitles": "Voice and subtitles",
- "all_phrases": "All Phrases",
- "search": "Search",
- "please_enter_a_valid_search": "Please enter a valid search",
- "choose_a_picto_to_speak": "Choose a Picto to speak",
- "we_are_working_on_this_feature": "We are working on this feature",
- "most_used_sentences": "Most used Sentences",
- "price_one": "Get access today to all the useful features that OTTAA Premium has to offer for only 990 ARS per month.",
- "purchase_subscription": "PURCHASE SUBSCRIPTION",
- "sentence_1": "Get access to educational games that allow you to evaluate vocabulary in a fun way",
- "sentence_2": "Use OTTAA Project with screen scanning, connect accessible buttons and much more.",
- "sentence_3": "With the premium version you can use the GPS to have a better prediction based on the commerce or place where you are",
- "whats_the_picto": "What\"s the picto?",
- "game1": "Answer the questions by choosing the right pictogram.\nLearn by playing!",
- "match_picto": "Match Picto",
- "game2": "Attach the pictogram correctly",
- "memory_game": "Memory Game",
- "game3": "Test your memory",
- "play": "PLAY",
- "select_a_category_to_play": "Select a category to play",
- "image": "Image",
- "share_text": "please, create a phrase and select the share button",
- "text_to_speche_engine": "TEXT-TO-SPEECH-ENGINE",
- "enable_custom_tts": "Enable custom TTS",
- "speech_rate": "Speech Rate",
- "speech_pitch": "Speech Pitch",
- "customized_subtitle": "Customized subtitle",
- "size": "Size",
- "upperCase": "UpperCase",
- "it_allows_uppercase_subtitles": "It allows uppercase subtitles.",
- "login_screen": "Hello, welcome to OTTAA Project, the first predictive communication platform for people with speech impairments, please login with your account and fill in some data to benefit from our prediction."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/assets/i18n/fr.json b/assets/i18n/fr.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 698d9378..00000000
--- a/assets/i18n/fr.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
- "hello_world": "Bonjour le monde!",
- "delete": "Effacer",
- "mute": "Muet",
- "enable_custom_tts": "Activer TTS personnalisé",
- "sign_out": "Déconnexion",
- "yes": "Oui",
- "customized_subtitle": "Sous-titre personnalisé",
- "size": "Taille",
- "it_allows_uppercase_subtitles": "Il permet les sous-titres majuscules.",
- "language": "La langue",
- "language_page_long_1": "Utilisez l'intelligence artificielle pour générer une phrase plus riche. Vous avez besoin d'une connexion Internet stable.",
- "camera": "Caméra",
- "download_from_arasaac": "Download from ARASAAC",
- "important": "Important",
- "no": "Non",
- "choose_an_option": "Choisis une option",
- "tutorial": "Tutoriel",
- "configuration": "Paramètres",
- "text_widget_long_1": "Entrez le texte pour le dire fort",
- "Male": "Mâle",
- "Female": "Femelle",
- "Binary": "Binaire",
- "Fluid": "Fluide",
- "Other": "Autre",
- "edit": "\"modifier \"",
- "edit_pictogram": "Modifier le pictogramme",
- "image": "Image",
- "current_ottaa_installed": "OTTAA actuel installé",
- "current_ottaa_version": "Version actuelle d'OTTAA",
- "about_ottaa": "À propos d'OTTAA",
- "text": "Texte",
- "frame": "Cadre",
- "nouns": "Noms",
- "miscellaneous": "Divers",
- "adjectives": "Adjectifs",
- "interactions": "Interactions",
- "actions": "Actions",
- "choose_a_tag": "Choisissez un ÉTIQUETTE",
- "Gender": "Le genre",
- "pictograms": "Pictogrammes",
- "prediction": "Prédiction",
- "voice_and_subtitles": "Voix et sous-titres",
- "settings": "Réglages",
- "select_a_category_to_play": "Sélectionnez une catégorie à jouer",
- "gallery": "Galerie",
- "sentence_1": "Accédez à des jeux éducatifs qui vous permettent d'évaluer le vocabulaire de manière ludique",
- "sentence_3": "Avec la version premium, vous pouvez utiliser le GPS pour avoir une meilleure prédiction en fonction du commerce ou du lieu où vous vous trouvez",
- "close_application": "Fermer l'application",
- "sentence_2": "Utilisez OTTAA Project avec la numérisation d'écran, connectez des boutons accessibles et bien plus encore.",
- "Next": "Prochain",
- "Previous": "Précédent",
- "memory_game": "Jeux de mémoire",
- "check_if_the_info_is_correct_nif_not_change_it_as_you_wish_this_will_help_us_to_personalize_the_app_for_you": "Vérifiez si les informations sont correctes,\nsi ce n'est pas le cas, modifiez-les comme vous le souhaitez. Cela nous aidera à personnaliser l'application pour vous.",
- "Name": "Nom",
- "por_ltimo": "Enfin!",
- "vamos_a_pedirte_cierta_informaci_n_para_nmejorar_tu_experiencia_con_ottaa": "Nous vous demanderons certaines informations\npour améliorer votre expérience avec OTTAA.",
- "hola_nnos_conozcamos_un_poco": "Bonjour, \\ Apprenons à nous connaître un peu.",
- "elige_un_personaje_que_nmejor_te_represente": "Choisissez un personnage qui vous représente le mieux.",
- "te_ofrecemos_varias_opciones_para_naprender_a_utilizarla_y_sacarle_el_maximo_provecho": "Nous vous proposons plusieurs options pour\napprendre à l'utiliser et en tirer le meilleur parti.",
- "account_type": "Type de compte:",
- "device_name": "Nom de l'appareil:",
- "account_info": "Informations de compte",
- "keep_your_ottaa_up_to_date": "Gardez votre OTTAA à jour",
- "Access_thousands_of_pictograms": "ACCÉDEZ À DES MILLIERS DE PICTOGRAMMES",
- "accessibility": "Accessibilité",
- "account": "Compte :",
- "add_group": "Ajouter un groupe",
- "add_pict": "Ajouter un Pictogramme",
- "all_phrases": "Toutes les expressions",
- "Book_a_demo": " Réserver une démo",
- "choose_a_picto_to_speak": "Choisissez un Picto pour parler",
- "Choose_your_avatar": "Choisissez votre avatar",
- "contact_support": "Contactez nous",
- "Continue": "Continuer",
- "Create_your_avatar_to_be_able_to_recognize_you_all_the_time": "Créez votre Avatar pour pouvoir vous reconnaître à tout moment",
- "Create_your_phrase": "Créez vos expressions",
- "Date_of_birth": "Date de naissance:",
- "Do_a_guided_workshop": " Réserver une démo",
- "do_you_want_to_save_changes": "Voulez-vous enregistrer les modifications?",
- "Final_step_join": "Dernière étape, rejoindre",
- "fitzgerald_key": "Clé de Fitzgerald",
- "galeria_grupos": "Groupes de galeries",
- "game1": "\" Répondez aux questions en choisissant le bon pictogramme. Apprenez en jouant !\"",
- "game2": "Fixez correctement les pictogrammes",
- "game3": "Testez votre mémoire",
- "go_back": "Retour",
- "Hello": "Hello blank fragment",
- "Launch_short_tutorial": "Lancer le court tutoriel",
- "Lets_get_to_knwo_each_other_first": "Apprenons d'abord à nous connaître",
- "login_screen": "Bonjour, bienvenue sur OTTAA Project, la première plateforme de communication prédictive pour les personnes ayant des troubles de la parole, veuillez vous connecter avec votre compte et remplir quelques données pour bénéficier de notre prédiction.",
- "Login_with_facebook": "Se connecter avec Facebook",
- "Login_with_google": "Connectez-vous avec Google",
- "match_picto": "Pictos de correspondance",
- "most_used_sentences": "PLUS DE PHRASES UTILISÉES",
- "Ottaa_is_a_powerful_communication_tool": "OTTAA est un puissant\\outil de communication.",
- "ottaa_labs": "Laboratoires OTTA",
- "people": "Personnes",
- "play": "JOUER",
- "Play_and_learn": "JOUER ET APPRENDRE",
- "please_enter_a_valid_search": "Veuillez entrer une recherche valide",
- "please_enter_some_text": "Veuillez saisir du texte",
- "Please_register_to": "Veuillez vous inscrire pour",
- "price_one": "Merci d'utiliser OTTAA Project, votre période d'essai s'est terminée le",
- "purchase_subscription": "ACHAT D'ABONNEMENT",
- "Ready": "Prêt",
- "search": "Chercher",
- "share_text": "\"S'il vous plaît, créez une phrase et sélectionnez le bouton de partage\"",
- "speech_pitch": "Hauteur de la voix",
- "speech_rate": "Débit de parole",
- "step1_long": "Touchez un ou plusieurs pictogrammes pour créer une phrase aussi longue que vous le souhaitez. Les pictogrammes sont automatiquement liés et vous aurez toujours un pictogramme de plus à ajouter.",
- "step2_long": "Une fois la phrase créée, touchez le logo OTTAA pour parler à haute voix ou utilisez l'icône de partage, vous pouvez envoyer votre phrase via les réseaux sociaux les plus utilisés.",
- "Step3_long": "\"Dans OTTAA, vous avez accès à des milliers de pictogrammes pour parler de tout ce que vous voulez, trouvez la galerie Picto dans le coin inférieur gauche de l'écran principal. \"",
- "Step4_long": "Entrez dans la section des jeux pour apprendre en jouant. OTTAA propose des jeux didactiques pour apprendre du vocabulaire, des concepts et bien plus encore. De plus, d'autres jeux seront bientôt disponibles!",
- "tags": "Mots clés",
- "tags_widget_long_1": "En choisissant des TAG, vous devez mieux prédire quand afficher certains pictogrammes, en fonction de l'heure, de l'emplacement, du calendrier ou de la météo",
- "tags_will_come_in_next_release": "Les balises viendront dans la prochaine version",
- "Talk_to_the_world": "Parlez au monde",
- "text_to_speche_engine": "Moteur de synthèse vocale",
- "Thank_you_for_choosing_ottaa_project": "Merci d'avoir choisi le projet OTTAA.",
- "upperCase": "Majuscule",
- "We_are_going_to_collect_some_data_to_get_to_know_you_better": "Nous allons collecter des données pour mieux vous connaître",
- "we_are_preparing_everything": "Nous préparons tout...",
- "we_are_working_on_this_feature": "Nous travaillons sur cette fonction, elle sera bientôt disponible",
- "We_help_thousands_of_children_with_speech_problems_to_communicate_improving_their_quality_of_life": "Nous aidons des milliers d'enfants souffrant de troubles de la parole à communiquer, améliorant ainsi leur qualité de vie",
- "We_offer_you_different_options_so_that_you_learn_how_to_use_it_and_get_the_most_out_of_it": "Nous vous proposons différentes options afin que vous appreniez à l'utiliser et à en tirer le meilleur parti.",
- "Welcome_this_is_ottaa": "Bienvenue,\\in c'est OTTAA",
- "whats_the_picto": "Quel est le picto"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/assets/i18n/it_IT.json b/assets/i18n/it_IT.json
index 1b2682ab..3adf09a9 100644
--- a/assets/i18n/it_IT.json
+++ b/assets/i18n/it_IT.json
@@ -1,141 +1,388 @@
- "level": "Level",
- "report": "Report",
- "vocabulary": "Vocabulary",
- "most_used_phrases": "MOST USED PHRASES",
- "pictogram_by_sentence_on_average": "Pictograms by sentences on average",
- "phrases_last_seven_days": "Phrases created in the last 7 days",
- "score_text_1": "OTTAA Score is a measure of the overall use of the application, using data as usage in the last days and average picts per sentence.",
- "most_used_groups": "Most used Groups",
- "ottaa_score": "OTTAA Score",
- "favourite_sentence": "Favourite Sentences",
- "galeria_grupos": "Gallery Groups",
- "add_pict": "Add Pict",
- "add_group": "Add Group",
- "hello_world": "Hello World",
- "we_are_preparing_everything": "We are preparing everything...",
- "Hello": "Hello",
- "Continue": "Continue",
- "Please_register_to": "Please Register to",
- "Login_with_google": "Login with Google",
- "Login_with_facebook": "Login with Facebook",
- "Welcome_this_is_ottaa": "Welcome, this is OTTAA",
- "We_help_thousands_of_children_with_speech_problems_to_communicate_improving_their_quality_of_life": "We help thousands of children with speech problems to communicate, improving their quality of life",
- "Previous": "Previous",
- "Next": "Next",
- "Thank_you_for_choosing_ottaa_project": "Thank you for choosing OTTAA PROJECT",
- "please_enter_some_text": "Please enter some text",
- "Name": "Name",
- "Gender": "Gender",
- "Date_of_birth": "Date of Birth",
- "Lets_get_to_knwo_each_other_first": "Let's get to know each other first",
- "We_are_going_to_collect_some_data_to_get_to_know_you_better": "We are going to collect some data to get to know you better",
- "Launch_short_tutorial": "Launch short Tutorial",
- "Do_a_guided_workshop": "DO A GUIDED WORKSHOP",
- "Book_a_demo": "BOOK A DEMO",
- "Ottaa_is_a_powerful_communication_tool": "OTTAA is a powerful \ncommunication tool",
- "We_offer_you_different_options_so_that_you_learn_how_to_use_it_and_get_the_most_out_of_it": "We offer you different options so that you learn how to use it and get the most out of it.",
- "Choose_your_avatar": "Choose your Avatar",
- "Final_step_join": "Final step, join",
- "Create_your_avatar_to_be_able_to_recognize_you_all_the_time": "Create your Avatar to be able to recognize you all the time",
- "Create_your_phrase": "CREATE YOUR PHRASES",
- "step1_long": "Touch one or more of the pictograms to create a sentence as long as you like. The pictograms are automatically related and you will always have one more pictogram to add",
- "Talk_to_the_world": "TALK TO THE WORLD",
- "step2_long": "Once the phrase is created, touch the OTTAA logo to speak aloud or using the share icon, you can send your phrase through the most used social networks",
- "Access_thousands_of_pictograms": "ACCESS THOUSANDS OF PICTOGRAMS",
- "Step3_long": "In OTTAA you have access to thousands of pictograms so you can talk about whatever you want. Find the Gallery of Pîctos in the lower left corner of the main screen",
- "Ready": "Ready",
- "Step4_long": "Enter the selection of games to learn while playing. OTTAA has educational games to learn vocabulary, concepts and much more. Also, more games will be available soon.",
- "Play_and_learn": "PLAY AND LEARN",
- "Male": "Male",
- "Female": "Female",
- "Binary": "Binary",
- "Fluid": "Fluid",
- "Other": "Other",
- "hola_nnos_conozcamos_un_poco": "Hello,\nLet\"s get to know each other a little bit.",
- "vamos_a_pedirte_cierta_informaci_n_para_nmejorar_tu_experiencia_con_ottaa": "We will ask you for certain information\nto improve your experience with OTTAA.",
- "check_if_the_info_is_correct_nif_not_change_it_as_you_wish_this_will_help_us_to_personalize_the_app_for_you": "Check if the info is correct,\nif not, change it as you wish. This will help us to personalize the app for you.",
- "te_ofrecemos_varias_opciones_para_naprender_a_utilizarla_y_sacarle_el_maximo_provecho": "We offer you several options to\nlearn how to use it and get the most out of it",
- "por_ltimo": "At Last!",
- "elige_un_personaje_que_nmejor_te_represente": "Choose a character that best represents you",
- "edit_pictogram": "Edit pictogram",
- "text": "Text",
- "frame": "Frame",
- "tags": "tags",
- "keep_your_ottaa_up_to_date": "Keep your OTTAA up-to-date",
- "account_info": "Account Info",
- "account": "Account",
- "account_type": "Account Type",
- "current_ottaa_installed": "Current OTTAA Installed",
- "current_ottaa_version": "Current OTTAA Version",
- "device_name": "Device Name",
- "contact_support": "Contact Support",
- "edit": "Edit",
- "delete": "Delete",
- "fitzgerald_key": "Fitzgerald key",
- "actions": "Actions",
- "interactions": "Interactions",
- "people": "people",
- "nouns": "Nouns",
- "adjectives": "Adjectives",
- "miscellaneous": "Miscellaneous",
- "choose_a_tag": "Choose a TAG",
- "tags_widget_long_1": "By choosing TAGs you need to predict better when to show certain pictgorams, based on Time,Location, Calender or Weather",
- "text_widget_long_1": "Enter the text to say it loud, can be a single word or a full sentence. Is up to you!",
- "important": "Important",
- "do_you_want_to_save_changes": "Do you want to save changes",
- "no": "No",
- "yes": "Yes",
- "go_back": "Go Back",
- "choose_an_option": "Choose an option",
- "camera": "Camera",
- "gallery": "Gallery",
- "download_from_arasaac": "Download from ARASAAC",
- "tags_will_come_in_next_release": "TAGs will come in next Release",
- "mute": "Mute",
- "about_ottaa": "About OTTAA",
- "configuration": "Settings",
- "tutorial": "Tutorial",
- "close_application": "Close Application",
- "sign_out": "Sign out",
- "language": "Language",
- "ottaa_labs": "OTTA Labs",
- "language_page_long_1": "Use artificial intelligence to generate a richer sentence. You need a stable internet connection.",
- "settings": "Settings",
- "pictograms": "Pictograms",
- "prediction": "Prediction",
- "accessibility": "Accessibility",
- "voice_and_subtitles": "Voice and subtitles",
- "all_phrases": "All Phrases",
- "search": "Search",
- "please_enter_a_valid_search": "Please enter a valid search",
- "choose_a_picto_to_speak": "Choose a Picto to speak",
- "we_are_working_on_this_feature": "We are working on this feature",
- "most_used_sentences": "Most used Sentences",
- "price_one": "Get access today to all the useful features that OTTAA Premium has to offer for only 990 ARS per month.",
- "purchase_subscription": "PURCHASE SUBSCRIPTION",
- "sentence_1": "Get access to educational games that allow you to evaluate vocabulary in a fun way",
- "sentence_2": "Use OTTAA Project with screen scanning, connect accessible buttons and much more.",
- "sentence_3": "With the premium version you can use the GPS to have a better prediction based on the commerce or place where you are",
- "whats_the_picto": "What\"s the picto?",
- "game1": "Answer the questions by choosing the right pictogram.\nLearn by playing!",
- "match_picto": "Match Picto",
- "game2": "Attach the pictogram correctly",
- "memory_game": "Memory Game",
- "game3": "Test your memory",
- "play": "PLAY",
- "select_a_category_to_play": "Select a category to play",
- "image": "Image",
- "share_text": "please, create a phrase and select the share button",
- "text_to_speche_engine": "TEXT-TO-SPEECH-ENGINE",
- "enable_custom_tts": "Enable custom TTS",
- "speech_rate": "Speech Rate",
- "speech_pitch": "Speech Pitch",
- "customized_subtitle": "Customized subtitle",
- "size": "Size",
- "upperCase": "UpperCase",
- "it_allows_uppercase_subtitles": "It allows uppercase subtitles.",
- "login_screen": "Hello, welcome to OTTAA Project, the first predictive communication platform for people with speech impairments, please login with your account and fill in some data to benefit from our prediction."
\ No newline at end of file
+ "profile": {
+ "selection": {
+ "text1": "¿Quién va a utilizar la aplicación en este dispositivo?",
+ "caregiver_text": "Necesita comunicarse",
+ "user_text": "Necesita comunicarse"
+ },
+ "hello": "Hola {name}!",
+ "ottaa": {
+ "tips": "OTTAA tips"
+ },
+ "mail": "Correo electrónico",
+ "date": "Data di nascita",
+ "faq": {
+ "title": "Domande frequenti (FAQ)",
+ "faq0": "¿Quién puede usar la aplicación OTTAA?",
+ "faq0Description": "OTTAA está diseñado para personas no verbales, es decir, cualquier persona que no utilice el habla oral para comunicarse. Las personas que usan OTTAA hoy en día fueron diagnosticadas con autismo, parálisis cerebral, síndrome de Down, esclerosis lateral amiotrófica (ELA), atrofia muscular espinal (AME) o síndrome de enclaustramiento post al accidente cerebrovascular (LiS), entre otras afecciones. Al ser una herramienta de comunicación dinámica, OTTAA requiere que sus usuarios posean funciones cognitivas de nivel medio a alto. Sin embargo, nos gusta considerar cada caso individualmente, así que no dude en ponerse en contacto y solicitar una evaluación en línea con nuestro equipo.",
+ "faq1": "¿Cómo funciona la aplicación?",
+ "faq1Description": "La aplicación OTTAA proporciona al usuario pictogramas: imágenes que representan acciones, objetos, sentimientos o emociones. El usuario puede elegir los pictogramas que necesita y crear una frase, esta se traduce de los pictogramas a una oración escrita que aparece en la pantalla y que la aplicación también lee en voz alta. Consulta nuestro canal de Youtube para obtener una explicación más visual.",
+ "faq2": "¿En qué se diferencia esta aplicación de otros dispositivos AAC (comunicación aumentativa y alternativa)?",
+ "faq2Description": "La aplicación OTTAA es diferente de otras aplicaciones de CAA debido a su innovador algoritmo predictivo y generador de lenguaje natural, que permite que la aplicación aprenda del comportamiento del usuario en la aplicación, su edad, sexo, la hora del día y su ubicación para pre -seleccionar pictograma(s) para el momento comunicacional en el que se encuentran.",
+ "faq3": "¿Cuánto cuesta la aplicación OTTAA?",
+ "faq3Description": "La aplicación OTTAA es gratuita para descargar y usar. Para crear un producto sostenible que resista el paso del tiempo, hay algunas características que requieren una suscripción para utilizarlas. Sin embargo, estamos trabajando arduamente para brindar financiamiento a todos los que lo necesitan.\n\nSi estás en Argentina, cualquier ayuda técnica que necesite una persona debe estar cubierto por un seguro de salud. Comuníquese con nuestro equipo para obtener orientación y asistencia sobre cómo obtener esta cobertura.\n\nSi sos de cualquier otro país de LATAM y querés compartir tu experiencia sobre este tema, no dudes en comunicarte, tu contribución podría ayudar a muchas personas.",
+ "faq4": "¿Qué idiomas son compatibles con el Proyecto OTTAA?",
+ "faq4Description": "Actualmente admitimos español, inglés, portugués y francés. Para español, tenemos versiones localizadas de Argentina, Chile, Colombia y España. Estamos buscando activamente contribuciones sobre nuevos idiomas o una mejor localización para las variedades españolas. Únete a nuestra comunidad de crowdin para contribuir.",
+ "faq5": "¿Cómo puedo colaborar con el Proyecto OTTAA?",
+ "faq5Description": "Los colaboradores pueden ayudar a OTTAA con el desarrollo, las pruebas y/o la traducción. Para leer más sobre el tema y comenzar, consulta la sección Contribuir en el repositorio oficial de OTTAA en GitHub."
+ },
+ "caregiver": "Acompañante",
+ "caregivers_families": "Profesionales/Familiares",
+ "user": "Usuario/a",
+ "user_description": "Persona no verbal",
+ "wait": "Por favor espera",
+ "setting_exp": "Configurando tu experiencia...",
+ "link_account": "Vincular una cuenta",
+ "use": {
+ "ottaa": "Utilizar OTTAA"
+ },
+ "close_profile": "Ocultar",
+ "open_profile": "Ver perfil",
+ "no_account": "Modo sin perfil",
+ "new_existant": "Nuevo/Existente",
+ "what_do": "¿Qué quieres hacer?",
+ "profile": "Perfil",
+ "linked_accounts": "Cuentas vinculadas",
+ "name": "Nombre",
+ "logout": "Cerrar sesión",
+ "last_name": "Apellido",
+ "role": "Rol de uso",
+ "day": "Giorno",
+ "month": "Mese",
+ "year": "Anno",
+ "tips": {
+ "title1": "Statistiche",
+ "title2": "Tableros",
+ "title3": "Cronolgia",
+ "title4": "Preferiti",
+ "text1": "Mira las estadísticas de tu paciente/familiar, para ver su actividad y cómo fue mejorando a lo largo de los días, semanas y meses.",
+ "text2": "Oculta los tableros que no use el usuario, para que le aparezcan los tableros que más utiliza y necesita.",
+ "text3": "Utiliza el historial para ver tus frases pasadas, qué hiciste durante el día y contar historias.",
+ "text4": "Guarda pictogramas o frases favoritas, para poder acceder a ellas más rápidamente."
+ },
+ "unlink": "Desvincular",
+ "unlink_account": "¿Desea desvincular a {name} de sus cuentas?",
+ "help": {
+ "help": "¿Necesita ayuda?",
+ "title1": "Domande frequenti (FAQ)",
+ "title2": "Contactar con el soporte"
+ },
+ "link": {
+ "title": "Vincular Cuenta",
+ "mail": {
+ "title": "Introduzca el correo electrónico vinculado a la cuenta de OTTAA",
+ "input": {
+ "required": "El correo electrónico es obligatorio",
+ "invalid": "El correo electrónico no es válido"
+ },
+ "warn": "*Se enviará una notificación con un código para enlazar los perfiles.",
+ "contact": "*Asegurate de estar en contacto con la persona que posea esta cuenta en un dispositivo."
+ },
+ "token": {
+ "title": "Coloque el código de verificación que llegó como notificación a otro dispositivo.",
+ "problem": "¿Tiene problemas para vincular las cuentas?",
+ "resend": "Reenviar código",
+ "back": "Introducir otro email",
+ "invalid": "Token no válido"
+ },
+ "wait": {
+ "title": "Espere",
+ "subtitle": "Cargando perfil..."
+ },
+ "success": {
+ "title": "Perfil vinculado con éxito!",
+ "lastTime": "Últ. vez {date}"
+ },
+ "error": {
+ "link-exist": "Ya están vinculadas",
+ "miss-caregiver": "Error: Cuidador 404",
+ "miss-user": "Error: Usuario 404",
+ "user-no-comp": "Error: Usuario 406",
+ "caregiver-no-comp": "Error: Cuidador 406",
+ "autolink": "Error: Misma cuenta",
+ "auth/user-not-found": "Usuario no encontrado",
+ "miss-token": "Falta el Token",
+ "invalid-token": "Token no válido",
+ "expired-token": "Token caducado"
+ }
+ },
+ "delete_account": "Eliminar cuenta"
+ },
+ "user": {
+ "main": {
+ "title": "Configura tu experiencia",
+ "subtitle1": "Uso de la aplicación",
+ "subtitle2": "Lenguaje predictivo"
+ },
+ "settings": {
+ "main_screen": "Pantalla principal",
+ "accessibility": "Accesibilidad",
+ "voice_and_subtitles": "Voz y subtítulos",
+ "language": "Lenguaje"
+ },
+ "main_setting": {
+ "interaction": "Interacciones",
+ "talk_delete": "Hablar y Borrar",
+ "shortcut": "Atajos en el Inicio",
+ "board_view": "Vista de tableros",
+ "tabs": "Por pestañas",
+ "grid": "Grilla",
+ "ottaa_labs": "OTTAA Labs",
+ "labs_text": "Función frases verbales",
+ "labs_long": "Función en Modo Beta\nPermite generar frases con tiempos verbales más complejas",
+ "one_by_one": "ONE by ONE"
+ },
+ "accessibility": {
+ "selection": "Selección",
+ "bar_text": "Tiempo de clickeo (Segundos)",
+ "connected": "Dispositivos conectados",
+ "device": "Dispositivo de accesibilidad",
+ "press": "Press&Press",
+ "scroll": "Scroll&Press",
+ "sip": "Soplo y succión",
+ "selection_type": "Tipo de selección",
+ "swept": "Barrido",
+ "speed": "Velocidad",
+ "selection_speed": "Velocidad de selección"
+ },
+ "voice_and_subtitle": {
+ "voice_types": "Tipos de voz",
+ "voice_rate": "Velocidad de voz",
+ "voz1": "Voz 1",
+ "voz2": "Voz 2",
+ "voz3": "Voz 3",
+ "mute": "Silenciar pictogramas",
+ "subtitle": "Subtítulos",
+ "show": "Mostrar subtítulos",
+ "size": "Tamaño",
+ "capital": "Mayúsculas"
+ },
+ "language": {
+ "set": "Idioma establecido"
+ }
+ },
+ "global": {
+ "hello_world": "Ciao Mondo",
+ "hello": "Ciao",
+ "continue": "Procedi",
+ "next": "Avanti",
+ "back": "Indietro",
+ "please_enter_text": "Por favor, introduce un texto",
+ "done": "Pronto",
+ "yes": "Sì",
+ "delete": "Cancella",
+ "edit": "Modifica",
+ "no": "No",
+ "mute": "Silenzia",
+ "important": "Importante",
+ "save_changes": "Salva le modifiche",
+ "send": "Invia",
+ "skip": "Salta",
+ "email": "Indirizzo e-mail",
+ "step": "Paso",
+ "share": "Share",
+ "support": "Supporto",
+ "congrats": "Congratulazioni",
+ "settings": "Configuración",
+ "general": "General",
+ "pictogram": "Pictogramas",
+ "configuration": "Configuración",
+ "user_ottaa": "Usar OTTAA como",
+ "cancel": "Cancelar",
+ "slow": "Lenta",
+ "default": "Predeterminada",
+ "fast": "Rápida",
+ "voice": "Voz",
+ "small": "Pequeño",
+ "medium": "Mediano",
+ "big": "Grande",
+ "comingsoon": "¡Esta característica estará disponible muy pronto!",
+ "delicate": "Región",
+ "chile": "Chile",
+ "spanish": "Español",
+ "argentina": "Argentina",
+ "colombia": "Colombia",
+ "english": "Inglés",
+ "italian": "Italiano",
+ "french": "Francés",
+ "portuguese": "Portugues",
+ "test": "Esta es la voz que vas a usar en ota",
+ "add": "Agregar",
+ "confirm": "Confirmar",
+ "gallery": "galería",
+ "arasaac": "ARASAAC",
+ "text": "Texto",
+ "color": "Color",
+ "search": "Buscar",
+ "actions": "Acciones",
+ "people": "Personas",
+ "miscellaneous": "Miscelaneas",
+ "noun": "Sustantivos",
+ "adjective": "Adjetivos",
+ "predictive": "Predictivo",
+ "sunday": "Domingo",
+ "monday": "Lunes",
+ "tuesday": "Martes",
+ "wednesday": "Miércoles",
+ "thursday": "Jueves",
+ "friday": "Viernes",
+ "saturday": "Sábado",
+ "tomorrow": "Mañana",
+ "noon": "Mediodía",
+ "late": "Tarde",
+ "evening": "Noche",
+ "add_new": "Agregar nuevo",
+ "disguise": "Ocultar",
+ "save": "Guardar",
+ "image": "Imágen",
+ "saved_in": "Guardado en",
+ "location": "Ubicación",
+ "voices": "Por favor, instale voces desde la configuración para una mejor usabilidad"
+ },
+ "onboarding": {
+ "start": "Iniziare",
+ "profile": {
+ "title": "Pantalla de perfiles",
+ "subtitle": "¿Quién va a usar OTTAA hoy?",
+ "description": "Con la selección de perfiles vas a poder usar OTTAA desde cualquier dispositivo, manteniendo tus pictogramas y estilos!"
+ },
+ "home": {
+ "title": "Personaliza tu Inicio",
+ "subtitle": "Atajos en la pantalla principal",
+ "description": "Personalizá de acuerdo a tus gustos y necesidades"
+ },
+ "customize": {
+ "title": "Personalizá tu Home",
+ "subtitle": "Acompañamos en el proceso de aprendizaje",
+ "description": "Activá o desactivá tableros o pictogramas para modificar la predicción, vos tenés el control."
+ },
+ "skip": {
+ "title": "¿Estás de acuerdo en saltar la introducción?"
+ }
+ },
+ "terms": {
+ "button": "Accetto i termini",
+ "text": "Para continuar, necesitamos que aceptes los términos y condiciones.\nVer términos"
+ },
+ "loginWait": {
+ "text": "Te damos la bienvenida!\nAl mundo de OTTAA"
+ },
+ "login": {
+ "title": "Ingresa con tu cuenta",
+ "google": "Continuar con Google.",
+ "facebook": "Continuar con Facebook",
+ "apple": "Continuar con Apple",
+ "register": "¿Todavía no tienes cuenta? Regístrate aquí",
+ "wait": {
+ "title": "Te damos la bienvenida!",
+ "subtitle": "Al nuevo mundo de OTTAA Project"
+ }
+ },
+ "customize": {
+ "board": {
+ "title": "¿Qué tableros utilizará el usuario para comunicarse?",
+ "appbar": "Tableros predictivos",
+ "skip": "¿Omitir la elección de tableros?",
+ "subtitle": "Ver pictogramas"
+ },
+ "shortcut": {
+ "title": "Seleccioná los atajos que aparecerán en la pantalla principal.",
+ "appbar": "Atajos",
+ "favorites": "Preferiti",
+ "history": "Cronolgia",
+ "camera": "Cámara",
+ "games": "Juegos"
+ },
+ "picto": {
+ "title": "Tablero {name}",
+ "switch": "Activar tablero"
+ },
+ "help": {
+ "boards": "Los tableros predictivos permiten configurar qué grupo de pictogramas se mostrará en la pantalla del usuario/a final.",
+ "shortcut": "Los atajos son accesos rápidos a distintas funciones para que el/la usuario/a final disponga en su pantalla principal."
+ },
+ "wait": {
+ "title": "¡Felicitaciones!",
+ "subtitle": "Has configurado la experiencia de {name}",
+ "button": "Ir al panel de perfiles"
+ },
+ "skip": "¿Estás de acuerdo en saltar las preferencias del perfil?"
+ },
+ "home": {
+ "grid": {
+ "title": "Tableros",
+ "pictos": "Tablero {group}"
+ }
+ },
+ "chatgpt": {
+ "prompt": "escribir una frase en español con estas palabras como si fueras {gender}, agregando conectores y artículos cuando sea necesario, pero sin cambiar las palabras: {pictograms}"
+ },
+ "notification": {
+ "code": {
+ "request": {
+ "title": "Verificación de OTTAA Link",
+ "body": "Están intentando vincular tu cuenta con el token {linkToken}"
+ },
+ "confirm": {
+ "title": "Confirmación de OTTAA Link",
+ "body": "Se ha confirmado la vinculación de tu cuenta"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "game": {
+ "play": "¡Juguemos!",
+ "next": "Jugar",
+ "game_header_0": "¿Cuál es el pictograma?",
+ "game_header_1": "Unir pictogramas",
+ "game_header_2": "Juego de la Memoria",
+ "game_header_3": "Armá una historia",
+ "game_sub_0": "Respondé las preguntas eligiendo el pictograma correcto. Aprende jugando",
+ "game_sub_1": "Unir los pictogramas de manera correcta",
+ "game_sub_2": "Prueba tu memoria, ¿Cuánto recuerdas los pictogramas?",
+ "game_sub_3": "Elegí los pictogramas que más te gusten, y con la ayuda de Chat GPT, crearás una historia.",
+ "group": "Seleccioná una categoría para poder jugar",
+ "search": "Buscar Tablero",
+ "find": "Encuentra los tableros que quieras, fácilmente!",
+ "game_1_line": "Seleccioná el pictograma que escuches",
+ "game_2_line": "Seleccioná la palabra que corresponde a su pictograma",
+ "game_3_line": "Seleccioná una tarjeta y encontrá la pareja del pictograma",
+ "game_4_line": "Agregá hasta 4 pictogramas y creá tu propia historia",
+ "no": "¡Oh Oh!",
+ "yes": "¡Muy bien!",
+ "correct": "Correcto",
+ "incorrect": "Incorrecto",
+ "use_time": "Tiempo total",
+ "maximum_streak": "Mejor racha",
+ "speak_what": "¿Cual es el picto {name}?",
+ "gptbtn": "Crear historia",
+ "prompt": "Actúa como maestra de jardín de infantes y escribe una historia en español para niños usando las siguientes palabras:",
+ "nivel": "Nivel"
+ },
+ "exit": {
+ "long": {
+ "headline": "¿Deseas volver a la pantalla de perfiles?",
+ "body": "Mantén presionado el botón resaltado para volver",
+ "check": "No volver a mostrar este mensaje",
+ "btn": "De acuerdo"
+ },
+ "short": {
+ "headline": "¿Confima que deseas volver a la pantalla de perfiles?"
+ }
+ },
+ "create": {
+ "heading": "Crear pictograma",
+ "image_selection": "Elije la imagen que represente al pictograma",
+ "choose_color": "Elije el color",
+ "search_arsaac": "Buscar ARASAAC",
+ "time_headline": "Selecciona los horarios que más se adecuen a sus actividades",
+ "time_sub1": "¿Qué días de la semana es cuando más lo utiliza?",
+ "schedule": "¿En qué horario?",
+ "save": "Guardar pictograma",
+ "created_by_me": "Creados por mi",
+ "new_board": "Nuevo tablero",
+ "create_new_board": "Crear nuevo tablero",
+ "board_name": "Nombre del tablero",
+ "edit_picto": "Editar pictograma",
+ "final_heading": "Listo, chequea que todo este correcto"
+ }
diff --git a/assets/i18n/pt.json b/assets/i18n/pt.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 6be10c45..00000000
--- a/assets/i18n/pt.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
- "hello_world": "Olá Mundo!",
- "delete": "Excluir",
- "mute": "Mudo",
- "enable_custom_tts": "Habilitar TTS personalizado",
- "sign_out": "Sair",
- "yes": "sim",
- "customized_subtitle": "Legenda personalizada",
- "size": "Tamanho",
- "it_allows_uppercase_subtitles": "Ele permite legendas em maiúsculas.",
- "language": "Língua",
- "language_page_long_1": "Use inteligência artificial para gerar uma frase mais rica. Você precisa de uma conexão estável com a internet.",
- "camera": "Câmera",
- "download_from_arasaac": "Baixar de ARASAAC",
- "important": "Importante",
- "no": "Não",
- "choose_an_option": "Escolha uma opção",
- "tutorial": "Tutorial",
- "configuration": "Configurações",
- "text_widget_long_1": "Digite o texto para dizer alto",
- "Male": "Masculino",
- "Female": "Fêmea",
- "Binary": "Binário",
- "Fluid": "Fluido",
- "Other": "Outro",
- "edit": "Editar",
- "edit_pictogram": "MODIFICAÇÃO DO PICTOGRAMA",
- "image": "Imagem",
- "current_ottaa_installed": "OTTAA atual instalado",
- "current_ottaa_version": "Versão OTTAA Atual",
- "about_ottaa": "Sobre OTTAWA",
- "text": "Texto",
- "frame": "Quadro",
- "nouns": "Substantivos",
- "miscellaneous": "Diversos",
- "adjectives": "Adjetivos",
- "interactions": "Interações",
- "actions": "Ações",
- "choose_a_tag": "Escolha uma ETIQUETA",
- "Gender": "Gênero",
- "pictograms": "Pictogramas",
- "prediction": "Predição",
- "voice_and_subtitles": "Voz e legendas",
- "settings": "Definições",
- "select_a_category_to_play": "Selecione uma categoria para jogar",
- "gallery": "Galeria",
- "sentence_1": "Tenha acesso a jogos educativos que permitem avaliar o vocabulário de forma divertida",
- "sentence_3": "Com a versão premium pode utilizar o GPS para ter uma melhor previsão com base no comércio ou local onde se encontra",
- "close_application": "Fechar aplicação",
- "sentence_2": "Use o OTTAA Project com varredura de tela, conecte botões acessíveis e muito mais.",
- "Next": "Próximo",
- "Previous": "Anterior",
- "memory_game": "Jogo da memória",
- "check_if_the_info_is_correct_nif_not_change_it_as_you_wish_this_will_help_us_to_personalize_the_app_for_you": "Verifique se as informações estão corretas,\ncaso não, altere-as como desejar. Isso nos ajudará a personalizar o aplicativo para você.",
- "Name": "Nome",
- "por_ltimo": "Afinal!",
- "vamos_a_pedirte_cierta_informaci_n_para_nmejorar_tu_experiencia_con_ottaa": "Solicitaremos certas informações para melhorar sua experiência com a OTTAA.",
- "hola_nnos_conozcamos_un_poco": "Olá, vamos nos conhecer um pouco.",
- "elige_un_personaje_que_nmejor_te_represente": "Escolha um personagem que melhor represente você.",
- "te_ofrecemos_varias_opciones_para_naprender_a_utilizarla_y_sacarle_el_maximo_provecho": "Oferecemos várias opções para\naprender como usá-lo e tirar o máximo proveito dele.",
- "account_type": "Tipo de conta:",
- "device_name": "Nome do dispositivo:",
- "account_info": "Informações da Conta",
- "keep_your_ottaa_up_to_date": "Mantenha seu OTTAA atualizado",
- "Access_thousands_of_pictograms": "ACESSE MILHARES DE PICTOGRAMAS",
- "accessibility": "Acessibilidade",
- "account": "Conta :",
- "add_group": "ADICIONAR GRUPO",
- "all_phrases": "Todas as frases",
- "Book_a_demo": "Reserve uma demonstração",
- "choose_a_picto_to_speak": "Escolha um Picto para falar",
- "Choose_your_avatar": "Escolha seu avatar",
- "contact_support": "Contate-Nos",
- "Continue": "Continuar",
- "Create_your_avatar_to_be_able_to_recognize_you_all_the_time": "Crie seu Avatar para poder reconhecê-lo o tempo todo",
- "Create_your_phrase": "Crie suas frases",
- "Date_of_birth": "Data de nascimento:",
- "Do_a_guided_workshop": "Faça um workshop guiado",
- "do_you_want_to_save_changes": "Você quer salvar as alterações ?",
- "Final_step_join": "Etapa final, junte-se",
- "fitzgerald_key": "Chave Fitzgerald",
- "galeria_grupos": "Grupos de galerias",
- "game1": "\"Responda às perguntas escolhendo o pictograma certo. Aprenda brincando!\"",
- "game2": "Anexe os pictogramas corretamente",
- "game3": "Teste sua memória",
- "go_back": "De volta",
- "Hello": "Hello blank fragment",
- "Launch_short_tutorial": "Iniciar breve tutorial",
- "Lets_get_to_knwo_each_other_first": "Vamos nos conhecer primeiro",
- "login_screen": "Olá, bem-vindo ao OTTAA Project, a primeira plataforma de comunicação preditiva para pessoas com deficiência de fala, faça o login com sua conta e preencha alguns dados para se beneficiar de nossa previsão.",
- "Login_with_facebook": "Entrar com o Facebook",
- "Login_with_google": "Entrar com o Google",
- "match_picto": "Imagens de correspondência",
- "most_used_sentences": "FRASES MAIS USADAS",
- "Ottaa_is_a_powerful_communication_tool": "OTTAA é uma ferramenta de comunicação poderosa.",
- "ottaa_labs": "Laboratórios OTTAA",
- "people": "Pessoas",
- "play": "TOQUE",
- "Play_and_learn": "JOGAR E APRENDER",
- "please_enter_a_valid_search": "Insira uma pesquisa válida",
- "please_enter_some_text": "Por favor, digite algum texto",
- "Please_register_to": "Por favor, registre-se para",
- "price_one": "Obrigado por usar o OTTAA Project, o período de teste terminou em",
- "purchase_subscription": "COMPRAR ASSINATURA",
- "Ready": "Preparar",
- "search": "Procurar",
- "share_text": "\"Por favor, crie uma frase e selecione o botão de compartilhamento\"",
- "speech_pitch": "Tom de voz",
- "speech_rate": "Taxa de fala",
- "step1_long": "Toque em um ou mais pictogramas para criar uma frase do tamanho que desejar. Os pictogramas são relacionados automaticamente e você sempre terá mais um pictograma para adicionar.",
- "step2_long": "Uma vez criada a frase, toque no logo da OTTAA para falar em voz alta ou usando o ícone de compartilhamento, você pode enviar sua frase pelas redes sociais mais utilizadas.",
- "Step3_long": "\"No OTTAA você tem acesso a milhares de pictogramas para falar o que quiser, encontre a Galeria Picto no canto inferior esquerdo da tela principal.\"",
- "Step4_long": "Entre na seção de jogos para aprender jogando. OTTAA tem jogos didáticos para aprender vocabulário, conceitos e muito mais. Além disso, mais jogos estarão disponíveis em breve!",
- "tags": "Tag",
- "tags_widget_long_1": "Ao escolher TAGs, você precisa prever melhor quando exibir determinados pictgorams, com base na hora, local, calendário ou clima",
- "tags_will_come_in_next_release": "TAGs virão na próxima versão",
- "Talk_to_the_world": "Fale com o mundo",
- "text_to_speche_engine": "Motor de texto para voz",
- "Thank_you_for_choosing_ottaa_project": "Obrigado por escolher OTTAA Project.",
- "upperCase": "Maiúscula",
- "We_are_going_to_collect_some_data_to_get_to_know_you_better": "Vamos coletar alguns dados para conhecê-lo melhor",
- "we_are_preparing_everything": "Estamos preparando tudo...",
- "we_are_working_on_this_feature": "Estamos trabalhando nesta função, ela estará disponível em breve",
- "We_help_thousands_of_children_with_speech_problems_to_communicate_improving_their_quality_of_life": "Estamos ajudando milhares de crianças com deficiência de fala a se comunicarem, melhorando sua qualidade de vida",
- "We_offer_you_different_options_so_that_you_learn_how_to_use_it_and_get_the_most_out_of_it": "Oferecemos diferentes opções para que você aprenda a usá-lo e aproveite ao máximo.",
- "Welcome_this_is_ottaa": "Bem-vindo,\nisto é OTTAA",
- "whats_the_picto": "Qual é o picto",
- "favourite_sentence": "Oraciones favoritas",
- "level": "Nivel"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/assets/i18n/pt_BR.json b/assets/i18n/pt_BR.json
index 1b2682ab..53cd2cc8 100644
--- a/assets/i18n/pt_BR.json
+++ b/assets/i18n/pt_BR.json
@@ -1,141 +1,388 @@
- "level": "Level",
- "report": "Report",
- "vocabulary": "Vocabulary",
- "most_used_phrases": "MOST USED PHRASES",
- "pictogram_by_sentence_on_average": "Pictograms by sentences on average",
- "phrases_last_seven_days": "Phrases created in the last 7 days",
- "score_text_1": "OTTAA Score is a measure of the overall use of the application, using data as usage in the last days and average picts per sentence.",
- "most_used_groups": "Most used Groups",
- "ottaa_score": "OTTAA Score",
- "favourite_sentence": "Favourite Sentences",
- "galeria_grupos": "Gallery Groups",
- "add_pict": "Add Pict",
- "add_group": "Add Group",
- "hello_world": "Hello World",
- "we_are_preparing_everything": "We are preparing everything...",
- "Hello": "Hello",
- "Continue": "Continue",
- "Please_register_to": "Please Register to",
- "Login_with_google": "Login with Google",
- "Login_with_facebook": "Login with Facebook",
- "Welcome_this_is_ottaa": "Welcome, this is OTTAA",
- "We_help_thousands_of_children_with_speech_problems_to_communicate_improving_their_quality_of_life": "We help thousands of children with speech problems to communicate, improving their quality of life",
- "Previous": "Previous",
- "Next": "Next",
- "Thank_you_for_choosing_ottaa_project": "Thank you for choosing OTTAA PROJECT",
- "please_enter_some_text": "Please enter some text",
- "Name": "Name",
- "Gender": "Gender",
- "Date_of_birth": "Date of Birth",
- "Lets_get_to_knwo_each_other_first": "Let's get to know each other first",
- "We_are_going_to_collect_some_data_to_get_to_know_you_better": "We are going to collect some data to get to know you better",
- "Launch_short_tutorial": "Launch short Tutorial",
- "Do_a_guided_workshop": "DO A GUIDED WORKSHOP",
- "Book_a_demo": "BOOK A DEMO",
- "Ottaa_is_a_powerful_communication_tool": "OTTAA is a powerful \ncommunication tool",
- "We_offer_you_different_options_so_that_you_learn_how_to_use_it_and_get_the_most_out_of_it": "We offer you different options so that you learn how to use it and get the most out of it.",
- "Choose_your_avatar": "Choose your Avatar",
- "Final_step_join": "Final step, join",
- "Create_your_avatar_to_be_able_to_recognize_you_all_the_time": "Create your Avatar to be able to recognize you all the time",
- "Create_your_phrase": "CREATE YOUR PHRASES",
- "step1_long": "Touch one or more of the pictograms to create a sentence as long as you like. The pictograms are automatically related and you will always have one more pictogram to add",
- "Talk_to_the_world": "TALK TO THE WORLD",
- "step2_long": "Once the phrase is created, touch the OTTAA logo to speak aloud or using the share icon, you can send your phrase through the most used social networks",
- "Access_thousands_of_pictograms": "ACCESS THOUSANDS OF PICTOGRAMS",
- "Step3_long": "In OTTAA you have access to thousands of pictograms so you can talk about whatever you want. Find the Gallery of Pîctos in the lower left corner of the main screen",
- "Ready": "Ready",
- "Step4_long": "Enter the selection of games to learn while playing. OTTAA has educational games to learn vocabulary, concepts and much more. Also, more games will be available soon.",
- "Play_and_learn": "PLAY AND LEARN",
- "Male": "Male",
- "Female": "Female",
- "Binary": "Binary",
- "Fluid": "Fluid",
- "Other": "Other",
- "hola_nnos_conozcamos_un_poco": "Hello,\nLet\"s get to know each other a little bit.",
- "vamos_a_pedirte_cierta_informaci_n_para_nmejorar_tu_experiencia_con_ottaa": "We will ask you for certain information\nto improve your experience with OTTAA.",
- "check_if_the_info_is_correct_nif_not_change_it_as_you_wish_this_will_help_us_to_personalize_the_app_for_you": "Check if the info is correct,\nif not, change it as you wish. This will help us to personalize the app for you.",
- "te_ofrecemos_varias_opciones_para_naprender_a_utilizarla_y_sacarle_el_maximo_provecho": "We offer you several options to\nlearn how to use it and get the most out of it",
- "por_ltimo": "At Last!",
- "elige_un_personaje_que_nmejor_te_represente": "Choose a character that best represents you",
- "edit_pictogram": "Edit pictogram",
- "text": "Text",
- "frame": "Frame",
- "tags": "tags",
- "keep_your_ottaa_up_to_date": "Keep your OTTAA up-to-date",
- "account_info": "Account Info",
- "account": "Account",
- "account_type": "Account Type",
- "current_ottaa_installed": "Current OTTAA Installed",
- "current_ottaa_version": "Current OTTAA Version",
- "device_name": "Device Name",
- "contact_support": "Contact Support",
- "edit": "Edit",
- "delete": "Delete",
- "fitzgerald_key": "Fitzgerald key",
- "actions": "Actions",
- "interactions": "Interactions",
- "people": "people",
- "nouns": "Nouns",
- "adjectives": "Adjectives",
- "miscellaneous": "Miscellaneous",
- "choose_a_tag": "Choose a TAG",
- "tags_widget_long_1": "By choosing TAGs you need to predict better when to show certain pictgorams, based on Time,Location, Calender or Weather",
- "text_widget_long_1": "Enter the text to say it loud, can be a single word or a full sentence. Is up to you!",
- "important": "Important",
- "do_you_want_to_save_changes": "Do you want to save changes",
- "no": "No",
- "yes": "Yes",
- "go_back": "Go Back",
- "choose_an_option": "Choose an option",
- "camera": "Camera",
- "gallery": "Gallery",
- "download_from_arasaac": "Download from ARASAAC",
- "tags_will_come_in_next_release": "TAGs will come in next Release",
- "mute": "Mute",
- "about_ottaa": "About OTTAA",
- "configuration": "Settings",
- "tutorial": "Tutorial",
- "close_application": "Close Application",
- "sign_out": "Sign out",
- "language": "Language",
- "ottaa_labs": "OTTA Labs",
- "language_page_long_1": "Use artificial intelligence to generate a richer sentence. You need a stable internet connection.",
- "settings": "Settings",
- "pictograms": "Pictograms",
- "prediction": "Prediction",
- "accessibility": "Accessibility",
- "voice_and_subtitles": "Voice and subtitles",
- "all_phrases": "All Phrases",
- "search": "Search",
- "please_enter_a_valid_search": "Please enter a valid search",
- "choose_a_picto_to_speak": "Choose a Picto to speak",
- "we_are_working_on_this_feature": "We are working on this feature",
- "most_used_sentences": "Most used Sentences",
- "price_one": "Get access today to all the useful features that OTTAA Premium has to offer for only 990 ARS per month.",
- "purchase_subscription": "PURCHASE SUBSCRIPTION",
- "sentence_1": "Get access to educational games that allow you to evaluate vocabulary in a fun way",
- "sentence_2": "Use OTTAA Project with screen scanning, connect accessible buttons and much more.",
- "sentence_3": "With the premium version you can use the GPS to have a better prediction based on the commerce or place where you are",
- "whats_the_picto": "What\"s the picto?",
- "game1": "Answer the questions by choosing the right pictogram.\nLearn by playing!",
- "match_picto": "Match Picto",
- "game2": "Attach the pictogram correctly",
- "memory_game": "Memory Game",
- "game3": "Test your memory",
- "play": "PLAY",
- "select_a_category_to_play": "Select a category to play",
- "image": "Image",
- "share_text": "please, create a phrase and select the share button",
- "text_to_speche_engine": "TEXT-TO-SPEECH-ENGINE",
- "enable_custom_tts": "Enable custom TTS",
- "speech_rate": "Speech Rate",
- "speech_pitch": "Speech Pitch",
- "customized_subtitle": "Customized subtitle",
- "size": "Size",
- "upperCase": "UpperCase",
- "it_allows_uppercase_subtitles": "It allows uppercase subtitles.",
- "login_screen": "Hello, welcome to OTTAA Project, the first predictive communication platform for people with speech impairments, please login with your account and fill in some data to benefit from our prediction."
\ No newline at end of file
+ "profile": {
+ "selection": {
+ "text1": "¿Quién va a utilizar la aplicación en este dispositivo?",
+ "caregiver_text": "Precisa comunicar",
+ "user_text": "Precisa comunicar"
+ },
+ "hello": "Olá {name}!",
+ "ottaa": {
+ "tips": "Dicas da OTTAA"
+ },
+ "mail": "Correo electrónico",
+ "date": "Data de nascimento",
+ "faq": {
+ "title": "Perguntas frequentes",
+ "faq0": "Quem pode usar o aplicativo OTTAA?",
+ "faq0Description": "OTTAA está diseñado para personas no verbales, es decir, cualquier persona que no utilice el habla oral para comunicarse. Las personas que usan OTTAA hoy en día fueron diagnosticadas con autismo, parálisis cerebral, síndrome de Down, esclerosis lateral amiotrófica (ELA), atrofia muscular espinal (AME) o síndrome de enclaustramiento post al accidente cerebrovascular (LiS), entre otras afecciones. Al ser una herramienta de comunicación dinámica, OTTAA requiere que sus usuarios posean funciones cognitivas de nivel medio a alto. Sin embargo, nos gusta considerar cada caso individualmente, así que no dude en ponerse en contacto y solicitar una evaluación en línea con nuestro equipo.",
+ "faq1": "Como funciona o aplicativo?",
+ "faq1Description": "La aplicación OTTAA proporciona al usuario pictogramas: imágenes que representan acciones, objetos, sentimientos o emociones. El usuario puede elegir los pictogramas que necesita y crear una frase, esta se traduce de los pictogramas a una oración escrita que aparece en la pantalla y que la aplicación también lee en voz alta. Consulta nuestro canal de Youtube para obtener una explicación más visual.",
+ "faq2": "Em que este aplicativo é diferente de outros dispositivos AAC (comunicação aumentativa e alternativa)?",
+ "faq2Description": "O aplicativo OTTAA é diferente de outros aplicativos de CAA devido ao seu inovador algoritmo preditivo e gerador de linguagem natural, que permite que o aplicativo aprenda do comportamento do usuário no aplicativo, sua idade, sexo, hora do dia e localização para pré-selecionar pictograma(s) para o momento comunicativo em que estão.",
+ "faq3": "Quanto custa o aplicativo OTTAA?",
+ "faq3Description": "O aplicativo OTTAA é gratuito para baixar e usar. Para criar um produto sustentável que resista ao tempo, há algumas características que exigem uma assinatura para usá-las. No entanto, estamos trabalhando arduamente para fornecer financiamento a todos que precisam.\n\nSe você estiver na Argentina, qualquer ajuda técnica que uma pessoa precise deve ser coberta por um seguro de saúde. Entre em contato com nossa equipe para obter orientação e assistência sobre como obter essa cobertura.\n\nSe você é de qualquer outro país da América Latina e deseja compartilhar sua experiência sobre esse assunto, não hesite em entrar em contato, sua contribuição pode ajudar muitas pessoas.",
+ "faq4": "Quais idiomas são compatíveis com o Projeto OTTAA?",
+ "faq4Description": "Actualmente admitimos español, inglés, portugués y francés. Para español, tenemos versiones localizadas de Argentina, Chile, Colombia y España. Estamos buscando activamente contribuciones sobre nuevos idiomas o una mejor localización para las variedades españolas. Únete a nuestra comunidad de crowdin para contribuir.",
+ "faq5": "Como posso colaborar com o Projeto OTTAA?",
+ "faq5Description": "Los colaboradores pueden ayudar a OTTAA con el desarrollo, las pruebas y/o la traducción. Para leer más sobre el tema y comenzar, consulta la sección Contribuir en el repositorio oficial de OTTAA en GitHub."
+ },
+ "caregiver": "Acompanhante",
+ "caregivers_families": "Profissionais/Familiares",
+ "user": "Usuário/a",
+ "user_description": "Pessoa não verbal",
+ "wait": "Por favor espera",
+ "setting_exp": "Configurando sua experiência...",
+ "link_account": "Vincular uma conta",
+ "use": {
+ "ottaa": "Utilizar OTTAA"
+ },
+ "close_profile": "Ocultar",
+ "open_profile": "Ver perfil",
+ "no_account": "Modo sem perfil",
+ "new_existant": "Novo/Existente",
+ "what_do": "¿Qué quieres hacer?",
+ "profile": "Perfil",
+ "linked_accounts": "Contas vinculadas",
+ "name": "Nome",
+ "logout": "Sair",
+ "last_name": "Sobrenome",
+ "role": "Função de uso",
+ "day": "Dia",
+ "month": "Mês",
+ "year": "Ano",
+ "tips": {
+ "title1": "Estatísticas",
+ "title2": "Painéis",
+ "title3": "Histórico",
+ "title4": "Favoritos",
+ "text1": "Mira las estadísticas de tu paciente/familiar, para ver su actividad y cómo fue mejorando a lo largo de los días, semanas y meses.",
+ "text2": "Oculta los tableros que no use el usuario, para que le aparezcan los tableros que más utiliza y necesita.",
+ "text3": "Utiliza el historial para ver tus frases pasadas, qué hiciste durante el día y contar historias.",
+ "text4": "Guarda pictogramas o frases favoritas, para poder acceder a ellas más rápidamente."
+ },
+ "unlink": "Desvincular",
+ "unlink_account": "¿Desea desvincular a {name} de sus cuentas?",
+ "help": {
+ "help": "¿Necesita ayuda?",
+ "title1": "Perguntas frequentes",
+ "title2": "Contactar con el soporte"
+ },
+ "link": {
+ "title": "Vincular Conta",
+ "mail": {
+ "title": "Introduzca el correo electrónico vinculado a la cuenta de OTTAA",
+ "input": {
+ "required": "El correo electrónico es obligatorio",
+ "invalid": "El correo electrónico no es válido"
+ },
+ "warn": "*Se enviará una notificación con un código para enlazar los perfiles.",
+ "contact": "*Asegurate de estar en contacto con la persona que posea esta cuenta en un dispositivo."
+ },
+ "token": {
+ "title": "Coloque el código de verificación que llegó como notificación a otro dispositivo.",
+ "problem": "¿Tiene problemas para vincular las cuentas?",
+ "resend": "Reenviar código",
+ "back": "Introducir otro email",
+ "invalid": "Token no válido"
+ },
+ "wait": {
+ "title": "Espere",
+ "subtitle": "Carregando perfil..."
+ },
+ "success": {
+ "title": "Perfil vinculado com sucesso!",
+ "lastTime": "Últ. vez {date}"
+ },
+ "error": {
+ "link-exist": "Já estão vinculadas",
+ "miss-caregiver": "Error: Cuidador 404",
+ "miss-user": "Error: Usuario 404",
+ "user-no-comp": "Error: Usuario 406",
+ "caregiver-no-comp": "Error: Cuidador 406",
+ "autolink": "Erro: Mesma conta",
+ "auth/user-not-found": "Usuário não encontrado",
+ "miss-token": "Token faltando",
+ "invalid-token": "Token no válido",
+ "expired-token": "Token caducado"
+ }
+ },
+ "delete_account": "Eliminar cuenta"
+ },
+ "user": {
+ "main": {
+ "title": "Configure sua experiência",
+ "subtitle1": "Uso do aplicativo",
+ "subtitle2": "Linguagem preditiva"
+ },
+ "settings": {
+ "main_screen": "Tela principal",
+ "accessibility": "Acessibilidade",
+ "voice_and_subtitles": "Voz e legendas",
+ "language": "Idioma"
+ },
+ "main_setting": {
+ "interaction": "Interações",
+ "talk_delete": "Hablar y Borrar",
+ "shortcut": "Atajos en el Inicio",
+ "board_view": "Visualização de painéis",
+ "tabs": "Por abas",
+ "grid": "Grade",
+ "ottaa_labs": "OTTAA Labs",
+ "labs_text": "Função frases verbais",
+ "labs_long": "Função em Modo Beta\nPermite gerar frases com tempos verbais mais complexos",
+ "one_by_one": "ONE by ONE"
+ },
+ "accessibility": {
+ "selection": "Seleção",
+ "bar_text": "Tempo de clique (Segundos)",
+ "connected": "Dispositivos conectados",
+ "device": "Dispositivo de acessibilidade",
+ "press": "Pressionar",
+ "scroll": "Rolar",
+ "sip": "Soplo y succión",
+ "selection_type": "Tipo de seleção",
+ "swept": "Barrido",
+ "speed": "Velocidade",
+ "selection_speed": "Velocidade de seleção"
+ },
+ "voice_and_subtitle": {
+ "voice_types": "Tipos de voz",
+ "voice_rate": "Velocidade da voz",
+ "voz1": "Voz 1",
+ "voz2": "Voz 2",
+ "voz3": "Voz 3",
+ "mute": "Silenciar pictogramas",
+ "subtitle": "Legendas",
+ "show": "Mostrar subtítulos",
+ "size": "Tamanho",
+ "capital": "Maiúsculas"
+ },
+ "language": {
+ "set": "Idioma definido"
+ }
+ },
+ "global": {
+ "hello_world": "Olá Mundo",
+ "hello": "Olá",
+ "continue": "Avançar",
+ "next": "Próximo",
+ "back": "Prévio",
+ "please_enter_text": "Por favor, introduce un texto",
+ "done": "Feito",
+ "yes": "Sim",
+ "delete": "Excluir",
+ "edit": "Editar",
+ "no": "Não",
+ "mute": "Silenciar",
+ "important": "Importante",
+ "save_changes": "Salvar alterações",
+ "send": "Enviar",
+ "skip": "Pular",
+ "email": "E-mail",
+ "step": "Passo",
+ "share": "Compartilhar",
+ "support": "Suporte",
+ "congrats": "Parabéns",
+ "settings": "Configurações",
+ "general": "Geral",
+ "pictogram": "Pictograma",
+ "configuration": "Configuração",
+ "user_ottaa": "Usar OTTAA como",
+ "cancel": "Cancelar",
+ "slow": "Lento",
+ "default": "Padrão",
+ "fast": "Rápido",
+ "voice": "Voz",
+ "small": "Pequeño",
+ "medium": "Médio",
+ "big": "Grande",
+ "comingsoon": "¡Esta característica estará disponible muy pronto!",
+ "delicate": "Región",
+ "chile": "Chile",
+ "spanish": "Español",
+ "argentina": "Argentina",
+ "colombia": "Colombia",
+ "english": "Inglés",
+ "italian": "Italiano",
+ "french": "Francés",
+ "portuguese": "Portugues",
+ "test": "Esta es la voz que vas a usar en ota",
+ "add": "Agregar",
+ "confirm": "Confirmar",
+ "gallery": "galería",
+ "arasaac": "ARASAAC",
+ "text": "Texto",
+ "color": "Color",
+ "search": "Buscar",
+ "actions": "Acciones",
+ "people": "Personas",
+ "miscellaneous": "Miscelaneas",
+ "noun": "Sustantivos",
+ "adjective": "Adjetivos",
+ "predictive": "Predictivo",
+ "sunday": "Domingo",
+ "monday": "Lunes",
+ "tuesday": "Martes",
+ "wednesday": "Miércoles",
+ "thursday": "Jueves",
+ "friday": "Viernes",
+ "saturday": "Sábado",
+ "tomorrow": "Mañana",
+ "noon": "Mediodía",
+ "late": "Tarde",
+ "evening": "Noche",
+ "add_new": "Agregar nuevo",
+ "disguise": "Ocultar",
+ "save": "Guardar",
+ "image": "Imágen",
+ "saved_in": "Guardado en",
+ "location": "Ubicación",
+ "voices": "Por favor, instale voces desde la configuración para una mejor usabilidad"
+ },
+ "onboarding": {
+ "start": "Começar",
+ "profile": {
+ "title": "Tela de perfis",
+ "subtitle": "Quem vai usar OTTAA hoje?",
+ "description": "Com a seleção de perfis, você pode usar OTTAA em qualquer dispositivo mantendo seus pictogramas e estilos!"
+ },
+ "home": {
+ "title": "Personaliza tu Inicio",
+ "subtitle": "Atalhos na tela principal",
+ "description": "Personalizá de acuerdo a tus gustos y necesidades"
+ },
+ "customize": {
+ "title": "Personalizá tu Home",
+ "subtitle": "Auxiliamos no processo de aprendizagem",
+ "description": "Activá o desactivá tableros o pictogramas para modificar la predicción, vos tenés el control."
+ },
+ "skip": {
+ "title": "Você concorda em pular a introdução?"
+ }
+ },
+ "terms": {
+ "button": "Aceito os termos",
+ "text": "Para continuar, precisamos que você aceite os termos e condições.\nVer termos"
+ },
+ "loginWait": {
+ "text": "Bem-vindo ao mundo OTTAA!"
+ },
+ "login": {
+ "title": "Ingresa con tu cuenta",
+ "google": "Continuar con Google.",
+ "facebook": "Continuar com o Facebook",
+ "apple": "Continuar con Apple",
+ "register": "¿Todavía no tienes cuenta? Regístrate aquí",
+ "wait": {
+ "title": "Bem-vindo!",
+ "subtitle": "Ao novo mundo do projeto OTTAA"
+ }
+ },
+ "customize": {
+ "board": {
+ "title": "Que quadros o usuário utilizará para se comunicar?",
+ "appbar": "Quadros preditivos",
+ "skip": "Omitir escolha de quadros?",
+ "subtitle": "Ver pictogramas"
+ },
+ "shortcut": {
+ "title": "Seleccioná los atajos que aparecerán en la pantalla principal.",
+ "appbar": "Atalhos",
+ "favorites": "Favoritos",
+ "history": "Histórico",
+ "camera": "Câmera",
+ "games": "Jogos"
+ },
+ "picto": {
+ "title": "Quadro {name}",
+ "switch": "Ativar quadro"
+ },
+ "help": {
+ "boards": "Los tableros predictivos permiten configurar qué grupo de pictogramas se mostrará en la pantalla del usuario/a final.",
+ "shortcut": "Atalhos são acessos rápidos a diferentes funções para que o usuário final tenha na sua tela principal."
+ },
+ "wait": {
+ "title": "Parabéns!",
+ "subtitle": "Has configurado la experiencia de {name}",
+ "button": "Ir para o painel de perfis"
+ },
+ "skip": "Você concorda em pular as preferências do perfil?"
+ },
+ "home": {
+ "grid": {
+ "title": "Quadros",
+ "pictos": "Quadro {group}"
+ }
+ },
+ "chatgpt": {
+ "prompt": "escribir una frase en español con estas palabras como si fueras {gender}, agregando conectores y artículos cuando sea necesario, pero sin cambiar las palabras: {pictograms}"
+ },
+ "notification": {
+ "code": {
+ "request": {
+ "title": "Verificación de OTTAA Link",
+ "body": "Están intentando vincular tu cuenta con el token {linkToken}"
+ },
+ "confirm": {
+ "title": "Confirmación de OTTAA Link",
+ "body": "Se ha confirmado la vinculación de tu cuenta"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "game": {
+ "play": "¡Juguemos!",
+ "next": "Jugar",
+ "game_header_0": "¿Cuál es el pictograma?",
+ "game_header_1": "Unir pictogramas",
+ "game_header_2": "Juego de la Memoria",
+ "game_header_3": "Armá una historia",
+ "game_sub_0": "Respondé las preguntas eligiendo el pictograma correcto. Aprende jugando",
+ "game_sub_1": "Unir los pictogramas de manera correcta",
+ "game_sub_2": "Prueba tu memoria, ¿Cuánto recuerdas los pictogramas?",
+ "game_sub_3": "Elegí los pictogramas que más te gusten, y con la ayuda de Chat GPT, crearás una historia.",
+ "group": "Seleccioná una categoría para poder jugar",
+ "search": "Buscar Tablero",
+ "find": "Encuentra los tableros que quieras, fácilmente!",
+ "game_1_line": "Seleccioná el pictograma que escuches",
+ "game_2_line": "Seleccioná la palabra que corresponde a su pictograma",
+ "game_3_line": "Seleccioná una tarjeta y encontrá la pareja del pictograma",
+ "game_4_line": "Agregá hasta 4 pictogramas y creá tu propia historia",
+ "no": "¡Oh Oh!",
+ "yes": "¡Muy bien!",
+ "correct": "Correcto",
+ "incorrect": "Incorrecto",
+ "use_time": "Tiempo total",
+ "maximum_streak": "Mejor racha",
+ "speak_what": "¿Cual es el picto {name}?",
+ "gptbtn": "Crear historia",
+ "prompt": "Actúa como maestra de jardín de infantes y escribe una historia en español para niños usando las siguientes palabras:",
+ "nivel": "Nivel"
+ },
+ "exit": {
+ "long": {
+ "headline": "¿Deseas volver a la pantalla de perfiles?",
+ "body": "Mantén presionado el botón resaltado para volver",
+ "check": "No volver a mostrar este mensaje",
+ "btn": "De acuerdo"
+ },
+ "short": {
+ "headline": "¿Confima que deseas volver a la pantalla de perfiles?"
+ }
+ },
+ "create": {
+ "heading": "Crear pictograma",
+ "image_selection": "Elije la imagen que represente al pictograma",
+ "choose_color": "Elije el color",
+ "search_arsaac": "Buscar ARASAAC",
+ "time_headline": "Selecciona los horarios que más se adecuen a sus actividades",
+ "time_sub1": "¿Qué días de la semana es cuando más lo utiliza?",
+ "schedule": "¿En qué horario?",
+ "save": "Guardar pictograma",
+ "created_by_me": "Creados por mi",
+ "new_board": "Nuevo tablero",
+ "create_new_board": "Crear nuevo tablero",
+ "board_name": "Nombre del tablero",
+ "edit_picto": "Editar pictograma",
+ "final_heading": "Listo, chequea que todo este correcto"
+ }
diff --git a/assets/i18n/ur_PK.json b/assets/i18n/ur_PK.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2963a1c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/i18n/ur_PK.json
@@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
+ "profile": {
+ "selection": {
+ "text1": "¿Quién va a utilizar la aplicación en este dispositivo?",
+ "caregiver_text": "رابطہ کرنے کی ضرورت",
+ "user_text": "رابطہ کرنے کی ضرورت"
+ },
+ "hello": "ہیلو {name}!",
+ "ottaa": {
+ "tips": "اوٹا تجاویز"
+ },
+ "mail": "Correo electrónico",
+ "date": "Fecha de nacimiento",
+ "faq": {
+ "title": "Preguntas frecuentes",
+ "faq0": "OTTAA ایپ کون استعمال کر سکتا ہے؟",
+ "faq0Description": "OTTAA está diseñado para personas no verbales, es decir, cualquier persona que no utilice el habla oral para comunicarse. Las personas que usan OTTAA hoy en día fueron diagnosticadas con autismo, parálisis cerebral, síndrome de Down, esclerosis lateral amiotrófica (ELA), atrofia muscular espinal (AME) o síndrome de enclaustramiento post al accidente cerebrovascular (LiS), entre otras afecciones. Al ser una herramienta de comunicación dinámica, OTTAA requiere que sus usuarios posean funciones cognitivas de nivel medio a alto. Sin embargo, nos gusta considerar cada caso individualmente, así que no dude en ponerse en contacto y solicitar una evaluación en línea con nuestro equipo.",
+ "faq1": "ایپ کیسے کام کرتی ہے؟",
+ "faq1Description": "La aplicación OTTAA proporciona al usuario pictogramas: imágenes que representan acciones, objetos, sentimientos o emociones. El usuario puede elegir los pictogramas que necesita y crear una frase, esta se traduce de los pictogramas a una oración escrita que aparece en la pantalla y que la aplicación también lee en voz alta. Consulta nuestro canal de Youtube para obtener una explicación más visual.",
+ "faq2": "یہ ایپ دیگر AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) آلات سے کس طرح مختلف ہے؟",
+ "faq2Description": "اوٹا ایپ اپنے اختراعی پیشن گوئی الگورتھم اور قدرتی زبان کے جنریٹر کی وجہ سے دیگر AAC ایپس سے مختلف ہے، جو ایپ کو ایپ میں صارف کے رویے، ان کی عمر، جنس، دن کا وقت، اور مقام کے بارے میں سیکھنے کی اجازت دیتی ہے مواصلت کے اس لمحے کے لیے جس میں وہ ہیں۔",
+ "faq3": "اوٹا ایپ کی قیمت کتنی ہے؟",
+ "faq3Description": "اوٹا ایپ ڈاؤن لوڈ اور استعمال کرنے کے لیے مفت ہے۔ ایک پائیدار پروڈکٹ بنانے کے لیے جو وقت کی کسوٹی پر کھڑی ہو، کچھ خصوصیات ہیں جن کو استعمال کرنے کے لیے سبسکرپشن کی ضرورت ہوتی ہے۔ تاہم، ہم ان تمام لوگوں کو فنڈ فراہم کرنے کے لیے سخت محنت کر رہے ہیں جنہیں اس کی ضرورت ہے۔\n\nاگر آپ ارجنٹائن میں ہیں تو، کسی بھی تکنیکی مدد کی جس کی کسی شخص کو ضرورت ہوتی ہے اسے ہیلتھ انشورنس کے ذریعے کور کیا جانا چاہیے۔ اس کوریج کو کیسے حاصل کیا جائے اس بارے میں رہنمائی اور مدد کے لیے ہماری ٹیم سے رابطہ کریں۔\n\nاگر آپ کسی دوسرے LATAM ملک سے ہیں اور اس موضوع پر اپنے تجربے کا اشتراک کرنا چاہتے ہیں، تو ہم سے رابطہ کرنے میں ہچکچاہٹ محسوس نہ کریں، آپ کا تعاون بہت سے لوگوں کی مدد کر سکتا ہے۔",
+ "faq4": "اوٹا پروجیکٹ کے ذریعے کن زبانوں کی حمایت کی جاتی ہے؟",
+ "faq4Description": "Actualmente admitimos español, inglés, portugués y francés. Para español, tenemos versiones localizadas de Argentina, Chile, Colombia y España. Estamos buscando activamente contribuciones sobre nuevos idiomas o una mejor localización para las variedades españolas. Únete a nuestra comunidad de crowdin para contribuir.",
+ "faq5": "میں اوٹا پروجیکٹ کے ساتھ کیسے تعاون کر سکتا ہوں؟",
+ "faq5Description": "Los colaboradores pueden ayudar a OTTAA con el desarrollo, las pruebas y/o la traducción. Para leer más sobre el tema y comenzar, consulta la sección Contribuir en el repositorio oficial de OTTAA en GitHub."
+ },
+ "caregiver": "ساتھی",
+ "caregivers_families": "پیشہ ور افراد/خاندان",
+ "user": "صارف/صارفین",
+ "user_description": "غیر زبانی شخص",
+ "wait": "Por favor espera",
+ "setting_exp": "آپ کا تجربہ ترتیب دیا جا رہا ہے...",
+ "link_account": "ایک اکاؤنٹ کو لنک کریں",
+ "use": {
+ "ottaa": "Utilizar OTTAA"
+ },
+ "close_profile": "Ocultar",
+ "open_profile": "پروفائل کا مشاھدہ کریں",
+ "no_account": "غیر پروفائل موڈ",
+ "new_existant": "نیا/موجودہ",
+ "what_do": "¿Qué quieres hacer?",
+ "profile": "پروفائل",
+ "linked_accounts": "منسلک اکاؤنٹس",
+ "name": "نام",
+ "logout": "لاگ آؤٹ",
+ "last_name": "کنیت",
+ "role": "استعمال کا کردار",
+ "day": "دن",
+ "month": "مہینہ",
+ "year": "سال",
+ "tips": {
+ "title1": "اعداد و شمار",
+ "title2": "بورڈز",
+ "title3": "تاریخ(سرگزشت)",
+ "title4": "پسندیدہ",
+ "text1": "Mira las estadísticas de tu paciente/familiar, para ver su actividad y cómo fue mejorando a lo largo de los días, semanas y meses.",
+ "text2": "Oculta los tableros que no use el usuario, para que le aparezcan los tableros que más utiliza y necesita.",
+ "text3": "Utiliza el historial para ver tus frases pasadas, qué hiciste durante el día y contar historias.",
+ "text4": "Guarda pictogramas o frases favoritas, para poder acceder a ellas más rápidamente."
+ },
+ "unlink": "لنک ختم کریں۔",
+ "unlink_account": "¿Desea desvincular a {name} de sus cuentas?",
+ "help": {
+ "help": "¿Necesita ayuda?",
+ "title1": "Preguntas frecuentes",
+ "title2": "Contactar con el soporte"
+ },
+ "link": {
+ "title": "اکاؤنٹ لنک کریں۔",
+ "mail": {
+ "title": "Introduzca el correo electrónico vinculado a la cuenta de OTTAA",
+ "input": {
+ "required": "El correo electrónico es obligatorio",
+ "invalid": "El correo electrónico no es válido"
+ },
+ "warn": "*Se enviará una notificación con un código para enlazar los perfiles.",
+ "contact": "*Asegurate de estar en contacto con la persona que posea esta cuenta en un dispositivo."
+ },
+ "token": {
+ "title": "Coloque el código de verificación que llegó como notificación a otro dispositivo.",
+ "problem": "¿Tiene problemas para vincular las cuentas?",
+ "resend": "کوڈ پھر سے بھیجو",
+ "back": "Introducir otro email",
+ "invalid": "Token no válido"
+ },
+ "wait": {
+ "title": "Espere",
+ "subtitle": "پروفائل لوڈ ہو رہا ہے..."
+ },
+ "success": {
+ "title": "پروفائل کامیابی کے ساتھ منسلک ہو گیا!",
+ "lastTime": "آخری وقت{date}"
+ },
+ "error": {
+ "link-exist": "پہلے ہی جڑے ہوئے ہیں۔",
+ "miss-caregiver": "Error: Cuidador 404",
+ "miss-user": "Error: Usuario 404",
+ "user-no-comp": "Error: Usuario 406",
+ "caregiver-no-comp": "Error: Cuidador 406",
+ "autolink": "خرابی: ایک ہی اکاؤنٹ",
+ "auth/user-not-found": "صارف نہیں ملا",
+ "miss-token": "لاپتہ ٹوکن",
+ "invalid-token": "Token no válido",
+ "expired-token": "Token caducado"
+ }
+ },
+ "delete_account": "Eliminar cuenta"
+ },
+ "user": {
+ "main": {
+ "title": "اپنے تجربے کو ترتیب دیں۔",
+ "subtitle1": "ایپ کا استعمال",
+ "subtitle2": "پیش گوئی کرنے والی زبان"
+ },
+ "settings": {
+ "main_screen": "Pantalla principal",
+ "accessibility": "رسائی",
+ "voice_and_subtitles": "آواز اور سب ٹائٹلز",
+ "language": "زبان"
+ },
+ "main_setting": {
+ "interaction": "تعاملات",
+ "talk_delete": "Hablar y Borrar",
+ "shortcut": "Atajos en el Inicio",
+ "board_view": "بورڈز دیکھیں",
+ "tabs": "ٹیبز کے ذریعے",
+ "grid": "گرڈ",
+ "ottaa_labs": "OTTAA Labs",
+ "labs_text": "فعل فعل کے جملے",
+ "labs_long": "بیٹا موڈ میں خصوصیت\n\nآپ کو زیادہ پیچیدہ ادوار کے ساتھ جملے بنانے کی اجازت دیتا ہے۔",
+ "one_by_one": "ONE by ONE"
+ },
+ "accessibility": {
+ "selection": "انتخاب",
+ "bar_text": "کلک کرنے کا وقت (سیکنڈز)",
+ "connected": "منسلک آلات",
+ "device": "قابل رسائی آلہ",
+ "press": "دبائیں اور دبائیں",
+ "scroll": "اسکرول اینڈ پریس",
+ "sip": "Soplo y succión",
+ "selection_type": "انتخاب کی قسم",
+ "swept": "Barrido",
+ "speed": "رفتار",
+ "selection_speed": "انتخاب کی رفتار"
+ },
+ "voice_and_subtitle": {
+ "voice_types": "آواز کی اقسام",
+ "voice_rate": "آواز کی شرح",
+ "voz1": "آواز 1",
+ "voz2": "آواز 2",
+ "voz3": "آواز 3",
+ "mute": "Silenciar pictogramas",
+ "subtitle": "ذیلی عنوان",
+ "show": "Mostrar subtítulos",
+ "size": "سائز",
+ "capital": "بڑے حروف"
+ },
+ "language": {
+ "set": "زبان مقرر کریں"
+ }
+ },
+ "global": {
+ "hello_world": "ہیلو ورلڈ",
+ "hello": "سلام ",
+ "continue": "جاری رکھیں",
+ "next": "اگلا",
+ "back": "سابقہ",
+ "please_enter_text": "Por favor, introduce un texto",
+ "done": "مکمل",
+ "yes": "ہاں",
+ "delete": "ختم کریں",
+ "edit": "ترمیم",
+ "no": "نہیں",
+ "mute": "خاموش",
+ "important": "اہم",
+ "save_changes": "تبدیلیاں محفوظ کرو",
+ "send": "بھیجیں",
+ "skip": "چھوڑ دو",
+ "email": "ای میل",
+ "step": "اسٹیپ",
+ "share": "دوسروں کو بتائیں",
+ "support": "معاونت",
+ "congrats": "مبارک ہو",
+ "settings": "ترتیبات",
+ "general": "جنرل",
+ "pictogram": "تصویریں",
+ "configuration": "ترتیبات",
+ "user_ottaa": "Usar OTTAA como",
+ "cancel": "منسوخ",
+ "slow": "سست",
+ "default": "پہلے سے طے شدہ\n",
+ "fast": "تیز",
+ "voice": "آواز",
+ "small": "Pequeño",
+ "medium": "درمیانہ",
+ "big": "بڑا",
+ "comingsoon": "¡Esta característica estará disponible muy pronto!",
+ "delicate": "Región",
+ "chile": "Chile",
+ "spanish": "Español",
+ "argentina": "Argentina",
+ "colombia": "Colombia",
+ "english": "Inglés",
+ "italian": "Italiano",
+ "french": "Francés",
+ "portuguese": "Portugues",
+ "test": "Esta es la voz que vas a usar en ota",
+ "add": "Agregar",
+ "confirm": "Confirmar",
+ "gallery": "galería",
+ "arasaac": "ARASAAC",
+ "text": "Texto",
+ "color": "Color",
+ "search": "Buscar",
+ "actions": "Acciones",
+ "people": "Personas",
+ "miscellaneous": "Miscelaneas",
+ "noun": "Sustantivos",
+ "adjective": "Adjetivos",
+ "predictive": "Predictivo",
+ "sunday": "Domingo",
+ "monday": "Lunes",
+ "tuesday": "Martes",
+ "wednesday": "Miércoles",
+ "thursday": "Jueves",
+ "friday": "Viernes",
+ "saturday": "Sábado",
+ "tomorrow": "Mañana",
+ "noon": "Mediodía",
+ "late": "Tarde",
+ "evening": "Noche",
+ "add_new": "Agregar nuevo",
+ "disguise": "Ocultar",
+ "save": "Guardar",
+ "image": "Imágen",
+ "saved_in": "Guardado en",
+ "location": "Ubicación",
+ "voices": "Por favor, instale voces desde la configuración para una mejor usabilidad"
+ },
+ "onboarding": {
+ "start": "شروع کریں",
+ "profile": {
+ "title": "پروفائلز کی سکرین",
+ "subtitle": "آج کون اوٹا استعمال کرنے جا رہا ہے؟",
+ "description": "پروفائلز کے انتخاب کے ساتھ آپ اپنے تصویروں اور سٹائل کو مدنظر رکھتے ہوئے کسی بھی ڈیوائس سے اوٹا استعمال کر سکیں گے!"
+ },
+ "home": {
+ "title": "Personaliza tu Inicio",
+ "subtitle": "مرکزی اسکرین پر شارٹ کٹس",
+ "description": "Personalizá de acuerdo a tus gustos y necesidades"
+ },
+ "customize": {
+ "title": "Personalizá tu Home",
+ "subtitle": "ہم سیکھنے کے عمل میں ساتھ دیتے ہیں۔",
+ "description": "Activá o desactivá tableros o pictogramas para modificar la predicción, vos tenés el control."
+ },
+ "skip": {
+ "title": "کیا آپ تعارف کو چھوڑنے سے اتفاق کرتے ہیں؟"
+ }
+ },
+ "terms": {
+ "button": "میں شرائط قبول کرتا ہوں۔",
+ "text": "جاری رکھنے کے لیے، ہمیں آپ سے شرائط و ضوابط کو قبول کرنے کی ضرورت ہے۔\n\nشرائط دیکھیں"
+ },
+ "loginWait": {
+ "text": "ہم آپ کو خوش آمدید کہتے ہیں!\n\nOTTAA کی دنیا کے لیے"
+ },
+ "login": {
+ "title": "Ingresa con tu cuenta",
+ "google": "Continuar con Google.",
+ "facebook": "فیس بک کے ساتھ جاری رکھیں",
+ "apple": "Continuar con Apple",
+ "register": "¿Todavía no tienes cuenta? Regístrate aquí",
+ "wait": {
+ "title": "ہم آپ کو خوش آمدید کہتے ہیں!",
+ "subtitle": "OTTAA پروجیکٹ کی نئی دنیا میں"
+ }
+ },
+ "customize": {
+ "board": {
+ "title": "صارف مواصلت کے لیے کون سے بورڈ استعمال کرے گا؟",
+ "appbar": "پیش گوئی کرنے والے بورڈز",
+ "skip": "بورڈز کا انتخاب چھوڑ دیں؟",
+ "subtitle": "تصویریں دیکھیں"
+ },
+ "shortcut": {
+ "title": "Seleccioná los atajos que aparecerán en la pantalla principal.",
+ "appbar": "شارٹ کٹس",
+ "favorites": "پسندیدہ",
+ "history": "تاریخ(سرگزشت)",
+ "camera": "کیمرے",
+ "games": "کھیل"
+ },
+ "picto": {
+ "title": "ادارتی ٹیم{name}",
+ "switch": "ڈیش بورڈ کو چالو کریں۔"
+ },
+ "help": {
+ "boards": "Los tableros predictivos permiten configurar qué grupo de pictogramas se mostrará en la pantalla del usuario/a final.",
+ "shortcut": "شارٹ کٹس مختلف فنکشنز تک فوری رسائی ہیں جو اختتامی صارف کے لیے ان کی مرکزی اسکرین پر موجود ہیں۔"
+ },
+ "wait": {
+ "title": "مبارک ہو",
+ "subtitle": "Has configurado la experiencia de {name}",
+ "button": "پروفائلز پینل پر جائیں۔"
+ },
+ "skip": "کیا آپ پروفائل کی ترجیحات کو چھوڑنے سے اتفاق کرتے ہیں؟"
+ },
+ "home": {
+ "grid": {
+ "title": "بورڈز",
+ "pictos": "Tablero {group}"
+ }
+ },
+ "chatgpt": {
+ "prompt": "escribir una frase en español con estas palabras como si fueras {gender}, agregando conectores y artículos cuando sea necesario, pero sin cambiar las palabras: {pictograms}"
+ },
+ "notification": {
+ "code": {
+ "request": {
+ "title": "Verificación de OTTAA Link",
+ "body": "Están intentando vincular tu cuenta con el token {linkToken}"
+ },
+ "confirm": {
+ "title": "Confirmación de OTTAA Link",
+ "body": "Se ha confirmado la vinculación de tu cuenta"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "game": {
+ "play": "¡Juguemos!",
+ "next": "Jugar",
+ "game_header_0": "¿Cuál es el pictograma?",
+ "game_header_1": "Unir pictogramas",
+ "game_header_2": "Juego de la Memoria",
+ "game_header_3": "Armá una historia",
+ "game_sub_0": "Respondé las preguntas eligiendo el pictograma correcto. Aprende jugando",
+ "game_sub_1": "Unir los pictogramas de manera correcta",
+ "game_sub_2": "Prueba tu memoria, ¿Cuánto recuerdas los pictogramas?",
+ "game_sub_3": "Elegí los pictogramas que más te gusten, y con la ayuda de Chat GPT, crearás una historia.",
+ "group": "Seleccioná una categoría para poder jugar",
+ "search": "Buscar Tablero",
+ "find": "Encuentra los tableros que quieras, fácilmente!",
+ "game_1_line": "Seleccioná el pictograma que escuches",
+ "game_2_line": "Seleccioná la palabra que corresponde a su pictograma",
+ "game_3_line": "Seleccioná una tarjeta y encontrá la pareja del pictograma",
+ "game_4_line": "Agregá hasta 4 pictogramas y creá tu propia historia",
+ "no": "¡Oh Oh!",
+ "yes": "¡Muy bien!",
+ "correct": "Correcto",
+ "incorrect": "Incorrecto",
+ "use_time": "Tiempo total",
+ "maximum_streak": "Mejor racha",
+ "speak_what": "¿Cual es el picto {name}?",
+ "gptbtn": "Crear historia",
+ "prompt": "Actúa como maestra de jardín de infantes y escribe una historia en español para niños usando las siguientes palabras:",
+ "nivel": "Nivel"
+ },
+ "exit": {
+ "long": {
+ "headline": "¿Deseas volver a la pantalla de perfiles?",
+ "body": "Mantén presionado el botón resaltado para volver",
+ "check": "No volver a mostrar este mensaje",
+ "btn": "De acuerdo"
+ },
+ "short": {
+ "headline": "¿Confima que deseas volver a la pantalla de perfiles?"
+ }
+ },
+ "create": {
+ "heading": "Crear pictograma",
+ "image_selection": "Elije la imagen que represente al pictograma",
+ "choose_color": "Elije el color",
+ "search_arsaac": "Buscar ARASAAC",
+ "time_headline": "Selecciona los horarios que más se adecuen a sus actividades",
+ "time_sub1": "¿Qué días de la semana es cuando más lo utiliza?",
+ "schedule": "¿En qué horario?",
+ "save": "Guardar pictograma",
+ "created_by_me": "Creados por mi",
+ "new_board": "Nuevo tablero",
+ "create_new_board": "Crear nuevo tablero",
+ "board_name": "Nombre del tablero",
+ "edit_picto": "Editar pictograma",
+ "final_heading": "Listo, chequea que todo este correcto"
+ }
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+ "text": "chuleta"
+ },
+ "97nIv-aoc51T8kKTZV5cM": {
+ "text": "saliva"
+ },
+ "9EqfwMNtATh1fwMhyn_B1": {
+ "text": "buena"
+ },
+ "9FiWvg197C-Riid-DVysN": {
+ "text": "claro"
+ },
+ "9GqE148SFZqMIft4evAk2": {
+ "text": "comer"
+ },
+ "9MzeUcz1nRqleTkmS_-g2": {
+ "text": "barco"
+ },
+ "9QyJdpUn0f6g7FxWs5qpO": {
+ "text": "cortar"
+ },
+ "9U8MzceIsqKhG86oNx9zV": {
+ "text": "coche"
+ },
+ "9UwpyOnOBoqr4mX3Juqm2": {
+ "text": "buenas tardes"
+ },
+ "9ZnzbKMDwGEwC3hXOhXFe": {
+ "text": "pastillas"
+ },
+ "9dvSIpeXa2_12Jip6noJP": {
+ "text": "deportista"
+ },
+ "9kgRI3KlOIVSuylKffW9g": {
+ "text": "colores"
+ },
+ "9lS0mNuKIS0olyDwoIJBR": {
+ "text": "médico"
+ },
+ "9mLx-YMK81AflitELQFqk": {
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+ },
+ "9s5zV3_oGyDx_NEvsKCxX": {
+ "text": "violín"
+ },
+ "9wE9Py6ztyqDrtaypsltA": {
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+ },
+ "AOp6VGyjYIV0Ym9d0basJ": {
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+ },
+ "APXF-lEplPOloppSeIjAY": {
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+ },
+ "AQKGKdoX5CYycZ2YqBZVW": {
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+ },
+ "AT_rDWsr6xRBgrvgw9Zih": {
+ "text": "nueve"
+ },
+ "AWJXh6URGN0Vwm66i6IvL": {
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+ },
+ "AeFbJQ0M9uTObAlKEX3zr": {
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+ },
+ "Akf0xlH8UJdXn8BJzPV2A": {
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+ },
+ "B1845IfYfPMz2FWpVFIQv": {
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+ },
+ "BKmATW2uBk4pxnmOaARyq": {
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+ },
+ "BNjZz9MGLJEKZ4CZoTs2M": {
+ "text": "ajedrez"
+ },
+ "BQhqx1PuF94jwT0ySTlbJ": {
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+ },
+ "BQm-YCPc0lfD1-mhecCTL": {
+ "text": "yo"
+ },
+ "Bebnh8-UWwtYLnK6p3fKi": {
+ "text": "pan negro"
+ },
+ "BjqWZnzLlxdOo4KEzZ46j": {
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+ },
+ "BqS7d4PMhGRqPYlZQzUbR": {
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+ },
+ "Bub9ZYygLcly15D7_wYks": {
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+ },
+ "ByrvXHEN9Mb8D--7MQAjM": {
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+ },
+ "C12mJ1W11fODI3pv1QOnx": {
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+ },
+ "C29KJ8BTFavhj_R9UfnSv": {
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+ },
+ "C2bgADoxmINRnAiYxZHqd": {
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+ },
+ "CBTemIvgIN1UAtftkc3sz": {
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+ },
+ "CCWCtXdMuQBJRmaFOAlfQ": {
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+ },
+ "CY-IQvUehkaiGFCdKf9bf": {
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+ },
+ "CYH_6DL9q1iLLetuWeR9A": {
+ "text": "tener"
+ },
+ "CZrETqLgQlvDkLHvw1t_w": {
+ "text": "a"
+ },
+ "C_JKGNCxOI5x_f2C4qAyZ": {
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+ },
+ "CbO32RkDdf9aCucv6BnGS": {
+ "text": "cabra"
+ },
+ "ChBc7LjL8dgzZ6LUCAHGh": {
+ "text": "por favor"
+ },
+ "CkTiaqBY3jf86JRq636lt": {
+ "text": "¿cuál?"
+ },
+ "CsKZSNiJw5Q48b26Kskf-": {
+ "text": "heroe"
+ },
+ "CxFmyJYmy6gMRqP9U0cBP": {
+ "text": "estoy perdido"
+ },
+ "CyKtU9yC0Jy7Ypb4WFp6w": {
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+ },
+ "D1gCni2jXpCvKZe4qCtQN": {
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+ },
+ "D2tSkngqbQmdKLNhn9xWV": {
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+ },
+ "D7dt_hFX5DScV_ssm1nKz": {
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+ },
+ "D85FU-Wqr2u53tfTXAtHo": {
+ "text": "patalear"
+ },
+ "DAq2J_xXHsSCSNPp9qVsk": {
+ "text": "oler"
+ },
+ "DBd09yUlbkaYLsemjFXEs": {
+ "text": "helado"
+ },
+ "DG1RiDjDfwWRhpAiIpPqA": {
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+ },
+ "DSgrhLHauub-gBqMGwacO": {
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+ },
+ "DXb0FpjVM9q8LVl9vvSHn": {
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+ },
+ "DXpjgLKTdx9eLLohVdmWM": {
+ "text": "verdulería"
+ },
+ "D_4Weq7iyi7GMEsgP0xy6": {
+ "text": "té"
+ },
+ "Djs1QsLNf8Q5LBIFV5zNC": {
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+ },
+ "DkeHJFtqAS005fYUrl1Xz": {
+ "text": "pantalon"
+ },
+ "Dm3yiKSB134LrjtW_KrO7": {
+ "text": "buen día"
+ },
+ "DqGa4gqd2ABDi45BT43x4": {
+ "text": "princesa"
+ },
+ "Dv9MSCRYbR4Q3K114wXki": {
+ "text": "alto"
+ },
+ "E-vUPARie8MmfgZwv3Omr": {
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+ },
+ "EM8VyonJ7WNdvmRyE3nhZ": {
+ "text": "lento"
+ },
+ "EO4O-s7oafi6QJdxTFNkd": {
+ "text": "anticongestivo"
+ },
+ "ETZNYbrG5wveDl6c9k2_k": {
+ "text": "codo"
+ },
+ "EUsNyf5bDdSLqvZKH1Ltx": {
+ "text": "no entiendo"
+ },
+ "EVmt43vDI3NHFfbbkqokF": {
+ "text": "pizza"
+ },
+ "Erg6LuA8IOQ5V8RTP3pPi": {
+ "text": "abeja"
+ },
+ "F4cGnA_QHsVKTjUE6MAu9": {
+ "text": "mameluco"
+ },
+ "F7kJ8VM31BWB4K4T4USzs": {
+ "text": "maltrato físico"
+ },
+ "F8roVYxKZi88UUGfOvTwl": {
+ "text": "maestra"
+ },
+ "F90bXbc0tz9nuzTT7SgqV": {
+ "text": "cuatro"
+ },
+ "FBPIabyaoCK-Y0BziQdji": {
+ "text": "dolor de panza"
+ },
+ "FBTheEQmZZfJRiYjd_Np_": {
+ "text": "interpretar"
+ },
+ "FO77qpzyz28knodNtILCA": {
+ "text": "tirar la cadena"
+ },
+ "FTngK946O8S8bYc0g7vM2": {
+ "text": "mamá"
+ },
+ "FaVvbVzZivuxTwxJTPubK": {
+ "text": "hermanos"
+ },
+ "FfNU04I4mZ54gWcBXqo2c": {
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+ },
+ "FgTird367surh-vxXyAK6": {
+ "text": "ticket"
+ },
+ "FkC5DtSV81OvFMU99qZGg": {
+ "text": "pelota"
+ },
+ "FnCBoLSE19WsbUypUKvFc": {
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+ },
+ "Fogupb264IyCtbZ-Q2D6w": {
+ "text": "borracho"
+ },
+ "Fvm2C5NBq01tm0QK9d9QM": {
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+ },
+ "G09TvOzDSG5m3hTQD9Tej": {
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+ },
+ "G2i9LSK4A19237Zp1vXqF": {
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+ },
+ "G6KKVMvPDnjdD9TfBd-B9": {
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+ },
+ "GAxX7EIz1TTLtMX08RRGr": {
+ "text": "hamburguesería"
+ },
+ "GJlUSznzEHCgoAOrVrkp9": {
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+ },
+ "GSEumxiyeVKRRiaY_c8HW": {
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+ },
+ "GY_flM-6uR6X3L4AwsiwU": {
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+ },
+ "G_CRpzxWO5XdEMh01O1eJ": {
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+ },
+ "Gj7THa6XFHDfYL5H19lwj": {
+ "text": "mañana"
+ },
+ "Gm_qAGnL4OawmlYmTs7K5": {
+ "text": "no veo"
+ },
+ "GoJuWnn72TCXONXKtYHMm": {
+ "text": "tren"
+ },
+ "Gvmy--9DiUn_tkQYWeWhA": {
+ "text": "canelones"
+ },
+ "GxrDtsdGcLepdsQr6V9DT": {
+ "text": "verde"
+ },
+ "H2zMVtjvqi7aUtCypiVKr": {
+ "text": "sentar"
+ },
+ "H8Bsrr2NK9Q3WGbEp8PMe": {
+ "text": "plateado"
+ },
+ "H9SWPnWbR8qcZA-iu5Mz0": {
+ "text": "dolor de Oido"
+ },
+ "HBZNu6m3FELU9eg3OeLdx": {
+ "text": "cortina"
+ },
+ "text": "golpe"
+ },
+ "HMPabuHqgtyiCmTLzg-rM": {
+ "text": "entrar"
+ },
+ "HQiQh4PPBvO1n-d7JGVj8": {
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+ },
+ "HTBNWax6FCSGXuboGsVUW": {
+ "text": "salado"
+ },
+ "HnuZA0UTlnuIfFAN7saxl": {
+ "text": "conejo"
+ },
+ "Hvb4JdDHX_vNMck_US2UN": {
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+ },
+ "I5AJgba5GTdEjdpFB-LBf": {
+ "text": "chocolatada"
+ },
+ "IAdQsjTsbBUAMjlwW34cw": {
+ "text": "me encantaría"
+ },
+ "IEeIvawUD2GIAr1Wypr9i": {
+ "text": "personas"
+ },
+ "IF3R7tLVAkd4RbL8R07K9": {
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+ },
+ "IM8OUKCzHwnjAQWPFgnn6": {
+ "text": "lejos"
+ },
+ "INxOSvKbBNOXwruIpuNho": {
+ "text": "ombligo"
+ },
+ "IO8uTb1K7ElENgp2ujZoK": {
+ "text": "robusto"
+ },
+ "IXRWmFmtqfnHQRcBf1Idl": {
+ "text": "paloma"
+ },
+ "IZbfYRzu2cxxDWdbmQeqw": {
+ "text": "cabeza"
+ },
+ "Ig1oypuwndODbmKh_NEXs": {
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+ },
+ "IsWUeiPnDEnzxePKclBNp": {
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+ },
+ "J3qQMp0OMr5LC9ebfArxH": {
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+ },
+ "J3rDL96c2zfBQzP45VRCp": {
+ "text": "limón"
+ },
+ "J4UUPR-WP0qo1y14bUVI-": {
+ "text": "veterinario"
+ },
+ "J7MmgugOu20UtMcMPj59r": {
+ "text": "canción"
+ },
+ "J7wLwBLVx4UANh_x5HdXd": {
+ "text": "según"
+ },
+ "JB9SIxWzxWFjrbmMuksrY": {
+ "text": "reir"
+ },
+ "JBIehRNmDbK2ALcRN0u9i": {
+ "text": "gallo"
+ },
+ "JBKQaBezKuSDaMsnbJMTB": {
+ "text": "bar"
+ },
+ "JBU2hMw9gbIy9-wGF4mjD": {
+ "text": "pizarrón"
+ },
+ "JDbBWMB5No0pK6HvntLt4": {
+ "text": "lavarme las manos"
+ },
+ "JEDIYq1BDA23ac9TNhON-": {
+ "text": "ayuda"
+ },
+ "JFldbhjqxK3fD6D2K4HY4": {
+ "text": "papá"
+ },
+ "JGm4BL7HAfuxX_PGe6Jzk": {
+ "text": "presente"
+ },
+ "JQOpcZSCPGMOWZsN8w_yb": {
+ "text": "¿qué hora es?"
+ },
+ "JSFuEHlP-CFvuqvFKMumC": {
+ "text": "autos de juguete"
+ },
+ "JVtu9W3AumOwjUedwhUGE": {
+ "text": "rehabilitación"
+ },
+ "JZRBfIXBkeuobtDXbLt5t": {
+ "text": "adiós"
+ },
+ "JawnUo-pseWb3FDVMtxrQ": {
+ "text": "yogur"
+ },
+ "JblWXW8TKDCuYu2yTnFBA": {
+ "text": "mesa"
+ },
+ "Ji5OVFX-uNDewL8eX8Cin": {
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+ },
+ "Jjq8CM8JrYHIMziuQy-WN": {
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+ },
+ "JziaulL-lrAPGNVvwBPK9": {
+ "text": "verano"
+ },
+ "K382TlNZjdMLLpAhCCXLG": {
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+ },
+ "K6hd20tWZfwwlYYi7jctt": {
+ "text": "rica"
+ },
+ "K8cMIDL0ubQvWhhDtr65F": {
+ "text": "llorar"
+ },
+ "K8e2-KkvZfFOQaXnhR37x": {
+ "text": "cansado"
+ },
+ "KC18_sTEqKucPQ-iwEKYY": {
+ "text": "lapiz"
+ },
+ "KK_i8H9qTfDVYZkQGwd2v": {
+ "text": "apagar"
+ },
+ "KNH4sLRpVKtHXQa-0y84K": {
+ "text": "nervioso"
+ },
+ "KWYVDZiERE8jtRsL0faHH": {
+ "text": "nadar"
+ },
+ "KXHW4m6vXxQU-AEOR4pZ4": {
+ "text": "balón de fútbol"
+ },
+ "Khdk8mWpyxgLqfC-6lyT9": {
+ "text": "burro"
+ },
+ "KhyTKtiL4ZT4Z1saU1eJh": {
+ "text": "escuchar música"
+ },
+ "Kn9vE07FK1LrzoD_YxrJD": {
+ "text": "subte"
+ },
+ "KpLFOrpuhFKaIbBbFwVVu": {
+ "text": "mariposa"
+ },
+ "KrOPANVpdkBWdEZoUwxKf": {
+ "text": "grave"
+ },
+ "KvY6Taigm4Va_cVjXAfGR": {
+ "text": "corto"
+ },
+ "L0hfYADgzghRVsZLZHRxE": {
+ "text": "bailarín"
+ },
+ "L19r487_d3RqWXiNuh3gE": {
+ "text": "¿qué color es?"
+ },
+ "L6YLAEsbYcTq-ycQJTvt4": {
+ "text": "pollo"
+ },
+ "LAuEISciEf1Wc1j4fERz8": {
+ "text": "año nuevo"
+ },
+ "LDoi3cxodn_AVKSG-Bf_1": {
+ "text": "ojos"
+ },
+ "LEVKlDlJ0wHo5QEjCNAGa": {
+ "text": "pegamento"
+ },
+ "LEg8z-Q-ONLAAXd-aH_Hb": {
+ "text": "bajo"
+ },
+ "LNBTW0qQtHYQEHatkWGtc": {
+ "text": "mercado"
+ },
+ "LRIKzfm9ZsdNe1u7CUuW_": {
+ "text": "¿cuántos?"
+ },
+ "LRfh-4RAZTj7cnnDwBmqj": {
+ "text": "flotador"
+ },
+ "LU7IoUksATEBhd8PaHS1R": {
+ "text": "sacar"
+ },
+ "LaKT8VTw0_6rvordp5-R8": {
+ "text": "rosa"
+ },
+ "LiBr37yi-YBgQDx4unjyc": {
+ "text": "dá"
+ },
+ "LjTGOcyG7DkTs1lJqNr8w": {
+ "text": "cabellera"
+ },
+ "LksmOMPPOMArbrFsscqOW": {
+ "text": "música"
+ },
+ "LmGq1AZs2a0x26r7E9GUj": {
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+ },
+ "LngEMJa_ihV8mB7afZX-h": {
+ "text": "ellas"
+ },
+ "LrDai7jXlGAdZ3e8ZQezj": {
+ "text": "hacer pis"
+ },
+ "M5q2CXmK0_WVaVUB_HJB3": {
+ "text": "caliente"
+ },
+ "MEqo2TROHyroK318sm84f": {
+ "text": "pasta"
+ },
+ "MKR-ukiUlJy4uuqO30UU6": {
+ "text": "maltrato verbal"
+ },
+ "MMzjhHID8HMqyPjii5o-h": {
+ "text": "cocina"
+ },
+ "MNCcHiImRS8tmvhBhzCKj": {
+ "text": "ensalada"
+ },
+ "MQHnvvU48NnEptP8a9w8C": {
+ "text": "no me gusta"
+ },
+ "MWIzTM6zhTWL1V-brLtBx": {
+ "text": "cómodo"
+ },
+ "MYqfOzKx2qMHop8GaHs0I": {
+ "text": "verde Claro"
+ },
+ "MiOe5_Djf-pE9V9aDZ_1G": {
+ "text": "ananá"
+ },
+ "MqQgYn5B0uV-DMORCBOmV": {
+ "text": "triste"
+ },
+ "Mw6WRebMAKWwXfAvDA7vu": {
+ "text": "tener calor"
+ },
+ "N2baGNTOapSaFDo1GURiW": {
+ "text": "no escucho"
+ },
+ "N7n4zQIkJZOhaYESk2GgH": {
+ "text": "caer"
+ },
+ "NFdUTit6Ff-4S7Nzf92U5": {
+ "text": "estreñimiento"
+ },
+ "NFgGqhEtl0HqipCGGEvwU": {
+ "text": "peinarme"
+ },
+ "NKQwWPAsVHwFBWuksqfns": {
+ "text": "ducha"
+ },
+ "NLi5ODIzyMAwr2HpDXACp": {
+ "text": "nariz"
+ },
+ "NQayjogCYiimP_0OxIfFj": {
+ "text": "zapatos"
+ },
+ "NVe4u7BTAVfLk3xkDqLnZ": {
+ "text": "horno"
+ },
+ "NVjfEut567uXpTaQUNI2i": {
+ "text": "campera"
+ },
+ "N_893wsadpGg3Ip5sEThe": {
+ "text": "azul"
+ },
+ "NaJxTPq9Ld8I4fwAltyEC": {
+ "text": "maiz"
+ },
+ "NjulpZ9x63ZqxtLMoRjkx": {
+ "text": "prender la luz"
+ },
+ "Njz8DrErsexBu8mAI6mnr": {
+ "text": "pescado"
+ },
+ "NmNouLLx13jzE27jliI_v": {
+ "text": "diente"
+ },
+ "NuhUikdCxP0NgsbO0wvAU": {
+ "text": "cola"
+ },
+ "O-CLnVuXAUapOn6TbdhKx": {
+ "text": "querer"
+ },
+ "O450x4W3OOacvJIy4QicJ": {
+ "text": "verduras"
+ },
+ "OHyrmD5US1rHEAEwLQaII": {
+ "text": "animales"
+ },
+ "OKXIGnLh-i1ydTNj450Q8": {
+ "text": "reina"
+ },
+ "OUcfOOReAfQroBKlBdDb-": {
+ "text": "solución salina"
+ },
+ "OWLDc7Hn3neBAf_V_N27n": {
+ "text": "abrochar"
+ },
+ "O_ZfCPZSxGMPT6orCt-O6": {
+ "text": "chancho"
+ },
+ "OblxxVFC-LKPq-8oC9FpE": {
+ "text": "sentimientos"
+ },
+ "OdCdTUAlbN6kvsPjby_Bi": {
+ "text": "deportes"
+ },
+ "OeA63q6LpqGvXW-cJXEym": {
+ "text": "jamón"
+ },
+ "OeytAsSiEAWC10tXhxbTa": {
+ "text": "personajes"
+ },
+ "OhrHu-xLo8hcn5plWfoX4": {
+ "text": "caro"
+ },
+ "Om1Bvqu8nmGuNGwV8hndM": {
+ "text": "bajo"
+ },
+ "OvyFC1GHkvJZ0dAAF1QkY": {
+ "text": "él"
+ },
+ "OwHzJdOQTFOA8daCVRwm6": {
+ "text": "pincel"
+ },
+ "P5zdq4x58yp5TA_soKQEJ": {
+ "text": "bicicleta"
+ },
+ "PAlC0XSZNru3-LXtfvGjo": {
+ "text": "hacer el amor"
+ },
+ "PBqpK7LL1HQPwowPitrss": {
+ "text": "leer"
+ },
+ "PFAi3SdvH9vL7_Bg3MhCA": {
+ "text": "semáforo"
+ },
+ "PIBHv5VueBi-sf5qFCN_Y": {
+ "text": "ante"
+ },
+ "PIPQnVS2UiS7kGbucJP8l": {
+ "text": "curar"
+ },
+ "PLXxIPYyztaztLf4sPCst": {
+ "text": "garganta"
+ },
+ "PbtM3htZocZb8YifuPoY5": {
+ "text": "cangrejo"
+ },
+ "PfNLmlHKFT9d1w6IgeXbU": {
+ "text": "control remoto"
+ },
+ "Pl-M4bc6k2rdhu6FHEbkA": {
+ "text": "patio"
+ },
+ "PogTYrGfa2WNfBRuA8O4e": {
+ "text": "malo"
+ },
+ "PszHdOxMsS_tAzSrN52Wa": {
+ "text": "plastilina"
+ },
+ "Pw3GgPwp7fpDVC6wJjgPn": {
+ "text": "subir"
+ },
+ "Q6LQqdLcvNOiCFjC0DVo2": {
+ "text": "tambor"
+ },
+ "Q6nNH4AIoSeDHODC_Ip8O": {
+ "text": "vecino"
+ },
+ "Q9Ra0aJaQnOJQ1Kqdc43-": {
+ "text": "bebé"
+ },
+ "QCQRmsQY6AggjreY9Z0MF": {
+ "text": "rechazar"
+ },
+ "QGf1Tb1roL7HAXUSrRqRJ": {
+ "text": "naranja"
+ },
+ "QJhkOh48xapiTObEDQLB9": {
+ "text": "piano"
+ },
+ "QTkFHWp9KEDgfCjoQjBY2": {
+ "text": "plurales"
+ },
+ "QUTQLuD2Gv7fHh0V_O5tg": {
+ "text": "avergonzado"
+ },
+ "QVqSPPgA89whFTJ0HTphK": {
+ "text": "abrir"
+ },
+ "QZNQOaf0SdHDbx1otCmrH": {
+ "text": "niño"
+ },
+ "QcGJ9u_JqmrW0X47PXWH4": {
+ "text": "despeinada"
+ },
+ "QclUM2p3iexSjFZI8OU4-": {
+ "text": "fiebre"
+ },
+ "QeqA20MCXB-zNfuKIssMY": {
+ "text": "lata de atún"
+ },
+ "QllvOUe8utZrcBRGw_0vc": {
+ "text": "curita"
+ },
+ "QnlQ1HOEB9yNjuW3Dd6fc": {
+ "text": "celebración"
+ },
+ "Qo3Qn_nMe3E6EqNw0UdNZ": {
+ "text": "soleado"
+ },
+ "QohNih4wgqjnpWt3kSwtd": {
+ "text": "entrenador"
+ },
+ "QvaMxPy-3iixHAJFyIrN-": {
+ "text": "sandwich"
+ },
+ "R06chAQYswLtQK46OInW7": {
+ "text": "leche con galletas"
+ },
+ "R9ECa_HQRtpFrb59ebMTQ": {
+ "text": "escuela"
+ },
+ "RBCjBvNXQSZOOpg-5lBlK": {
+ "text": "bueno"
+ },
+ "RZfMOtjw0DoGHWaRfCEc4": {
+ "text": "pantalón"
+ },
+ "Ra2rxEEohwxRqDsW2AT3C": {
+ "text": "videojuegos"
+ },
+ "RbZetbSC5064rZccOFD1D": {
+ "text": "televisión"
+ },
+ "RkpoG4KB8m_TJFJf2v3EG": {
+ "text": "cambiar de canal"
+ },
+ "RwlZ1jr2Ix3evzrW71lN0": {
+ "text": "manzana"
+ },
+ "S3um53pcko7_BPHy7R6FL": {
+ "text": "nosotros"
+ },
+ "SE-71I_ahm3oKROReyJHE": {
+ "text": "hacer caca"
+ },
+ "SOyGnJXLPeVRoZy3vBgpK": {
+ "text": "examen"
+ },
+ "SXz8iA1Qn_BlgLTAG6Epl": {
+ "text": "cena"
+ },
+ "SiOmZdwX8Hf2nE2v6HfCp": {
+ "text": "zapato"
+ },
+ "Sp2Ias_Y1HplkHWjIb7Mp": {
+ "text": "sin"
+ },
+ "TAbuXSnSHU6C3CQ4kbKVh": {
+ "text": "triángulo"
+ },
+ "TBV2BhoZVgl1jMV_jWZYi": {
+ "text": "derecha"
+ },
+ "TIgoS-YONIwzbrImXetaD": {
+ "text": "ciruela"
+ },
+ "TIsM6aTTZ9W8j6UhW9Qqj": {
+ "text": "coro"
+ },
+ "TLxsYdrBdHgFZkNJtVTmK": {
+ "text": "tortuga"
+ },
+ "TP-gGRcpcFyx1SrNRsdRV": {
+ "text": "perdón"
+ },
+ "TR5CXN8-pfbWkshdxSBSV": {
+ "text": "oveja"
+ },
+ "TS9z8ZmMEwn0MGSfr9amH": {
+ "text": "palta"
+ },
+ "TZF-7m8VKZ7IL6pyv0Daf": {
+ "text": "cepillarme los dientes"
+ },
+ "T_Q5c4XAfkhkclmnCGHo5": {
+ "text": "hasta"
+ },
+ "Td5pgVQDTFOftUgOJ-bD-": {
+ "text": "picante"
+ },
+ "Te_jJfeU8Xwa9St2RihBq": {
+ "text": "sangre"
+ },
+ "ThqkHs4az5tgLqLcfFPaZ": {
+ "text": "largo"
+ },
+ "TpPNZLsh5jrN9RdPFwmA7": {
+ "text": "¡genial!"
+ },
+ "Tpj-Fs8LQ566TM0bYlZ6H": {
+ "text": "viernes"
+ },
+ "TuAjBKPp3-PSdQuooSWZi": {
+ "text": "rana"
+ },
+ "TyqVzfOniQNa9WKQRXqr-": {
+ "text": "hermana"
+ },
+ "U1KQsrvTa2E00-ugc-Iy6": {
+ "text": "ausente"
+ },
+ "U6PoeH-cMdO3ttnLkN7_3": {
+ "text": "cabalgar"
+ },
+ "U7GiGcYacowWi4MWrCYyj": {
+ "text": "antiinflamatorio"
+ },
+ "UQ-5wOfR0tDzljoDjj2xU": {
+ "text": "otoño"
+ },
+ "UQ5B5K-tpk1XmQC1B9TjQ": {
+ "text": "no"
+ },
+ "US8_vYTnDfxBw2Ung_J38": {
+ "text": "partes íntimas"
+ },
+ "UVzdJiqY36fqgBYyz880c": {
+ "text": "jamón crudo"
+ },
+ "UXJDiwb3j_zyfGa26ByJL": {
+ "text": "pecho"
+ },
+ "Ubaq6h7wasdP_YRombm2c": {
+ "text": "azúcar"
+ },
+ "Ugs9V9c2c5iHrVC6p17zr": {
+ "text": "analgésico"
+ },
+ "Uk1Emn5IovsTfFzpQX5Jw": {
+ "text": "sosten"
+ },
+ "UkLF5sKtVKW0D8RzVCoue": {
+ "text": "bombero"
+ },
+ "UnQJwWfWCe40DJYR1Er0o": {
+ "text": "dolor"
+ },
+ "UssSOEEKutvzB_B4fAQE-": {
+ "text": "escuchar de nuevo"
+ },
+ "Ust3oadA0PUGViYo28Mf3": {
+ "text": "caminar"
+ },
+ "UvRS0KmtZn3dq7e8L5RcE": {
+ "text": "enojado"
+ },
+ "UwvZVcX_CAQFrI6U4LsNT": {
+ "text": "huevo"
+ },
+ "VJ9AU_y7CqsONR6TvhdLh": {
+ "text": "¿dónde es?"
+ },
+ "VKrLGgYjc-nLPGsyESDgb": {
+ "text": "canario"
+ },
+ "VL4pd0vnJ-CNfMg9bCNed": {
+ "text": "aspirina"
+ },
+ "VUJ-zrdsyL9MOuFbdMCAx": {
+ "text": "mareo"
+ },
+ "Vioyf8EXJfY5t34NnN0WO": {
+ "text": "tablet"
+ },
+ "Vjlet5P7XuqTrc22nt_Zz": {
+ "text": "agua"
+ },
+ "Vmnu5eormo-_TOCgF4YzG": {
+ "text": "jarabe para la tos"
+ },
+ "VoZumy5GtnRdqSOmXAw7j": {
+ "text": "preparado"
+ },
+ "VrC7AnovfA7VzmYESVc8L": {
+ "text": "conversar"
+ },
+ "VwZ4EKSggYWxlnAbp-pNB": {
+ "text": "enfermo"
+ },
+ "Vzov0z9acB-I1_W_CcFcY": {
+ "text": "rojo"
+ },
+ "WDUIQV43zghFQq_rSk1Z4": {
+ "text": "churrasco"
+ },
+ "WL3ZN-W_zgnuTJpuqz0YQ": {
+ "text": "príncipe"
+ },
+ "WNhpmD_XlTaNEBo7GsFXu": {
+ "text": "diarrea"
+ },
+ "WQ0CNIQ_gjaCxg4tEIsOo": {
+ "text": "clavado"
+ },
+ "WRzleD-mI84LaimFH8h6P": {
+ "text": "escuchar"
+ },
+ "WUt3I-NkdbqlSVcwuLfFx": {
+ "text": "patines"
+ },
+ "WWK2v56LM-zWqujabk9bM": {
+ "text": "plástica"
+ },
+ "W_f7h3qOLl2uEd_OYpMfQ": {
+ "text": "policía"
+ },
+ "WasZ5bKZZy5Jt4Y-JipxS": {
+ "text": "bikini"
+ },
+ "Wgh5iCzUmx4Je-B85-pra": {
+ "text": "heladera"
+ },
+ "WjXQhSFPpz42ZUyHvurYG": {
+ "text": "grillo"
+ },
+ "WtYSntcy2CijEORmROeaj": {
+ "text": "un cuarto"
+ },
+ "Wu47Qs6Zupu1Ox2gUhkxn": {
+ "text": "cuarto"
+ },
+ "Wva5W8GA0dHzyt2_0FPdm": {
+ "text": "hermano"
+ },
+ "X0-Tf-KR24qEkpGDzG2Z-": {
+ "text": "ayer"
+ },
+ "X3u4pXTWKcGc43lOkgSBt": {
+ "text": "cumplimiento"
+ },
+ "XA952Z60D0-cesNCVA-OX": {
+ "text": "chau"
+ },
+ "XC5fIljJ819OYpllYTjpE": {
+ "text": "jirafa"
+ },
+ "XN0nzhQyHVOhuYuNqrp8g": {
+ "text": "durazno"
+ },
+ "XOoGN6huCjVHxH8hRFAw1": {
+ "text": "blanca"
+ },
+ "XY6ZCNzeJIEzLtWJcufJm": {
+ "text": "camiseta manga larga"
+ },
+ "XYY8SV1IAMHjdGjMZxbdy": {
+ "text": "cancha"
+ },
+ "XeVaDdUWSEkhfJvTVvUHR": {
+ "text": "salir"
+ },
+ "XnocVMEeUGCSnlnusP44O": {
+ "text": "agarrar"
+ },
+ "XuAtFop5_JNSYiZkUBzaU": {
+ "text": "cocinar"
+ },
+ "Y5HQq_4crSF2lpwH-KUrt": {
+ "text": "dos"
+ },
+ "YCu-B26PqjE30AhikHdkI": {
+ "text": "dibujos animados"
+ },
+ "YIP0Xc4aJsfv0s8BpiQnn": {
+ "text": "cinco"
+ },
+ "YLKXFZ9ze9K9NvJiAx8w0": {
+ "text": "¿qué?"
+ },
+ "YbrNtdUmyMNdAF5CfvY1A": {
+ "text": "toalla"
+ },
+ "YbvMRsCtMbww8OQgF45QF": {
+ "text": "resfrío"
+ },
+ "YeT-jstVSA7-mD9t99Isg": {
+ "text": "rompecabeza"
+ },
+ "YusWY8GwdO43bSp1o3BWC": {
+ "text": "molesto"
+ },
+ "Yvxm8RGoFYKUsIXOl33yR": {
+ "text": "apagar la luz"
+ },
+ "Z5-sBklfLIWE00CJ_T_ZK": {
+ "text": "cuchara"
+ },
+ "Z8xp3kxXuhMVoNm7ddQSX": {
+ "text": "lanzar"
+ },
+ "ZA2C4bJaL90lBxsTemYWZ": {
+ "text": "piscina"
+ },
+ "ZAnmv4CLb7hldYUlp2wJU": {
+ "text": "ninguno"
+ },
+ "ZBIFtTq-BH1jv5jLbzrhj": {
+ "text": "repetir"
+ },
+ "ZQEXAf10BkoTvCJx3Ox39": {
+ "text": "sorpresa"
+ },
+ "ZR-NXJk3SD351W-95cf_T": {
+ "text": "pintar"
+ },
+ "ZRYQmYRGKzheBqk11eGRZ": {
+ "text": "ballena"
+ },
+ "Zm4OIanIKTigDGIsInO7o": {
+ "text": "un supermercado"
+ },
+ "ZnMba2r4XIg9lPi_H2d_Z": {
+ "text": "sí"
+ },
+ "_1lOt0C0MQhvU8QWC6_oZ": {
+ "text": "buenas noches"
+ },
+ "_2SjbH-xHZq173EU4J65c": {
+ "text": "parque"
+ },
+ "_3ihCSMQCokXNo8pXii-h": {
+ "text": "llamar a alguien"
+ },
+ "_8RIOebHpkr9nCy0_9qhP": {
+ "text": "llamar"
+ },
+ "_CsJMxqGcNSaujXwRZcpu": {
+ "text": "ansioso"
+ },
+ "_FNTsoEjTMV3Uas-gggi2": {
+ "text": "estrés"
+ },
+ "_HUf6SR0mTP7v72Y9_4gw": {
+ "text": "coche de bomberos"
+ },
+ "_Lc2-NNL69ZX-aVnUNzgx": {
+ "text": "frutilla"
+ },
+ "_S9Eck14cdOTr0QH4i7sQ": {
+ "text": "cuarto de baño"
+ },
+ "_WIT6qs1kaiJqB1Ild5Xs": {
+ "text": "paseo"
+ },
+ "_eug92AvR1UXpYlfm6o_Q": {
+ "text": "dorado"
+ },
+ "_hqTU9A7I3RFDVrcIEK-L": {
+ "text": "%null%"
+ },
+ "_lU200bb9Sjv0b_iJKgU2": {
+ "text": "una bicicletería"
+ },
+ "_tDZtalMxKSNpWydJ1aeW": {
+ "text": "cero"
+ },
+ "aC_XP9Ch5PqWoCmcJwI77": {
+ "text": "algodón"
+ },
+ "aMs2YNnWkw4XN0gAm-jI3": {
+ "text": "cajón"
+ },
+ "aP9QisUdxhgOKIQ2kHNb3": {
+ "text": "acelga"
+ },
+ "aSzpwNza22HZp46Sh6wfx": {
+ "text": "súcio"
+ },
+ "aTwzShtP_zR9x6bSGSzEB": {
+ "text": "muslo de pollo"
+ },
+ "text": "tú"
+ },
+ "aa3xDW6F9YUKyX0fe5uX8": {
+ "text": "espaldas"
+ },
+ "ajesFjbC7hwCNLKdif-ix": {
+ "text": "contra"
+ },
+ "ak5fBauJzapC4JIf0lT8N": {
+ "text": "cerro"
+ },
+ "alsoa_V3wz3vPpG1TKRZc": {
+ "text": "transportes"
+ },
+ "amk4WRd1sNEIp24pnFw8j": {
+ "text": "rodilla"
+ },
+ "armmpopt2RLsVDlqLrQ94": {
+ "text": "restaurante"
+ },
+ "atVEXuftxSiDDj8rzUlFg": {
+ "text": "crayones"
+ },
+ "atWxG3KTHB5moW1dylLJc": {
+ "text": "juguete"
+ },
+ "avzcTznCsQCISYJsLC-w_": {
+ "text": "notas musicales"
+ },
+ "b1XpSC0ndnm0ZewNXC3pp": {
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+ },
+ "b5OdBMMzkf1FlQbUR5-m7": {
+ "text": "servilletas"
+ },
+ "b9Y5MrR-jn8fh77gAkLZy": {
+ "text": "pintar"
+ },
+ "bAoK85XLNb7p0ebevYZ6O": {
+ "text": "mirarme al espejo"
+ },
+ "bDnuS19hfd9GhJ-6rjNPD": {
+ "text": "estar"
+ },
+ "bFodvUraUhJeq4waMdlxv": {
+ "text": "domingo"
+ },
+ "bNJfccUvG2DQfR1iZP3eR": {
+ "text": "serpiente"
+ },
+ "bVN3R44VuZDw3IdQMolca": {
+ "text": "cambiar"
+ },
+ "beNprvNb0UztxR4JLxDFm": {
+ "text": "cumpleaños"
+ },
+ "bge6qR6NzsD5Vk4ifPsSO": {
+ "text": "ketchup"
+ },
+ "bpSuQQRlIcSse40OAxNSG": {
+ "text": "lunes"
+ },
+ "bqjKW_qBtRzIThWxdZx2s": {
+ "text": "gafas de sol"
+ },
+ "buyy_2ydocKoi9TnBhZ1N": {
+ "text": "amiga"
+ },
+ "bw3rqHXD1TJ53xbNggEqH": {
+ "text": "desayuno"
+ },
+ "c7kK5ROVbO3DHrwSFEawq": {
+ "text": "dulce"
+ },
+ "cI0JxwhkWU-YA7E7rmJtp": {
+ "text": "cuello"
+ },
+ "cJMQi3SVmqvWJ00VxI6gy": {
+ "text": "¿cómo estás?"
+ },
+ "cJw2i319mzBUpEfBRDxc9": {
+ "text": "pez"
+ },
+ "cJzHrV_PsV-PwwyFN9jka": {
+ "text": "%null%"
+ },
+ "cS3g4KXf39akVFHCG5AwL": {
+ "text": "camión de juguete"
+ },
+ "cTiw7_Yjxu_Kg90q7PdYl": {
+ "text": "gripe"
+ },
+ "cb0rJJEYOeEoRU5fDdQQq": {
+ "text": "el"
+ },
+ "ccGASDOGtty6GfQMEEBEU": {
+ "text": "tres"
+ },
+ "cj6OuVw4Nob8jxP-E4rZc": {
+ "text": "cambiarme la ropa"
+ },
+ "cnyLFMkJu2i3cqOY0e9kl": {
+ "text": "pasas"
+ },
+ "curstMeuThu2KUph-8rkB": {
+ "text": "jugar con"
+ },
+ "cxMNBGV3LytDXgwDMCiga": {
+ "text": "violeta"
+ },
+ "d4zNoj2BAFG9B7J3KAlLE": {
+ "text": "botones"
+ },
+ "d6s8fLFBiQ3KEJlNdJfUW": {
+ "text": "un poco loco"
+ },
+ "dHM0qnbmtJAkZY0WBsqaY": {
+ "text": "lila"
+ },
+ "dLHDzm0rfgL-vXTx14HSm": {
+ "text": "buscar"
+ },
+ "dNvN5P787hAPE7ZYNgwkw": {
+ "text": "pasear"
+ },
+ "dR72liRxC3qmoSa6Dz2a2": {
+ "text": "jarabe"
+ },
+ "dS-KyYREUQIk7sDlmsvoa": {
+ "text": "cerca"
+ },
+ "d_I8jNfbkQD0CHgZn7hyB": {
+ "text": "camisa"
+ },
+ "dgm3NCKuz7L39PX8LYxj7": {
+ "text": "juguetes"
+ },
+ "djgKI9embnk95PAtFcn45": {
+ "text": "cambiarme el pañal"
+ },
+ "dn41o5K_1fo-qHO-YLoQn": {
+ "text": "sábado"
+ },
+ "dnXsSOeVG7mq37uciIi2J": {
+ "text": "recreo"
+ },
+ "e5sCl246xFMESEfFy2PhX": {
+ "text": "coche"
+ },
+ "e5un1yrIuZHQi048e5kD6": {
+ "text": "alfajores"
+ },
+ "e8zl_ecIloo4Vk-OZPJWe": {
+ "text": "jugar con la tablet"
+ },
+ "eDX2HSkGaY2TeVwPjR07S": {
+ "text": "fácil"
+ },
+ "eGJ8MC1xPE6ueF82jCmVg": {
+ "text": "cepillar"
+ },
+ "eKJCZc-kD0-m6cVLorFzO": {
+ "text": "pera"
+ },
+ "eWSI1NInbQowtO99phhGA": {
+ "text": "boca"
+ },
+ "eZEqRZjRK8JJMsfHo4Y7w": {
+ "text": "del"
+ },
+ "ebo03xnkyiHD2pKUKULmr": {
+ "text": "dibujos animados"
+ },
+ "ecUOs24Pp5ZTRt_ZvED5W": {
+ "text": "acompañar"
+ },
+ "eduqLSyC3m4uB1Oee6dt6": {
+ "text": "mitad"
+ },
+ "eji-M2j5eHkG71DCksleY": {
+ "text": "huevo duro"
+ },
+ "emm_RirDsO30Enax5Q4gd": {
+ "text": "con"
+ },
+ "eo3Q5AjHJz5kp1EbdALwh": {
+ "text": "ustedes"
+ },
+ "eoYtISVZl3mdwoE_HW-Mv": {
+ "text": "guitarra"
+ },
+ "et1KiL5-zob_EcGlj7tLN": {
+ "text": "despues"
+ },
+ "f2dl12fMZbRdQ7STpcTdk": {
+ "text": "fútbol"
+ },
+ "fF3ijeQzetfSn6EGcs1yY": {
+ "text": "cerezas"
+ },
+ "fL_4POdbPVL9-lvQVWSqY": {
+ "text": "avión de juguete"
+ },
+ "fNAlqbgrpirQZO_LhrkXY": {
+ "text": "primavera"
+ },
+ "fNv4Nb6Vafxk0JxXr-iDo": {
+ "text": "investigar"
+ },
+ "fUUj_4pKPflmJlxZfk0cX": {
+ "text": "discoteca"
+ },
+ "ff7ES190q1dmFYZ7lo6x0": {
+ "text": "pan blanco"
+ },
+ "fjCOcN-PKP6F07IZcI71X": {
+ "text": "plaza"
+ },
+ "fkNwVm56PSe-qh-QoM0vm": {
+ "text": "allá"
+ },
+ "fk_z_HrvcUh8XIq8D6gQP": {
+ "text": "nueces"
+ },
+ "g1Cj6HW8kg8yPE1XX9pxa": {
+ "text": "desde"
+ },
+ "g1TLUpuQX2Zs1ob9gqYui": {
+ "text": "gorro"
+ },
+ "g2MhHawoIC9oFNEv5_w63": {
+ "text": "vida"
+ },
+ "g2sQSxCcoZuKJ3TabK6oT": {
+ "text": "vino"
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ "gYrIz3R13-BC_pYcvQ9BL": {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ "hAZhogJSH3bL1iL237N8J": {
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+ },
+ "hDvpMlPw-chcuxEisBJTl": {
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+ },
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+ },
+ "hOyjT1JgOYB-mGLFMaNJR": {
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+ },
+ "hT3Lrjn5-q7YIM1loG4MN": {
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+ },
+ "hUYfE_vmNBT_7E60YZsSu": {
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+ },
+ "hWWOw1gWjWwN7wQJkHrTu": {
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+ },
+ "hXgGhazQ_nA5uqpRD6Qwq": {
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+ },
+ "hmhAUgqvGp7nc1w25sRSx": {
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+ },
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+ },
+ "hyUaYltGVJU-wRrAjhhPa": {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ "islCzqFq1SYrZAh63dLhQ": {
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+ },
+ "j5xZZev5nTNa-p088Oqnp": {
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+ },
+ "jBqD3qhhcrioLlCU-xq5b": {
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+ },
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+ },
+ "jTEb3A5ZEKEy2ojuq2vO_": {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ "k41gkf6A_bDtQAJDOrWpP": {
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+ },
+ "k7dZhQtwDPFlOk1iPjEOz": {
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+ },
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+ },
+ "k9ZpWM4oRb1q20c0qWCsg": {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ "ms97ZsgQOvD-Z8qpSW4oN": {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ "nm6e_s01gWHzdVj25BHyq": {
+ "text": "¡qué lindo!"
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ "oEHzYcfxDGGcsL-deud1j": {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "text": "¡qué divertido!"
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ "pM-bC77hbj-w44A0HFRDZ": {
+ "text": "sonarme la nariz"
+ },
+ "p_XyUXRmeUk_bdjRTMtkz": {
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+ },
+ "p_qpVEd677b2Bk56yhvj6": {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ "q22wRFF21EigV8YzQ_MfV": {
+ "text": "¿me ayudas?"
+ },
+ "q6F-qJ7mTxvwa43F6vwun": {
+ "text": "escondidas"
+ },
+ "q7Pz4UqqZUlXeFfXrwXDR": {
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+ },
+ "qA4v2JWQU0zzBBZgvW7Vt": {
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+ },
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+ },
+ "qU5IvFLD8d16iIHSs_9TM": {
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+ },
+ "qWhpDTMd8eAEoq7yTKc57": {
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+ },
+ "qYA2U_BFOZtFLClxuCIBJ": {
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+ },
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+ },
+ "qn-7ERrcZxJTqfW6hwNs8": {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ "qy3c7gvRU7shWuJYr1kBk": {
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+ },
+ "r7eJgCF_b_ktkztv4-oda": {
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+ },
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+ },
+ "r9qUBQwgY8eycnU2OVey0": {
+ "text": "comer un sándwich"
+ },
+ "rBwDn3PcJGqytqnOZTJMV": {
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+ },
+ "rMFGfzFobfGsH3_qrLHXU": {
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+ },
+ "rU9cpWF0I4wnJjzTXpGtO": {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "text": "papas fritas"
+ },
+ "rwyX2YemNEx_Mh64IArDQ": {
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+ },
+ "rxdfuk6egO7VmZEB3JrUN": {
+ "text": "la"
+ },
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+ "text": "me gusta"
+ },
+ "s0BXoyn7AqUAlZ9BOHY6S": {
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+ },
+ "sAsTkky29uEVC9vo3Ofbo": {
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+ },
+ "sDKIldL3tit328Joneo_7": {
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+ },
+ "sFNUgvnglgrm6cbYiM0di": {
+ "text": "¿cuándo?"
+ },
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+ "text": "halloween"
+ },
+ "sPtazVgymXESdS-BcHqU_": {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ "sc0hr3jQ80yXRFDlAn56V": {
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+ },
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+ },
+ "sjGytpiPjwqJfPaRUJ-Iw": {
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+ },
+ "sysOciGqtL7y4ULuyYVc-": {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "text": "bajar volumen"
+ },
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+ "text": "caro"
+ },
+ "tw1doIY-jFPofZjlPFj4z": {
+ "text": "¿cómo te llamas?"
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ "u3BufiTZTK6AylGh80ZFd": {
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+ },
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+ },
+ "uDg7Yy86PlwsAd-U96vJR": {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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"JDbBWMB5No0pK6HvntLt4": {"text": "wash my hands"}, "JEDIYq1BDA23ac9TNhON-": {"text": "aid"}, "JFldbhjqxK3fD6D2K4HY4": {"text": "dad"}, "JGm4BL7HAfuxX_PGe6Jzk": {"text": "present"}, "JQOpcZSCPGMOWZsN8w_yb": {"text": "what time is it?"}, "JSFuEHlP-CFvuqvFKMumC": {"text": "toy cars"}, "JVtu9W3AumOwjUedwhUGE": {"text": "rehabilitation"}, "JZRBfIXBkeuobtDXbLt5t": {"text": "bye"}, "JawnUo-pseWb3FDVMtxrQ": {"text": "yoghurt"}, "JblWXW8TKDCuYu2yTnFBA": {"text": "table"}, "Ji5OVFX-uNDewL8eX8Cin": {"text": "think"}, "Jjq8CM8JrYHIMziuQy-WN": {"text": "diary"}, "JziaulL-lrAPGNVvwBPK9": {"text": "summer"}, "K382TlNZjdMLLpAhCCXLG": {"text": "almonds"}, "K6hd20tWZfwwlYYi7jctt": {"text": "delicious"}, "K8cMIDL0ubQvWhhDtr65F": {"text": "cry"}, "K8e2-KkvZfFOQaXnhR37x": {"text": "tired"}, "KC18_sTEqKucPQ-iwEKYY": {"text": "pencil"}, "KK_i8H9qTfDVYZkQGwd2v": {"text": "to turn off"}, "KNH4sLRpVKtHXQa-0y84K": {"text": "highly strung"}, "KWYVDZiERE8jtRsL0faHH": {"text": "swim"}, "KXHW4m6vXxQU-AEOR4pZ4": 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"LmGq1AZs2a0x26r7E9GUj": {"text": "teacher"}, "LngEMJa_ihV8mB7afZX-h": {"text": "they"}, "LrDai7jXlGAdZ3e8ZQezj": {"text": "pee"}, "M5q2CXmK0_WVaVUB_HJB3": {"text": "hot"}, "MEqo2TROHyroK318sm84f": {"text": "pasta"}, "MKR-ukiUlJy4uuqO30UU6": {"text": "verbal abuse"}, "MMzjhHID8HMqyPjii5o-h": {"text": "kitchen"}, "MNCcHiImRS8tmvhBhzCKj": {"text": "salad"}, "MQHnvvU48NnEptP8a9w8C": {"text": "I don't like"}, "MWIzTM6zhTWL1V-brLtBx": {"text": "comfortable"}, "MYqfOzKx2qMHop8GaHs0I": {"text": "light green"}, "MiOe5_Djf-pE9V9aDZ_1G": {"text": "pineapple"}, "MqQgYn5B0uV-DMORCBOmV": {"text": "sad"}, "Mw6WRebMAKWwXfAvDA7vu": {"text": "be hot"}, "N2baGNTOapSaFDo1GURiW": {"text": "I can not hear"}, "N7n4zQIkJZOhaYESk2GgH": {"text": "fall"}, "NFdUTit6Ff-4S7Nzf92U5": {"text": "constipation"}, "NFgGqhEtl0HqipCGGEvwU": {"text": "comb my hair"}, "NKQwWPAsVHwFBWuksqfns": {"text": "shower"}, "NLi5ODIzyMAwr2HpDXACp": {"text": "nose"}, "NQayjogCYiimP_0OxIfFj": {"text": "shoes"}, "NVe4u7BTAVfLk3xkDqLnZ": 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"SiOmZdwX8Hf2nE2v6HfCp": {"text": "shoe"}, "Sp2Ias_Y1HplkHWjIb7Mp": {"text": "without"}, "TAbuXSnSHU6C3CQ4kbKVh": {"text": "triangle"}, "TBV2BhoZVgl1jMV_jWZYi": {"text": "right"}, "TIgoS-YONIwzbrImXetaD": {"text": "plum"}, "TIsM6aTTZ9W8j6UhW9Qqj": {"text": "chorus"}, "TLxsYdrBdHgFZkNJtVTmK": {"text": "tortoise"}, "TP-gGRcpcFyx1SrNRsdRV": {"text": "sorry"}, "TR5CXN8-pfbWkshdxSBSV": {"text": "sheep"}, "TS9z8ZmMEwn0MGSfr9amH": {"text": "avocado"}, "TZF-7m8VKZ7IL6pyv0Daf": {"text": "brush my teeth"}, "T_Q5c4XAfkhkclmnCGHo5": {"text": "until"}, "Td5pgVQDTFOftUgOJ-bD-": {"text": "spicy"}, "Te_jJfeU8Xwa9St2RihBq": {"text": "blood"}, "ThqkHs4az5tgLqLcfFPaZ": {"text": "long"}, "TpPNZLsh5jrN9RdPFwmA7": {"text": "brilliant!"}, "Tpj-Fs8LQ566TM0bYlZ6H": {"text": "Friday"}, "TuAjBKPp3-PSdQuooSWZi": {"text": "frog"}, "TyqVzfOniQNa9WKQRXqr-": {"text": "sister"}, "U1KQsrvTa2E00-ugc-Iy6": {"text": "absent"}, "U6PoeH-cMdO3ttnLkN7_3": {"text": "ride"}, "U7GiGcYacowWi4MWrCYyj": {"text": 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+ "E-vUPARie8MmfgZwv3Omr": {
+ "text": "rooster"
+ },
+ "EM8VyonJ7WNdvmRyE3nhZ": {
+ "text": "slow"
+ },
+ "EO4O-s7oafi6QJdxTFNkd": {
+ "text": "decongestant"
+ },
+ "ETZNYbrG5wveDl6c9k2_k": {
+ "text": "elbow"
+ },
+ "EUsNyf5bDdSLqvZKH1Ltx": {
+ "text": "don't understand"
+ },
+ "EVmt43vDI3NHFfbbkqokF": {
+ "text": "pizza"
+ },
+ "Erg6LuA8IOQ5V8RTP3pPi": {
+ "text": "bee"
+ },
+ "F4cGnA_QHsVKTjUE6MAu9": {
+ "text": "overall"
+ },
+ "F7kJ8VM31BWB4K4T4USzs": {
+ "text": "physical abuse"
+ },
+ "F8roVYxKZi88UUGfOvTwl": {
+ "text": "teacher"
+ },
+ "F90bXbc0tz9nuzTT7SgqV": {
+ "text": "four"
+ },
+ "FBPIabyaoCK-Y0BziQdji": {
+ "text": "stomachache"
+ },
+ "FBTheEQmZZfJRiYjd_Np_": {
+ "text": "interpret"
+ },
+ "FO77qpzyz28knodNtILCA": {
+ "text": "flush"
+ },
+ "FTngK946O8S8bYc0g7vM2": {
+ "text": "mother"
+ },
+ "FaVvbVzZivuxTwxJTPubK": {
+ "text": "brother"
+ },
+ "FfNU04I4mZ54gWcBXqo2c": {
+ "text": "bacon"
+ },
+ "FgTird367surh-vxXyAK6": {
+ "text": "ticket"
+ },
+ "FkC5DtSV81OvFMU99qZGg": {
+ "text": "ball"
+ },
+ "FnCBoLSE19WsbUypUKvFc": {
+ "text": "hamburger"
+ },
+ "Fogupb264IyCtbZ-Q2D6w": {
+ "text": "drunk"
+ },
+ "Fvm2C5NBq01tm0QK9d9QM": {
+ "text": "kids"
+ },
+ "G09TvOzDSG5m3hTQD9Tej": {
+ "text": "delete"
+ },
+ "G2i9LSK4A19237Zp1vXqF": {
+ "text": "chubby"
+ },
+ "G6KKVMvPDnjdD9TfBd-B9": {
+ "text": "flat"
+ },
+ "GAxX7EIz1TTLtMX08RRGr": {
+ "text": "burger joint"
+ },
+ "GJlUSznzEHCgoAOrVrkp9": {
+ "text": "happy"
+ },
+ "GSEumxiyeVKRRiaY_c8HW": {
+ "text": "crol"
+ },
+ "GY_flM-6uR6X3L4AwsiwU": {
+ "text": "for"
+ },
+ "G_CRpzxWO5XdEMh01O1eJ": {
+ "text": "although"
+ },
+ "Gj7THa6XFHDfYL5H19lwj": {
+ "text": "tomorrow"
+ },
+ "Gm_qAGnL4OawmlYmTs7K5": {
+ "text": "can't see"
+ },
+ "GoJuWnn72TCXONXKtYHMm": {
+ "text": "train"
+ },
+ "Gvmy--9DiUn_tkQYWeWhA": {
+ "text": "cannelloni"
+ },
+ "GxrDtsdGcLepdsQr6V9DT": {
+ "text": "green"
+ },
+ "H2zMVtjvqi7aUtCypiVKr": {
+ "text": "seat"
+ },
+ "H8Bsrr2NK9Q3WGbEp8PMe": {
+ "text": "silver"
+ },
+ "H9SWPnWbR8qcZA-iu5Mz0": {
+ "text": "earache"
+ },
+ "HBZNu6m3FELU9eg3OeLdx": {
+ "text": "curtain"
+ },
+ "text": "hit"
+ },
+ "HMPabuHqgtyiCmTLzg-rM": {
+ "text": "get in"
+ },
+ "HQiQh4PPBvO1n-d7JGVj8": {
+ "text": "nobody"
+ },
+ "HTBNWax6FCSGXuboGsVUW": {
+ "text": "salty"
+ },
+ "HnuZA0UTlnuIfFAN7saxl": {
+ "text": "rabbit"
+ },
+ "Hvb4JdDHX_vNMck_US2UN": {
+ "text": "rehearsal"
+ },
+ "I5AJgba5GTdEjdpFB-LBf": {
+ "text": "chocolate milk"
+ },
+ "IAdQsjTsbBUAMjlwW34cw": {
+ "text": "I'd love to"
+ },
+ "IEeIvawUD2GIAr1Wypr9i": {
+ "text": "people"
+ },
+ "IF3R7tLVAkd4RbL8R07K9": {
+ "text": "actor"
+ },
+ "IM8OUKCzHwnjAQWPFgnn6": {
+ "text": "far"
+ },
+ "INxOSvKbBNOXwruIpuNho": {
+ "text": "belly button"
+ },
+ "IO8uTb1K7ElENgp2ujZoK": {
+ "text": "robust"
+ },
+ "IXRWmFmtqfnHQRcBf1Idl": {
+ "text": "pigeon"
+ },
+ "IZbfYRzu2cxxDWdbmQeqw": {
+ "text": "head"
+ },
+ "Ig1oypuwndODbmKh_NEXs": {
+ "text": "bathing shorts"
+ },
+ "IsWUeiPnDEnzxePKclBNp": {
+ "text": "ugly"
+ },
+ "J3qQMp0OMr5LC9ebfArxH": {
+ "text": "none"
+ },
+ "J3rDL96c2zfBQzP45VRCp": {
+ "text": "lemon"
+ },
+ "J4UUPR-WP0qo1y14bUVI-": {
+ "text": "vet"
+ },
+ "J7MmgugOu20UtMcMPj59r": {
+ "text": "song"
+ },
+ "J7wLwBLVx4UANh_x5HdXd": {
+ "text": "according to"
+ },
+ "JB9SIxWzxWFjrbmMuksrY": {
+ "text": "laugh"
+ },
+ "JBIehRNmDbK2ALcRN0u9i": {
+ "text": "rooster"
+ },
+ "JBKQaBezKuSDaMsnbJMTB": {
+ "text": "bar"
+ },
+ "JBU2hMw9gbIy9-wGF4mjD": {
+ "text": "board"
+ },
+ "JDbBWMB5No0pK6HvntLt4": {
+ "text": "wash my hands"
+ },
+ "JEDIYq1BDA23ac9TNhON-": {
+ "text": "help"
+ },
+ "JFldbhjqxK3fD6D2K4HY4": {
+ "text": "dad"
+ },
+ "JGm4BL7HAfuxX_PGe6Jzk": {
+ "text": "present"
+ },
+ "JQOpcZSCPGMOWZsN8w_yb": {
+ "text": "what time is it?"
+ },
+ "JSFuEHlP-CFvuqvFKMumC": {
+ "text": "toy car"
+ },
+ "JVtu9W3AumOwjUedwhUGE": {
+ "text": "rehabilitation"
+ },
+ "JZRBfIXBkeuobtDXbLt5t": {
+ "text": "bye"
+ },
+ "JawnUo-pseWb3FDVMtxrQ": {
+ "text": "yogurt"
+ },
+ "JblWXW8TKDCuYu2yTnFBA": {
+ "text": "table"
+ },
+ "Ji5OVFX-uNDewL8eX8Cin": {
+ "text": "think"
+ },
+ "Jjq8CM8JrYHIMziuQy-WN": {
+ "text": "diary"
+ },
+ "JziaulL-lrAPGNVvwBPK9": {
+ "text": "summer"
+ },
+ "K382TlNZjdMLLpAhCCXLG": {
+ "text": "almonds"
+ },
+ "K6hd20tWZfwwlYYi7jctt": {
+ "text": "delicious"
+ },
+ "K8cMIDL0ubQvWhhDtr65F": {
+ "text": "cry"
+ },
+ "K8e2-KkvZfFOQaXnhR37x": {
+ "text": "tired"
+ },
+ "KC18_sTEqKucPQ-iwEKYY": {
+ "text": "pencil"
+ },
+ "KK_i8H9qTfDVYZkQGwd2v": {
+ "text": "turn off"
+ },
+ "KNH4sLRpVKtHXQa-0y84K": {
+ "text": "nervous"
+ },
+ "KWYVDZiERE8jtRsL0faHH": {
+ "text": "swim"
+ },
+ "KXHW4m6vXxQU-AEOR4pZ4": {
+ "text": "soccer ball"
+ },
+ "Khdk8mWpyxgLqfC-6lyT9": {
+ "text": "donkey"
+ },
+ "KhyTKtiL4ZT4Z1saU1eJh": {
+ "text": "listen to music"
+ },
+ "Kn9vE07FK1LrzoD_YxrJD": {
+ "text": "metro"
+ },
+ "KpLFOrpuhFKaIbBbFwVVu": {
+ "text": "butterfly"
+ },
+ "KrOPANVpdkBWdEZoUwxKf": {
+ "text": "low note"
+ },
+ "KvY6Taigm4Va_cVjXAfGR": {
+ "text": "short"
+ },
+ "L0hfYADgzghRVsZLZHRxE": {
+ "text": "dancer"
+ },
+ "L19r487_d3RqWXiNuh3gE": {
+ "text": "what color it is?"
+ },
+ "L6YLAEsbYcTq-ycQJTvt4": {
+ "text": "chicken"
+ },
+ "LAuEISciEf1Wc1j4fERz8": {
+ "text": "new year"
+ },
+ "LDoi3cxodn_AVKSG-Bf_1": {
+ "text": "eyes"
+ },
+ "LEVKlDlJ0wHo5QEjCNAGa": {
+ "text": "glue"
+ },
+ "LEg8z-Q-ONLAAXd-aH_Hb": {
+ "text": "low"
+ },
+ "LNBTW0qQtHYQEHatkWGtc": {
+ "text": "market"
+ },
+ "LRIKzfm9ZsdNe1u7CUuW_": {
+ "text": "how many?"
+ },
+ "LRfh-4RAZTj7cnnDwBmqj": {
+ "text": "floater"
+ },
+ "LU7IoUksATEBhd8PaHS1R": {
+ "text": "take out"
+ },
+ "LaKT8VTw0_6rvordp5-R8": {
+ "text": "pink"
+ },
+ "LiBr37yi-YBgQDx4unjyc": {
+ "text": "give"
+ },
+ "LjTGOcyG7DkTs1lJqNr8w": {
+ "text": "hair"
+ },
+ "LksmOMPPOMArbrFsscqOW": {
+ "text": "music"
+ },
+ "LmGq1AZs2a0x26r7E9GUj": {
+ "text": "teacher"
+ },
+ "LngEMJa_ihV8mB7afZX-h": {
+ "text": "them"
+ },
+ "LrDai7jXlGAdZ3e8ZQezj": {
+ "text": "pee"
+ },
+ "M5q2CXmK0_WVaVUB_HJB3": {
+ "text": "hot"
+ },
+ "MEqo2TROHyroK318sm84f": {
+ "text": "pasta"
+ },
+ "MKR-ukiUlJy4uuqO30UU6": {
+ "text": "verbal abuse"
+ },
+ "MMzjhHID8HMqyPjii5o-h": {
+ "text": "kitchen"
+ },
+ "MNCcHiImRS8tmvhBhzCKj": {
+ "text": "salad"
+ },
+ "MQHnvvU48NnEptP8a9w8C": {
+ "text": "I don't like"
+ },
+ "MWIzTM6zhTWL1V-brLtBx": {
+ "text": "comfortable"
+ },
+ "MYqfOzKx2qMHop8GaHs0I": {
+ "text": "light green"
+ },
+ "MiOe5_Djf-pE9V9aDZ_1G": {
+ "text": "pineapple"
+ },
+ "MqQgYn5B0uV-DMORCBOmV": {
+ "text": "sad"
+ },
+ "Mw6WRebMAKWwXfAvDA7vu": {
+ "text": "hot"
+ },
+ "N2baGNTOapSaFDo1GURiW": {
+ "text": "can't hear"
+ },
+ "N7n4zQIkJZOhaYESk2GgH": {
+ "text": "fall"
+ },
+ "NFdUTit6Ff-4S7Nzf92U5": {
+ "text": "constipation"
+ },
+ "NFgGqhEtl0HqipCGGEvwU": {
+ "text": "comb my hair"
+ },
+ "NKQwWPAsVHwFBWuksqfns": {
+ "text": "shower"
+ },
+ "NLi5ODIzyMAwr2HpDXACp": {
+ "text": "nose"
+ },
+ "NQayjogCYiimP_0OxIfFj": {
+ "text": "shoes"
+ },
+ "NVe4u7BTAVfLk3xkDqLnZ": {
+ "text": "oven"
+ },
+ "NVjfEut567uXpTaQUNI2i": {
+ "text": "jacket"
+ },
+ "N_893wsadpGg3Ip5sEThe": {
+ "text": "blue"
+ },
+ "NaJxTPq9Ld8I4fwAltyEC": {
+ "text": "corn"
+ },
+ "NjulpZ9x63ZqxtLMoRjkx": {
+ "text": "turn on the lights"
+ },
+ "Njz8DrErsexBu8mAI6mnr": {
+ "text": "fish"
+ },
+ "NmNouLLx13jzE27jliI_v": {
+ "text": "teeth"
+ },
+ "NuhUikdCxP0NgsbO0wvAU": {
+ "text": "queue"
+ },
+ "O-CLnVuXAUapOn6TbdhKx": {
+ "text": "want"
+ },
+ "O450x4W3OOacvJIy4QicJ": {
+ "text": "vegetables"
+ },
+ "OHyrmD5US1rHEAEwLQaII": {
+ "text": "animals"
+ },
+ "OKXIGnLh-i1ydTNj450Q8": {
+ "text": "queen"
+ },
+ "OUcfOOReAfQroBKlBdDb-": {
+ "text": "saline solution"
+ },
+ "OWLDc7Hn3neBAf_V_N27n": {
+ "text": "fasten"
+ },
+ "O_ZfCPZSxGMPT6orCt-O6": {
+ "text": "pig"
+ },
+ "OblxxVFC-LKPq-8oC9FpE": {
+ "text": "feelings"
+ },
+ "OdCdTUAlbN6kvsPjby_Bi": {
+ "text": "sports"
+ },
+ "OeA63q6LpqGvXW-cJXEym": {
+ "text": "jam"
+ },
+ "OeytAsSiEAWC10tXhxbTa": {
+ "text": "character"
+ },
+ "OhrHu-xLo8hcn5plWfoX4": {
+ "text": "expensive"
+ },
+ "Om1Bvqu8nmGuNGwV8hndM": {
+ "text": "low"
+ },
+ "OvyFC1GHkvJZ0dAAF1QkY": {
+ "text": "him"
+ },
+ "OwHzJdOQTFOA8daCVRwm6": {
+ "text": "brush"
+ },
+ "P5zdq4x58yp5TA_soKQEJ": {
+ "text": "bike"
+ },
+ "PAlC0XSZNru3-LXtfvGjo": {
+ "text": "make love"
+ },
+ "PBqpK7LL1HQPwowPitrss": {
+ "text": "read"
+ },
+ "PFAi3SdvH9vL7_Bg3MhCA": {
+ "text": "traffic light"
+ },
+ "PIBHv5VueBi-sf5qFCN_Y": {
+ "text": "in view of"
+ },
+ "PIPQnVS2UiS7kGbucJP8l": {
+ "text": "cure"
+ },
+ "PLXxIPYyztaztLf4sPCst": {
+ "text": "throat"
+ },
+ "PbtM3htZocZb8YifuPoY5": {
+ "text": "crab"
+ },
+ "PfNLmlHKFT9d1w6IgeXbU": {
+ "text": "remote control"
+ },
+ "Pl-M4bc6k2rdhu6FHEbkA": {
+ "text": "yard"
+ },
+ "PogTYrGfa2WNfBRuA8O4e": {
+ "text": "bad"
+ },
+ "PszHdOxMsS_tAzSrN52Wa": {
+ "text": "clay"
+ },
+ "Pw3GgPwp7fpDVC6wJjgPn": {
+ "text": "increase"
+ },
+ "Q6LQqdLcvNOiCFjC0DVo2": {
+ "text": "drum"
+ },
+ "Q6nNH4AIoSeDHODC_Ip8O": {
+ "text": "Neighbors"
+ },
+ "Q9Ra0aJaQnOJQ1Kqdc43-": {
+ "text": "baby"
+ },
+ "QCQRmsQY6AggjreY9Z0MF": {
+ "text": "decline"
+ },
+ "QGf1Tb1roL7HAXUSrRqRJ": {
+ "text": "orange"
+ },
+ "QJhkOh48xapiTObEDQLB9": {
+ "text": "piano"
+ },
+ "QTkFHWp9KEDgfCjoQjBY2": {
+ "text": "plurals"
+ },
+ "QUTQLuD2Gv7fHh0V_O5tg": {
+ "text": "ashamed"
+ },
+ "QVqSPPgA89whFTJ0HTphK": {
+ "text": "open"
+ },
+ "QZNQOaf0SdHDbx1otCmrH": {
+ "text": "child"
+ },
+ "QcGJ9u_JqmrW0X47PXWH4": {
+ "text": "tousled"
+ },
+ "QclUM2p3iexSjFZI8OU4-": {
+ "text": "fever"
+ },
+ "QeqA20MCXB-zNfuKIssMY": {
+ "text": "can of tuna"
+ },
+ "QllvOUe8utZrcBRGw_0vc": {
+ "text": "bandaid"
+ },
+ "QnlQ1HOEB9yNjuW3Dd6fc": {
+ "text": "celebration"
+ },
+ "Qo3Qn_nMe3E6EqNw0UdNZ": {
+ "text": "sunny"
+ },
+ "QohNih4wgqjnpWt3kSwtd": {
+ "text": "coach"
+ },
+ "QvaMxPy-3iixHAJFyIrN-": {
+ "text": "sandwich"
+ },
+ "R06chAQYswLtQK46OInW7": {
+ "text": "milk and cookies"
+ },
+ "R9ECa_HQRtpFrb59ebMTQ": {
+ "text": "school"
+ },
+ "RBCjBvNXQSZOOpg-5lBlK": {
+ "text": "good"
+ },
+ "RZfMOtjw0DoGHWaRfCEc4": {
+ "text": "pants"
+ },
+ "Ra2rxEEohwxRqDsW2AT3C": {
+ "text": "videogames"
+ },
+ "RbZetbSC5064rZccOFD1D": {
+ "text": "television"
+ },
+ "RkpoG4KB8m_TJFJf2v3EG": {
+ "text": "change the channel"
+ },
+ "RwlZ1jr2Ix3evzrW71lN0": {
+ "text": "apple"
+ },
+ "S3um53pcko7_BPHy7R6FL": {
+ "text": "us"
+ },
+ "SE-71I_ahm3oKROReyJHE": {
+ "text": "poo"
+ },
+ "SOyGnJXLPeVRoZy3vBgpK": {
+ "text": "exam"
+ },
+ "SXz8iA1Qn_BlgLTAG6Epl": {
+ "text": "dinner"
+ },
+ "SiOmZdwX8Hf2nE2v6HfCp": {
+ "text": "shoe"
+ },
+ "Sp2Ias_Y1HplkHWjIb7Mp": {
+ "text": "without"
+ },
+ "TAbuXSnSHU6C3CQ4kbKVh": {
+ "text": "triangle"
+ },
+ "TBV2BhoZVgl1jMV_jWZYi": {
+ "text": "right"
+ },
+ "TIgoS-YONIwzbrImXetaD": {
+ "text": "plum"
+ },
+ "TIsM6aTTZ9W8j6UhW9Qqj": {
+ "text": "chorus"
+ },
+ "TLxsYdrBdHgFZkNJtVTmK": {
+ "text": "tortoise"
+ },
+ "TP-gGRcpcFyx1SrNRsdRV": {
+ "text": "Sorry"
+ },
+ "TR5CXN8-pfbWkshdxSBSV": {
+ "text": "sheep"
+ },
+ "TS9z8ZmMEwn0MGSfr9amH": {
+ "text": "avocado"
+ },
+ "TZF-7m8VKZ7IL6pyv0Daf": {
+ "text": "brush my teeth"
+ },
+ "T_Q5c4XAfkhkclmnCGHo5": {
+ "text": "until"
+ },
+ "Td5pgVQDTFOftUgOJ-bD-": {
+ "text": "hot"
+ },
+ "Te_jJfeU8Xwa9St2RihBq": {
+ "text": "blood"
+ },
+ "ThqkHs4az5tgLqLcfFPaZ": {
+ "text": "Long"
+ },
+ "TpPNZLsh5jrN9RdPFwmA7": {
+ "text": "Cool!"
+ },
+ "Tpj-Fs8LQ566TM0bYlZ6H": {
+ "text": "friday"
+ },
+ "TuAjBKPp3-PSdQuooSWZi": {
+ "text": "frog"
+ },
+ "TyqVzfOniQNa9WKQRXqr-": {
+ "text": "sister"
+ },
+ "U1KQsrvTa2E00-ugc-Iy6": {
+ "text": "absent"
+ },
+ "U6PoeH-cMdO3ttnLkN7_3": {
+ "text": "ride a horse"
+ },
+ "U7GiGcYacowWi4MWrCYyj": {
+ "text": "anti-inflammatory"
+ },
+ "UQ-5wOfR0tDzljoDjj2xU": {
+ "text": "autumn"
+ },
+ "UQ5B5K-tpk1XmQC1B9TjQ": {
+ "text": "no"
+ },
+ "US8_vYTnDfxBw2Ung_J38": {
+ "text": "private parts"
+ },
+ "UVzdJiqY36fqgBYyz880c": {
+ "text": "raw ham"
+ },
+ "UXJDiwb3j_zyfGa26ByJL": {
+ "text": "chest"
+ },
+ "Ubaq6h7wasdP_YRombm2c": {
+ "text": "sugar"
+ },
+ "Ugs9V9c2c5iHrVC6p17zr": {
+ "text": "painkiller"
+ },
+ "Uk1Emn5IovsTfFzpQX5Jw": {
+ "text": "bra"
+ },
+ "UkLF5sKtVKW0D8RzVCoue": {
+ "text": "firefighter"
+ },
+ "UnQJwWfWCe40DJYR1Er0o": {
+ "text": "pain"
+ },
+ "UssSOEEKutvzB_B4fAQE-": {
+ "text": "listen again"
+ },
+ "Ust3oadA0PUGViYo28Mf3": {
+ "text": "walk"
+ },
+ "UvRS0KmtZn3dq7e8L5RcE": {
+ "text": "angry"
+ },
+ "UwvZVcX_CAQFrI6U4LsNT": {
+ "text": "egg"
+ },
+ "VJ9AU_y7CqsONR6TvhdLh": {
+ "text": "where is?"
+ },
+ "VKrLGgYjc-nLPGsyESDgb": {
+ "text": "canary"
+ },
+ "VL4pd0vnJ-CNfMg9bCNed": {
+ "text": "aspirin"
+ },
+ "VUJ-zrdsyL9MOuFbdMCAx": {
+ "text": "dizziness"
+ },
+ "Vioyf8EXJfY5t34NnN0WO": {
+ "text": "tablets"
+ },
+ "Vjlet5P7XuqTrc22nt_Zz": {
+ "text": "water"
+ },
+ "Vmnu5eormo-_TOCgF4YzG": {
+ "text": "cough syrup"
+ },
+ "VoZumy5GtnRdqSOmXAw7j": {
+ "text": "prepared"
+ },
+ "VrC7AnovfA7VzmYESVc8L": {
+ "text": "chat"
+ },
+ "VwZ4EKSggYWxlnAbp-pNB": {
+ "text": "sick"
+ },
+ "Vzov0z9acB-I1_W_CcFcY": {
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+ "WDUIQV43zghFQq_rSk1Z4": {
+ "text": "steak"
+ },
+ "WL3ZN-W_zgnuTJpuqz0YQ": {
+ "text": "prince"
+ },
+ "WNhpmD_XlTaNEBo7GsFXu": {
+ "text": "diarrhea"
+ },
+ "WQ0CNIQ_gjaCxg4tEIsOo": {
+ "text": "dive"
+ },
+ "WRzleD-mI84LaimFH8h6P": {
+ "text": "hear"
+ },
+ "WUt3I-NkdbqlSVcwuLfFx": {
+ "text": "skates"
+ },
+ "WWK2v56LM-zWqujabk9bM": {
+ "text": "art lesson"
+ },
+ "W_f7h3qOLl2uEd_OYpMfQ": {
+ "text": "policeman"
+ },
+ "WasZ5bKZZy5Jt4Y-JipxS": {
+ "text": "bikini"
+ },
+ "Wgh5iCzUmx4Je-B85-pra": {
+ "text": "refrigerator"
+ },
+ "WjXQhSFPpz42ZUyHvurYG": {
+ "text": "cricket"
+ },
+ "WtYSntcy2CijEORmROeaj": {
+ "text": "quarter"
+ },
+ "Wu47Qs6Zupu1Ox2gUhkxn": {
+ "text": "room"
+ },
+ "Wva5W8GA0dHzyt2_0FPdm": {
+ "text": "brother"
+ },
+ "X0-Tf-KR24qEkpGDzG2Z-": {
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+ },
+ "X3u4pXTWKcGc43lOkgSBt": {
+ "text": "compliance"
+ },
+ "XA952Z60D0-cesNCVA-OX": {
+ "text": "bye"
+ },
+ "XC5fIljJ819OYpllYTjpE": {
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+ },
+ "XN0nzhQyHVOhuYuNqrp8g": {
+ "text": "peach"
+ },
+ "XOoGN6huCjVHxH8hRFAw1": {
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+ },
+ "XY6ZCNzeJIEzLtWJcufJm": {
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+ },
+ "XYY8SV1IAMHjdGjMZxbdy": {
+ "text": "basketball court"
+ },
+ "XeVaDdUWSEkhfJvTVvUHR": {
+ "text": "go out"
+ },
+ "XnocVMEeUGCSnlnusP44O": {
+ "text": "grab"
+ },
+ "XuAtFop5_JNSYiZkUBzaU": {
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+ },
+ "Y5HQq_4crSF2lpwH-KUrt": {
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+ },
+ "YCu-B26PqjE30AhikHdkI": {
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+ },
+ "YIP0Xc4aJsfv0s8BpiQnn": {
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+ },
+ "YLKXFZ9ze9K9NvJiAx8w0": {
+ "text": "what?"
+ },
+ "YbrNtdUmyMNdAF5CfvY1A": {
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+ },
+ "YbvMRsCtMbww8OQgF45QF": {
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+ },
+ "YeT-jstVSA7-mD9t99Isg": {
+ "text": "puzzle"
+ },
+ "YusWY8GwdO43bSp1o3BWC": {
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+ },
+ "Yvxm8RGoFYKUsIXOl33yR": {
+ "text": "turn of the lights"
+ },
+ "Z5-sBklfLIWE00CJ_T_ZK": {
+ "text": "spoon"
+ },
+ "Z8xp3kxXuhMVoNm7ddQSX": {
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+ },
+ "ZA2C4bJaL90lBxsTemYWZ": {
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+ },
+ "ZAnmv4CLb7hldYUlp2wJU": {
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+ },
+ "ZBIFtTq-BH1jv5jLbzrhj": {
+ "text": "repeat"
+ },
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+ },
+ "ZR-NXJk3SD351W-95cf_T": {
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+ },
+ "ZRYQmYRGKzheBqk11eGRZ": {
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+ },
+ "Zm4OIanIKTigDGIsInO7o": {
+ "text": "a supermarket"
+ },
+ "ZnMba2r4XIg9lPi_H2d_Z": {
+ "text": "yes"
+ },
+ "_1lOt0C0MQhvU8QWC6_oZ": {
+ "text": "good night"
+ },
+ "_2SjbH-xHZq173EU4J65c": {
+ "text": "park"
+ },
+ "_3ihCSMQCokXNo8pXii-h": {
+ "text": "call someone"
+ },
+ "_8RIOebHpkr9nCy0_9qhP": {
+ "text": "call"
+ },
+ "_CsJMxqGcNSaujXwRZcpu": {
+ "text": "anxious"
+ },
+ "_FNTsoEjTMV3Uas-gggi2": {
+ "text": "stress"
+ },
+ "_HUf6SR0mTP7v72Y9_4gw": {
+ "text": "fire truck"
+ },
+ "_Lc2-NNL69ZX-aVnUNzgx": {
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+ },
+ "_S9Eck14cdOTr0QH4i7sQ": {
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+ },
+ "_WIT6qs1kaiJqB1Ild5Xs": {
+ "text": "stroll"
+ },
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+ "_hqTU9A7I3RFDVrcIEK-L": {
+ "text": "%null%"
+ },
+ "_lU200bb9Sjv0b_iJKgU2": {
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+ },
+ "_tDZtalMxKSNpWydJ1aeW": {
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+ },
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+ "text": "cotton"
+ },
+ "aMs2YNnWkw4XN0gAm-jI3": {
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+ },
+ "aP9QisUdxhgOKIQ2kHNb3": {
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+ "aSzpwNza22HZp46Sh6wfx": {
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+ },
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+ },
+ "text": "you"
+ },
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+ "text": "Back"
+ },
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+ },
+ "ak5fBauJzapC4JIf0lT8N": {
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+ "alsoa_V3wz3vPpG1TKRZc": {
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+ },
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+ "armmpopt2RLsVDlqLrQ94": {
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+ },
+ "atVEXuftxSiDDj8rzUlFg": {
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+ },
+ "atWxG3KTHB5moW1dylLJc": {
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+ },
+ "avzcTznCsQCISYJsLC-w_": {
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+ },
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+ },
+ "bAoK85XLNb7p0ebevYZ6O": {
+ "text": "look in the mirror"
+ },
+ "bDnuS19hfd9GhJ-6rjNPD": {
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+ },
+ "bFodvUraUhJeq4waMdlxv": {
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+ },
+ "bNJfccUvG2DQfR1iZP3eR": {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ "bge6qR6NzsD5Vk4ifPsSO": {
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+ },
+ "bpSuQQRlIcSse40OAxNSG": {
+ "text": "monday"
+ },
+ "bqjKW_qBtRzIThWxdZx2s": {
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+ },
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+ },
+ "cJw2i319mzBUpEfBRDxc9": {
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+ },
+ "cJzHrV_PsV-PwwyFN9jka": {
+ "text": "%null%"
+ },
+ "cS3g4KXf39akVFHCG5AwL": {
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+ },
+ "cTiw7_Yjxu_Kg90q7PdYl": {
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+ },
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+ },
+ "ccGASDOGtty6GfQMEEBEU": {
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+ },
+ "cj6OuVw4Nob8jxP-E4rZc": {
+ "text": "change my clothes"
+ },
+ "cnyLFMkJu2i3cqOY0e9kl": {
+ "text": "raisins"
+ },
+ "curstMeuThu2KUph-8rkB": {
+ "text": "play with"
+ },
+ "cxMNBGV3LytDXgwDMCiga": {
+ "text": "violet"
+ },
+ "d4zNoj2BAFG9B7J3KAlLE": {
+ "text": "buttons"
+ },
+ "d6s8fLFBiQ3KEJlNdJfUW": {
+ "text": "a bit crazy"
+ },
+ "dHM0qnbmtJAkZY0WBsqaY": {
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+ },
+ "dLHDzm0rfgL-vXTx14HSm": {
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+ },
+ "dNvN5P787hAPE7ZYNgwkw": {
+ "text": "sightseeing"
+ },
+ "dR72liRxC3qmoSa6Dz2a2": {
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+ },
+ "dS-KyYREUQIk7sDlmsvoa": {
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+ },
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+ "text": "change my diaper"
+ },
+ "dn41o5K_1fo-qHO-YLoQn": {
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+ },
+ "dnXsSOeVG7mq37uciIi2J": {
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+ },
+ "e5sCl246xFMESEfFy2PhX": {
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+ },
+ "e5un1yrIuZHQi048e5kD6": {
+ "text": "alfajor"
+ },
+ "e8zl_ecIloo4Vk-OZPJWe": {
+ "text": "play with the tablet"
+ },
+ "eDX2HSkGaY2TeVwPjR07S": {
+ "text": "Easy"
+ },
+ "eGJ8MC1xPE6ueF82jCmVg": {
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+ },
+ "eKJCZc-kD0-m6cVLorFzO": {
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+ },
+ "eWSI1NInbQowtO99phhGA": {
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+ },
+ "eZEqRZjRK8JJMsfHo4Y7w": {
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+ },
+ "ebo03xnkyiHD2pKUKULmr": {
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+ },
+ "ecUOs24Pp5ZTRt_ZvED5W": {
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+ },
+ "eduqLSyC3m4uB1Oee6dt6": {
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+ },
+ "eji-M2j5eHkG71DCksleY": {
+ "text": "hard-boiled egg"
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ "eoYtISVZl3mdwoE_HW-Mv": {
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+ },
+ "et1KiL5-zob_EcGlj7tLN": {
+ "text": "after"
+ },
+ "f2dl12fMZbRdQ7STpcTdk": {
+ "text": "soccer"
+ },
+ "fF3ijeQzetfSn6EGcs1yY": {
+ "text": "cherries"
+ },
+ "fL_4POdbPVL9-lvQVWSqY": {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ "ff7ES190q1dmFYZ7lo6x0": {
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+ },
+ "fjCOcN-PKP6F07IZcI71X": {
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+ },
+ "fk_z_HrvcUh8XIq8D6gQP": {
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+ },
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+ "text": "cap"
+ },
+ "g2MhHawoIC9oFNEv5_w63": {
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+ },
+ "g2sQSxCcoZuKJ3TabK6oT": {
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+ },
+ "g75y4E53ViakV-s5UfnIF": {
+ "text": "Luggage"
+ },
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+ "text": "mountain"
+ },
+ "gYrIz3R13-BC_pYcvQ9BL": {
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+ },
+ "gaem1LHTtfQdnnqYi-sOm": {
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+ },
+ "gff2FqDlgXknRld7YMLWl": {
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+ "gsU8pE9ozhR73xS2icwJ0": {
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+ },
+ "gvPwrzDSSEPwcxY878T_c": {
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+ },
+ "gzCjycNS8Cf0vNlo1klji": {
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+ },
+ "gzb-RNDLMNkgk9wnPILJi": {
+ "text": "grandfather"
+ },
+ "hAZhogJSH3bL1iL237N8J": {
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+ },
+ "hDvpMlPw-chcuxEisBJTl": {
+ "text": "chestnuts"
+ },
+ "hKJhXxultsxm0TJl1P8-L": {
+ "text": "bye"
+ },
+ "hOyjT1JgOYB-mGLFMaNJR": {
+ "text": "chest pain"
+ },
+ "hT3Lrjn5-q7YIM1loG4MN": {
+ "text": "speaker"
+ },
+ "hUYfE_vmNBT_7E60YZsSu": {
+ "text": "Paint"
+ },
+ "hWWOw1gWjWwN7wQJkHrTu": {
+ "text": "tour"
+ },
+ "hXgGhazQ_nA5uqpRD6Qwq": {
+ "text": "win"
+ },
+ "hmhAUgqvGp7nc1w25sRSx": {
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+ },
+ "hwzwfMyJsvB42F_QWQWyi": {
+ "text": "grape juice"
+ },
+ "hyUaYltGVJU-wRrAjhhPa": {
+ "text": "singer"
+ },
+ "i0wB--S4sdL8Q4H9b93UY": {
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+ },
+ "i2mlV3zGS6nrH2l6N2BlZ": {
+ "text": "trumpet"
+ },
+ "iAqItRUQL_YpbMn2pgjsA": {
+ "text": "pizza shop"
+ },
+ "ibtmTEP3QGDY8TyVLteuX": {
+ "text": "soft"
+ },
+ "ifd0M0pAlFm7aPt1A0ze_": {
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+ },
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+ },
+ "ijn-QwQuTxRFFVe-7WlSX": {
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+ },
+ "iowxE4MxcV6PR2Uhtvxqs": {
+ "text": "hospital"
+ },
+ "irbOv2dHA7G969dnJMfJn": {
+ "text": "notebook"
+ },
+ "islCzqFq1SYrZAh63dLhQ": {
+ "text": "fried egg"
+ },
+ "j5xZZev5nTNa-p088Oqnp": {
+ "text": "kiss"
+ },
+ "jBqD3qhhcrioLlCU-xq5b": {
+ "text": "musical instruments"
+ },
+ "jOALQbfxdXmJVyY6P5gZG": {
+ "text": "apricot"
+ },
+ "jTEb3A5ZEKEy2ojuq2vO_": {
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+ },
+ "jeO9YZ22LfSObUNhQDRAz": {
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+ },
+ "jfly9fZ3x1da4SGCCNcV2": {
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+ },
+ "jfvreGZv-e8rD4-01wZ5H": {
+ "text": "band"
+ },
+ "jhJ2TOfdaRAcVeHGOjwua": {
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+ },
+ "jmzg4EiC7JEHwe9gNP3C3": {
+ "text": "rice"
+ },
+ "jpKPg3hn6_GO1HSkeLNGz": {
+ "text": "little girl"
+ },
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+ "text": "movie"
+ },
+ "jtKc2q2n5an342ZkiMB9R": {
+ "text": "personal hygiene"
+ },
+ "k-iDOTk5uO7ZK5OB3v8It": {
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+ },
+ "k41gkf6A_bDtQAJDOrWpP": {
+ "text": "toothpaste"
+ },
+ "k7dZhQtwDPFlOk1iPjEOz": {
+ "text": "turn volume up"
+ },
+ "k8tJx6PikRcnVuZEqrXRM": {
+ "text": "travel"
+ },
+ "k9ZpWM4oRb1q20c0qWCsg": {
+ "text": "coat"
+ },
+ "kDzHKO8eIwNsyKWDw7M0c": {
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+ },
+ "kIn8SeGURyvu49EsRqDs7": {
+ "text": "pajama"
+ },
+ "kN85Lb_C4dLnww7sz1afK": {
+ "text": "coffee"
+ },
+ "kaiWPbXxjHXlqcpBaBp4l": {
+ "text": "travel"
+ },
+ "khUUL_1JQGngApqBRDh_q": {
+ "text": "fixed up"
+ },
+ "kpghvJtujlt4vPI2N6vsg": {
+ "text": "or"
+ },
+ "kxuGlfYjS6puO2xD1QvxO": {
+ "text": "Let's go"
+ },
+ "lKA4b7I3iFkqNzPcAXyBc": {
+ "text": "chef"
+ },
+ "lKMW_xTZzCrCHRcGp-Z-n": {
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+ },
+ "lR84gCk8OM-oYoLAV7tar": {
+ "text": "doorbell"
+ },
+ "lXH68vGIuZdfA8xVrS8iw": {
+ "text": "a lot"
+ },
+ "l_ncJLRdVGBzzQc9yqBqs": {
+ "text": "banana"
+ },
+ "lrUuPKco_O8FXDuclzpKE": {
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+ },
+ "m17b6MazSk6M4gb51_cCy": {
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+ },
+ "m39xTdgaenoi4mWGEa-Ew": {
+ "text": "dish"
+ },
+ "m3qTT8tiGZQheKIWREzMT": {
+ "text": "go to"
+ },
+ "mC9Nb7zVdEUpjEBODw_gL": {
+ "text": "you"
+ },
+ "mFfylZ8yoLvtkVSDTlVEN": {
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+ },
+ "mJqzbxYeIDQciPkeHA1Ao": {
+ "text": "knife"
+ },
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+ },
+ "mRK--C5Q1aGe8MMPJJLYi": {
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+ "text": "a stranger"
+ },
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+ },
+ "mZFwH8xY_OeVDWCdvPZBy": {
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+ },
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+ "text": "cubes"
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "text": "volume down"
+ },
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+ "E-vUPARie8MmfgZwv3Omr": {
+ "text": "gallo"
+ },
+ "EM8VyonJ7WNdvmRyE3nhZ": {
+ "text": "lento"
+ },
+ "EO4O-s7oafi6QJdxTFNkd": {
+ "text": "anticongestivo"
+ },
+ "ETZNYbrG5wveDl6c9k2_k": {
+ "text": "codo"
+ },
+ "EUsNyf5bDdSLqvZKH1Ltx": {
+ "text": "no entiendo"
+ },
+ "EVmt43vDI3NHFfbbkqokF": {
+ "text": "pizza"
+ },
+ "Erg6LuA8IOQ5V8RTP3pPi": {
+ "text": "abeja"
+ },
+ "F4cGnA_QHsVKTjUE6MAu9": {
+ "text": "mameluco"
+ },
+ "F7kJ8VM31BWB4K4T4USzs": {
+ "text": "maltrato físico"
+ },
+ "F8roVYxKZi88UUGfOvTwl": {
+ "text": "maestra"
+ },
+ "F90bXbc0tz9nuzTT7SgqV": {
+ "text": "cuatro"
+ },
+ "FBPIabyaoCK-Y0BziQdji": {
+ "text": "dolor de panza"
+ },
+ "FBTheEQmZZfJRiYjd_Np_": {
+ "text": "interpretar"
+ },
+ "FO77qpzyz28knodNtILCA": {
+ "text": "tirar la cadena"
+ },
+ "FTngK946O8S8bYc0g7vM2": {
+ "text": "mamá"
+ },
+ "FaVvbVzZivuxTwxJTPubK": {
+ "text": "hermanos"
+ },
+ "FfNU04I4mZ54gWcBXqo2c": {
+ "text": "panceta"
+ },
+ "FgTird367surh-vxXyAK6": {
+ "text": "ticket"
+ },
+ "FkC5DtSV81OvFMU99qZGg": {
+ "text": "pelota"
+ },
+ "FnCBoLSE19WsbUypUKvFc": {
+ "text": "hamburguesa"
+ },
+ "Fogupb264IyCtbZ-Q2D6w": {
+ "text": "borracho"
+ },
+ "Fvm2C5NBq01tm0QK9d9QM": {
+ "text": "hijos"
+ },
+ "G09TvOzDSG5m3hTQD9Tej": {
+ "text": "borrar"
+ },
+ "G2i9LSK4A19237Zp1vXqF": {
+ "text": "gordito"
+ },
+ "G6KKVMvPDnjdD9TfBd-B9": {
+ "text": "playo"
+ },
+ "GAxX7EIz1TTLtMX08RRGr": {
+ "text": "hamburguesería"
+ },
+ "GJlUSznzEHCgoAOrVrkp9": {
+ "text": "feliz"
+ },
+ "GSEumxiyeVKRRiaY_c8HW": {
+ "text": "crol"
+ },
+ "GY_flM-6uR6X3L4AwsiwU": {
+ "text": "para"
+ },
+ "G_CRpzxWO5XdEMh01O1eJ": {
+ "text": "aunque"
+ },
+ "Gj7THa6XFHDfYL5H19lwj": {
+ "text": "mañana"
+ },
+ "Gm_qAGnL4OawmlYmTs7K5": {
+ "text": "no veo"
+ },
+ "GoJuWnn72TCXONXKtYHMm": {
+ "text": "tren"
+ },
+ "Gvmy--9DiUn_tkQYWeWhA": {
+ "text": "canelones"
+ },
+ "GxrDtsdGcLepdsQr6V9DT": {
+ "text": "verde"
+ },
+ "H2zMVtjvqi7aUtCypiVKr": {
+ "text": "sentar"
+ },
+ "H8Bsrr2NK9Q3WGbEp8PMe": {
+ "text": "plateado"
+ },
+ "H9SWPnWbR8qcZA-iu5Mz0": {
+ "text": "dolor de Oido"
+ },
+ "HBZNu6m3FELU9eg3OeLdx": {
+ "text": "cortina"
+ },
+ "text": "golpe"
+ },
+ "HMPabuHqgtyiCmTLzg-rM": {
+ "text": "entrar"
+ },
+ "HQiQh4PPBvO1n-d7JGVj8": {
+ "text": "nadie"
+ },
+ "HTBNWax6FCSGXuboGsVUW": {
+ "text": "salado"
+ },
+ "HnuZA0UTlnuIfFAN7saxl": {
+ "text": "conejo"
+ },
+ "Hvb4JdDHX_vNMck_US2UN": {
+ "text": "ensayar"
+ },
+ "I5AJgba5GTdEjdpFB-LBf": {
+ "text": "chocolatada"
+ },
+ "IAdQsjTsbBUAMjlwW34cw": {
+ "text": "me encantaría"
+ },
+ "IEeIvawUD2GIAr1Wypr9i": {
+ "text": "personas"
+ },
+ "IF3R7tLVAkd4RbL8R07K9": {
+ "text": "actor"
+ },
+ "IM8OUKCzHwnjAQWPFgnn6": {
+ "text": "lejos"
+ },
+ "INxOSvKbBNOXwruIpuNho": {
+ "text": "ombligo"
+ },
+ "IO8uTb1K7ElENgp2ujZoK": {
+ "text": "robusto"
+ },
+ "IXRWmFmtqfnHQRcBf1Idl": {
+ "text": "paloma"
+ },
+ "IZbfYRzu2cxxDWdbmQeqw": {
+ "text": "cabeza"
+ },
+ "Ig1oypuwndODbmKh_NEXs": {
+ "text": "malla"
+ },
+ "IsWUeiPnDEnzxePKclBNp": {
+ "text": "feo"
+ },
+ "J3qQMp0OMr5LC9ebfArxH": {
+ "text": "ninguno"
+ },
+ "J3rDL96c2zfBQzP45VRCp": {
+ "text": "limón"
+ },
+ "J4UUPR-WP0qo1y14bUVI-": {
+ "text": "veterinario"
+ },
+ "J7MmgugOu20UtMcMPj59r": {
+ "text": "canción"
+ },
+ "J7wLwBLVx4UANh_x5HdXd": {
+ "text": "según"
+ },
+ "JB9SIxWzxWFjrbmMuksrY": {
+ "text": "reir"
+ },
+ "JBIehRNmDbK2ALcRN0u9i": {
+ "text": "gallo"
+ },
+ "JBKQaBezKuSDaMsnbJMTB": {
+ "text": "bar"
+ },
+ "JBU2hMw9gbIy9-wGF4mjD": {
+ "text": "pizarrón"
+ },
+ "JDbBWMB5No0pK6HvntLt4": {
+ "text": "lavarme las manos"
+ },
+ "JEDIYq1BDA23ac9TNhON-": {
+ "text": "ayuda"
+ },
+ "JFldbhjqxK3fD6D2K4HY4": {
+ "text": "papá"
+ },
+ "JGm4BL7HAfuxX_PGe6Jzk": {
+ "text": "presente"
+ },
+ "JQOpcZSCPGMOWZsN8w_yb": {
+ "text": "¿qué hora es?"
+ },
+ "JSFuEHlP-CFvuqvFKMumC": {
+ "text": "autos de juguete"
+ },
+ "JVtu9W3AumOwjUedwhUGE": {
+ "text": "rehabilitación"
+ },
+ "JZRBfIXBkeuobtDXbLt5t": {
+ "text": "adiós"
+ },
+ "JawnUo-pseWb3FDVMtxrQ": {
+ "text": "yogur"
+ },
+ "JblWXW8TKDCuYu2yTnFBA": {
+ "text": "mesa"
+ },
+ "Ji5OVFX-uNDewL8eX8Cin": {
+ "text": "pensar"
+ },
+ "Jjq8CM8JrYHIMziuQy-WN": {
+ "text": "agenda"
+ },
+ "JziaulL-lrAPGNVvwBPK9": {
+ "text": "verano"
+ },
+ "K382TlNZjdMLLpAhCCXLG": {
+ "text": "almendras"
+ },
+ "K6hd20tWZfwwlYYi7jctt": {
+ "text": "rica"
+ },
+ "K8cMIDL0ubQvWhhDtr65F": {
+ "text": "llorar"
+ },
+ "K8e2-KkvZfFOQaXnhR37x": {
+ "text": "cansado"
+ },
+ "KC18_sTEqKucPQ-iwEKYY": {
+ "text": "lapiz"
+ },
+ "KK_i8H9qTfDVYZkQGwd2v": {
+ "text": "apagar"
+ },
+ "KNH4sLRpVKtHXQa-0y84K": {
+ "text": "nervioso"
+ },
+ "KWYVDZiERE8jtRsL0faHH": {
+ "text": "nadar"
+ },
+ "KXHW4m6vXxQU-AEOR4pZ4": {
+ "text": "balón de fútbol"
+ },
+ "Khdk8mWpyxgLqfC-6lyT9": {
+ "text": "burro"
+ },
+ "KhyTKtiL4ZT4Z1saU1eJh": {
+ "text": "escuchar música"
+ },
+ "Kn9vE07FK1LrzoD_YxrJD": {
+ "text": "subte"
+ },
+ "KpLFOrpuhFKaIbBbFwVVu": {
+ "text": "mariposa"
+ },
+ "KrOPANVpdkBWdEZoUwxKf": {
+ "text": "grave"
+ },
+ "KvY6Taigm4Va_cVjXAfGR": {
+ "text": "corto"
+ },
+ "L0hfYADgzghRVsZLZHRxE": {
+ "text": "bailarín"
+ },
+ "L19r487_d3RqWXiNuh3gE": {
+ "text": "¿qué color es?"
+ },
+ "L6YLAEsbYcTq-ycQJTvt4": {
+ "text": "pollo"
+ },
+ "LAuEISciEf1Wc1j4fERz8": {
+ "text": "año nuevo"
+ },
+ "LDoi3cxodn_AVKSG-Bf_1": {
+ "text": "ojos"
+ },
+ "LEVKlDlJ0wHo5QEjCNAGa": {
+ "text": "pegamento"
+ },
+ "LEg8z-Q-ONLAAXd-aH_Hb": {
+ "text": "bajo"
+ },
+ "LNBTW0qQtHYQEHatkWGtc": {
+ "text": "mercado"
+ },
+ "LRIKzfm9ZsdNe1u7CUuW_": {
+ "text": "¿cuántos?"
+ },
+ "LRfh-4RAZTj7cnnDwBmqj": {
+ "text": "flotador"
+ },
+ "LU7IoUksATEBhd8PaHS1R": {
+ "text": "sacar"
+ },
+ "LaKT8VTw0_6rvordp5-R8": {
+ "text": "rosa"
+ },
+ "LiBr37yi-YBgQDx4unjyc": {
+ "text": "dá"
+ },
+ "LjTGOcyG7DkTs1lJqNr8w": {
+ "text": "cabellera"
+ },
+ "LksmOMPPOMArbrFsscqOW": {
+ "text": "música"
+ },
+ "LmGq1AZs2a0x26r7E9GUj": {
+ "text": "maestro"
+ },
+ "LngEMJa_ihV8mB7afZX-h": {
+ "text": "ellas"
+ },
+ "LrDai7jXlGAdZ3e8ZQezj": {
+ "text": "hacer pis"
+ },
+ "M5q2CXmK0_WVaVUB_HJB3": {
+ "text": "caliente"
+ },
+ "MEqo2TROHyroK318sm84f": {
+ "text": "pasta"
+ },
+ "MKR-ukiUlJy4uuqO30UU6": {
+ "text": "maltrato verbal"
+ },
+ "MMzjhHID8HMqyPjii5o-h": {
+ "text": "cocina"
+ },
+ "MNCcHiImRS8tmvhBhzCKj": {
+ "text": "ensalada"
+ },
+ "MQHnvvU48NnEptP8a9w8C": {
+ "text": "no me gusta"
+ },
+ "MWIzTM6zhTWL1V-brLtBx": {
+ "text": "cómodo"
+ },
+ "MYqfOzKx2qMHop8GaHs0I": {
+ "text": "verde Claro"
+ },
+ "MiOe5_Djf-pE9V9aDZ_1G": {
+ "text": "ananá"
+ },
+ "MqQgYn5B0uV-DMORCBOmV": {
+ "text": "triste"
+ },
+ "Mw6WRebMAKWwXfAvDA7vu": {
+ "text": "tener calor"
+ },
+ "N2baGNTOapSaFDo1GURiW": {
+ "text": "no escucho"
+ },
+ "N7n4zQIkJZOhaYESk2GgH": {
+ "text": "caer"
+ },
+ "NFdUTit6Ff-4S7Nzf92U5": {
+ "text": "estreñimiento"
+ },
+ "NFgGqhEtl0HqipCGGEvwU": {
+ "text": "peinarme"
+ },
+ "NKQwWPAsVHwFBWuksqfns": {
+ "text": "ducha"
+ },
+ "NLi5ODIzyMAwr2HpDXACp": {
+ "text": "nariz"
+ },
+ "NQayjogCYiimP_0OxIfFj": {
+ "text": "zapatos"
+ },
+ "NVe4u7BTAVfLk3xkDqLnZ": {
+ "text": "horno"
+ },
+ "NVjfEut567uXpTaQUNI2i": {
+ "text": "campera"
+ },
+ "N_893wsadpGg3Ip5sEThe": {
+ "text": "azul"
+ },
+ "NaJxTPq9Ld8I4fwAltyEC": {
+ "text": "maiz"
+ },
+ "NjulpZ9x63ZqxtLMoRjkx": {
+ "text": "prender la luz"
+ },
+ "Njz8DrErsexBu8mAI6mnr": {
+ "text": "pescado"
+ },
+ "NmNouLLx13jzE27jliI_v": {
+ "text": "diente"
+ },
+ "NuhUikdCxP0NgsbO0wvAU": {
+ "text": "cola"
+ },
+ "O-CLnVuXAUapOn6TbdhKx": {
+ "text": "querer"
+ },
+ "O450x4W3OOacvJIy4QicJ": {
+ "text": "verduras"
+ },
+ "OHyrmD5US1rHEAEwLQaII": {
+ "text": "animales"
+ },
+ "OKXIGnLh-i1ydTNj450Q8": {
+ "text": "reina"
+ },
+ "OUcfOOReAfQroBKlBdDb-": {
+ "text": "solución salina"
+ },
+ "OWLDc7Hn3neBAf_V_N27n": {
+ "text": "abrochar"
+ },
+ "O_ZfCPZSxGMPT6orCt-O6": {
+ "text": "chancho"
+ },
+ "OblxxVFC-LKPq-8oC9FpE": {
+ "text": "sentimientos"
+ },
+ "OdCdTUAlbN6kvsPjby_Bi": {
+ "text": "deportes"
+ },
+ "OeA63q6LpqGvXW-cJXEym": {
+ "text": "jamón"
+ },
+ "OeytAsSiEAWC10tXhxbTa": {
+ "text": "personajes"
+ },
+ "OhrHu-xLo8hcn5plWfoX4": {
+ "text": "caro"
+ },
+ "Om1Bvqu8nmGuNGwV8hndM": {
+ "text": "bajo"
+ },
+ "OvyFC1GHkvJZ0dAAF1QkY": {
+ "text": "él"
+ },
+ "OwHzJdOQTFOA8daCVRwm6": {
+ "text": "pincel"
+ },
+ "P5zdq4x58yp5TA_soKQEJ": {
+ "text": "bicicleta"
+ },
+ "PAlC0XSZNru3-LXtfvGjo": {
+ "text": "hacer el amor"
+ },
+ "PBqpK7LL1HQPwowPitrss": {
+ "text": "leer"
+ },
+ "PFAi3SdvH9vL7_Bg3MhCA": {
+ "text": "semáforo"
+ },
+ "PIBHv5VueBi-sf5qFCN_Y": {
+ "text": "ante"
+ },
+ "PIPQnVS2UiS7kGbucJP8l": {
+ "text": "curar"
+ },
+ "PLXxIPYyztaztLf4sPCst": {
+ "text": "garganta"
+ },
+ "PbtM3htZocZb8YifuPoY5": {
+ "text": "cangrejo"
+ },
+ "PfNLmlHKFT9d1w6IgeXbU": {
+ "text": "control remoto"
+ },
+ "Pl-M4bc6k2rdhu6FHEbkA": {
+ "text": "patio"
+ },
+ "PogTYrGfa2WNfBRuA8O4e": {
+ "text": "malo"
+ },
+ "PszHdOxMsS_tAzSrN52Wa": {
+ "text": "plastilina"
+ },
+ "Pw3GgPwp7fpDVC6wJjgPn": {
+ "text": "subir"
+ },
+ "Q6LQqdLcvNOiCFjC0DVo2": {
+ "text": "tambor"
+ },
+ "Q6nNH4AIoSeDHODC_Ip8O": {
+ "text": "vecino"
+ },
+ "Q9Ra0aJaQnOJQ1Kqdc43-": {
+ "text": "bebé"
+ },
+ "QCQRmsQY6AggjreY9Z0MF": {
+ "text": "rechazar"
+ },
+ "QGf1Tb1roL7HAXUSrRqRJ": {
+ "text": "naranja"
+ },
+ "QJhkOh48xapiTObEDQLB9": {
+ "text": "piano"
+ },
+ "QTkFHWp9KEDgfCjoQjBY2": {
+ "text": "plurales"
+ },
+ "QUTQLuD2Gv7fHh0V_O5tg": {
+ "text": "avergonzado"
+ },
+ "QVqSPPgA89whFTJ0HTphK": {
+ "text": "abrir"
+ },
+ "QZNQOaf0SdHDbx1otCmrH": {
+ "text": "niño"
+ },
+ "QcGJ9u_JqmrW0X47PXWH4": {
+ "text": "despeinada"
+ },
+ "QclUM2p3iexSjFZI8OU4-": {
+ "text": "fiebre"
+ },
+ "QeqA20MCXB-zNfuKIssMY": {
+ "text": "lata de atún"
+ },
+ "QllvOUe8utZrcBRGw_0vc": {
+ "text": "curita"
+ },
+ "QnlQ1HOEB9yNjuW3Dd6fc": {
+ "text": "celebración"
+ },
+ "Qo3Qn_nMe3E6EqNw0UdNZ": {
+ "text": "soleado"
+ },
+ "QohNih4wgqjnpWt3kSwtd": {
+ "text": "entrenador"
+ },
+ "QvaMxPy-3iixHAJFyIrN-": {
+ "text": "sandwich"
+ },
+ "R06chAQYswLtQK46OInW7": {
+ "text": "leche con galletas"
+ },
+ "R9ECa_HQRtpFrb59ebMTQ": {
+ "text": "escuela"
+ },
+ "RBCjBvNXQSZOOpg-5lBlK": {
+ "text": "bueno"
+ },
+ "RZfMOtjw0DoGHWaRfCEc4": {
+ "text": "pantalón"
+ },
+ "Ra2rxEEohwxRqDsW2AT3C": {
+ "text": "videojuegos"
+ },
+ "RbZetbSC5064rZccOFD1D": {
+ "text": "televisión"
+ },
+ "RkpoG4KB8m_TJFJf2v3EG": {
+ "text": "cambiar de canal"
+ },
+ "RwlZ1jr2Ix3evzrW71lN0": {
+ "text": "manzana"
+ },
+ "S3um53pcko7_BPHy7R6FL": {
+ "text": "nosotros"
+ },
+ "SE-71I_ahm3oKROReyJHE": {
+ "text": "hacer caca"
+ },
+ "SOyGnJXLPeVRoZy3vBgpK": {
+ "text": "examen"
+ },
+ "SXz8iA1Qn_BlgLTAG6Epl": {
+ "text": "cena"
+ },
+ "SiOmZdwX8Hf2nE2v6HfCp": {
+ "text": "zapato"
+ },
+ "Sp2Ias_Y1HplkHWjIb7Mp": {
+ "text": "sin"
+ },
+ "TAbuXSnSHU6C3CQ4kbKVh": {
+ "text": "triángulo"
+ },
+ "TBV2BhoZVgl1jMV_jWZYi": {
+ "text": "derecha"
+ },
+ "TIgoS-YONIwzbrImXetaD": {
+ "text": "ciruela"
+ },
+ "TIsM6aTTZ9W8j6UhW9Qqj": {
+ "text": "coro"
+ },
+ "TLxsYdrBdHgFZkNJtVTmK": {
+ "text": "tortuga"
+ },
+ "TP-gGRcpcFyx1SrNRsdRV": {
+ "text": "perdón"
+ },
+ "TR5CXN8-pfbWkshdxSBSV": {
+ "text": "oveja"
+ },
+ "TS9z8ZmMEwn0MGSfr9amH": {
+ "text": "palta"
+ },
+ "TZF-7m8VKZ7IL6pyv0Daf": {
+ "text": "cepillarme los dientes"
+ },
+ "T_Q5c4XAfkhkclmnCGHo5": {
+ "text": "hasta"
+ },
+ "Td5pgVQDTFOftUgOJ-bD-": {
+ "text": "picante"
+ },
+ "Te_jJfeU8Xwa9St2RihBq": {
+ "text": "sangre"
+ },
+ "ThqkHs4az5tgLqLcfFPaZ": {
+ "text": "largo"
+ },
+ "TpPNZLsh5jrN9RdPFwmA7": {
+ "text": "¡genial!"
+ },
+ "Tpj-Fs8LQ566TM0bYlZ6H": {
+ "text": "viernes"
+ },
+ "TuAjBKPp3-PSdQuooSWZi": {
+ "text": "rana"
+ },
+ "TyqVzfOniQNa9WKQRXqr-": {
+ "text": "hermana"
+ },
+ "U1KQsrvTa2E00-ugc-Iy6": {
+ "text": "ausente"
+ },
+ "U6PoeH-cMdO3ttnLkN7_3": {
+ "text": "cabalgar"
+ },
+ "U7GiGcYacowWi4MWrCYyj": {
+ "text": "antiinflamatorio"
+ },
+ "UQ-5wOfR0tDzljoDjj2xU": {
+ "text": "otoño"
+ },
+ "UQ5B5K-tpk1XmQC1B9TjQ": {
+ "text": "no"
+ },
+ "US8_vYTnDfxBw2Ung_J38": {
+ "text": "partes íntimas"
+ },
+ "UVzdJiqY36fqgBYyz880c": {
+ "text": "jamón crudo"
+ },
+ "UXJDiwb3j_zyfGa26ByJL": {
+ "text": "pecho"
+ },
+ "Ubaq6h7wasdP_YRombm2c": {
+ "text": "azúcar"
+ },
+ "Ugs9V9c2c5iHrVC6p17zr": {
+ "text": "analgésico"
+ },
+ "Uk1Emn5IovsTfFzpQX5Jw": {
+ "text": "sosten"
+ },
+ "UkLF5sKtVKW0D8RzVCoue": {
+ "text": "bombero"
+ },
+ "UnQJwWfWCe40DJYR1Er0o": {
+ "text": "dolor"
+ },
+ "UssSOEEKutvzB_B4fAQE-": {
+ "text": "escuchar de nuevo"
+ },
+ "Ust3oadA0PUGViYo28Mf3": {
+ "text": "caminar"
+ },
+ "UvRS0KmtZn3dq7e8L5RcE": {
+ "text": "enojado"
+ },
+ "UwvZVcX_CAQFrI6U4LsNT": {
+ "text": "huevo"
+ },
+ "VJ9AU_y7CqsONR6TvhdLh": {
+ "text": "¿dónde es?"
+ },
+ "VKrLGgYjc-nLPGsyESDgb": {
+ "text": "canario"
+ },
+ "VL4pd0vnJ-CNfMg9bCNed": {
+ "text": "aspirina"
+ },
+ "VUJ-zrdsyL9MOuFbdMCAx": {
+ "text": "mareo"
+ },
+ "Vioyf8EXJfY5t34NnN0WO": {
+ "text": "tablet"
+ },
+ "Vjlet5P7XuqTrc22nt_Zz": {
+ "text": "agua"
+ },
+ "Vmnu5eormo-_TOCgF4YzG": {
+ "text": "jarabe para la tos"
+ },
+ "VoZumy5GtnRdqSOmXAw7j": {
+ "text": "preparado"
+ },
+ "VrC7AnovfA7VzmYESVc8L": {
+ "text": "conversar"
+ },
+ "VwZ4EKSggYWxlnAbp-pNB": {
+ "text": "enfermo"
+ },
+ "Vzov0z9acB-I1_W_CcFcY": {
+ "text": "rojo"
+ },
+ "WDUIQV43zghFQq_rSk1Z4": {
+ "text": "churrasco"
+ },
+ "WL3ZN-W_zgnuTJpuqz0YQ": {
+ "text": "príncipe"
+ },
+ "WNhpmD_XlTaNEBo7GsFXu": {
+ "text": "diarrea"
+ },
+ "WQ0CNIQ_gjaCxg4tEIsOo": {
+ "text": "clavado"
+ },
+ "WRzleD-mI84LaimFH8h6P": {
+ "text": "escuchar"
+ },
+ "WUt3I-NkdbqlSVcwuLfFx": {
+ "text": "patines"
+ },
+ "WWK2v56LM-zWqujabk9bM": {
+ "text": "plástica"
+ },
+ "W_f7h3qOLl2uEd_OYpMfQ": {
+ "text": "policía"
+ },
+ "WasZ5bKZZy5Jt4Y-JipxS": {
+ "text": "bikini"
+ },
+ "Wgh5iCzUmx4Je-B85-pra": {
+ "text": "heladera"
+ },
+ "WjXQhSFPpz42ZUyHvurYG": {
+ "text": "grillo"
+ },
+ "WtYSntcy2CijEORmROeaj": {
+ "text": "un cuarto"
+ },
+ "Wu47Qs6Zupu1Ox2gUhkxn": {
+ "text": "cuarto"
+ },
+ "Wva5W8GA0dHzyt2_0FPdm": {
+ "text": "hermano"
+ },
+ "X0-Tf-KR24qEkpGDzG2Z-": {
+ "text": "ayer"
+ },
+ "X3u4pXTWKcGc43lOkgSBt": {
+ "text": "cumplimiento"
+ },
+ "XA952Z60D0-cesNCVA-OX": {
+ "text": "chau"
+ },
+ "XC5fIljJ819OYpllYTjpE": {
+ "text": "jirafa"
+ },
+ "XN0nzhQyHVOhuYuNqrp8g": {
+ "text": "durazno"
+ },
+ "XOoGN6huCjVHxH8hRFAw1": {
+ "text": "blanca"
+ },
+ "XY6ZCNzeJIEzLtWJcufJm": {
+ "text": "camiseta manga larga"
+ },
+ "XYY8SV1IAMHjdGjMZxbdy": {
+ "text": "cancha"
+ },
+ "XeVaDdUWSEkhfJvTVvUHR": {
+ "text": "salir"
+ },
+ "XnocVMEeUGCSnlnusP44O": {
+ "text": "agarrar"
+ },
+ "XuAtFop5_JNSYiZkUBzaU": {
+ "text": "cocinar"
+ },
+ "Y5HQq_4crSF2lpwH-KUrt": {
+ "text": "dos"
+ },
+ "YCu-B26PqjE30AhikHdkI": {
+ "text": "dibujos animados"
+ },
+ "YIP0Xc4aJsfv0s8BpiQnn": {
+ "text": "cinco"
+ },
+ "YLKXFZ9ze9K9NvJiAx8w0": {
+ "text": "¿qué?"
+ },
+ "YbrNtdUmyMNdAF5CfvY1A": {
+ "text": "toalla"
+ },
+ "YbvMRsCtMbww8OQgF45QF": {
+ "text": "resfrío"
+ },
+ "YeT-jstVSA7-mD9t99Isg": {
+ "text": "rompecabeza"
+ },
+ "YusWY8GwdO43bSp1o3BWC": {
+ "text": "molesto"
+ },
+ "Yvxm8RGoFYKUsIXOl33yR": {
+ "text": "apagar la luz"
+ },
+ "Z5-sBklfLIWE00CJ_T_ZK": {
+ "text": "cuchara"
+ },
+ "Z8xp3kxXuhMVoNm7ddQSX": {
+ "text": "lanzar"
+ },
+ "ZA2C4bJaL90lBxsTemYWZ": {
+ "text": "piscina"
+ },
+ "ZAnmv4CLb7hldYUlp2wJU": {
+ "text": "ninguno"
+ },
+ "ZBIFtTq-BH1jv5jLbzrhj": {
+ "text": "repetir"
+ },
+ "ZQEXAf10BkoTvCJx3Ox39": {
+ "text": "sorpresa"
+ },
+ "ZR-NXJk3SD351W-95cf_T": {
+ "text": "pintar"
+ },
+ "ZRYQmYRGKzheBqk11eGRZ": {
+ "text": "ballena"
+ },
+ "Zm4OIanIKTigDGIsInO7o": {
+ "text": "un supermercado"
+ },
+ "ZnMba2r4XIg9lPi_H2d_Z": {
+ "text": "sí"
+ },
+ "_1lOt0C0MQhvU8QWC6_oZ": {
+ "text": "buenas noches"
+ },
+ "_2SjbH-xHZq173EU4J65c": {
+ "text": "parque"
+ },
+ "_3ihCSMQCokXNo8pXii-h": {
+ "text": "llamar a alguien"
+ },
+ "_8RIOebHpkr9nCy0_9qhP": {
+ "text": "llamar"
+ },
+ "_CsJMxqGcNSaujXwRZcpu": {
+ "text": "ansioso"
+ },
+ "_FNTsoEjTMV3Uas-gggi2": {
+ "text": "estrés"
+ },
+ "_HUf6SR0mTP7v72Y9_4gw": {
+ "text": "coche de bomberos"
+ },
+ "_Lc2-NNL69ZX-aVnUNzgx": {
+ "text": "frutilla"
+ },
+ "_S9Eck14cdOTr0QH4i7sQ": {
+ "text": "cuarto de baño"
+ },
+ "_WIT6qs1kaiJqB1Ild5Xs": {
+ "text": "paseo"
+ },
+ "_eug92AvR1UXpYlfm6o_Q": {
+ "text": "dorado"
+ },
+ "_hqTU9A7I3RFDVrcIEK-L": {
+ "text": "%null%"
+ },
+ "_lU200bb9Sjv0b_iJKgU2": {
+ "text": "una bicicletería"
+ },
+ "_tDZtalMxKSNpWydJ1aeW": {
+ "text": "cero"
+ },
+ "aC_XP9Ch5PqWoCmcJwI77": {
+ "text": "algodón"
+ },
+ "aMs2YNnWkw4XN0gAm-jI3": {
+ "text": "cajón"
+ },
+ "aP9QisUdxhgOKIQ2kHNb3": {
+ "text": "acelga"
+ },
+ "aSzpwNza22HZp46Sh6wfx": {
+ "text": "súcio"
+ },
+ "aTwzShtP_zR9x6bSGSzEB": {
+ "text": "muslo de pollo"
+ },
+ "text": "tú"
+ },
+ "aa3xDW6F9YUKyX0fe5uX8": {
+ "text": "espaldas"
+ },
+ "ajesFjbC7hwCNLKdif-ix": {
+ "text": "contra"
+ },
+ "ak5fBauJzapC4JIf0lT8N": {
+ "text": "cerro"
+ },
+ "alsoa_V3wz3vPpG1TKRZc": {
+ "text": "transportes"
+ },
+ "amk4WRd1sNEIp24pnFw8j": {
+ "text": "rodilla"
+ },
+ "armmpopt2RLsVDlqLrQ94": {
+ "text": "restaurante"
+ },
+ "atVEXuftxSiDDj8rzUlFg": {
+ "text": "crayones"
+ },
+ "atWxG3KTHB5moW1dylLJc": {
+ "text": "juguete"
+ },
+ "avzcTznCsQCISYJsLC-w_": {
+ "text": "notas musicales"
+ },
+ "b1XpSC0ndnm0ZewNXC3pp": {
+ "text": "carnicero"
+ },
+ "b5OdBMMzkf1FlQbUR5-m7": {
+ "text": "servilletas"
+ },
+ "b9Y5MrR-jn8fh77gAkLZy": {
+ "text": "pintar"
+ },
+ "bAoK85XLNb7p0ebevYZ6O": {
+ "text": "mirarme al espejo"
+ },
+ "bDnuS19hfd9GhJ-6rjNPD": {
+ "text": "estar"
+ },
+ "bFodvUraUhJeq4waMdlxv": {
+ "text": "domingo"
+ },
+ "bNJfccUvG2DQfR1iZP3eR": {
+ "text": "serpiente"
+ },
+ "bVN3R44VuZDw3IdQMolca": {
+ "text": "cambiar"
+ },
+ "beNprvNb0UztxR4JLxDFm": {
+ "text": "cumpleaños"
+ },
+ "bge6qR6NzsD5Vk4ifPsSO": {
+ "text": "ketchup"
+ },
+ "bpSuQQRlIcSse40OAxNSG": {
+ "text": "lunes"
+ },
+ "bqjKW_qBtRzIThWxdZx2s": {
+ "text": "gafas de sol"
+ },
+ "buyy_2ydocKoi9TnBhZ1N": {
+ "text": "amiga"
+ },
+ "bw3rqHXD1TJ53xbNggEqH": {
+ "text": "desayuno"
+ },
+ "c7kK5ROVbO3DHrwSFEawq": {
+ "text": "dulce"
+ },
+ "cI0JxwhkWU-YA7E7rmJtp": {
+ "text": "cuello"
+ },
+ "cJMQi3SVmqvWJ00VxI6gy": {
+ "text": "¿cómo estás?"
+ },
+ "cJw2i319mzBUpEfBRDxc9": {
+ "text": "pez"
+ },
+ "cJzHrV_PsV-PwwyFN9jka": {
+ "text": "%null%"
+ },
+ "cS3g4KXf39akVFHCG5AwL": {
+ "text": "camión de juguete"
+ },
+ "cTiw7_Yjxu_Kg90q7PdYl": {
+ "text": "gripe"
+ },
+ "cb0rJJEYOeEoRU5fDdQQq": {
+ "text": "el"
+ },
+ "ccGASDOGtty6GfQMEEBEU": {
+ "text": "tres"
+ },
+ "cj6OuVw4Nob8jxP-E4rZc": {
+ "text": "cambiarme la ropa"
+ },
+ "cnyLFMkJu2i3cqOY0e9kl": {
+ "text": "pasas"
+ },
+ "curstMeuThu2KUph-8rkB": {
+ "text": "jugar con"
+ },
+ "cxMNBGV3LytDXgwDMCiga": {
+ "text": "violeta"
+ },
+ "d4zNoj2BAFG9B7J3KAlLE": {
+ "text": "botones"
+ },
+ "d6s8fLFBiQ3KEJlNdJfUW": {
+ "text": "un poco loco"
+ },
+ "dHM0qnbmtJAkZY0WBsqaY": {
+ "text": "lila"
+ },
+ "dLHDzm0rfgL-vXTx14HSm": {
+ "text": "buscar"
+ },
+ "dNvN5P787hAPE7ZYNgwkw": {
+ "text": "pasear"
+ },
+ "dR72liRxC3qmoSa6Dz2a2": {
+ "text": "jarabe"
+ },
+ "dS-KyYREUQIk7sDlmsvoa": {
+ "text": "cerca"
+ },
+ "d_I8jNfbkQD0CHgZn7hyB": {
+ "text": "camisa"
+ },
+ "dgm3NCKuz7L39PX8LYxj7": {
+ "text": "juguetes"
+ },
+ "djgKI9embnk95PAtFcn45": {
+ "text": "cambiarme el pañal"
+ },
+ "dn41o5K_1fo-qHO-YLoQn": {
+ "text": "sábado"
+ },
+ "dnXsSOeVG7mq37uciIi2J": {
+ "text": "recreo"
+ },
+ "e5sCl246xFMESEfFy2PhX": {
+ "text": "coche"
+ },
+ "e5un1yrIuZHQi048e5kD6": {
+ "text": "alfajores"
+ },
+ "e8zl_ecIloo4Vk-OZPJWe": {
+ "text": "jugar con la tablet"
+ },
+ "eDX2HSkGaY2TeVwPjR07S": {
+ "text": "fácil"
+ },
+ "eGJ8MC1xPE6ueF82jCmVg": {
+ "text": "cepillar"
+ },
+ "eKJCZc-kD0-m6cVLorFzO": {
+ "text": "pera"
+ },
+ "eWSI1NInbQowtO99phhGA": {
+ "text": "boca"
+ },
+ "eZEqRZjRK8JJMsfHo4Y7w": {
+ "text": "del"
+ },
+ "ebo03xnkyiHD2pKUKULmr": {
+ "text": "dibujos animados"
+ },
+ "ecUOs24Pp5ZTRt_ZvED5W": {
+ "text": "acompañar"
+ },
+ "eduqLSyC3m4uB1Oee6dt6": {
+ "text": "mitad"
+ },
+ "eji-M2j5eHkG71DCksleY": {
+ "text": "huevo duro"
+ },
+ "emm_RirDsO30Enax5Q4gd": {
+ "text": "con"
+ },
+ "eo3Q5AjHJz5kp1EbdALwh": {
+ "text": "ustedes"
+ },
+ "eoYtISVZl3mdwoE_HW-Mv": {
+ "text": "guitarra"
+ },
+ "et1KiL5-zob_EcGlj7tLN": {
+ "text": "despues"
+ },
+ "f2dl12fMZbRdQ7STpcTdk": {
+ "text": "fútbol"
+ },
+ "fF3ijeQzetfSn6EGcs1yY": {
+ "text": "cerezas"
+ },
+ "fL_4POdbPVL9-lvQVWSqY": {
+ "text": "avión de juguete"
+ },
+ "fNAlqbgrpirQZO_LhrkXY": {
+ "text": "primavera"
+ },
+ "fNv4Nb6Vafxk0JxXr-iDo": {
+ "text": "investigar"
+ },
+ "fUUj_4pKPflmJlxZfk0cX": {
+ "text": "discoteca"
+ },
+ "ff7ES190q1dmFYZ7lo6x0": {
+ "text": "pan blanco"
+ },
+ "fjCOcN-PKP6F07IZcI71X": {
+ "text": "plaza"
+ },
+ "fkNwVm56PSe-qh-QoM0vm": {
+ "text": "allá"
+ },
+ "fk_z_HrvcUh8XIq8D6gQP": {
+ "text": "nueces"
+ },
+ "g1Cj6HW8kg8yPE1XX9pxa": {
+ "text": "desde"
+ },
+ "g1TLUpuQX2Zs1ob9gqYui": {
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+ },
+ "g2MhHawoIC9oFNEv5_w63": {
+ "text": "vida"
+ },
+ "g2sQSxCcoZuKJ3TabK6oT": {
+ "text": "vino"
+ },
+ "g75y4E53ViakV-s5UfnIF": {
+ "text": "equipaje"
+ },
+ "gFEnqFhYoXF7QN-n0ONad": {
+ "text": "montaña"
+ },
+ "gYrIz3R13-BC_pYcvQ9BL": {
+ "text": "invierno"
+ },
+ "gaem1LHTtfQdnnqYi-sOm": {
+ "text": "billetera"
+ },
+ "gff2FqDlgXknRld7YMLWl": {
+ "text": "entero"
+ },
+ "gsU8pE9ozhR73xS2icwJ0": {
+ "text": "libro"
+ },
+ "gvPwrzDSSEPwcxY878T_c": {
+ "text": "gato"
+ },
+ "gzCjycNS8Cf0vNlo1klji": {
+ "text": "molesto"
+ },
+ "gzb-RNDLMNkgk9wnPILJi": {
+ "text": "abuela"
+ },
+ "hAZhogJSH3bL1iL237N8J": {
+ "text": "pochoclos"
+ },
+ "hDvpMlPw-chcuxEisBJTl": {
+ "text": "castañas"
+ },
+ "hKJhXxultsxm0TJl1P8-L": {
+ "text": "chau"
+ },
+ "hOyjT1JgOYB-mGLFMaNJR": {
+ "text": "dolor de pecho"
+ },
+ "hT3Lrjn5-q7YIM1loG4MN": {
+ "text": "parlante"
+ },
+ "hUYfE_vmNBT_7E60YZsSu": {
+ "text": "pintura"
+ },
+ "hWWOw1gWjWwN7wQJkHrTu": {
+ "text": "tour"
+ },
+ "hXgGhazQ_nA5uqpRD6Qwq": {
+ "text": "ganar"
+ },
+ "hmhAUgqvGp7nc1w25sRSx": {
+ "text": "esperar"
+ },
+ "hwzwfMyJsvB42F_QWQWyi": {
+ "text": "jugo de uva"
+ },
+ "hyUaYltGVJU-wRrAjhhPa": {
+ "text": "cantante"
+ },
+ "i0wB--S4sdL8Q4H9b93UY": {
+ "text": "ácido"
+ },
+ "i2mlV3zGS6nrH2l6N2BlZ": {
+ "text": "trompeta"
+ },
+ "iAqItRUQL_YpbMn2pgjsA": {
+ "text": "pizzería"
+ },
+ "ibtmTEP3QGDY8TyVLteuX": {
+ "text": "blando"
+ },
+ "ifd0M0pAlFm7aPt1A0ze_": {
+ "text": "amar"
+ },
+ "iiA1u1JKRmhe2jWVE_W79": {
+ "text": "amigos"
+ },
+ "iimGxVoFWlq_THThR3vmF": {
+ "text": "noticias"
+ },
+ "ijn-QwQuTxRFFVe-7WlSX": {
+ "text": "picazón"
+ },
+ "iowxE4MxcV6PR2Uhtvxqs": {
+ "text": "hospital"
+ },
+ "irbOv2dHA7G969dnJMfJn": {
+ "text": "cuaderno"
+ },
+ "islCzqFq1SYrZAh63dLhQ": {
+ "text": "huevo frito"
+ },
+ "j5xZZev5nTNa-p088Oqnp": {
+ "text": "besar"
+ },
+ "jBqD3qhhcrioLlCU-xq5b": {
+ "text": "instrumentos musicales"
+ },
+ "jOALQbfxdXmJVyY6P5gZG": {
+ "text": "damasco"
+ },
+ "jTEb3A5ZEKEy2ojuq2vO_": {
+ "text": "hueso"
+ },
+ "jeO9YZ22LfSObUNhQDRAz": {
+ "text": "ventana"
+ },
+ "jfly9fZ3x1da4SGCCNcV2": {
+ "text": "bufanda"
+ },
+ "jfvreGZv-e8rD4-01wZ5H": {
+ "text": "venda"
+ },
+ "jhJ2TOfdaRAcVeHGOjwua": {
+ "text": "leche"
+ },
+ "jmzg4EiC7JEHwe9gNP3C3": {
+ "text": "arroz"
+ },
+ "jpKPg3hn6_GO1HSkeLNGz": {
+ "text": "niña"
+ },
+ "jprAsdXWGQKPlUWwgBBot": {
+ "text": "película"
+ },
+ "jtKc2q2n5an342ZkiMB9R": {
+ "text": "higiene personal"
+ },
+ "k-iDOTk5uO7ZK5OB3v8It": {
+ "text": "viejo"
+ },
+ "k41gkf6A_bDtQAJDOrWpP": {
+ "text": "pasta de dientes"
+ },
+ "k7dZhQtwDPFlOk1iPjEOz": {
+ "text": "subir volumen"
+ },
+ "k8tJx6PikRcnVuZEqrXRM": {
+ "text": "viajar"
+ },
+ "k9ZpWM4oRb1q20c0qWCsg": {
+ "text": "abrigo"
+ },
+ "kDzHKO8eIwNsyKWDw7M0c": {
+ "text": "uva"
+ },
+ "kIn8SeGURyvu49EsRqDs7": {
+ "text": "pijama"
+ },
+ "kN85Lb_C4dLnww7sz1afK": {
+ "text": "café"
+ },
+ "kaiWPbXxjHXlqcpBaBp4l": {
+ "text": "viajar"
+ },
+ "khUUL_1JQGngApqBRDh_q": {
+ "text": "arreglado"
+ },
+ "kpghvJtujlt4vPI2N6vsg": {
+ "text": "o"
+ },
+ "kxuGlfYjS6puO2xD1QvxO": {
+ "text": "vamos"
+ },
+ "lKA4b7I3iFkqNzPcAXyBc": {
+ "text": "cocinero"
+ },
+ "lKMW_xTZzCrCHRcGp-Z-n": {
+ "text": "galleta"
+ },
+ "lR84gCk8OM-oYoLAV7tar": {
+ "text": "timbre"
+ },
+ "lXH68vGIuZdfA8xVrS8iw": {
+ "text": "mucho"
+ },
+ "l_ncJLRdVGBzzQc9yqBqs": {
+ "text": "banana"
+ },
+ "lrUuPKco_O8FXDuclzpKE": {
+ "text": "necesitar"
+ },
+ "m0434KkjeTv8SGN7WxR2C": {
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+ },
+ "JB9SIxWzxWFjrbmMuksrY": {
+ "text": "reir"
+ },
+ "JBIehRNmDbK2ALcRN0u9i": {
+ "text": "gallo"
+ },
+ "JBKQaBezKuSDaMsnbJMTB": {
+ "text": "bar"
+ },
+ "JBU2hMw9gbIy9-wGF4mjD": {
+ "text": "pizarrón"
+ },
+ "JDbBWMB5No0pK6HvntLt4": {
+ "text": "lavarme las manos"
+ },
+ "JEDIYq1BDA23ac9TNhON-": {
+ "text": "ayuda"
+ },
+ "JFldbhjqxK3fD6D2K4HY4": {
+ "text": "papá"
+ },
+ "JGm4BL7HAfuxX_PGe6Jzk": {
+ "text": "presente"
+ },
+ "JQOpcZSCPGMOWZsN8w_yb": {
+ "text": "¿qué hora es?"
+ },
+ "JSFuEHlP-CFvuqvFKMumC": {
+ "text": "autos de juguete"
+ },
+ "JVtu9W3AumOwjUedwhUGE": {
+ "text": "rehabilitación"
+ },
+ "JZRBfIXBkeuobtDXbLt5t": {
+ "text": "adiós"
+ },
+ "JawnUo-pseWb3FDVMtxrQ": {
+ "text": "yogur"
+ },
+ "JblWXW8TKDCuYu2yTnFBA": {
+ "text": "mesa"
+ },
+ "Ji5OVFX-uNDewL8eX8Cin": {
+ "text": "pensar"
+ },
+ "Jjq8CM8JrYHIMziuQy-WN": {
+ "text": "agenda"
+ },
+ "JziaulL-lrAPGNVvwBPK9": {
+ "text": "verano"
+ },
+ "K382TlNZjdMLLpAhCCXLG": {
+ "text": "almendras"
+ },
+ "K6hd20tWZfwwlYYi7jctt": {
+ "text": "rica"
+ },
+ "K8cMIDL0ubQvWhhDtr65F": {
+ "text": "llorar"
+ },
+ "K8e2-KkvZfFOQaXnhR37x": {
+ "text": "cansado"
+ },
+ "KC18_sTEqKucPQ-iwEKYY": {
+ "text": "lapiz"
+ },
+ "KK_i8H9qTfDVYZkQGwd2v": {
+ "text": "apagar"
+ },
+ "KNH4sLRpVKtHXQa-0y84K": {
+ "text": "nervioso"
+ },
+ "KWYVDZiERE8jtRsL0faHH": {
+ "text": "nadar"
+ },
+ "KXHW4m6vXxQU-AEOR4pZ4": {
+ "text": "balón de fútbol"
+ },
+ "Khdk8mWpyxgLqfC-6lyT9": {
+ "text": "burro"
+ },
+ "KhyTKtiL4ZT4Z1saU1eJh": {
+ "text": "escuchar música"
+ },
+ "Kn9vE07FK1LrzoD_YxrJD": {
+ "text": "subte"
+ },
+ "KpLFOrpuhFKaIbBbFwVVu": {
+ "text": "mariposa"
+ },
+ "KrOPANVpdkBWdEZoUwxKf": {
+ "text": "grave"
+ },
+ "KvY6Taigm4Va_cVjXAfGR": {
+ "text": "corto"
+ },
+ "L0hfYADgzghRVsZLZHRxE": {
+ "text": "bailarín"
+ },
+ "L19r487_d3RqWXiNuh3gE": {
+ "text": "¿qué color es?"
+ },
+ "L6YLAEsbYcTq-ycQJTvt4": {
+ "text": "pollo"
+ },
+ "LAuEISciEf1Wc1j4fERz8": {
+ "text": "año nuevo"
+ },
+ "LDoi3cxodn_AVKSG-Bf_1": {
+ "text": "ojos"
+ },
+ "LEVKlDlJ0wHo5QEjCNAGa": {
+ "text": "pegamento"
+ },
+ "LEg8z-Q-ONLAAXd-aH_Hb": {
+ "text": "bajo"
+ },
+ "LNBTW0qQtHYQEHatkWGtc": {
+ "text": "mercado"
+ },
+ "LRIKzfm9ZsdNe1u7CUuW_": {
+ "text": "¿cuántos?"
+ },
+ "LRfh-4RAZTj7cnnDwBmqj": {
+ "text": "flotador"
+ },
+ "LU7IoUksATEBhd8PaHS1R": {
+ "text": "sacar"
+ },
+ "LaKT8VTw0_6rvordp5-R8": {
+ "text": "rosa"
+ },
+ "LiBr37yi-YBgQDx4unjyc": {
+ "text": "dá"
+ },
+ "LjTGOcyG7DkTs1lJqNr8w": {
+ "text": "cabellera"
+ },
+ "LksmOMPPOMArbrFsscqOW": {
+ "text": "música"
+ },
+ "LmGq1AZs2a0x26r7E9GUj": {
+ "text": "maestro"
+ },
+ "LngEMJa_ihV8mB7afZX-h": {
+ "text": "ellas"
+ },
+ "LrDai7jXlGAdZ3e8ZQezj": {
+ "text": "hacer pis"
+ },
+ "M5q2CXmK0_WVaVUB_HJB3": {
+ "text": "caliente"
+ },
+ "MEqo2TROHyroK318sm84f": {
+ "text": "pasta"
+ },
+ "MKR-ukiUlJy4uuqO30UU6": {
+ "text": "maltrato verbal"
+ },
+ "MMzjhHID8HMqyPjii5o-h": {
+ "text": "cocina"
+ },
+ "MNCcHiImRS8tmvhBhzCKj": {
+ "text": "ensalada"
+ },
+ "MQHnvvU48NnEptP8a9w8C": {
+ "text": "no me gusta"
+ },
+ "MWIzTM6zhTWL1V-brLtBx": {
+ "text": "cómodo"
+ },
+ "MYqfOzKx2qMHop8GaHs0I": {
+ "text": "verde Claro"
+ },
+ "MiOe5_Djf-pE9V9aDZ_1G": {
+ "text": "ananá"
+ },
+ "MqQgYn5B0uV-DMORCBOmV": {
+ "text": "triste"
+ },
+ "Mw6WRebMAKWwXfAvDA7vu": {
+ "text": "tener calor"
+ },
+ "N2baGNTOapSaFDo1GURiW": {
+ "text": "no escucho"
+ },
+ "N7n4zQIkJZOhaYESk2GgH": {
+ "text": "caer"
+ },
+ "NFdUTit6Ff-4S7Nzf92U5": {
+ "text": "estreñimiento"
+ },
+ "NFgGqhEtl0HqipCGGEvwU": {
+ "text": "peinarme"
+ },
+ "NKQwWPAsVHwFBWuksqfns": {
+ "text": "ducha"
+ },
+ "NLi5ODIzyMAwr2HpDXACp": {
+ "text": "nariz"
+ },
+ "NQayjogCYiimP_0OxIfFj": {
+ "text": "zapatos"
+ },
+ "NVe4u7BTAVfLk3xkDqLnZ": {
+ "text": "horno"
+ },
+ "NVjfEut567uXpTaQUNI2i": {
+ "text": "campera"
+ },
+ "N_893wsadpGg3Ip5sEThe": {
+ "text": "azul"
+ },
+ "NaJxTPq9Ld8I4fwAltyEC": {
+ "text": "maiz"
+ },
+ "NjulpZ9x63ZqxtLMoRjkx": {
+ "text": "prender la luz"
+ },
+ "Njz8DrErsexBu8mAI6mnr": {
+ "text": "pescado"
+ },
+ "NmNouLLx13jzE27jliI_v": {
+ "text": "diente"
+ },
+ "NuhUikdCxP0NgsbO0wvAU": {
+ "text": "cola"
+ },
+ "O-CLnVuXAUapOn6TbdhKx": {
+ "text": "querer"
+ },
+ "O450x4W3OOacvJIy4QicJ": {
+ "text": "verduras"
+ },
+ "OHyrmD5US1rHEAEwLQaII": {
+ "text": "animales"
+ },
+ "OKXIGnLh-i1ydTNj450Q8": {
+ "text": "reina"
+ },
+ "OUcfOOReAfQroBKlBdDb-": {
+ "text": "solución salina"
+ },
+ "OWLDc7Hn3neBAf_V_N27n": {
+ "text": "abrochar"
+ },
+ "O_ZfCPZSxGMPT6orCt-O6": {
+ "text": "chancho"
+ },
+ "OblxxVFC-LKPq-8oC9FpE": {
+ "text": "sentimientos"
+ },
+ "OdCdTUAlbN6kvsPjby_Bi": {
+ "text": "deportes"
+ },
+ "OeA63q6LpqGvXW-cJXEym": {
+ "text": "jamón"
+ },
+ "OeytAsSiEAWC10tXhxbTa": {
+ "text": "personajes"
+ },
+ "OhrHu-xLo8hcn5plWfoX4": {
+ "text": "caro"
+ },
+ "Om1Bvqu8nmGuNGwV8hndM": {
+ "text": "bajo"
+ },
+ "OvyFC1GHkvJZ0dAAF1QkY": {
+ "text": "él"
+ },
+ "OwHzJdOQTFOA8daCVRwm6": {
+ "text": "pincel"
+ },
+ "P5zdq4x58yp5TA_soKQEJ": {
+ "text": "bicicleta"
+ },
+ "PAlC0XSZNru3-LXtfvGjo": {
+ "text": "hacer el amor"
+ },
+ "PBqpK7LL1HQPwowPitrss": {
+ "text": "leer"
+ },
+ "PFAi3SdvH9vL7_Bg3MhCA": {
+ "text": "semáforo"
+ },
+ "PIBHv5VueBi-sf5qFCN_Y": {
+ "text": "ante"
+ },
+ "PIPQnVS2UiS7kGbucJP8l": {
+ "text": "curar"
+ },
+ "PLXxIPYyztaztLf4sPCst": {
+ "text": "garganta"
+ },
+ "PbtM3htZocZb8YifuPoY5": {
+ "text": "cangrejo"
+ },
+ "PfNLmlHKFT9d1w6IgeXbU": {
+ "text": "control remoto"
+ },
+ "Pl-M4bc6k2rdhu6FHEbkA": {
+ "text": "patio"
+ },
+ "PogTYrGfa2WNfBRuA8O4e": {
+ "text": "malo"
+ },
+ "PszHdOxMsS_tAzSrN52Wa": {
+ "text": "plastilina"
+ },
+ "Pw3GgPwp7fpDVC6wJjgPn": {
+ "text": "subir"
+ },
+ "Q6LQqdLcvNOiCFjC0DVo2": {
+ "text": "tambor"
+ },
+ "Q6nNH4AIoSeDHODC_Ip8O": {
+ "text": "vecino"
+ },
+ "Q9Ra0aJaQnOJQ1Kqdc43-": {
+ "text": "bebé"
+ },
+ "QCQRmsQY6AggjreY9Z0MF": {
+ "text": "rechazar"
+ },
+ "QGf1Tb1roL7HAXUSrRqRJ": {
+ "text": "naranja"
+ },
+ "QJhkOh48xapiTObEDQLB9": {
+ "text": "piano"
+ },
+ "QTkFHWp9KEDgfCjoQjBY2": {
+ "text": "plurales"
+ },
+ "QUTQLuD2Gv7fHh0V_O5tg": {
+ "text": "avergonzado"
+ },
+ "QVqSPPgA89whFTJ0HTphK": {
+ "text": "abrir"
+ },
+ "QZNQOaf0SdHDbx1otCmrH": {
+ "text": "niño"
+ },
+ "QcGJ9u_JqmrW0X47PXWH4": {
+ "text": "despeinada"
+ },
+ "QclUM2p3iexSjFZI8OU4-": {
+ "text": "fiebre"
+ },
+ "QeqA20MCXB-zNfuKIssMY": {
+ "text": "lata de atún"
+ },
+ "QllvOUe8utZrcBRGw_0vc": {
+ "text": "curita"
+ },
+ "QnlQ1HOEB9yNjuW3Dd6fc": {
+ "text": "celebración"
+ },
+ "Qo3Qn_nMe3E6EqNw0UdNZ": {
+ "text": "soleado"
+ },
+ "QohNih4wgqjnpWt3kSwtd": {
+ "text": "entrenador"
+ },
+ "QvaMxPy-3iixHAJFyIrN-": {
+ "text": "sandwich"
+ },
+ "R06chAQYswLtQK46OInW7": {
+ "text": "leche con galletas"
+ },
+ "R9ECa_HQRtpFrb59ebMTQ": {
+ "text": "escuela"
+ },
+ "RBCjBvNXQSZOOpg-5lBlK": {
+ "text": "bueno"
+ },
+ "RZfMOtjw0DoGHWaRfCEc4": {
+ "text": "pantalón"
+ },
+ "Ra2rxEEohwxRqDsW2AT3C": {
+ "text": "videojuegos"
+ },
+ "RbZetbSC5064rZccOFD1D": {
+ "text": "televisión"
+ },
+ "RkpoG4KB8m_TJFJf2v3EG": {
+ "text": "cambiar de canal"
+ },
+ "RwlZ1jr2Ix3evzrW71lN0": {
+ "text": "manzana"
+ },
+ "S3um53pcko7_BPHy7R6FL": {
+ "text": "nosotros"
+ },
+ "SE-71I_ahm3oKROReyJHE": {
+ "text": "hacer caca"
+ },
+ "SOyGnJXLPeVRoZy3vBgpK": {
+ "text": "examen"
+ },
+ "SXz8iA1Qn_BlgLTAG6Epl": {
+ "text": "cena"
+ },
+ "SiOmZdwX8Hf2nE2v6HfCp": {
+ "text": "zapato"
+ },
+ "Sp2Ias_Y1HplkHWjIb7Mp": {
+ "text": "sin"
+ },
+ "TAbuXSnSHU6C3CQ4kbKVh": {
+ "text": "triángulo"
+ },
+ "TBV2BhoZVgl1jMV_jWZYi": {
+ "text": "derecha"
+ },
+ "TIgoS-YONIwzbrImXetaD": {
+ "text": "ciruela"
+ },
+ "TIsM6aTTZ9W8j6UhW9Qqj": {
+ "text": "coro"
+ },
+ "TLxsYdrBdHgFZkNJtVTmK": {
+ "text": "tortuga"
+ },
+ "TP-gGRcpcFyx1SrNRsdRV": {
+ "text": "perdón"
+ },
+ "TR5CXN8-pfbWkshdxSBSV": {
+ "text": "oveja"
+ },
+ "TS9z8ZmMEwn0MGSfr9amH": {
+ "text": "palta"
+ },
+ "TZF-7m8VKZ7IL6pyv0Daf": {
+ "text": "cepillarme los dientes"
+ },
+ "T_Q5c4XAfkhkclmnCGHo5": {
+ "text": "hasta"
+ },
+ "Td5pgVQDTFOftUgOJ-bD-": {
+ "text": "picante"
+ },
+ "Te_jJfeU8Xwa9St2RihBq": {
+ "text": "sangre"
+ },
+ "ThqkHs4az5tgLqLcfFPaZ": {
+ "text": "largo"
+ },
+ "TpPNZLsh5jrN9RdPFwmA7": {
+ "text": "¡genial!"
+ },
+ "Tpj-Fs8LQ566TM0bYlZ6H": {
+ "text": "viernes"
+ },
+ "TuAjBKPp3-PSdQuooSWZi": {
+ "text": "rana"
+ },
+ "TyqVzfOniQNa9WKQRXqr-": {
+ "text": "hermana"
+ },
+ "U1KQsrvTa2E00-ugc-Iy6": {
+ "text": "ausente"
+ },
+ "U6PoeH-cMdO3ttnLkN7_3": {
+ "text": "cabalgar"
+ },
+ "U7GiGcYacowWi4MWrCYyj": {
+ "text": "antiinflamatorio"
+ },
+ "UQ-5wOfR0tDzljoDjj2xU": {
+ "text": "otoño"
+ },
+ "UQ5B5K-tpk1XmQC1B9TjQ": {
+ "text": "no"
+ },
+ "US8_vYTnDfxBw2Ung_J38": {
+ "text": "partes íntimas"
+ },
+ "UVzdJiqY36fqgBYyz880c": {
+ "text": "jamón crudo"
+ },
+ "UXJDiwb3j_zyfGa26ByJL": {
+ "text": "pecho"
+ },
+ "Ubaq6h7wasdP_YRombm2c": {
+ "text": "azúcar"
+ },
+ "Ugs9V9c2c5iHrVC6p17zr": {
+ "text": "analgésico"
+ },
+ "Uk1Emn5IovsTfFzpQX5Jw": {
+ "text": "sosten"
+ },
+ "UkLF5sKtVKW0D8RzVCoue": {
+ "text": "bombero"
+ },
+ "UnQJwWfWCe40DJYR1Er0o": {
+ "text": "dolor"
+ },
+ "UssSOEEKutvzB_B4fAQE-": {
+ "text": "escuchar de nuevo"
+ },
+ "Ust3oadA0PUGViYo28Mf3": {
+ "text": "caminar"
+ },
+ "UvRS0KmtZn3dq7e8L5RcE": {
+ "text": "enojado"
+ },
+ "UwvZVcX_CAQFrI6U4LsNT": {
+ "text": "huevo"
+ },
+ "VJ9AU_y7CqsONR6TvhdLh": {
+ "text": "¿dónde es?"
+ },
+ "VKrLGgYjc-nLPGsyESDgb": {
+ "text": "canario"
+ },
+ "VL4pd0vnJ-CNfMg9bCNed": {
+ "text": "aspirina"
+ },
+ "VUJ-zrdsyL9MOuFbdMCAx": {
+ "text": "mareo"
+ },
+ "Vioyf8EXJfY5t34NnN0WO": {
+ "text": "tablet"
+ },
+ "Vjlet5P7XuqTrc22nt_Zz": {
+ "text": "agua"
+ },
+ "Vmnu5eormo-_TOCgF4YzG": {
+ "text": "jarabe para la tos"
+ },
+ "VoZumy5GtnRdqSOmXAw7j": {
+ "text": "preparado"
+ },
+ "VrC7AnovfA7VzmYESVc8L": {
+ "text": "conversar"
+ },
+ "VwZ4EKSggYWxlnAbp-pNB": {
+ "text": "enfermo"
+ },
+ "Vzov0z9acB-I1_W_CcFcY": {
+ "text": "rojo"
+ },
+ "WDUIQV43zghFQq_rSk1Z4": {
+ "text": "churrasco"
+ },
+ "WL3ZN-W_zgnuTJpuqz0YQ": {
+ "text": "príncipe"
+ },
+ "WNhpmD_XlTaNEBo7GsFXu": {
+ "text": "diarrea"
+ },
+ "WQ0CNIQ_gjaCxg4tEIsOo": {
+ "text": "clavado"
+ },
+ "WRzleD-mI84LaimFH8h6P": {
+ "text": "escuchar"
+ },
+ "WUt3I-NkdbqlSVcwuLfFx": {
+ "text": "patines"
+ },
+ "WWK2v56LM-zWqujabk9bM": {
+ "text": "plástica"
+ },
+ "W_f7h3qOLl2uEd_OYpMfQ": {
+ "text": "policía"
+ },
+ "WasZ5bKZZy5Jt4Y-JipxS": {
+ "text": "bikini"
+ },
+ "Wgh5iCzUmx4Je-B85-pra": {
+ "text": "heladera"
+ },
+ "WjXQhSFPpz42ZUyHvurYG": {
+ "text": "grillo"
+ },
+ "WtYSntcy2CijEORmROeaj": {
+ "text": "un cuarto"
+ },
+ "Wu47Qs6Zupu1Ox2gUhkxn": {
+ "text": "cuarto"
+ },
+ "Wva5W8GA0dHzyt2_0FPdm": {
+ "text": "hermano"
+ },
+ "X0-Tf-KR24qEkpGDzG2Z-": {
+ "text": "ayer"
+ },
+ "X3u4pXTWKcGc43lOkgSBt": {
+ "text": "cumplimiento"
+ },
+ "XA952Z60D0-cesNCVA-OX": {
+ "text": "chau"
+ },
+ "XC5fIljJ819OYpllYTjpE": {
+ "text": "jirafa"
+ },
+ "XN0nzhQyHVOhuYuNqrp8g": {
+ "text": "durazno"
+ },
+ "XOoGN6huCjVHxH8hRFAw1": {
+ "text": "blanca"
+ },
+ "XY6ZCNzeJIEzLtWJcufJm": {
+ "text": "camiseta manga larga"
+ },
+ "XYY8SV1IAMHjdGjMZxbdy": {
+ "text": "cancha"
+ },
+ "XeVaDdUWSEkhfJvTVvUHR": {
+ "text": "salir"
+ },
+ "XnocVMEeUGCSnlnusP44O": {
+ "text": "agarrar"
+ },
+ "XuAtFop5_JNSYiZkUBzaU": {
+ "text": "cocinar"
+ },
+ "Y5HQq_4crSF2lpwH-KUrt": {
+ "text": "dos"
+ },
+ "YCu-B26PqjE30AhikHdkI": {
+ "text": "dibujos animados"
+ },
+ "YIP0Xc4aJsfv0s8BpiQnn": {
+ "text": "cinco"
+ },
+ "YLKXFZ9ze9K9NvJiAx8w0": {
+ "text": "¿qué?"
+ },
+ "YbrNtdUmyMNdAF5CfvY1A": {
+ "text": "toalla"
+ },
+ "YbvMRsCtMbww8OQgF45QF": {
+ "text": "resfrío"
+ },
+ "YeT-jstVSA7-mD9t99Isg": {
+ "text": "rompecabeza"
+ },
+ "YusWY8GwdO43bSp1o3BWC": {
+ "text": "molesto"
+ },
+ "Yvxm8RGoFYKUsIXOl33yR": {
+ "text": "apagar la luz"
+ },
+ "Z5-sBklfLIWE00CJ_T_ZK": {
+ "text": "cuchara"
+ },
+ "Z8xp3kxXuhMVoNm7ddQSX": {
+ "text": "lanzar"
+ },
+ "ZA2C4bJaL90lBxsTemYWZ": {
+ "text": "piscina"
+ },
+ "ZAnmv4CLb7hldYUlp2wJU": {
+ "text": "ninguno"
+ },
+ "ZBIFtTq-BH1jv5jLbzrhj": {
+ "text": "repetir"
+ },
+ "ZQEXAf10BkoTvCJx3Ox39": {
+ "text": "sorpresa"
+ },
+ "ZR-NXJk3SD351W-95cf_T": {
+ "text": "pintar"
+ },
+ "ZRYQmYRGKzheBqk11eGRZ": {
+ "text": "ballena"
+ },
+ "Zm4OIanIKTigDGIsInO7o": {
+ "text": "un supermercado"
+ },
+ "ZnMba2r4XIg9lPi_H2d_Z": {
+ "text": "sí"
+ },
+ "_1lOt0C0MQhvU8QWC6_oZ": {
+ "text": "buenas noches"
+ },
+ "_2SjbH-xHZq173EU4J65c": {
+ "text": "parque"
+ },
+ "_3ihCSMQCokXNo8pXii-h": {
+ "text": "llamar a alguien"
+ },
+ "_8RIOebHpkr9nCy0_9qhP": {
+ "text": "llamar"
+ },
+ "_CsJMxqGcNSaujXwRZcpu": {
+ "text": "ansioso"
+ },
+ "_FNTsoEjTMV3Uas-gggi2": {
+ "text": "estrés"
+ },
+ "_HUf6SR0mTP7v72Y9_4gw": {
+ "text": "coche de bomberos"
+ },
+ "_Lc2-NNL69ZX-aVnUNzgx": {
+ "text": "frutilla"
+ },
+ "_S9Eck14cdOTr0QH4i7sQ": {
+ "text": "cuarto de baño"
+ },
+ "_WIT6qs1kaiJqB1Ild5Xs": {
+ "text": "paseo"
+ },
+ "_eug92AvR1UXpYlfm6o_Q": {
+ "text": "dorado"
+ },
+ "_hqTU9A7I3RFDVrcIEK-L": {
+ "text": "%null%"
+ },
+ "_lU200bb9Sjv0b_iJKgU2": {
+ "text": "una bicicletería"
+ },
+ "_tDZtalMxKSNpWydJ1aeW": {
+ "text": "cero"
+ },
+ "aC_XP9Ch5PqWoCmcJwI77": {
+ "text": "algodón"
+ },
+ "aMs2YNnWkw4XN0gAm-jI3": {
+ "text": "cajón"
+ },
+ "aP9QisUdxhgOKIQ2kHNb3": {
+ "text": "acelga"
+ },
+ "aSzpwNza22HZp46Sh6wfx": {
+ "text": "súcio"
+ },
+ "aTwzShtP_zR9x6bSGSzEB": {
+ "text": "muslo de pollo"
+ },
+ "text": "tú"
+ },
+ "aa3xDW6F9YUKyX0fe5uX8": {
+ "text": "espaldas"
+ },
+ "ajesFjbC7hwCNLKdif-ix": {
+ "text": "contra"
+ },
+ "ak5fBauJzapC4JIf0lT8N": {
+ "text": "cerro"
+ },
+ "alsoa_V3wz3vPpG1TKRZc": {
+ "text": "transportes"
+ },
+ "amk4WRd1sNEIp24pnFw8j": {
+ "text": "rodilla"
+ },
+ "armmpopt2RLsVDlqLrQ94": {
+ "text": "restaurante"
+ },
+ "atVEXuftxSiDDj8rzUlFg": {
+ "text": "crayones"
+ },
+ "atWxG3KTHB5moW1dylLJc": {
+ "text": "juguete"
+ },
+ "avzcTznCsQCISYJsLC-w_": {
+ "text": "notas musicales"
+ },
+ "b1XpSC0ndnm0ZewNXC3pp": {
+ "text": "carnicero"
+ },
+ "b5OdBMMzkf1FlQbUR5-m7": {
+ "text": "servilletas"
+ },
+ "b9Y5MrR-jn8fh77gAkLZy": {
+ "text": "pintar"
+ },
+ "bAoK85XLNb7p0ebevYZ6O": {
+ "text": "mirarme al espejo"
+ },
+ "bDnuS19hfd9GhJ-6rjNPD": {
+ "text": "estar"
+ },
+ "bFodvUraUhJeq4waMdlxv": {
+ "text": "domingo"
+ },
+ "bNJfccUvG2DQfR1iZP3eR": {
+ "text": "serpiente"
+ },
+ "bVN3R44VuZDw3IdQMolca": {
+ "text": "cambiar"
+ },
+ "beNprvNb0UztxR4JLxDFm": {
+ "text": "cumpleaños"
+ },
+ "bge6qR6NzsD5Vk4ifPsSO": {
+ "text": "ketchup"
+ },
+ "bpSuQQRlIcSse40OAxNSG": {
+ "text": "lunes"
+ },
+ "bqjKW_qBtRzIThWxdZx2s": {
+ "text": "gafas de sol"
+ },
+ "buyy_2ydocKoi9TnBhZ1N": {
+ "text": "amiga"
+ },
+ "bw3rqHXD1TJ53xbNggEqH": {
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+ },
+ "c7kK5ROVbO3DHrwSFEawq": {
+ "text": "dulce"
+ },
+ "cI0JxwhkWU-YA7E7rmJtp": {
+ "text": "cuello"
+ },
+ "cJMQi3SVmqvWJ00VxI6gy": {
+ "text": "¿cómo estás?"
+ },
+ "cJw2i319mzBUpEfBRDxc9": {
+ "text": "pez"
+ },
+ "cJzHrV_PsV-PwwyFN9jka": {
+ "text": "%null%"
+ },
+ "cS3g4KXf39akVFHCG5AwL": {
+ "text": "camión de juguete"
+ },
+ "cTiw7_Yjxu_Kg90q7PdYl": {
+ "text": "gripe"
+ },
+ "cb0rJJEYOeEoRU5fDdQQq": {
+ "text": "el"
+ },
+ "ccGASDOGtty6GfQMEEBEU": {
+ "text": "tres"
+ },
+ "cj6OuVw4Nob8jxP-E4rZc": {
+ "text": "cambiarme la ropa"
+ },
+ "cnyLFMkJu2i3cqOY0e9kl": {
+ "text": "pasas"
+ },
+ "curstMeuThu2KUph-8rkB": {
+ "text": "jugar con"
+ },
+ "cxMNBGV3LytDXgwDMCiga": {
+ "text": "violeta"
+ },
+ "d4zNoj2BAFG9B7J3KAlLE": {
+ "text": "botones"
+ },
+ "d6s8fLFBiQ3KEJlNdJfUW": {
+ "text": "un poco loco"
+ },
+ "dHM0qnbmtJAkZY0WBsqaY": {
+ "text": "lila"
+ },
+ "dLHDzm0rfgL-vXTx14HSm": {
+ "text": "buscar"
+ },
+ "dNvN5P787hAPE7ZYNgwkw": {
+ "text": "pasear"
+ },
+ "dR72liRxC3qmoSa6Dz2a2": {
+ "text": "jarabe"
+ },
+ "dS-KyYREUQIk7sDlmsvoa": {
+ "text": "cerca"
+ },
+ "d_I8jNfbkQD0CHgZn7hyB": {
+ "text": "camisa"
+ },
+ "dgm3NCKuz7L39PX8LYxj7": {
+ "text": "juguetes"
+ },
+ "djgKI9embnk95PAtFcn45": {
+ "text": "cambiarme el pañal"
+ },
+ "dn41o5K_1fo-qHO-YLoQn": {
+ "text": "sábado"
+ },
+ "dnXsSOeVG7mq37uciIi2J": {
+ "text": "recreo"
+ },
+ "e5sCl246xFMESEfFy2PhX": {
+ "text": "coche"
+ },
+ "e5un1yrIuZHQi048e5kD6": {
+ "text": "alfajores"
+ },
+ "e8zl_ecIloo4Vk-OZPJWe": {
+ "text": "jugar con la tablet"
+ },
+ "eDX2HSkGaY2TeVwPjR07S": {
+ "text": "fácil"
+ },
+ "eGJ8MC1xPE6ueF82jCmVg": {
+ "text": "cepillar"
+ },
+ "eKJCZc-kD0-m6cVLorFzO": {
+ "text": "pera"
+ },
+ "eWSI1NInbQowtO99phhGA": {
+ "text": "boca"
+ },
+ "eZEqRZjRK8JJMsfHo4Y7w": {
+ "text": "del"
+ },
+ "ebo03xnkyiHD2pKUKULmr": {
+ "text": "dibujos animados"
+ },
+ "ecUOs24Pp5ZTRt_ZvED5W": {
+ "text": "acompañar"
+ },
+ "eduqLSyC3m4uB1Oee6dt6": {
+ "text": "mitad"
+ },
+ "eji-M2j5eHkG71DCksleY": {
+ "text": "huevo duro"
+ },
+ "emm_RirDsO30Enax5Q4gd": {
+ "text": "con"
+ },
+ "eo3Q5AjHJz5kp1EbdALwh": {
+ "text": "ustedes"
+ },
+ "eoYtISVZl3mdwoE_HW-Mv": {
+ "text": "guitarra"
+ },
+ "et1KiL5-zob_EcGlj7tLN": {
+ "text": "despues"
+ },
+ "f2dl12fMZbRdQ7STpcTdk": {
+ "text": "fútbol"
+ },
+ "fF3ijeQzetfSn6EGcs1yY": {
+ "text": "cerezas"
+ },
+ "fL_4POdbPVL9-lvQVWSqY": {
+ "text": "avión de juguete"
+ },
+ "fNAlqbgrpirQZO_LhrkXY": {
+ "text": "primavera"
+ },
+ "fNv4Nb6Vafxk0JxXr-iDo": {
+ "text": "investigar"
+ },
+ "fUUj_4pKPflmJlxZfk0cX": {
+ "text": "discoteca"
+ },
+ "ff7ES190q1dmFYZ7lo6x0": {
+ "text": "pan blanco"
+ },
+ "fjCOcN-PKP6F07IZcI71X": {
+ "text": "plaza"
+ },
+ "fkNwVm56PSe-qh-QoM0vm": {
+ "text": "allá"
+ },
+ "fk_z_HrvcUh8XIq8D6gQP": {
+ "text": "nueces"
+ },
+ "g1Cj6HW8kg8yPE1XX9pxa": {
+ "text": "desde"
+ },
+ "g1TLUpuQX2Zs1ob9gqYui": {
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+ },
+ "g2MhHawoIC9oFNEv5_w63": {
+ "text": "vida"
+ },
+ "g2sQSxCcoZuKJ3TabK6oT": {
+ "text": "vino"
+ },
+ "g75y4E53ViakV-s5UfnIF": {
+ "text": "equipaje"
+ },
+ "gFEnqFhYoXF7QN-n0ONad": {
+ "text": "montaña"
+ },
+ "gYrIz3R13-BC_pYcvQ9BL": {
+ "text": "invierno"
+ },
+ "gaem1LHTtfQdnnqYi-sOm": {
+ "text": "billetera"
+ },
+ "gff2FqDlgXknRld7YMLWl": {
+ "text": "entero"
+ },
+ "gsU8pE9ozhR73xS2icwJ0": {
+ "text": "libro"
+ },
+ "gvPwrzDSSEPwcxY878T_c": {
+ "text": "gato"
+ },
+ "gzCjycNS8Cf0vNlo1klji": {
+ "text": "molesto"
+ },
+ "gzb-RNDLMNkgk9wnPILJi": {
+ "text": "abuela"
+ },
+ "hAZhogJSH3bL1iL237N8J": {
+ "text": "pochoclos"
+ },
+ "hDvpMlPw-chcuxEisBJTl": {
+ "text": "castañas"
+ },
+ "hKJhXxultsxm0TJl1P8-L": {
+ "text": "chau"
+ },
+ "hOyjT1JgOYB-mGLFMaNJR": {
+ "text": "dolor de pecho"
+ },
+ "hT3Lrjn5-q7YIM1loG4MN": {
+ "text": "parlante"
+ },
+ "hUYfE_vmNBT_7E60YZsSu": {
+ "text": "pintura"
+ },
+ "hWWOw1gWjWwN7wQJkHrTu": {
+ "text": "tour"
+ },
+ "hXgGhazQ_nA5uqpRD6Qwq": {
+ "text": "ganar"
+ },
+ "hmhAUgqvGp7nc1w25sRSx": {
+ "text": "esperar"
+ },
+ "hwzwfMyJsvB42F_QWQWyi": {
+ "text": "jugo de uva"
+ },
+ "hyUaYltGVJU-wRrAjhhPa": {
+ "text": "cantante"
+ },
+ "i0wB--S4sdL8Q4H9b93UY": {
+ "text": "ácido"
+ },
+ "i2mlV3zGS6nrH2l6N2BlZ": {
+ "text": "trompeta"
+ },
+ "iAqItRUQL_YpbMn2pgjsA": {
+ "text": "pizzería"
+ },
+ "ibtmTEP3QGDY8TyVLteuX": {
+ "text": "blando"
+ },
+ "ifd0M0pAlFm7aPt1A0ze_": {
+ "text": "amar"
+ },
+ "iiA1u1JKRmhe2jWVE_W79": {
+ "text": "amigos"
+ },
+ "iimGxVoFWlq_THThR3vmF": {
+ "text": "noticias"
+ },
+ "ijn-QwQuTxRFFVe-7WlSX": {
+ "text": "picazón"
+ },
+ "iowxE4MxcV6PR2Uhtvxqs": {
+ "text": "hospital"
+ },
+ "irbOv2dHA7G969dnJMfJn": {
+ "text": "cuaderno"
+ },
+ "islCzqFq1SYrZAh63dLhQ": {
+ "text": "huevo frito"
+ },
+ "j5xZZev5nTNa-p088Oqnp": {
+ "text": "besar"
+ },
+ "jBqD3qhhcrioLlCU-xq5b": {
+ "text": "instrumentos musicales"
+ },
+ "jOALQbfxdXmJVyY6P5gZG": {
+ "text": "damasco"
+ },
+ "jTEb3A5ZEKEy2ojuq2vO_": {
+ "text": "hueso"
+ },
+ "jeO9YZ22LfSObUNhQDRAz": {
+ "text": "ventana"
+ },
+ "jfly9fZ3x1da4SGCCNcV2": {
+ "text": "bufanda"
+ },
+ "jfvreGZv-e8rD4-01wZ5H": {
+ "text": "venda"
+ },
+ "jhJ2TOfdaRAcVeHGOjwua": {
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+ },
+ "jmzg4EiC7JEHwe9gNP3C3": {
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+ },
+ "jpKPg3hn6_GO1HSkeLNGz": {
+ "text": "niña"
+ },
+ "jprAsdXWGQKPlUWwgBBot": {
+ "text": "película"
+ },
+ "jtKc2q2n5an342ZkiMB9R": {
+ "text": "higiene personal"
+ },
+ "k-iDOTk5uO7ZK5OB3v8It": {
+ "text": "viejo"
+ },
+ "k41gkf6A_bDtQAJDOrWpP": {
+ "text": "pasta de dientes"
+ },
+ "k7dZhQtwDPFlOk1iPjEOz": {
+ "text": "subir volumen"
+ },
+ "k8tJx6PikRcnVuZEqrXRM": {
+ "text": "viajar"
+ },
+ "k9ZpWM4oRb1q20c0qWCsg": {
+ "text": "abrigo"
+ },
+ "kDzHKO8eIwNsyKWDw7M0c": {
+ "text": "uva"
+ },
+ "kIn8SeGURyvu49EsRqDs7": {
+ "text": "pijama"
+ },
+ "kN85Lb_C4dLnww7sz1afK": {
+ "text": "café"
+ },
+ "kaiWPbXxjHXlqcpBaBp4l": {
+ "text": "viajar"
+ },
+ "khUUL_1JQGngApqBRDh_q": {
+ "text": "arreglado"
+ },
+ "kpghvJtujlt4vPI2N6vsg": {
+ "text": "o"
+ },
+ "kxuGlfYjS6puO2xD1QvxO": {
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+ },
+ "lKA4b7I3iFkqNzPcAXyBc": {
+ "text": "cocinero"
+ },
+ "lKMW_xTZzCrCHRcGp-Z-n": {
+ "text": "galleta"
+ },
+ "lR84gCk8OM-oYoLAV7tar": {
+ "text": "timbre"
+ },
+ "lXH68vGIuZdfA8xVrS8iw": {
+ "text": "mucho"
+ },
+ "l_ncJLRdVGBzzQc9yqBqs": {
+ "text": "banana"
+ },
+ "lrUuPKco_O8FXDuclzpKE": {
+ "text": "necesitar"
+ },
+ "m0434KkjeTv8SGN7WxR2C": {
+ "text": "negro"
+ },
+ "m0Fkio76HZHS2HguPOTn5": {
+ "text": "seis"
+ },
+ "m17b6MazSk6M4gb51_cCy": {
+ "text": "pulmones"
+ },
+ "m39xTdgaenoi4mWGEa-Ew": {
+ "text": "plato"
+ },
+ "m3qTT8tiGZQheKIWREzMT": {
+ "text": "ir a"
+ },
+ "mC9Nb7zVdEUpjEBODw_gL": {
+ "text": "vos"
+ },
+ "mFfylZ8yoLvtkVSDTlVEN": {
+ "text": "pomada"
+ },
+ "mJqzbxYeIDQciPkeHA1Ao": {
+ "text": "cuchillo"
+ },
+ "mK4AXXhoIVirBz5dr_xLA": {
+ "text": "pavo"
+ },
+ "mRK--C5Q1aGe8MMPJJLYi": {
+ "text": "preocupado"
+ },
+ "mTklFAI-FVVLsMKoASZ7T": {
+ "text": "desconocido"
+ },
+ "mWXxPPvhSHf9hyb-VyuZH": {
+ "text": "e"
+ },
+ "mZFwH8xY_OeVDWCdvPZBy": {
+ "text": "pie"
+ },
+ "miPmA2tOQiLxOW7D_V_x6": {
+ "text": "cubos"
+ },
+ "ms97ZsgQOvD-Z8qpSW4oN": {
+ "text": "¿quiénes?"
+ },
+ "mx6dmRLXA_lkN1QlP71vq": {
+ "text": "todas"
+ },
+ "n5bZClAB6jXAZnwxIwH-1": {
+ "text": "tostada"
+ },
+ "nK7DRpxalLBHL9OnRjSim": {
+ "text": "frambuesa"
+ },
+ "nMQUtS-kFHViOKyop1FdS": {
+ "text": "vincha"
+ },
+ "nQSk6_KCEVdO7oC_uxLXN": {
+ "text": "oreja"
+ },
+ "nQdbkRVcwpQB_hFNPbe6M": {
+ "text": "caballo"
+ },
+ "nUg2M7p5sUPlGdbBev2-G": {
+ "text": "tobillos"
+ },
+ "nm6e_s01gWHzdVj25BHyq": {
+ "text": "¡qué lindo!"
+ },
+ "nnTJQMJWfd2nuTSlFNEOy": {
+ "text": "mío"
+ },
+ "ntzBlFkDMTKEUHoGNc65u": {
+ "text": "baño"
+ },
+ "o0oxaoUFpOLiGsoQBlalI": {
+ "text": "torta"
+ },
+ "oAxNCJufVUqZMyWRGdZl9": {
+ "text": "tuyo"
+ },
+ "oEHzYcfxDGGcsL-deud1j": {
+ "text": "snack"
+ },
+ "oEyUWrQj1iYUnlEUdQQ5Z": {
+ "text": "flauta"
+ },
+ "oO21zLMEtHEakvnuTohLu": {
+ "text": "¡qué divertido!"
+ },
+ "oOkD8Wmvb4t9I2EWqT1Nr": {
+ "text": "amargo"
+ },
+ "oSBFO8Ka0PN4bgX0QuWxL": {
+ "text": "viajar en auto"
+ },
+ "oYwoiRDWlIjSTbYdC2vG6": {
+ "text": "falda"
+ },
+ "oa-MShota2L8n2pU8hIsm": {
+ "text": "jugar"
+ },
+ "okr5oAG2U8Er1XwQ8XbWD": {
+ "text": "grande"
+ },
+ "oqQWeoWBr5N0LrPGY62Og": {
+ "text": "senos"
+ },
+ "otTWzTaTAmweNCozT8tn9": {
+ "text": "alergia"
+ },
+ "p1qK47wwLwF8S0Fy8-2Mt": {
+ "text": "mano"
+ },
+ "pHBnmCFpM7oZf0O78CBIz": {
+ "text": "golosina"
+ },
+ "pM-bC77hbj-w44A0HFRDZ": {
+ "text": "sonarme la nariz"
+ },
+ "p_XyUXRmeUk_bdjRTMtkz": {
+ "text": "revistas"
+ },
+ "p_qpVEd677b2Bk56yhvj6": {
+ "text": "jardín"
+ },
+ "paPpjw1XVC9-6xcueJsrY": {
+ "text": "todos"
+ },
+ "pgPlWKk-oww2fua5zYuue": {
+ "text": "mono"
+ },
+ "phZ4F4uzi1TrhjeDMuMsn": {
+ "text": "almohada"
+ },
+ "pkuppr1jMH7SMpa2hrIWQ": {
+ "text": "jugo de durazno"
+ },
+ "pliNY9oMQh1iSidkEhhDO": {
+ "text": "abrazar"
+ },
+ "pptyFMhLrbC6lN6zmc7D0": {
+ "text": "comedor"
+ },
+ "ptQZXjMQyXWycUD1kAkQo": {
+ "text": "cuento"
+ },
+ "pv8eYkxczIevQqEGwDz6V": {
+ "text": "mochila"
+ },
+ "pvXSy-5M4i8kysUppvdME": {
+ "text": "que"
+ },
+ "pwltOTDn2OyABTlD4-27W": {
+ "text": "verduras"
+ },
+ "px0jKQDj7r9pOYs4ZrvcT": {
+ "text": "tomate"
+ },
+ "q22wRFF21EigV8YzQ_MfV": {
+ "text": "¿me ayudas?"
+ },
+ "q6F-qJ7mTxvwa43F6vwun": {
+ "text": "escondidas"
+ },
+ "q7Pz4UqqZUlXeFfXrwXDR": {
+ "text": "enjuagar"
+ },
+ "qA4v2JWQU0zzBBZgvW7Vt": {
+ "text": "temblores"
+ },
+ "qOsbXyvBTMDAwvvnI0iFn": {
+ "text": "pequeño"
+ },
+ "qU5IvFLD8d16iIHSs_9TM": {
+ "text": "cebolla"
+ },
+ "qWhpDTMd8eAEoq7yTKc57": {
+ "text": "calzón"
+ },
+ "qYA2U_BFOZtFLClxuCIBJ": {
+ "text": "dolor de muelas"
+ },
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+ "5VBtwEswIjrv1zbXP-oFn": {
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+ },
+ "5W5_sCAyGTkVzguCEg1d1": {
+ "text": "jugo"
+ },
+ "5dvq344JstkxUpHszaPfp": {
+ "text": "delfín"
+ },
+ "5gPT9lrNgpRkF07lP6zOq": {
+ "text": "jugo de manzana"
+ },
+ "5i3kSsCKF7Oa9iJQvXiTe": {
+ "text": "más o menos"
+ },
+ "5kjlzqb9Rf3zzqZROaZ9p": {
+ "text": "perder"
+ },
+ "5mGrGHzdw_vCwYCRNPcPw": {
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+ },
+ "5vxTXbPl4Y0yezGu7p1f6": {
+ "text": "hacer"
+ },
+ "6KicPX6y_u2i6tPBZAtvA": {
+ "text": "lavar"
+ },
+ "6jLkKc9OL5btNOmjJem6S": {
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+ },
+ "6lYN4qSZx3_tKDClp4Iyr": {
+ "text": "entre"
+ },
+ "6nhNeVjDfDi-GmreaqfVo": {
+ "text": "nublado"
+ },
+ "6rcOXG6yxpzHLzMJ9IayI": {
+ "text": "cerrar"
+ },
+ "6t2sPdapSNJrOziDozTWW": {
+ "text": "vaca"
+ },
+ "71l2at-8480bvijxn3uBl": {
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+ },
+ "75gujwNXJdAiNmK6Ffhia": {
+ "text": "jugo"
+ },
+ "79xBF6cKgKeD4GeBPe_Ds": {
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+ },
+ "7EsVGfapPc_38mHCBy3C3": {
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+ },
+ "7Hz61-WzV62FHsedOwz6q": {
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+ },
+ "7Q4Zc0cenSF5U4eKyje1f": {
+ "text": "hacia"
+ },
+ "7Q9sNljseWjwSPW4in1ga": {
+ "text": "recepción"
+ },
+ "7VL_MgnLDY6hi8sbvcGIg": {
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+ },
+ "7WxUVoVQfQOzARU2bf6HP": {
+ "text": "casa"
+ },
+ "7iAXKVm22uMgr6aqZ1rr7": {
+ "text": "abuelo"
+ },
+ "8-4M30dTtmuUJus9MtGqV": {
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+ },
+ "81UJI7xOa5l9mVceqkIP5": {
+ "text": "tener frío"
+ },
+ "82LicIQc3K2xCTEt-iMpu": {
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+ },
+ "86gNdF6aTepa0Y9zkD1VQ": {
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+ },
+ "8FFwIw7rJri79BITZBUzm": {
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+ },
+ "8KlFB3an1mzdQd6-LGCCE": {
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+ },
+ "8LddDqylw-51wHhx9_Qad": {
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+ },
+ "8MV4ZFthtUeoxLAIbqGTc": {
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+ },
+ "8cOIYr-hcK54qWpuT-41e": {
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+ },
+ "8fGingRAd8idw4qcxyZ-Q": {
+ "text": "vergüenza"
+ },
+ "8iFdjRTQU7ONGnigRTlm8": {
+ "text": "¿cuánto sale?"
+ },
+ "8vR0HYniXtrrQqqSIN_JQ": {
+ "text": "familia"
+ },
+ "904w9Je6oDwGXUCIcrUZX": {
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+ },
+ "93YmZA7VfAT7TTNTsDE1W": {
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+ },
+ "93hsW10TmX3Vcq_4IvcZ0": {
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+ },
+ "93tHieC_CgZqN998y5gAv": {
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+ },
+ "97nIv-aoc51T8kKTZV5cM": {
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+ },
+ "9EqfwMNtATh1fwMhyn_B1": {
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+ },
+ "9FiWvg197C-Riid-DVysN": {
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+ },
+ "9GqE148SFZqMIft4evAk2": {
+ "text": "comer"
+ },
+ "9MzeUcz1nRqleTkmS_-g2": {
+ "text": "barco"
+ },
+ "9QyJdpUn0f6g7FxWs5qpO": {
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+ },
+ "9U8MzceIsqKhG86oNx9zV": {
+ "text": "coche"
+ },
+ "9UwpyOnOBoqr4mX3Juqm2": {
+ "text": "buenas tardes"
+ },
+ "9ZnzbKMDwGEwC3hXOhXFe": {
+ "text": "pastillas"
+ },
+ "9dvSIpeXa2_12Jip6noJP": {
+ "text": "deportista"
+ },
+ "9kgRI3KlOIVSuylKffW9g": {
+ "text": "colores"
+ },
+ "9lS0mNuKIS0olyDwoIJBR": {
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+ },
+ "9mLx-YMK81AflitELQFqk": {
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+ },
+ "9s5zV3_oGyDx_NEvsKCxX": {
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+ },
+ "9wE9Py6ztyqDrtaypsltA": {
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+ },
+ "AOp6VGyjYIV0Ym9d0basJ": {
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+ },
+ "APXF-lEplPOloppSeIjAY": {
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+ "AQKGKdoX5CYycZ2YqBZVW": {
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+ },
+ "AT_rDWsr6xRBgrvgw9Zih": {
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+ },
+ "AWJXh6URGN0Vwm66i6IvL": {
+ "text": "hola"
+ },
+ "AeFbJQ0M9uTObAlKEX3zr": {
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+ },
+ "Akf0xlH8UJdXn8BJzPV2A": {
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+ },
+ "B1845IfYfPMz2FWpVFIQv": {
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+ },
+ "BKmATW2uBk4pxnmOaARyq": {
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+ },
+ "BNjZz9MGLJEKZ4CZoTs2M": {
+ "text": "ajedrez"
+ },
+ "BQhqx1PuF94jwT0ySTlbJ": {
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+ },
+ "BQm-YCPc0lfD1-mhecCTL": {
+ "text": "yo"
+ },
+ "Bebnh8-UWwtYLnK6p3fKi": {
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+ },
+ "BjqWZnzLlxdOo4KEzZ46j": {
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+ },
+ "BqS7d4PMhGRqPYlZQzUbR": {
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+ },
+ "Bub9ZYygLcly15D7_wYks": {
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+ },
+ "ByrvXHEN9Mb8D--7MQAjM": {
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+ },
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+ },
+ "C29KJ8BTFavhj_R9UfnSv": {
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+ },
+ "C2bgADoxmINRnAiYxZHqd": {
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+ },
+ "CBTemIvgIN1UAtftkc3sz": {
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+ },
+ "CCWCtXdMuQBJRmaFOAlfQ": {
+ "text": "navidad"
+ },
+ "CY-IQvUehkaiGFCdKf9bf": {
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+ },
+ "CYH_6DL9q1iLLetuWeR9A": {
+ "text": "tener"
+ },
+ "CZrETqLgQlvDkLHvw1t_w": {
+ "text": "a"
+ },
+ "C_JKGNCxOI5x_f2C4qAyZ": {
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+ },
+ "CbO32RkDdf9aCucv6BnGS": {
+ "text": "cabra"
+ },
+ "ChBc7LjL8dgzZ6LUCAHGh": {
+ "text": "por favor"
+ },
+ "CkTiaqBY3jf86JRq636lt": {
+ "text": "¿cuál?"
+ },
+ "CsKZSNiJw5Q48b26Kskf-": {
+ "text": "heroe"
+ },
+ "CxFmyJYmy6gMRqP9U0cBP": {
+ "text": "estoy perdido"
+ },
+ "CyKtU9yC0Jy7Ypb4WFp6w": {
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+ },
+ "D1gCni2jXpCvKZe4qCtQN": {
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+ },
+ "D2tSkngqbQmdKLNhn9xWV": {
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+ },
+ "D7dt_hFX5DScV_ssm1nKz": {
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+ },
+ "D85FU-Wqr2u53tfTXAtHo": {
+ "text": "patalear"
+ },
+ "DAq2J_xXHsSCSNPp9qVsk": {
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+ },
+ "DBd09yUlbkaYLsemjFXEs": {
+ "text": "helado"
+ },
+ "DG1RiDjDfwWRhpAiIpPqA": {
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+ },
+ "DSgrhLHauub-gBqMGwacO": {
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+ },
+ "DXb0FpjVM9q8LVl9vvSHn": {
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+ },
+ "DXpjgLKTdx9eLLohVdmWM": {
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+ },
+ "D_4Weq7iyi7GMEsgP0xy6": {
+ "text": "té"
+ },
+ "Djs1QsLNf8Q5LBIFV5zNC": {
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+ },
+ "DkeHJFtqAS005fYUrl1Xz": {
+ "text": "pantalon"
+ },
+ "Dm3yiKSB134LrjtW_KrO7": {
+ "text": "buen día"
+ },
+ "DqGa4gqd2ABDi45BT43x4": {
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+ },
+ "Dv9MSCRYbR4Q3K114wXki": {
+ "text": "alto"
+ },
+ "E-vUPARie8MmfgZwv3Omr": {
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+ },
+ "EM8VyonJ7WNdvmRyE3nhZ": {
+ "text": "lento"
+ },
+ "EO4O-s7oafi6QJdxTFNkd": {
+ "text": "anticongestivo"
+ },
+ "ETZNYbrG5wveDl6c9k2_k": {
+ "text": "codo"
+ },
+ "EUsNyf5bDdSLqvZKH1Ltx": {
+ "text": "no entiendo"
+ },
+ "EVmt43vDI3NHFfbbkqokF": {
+ "text": "pizza"
+ },
+ "Erg6LuA8IOQ5V8RTP3pPi": {
+ "text": "abeja"
+ },
+ "F4cGnA_QHsVKTjUE6MAu9": {
+ "text": "mameluco"
+ },
+ "F7kJ8VM31BWB4K4T4USzs": {
+ "text": "maltrato físico"
+ },
+ "F8roVYxKZi88UUGfOvTwl": {
+ "text": "maestra"
+ },
+ "F90bXbc0tz9nuzTT7SgqV": {
+ "text": "cuatro"
+ },
+ "FBPIabyaoCK-Y0BziQdji": {
+ "text": "dolor de panza"
+ },
+ "FBTheEQmZZfJRiYjd_Np_": {
+ "text": "interpretar"
+ },
+ "FO77qpzyz28knodNtILCA": {
+ "text": "tirar la cadena"
+ },
+ "FTngK946O8S8bYc0g7vM2": {
+ "text": "mamá"
+ },
+ "FaVvbVzZivuxTwxJTPubK": {
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+ },
+ "FfNU04I4mZ54gWcBXqo2c": {
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+ },
+ "FgTird367surh-vxXyAK6": {
+ "text": "ticket"
+ },
+ "FkC5DtSV81OvFMU99qZGg": {
+ "text": "pelota"
+ },
+ "FnCBoLSE19WsbUypUKvFc": {
+ "text": "hamburguesa"
+ },
+ "Fogupb264IyCtbZ-Q2D6w": {
+ "text": "borracho"
+ },
+ "Fvm2C5NBq01tm0QK9d9QM": {
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+ },
+ "G09TvOzDSG5m3hTQD9Tej": {
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+ },
+ "G2i9LSK4A19237Zp1vXqF": {
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+ },
+ "G6KKVMvPDnjdD9TfBd-B9": {
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+ },
+ "GAxX7EIz1TTLtMX08RRGr": {
+ "text": "hamburguesería"
+ },
+ "GJlUSznzEHCgoAOrVrkp9": {
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+ },
+ "GSEumxiyeVKRRiaY_c8HW": {
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+ },
+ "GY_flM-6uR6X3L4AwsiwU": {
+ "text": "para"
+ },
+ "G_CRpzxWO5XdEMh01O1eJ": {
+ "text": "aunque"
+ },
+ "Gj7THa6XFHDfYL5H19lwj": {
+ "text": "mañana"
+ },
+ "Gm_qAGnL4OawmlYmTs7K5": {
+ "text": "no veo"
+ },
+ "GoJuWnn72TCXONXKtYHMm": {
+ "text": "tren"
+ },
+ "Gvmy--9DiUn_tkQYWeWhA": {
+ "text": "canelones"
+ },
+ "GxrDtsdGcLepdsQr6V9DT": {
+ "text": "verde"
+ },
+ "H2zMVtjvqi7aUtCypiVKr": {
+ "text": "sentar"
+ },
+ "H8Bsrr2NK9Q3WGbEp8PMe": {
+ "text": "plateado"
+ },
+ "H9SWPnWbR8qcZA-iu5Mz0": {
+ "text": "dolor de Oido"
+ },
+ "HBZNu6m3FELU9eg3OeLdx": {
+ "text": "cortina"
+ },
+ "text": "golpe"
+ },
+ "HMPabuHqgtyiCmTLzg-rM": {
+ "text": "entrar"
+ },
+ "HQiQh4PPBvO1n-d7JGVj8": {
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+ },
+ "HTBNWax6FCSGXuboGsVUW": {
+ "text": "salado"
+ },
+ "HnuZA0UTlnuIfFAN7saxl": {
+ "text": "conejo"
+ },
+ "Hvb4JdDHX_vNMck_US2UN": {
+ "text": "ensayar"
+ },
+ "I5AJgba5GTdEjdpFB-LBf": {
+ "text": "chocolatada"
+ },
+ "IAdQsjTsbBUAMjlwW34cw": {
+ "text": "me encantaría"
+ },
+ "IEeIvawUD2GIAr1Wypr9i": {
+ "text": "personas"
+ },
+ "IF3R7tLVAkd4RbL8R07K9": {
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+ },
+ "IM8OUKCzHwnjAQWPFgnn6": {
+ "text": "lejos"
+ },
+ "INxOSvKbBNOXwruIpuNho": {
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+ },
+ "IO8uTb1K7ElENgp2ujZoK": {
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+ },
+ "IXRWmFmtqfnHQRcBf1Idl": {
+ "text": "paloma"
+ },
+ "IZbfYRzu2cxxDWdbmQeqw": {
+ "text": "cabeza"
+ },
+ "Ig1oypuwndODbmKh_NEXs": {
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+ },
+ "IsWUeiPnDEnzxePKclBNp": {
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+ },
+ "J3qQMp0OMr5LC9ebfArxH": {
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+ },
+ "J3rDL96c2zfBQzP45VRCp": {
+ "text": "limón"
+ },
+ "J4UUPR-WP0qo1y14bUVI-": {
+ "text": "veterinario"
+ },
+ "J7MmgugOu20UtMcMPj59r": {
+ "text": "canción"
+ },
+ "J7wLwBLVx4UANh_x5HdXd": {
+ "text": "según"
+ },
+ "JB9SIxWzxWFjrbmMuksrY": {
+ "text": "reir"
+ },
+ "JBIehRNmDbK2ALcRN0u9i": {
+ "text": "gallo"
+ },
+ "JBKQaBezKuSDaMsnbJMTB": {
+ "text": "bar"
+ },
+ "JBU2hMw9gbIy9-wGF4mjD": {
+ "text": "pizarrón"
+ },
+ "JDbBWMB5No0pK6HvntLt4": {
+ "text": "lavarme las manos"
+ },
+ "JEDIYq1BDA23ac9TNhON-": {
+ "text": "ayuda"
+ },
+ "JFldbhjqxK3fD6D2K4HY4": {
+ "text": "papá"
+ },
+ "JGm4BL7HAfuxX_PGe6Jzk": {
+ "text": "presente"
+ },
+ "JQOpcZSCPGMOWZsN8w_yb": {
+ "text": "¿qué hora es?"
+ },
+ "JSFuEHlP-CFvuqvFKMumC": {
+ "text": "autos de juguete"
+ },
+ "JVtu9W3AumOwjUedwhUGE": {
+ "text": "rehabilitación"
+ },
+ "JZRBfIXBkeuobtDXbLt5t": {
+ "text": "adiós"
+ },
+ "JawnUo-pseWb3FDVMtxrQ": {
+ "text": "yogur"
+ },
+ "JblWXW8TKDCuYu2yTnFBA": {
+ "text": "mesa"
+ },
+ "Ji5OVFX-uNDewL8eX8Cin": {
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+ },
+ "Jjq8CM8JrYHIMziuQy-WN": {
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+ },
+ "JziaulL-lrAPGNVvwBPK9": {
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+ },
+ "K382TlNZjdMLLpAhCCXLG": {
+ "text": "almendras"
+ },
+ "K6hd20tWZfwwlYYi7jctt": {
+ "text": "rica"
+ },
+ "K8cMIDL0ubQvWhhDtr65F": {
+ "text": "llorar"
+ },
+ "K8e2-KkvZfFOQaXnhR37x": {
+ "text": "cansado"
+ },
+ "KC18_sTEqKucPQ-iwEKYY": {
+ "text": "lapiz"
+ },
+ "KK_i8H9qTfDVYZkQGwd2v": {
+ "text": "apagar"
+ },
+ "KNH4sLRpVKtHXQa-0y84K": {
+ "text": "nervioso"
+ },
+ "KWYVDZiERE8jtRsL0faHH": {
+ "text": "nadar"
+ },
+ "KXHW4m6vXxQU-AEOR4pZ4": {
+ "text": "balón de fútbol"
+ },
+ "Khdk8mWpyxgLqfC-6lyT9": {
+ "text": "burro"
+ },
+ "KhyTKtiL4ZT4Z1saU1eJh": {
+ "text": "escuchar música"
+ },
+ "Kn9vE07FK1LrzoD_YxrJD": {
+ "text": "subte"
+ },
+ "KpLFOrpuhFKaIbBbFwVVu": {
+ "text": "mariposa"
+ },
+ "KrOPANVpdkBWdEZoUwxKf": {
+ "text": "grave"
+ },
+ "KvY6Taigm4Va_cVjXAfGR": {
+ "text": "corto"
+ },
+ "L0hfYADgzghRVsZLZHRxE": {
+ "text": "bailarín"
+ },
+ "L19r487_d3RqWXiNuh3gE": {
+ "text": "¿qué color es?"
+ },
+ "L6YLAEsbYcTq-ycQJTvt4": {
+ "text": "pollo"
+ },
+ "LAuEISciEf1Wc1j4fERz8": {
+ "text": "año nuevo"
+ },
+ "LDoi3cxodn_AVKSG-Bf_1": {
+ "text": "ojos"
+ },
+ "LEVKlDlJ0wHo5QEjCNAGa": {
+ "text": "pegamento"
+ },
+ "LEg8z-Q-ONLAAXd-aH_Hb": {
+ "text": "bajo"
+ },
+ "LNBTW0qQtHYQEHatkWGtc": {
+ "text": "mercado"
+ },
+ "LRIKzfm9ZsdNe1u7CUuW_": {
+ "text": "¿cuántos?"
+ },
+ "LRfh-4RAZTj7cnnDwBmqj": {
+ "text": "flotador"
+ },
+ "LU7IoUksATEBhd8PaHS1R": {
+ "text": "sacar"
+ },
+ "LaKT8VTw0_6rvordp5-R8": {
+ "text": "rosa"
+ },
+ "LiBr37yi-YBgQDx4unjyc": {
+ "text": "dá"
+ },
+ "LjTGOcyG7DkTs1lJqNr8w": {
+ "text": "cabellera"
+ },
+ "LksmOMPPOMArbrFsscqOW": {
+ "text": "música"
+ },
+ "LmGq1AZs2a0x26r7E9GUj": {
+ "text": "maestro"
+ },
+ "LngEMJa_ihV8mB7afZX-h": {
+ "text": "ellas"
+ },
+ "LrDai7jXlGAdZ3e8ZQezj": {
+ "text": "hacer pis"
+ },
+ "M5q2CXmK0_WVaVUB_HJB3": {
+ "text": "caliente"
+ },
+ "MEqo2TROHyroK318sm84f": {
+ "text": "pasta"
+ },
+ "MKR-ukiUlJy4uuqO30UU6": {
+ "text": "maltrato verbal"
+ },
+ "MMzjhHID8HMqyPjii5o-h": {
+ "text": "cocina"
+ },
+ "MNCcHiImRS8tmvhBhzCKj": {
+ "text": "ensalada"
+ },
+ "MQHnvvU48NnEptP8a9w8C": {
+ "text": "no me gusta"
+ },
+ "MWIzTM6zhTWL1V-brLtBx": {
+ "text": "cómodo"
+ },
+ "MYqfOzKx2qMHop8GaHs0I": {
+ "text": "verde Claro"
+ },
+ "MiOe5_Djf-pE9V9aDZ_1G": {
+ "text": "ananá"
+ },
+ "MqQgYn5B0uV-DMORCBOmV": {
+ "text": "triste"
+ },
+ "Mw6WRebMAKWwXfAvDA7vu": {
+ "text": "tener calor"
+ },
+ "N2baGNTOapSaFDo1GURiW": {
+ "text": "no escucho"
+ },
+ "N7n4zQIkJZOhaYESk2GgH": {
+ "text": "caer"
+ },
+ "NFdUTit6Ff-4S7Nzf92U5": {
+ "text": "estreñimiento"
+ },
+ "NFgGqhEtl0HqipCGGEvwU": {
+ "text": "peinarme"
+ },
+ "NKQwWPAsVHwFBWuksqfns": {
+ "text": "ducha"
+ },
+ "NLi5ODIzyMAwr2HpDXACp": {
+ "text": "nariz"
+ },
+ "NQayjogCYiimP_0OxIfFj": {
+ "text": "zapatos"
+ },
+ "NVe4u7BTAVfLk3xkDqLnZ": {
+ "text": "horno"
+ },
+ "NVjfEut567uXpTaQUNI2i": {
+ "text": "campera"
+ },
+ "N_893wsadpGg3Ip5sEThe": {
+ "text": "azul"
+ },
+ "NaJxTPq9Ld8I4fwAltyEC": {
+ "text": "maiz"
+ },
+ "NjulpZ9x63ZqxtLMoRjkx": {
+ "text": "prender la luz"
+ },
+ "Njz8DrErsexBu8mAI6mnr": {
+ "text": "pescado"
+ },
+ "NmNouLLx13jzE27jliI_v": {
+ "text": "diente"
+ },
+ "NuhUikdCxP0NgsbO0wvAU": {
+ "text": "cola"
+ },
+ "O-CLnVuXAUapOn6TbdhKx": {
+ "text": "querer"
+ },
+ "O450x4W3OOacvJIy4QicJ": {
+ "text": "verduras"
+ },
+ "OHyrmD5US1rHEAEwLQaII": {
+ "text": "animales"
+ },
+ "OKXIGnLh-i1ydTNj450Q8": {
+ "text": "reina"
+ },
+ "OUcfOOReAfQroBKlBdDb-": {
+ "text": "solución salina"
+ },
+ "OWLDc7Hn3neBAf_V_N27n": {
+ "text": "abrochar"
+ },
+ "O_ZfCPZSxGMPT6orCt-O6": {
+ "text": "chancho"
+ },
+ "OblxxVFC-LKPq-8oC9FpE": {
+ "text": "sentimientos"
+ },
+ "OdCdTUAlbN6kvsPjby_Bi": {
+ "text": "deportes"
+ },
+ "OeA63q6LpqGvXW-cJXEym": {
+ "text": "jamón"
+ },
+ "OeytAsSiEAWC10tXhxbTa": {
+ "text": "personajes"
+ },
+ "OhrHu-xLo8hcn5plWfoX4": {
+ "text": "caro"
+ },
+ "Om1Bvqu8nmGuNGwV8hndM": {
+ "text": "bajo"
+ },
+ "OvyFC1GHkvJZ0dAAF1QkY": {
+ "text": "él"
+ },
+ "OwHzJdOQTFOA8daCVRwm6": {
+ "text": "pincel"
+ },
+ "P5zdq4x58yp5TA_soKQEJ": {
+ "text": "bicicleta"
+ },
+ "PAlC0XSZNru3-LXtfvGjo": {
+ "text": "hacer el amor"
+ },
+ "PBqpK7LL1HQPwowPitrss": {
+ "text": "leer"
+ },
+ "PFAi3SdvH9vL7_Bg3MhCA": {
+ "text": "semáforo"
+ },
+ "PIBHv5VueBi-sf5qFCN_Y": {
+ "text": "ante"
+ },
+ "PIPQnVS2UiS7kGbucJP8l": {
+ "text": "curar"
+ },
+ "PLXxIPYyztaztLf4sPCst": {
+ "text": "garganta"
+ },
+ "PbtM3htZocZb8YifuPoY5": {
+ "text": "cangrejo"
+ },
+ "PfNLmlHKFT9d1w6IgeXbU": {
+ "text": "control remoto"
+ },
+ "Pl-M4bc6k2rdhu6FHEbkA": {
+ "text": "patio"
+ },
+ "PogTYrGfa2WNfBRuA8O4e": {
+ "text": "malo"
+ },
+ "PszHdOxMsS_tAzSrN52Wa": {
+ "text": "plastilina"
+ },
+ "Pw3GgPwp7fpDVC6wJjgPn": {
+ "text": "subir"
+ },
+ "Q6LQqdLcvNOiCFjC0DVo2": {
+ "text": "tambor"
+ },
+ "Q6nNH4AIoSeDHODC_Ip8O": {
+ "text": "vecino"
+ },
+ "Q9Ra0aJaQnOJQ1Kqdc43-": {
+ "text": "bebé"
+ },
+ "QCQRmsQY6AggjreY9Z0MF": {
+ "text": "rechazar"
+ },
+ "QGf1Tb1roL7HAXUSrRqRJ": {
+ "text": "naranja"
+ },
+ "QJhkOh48xapiTObEDQLB9": {
+ "text": "piano"
+ },
+ "QTkFHWp9KEDgfCjoQjBY2": {
+ "text": "plurales"
+ },
+ "QUTQLuD2Gv7fHh0V_O5tg": {
+ "text": "avergonzado"
+ },
+ "QVqSPPgA89whFTJ0HTphK": {
+ "text": "abrir"
+ },
+ "QZNQOaf0SdHDbx1otCmrH": {
+ "text": "niño"
+ },
+ "QcGJ9u_JqmrW0X47PXWH4": {
+ "text": "despeinada"
+ },
+ "QclUM2p3iexSjFZI8OU4-": {
+ "text": "fiebre"
+ },
+ "QeqA20MCXB-zNfuKIssMY": {
+ "text": "lata de atún"
+ },
+ "QllvOUe8utZrcBRGw_0vc": {
+ "text": "curita"
+ },
+ "QnlQ1HOEB9yNjuW3Dd6fc": {
+ "text": "celebración"
+ },
+ "Qo3Qn_nMe3E6EqNw0UdNZ": {
+ "text": "soleado"
+ },
+ "QohNih4wgqjnpWt3kSwtd": {
+ "text": "entrenador"
+ },
+ "QvaMxPy-3iixHAJFyIrN-": {
+ "text": "sandwich"
+ },
+ "R06chAQYswLtQK46OInW7": {
+ "text": "leche con galletas"
+ },
+ "R9ECa_HQRtpFrb59ebMTQ": {
+ "text": "escuela"
+ },
+ "RBCjBvNXQSZOOpg-5lBlK": {
+ "text": "bueno"
+ },
+ "RZfMOtjw0DoGHWaRfCEc4": {
+ "text": "pantalón"
+ },
+ "Ra2rxEEohwxRqDsW2AT3C": {
+ "text": "videojuegos"
+ },
+ "RbZetbSC5064rZccOFD1D": {
+ "text": "televisión"
+ },
+ "RkpoG4KB8m_TJFJf2v3EG": {
+ "text": "cambiar de canal"
+ },
+ "RwlZ1jr2Ix3evzrW71lN0": {
+ "text": "manzana"
+ },
+ "S3um53pcko7_BPHy7R6FL": {
+ "text": "nosotros"
+ },
+ "SE-71I_ahm3oKROReyJHE": {
+ "text": "hacer caca"
+ },
+ "SOyGnJXLPeVRoZy3vBgpK": {
+ "text": "examen"
+ },
+ "SXz8iA1Qn_BlgLTAG6Epl": {
+ "text": "cena"
+ },
+ "SiOmZdwX8Hf2nE2v6HfCp": {
+ "text": "zapato"
+ },
+ "Sp2Ias_Y1HplkHWjIb7Mp": {
+ "text": "sin"
+ },
+ "TAbuXSnSHU6C3CQ4kbKVh": {
+ "text": "triángulo"
+ },
+ "TBV2BhoZVgl1jMV_jWZYi": {
+ "text": "derecha"
+ },
+ "TIgoS-YONIwzbrImXetaD": {
+ "text": "ciruela"
+ },
+ "TIsM6aTTZ9W8j6UhW9Qqj": {
+ "text": "coro"
+ },
+ "TLxsYdrBdHgFZkNJtVTmK": {
+ "text": "tortuga"
+ },
+ "TP-gGRcpcFyx1SrNRsdRV": {
+ "text": "perdón"
+ },
+ "TR5CXN8-pfbWkshdxSBSV": {
+ "text": "oveja"
+ },
+ "TS9z8ZmMEwn0MGSfr9amH": {
+ "text": "palta"
+ },
+ "TZF-7m8VKZ7IL6pyv0Daf": {
+ "text": "cepillarme los dientes"
+ },
+ "T_Q5c4XAfkhkclmnCGHo5": {
+ "text": "hasta"
+ },
+ "Td5pgVQDTFOftUgOJ-bD-": {
+ "text": "picante"
+ },
+ "Te_jJfeU8Xwa9St2RihBq": {
+ "text": "sangre"
+ },
+ "ThqkHs4az5tgLqLcfFPaZ": {
+ "text": "largo"
+ },
+ "TpPNZLsh5jrN9RdPFwmA7": {
+ "text": "¡genial!"
+ },
+ "Tpj-Fs8LQ566TM0bYlZ6H": {
+ "text": "viernes"
+ },
+ "TuAjBKPp3-PSdQuooSWZi": {
+ "text": "rana"
+ },
+ "TyqVzfOniQNa9WKQRXqr-": {
+ "text": "hermana"
+ },
+ "U1KQsrvTa2E00-ugc-Iy6": {
+ "text": "ausente"
+ },
+ "U6PoeH-cMdO3ttnLkN7_3": {
+ "text": "cabalgar"
+ },
+ "U7GiGcYacowWi4MWrCYyj": {
+ "text": "antiinflamatorio"
+ },
+ "UQ-5wOfR0tDzljoDjj2xU": {
+ "text": "otoño"
+ },
+ "UQ5B5K-tpk1XmQC1B9TjQ": {
+ "text": "no"
+ },
+ "US8_vYTnDfxBw2Ung_J38": {
+ "text": "partes íntimas"
+ },
+ "UVzdJiqY36fqgBYyz880c": {
+ "text": "jamón crudo"
+ },
+ "UXJDiwb3j_zyfGa26ByJL": {
+ "text": "pecho"
+ },
+ "Ubaq6h7wasdP_YRombm2c": {
+ "text": "azúcar"
+ },
+ "Ugs9V9c2c5iHrVC6p17zr": {
+ "text": "analgésico"
+ },
+ "Uk1Emn5IovsTfFzpQX5Jw": {
+ "text": "sosten"
+ },
+ "UkLF5sKtVKW0D8RzVCoue": {
+ "text": "bombero"
+ },
+ "UnQJwWfWCe40DJYR1Er0o": {
+ "text": "dolor"
+ },
+ "UssSOEEKutvzB_B4fAQE-": {
+ "text": "escuchar de nuevo"
+ },
+ "Ust3oadA0PUGViYo28Mf3": {
+ "text": "caminar"
+ },
+ "UvRS0KmtZn3dq7e8L5RcE": {
+ "text": "enojado"
+ },
+ "UwvZVcX_CAQFrI6U4LsNT": {
+ "text": "huevo"
+ },
+ "VJ9AU_y7CqsONR6TvhdLh": {
+ "text": "¿dónde es?"
+ },
+ "VKrLGgYjc-nLPGsyESDgb": {
+ "text": "canario"
+ },
+ "VL4pd0vnJ-CNfMg9bCNed": {
+ "text": "aspirina"
+ },
+ "VUJ-zrdsyL9MOuFbdMCAx": {
+ "text": "mareo"
+ },
+ "Vioyf8EXJfY5t34NnN0WO": {
+ "text": "tablet"
+ },
+ "Vjlet5P7XuqTrc22nt_Zz": {
+ "text": "agua"
+ },
+ "Vmnu5eormo-_TOCgF4YzG": {
+ "text": "jarabe para la tos"
+ },
+ "VoZumy5GtnRdqSOmXAw7j": {
+ "text": "preparado"
+ },
+ "VrC7AnovfA7VzmYESVc8L": {
+ "text": "conversar"
+ },
+ "VwZ4EKSggYWxlnAbp-pNB": {
+ "text": "enfermo"
+ },
+ "Vzov0z9acB-I1_W_CcFcY": {
+ "text": "rojo"
+ },
+ "WDUIQV43zghFQq_rSk1Z4": {
+ "text": "churrasco"
+ },
+ "WL3ZN-W_zgnuTJpuqz0YQ": {
+ "text": "príncipe"
+ },
+ "WNhpmD_XlTaNEBo7GsFXu": {
+ "text": "diarrea"
+ },
+ "WQ0CNIQ_gjaCxg4tEIsOo": {
+ "text": "clavado"
+ },
+ "WRzleD-mI84LaimFH8h6P": {
+ "text": "escuchar"
+ },
+ "WUt3I-NkdbqlSVcwuLfFx": {
+ "text": "patines"
+ },
+ "WWK2v56LM-zWqujabk9bM": {
+ "text": "plástica"
+ },
+ "W_f7h3qOLl2uEd_OYpMfQ": {
+ "text": "policía"
+ },
+ "WasZ5bKZZy5Jt4Y-JipxS": {
+ "text": "bikini"
+ },
+ "Wgh5iCzUmx4Je-B85-pra": {
+ "text": "heladera"
+ },
+ "WjXQhSFPpz42ZUyHvurYG": {
+ "text": "grillo"
+ },
+ "WtYSntcy2CijEORmROeaj": {
+ "text": "un cuarto"
+ },
+ "Wu47Qs6Zupu1Ox2gUhkxn": {
+ "text": "cuarto"
+ },
+ "Wva5W8GA0dHzyt2_0FPdm": {
+ "text": "hermano"
+ },
+ "X0-Tf-KR24qEkpGDzG2Z-": {
+ "text": "ayer"
+ },
+ "X3u4pXTWKcGc43lOkgSBt": {
+ "text": "cumplimiento"
+ },
+ "XA952Z60D0-cesNCVA-OX": {
+ "text": "chau"
+ },
+ "XC5fIljJ819OYpllYTjpE": {
+ "text": "jirafa"
+ },
+ "XN0nzhQyHVOhuYuNqrp8g": {
+ "text": "durazno"
+ },
+ "XOoGN6huCjVHxH8hRFAw1": {
+ "text": "blanca"
+ },
+ "XY6ZCNzeJIEzLtWJcufJm": {
+ "text": "camiseta manga larga"
+ },
+ "XYY8SV1IAMHjdGjMZxbdy": {
+ "text": "cancha"
+ },
+ "XeVaDdUWSEkhfJvTVvUHR": {
+ "text": "salir"
+ },
+ "XnocVMEeUGCSnlnusP44O": {
+ "text": "agarrar"
+ },
+ "XuAtFop5_JNSYiZkUBzaU": {
+ "text": "cocinar"
+ },
+ "Y5HQq_4crSF2lpwH-KUrt": {
+ "text": "dos"
+ },
+ "YCu-B26PqjE30AhikHdkI": {
+ "text": "dibujos animados"
+ },
+ "YIP0Xc4aJsfv0s8BpiQnn": {
+ "text": "cinco"
+ },
+ "YLKXFZ9ze9K9NvJiAx8w0": {
+ "text": "¿qué?"
+ },
+ "YbrNtdUmyMNdAF5CfvY1A": {
+ "text": "toalla"
+ },
+ "YbvMRsCtMbww8OQgF45QF": {
+ "text": "resfrío"
+ },
+ "YeT-jstVSA7-mD9t99Isg": {
+ "text": "rompecabeza"
+ },
+ "YusWY8GwdO43bSp1o3BWC": {
+ "text": "molesto"
+ },
+ "Yvxm8RGoFYKUsIXOl33yR": {
+ "text": "apagar la luz"
+ },
+ "Z5-sBklfLIWE00CJ_T_ZK": {
+ "text": "cuchara"
+ },
+ "Z8xp3kxXuhMVoNm7ddQSX": {
+ "text": "lanzar"
+ },
+ "ZA2C4bJaL90lBxsTemYWZ": {
+ "text": "piscina"
+ },
+ "ZAnmv4CLb7hldYUlp2wJU": {
+ "text": "ninguno"
+ },
+ "ZBIFtTq-BH1jv5jLbzrhj": {
+ "text": "repetir"
+ },
+ "ZQEXAf10BkoTvCJx3Ox39": {
+ "text": "sorpresa"
+ },
+ "ZR-NXJk3SD351W-95cf_T": {
+ "text": "pintar"
+ },
+ "ZRYQmYRGKzheBqk11eGRZ": {
+ "text": "ballena"
+ },
+ "Zm4OIanIKTigDGIsInO7o": {
+ "text": "un supermercado"
+ },
+ "ZnMba2r4XIg9lPi_H2d_Z": {
+ "text": "sí"
+ },
+ "_1lOt0C0MQhvU8QWC6_oZ": {
+ "text": "buenas noches"
+ },
+ "_2SjbH-xHZq173EU4J65c": {
+ "text": "parque"
+ },
+ "_3ihCSMQCokXNo8pXii-h": {
+ "text": "llamar a alguien"
+ },
+ "_8RIOebHpkr9nCy0_9qhP": {
+ "text": "llamar"
+ },
+ "_CsJMxqGcNSaujXwRZcpu": {
+ "text": "ansioso"
+ },
+ "_FNTsoEjTMV3Uas-gggi2": {
+ "text": "estrés"
+ },
+ "_HUf6SR0mTP7v72Y9_4gw": {
+ "text": "coche de bomberos"
+ },
+ "_Lc2-NNL69ZX-aVnUNzgx": {
+ "text": "frutilla"
+ },
+ "_S9Eck14cdOTr0QH4i7sQ": {
+ "text": "cuarto de baño"
+ },
+ "_WIT6qs1kaiJqB1Ild5Xs": {
+ "text": "paseo"
+ },
+ "_eug92AvR1UXpYlfm6o_Q": {
+ "text": "dorado"
+ },
+ "_hqTU9A7I3RFDVrcIEK-L": {
+ "text": "%null%"
+ },
+ "_lU200bb9Sjv0b_iJKgU2": {
+ "text": "una bicicletería"
+ },
+ "_tDZtalMxKSNpWydJ1aeW": {
+ "text": "cero"
+ },
+ "aC_XP9Ch5PqWoCmcJwI77": {
+ "text": "algodón"
+ },
+ "aMs2YNnWkw4XN0gAm-jI3": {
+ "text": "cajón"
+ },
+ "aP9QisUdxhgOKIQ2kHNb3": {
+ "text": "acelga"
+ },
+ "aSzpwNza22HZp46Sh6wfx": {
+ "text": "súcio"
+ },
+ "aTwzShtP_zR9x6bSGSzEB": {
+ "text": "muslo de pollo"
+ },
+ "text": "tú"
+ },
+ "aa3xDW6F9YUKyX0fe5uX8": {
+ "text": "espaldas"
+ },
+ "ajesFjbC7hwCNLKdif-ix": {
+ "text": "contra"
+ },
+ "ak5fBauJzapC4JIf0lT8N": {
+ "text": "cerro"
+ },
+ "alsoa_V3wz3vPpG1TKRZc": {
+ "text": "transportes"
+ },
+ "amk4WRd1sNEIp24pnFw8j": {
+ "text": "rodilla"
+ },
+ "armmpopt2RLsVDlqLrQ94": {
+ "text": "restaurante"
+ },
+ "atVEXuftxSiDDj8rzUlFg": {
+ "text": "crayones"
+ },
+ "atWxG3KTHB5moW1dylLJc": {
+ "text": "juguete"
+ },
+ "avzcTznCsQCISYJsLC-w_": {
+ "text": "notas musicales"
+ },
+ "b1XpSC0ndnm0ZewNXC3pp": {
+ "text": "carnicero"
+ },
+ "b5OdBMMzkf1FlQbUR5-m7": {
+ "text": "servilletas"
+ },
+ "b9Y5MrR-jn8fh77gAkLZy": {
+ "text": "pintar"
+ },
+ "bAoK85XLNb7p0ebevYZ6O": {
+ "text": "mirarme al espejo"
+ },
+ "bDnuS19hfd9GhJ-6rjNPD": {
+ "text": "estar"
+ },
+ "bFodvUraUhJeq4waMdlxv": {
+ "text": "domingo"
+ },
+ "bNJfccUvG2DQfR1iZP3eR": {
+ "text": "serpiente"
+ },
+ "bVN3R44VuZDw3IdQMolca": {
+ "text": "cambiar"
+ },
+ "beNprvNb0UztxR4JLxDFm": {
+ "text": "cumpleaños"
+ },
+ "bge6qR6NzsD5Vk4ifPsSO": {
+ "text": "ketchup"
+ },
+ "bpSuQQRlIcSse40OAxNSG": {
+ "text": "lunes"
+ },
+ "bqjKW_qBtRzIThWxdZx2s": {
+ "text": "gafas de sol"
+ },
+ "buyy_2ydocKoi9TnBhZ1N": {
+ "text": "amiga"
+ },
+ "bw3rqHXD1TJ53xbNggEqH": {
+ "text": "desayuno"
+ },
+ "c7kK5ROVbO3DHrwSFEawq": {
+ "text": "dulce"
+ },
+ "cI0JxwhkWU-YA7E7rmJtp": {
+ "text": "cuello"
+ },
+ "cJMQi3SVmqvWJ00VxI6gy": {
+ "text": "¿cómo estás?"
+ },
+ "cJw2i319mzBUpEfBRDxc9": {
+ "text": "pez"
+ },
+ "cJzHrV_PsV-PwwyFN9jka": {
+ "text": "%null%"
+ },
+ "cS3g4KXf39akVFHCG5AwL": {
+ "text": "camión de juguete"
+ },
+ "cTiw7_Yjxu_Kg90q7PdYl": {
+ "text": "gripe"
+ },
+ "cb0rJJEYOeEoRU5fDdQQq": {
+ "text": "el"
+ },
+ "ccGASDOGtty6GfQMEEBEU": {
+ "text": "tres"
+ },
+ "cj6OuVw4Nob8jxP-E4rZc": {
+ "text": "cambiarme la ropa"
+ },
+ "cnyLFMkJu2i3cqOY0e9kl": {
+ "text": "pasas"
+ },
+ "curstMeuThu2KUph-8rkB": {
+ "text": "jugar con"
+ },
+ "cxMNBGV3LytDXgwDMCiga": {
+ "text": "violeta"
+ },
+ "d4zNoj2BAFG9B7J3KAlLE": {
+ "text": "botones"
+ },
+ "d6s8fLFBiQ3KEJlNdJfUW": {
+ "text": "un poco loco"
+ },
+ "dHM0qnbmtJAkZY0WBsqaY": {
+ "text": "lila"
+ },
+ "dLHDzm0rfgL-vXTx14HSm": {
+ "text": "buscar"
+ },
+ "dNvN5P787hAPE7ZYNgwkw": {
+ "text": "pasear"
+ },
+ "dR72liRxC3qmoSa6Dz2a2": {
+ "text": "jarabe"
+ },
+ "dS-KyYREUQIk7sDlmsvoa": {
+ "text": "cerca"
+ },
+ "d_I8jNfbkQD0CHgZn7hyB": {
+ "text": "camisa"
+ },
+ "dgm3NCKuz7L39PX8LYxj7": {
+ "text": "juguetes"
+ },
+ "djgKI9embnk95PAtFcn45": {
+ "text": "cambiarme el pañal"
+ },
+ "dn41o5K_1fo-qHO-YLoQn": {
+ "text": "sábado"
+ },
+ "dnXsSOeVG7mq37uciIi2J": {
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+ },
+ "e5sCl246xFMESEfFy2PhX": {
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+ },
+ "e5un1yrIuZHQi048e5kD6": {
+ "text": "alfajores"
+ },
+ "e8zl_ecIloo4Vk-OZPJWe": {
+ "text": "jugar con la tablet"
+ },
+ "eDX2HSkGaY2TeVwPjR07S": {
+ "text": "fácil"
+ },
+ "eGJ8MC1xPE6ueF82jCmVg": {
+ "text": "cepillar"
+ },
+ "eKJCZc-kD0-m6cVLorFzO": {
+ "text": "pera"
+ },
+ "eWSI1NInbQowtO99phhGA": {
+ "text": "boca"
+ },
+ "eZEqRZjRK8JJMsfHo4Y7w": {
+ "text": "del"
+ },
+ "ebo03xnkyiHD2pKUKULmr": {
+ "text": "dibujos animados"
+ },
+ "ecUOs24Pp5ZTRt_ZvED5W": {
+ "text": "acompañar"
+ },
+ "eduqLSyC3m4uB1Oee6dt6": {
+ "text": "mitad"
+ },
+ "eji-M2j5eHkG71DCksleY": {
+ "text": "huevo duro"
+ },
+ "emm_RirDsO30Enax5Q4gd": {
+ "text": "con"
+ },
+ "eo3Q5AjHJz5kp1EbdALwh": {
+ "text": "ustedes"
+ },
+ "eoYtISVZl3mdwoE_HW-Mv": {
+ "text": "guitarra"
+ },
+ "et1KiL5-zob_EcGlj7tLN": {
+ "text": "despues"
+ },
+ "f2dl12fMZbRdQ7STpcTdk": {
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+ },
+ "fF3ijeQzetfSn6EGcs1yY": {
+ "text": "cerezas"
+ },
+ "fL_4POdbPVL9-lvQVWSqY": {
+ "text": "avión de juguete"
+ },
+ "fNAlqbgrpirQZO_LhrkXY": {
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+ },
+ "fNv4Nb6Vafxk0JxXr-iDo": {
+ "text": "investigar"
+ },
+ "fUUj_4pKPflmJlxZfk0cX": {
+ "text": "discoteca"
+ },
+ "ff7ES190q1dmFYZ7lo6x0": {
+ "text": "pan blanco"
+ },
+ "fjCOcN-PKP6F07IZcI71X": {
+ "text": "plaza"
+ },
+ "fkNwVm56PSe-qh-QoM0vm": {
+ "text": "allá"
+ },
+ "fk_z_HrvcUh8XIq8D6gQP": {
+ "text": "nueces"
+ },
+ "g1Cj6HW8kg8yPE1XX9pxa": {
+ "text": "desde"
+ },
+ "g1TLUpuQX2Zs1ob9gqYui": {
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+ },
+ "g2MhHawoIC9oFNEv5_w63": {
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+ },
+ "g2sQSxCcoZuKJ3TabK6oT": {
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+ },
+ "g75y4E53ViakV-s5UfnIF": {
+ "text": "equipaje"
+ },
+ "gFEnqFhYoXF7QN-n0ONad": {
+ "text": "montaña"
+ },
+ "gYrIz3R13-BC_pYcvQ9BL": {
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+ },
+ "gaem1LHTtfQdnnqYi-sOm": {
+ "text": "billetera"
+ },
+ "gff2FqDlgXknRld7YMLWl": {
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+ },
+ "gsU8pE9ozhR73xS2icwJ0": {
+ "text": "libro"
+ },
+ "gvPwrzDSSEPwcxY878T_c": {
+ "text": "gato"
+ },
+ "gzCjycNS8Cf0vNlo1klji": {
+ "text": "molesto"
+ },
+ "gzb-RNDLMNkgk9wnPILJi": {
+ "text": "abuela"
+ },
+ "hAZhogJSH3bL1iL237N8J": {
+ "text": "pochoclos"
+ },
+ "hDvpMlPw-chcuxEisBJTl": {
+ "text": "castañas"
+ },
+ "hKJhXxultsxm0TJl1P8-L": {
+ "text": "chau"
+ },
+ "hOyjT1JgOYB-mGLFMaNJR": {
+ "text": "dolor de pecho"
+ },
+ "hT3Lrjn5-q7YIM1loG4MN": {
+ "text": "parlante"
+ },
+ "hUYfE_vmNBT_7E60YZsSu": {
+ "text": "pintura"
+ },
+ "hWWOw1gWjWwN7wQJkHrTu": {
+ "text": "tour"
+ },
+ "hXgGhazQ_nA5uqpRD6Qwq": {
+ "text": "ganar"
+ },
+ "hmhAUgqvGp7nc1w25sRSx": {
+ "text": "esperar"
+ },
+ "hwzwfMyJsvB42F_QWQWyi": {
+ "text": "jugo de uva"
+ },
+ "hyUaYltGVJU-wRrAjhhPa": {
+ "text": "cantante"
+ },
+ "i0wB--S4sdL8Q4H9b93UY": {
+ "text": "ácido"
+ },
+ "i2mlV3zGS6nrH2l6N2BlZ": {
+ "text": "trompeta"
+ },
+ "iAqItRUQL_YpbMn2pgjsA": {
+ "text": "pizzería"
+ },
+ "ibtmTEP3QGDY8TyVLteuX": {
+ "text": "blando"
+ },
+ "ifd0M0pAlFm7aPt1A0ze_": {
+ "text": "amar"
+ },
+ "iiA1u1JKRmhe2jWVE_W79": {
+ "text": "amigos"
+ },
+ "iimGxVoFWlq_THThR3vmF": {
+ "text": "noticias"
+ },
+ "ijn-QwQuTxRFFVe-7WlSX": {
+ "text": "picazón"
+ },
+ "iowxE4MxcV6PR2Uhtvxqs": {
+ "text": "hospital"
+ },
+ "irbOv2dHA7G969dnJMfJn": {
+ "text": "cuaderno"
+ },
+ "islCzqFq1SYrZAh63dLhQ": {
+ "text": "huevo frito"
+ },
+ "j5xZZev5nTNa-p088Oqnp": {
+ "text": "besar"
+ },
+ "jBqD3qhhcrioLlCU-xq5b": {
+ "text": "instrumentos musicales"
+ },
+ "jOALQbfxdXmJVyY6P5gZG": {
+ "text": "damasco"
+ },
+ "jTEb3A5ZEKEy2ojuq2vO_": {
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+ },
+ "jeO9YZ22LfSObUNhQDRAz": {
+ "text": "ventana"
+ },
+ "jfly9fZ3x1da4SGCCNcV2": {
+ "text": "bufanda"
+ },
+ "jfvreGZv-e8rD4-01wZ5H": {
+ "text": "venda"
+ },
+ "jhJ2TOfdaRAcVeHGOjwua": {
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+ },
+ "jmzg4EiC7JEHwe9gNP3C3": {
+ "text": "arroz"
+ },
+ "jpKPg3hn6_GO1HSkeLNGz": {
+ "text": "niña"
+ },
+ "jprAsdXWGQKPlUWwgBBot": {
+ "text": "película"
+ },
+ "jtKc2q2n5an342ZkiMB9R": {
+ "text": "higiene personal"
+ },
+ "k-iDOTk5uO7ZK5OB3v8It": {
+ "text": "viejo"
+ },
+ "k41gkf6A_bDtQAJDOrWpP": {
+ "text": "pasta de dientes"
+ },
+ "k7dZhQtwDPFlOk1iPjEOz": {
+ "text": "subir volumen"
+ },
+ "k8tJx6PikRcnVuZEqrXRM": {
+ "text": "viajar"
+ },
+ "k9ZpWM4oRb1q20c0qWCsg": {
+ "text": "abrigo"
+ },
+ "kDzHKO8eIwNsyKWDw7M0c": {
+ "text": "uva"
+ },
+ "kIn8SeGURyvu49EsRqDs7": {
+ "text": "pijama"
+ },
+ "kN85Lb_C4dLnww7sz1afK": {
+ "text": "café"
+ },
+ "kaiWPbXxjHXlqcpBaBp4l": {
+ "text": "viajar"
+ },
+ "khUUL_1JQGngApqBRDh_q": {
+ "text": "arreglado"
+ },
+ "kpghvJtujlt4vPI2N6vsg": {
+ "text": "o"
+ },
+ "kxuGlfYjS6puO2xD1QvxO": {
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+ },
+ "lKA4b7I3iFkqNzPcAXyBc": {
+ "text": "cocinero"
+ },
+ "lKMW_xTZzCrCHRcGp-Z-n": {
+ "text": "galleta"
+ },
+ "lR84gCk8OM-oYoLAV7tar": {
+ "text": "timbre"
+ },
+ "lXH68vGIuZdfA8xVrS8iw": {
+ "text": "mucho"
+ },
+ "l_ncJLRdVGBzzQc9yqBqs": {
+ "text": "banana"
+ },
+ "lrUuPKco_O8FXDuclzpKE": {
+ "text": "necesitar"
+ },
+ "m0434KkjeTv8SGN7WxR2C": {
+ "text": "negro"
+ },
+ "m0Fkio76HZHS2HguPOTn5": {
+ "text": "seis"
+ },
+ "m17b6MazSk6M4gb51_cCy": {
+ "text": "pulmones"
+ },
+ "m39xTdgaenoi4mWGEa-Ew": {
+ "text": "plato"
+ },
+ "m3qTT8tiGZQheKIWREzMT": {
+ "text": "ir a"
+ },
+ "mC9Nb7zVdEUpjEBODw_gL": {
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+ },
+ "mFfylZ8yoLvtkVSDTlVEN": {
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+ },
+ "mJqzbxYeIDQciPkeHA1Ao": {
+ "text": "cuchillo"
+ },
+ "mK4AXXhoIVirBz5dr_xLA": {
+ "text": "pavo"
+ },
+ "mRK--C5Q1aGe8MMPJJLYi": {
+ "text": "preocupado"
+ },
+ "mTklFAI-FVVLsMKoASZ7T": {
+ "text": "desconocido"
+ },
+ "mWXxPPvhSHf9hyb-VyuZH": {
+ "text": "e"
+ },
+ "mZFwH8xY_OeVDWCdvPZBy": {
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+ },
+ "miPmA2tOQiLxOW7D_V_x6": {
+ "text": "cubos"
+ },
+ "ms97ZsgQOvD-Z8qpSW4oN": {
+ "text": "¿quiénes?"
+ },
+ "mx6dmRLXA_lkN1QlP71vq": {
+ "text": "todas"
+ },
+ "n5bZClAB6jXAZnwxIwH-1": {
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+ },
+ "nK7DRpxalLBHL9OnRjSim": {
+ "text": "frambuesa"
+ },
+ "nMQUtS-kFHViOKyop1FdS": {
+ "text": "vincha"
+ },
+ "nQSk6_KCEVdO7oC_uxLXN": {
+ "text": "oreja"
+ },
+ "nQdbkRVcwpQB_hFNPbe6M": {
+ "text": "caballo"
+ },
+ "nUg2M7p5sUPlGdbBev2-G": {
+ "text": "tobillos"
+ },
+ "nm6e_s01gWHzdVj25BHyq": {
+ "text": "¡qué lindo!"
+ },
+ "nnTJQMJWfd2nuTSlFNEOy": {
+ "text": "mío"
+ },
+ "ntzBlFkDMTKEUHoGNc65u": {
+ "text": "baño"
+ },
+ "o0oxaoUFpOLiGsoQBlalI": {
+ "text": "torta"
+ },
+ "oAxNCJufVUqZMyWRGdZl9": {
+ "text": "tuyo"
+ },
+ "oEHzYcfxDGGcsL-deud1j": {
+ "text": "snack"
+ },
+ "oEyUWrQj1iYUnlEUdQQ5Z": {
+ "text": "flauta"
+ },
+ "oO21zLMEtHEakvnuTohLu": {
+ "text": "¡qué divertido!"
+ },
+ "oOkD8Wmvb4t9I2EWqT1Nr": {
+ "text": "amargo"
+ },
+ "oSBFO8Ka0PN4bgX0QuWxL": {
+ "text": "viajar en auto"
+ },
+ "oYwoiRDWlIjSTbYdC2vG6": {
+ "text": "falda"
+ },
+ "oa-MShota2L8n2pU8hIsm": {
+ "text": "jugar"
+ },
+ "okr5oAG2U8Er1XwQ8XbWD": {
+ "text": "grande"
+ },
+ "oqQWeoWBr5N0LrPGY62Og": {
+ "text": "senos"
+ },
+ "otTWzTaTAmweNCozT8tn9": {
+ "text": "alergia"
+ },
+ "p1qK47wwLwF8S0Fy8-2Mt": {
+ "text": "mano"
+ },
+ "pHBnmCFpM7oZf0O78CBIz": {
+ "text": "golosina"
+ },
+ "pM-bC77hbj-w44A0HFRDZ": {
+ "text": "sonarme la nariz"
+ },
+ "p_XyUXRmeUk_bdjRTMtkz": {
+ "text": "revistas"
+ },
+ "p_qpVEd677b2Bk56yhvj6": {
+ "text": "jardín"
+ },
+ "paPpjw1XVC9-6xcueJsrY": {
+ "text": "todos"
+ },
+ "pgPlWKk-oww2fua5zYuue": {
+ "text": "mono"
+ },
+ "phZ4F4uzi1TrhjeDMuMsn": {
+ "text": "almohada"
+ },
+ "pkuppr1jMH7SMpa2hrIWQ": {
+ "text": "jugo de durazno"
+ },
+ "pliNY9oMQh1iSidkEhhDO": {
+ "text": "abrazar"
+ },
+ "pptyFMhLrbC6lN6zmc7D0": {
+ "text": "comedor"
+ },
+ "ptQZXjMQyXWycUD1kAkQo": {
+ "text": "cuento"
+ },
+ "pv8eYkxczIevQqEGwDz6V": {
+ "text": "mochila"
+ },
+ "pvXSy-5M4i8kysUppvdME": {
+ "text": "que"
+ },
+ "pwltOTDn2OyABTlD4-27W": {
+ "text": "verduras"
+ },
+ "px0jKQDj7r9pOYs4ZrvcT": {
+ "text": "tomate"
+ },
+ "q22wRFF21EigV8YzQ_MfV": {
+ "text": "¿me ayudas?"
+ },
+ "q6F-qJ7mTxvwa43F6vwun": {
+ "text": "escondidas"
+ },
+ "q7Pz4UqqZUlXeFfXrwXDR": {
+ "text": "enjuagar"
+ },
+ "qA4v2JWQU0zzBBZgvW7Vt": {
+ "text": "temblores"
+ },
+ "qOsbXyvBTMDAwvvnI0iFn": {
+ "text": "pequeño"
+ },
+ "qU5IvFLD8d16iIHSs_9TM": {
+ "text": "cebolla"
+ },
+ "qWhpDTMd8eAEoq7yTKc57": {
+ "text": "calzón"
+ },
+ "qYA2U_BFOZtFLClxuCIBJ": {
+ "text": "dolor de muelas"
+ },
+ "qeJdrxKIIcUctIjo8wWhc": {
+ "text": "aguda"
+ },
+ "qn-7ERrcZxJTqfW6hwNs8": {
+ "text": "correr"
+ },
+ "qsA1zm1DOlItK7DCWzAw8": {
+ "text": "aburrido"
+ },
+ "qscoBbrWu7tQbpNj9XUPt": {
+ "text": "papel higiénica"
+ },
+ "quE_RA9abVvtG-Fo4Jx8f": {
+ "text": "diez"
+ },
+ "qy3c7gvRU7shWuJYr1kBk": {
+ "text": "bebida"
+ },
+ "r7eJgCF_b_ktkztv4-oda": {
+ "text": "medias"
+ },
+ "r808IO3I6j3os_uix6O63": {
+ "text": "juegos de salón"
+ },
+ "r9qUBQwgY8eycnU2OVey0": {
+ "text": "comer un sándwich"
+ },
+ "rBwDn3PcJGqytqnOZTJMV": {
+ "text": "taxi"
+ },
+ "rMFGfzFobfGsH3_qrLHXU": {
+ "text": "pescado"
+ },
+ "rU9cpWF0I4wnJjzTXpGtO": {
+ "text": "hoy mismo"
+ },
+ "rgyV6CvFe98OGnWut6QCZ": {
+ "text": "turista"
+ },
+ "rlGO5jGKPL1vW-VF4nRqZ": {
+ "text": "entrada"
+ },
+ "rnjJyPTabH_Xpmy4Z4O3U": {
+ "text": "celebrar"
+ },
+ "rtHwq5WN9KElX3V3SKBmS": {
+ "text": "papas fritas"
+ },
+ "rwyX2YemNEx_Mh64IArDQ": {
+ "text": "oscuro"
+ },
+ "rxdfuk6egO7VmZEB3JrUN": {
+ "text": "la"
+ },
+ "ry_jOegpMf4nB3spGf4d2": {
+ "text": "me gusta"
+ },
+ "s0BXoyn7AqUAlZ9BOHY6S": {
+ "text": "tríste"
+ },
+ "sAsTkky29uEVC9vo3Ofbo": {
+ "text": "brazo"
+ },
+ "sDKIldL3tit328Joneo_7": {
+ "text": "vaso"
+ },
+ "sFNUgvnglgrm6cbYiM0di": {
+ "text": "¿cuándo?"
+ },
+ "sP6uvKmY5kA_yuYR8H21c": {
+ "text": "halloween"
+ },
+ "sPtazVgymXESdS-BcHqU_": {
+ "text": "pollería"
+ },
+ "sSTGRl6DpYGZXp8vtTNbm": {
+ "text": "comprar"
+ },
+ "sbv5HLPUR6gHo-EJR2S7S": {
+ "text": "camello"
+ },
+ "sc0hr3jQ80yXRFDlAn56V": {
+ "text": "cansancio"
+ },
+ "sixdpB8hTOhlUr4loz3RB": {
+ "text": "muñeca"
+ },
+ "sjGytpiPjwqJfPaRUJ-Iw": {
+ "text": "miércoles"
+ },
+ "sysOciGqtL7y4ULuyYVc-": {
+ "text": "canal de cocina"
+ },
+ "t-w8e69GwxLyfxlWwHk9f": {
+ "text": "mermelada"
+ },
+ "t34TbvjJ3zG2jcgJaCeHa": {
+ "text": "tocar"
+ },
+ "tGyUfSljuc7A5Do5B9GuN": {
+ "text": "sweater"
+ },
+ "tQwMPLvqAMAstcqvnOERE": {
+ "text": "gris"
+ },
+ "tWxC4hR6di5zQC-Hujlev": {
+ "text": "bajar volumen"
+ },
+ "tYwEpd2EOtH8wEUr-jwHk": {
+ "text": "caro"
+ },
+ "tw1doIY-jFPofZjlPFj4z": {
+ "text": "¿cómo te llamas?"
+ },
+ "txj22hip0CE9qp_z-daIK": {
+ "text": "nebulizador"
+ },
+ "u1nIt_oFH426g1IVhlYk5": {
+ "text": "sediento"
+ },
+ "u2e4Zh8qwJF7zKkohQ8df": {
+ "text": "goma de borrar"
+ },
+ "u3BufiTZTK6AylGh80ZFd": {
+ "text": "ella"
+ },
+ "u8HfFvMPkogdWk-URj9hv": {
+ "text": "escribir"
+ },
+ "uDg7Yy86PlwsAd-U96vJR": {
+ "text": "arriba"
+ },
+ "uFoytOG4qsXzBk979t63y": {
+ "text": "limpio"
+ },
+ "uMhOF9ZvWnjW-Zrjbjfhs": {
+ "text": "bajar"
+ },
+ "uOA82KFAVtjoYRTuYFgpr": {
+ "text": "postre"
+ },
+ "uPL5NMeXTmD1iU6ZoiROu": {
+ "text": "pájaro"
+ },
+ "uYElWOlSOSoQap-d5gsYF": {
+ "text": "chocolate"
+ },
+ "uZRwbLa1lEG7ol0UJKRBj": {
+ "text": "viejo"
+ },
+ "ubP5GM7_0vPkRc6zbD9Ez": {
+ "text": "antiácido"
+ },
+ "uiVc5R86QCZkhraEFlrNz": {
+ "text": "museo"
+ },
+ "ujyHgmlPIs7UdtndbYd8S": {
+ "text": "amistad"
+ },
+ "upWXctTSKBtFNSXnXDK_u": {
+ "text": "frutas"
+ },
+ "uzSwgQNnV8ZrjxpN5Bz_a": {
+ "text": "difícil"
+ },
+ "v-E2GE1DpCkNAxsfA0f4M": {
+ "text": "goma"
+ },
+ "vHzfvEgIkQ0e73ryfWP2F": {
+ "text": "ordenar"
+ },
+ "vKGLQIas9RdBnPGsaYtr2": {
+ "text": "cometa"
+ },
+ "vOgqHjpHgrUGERIHtVqDe": {
+ "text": "basurero"
+ },
+ "vPicdKLrhT2wmAAPPukKP": {
+ "text": "veloz"
+ },
+ "vPnmrsRou1ihosdVXS_Op": {
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- "fr": "Interactions sociales"
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- {
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- {
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- {
- "id": 16,
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- "id": 18,
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- },
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- "id": 28,
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- "en": "Restaurant Book",
- "fr": "Livre de restaurant"
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- {
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- {
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- {
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- "id": 30,
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- {
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- {
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- {
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- {
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- {
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- "id": 31,
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- "fr": "Livre de boucherie"
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- {
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- {
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- "fr": "Cours de musique"
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- {
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- {
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- {
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- },
- {
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- {
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- {
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- {
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- {
- "id": 37,
- "texto": {
- "en": "Football game",
- "fr": "Jeu de football"
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- {
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- {
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- {
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- {
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- {
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- {
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- {
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- {
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- {
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- {
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- {
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- {
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- "id": 39,
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- {
- "id": 40,
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- "en": "Swimming",
- "fr": "La natation"
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- "id": 27,
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- "en": "Fun book II",
- "pt": "Livro divertido II"
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- {
- "id": 28,
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- "en": "Restaurant Book",
- "pt": "Livro de restaurante"
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- "id": 29,
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- "pt": "Livro de viagem"
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- {
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- {
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- "id": 30,
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- "pt": "Livro de higiene"
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- {
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- {
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- {
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- {
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- {
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- {
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- {
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- {
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- {
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- {
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- },
- {
- "id": 31,
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- "en": "Butcher book",
- "pt": "Livro de carniceiro"
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- {
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- {
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- {
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- {
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- {
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- {
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- {
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- {
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- {
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- },
- {
- "id": 32,
- "texto": {
- "en": "Grocery book",
- "pt": "Livro de supermercado"
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- "tipo": 0,
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- "id": 33,
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- "en": "Greengrocery book",
- "pt": "Livro de Greengrocery"
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- "id": 34,
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- "pt": "Aula de música"
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- {
- "id": 35,
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- "pt": "Aula de artes"
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- {
- "id": 36,
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- {
- "id": 37,
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- "pt": "Livro de farmácia"
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+ "text": "asustado"
+ },
+ "DXb0FpjVM9q8LVl9vvSHn": {
+ "text": "clases"
+ },
+ "DXpjgLKTdx9eLLohVdmWM": {
+ "text": "verdulería"
+ },
+ "D_4Weq7iyi7GMEsgP0xy6": {
+ "text": "té"
+ },
+ "Djs1QsLNf8Q5LBIFV5zNC": {
+ "text": "partituras"
+ },
+ "DkeHJFtqAS005fYUrl1Xz": {
+ "text": "pantalon"
+ },
+ "Dm3yiKSB134LrjtW_KrO7": {
+ "text": "buen día"
+ },
+ "DqGa4gqd2ABDi45BT43x4": {
+ "text": "princesa"
+ },
+ "Dv9MSCRYbR4Q3K114wXki": {
+ "text": "alto"
+ },
+ "E-vUPARie8MmfgZwv3Omr": {
+ "text": "gallo"
+ },
+ "EM8VyonJ7WNdvmRyE3nhZ": {
+ "text": "lento"
+ },
+ "EO4O-s7oafi6QJdxTFNkd": {
+ "text": "anticongestivo"
+ },
+ "ETZNYbrG5wveDl6c9k2_k": {
+ "text": "codo"
+ },
+ "EUsNyf5bDdSLqvZKH1Ltx": {
+ "text": "no entiendo"
+ },
+ "EVmt43vDI3NHFfbbkqokF": {
+ "text": "pizza"
+ },
+ "Erg6LuA8IOQ5V8RTP3pPi": {
+ "text": "abeja"
+ },
+ "F4cGnA_QHsVKTjUE6MAu9": {
+ "text": "mameluco"
+ },
+ "F7kJ8VM31BWB4K4T4USzs": {
+ "text": "maltrato físico"
+ },
+ "F8roVYxKZi88UUGfOvTwl": {
+ "text": "maestra"
+ },
+ "F90bXbc0tz9nuzTT7SgqV": {
+ "text": "cuatro"
+ },
+ "FBPIabyaoCK-Y0BziQdji": {
+ "text": "dolor de panza"
+ },
+ "FBTheEQmZZfJRiYjd_Np_": {
+ "text": "interpretar"
+ },
+ "FO77qpzyz28knodNtILCA": {
+ "text": "tirar la cadena"
+ },
+ "FTngK946O8S8bYc0g7vM2": {
+ "text": "mamá"
+ },
+ "FaVvbVzZivuxTwxJTPubK": {
+ "text": "hermanos"
+ },
+ "FfNU04I4mZ54gWcBXqo2c": {
+ "text": "panceta"
+ },
+ "FgTird367surh-vxXyAK6": {
+ "text": "ticket"
+ },
+ "FkC5DtSV81OvFMU99qZGg": {
+ "text": "pelota"
+ },
+ "FnCBoLSE19WsbUypUKvFc": {
+ "text": "hamburguesa"
+ },
+ "Fogupb264IyCtbZ-Q2D6w": {
+ "text": "borracho"
+ },
+ "Fvm2C5NBq01tm0QK9d9QM": {
+ "text": "hijos"
+ },
+ "G09TvOzDSG5m3hTQD9Tej": {
+ "text": "borrar"
+ },
+ "G2i9LSK4A19237Zp1vXqF": {
+ "text": "gordito"
+ },
+ "G6KKVMvPDnjdD9TfBd-B9": {
+ "text": "playo"
+ },
+ "GAxX7EIz1TTLtMX08RRGr": {
+ "text": "hamburguesería"
+ },
+ "GJlUSznzEHCgoAOrVrkp9": {
+ "text": "feliz"
+ },
+ "GSEumxiyeVKRRiaY_c8HW": {
+ "text": "crol"
+ },
+ "GY_flM-6uR6X3L4AwsiwU": {
+ "text": "para"
+ },
+ "G_CRpzxWO5XdEMh01O1eJ": {
+ "text": "aunque"
+ },
+ "Gj7THa6XFHDfYL5H19lwj": {
+ "text": "mañana"
+ },
+ "Gm_qAGnL4OawmlYmTs7K5": {
+ "text": "no veo"
+ },
+ "GoJuWnn72TCXONXKtYHMm": {
+ "text": "tren"
+ },
+ "Gvmy--9DiUn_tkQYWeWhA": {
+ "text": "canelones"
+ },
+ "GxrDtsdGcLepdsQr6V9DT": {
+ "text": "verde"
+ },
+ "H2zMVtjvqi7aUtCypiVKr": {
+ "text": "sentar"
+ },
+ "H8Bsrr2NK9Q3WGbEp8PMe": {
+ "text": "plateado"
+ },
+ "H9SWPnWbR8qcZA-iu5Mz0": {
+ "text": "dolor de Oido"
+ },
+ "HBZNu6m3FELU9eg3OeLdx": {
+ "text": "cortina"
+ },
+ "text": "golpe"
+ },
+ "HMPabuHqgtyiCmTLzg-rM": {
+ "text": "entrar"
+ },
+ "HQiQh4PPBvO1n-d7JGVj8": {
+ "text": "nadie"
+ },
+ "HTBNWax6FCSGXuboGsVUW": {
+ "text": "salado"
+ },
+ "HnuZA0UTlnuIfFAN7saxl": {
+ "text": "conejo"
+ },
+ "Hvb4JdDHX_vNMck_US2UN": {
+ "text": "ensayar"
+ },
+ "I5AJgba5GTdEjdpFB-LBf": {
+ "text": "chocolatada"
+ },
+ "IAdQsjTsbBUAMjlwW34cw": {
+ "text": "me encantaría"
+ },
+ "IEeIvawUD2GIAr1Wypr9i": {
+ "text": "personas"
+ },
+ "IF3R7tLVAkd4RbL8R07K9": {
+ "text": "actor"
+ },
+ "IM8OUKCzHwnjAQWPFgnn6": {
+ "text": "lejos"
+ },
+ "INxOSvKbBNOXwruIpuNho": {
+ "text": "ombligo"
+ },
+ "IO8uTb1K7ElENgp2ujZoK": {
+ "text": "robusto"
+ },
+ "IXRWmFmtqfnHQRcBf1Idl": {
+ "text": "paloma"
+ },
+ "IZbfYRzu2cxxDWdbmQeqw": {
+ "text": "cabeza"
+ },
+ "Ig1oypuwndODbmKh_NEXs": {
+ "text": "malla"
+ },
+ "IsWUeiPnDEnzxePKclBNp": {
+ "text": "feo"
+ },
+ "J3qQMp0OMr5LC9ebfArxH": {
+ "text": "ninguno"
+ },
+ "J3rDL96c2zfBQzP45VRCp": {
+ "text": "limón"
+ },
+ "J4UUPR-WP0qo1y14bUVI-": {
+ "text": "veterinario"
+ },
+ "J7MmgugOu20UtMcMPj59r": {
+ "text": "canción"
+ },
+ "J7wLwBLVx4UANh_x5HdXd": {
+ "text": "según"
+ },
+ "JB9SIxWzxWFjrbmMuksrY": {
+ "text": "reir"
+ },
+ "JBIehRNmDbK2ALcRN0u9i": {
+ "text": "gallo"
+ },
+ "JBKQaBezKuSDaMsnbJMTB": {
+ "text": "bar"
+ },
+ "JBU2hMw9gbIy9-wGF4mjD": {
+ "text": "pizarrón"
+ },
+ "JDbBWMB5No0pK6HvntLt4": {
+ "text": "lavarme las manos"
+ },
+ "JEDIYq1BDA23ac9TNhON-": {
+ "text": "ayuda"
+ },
+ "JFldbhjqxK3fD6D2K4HY4": {
+ "text": "papá"
+ },
+ "JGm4BL7HAfuxX_PGe6Jzk": {
+ "text": "presente"
+ },
+ "JQOpcZSCPGMOWZsN8w_yb": {
+ "text": "¿qué hora es?"
+ },
+ "JSFuEHlP-CFvuqvFKMumC": {
+ "text": "autos de juguete"
+ },
+ "JVtu9W3AumOwjUedwhUGE": {
+ "text": "rehabilitación"
+ },
+ "JZRBfIXBkeuobtDXbLt5t": {
+ "text": "adiós"
+ },
+ "JawnUo-pseWb3FDVMtxrQ": {
+ "text": "yogur"
+ },
+ "JblWXW8TKDCuYu2yTnFBA": {
+ "text": "mesa"
+ },
+ "Ji5OVFX-uNDewL8eX8Cin": {
+ "text": "pensar"
+ },
+ "Jjq8CM8JrYHIMziuQy-WN": {
+ "text": "agenda"
+ },
+ "JziaulL-lrAPGNVvwBPK9": {
+ "text": "verano"
+ },
+ "K382TlNZjdMLLpAhCCXLG": {
+ "text": "almendras"
+ },
+ "K6hd20tWZfwwlYYi7jctt": {
+ "text": "rica"
+ },
+ "K8cMIDL0ubQvWhhDtr65F": {
+ "text": "llorar"
+ },
+ "K8e2-KkvZfFOQaXnhR37x": {
+ "text": "cansado"
+ },
+ "KC18_sTEqKucPQ-iwEKYY": {
+ "text": "lapiz"
+ },
+ "KK_i8H9qTfDVYZkQGwd2v": {
+ "text": "apagar"
+ },
+ "KNH4sLRpVKtHXQa-0y84K": {
+ "text": "nervioso"
+ },
+ "KWYVDZiERE8jtRsL0faHH": {
+ "text": "nadar"
+ },
+ "KXHW4m6vXxQU-AEOR4pZ4": {
+ "text": "balón de fútbol"
+ },
+ "Khdk8mWpyxgLqfC-6lyT9": {
+ "text": "burro"
+ },
+ "KhyTKtiL4ZT4Z1saU1eJh": {
+ "text": "escuchar música"
+ },
+ "Kn9vE07FK1LrzoD_YxrJD": {
+ "text": "subte"
+ },
+ "KpLFOrpuhFKaIbBbFwVVu": {
+ "text": "mariposa"
+ },
+ "KrOPANVpdkBWdEZoUwxKf": {
+ "text": "grave"
+ },
+ "KvY6Taigm4Va_cVjXAfGR": {
+ "text": "corto"
+ },
+ "L0hfYADgzghRVsZLZHRxE": {
+ "text": "bailarín"
+ },
+ "L19r487_d3RqWXiNuh3gE": {
+ "text": "¿qué color es?"
+ },
+ "L6YLAEsbYcTq-ycQJTvt4": {
+ "text": "pollo"
+ },
+ "LAuEISciEf1Wc1j4fERz8": {
+ "text": "año nuevo"
+ },
+ "LDoi3cxodn_AVKSG-Bf_1": {
+ "text": "ojos"
+ },
+ "LEVKlDlJ0wHo5QEjCNAGa": {
+ "text": "pegamento"
+ },
+ "LEg8z-Q-ONLAAXd-aH_Hb": {
+ "text": "bajo"
+ },
+ "LNBTW0qQtHYQEHatkWGtc": {
+ "text": "mercado"
+ },
+ "LRIKzfm9ZsdNe1u7CUuW_": {
+ "text": "¿cuántos?"
+ },
+ "LRfh-4RAZTj7cnnDwBmqj": {
+ "text": "flotador"
+ },
+ "LU7IoUksATEBhd8PaHS1R": {
+ "text": "sacar"
+ },
+ "LaKT8VTw0_6rvordp5-R8": {
+ "text": "rosa"
+ },
+ "LiBr37yi-YBgQDx4unjyc": {
+ "text": "dá"
+ },
+ "LjTGOcyG7DkTs1lJqNr8w": {
+ "text": "cabellera"
+ },
+ "LksmOMPPOMArbrFsscqOW": {
+ "text": "música"
+ },
+ "LmGq1AZs2a0x26r7E9GUj": {
+ "text": "maestro"
+ },
+ "LngEMJa_ihV8mB7afZX-h": {
+ "text": "ellas"
+ },
+ "LrDai7jXlGAdZ3e8ZQezj": {
+ "text": "hacer pis"
+ },
+ "M5q2CXmK0_WVaVUB_HJB3": {
+ "text": "caliente"
+ },
+ "MEqo2TROHyroK318sm84f": {
+ "text": "pasta"
+ },
+ "MKR-ukiUlJy4uuqO30UU6": {
+ "text": "maltrato verbal"
+ },
+ "MMzjhHID8HMqyPjii5o-h": {
+ "text": "cocina"
+ },
+ "MNCcHiImRS8tmvhBhzCKj": {
+ "text": "ensalada"
+ },
+ "MQHnvvU48NnEptP8a9w8C": {
+ "text": "no me gusta"
+ },
+ "MWIzTM6zhTWL1V-brLtBx": {
+ "text": "cómodo"
+ },
+ "MYqfOzKx2qMHop8GaHs0I": {
+ "text": "verde Claro"
+ },
+ "MiOe5_Djf-pE9V9aDZ_1G": {
+ "text": "ananá"
+ },
+ "MqQgYn5B0uV-DMORCBOmV": {
+ "text": "triste"
+ },
+ "Mw6WRebMAKWwXfAvDA7vu": {
+ "text": "tener calor"
+ },
+ "N2baGNTOapSaFDo1GURiW": {
+ "text": "no escucho"
+ },
+ "N7n4zQIkJZOhaYESk2GgH": {
+ "text": "caer"
+ },
+ "NFdUTit6Ff-4S7Nzf92U5": {
+ "text": "estreñimiento"
+ },
+ "NFgGqhEtl0HqipCGGEvwU": {
+ "text": "peinarme"
+ },
+ "NKQwWPAsVHwFBWuksqfns": {
+ "text": "ducha"
+ },
+ "NLi5ODIzyMAwr2HpDXACp": {
+ "text": "nariz"
+ },
+ "NQayjogCYiimP_0OxIfFj": {
+ "text": "zapatos"
+ },
+ "NVe4u7BTAVfLk3xkDqLnZ": {
+ "text": "horno"
+ },
+ "NVjfEut567uXpTaQUNI2i": {
+ "text": "campera"
+ },
+ "N_893wsadpGg3Ip5sEThe": {
+ "text": "azul"
+ },
+ "NaJxTPq9Ld8I4fwAltyEC": {
+ "text": "maiz"
+ },
+ "NjulpZ9x63ZqxtLMoRjkx": {
+ "text": "prender la luz"
+ },
+ "Njz8DrErsexBu8mAI6mnr": {
+ "text": "pescado"
+ },
+ "NmNouLLx13jzE27jliI_v": {
+ "text": "diente"
+ },
+ "NuhUikdCxP0NgsbO0wvAU": {
+ "text": "cola"
+ },
+ "O-CLnVuXAUapOn6TbdhKx": {
+ "text": "querer"
+ },
+ "O450x4W3OOacvJIy4QicJ": {
+ "text": "verduras"
+ },
+ "OHyrmD5US1rHEAEwLQaII": {
+ "text": "animales"
+ },
+ "OKXIGnLh-i1ydTNj450Q8": {
+ "text": "reina"
+ },
+ "OUcfOOReAfQroBKlBdDb-": {
+ "text": "solución salina"
+ },
+ "OWLDc7Hn3neBAf_V_N27n": {
+ "text": "abrochar"
+ },
+ "O_ZfCPZSxGMPT6orCt-O6": {
+ "text": "chancho"
+ },
+ "OblxxVFC-LKPq-8oC9FpE": {
+ "text": "sentimientos"
+ },
+ "OdCdTUAlbN6kvsPjby_Bi": {
+ "text": "deportes"
+ },
+ "OeA63q6LpqGvXW-cJXEym": {
+ "text": "jamón"
+ },
+ "OeytAsSiEAWC10tXhxbTa": {
+ "text": "personajes"
+ },
+ "OhrHu-xLo8hcn5plWfoX4": {
+ "text": "caro"
+ },
+ "Om1Bvqu8nmGuNGwV8hndM": {
+ "text": "bajo"
+ },
+ "OvyFC1GHkvJZ0dAAF1QkY": {
+ "text": "él"
+ },
+ "OwHzJdOQTFOA8daCVRwm6": {
+ "text": "pincel"
+ },
+ "P5zdq4x58yp5TA_soKQEJ": {
+ "text": "bicicleta"
+ },
+ "PAlC0XSZNru3-LXtfvGjo": {
+ "text": "hacer el amor"
+ },
+ "PBqpK7LL1HQPwowPitrss": {
+ "text": "leer"
+ },
+ "PFAi3SdvH9vL7_Bg3MhCA": {
+ "text": "semáforo"
+ },
+ "PIBHv5VueBi-sf5qFCN_Y": {
+ "text": "ante"
+ },
+ "PIPQnVS2UiS7kGbucJP8l": {
+ "text": "curar"
+ },
+ "PLXxIPYyztaztLf4sPCst": {
+ "text": "garganta"
+ },
+ "PbtM3htZocZb8YifuPoY5": {
+ "text": "cangrejo"
+ },
+ "PfNLmlHKFT9d1w6IgeXbU": {
+ "text": "control remoto"
+ },
+ "Pl-M4bc6k2rdhu6FHEbkA": {
+ "text": "patio"
+ },
+ "PogTYrGfa2WNfBRuA8O4e": {
+ "text": "malo"
+ },
+ "PszHdOxMsS_tAzSrN52Wa": {
+ "text": "plastilina"
+ },
+ "Pw3GgPwp7fpDVC6wJjgPn": {
+ "text": "subir"
+ },
+ "Q6LQqdLcvNOiCFjC0DVo2": {
+ "text": "tambor"
+ },
+ "Q6nNH4AIoSeDHODC_Ip8O": {
+ "text": "vecino"
+ },
+ "Q9Ra0aJaQnOJQ1Kqdc43-": {
+ "text": "bebé"
+ },
+ "QCQRmsQY6AggjreY9Z0MF": {
+ "text": "rechazar"
+ },
+ "QGf1Tb1roL7HAXUSrRqRJ": {
+ "text": "naranja"
+ },
+ "QJhkOh48xapiTObEDQLB9": {
+ "text": "piano"
+ },
+ "QTkFHWp9KEDgfCjoQjBY2": {
+ "text": "plurales"
+ },
+ "QUTQLuD2Gv7fHh0V_O5tg": {
+ "text": "avergonzado"
+ },
+ "QVqSPPgA89whFTJ0HTphK": {
+ "text": "abrir"
+ },
+ "QZNQOaf0SdHDbx1otCmrH": {
+ "text": "niño"
+ },
+ "QcGJ9u_JqmrW0X47PXWH4": {
+ "text": "despeinada"
+ },
+ "QclUM2p3iexSjFZI8OU4-": {
+ "text": "fiebre"
+ },
+ "QeqA20MCXB-zNfuKIssMY": {
+ "text": "lata de atún"
+ },
+ "QllvOUe8utZrcBRGw_0vc": {
+ "text": "curita"
+ },
+ "QnlQ1HOEB9yNjuW3Dd6fc": {
+ "text": "celebración"
+ },
+ "Qo3Qn_nMe3E6EqNw0UdNZ": {
+ "text": "soleado"
+ },
+ "QohNih4wgqjnpWt3kSwtd": {
+ "text": "entrenador"
+ },
+ "QvaMxPy-3iixHAJFyIrN-": {
+ "text": "sandwich"
+ },
+ "R06chAQYswLtQK46OInW7": {
+ "text": "leche con galletas"
+ },
+ "R9ECa_HQRtpFrb59ebMTQ": {
+ "text": "escuela"
+ },
+ "RBCjBvNXQSZOOpg-5lBlK": {
+ "text": "bueno"
+ },
+ "RZfMOtjw0DoGHWaRfCEc4": {
+ "text": "pantalón"
+ },
+ "Ra2rxEEohwxRqDsW2AT3C": {
+ "text": "videojuegos"
+ },
+ "RbZetbSC5064rZccOFD1D": {
+ "text": "televisión"
+ },
+ "RkpoG4KB8m_TJFJf2v3EG": {
+ "text": "cambiar de canal"
+ },
+ "RwlZ1jr2Ix3evzrW71lN0": {
+ "text": "manzana"
+ },
+ "S3um53pcko7_BPHy7R6FL": {
+ "text": "nosotros"
+ },
+ "SE-71I_ahm3oKROReyJHE": {
+ "text": "hacer caca"
+ },
+ "SOyGnJXLPeVRoZy3vBgpK": {
+ "text": "examen"
+ },
+ "SXz8iA1Qn_BlgLTAG6Epl": {
+ "text": "cena"
+ },
+ "SiOmZdwX8Hf2nE2v6HfCp": {
+ "text": "zapato"
+ },
+ "Sp2Ias_Y1HplkHWjIb7Mp": {
+ "text": "sin"
+ },
+ "TAbuXSnSHU6C3CQ4kbKVh": {
+ "text": "triángulo"
+ },
+ "TBV2BhoZVgl1jMV_jWZYi": {
+ "text": "derecha"
+ },
+ "TIgoS-YONIwzbrImXetaD": {
+ "text": "ciruela"
+ },
+ "TIsM6aTTZ9W8j6UhW9Qqj": {
+ "text": "coro"
+ },
+ "TLxsYdrBdHgFZkNJtVTmK": {
+ "text": "tortuga"
+ },
+ "TP-gGRcpcFyx1SrNRsdRV": {
+ "text": "perdón"
+ },
+ "TR5CXN8-pfbWkshdxSBSV": {
+ "text": "oveja"
+ },
+ "TS9z8ZmMEwn0MGSfr9amH": {
+ "text": "palta"
+ },
+ "TZF-7m8VKZ7IL6pyv0Daf": {
+ "text": "cepillarme los dientes"
+ },
+ "T_Q5c4XAfkhkclmnCGHo5": {
+ "text": "hasta"
+ },
+ "Td5pgVQDTFOftUgOJ-bD-": {
+ "text": "picante"
+ },
+ "Te_jJfeU8Xwa9St2RihBq": {
+ "text": "sangre"
+ },
+ "ThqkHs4az5tgLqLcfFPaZ": {
+ "text": "largo"
+ },
+ "TpPNZLsh5jrN9RdPFwmA7": {
+ "text": "¡genial!"
+ },
+ "Tpj-Fs8LQ566TM0bYlZ6H": {
+ "text": "viernes"
+ },
+ "TuAjBKPp3-PSdQuooSWZi": {
+ "text": "rana"
+ },
+ "TyqVzfOniQNa9WKQRXqr-": {
+ "text": "hermana"
+ },
+ "U1KQsrvTa2E00-ugc-Iy6": {
+ "text": "ausente"
+ },
+ "U6PoeH-cMdO3ttnLkN7_3": {
+ "text": "cabalgar"
+ },
+ "U7GiGcYacowWi4MWrCYyj": {
+ "text": "antiinflamatorio"
+ },
+ "UQ-5wOfR0tDzljoDjj2xU": {
+ "text": "otoño"
+ },
+ "UQ5B5K-tpk1XmQC1B9TjQ": {
+ "text": "no"
+ },
+ "US8_vYTnDfxBw2Ung_J38": {
+ "text": "partes íntimas"
+ },
+ "UVzdJiqY36fqgBYyz880c": {
+ "text": "jamón crudo"
+ },
+ "UXJDiwb3j_zyfGa26ByJL": {
+ "text": "pecho"
+ },
+ "Ubaq6h7wasdP_YRombm2c": {
+ "text": "azúcar"
+ },
+ "Ugs9V9c2c5iHrVC6p17zr": {
+ "text": "analgésico"
+ },
+ "Uk1Emn5IovsTfFzpQX5Jw": {
+ "text": "sosten"
+ },
+ "UkLF5sKtVKW0D8RzVCoue": {
+ "text": "bombero"
+ },
+ "UnQJwWfWCe40DJYR1Er0o": {
+ "text": "dolor"
+ },
+ "UssSOEEKutvzB_B4fAQE-": {
+ "text": "escuchar de nuevo"
+ },
+ "Ust3oadA0PUGViYo28Mf3": {
+ "text": "caminar"
+ },
+ "UvRS0KmtZn3dq7e8L5RcE": {
+ "text": "enojado"
+ },
+ "UwvZVcX_CAQFrI6U4LsNT": {
+ "text": "huevo"
+ },
+ "VJ9AU_y7CqsONR6TvhdLh": {
+ "text": "¿dónde es?"
+ },
+ "VKrLGgYjc-nLPGsyESDgb": {
+ "text": "canario"
+ },
+ "VL4pd0vnJ-CNfMg9bCNed": {
+ "text": "aspirina"
+ },
+ "VUJ-zrdsyL9MOuFbdMCAx": {
+ "text": "mareo"
+ },
+ "Vioyf8EXJfY5t34NnN0WO": {
+ "text": "tablet"
+ },
+ "Vjlet5P7XuqTrc22nt_Zz": {
+ "text": "agua"
+ },
+ "Vmnu5eormo-_TOCgF4YzG": {
+ "text": "jarabe para la tos"
+ },
+ "VoZumy5GtnRdqSOmXAw7j": {
+ "text": "preparado"
+ },
+ "VrC7AnovfA7VzmYESVc8L": {
+ "text": "conversar"
+ },
+ "VwZ4EKSggYWxlnAbp-pNB": {
+ "text": "enfermo"
+ },
+ "Vzov0z9acB-I1_W_CcFcY": {
+ "text": "rojo"
+ },
+ "WDUIQV43zghFQq_rSk1Z4": {
+ "text": "churrasco"
+ },
+ "WL3ZN-W_zgnuTJpuqz0YQ": {
+ "text": "príncipe"
+ },
+ "WNhpmD_XlTaNEBo7GsFXu": {
+ "text": "diarrea"
+ },
+ "WQ0CNIQ_gjaCxg4tEIsOo": {
+ "text": "clavado"
+ },
+ "WRzleD-mI84LaimFH8h6P": {
+ "text": "escuchar"
+ },
+ "WUt3I-NkdbqlSVcwuLfFx": {
+ "text": "patines"
+ },
+ "WWK2v56LM-zWqujabk9bM": {
+ "text": "plástica"
+ },
+ "W_f7h3qOLl2uEd_OYpMfQ": {
+ "text": "policía"
+ },
+ "WasZ5bKZZy5Jt4Y-JipxS": {
+ "text": "bikini"
+ },
+ "Wgh5iCzUmx4Je-B85-pra": {
+ "text": "heladera"
+ },
+ "WjXQhSFPpz42ZUyHvurYG": {
+ "text": "grillo"
+ },
+ "WtYSntcy2CijEORmROeaj": {
+ "text": "un cuarto"
+ },
+ "Wu47Qs6Zupu1Ox2gUhkxn": {
+ "text": "cuarto"
+ },
+ "Wva5W8GA0dHzyt2_0FPdm": {
+ "text": "hermano"
+ },
+ "X0-Tf-KR24qEkpGDzG2Z-": {
+ "text": "ayer"
+ },
+ "X3u4pXTWKcGc43lOkgSBt": {
+ "text": "cumplimiento"
+ },
+ "XA952Z60D0-cesNCVA-OX": {
+ "text": "chau"
+ },
+ "XC5fIljJ819OYpllYTjpE": {
+ "text": "jirafa"
+ },
+ "XN0nzhQyHVOhuYuNqrp8g": {
+ "text": "durazno"
+ },
+ "XOoGN6huCjVHxH8hRFAw1": {
+ "text": "blanca"
+ },
+ "XY6ZCNzeJIEzLtWJcufJm": {
+ "text": "camiseta manga larga"
+ },
+ "XYY8SV1IAMHjdGjMZxbdy": {
+ "text": "cancha"
+ },
+ "XeVaDdUWSEkhfJvTVvUHR": {
+ "text": "salir"
+ },
+ "XnocVMEeUGCSnlnusP44O": {
+ "text": "agarrar"
+ },
+ "XuAtFop5_JNSYiZkUBzaU": {
+ "text": "cocinar"
+ },
+ "Y5HQq_4crSF2lpwH-KUrt": {
+ "text": "dos"
+ },
+ "YCu-B26PqjE30AhikHdkI": {
+ "text": "dibujos animados"
+ },
+ "YIP0Xc4aJsfv0s8BpiQnn": {
+ "text": "cinco"
+ },
+ "YLKXFZ9ze9K9NvJiAx8w0": {
+ "text": "¿qué?"
+ },
+ "YbrNtdUmyMNdAF5CfvY1A": {
+ "text": "toalla"
+ },
+ "YbvMRsCtMbww8OQgF45QF": {
+ "text": "resfrío"
+ },
+ "YeT-jstVSA7-mD9t99Isg": {
+ "text": "rompecabeza"
+ },
+ "YusWY8GwdO43bSp1o3BWC": {
+ "text": "molesto"
+ },
+ "Yvxm8RGoFYKUsIXOl33yR": {
+ "text": "apagar la luz"
+ },
+ "Z5-sBklfLIWE00CJ_T_ZK": {
+ "text": "cuchara"
+ },
+ "Z8xp3kxXuhMVoNm7ddQSX": {
+ "text": "lanzar"
+ },
+ "ZA2C4bJaL90lBxsTemYWZ": {
+ "text": "piscina"
+ },
+ "ZAnmv4CLb7hldYUlp2wJU": {
+ "text": "ninguno"
+ },
+ "ZBIFtTq-BH1jv5jLbzrhj": {
+ "text": "repetir"
+ },
+ "ZQEXAf10BkoTvCJx3Ox39": {
+ "text": "sorpresa"
+ },
+ "ZR-NXJk3SD351W-95cf_T": {
+ "text": "pintar"
+ },
+ "ZRYQmYRGKzheBqk11eGRZ": {
+ "text": "ballena"
+ },
+ "Zm4OIanIKTigDGIsInO7o": {
+ "text": "un supermercado"
+ },
+ "ZnMba2r4XIg9lPi_H2d_Z": {
+ "text": "sí"
+ },
+ "_1lOt0C0MQhvU8QWC6_oZ": {
+ "text": "buenas noches"
+ },
+ "_2SjbH-xHZq173EU4J65c": {
+ "text": "parque"
+ },
+ "_3ihCSMQCokXNo8pXii-h": {
+ "text": "llamar a alguien"
+ },
+ "_8RIOebHpkr9nCy0_9qhP": {
+ "text": "llamar"
+ },
+ "_CsJMxqGcNSaujXwRZcpu": {
+ "text": "ansioso"
+ },
+ "_FNTsoEjTMV3Uas-gggi2": {
+ "text": "estrés"
+ },
+ "_HUf6SR0mTP7v72Y9_4gw": {
+ "text": "coche de bomberos"
+ },
+ "_Lc2-NNL69ZX-aVnUNzgx": {
+ "text": "frutilla"
+ },
+ "_S9Eck14cdOTr0QH4i7sQ": {
+ "text": "cuarto de baño"
+ },
+ "_WIT6qs1kaiJqB1Ild5Xs": {
+ "text": "paseo"
+ },
+ "_eug92AvR1UXpYlfm6o_Q": {
+ "text": "dorado"
+ },
+ "_hqTU9A7I3RFDVrcIEK-L": {
+ "text": "%null%"
+ },
+ "_lU200bb9Sjv0b_iJKgU2": {
+ "text": "una bicicletería"
+ },
+ "_tDZtalMxKSNpWydJ1aeW": {
+ "text": "cero"
+ },
+ "aC_XP9Ch5PqWoCmcJwI77": {
+ "text": "algodón"
+ },
+ "aMs2YNnWkw4XN0gAm-jI3": {
+ "text": "cajón"
+ },
+ "aP9QisUdxhgOKIQ2kHNb3": {
+ "text": "acelga"
+ },
+ "aSzpwNza22HZp46Sh6wfx": {
+ "text": "súcio"
+ },
+ "aTwzShtP_zR9x6bSGSzEB": {
+ "text": "muslo de pollo"
+ },
+ "text": "tú"
+ },
+ "aa3xDW6F9YUKyX0fe5uX8": {
+ "text": "espaldas"
+ },
+ "ajesFjbC7hwCNLKdif-ix": {
+ "text": "contra"
+ },
+ "ak5fBauJzapC4JIf0lT8N": {
+ "text": "cerro"
+ },
+ "alsoa_V3wz3vPpG1TKRZc": {
+ "text": "transportes"
+ },
+ "amk4WRd1sNEIp24pnFw8j": {
+ "text": "rodilla"
+ },
+ "armmpopt2RLsVDlqLrQ94": {
+ "text": "restaurante"
+ },
+ "atVEXuftxSiDDj8rzUlFg": {
+ "text": "crayones"
+ },
+ "atWxG3KTHB5moW1dylLJc": {
+ "text": "juguete"
+ },
+ "avzcTznCsQCISYJsLC-w_": {
+ "text": "notas musicales"
+ },
+ "b1XpSC0ndnm0ZewNXC3pp": {
+ "text": "carnicero"
+ },
+ "b5OdBMMzkf1FlQbUR5-m7": {
+ "text": "servilletas"
+ },
+ "b9Y5MrR-jn8fh77gAkLZy": {
+ "text": "pintar"
+ },
+ "bAoK85XLNb7p0ebevYZ6O": {
+ "text": "mirarme al espejo"
+ },
+ "bDnuS19hfd9GhJ-6rjNPD": {
+ "text": "estar"
+ },
+ "bFodvUraUhJeq4waMdlxv": {
+ "text": "domingo"
+ },
+ "bNJfccUvG2DQfR1iZP3eR": {
+ "text": "serpiente"
+ },
+ "bVN3R44VuZDw3IdQMolca": {
+ "text": "cambiar"
+ },
+ "beNprvNb0UztxR4JLxDFm": {
+ "text": "cumpleaños"
+ },
+ "bge6qR6NzsD5Vk4ifPsSO": {
+ "text": "ketchup"
+ },
+ "bpSuQQRlIcSse40OAxNSG": {
+ "text": "lunes"
+ },
+ "bqjKW_qBtRzIThWxdZx2s": {
+ "text": "gafas de sol"
+ },
+ "buyy_2ydocKoi9TnBhZ1N": {
+ "text": "amiga"
+ },
+ "bw3rqHXD1TJ53xbNggEqH": {
+ "text": "desayuno"
+ },
+ "c7kK5ROVbO3DHrwSFEawq": {
+ "text": "dulce"
+ },
+ "cI0JxwhkWU-YA7E7rmJtp": {
+ "text": "cuello"
+ },
+ "cJMQi3SVmqvWJ00VxI6gy": {
+ "text": "¿cómo estás?"
+ },
+ "cJw2i319mzBUpEfBRDxc9": {
+ "text": "pez"
+ },
+ "cJzHrV_PsV-PwwyFN9jka": {
+ "text": "%null%"
+ },
+ "cS3g4KXf39akVFHCG5AwL": {
+ "text": "camión de juguete"
+ },
+ "cTiw7_Yjxu_Kg90q7PdYl": {
+ "text": "gripe"
+ },
+ "cb0rJJEYOeEoRU5fDdQQq": {
+ "text": "el"
+ },
+ "ccGASDOGtty6GfQMEEBEU": {
+ "text": "tres"
+ },
+ "cj6OuVw4Nob8jxP-E4rZc": {
+ "text": "cambiarme la ropa"
+ },
+ "cnyLFMkJu2i3cqOY0e9kl": {
+ "text": "pasas"
+ },
+ "curstMeuThu2KUph-8rkB": {
+ "text": "jugar con"
+ },
+ "cxMNBGV3LytDXgwDMCiga": {
+ "text": "violeta"
+ },
+ "d4zNoj2BAFG9B7J3KAlLE": {
+ "text": "botones"
+ },
+ "d6s8fLFBiQ3KEJlNdJfUW": {
+ "text": "un poco loco"
+ },
+ "dHM0qnbmtJAkZY0WBsqaY": {
+ "text": "lila"
+ },
+ "dLHDzm0rfgL-vXTx14HSm": {
+ "text": "buscar"
+ },
+ "dNvN5P787hAPE7ZYNgwkw": {
+ "text": "pasear"
+ },
+ "dR72liRxC3qmoSa6Dz2a2": {
+ "text": "jarabe"
+ },
+ "dS-KyYREUQIk7sDlmsvoa": {
+ "text": "cerca"
+ },
+ "d_I8jNfbkQD0CHgZn7hyB": {
+ "text": "camisa"
+ },
+ "dgm3NCKuz7L39PX8LYxj7": {
+ "text": "juguetes"
+ },
+ "djgKI9embnk95PAtFcn45": {
+ "text": "cambiarme el pañal"
+ },
+ "dn41o5K_1fo-qHO-YLoQn": {
+ "text": "sábado"
+ },
+ "dnXsSOeVG7mq37uciIi2J": {
+ "text": "recreo"
+ },
+ "e5sCl246xFMESEfFy2PhX": {
+ "text": "coche"
+ },
+ "e5un1yrIuZHQi048e5kD6": {
+ "text": "alfajores"
+ },
+ "e8zl_ecIloo4Vk-OZPJWe": {
+ "text": "jugar con la tablet"
+ },
+ "eDX2HSkGaY2TeVwPjR07S": {
+ "text": "fácil"
+ },
+ "eGJ8MC1xPE6ueF82jCmVg": {
+ "text": "cepillar"
+ },
+ "eKJCZc-kD0-m6cVLorFzO": {
+ "text": "pera"
+ },
+ "eWSI1NInbQowtO99phhGA": {
+ "text": "boca"
+ },
+ "eZEqRZjRK8JJMsfHo4Y7w": {
+ "text": "del"
+ },
+ "ebo03xnkyiHD2pKUKULmr": {
+ "text": "dibujos animados"
+ },
+ "ecUOs24Pp5ZTRt_ZvED5W": {
+ "text": "acompañar"
+ },
+ "eduqLSyC3m4uB1Oee6dt6": {
+ "text": "mitad"
+ },
+ "eji-M2j5eHkG71DCksleY": {
+ "text": "huevo duro"
+ },
+ "emm_RirDsO30Enax5Q4gd": {
+ "text": "con"
+ },
+ "eo3Q5AjHJz5kp1EbdALwh": {
+ "text": "ustedes"
+ },
+ "eoYtISVZl3mdwoE_HW-Mv": {
+ "text": "guitarra"
+ },
+ "et1KiL5-zob_EcGlj7tLN": {
+ "text": "despues"
+ },
+ "f2dl12fMZbRdQ7STpcTdk": {
+ "text": "fútbol"
+ },
+ "fF3ijeQzetfSn6EGcs1yY": {
+ "text": "cerezas"
+ },
+ "fL_4POdbPVL9-lvQVWSqY": {
+ "text": "avión de juguete"
+ },
+ "fNAlqbgrpirQZO_LhrkXY": {
+ "text": "primavera"
+ },
+ "fNv4Nb6Vafxk0JxXr-iDo": {
+ "text": "investigar"
+ },
+ "fUUj_4pKPflmJlxZfk0cX": {
+ "text": "discoteca"
+ },
+ "ff7ES190q1dmFYZ7lo6x0": {
+ "text": "pan blanco"
+ },
+ "fjCOcN-PKP6F07IZcI71X": {
+ "text": "plaza"
+ },
+ "fkNwVm56PSe-qh-QoM0vm": {
+ "text": "allá"
+ },
+ "fk_z_HrvcUh8XIq8D6gQP": {
+ "text": "nueces"
+ },
+ "g1Cj6HW8kg8yPE1XX9pxa": {
+ "text": "desde"
+ },
+ "g1TLUpuQX2Zs1ob9gqYui": {
+ "text": "gorro"
+ },
+ "g2MhHawoIC9oFNEv5_w63": {
+ "text": "vida"
+ },
+ "g2sQSxCcoZuKJ3TabK6oT": {
+ "text": "vino"
+ },
+ "g75y4E53ViakV-s5UfnIF": {
+ "text": "equipaje"
+ },
+ "gFEnqFhYoXF7QN-n0ONad": {
+ "text": "montaña"
+ },
+ "gYrIz3R13-BC_pYcvQ9BL": {
+ "text": "invierno"
+ },
+ "gaem1LHTtfQdnnqYi-sOm": {
+ "text": "billetera"
+ },
+ "gff2FqDlgXknRld7YMLWl": {
+ "text": "entero"
+ },
+ "gsU8pE9ozhR73xS2icwJ0": {
+ "text": "libro"
+ },
+ "gvPwrzDSSEPwcxY878T_c": {
+ "text": "gato"
+ },
+ "gzCjycNS8Cf0vNlo1klji": {
+ "text": "molesto"
+ },
+ "gzb-RNDLMNkgk9wnPILJi": {
+ "text": "abuela"
+ },
+ "hAZhogJSH3bL1iL237N8J": {
+ "text": "pochoclos"
+ },
+ "hDvpMlPw-chcuxEisBJTl": {
+ "text": "castañas"
+ },
+ "hKJhXxultsxm0TJl1P8-L": {
+ "text": "chau"
+ },
+ "hOyjT1JgOYB-mGLFMaNJR": {
+ "text": "dolor de pecho"
+ },
+ "hT3Lrjn5-q7YIM1loG4MN": {
+ "text": "parlante"
+ },
+ "hUYfE_vmNBT_7E60YZsSu": {
+ "text": "pintura"
+ },
+ "hWWOw1gWjWwN7wQJkHrTu": {
+ "text": "tour"
+ },
+ "hXgGhazQ_nA5uqpRD6Qwq": {
+ "text": "ganar"
+ },
+ "hmhAUgqvGp7nc1w25sRSx": {
+ "text": "esperar"
+ },
+ "hwzwfMyJsvB42F_QWQWyi": {
+ "text": "jugo de uva"
+ },
+ "hyUaYltGVJU-wRrAjhhPa": {
+ "text": "cantante"
+ },
+ "i0wB--S4sdL8Q4H9b93UY": {
+ "text": "ácido"
+ },
+ "i2mlV3zGS6nrH2l6N2BlZ": {
+ "text": "trompeta"
+ },
+ "iAqItRUQL_YpbMn2pgjsA": {
+ "text": "pizzería"
+ },
+ "ibtmTEP3QGDY8TyVLteuX": {
+ "text": "blando"
+ },
+ "ifd0M0pAlFm7aPt1A0ze_": {
+ "text": "amar"
+ },
+ "iiA1u1JKRmhe2jWVE_W79": {
+ "text": "amigos"
+ },
+ "iimGxVoFWlq_THThR3vmF": {
+ "text": "noticias"
+ },
+ "ijn-QwQuTxRFFVe-7WlSX": {
+ "text": "picazón"
+ },
+ "iowxE4MxcV6PR2Uhtvxqs": {
+ "text": "hospital"
+ },
+ "irbOv2dHA7G969dnJMfJn": {
+ "text": "cuaderno"
+ },
+ "islCzqFq1SYrZAh63dLhQ": {
+ "text": "huevo frito"
+ },
+ "j5xZZev5nTNa-p088Oqnp": {
+ "text": "besar"
+ },
+ "jBqD3qhhcrioLlCU-xq5b": {
+ "text": "instrumentos musicales"
+ },
+ "jOALQbfxdXmJVyY6P5gZG": {
+ "text": "damasco"
+ },
+ "jTEb3A5ZEKEy2ojuq2vO_": {
+ "text": "hueso"
+ },
+ "jeO9YZ22LfSObUNhQDRAz": {
+ "text": "ventana"
+ },
+ "jfly9fZ3x1da4SGCCNcV2": {
+ "text": "bufanda"
+ },
+ "jfvreGZv-e8rD4-01wZ5H": {
+ "text": "venda"
+ },
+ "jhJ2TOfdaRAcVeHGOjwua": {
+ "text": "leche"
+ },
+ "jmzg4EiC7JEHwe9gNP3C3": {
+ "text": "arroz"
+ },
+ "jpKPg3hn6_GO1HSkeLNGz": {
+ "text": "niña"
+ },
+ "jprAsdXWGQKPlUWwgBBot": {
+ "text": "película"
+ },
+ "jtKc2q2n5an342ZkiMB9R": {
+ "text": "higiene personal"
+ },
+ "k-iDOTk5uO7ZK5OB3v8It": {
+ "text": "viejo"
+ },
+ "k41gkf6A_bDtQAJDOrWpP": {
+ "text": "pasta de dientes"
+ },
+ "k7dZhQtwDPFlOk1iPjEOz": {
+ "text": "subir volumen"
+ },
+ "k8tJx6PikRcnVuZEqrXRM": {
+ "text": "viajar"
+ },
+ "k9ZpWM4oRb1q20c0qWCsg": {
+ "text": "abrigo"
+ },
+ "kDzHKO8eIwNsyKWDw7M0c": {
+ "text": "uva"
+ },
+ "kIn8SeGURyvu49EsRqDs7": {
+ "text": "pijama"
+ },
+ "kN85Lb_C4dLnww7sz1afK": {
+ "text": "café"
+ },
+ "kaiWPbXxjHXlqcpBaBp4l": {
+ "text": "viajar"
+ },
+ "khUUL_1JQGngApqBRDh_q": {
+ "text": "arreglado"
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- "relacion": [
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- "id": 377,
- "frec": 26
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- {
- "id": 643,
- "frec": 17
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- {
- "id": 628,
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- {
- "id": 632,
- "frec": 1
- },
- {
- "id": 388,
- "frec": 1
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- {
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- "frec": 3
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- {
- "id": 1,
- "texto": {
- "en": "escort",
- "fr": "escorte"
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- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
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- },
- {
- "id": 2,
- "texto": {
- "en": "turn off",
- "fr": "éteindre"
- },
- "tipo": 3,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/ottaaproject-flutter.appspot.com/o/Archivos%20Paises%2Ficonos%2Fic_apagar_television.webp?alt=media&token=d4967332-d189-4df5-ba33-ae4ccfc9b400"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 3,
- "texto": {
- "en": "turn the volume down",
- "fr": "baisser le volume"
- },
- "tipo": 3,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/ottaaproject-flutter.appspot.com/o/Archivos%20Paises%2Ficonos%2Fic_volumen_menos.webp?alt=media&token=a96a4d6a-55fc-4b35-87f3-6e5a995efabc"
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- "relacion": [],
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- {
- "id": 4,
- "texto": {
- "en": "erase",
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- "tipo": 3,
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- "relacion": [],
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- },
- {
- "id": 5,
- "texto": {
- "en": "search",
- "fr": "chercher"
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- },
- {
- "id": 6,
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- "en": "sing",
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- {
- "id": 7,
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- "en": "change",
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- {
- "id": 8,
- "texto": {
- "en": "change channel",
- "fr": "changer de chaîne"
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- {
- "id": 9,
- "texto": {
- "en": "change diapper",
- "fr": "changer diapper"
- },
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- },
- {
- "id": 10,
- "texto": {
- "en": "change clothes",
- "fr": "changer de vêtements"
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- "agenda": 0,
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- },
- {
- "id": 11,
- "texto": {
- "en": "brush my teeth",
- "fr": "brosser mes dents"
- },
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- },
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- },
- {
- "id": 12,
- "texto": {
- "en": "eat a sandwich",
- "fr": "manger un sandwich"
- },
- "tipo": 3,
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- {
- "id": 13,
- "texto": {
- "en": "buy",
- "fr": "acheter"
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- },
- {
- "id": 14,
- "texto": {
- "en": "give",
- "fr": "donner"
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- },
- {
- "id": 15,
- "texto": {
- "en": "draw",
- "fr": "dessiner"
- },
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- },
- {
- "id": 17,
- "texto": {
- "en": "turn on",
- "fr": "allumer"
- },
- "tipo": 3,
- "imagen": {
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- "relacion": [],
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- },
- {
- "id": 18,
- "texto": {
- "en": "write",
- "fr": "écrire"
- },
- "tipo": 3,
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 19,
- "texto": {
- "en": "listen again",
- "fr": "écoute encore"
- },
- "tipo": 3,
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- "relacion": [],
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- },
- {
- "id": 20,
- "texto": {
- "en": "listen to music",
- "fr": "écouter de la musique"
- },
- "tipo": 3,
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- "picto": "https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/ottaaproject-flutter.appspot.com/o/Archivos%20Paises%2Ficonos%2Fic_escuchar_musica.webp?alt=media&token=258720fc-5ba7-44e4-b03e-2b3575a56784"
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- },
- {
- "id": 21,
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- "en": "listen",
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- "relacion": [],
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- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 22,
- "texto": {
- "en": "be",
- "fr": "être"
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- "id": 133,
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- {
- "id": 205,
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- {
- "id": 204,
- "frec": 1
- },
- {
- "id": 181,
- "frec": 1
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- {
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- {
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- },
- {
- "id": 819,
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- {
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- {
- "id": 119,
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- },
- {
- "id": 23,
- "texto": {
- "en": "wait",
- "fr": "attendez"
- },
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- },
- {
- "id": 26,
- "texto": {
- "en": "win",
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- },
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- "relacion": [],
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- },
- {
- "id": 28,
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- "en": "do",
- "fr": "faire"
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- "picto": "https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/ottaaproject-flutter.appspot.com/o/Archivos%20Paises%2Ficonos%2Fic_haciendo.webp?alt=media&token=d3b4e1aa-97d0-41a3-aa83-aa8004ce75f2"
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- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
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- },
- {
- "id": 29,
- "texto": {
- "en": "pee",
- "fr": "pipi"
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- "relacion": [],
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- },
- {
- "id": 30,
- "texto": {
- "en": "go",
- "fr": "aller"
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- "relacion": [
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- "id": 653,
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- {
- "id": 118,
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- }
- ],
- "agenda": 0,
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- },
- {
- "id": 31,
- "texto": {
- "en": "wash hands",
- "fr": "laver les mains"
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- "picto": "https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/ottaaproject-flutter.appspot.com/o/Archivos%20Paises%2Ficonos%2Fic_lavamano.webp?alt=media&token=7c486791-926b-4813-8697-d96615f9a1c6"
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- "relacion": [],
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- },
- {
- "id": 32,
- "texto": {
- "en": "read",
- "fr": "lis"
- },
- "tipo": 3,
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
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- },
- {
- "id": 33,
- "texto": {
- "en": "call someone",
- "fr": "Appeler quelqu'un"
- },
- "tipo": 3,
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- "picto": "https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/ottaaproject-flutter.appspot.com/o/Archivos%20Paises%2Ficonos%2Fic_llamaralguien.webp?alt=media&token=1bc21620-5b70-467f-9680-9d18d15f30e5"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 34,
- "texto": {
- "en": "play",
- "fr": "jouer"
- },
- "tipo": 3,
- "imagen": {
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- },
- "relacion": [
- {
- "id": 996,
- "frec": 4
- },
- {
- "id": 761,
- "frec": 4
- },
- {
- "id": 848,
- "frec": 2
- }
- ],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 35,
- "texto": {
- "en": "look at the mirror",
- "fr": "regarder dans le miroir"
- },
- "tipo": 3,
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- "picto": "https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/ottaaproject-flutter.appspot.com/o/Archivos%20Paises%2Ficonos%2Fic_espejo.webp?alt=media&token=64b31994-8493-4f77-b978-dff642f1e685"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 38,
- "texto": {
- "en": "take a walk",
- "fr": "faire une promenade"
- },
- "tipo": 3,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/ottaaproject-flutter.appspot.com/o/Archivos%20Paises%2Ficonos%2Fic_pasear.webp?alt=media&token=8ce622f4-a514-462a-bdb1-792e0c85863b"
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- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 39,
- "texto": {
- "en": "comb",
- "fr": "peigne"
- },
- "tipo": 3,
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- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 41,
- "texto": {
- "en": "lose",
- "fr": "perdre"
- },
- "tipo": 3,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/ottaaproject-flutter.appspot.com/o/Archivos%20Paises%2Ficonos%2Fic_perder.webp?alt=media&token=6262e1ba-75d3-4a44-b365-8ed676102c8e"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 43,
- "texto": {
- "en": "paint",
- "fr": "peindre"
- },
- "tipo": 3,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/ottaaproject-flutter.appspot.com/o/Archivos%20Paises%2Ficonos%2Fic_pintar.webp?alt=media&token=5dd94837-f3fb-4f86-a82d-03cc7dff54bf"
- },
- "relacion": [],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 44,
- "texto": {
- "en": "want",
- "fr": "vouloir"
- },
- "tipo": 3,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/ottaaproject-flutter.appspot.com/o/Archivos%20Paises%2Ficonos%2Fic_quiero.webp?alt=media&token=0012395e-71a4-453f-aafb-d58c0ebf70b6"
- },
- "relacion": [
- {
- "id": 118,
- "frec": 3
- },
- {
- "id": 34,
- "frec": 7
- },
- {
- "id": 29,
- "frec": 2
- },
- {
- "id": 11,
- "frec": 1
- },
- {
- "id": 31,
- "frec": 2
- },
- {
- "id": 39,
- "frec": 3
- },
- {
- "id": 10,
- "frec": 1
- },
- {
- "id": 35,
- "frec": 2
- },
- {
- "id": 5,
- "frec": 2
- },
- {
- "id": 30,
- "frec": 2
- }
- ],
- "agenda": 0,
- "gps": 0
- },
- {
- "id": 49,
- "texto": {
- "en": "have",
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- "tipo": 3,
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- },
- "relacion": [
- {
- "id": 177,
- "frec": 1
- },
- {
- "id": 597,
- "frec": 3
- }
- ],
- "agenda": 0,
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- },
- {
- "id": 51,
- "texto": {
- "en": "drink",
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- },
- "tipo": 3,
- "imagen": {
- "picto": "https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/ottaaproject-flutter.appspot.com/o/Archivos%20Paises%2Ficonos%2Fbeber.webp?alt=media&token=95642655-8bd4-47d7-8222-0244e7491598"
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- "id": 52,
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- "id": 53,
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- "id": 54,
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- "id": 57,
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- "id": 61,
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- "en": "get down",
- "fr": "descendre"
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- "id": 65,
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- "id": 68,
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- "en": "close",
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- "id": 71,
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- "id": 76,
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- "id": 78,
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- "id": 79,
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- "id": 81,
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- "en": "investigate",
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- "id": 82,
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- "en": "play with the tablet",
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- "id": 85,
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- "id": 86,
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- "id": 87,
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- "en": "take a walk",
- "fr": "faire une promenade"
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- "id": 88,
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- "en": "beat legs",
- "fr": "battre les jambes"
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- "id": 90,
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- {
- "id": 92,
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- "id": 93,
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- "id": 94,
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- "id": 97,
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- "en": "take out",
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- "id": 98,
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- "id": 100,
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- {
- "id": 101,
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- {
- "id": 103,
- "texto": {
- "en": "blow your nose",
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- "id": 104,
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- "id": 107,
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- "fr": "Voyage"
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- {
- "id": 108,
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- "en": "travel by car",
- "fr": "Voyage en voiture"
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- "id": 112,
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- "id": 113,
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- {
- "id": 116,
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- "id": 117,
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- {
- "id": 118,
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- {
- "id": 504,
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- {
- "id": 494,
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- {
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- {
- "id": 119,
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- {
- "id": 121,
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- {
- "id": 122,
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- {
- "id": 123,
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- "id": 415,
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- "id": 420,
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- "id": 421,
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- "id": 424,
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- "id": 426,
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- "id": 435,
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- "id": 438,
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- "id": 447,
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- "id": 449,
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- "id": 462,
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- "id": 469,
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- "id": 474,
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- "id": 476,
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- "id": 477,
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- "id": 478,
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- "id": 480,
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- "id": 482,
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- "id": 484,
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- {
- "id": 485,
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- "id": 486,
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- "id": 489,
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+ "8MV4ZFthtUeoxLAIbqGTc": {
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+ },
+ "8cOIYr-hcK54qWpuT-41e": {
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+ },
+ "8fGingRAd8idw4qcxyZ-Q": {
+ "text": "vergüenza"
+ },
+ "8iFdjRTQU7ONGnigRTlm8": {
+ "text": "¿cuánto sale?"
+ },
+ "8vR0HYniXtrrQqqSIN_JQ": {
+ "text": "familia"
+ },
+ "904w9Je6oDwGXUCIcrUZX": {
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+ },
+ "93YmZA7VfAT7TTNTsDE1W": {
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+ },
+ "93hsW10TmX3Vcq_4IvcZ0": {
+ "text": "blanco"
+ },
+ "93tHieC_CgZqN998y5gAv": {
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+ },
+ "97nIv-aoc51T8kKTZV5cM": {
+ "text": "saliva"
+ },
+ "9EqfwMNtATh1fwMhyn_B1": {
+ "text": "buena"
+ },
+ "9FiWvg197C-Riid-DVysN": {
+ "text": "claro"
+ },
+ "9GqE148SFZqMIft4evAk2": {
+ "text": "comer"
+ },
+ "9MzeUcz1nRqleTkmS_-g2": {
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+ },
+ "9QyJdpUn0f6g7FxWs5qpO": {
+ "text": "cortar"
+ },
+ "9U8MzceIsqKhG86oNx9zV": {
+ "text": "coche"
+ },
+ "9UwpyOnOBoqr4mX3Juqm2": {
+ "text": "buenas tardes"
+ },
+ "9ZnzbKMDwGEwC3hXOhXFe": {
+ "text": "pastillas"
+ },
+ "9dvSIpeXa2_12Jip6noJP": {
+ "text": "deportista"
+ },
+ "9kgRI3KlOIVSuylKffW9g": {
+ "text": "colores"
+ },
+ "9lS0mNuKIS0olyDwoIJBR": {
+ "text": "médico"
+ },
+ "9mLx-YMK81AflitELQFqk": {
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+ },
+ "9s5zV3_oGyDx_NEvsKCxX": {
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+ },
+ "9wE9Py6ztyqDrtaypsltA": {
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+ },
+ "AOp6VGyjYIV0Ym9d0basJ": {
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+ },
+ "APXF-lEplPOloppSeIjAY": {
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+ },
+ "AQKGKdoX5CYycZ2YqBZVW": {
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+ },
+ "AT_rDWsr6xRBgrvgw9Zih": {
+ "text": "nueve"
+ },
+ "AWJXh6URGN0Vwm66i6IvL": {
+ "text": "hola"
+ },
+ "AeFbJQ0M9uTObAlKEX3zr": {
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+ },
+ "Akf0xlH8UJdXn8BJzPV2A": {
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+ },
+ "B1845IfYfPMz2FWpVFIQv": {
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+ },
+ "BKmATW2uBk4pxnmOaARyq": {
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+ },
+ "BNjZz9MGLJEKZ4CZoTs2M": {
+ "text": "ajedrez"
+ },
+ "BQhqx1PuF94jwT0ySTlbJ": {
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+ },
+ "BQm-YCPc0lfD1-mhecCTL": {
+ "text": "yo"
+ },
+ "Bebnh8-UWwtYLnK6p3fKi": {
+ "text": "pan negro"
+ },
+ "BjqWZnzLlxdOo4KEzZ46j": {
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+ },
+ "BqS7d4PMhGRqPYlZQzUbR": {
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+ },
+ "Bub9ZYygLcly15D7_wYks": {
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+ },
+ "ByrvXHEN9Mb8D--7MQAjM": {
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+ },
+ "C12mJ1W11fODI3pv1QOnx": {
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+ },
+ "C29KJ8BTFavhj_R9UfnSv": {
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+ },
+ "C2bgADoxmINRnAiYxZHqd": {
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+ },
+ "CBTemIvgIN1UAtftkc3sz": {
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+ },
+ "CCWCtXdMuQBJRmaFOAlfQ": {
+ "text": "navidad"
+ },
+ "CY-IQvUehkaiGFCdKf9bf": {
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+ },
+ "CYH_6DL9q1iLLetuWeR9A": {
+ "text": "tener"
+ },
+ "CZrETqLgQlvDkLHvw1t_w": {
+ "text": "a"
+ },
+ "C_JKGNCxOI5x_f2C4qAyZ": {
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+ },
+ "CbO32RkDdf9aCucv6BnGS": {
+ "text": "cabra"
+ },
+ "ChBc7LjL8dgzZ6LUCAHGh": {
+ "text": "por favor"
+ },
+ "CkTiaqBY3jf86JRq636lt": {
+ "text": "¿cuál?"
+ },
+ "CsKZSNiJw5Q48b26Kskf-": {
+ "text": "heroe"
+ },
+ "CxFmyJYmy6gMRqP9U0cBP": {
+ "text": "estoy perdido"
+ },
+ "CyKtU9yC0Jy7Ypb4WFp6w": {
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+ },
+ "D1gCni2jXpCvKZe4qCtQN": {
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+ },
+ "D2tSkngqbQmdKLNhn9xWV": {
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+ },
+ "D7dt_hFX5DScV_ssm1nKz": {
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+ },
+ "D85FU-Wqr2u53tfTXAtHo": {
+ "text": "patalear"
+ },
+ "DAq2J_xXHsSCSNPp9qVsk": {
+ "text": "oler"
+ },
+ "DBd09yUlbkaYLsemjFXEs": {
+ "text": "helado"
+ },
+ "DG1RiDjDfwWRhpAiIpPqA": {
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+ },
+ "DSgrhLHauub-gBqMGwacO": {
+ "text": "asustado"
+ },
+ "DXb0FpjVM9q8LVl9vvSHn": {
+ "text": "clases"
+ },
+ "DXpjgLKTdx9eLLohVdmWM": {
+ "text": "verdulería"
+ },
+ "D_4Weq7iyi7GMEsgP0xy6": {
+ "text": "té"
+ },
+ "Djs1QsLNf8Q5LBIFV5zNC": {
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+ },
+ "DkeHJFtqAS005fYUrl1Xz": {
+ "text": "pantalon"
+ },
+ "Dm3yiKSB134LrjtW_KrO7": {
+ "text": "buen día"
+ },
+ "DqGa4gqd2ABDi45BT43x4": {
+ "text": "princesa"
+ },
+ "Dv9MSCRYbR4Q3K114wXki": {
+ "text": "alto"
+ },
+ "E-vUPARie8MmfgZwv3Omr": {
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+ },
+ "EM8VyonJ7WNdvmRyE3nhZ": {
+ "text": "lento"
+ },
+ "EO4O-s7oafi6QJdxTFNkd": {
+ "text": "anticongestivo"
+ },
+ "ETZNYbrG5wveDl6c9k2_k": {
+ "text": "codo"
+ },
+ "EUsNyf5bDdSLqvZKH1Ltx": {
+ "text": "no entiendo"
+ },
+ "EVmt43vDI3NHFfbbkqokF": {
+ "text": "pizza"
+ },
+ "Erg6LuA8IOQ5V8RTP3pPi": {
+ "text": "abeja"
+ },
+ "F4cGnA_QHsVKTjUE6MAu9": {
+ "text": "mameluco"
+ },
+ "F7kJ8VM31BWB4K4T4USzs": {
+ "text": "maltrato físico"
+ },
+ "F8roVYxKZi88UUGfOvTwl": {
+ "text": "maestra"
+ },
+ "F90bXbc0tz9nuzTT7SgqV": {
+ "text": "cuatro"
+ },
+ "FBPIabyaoCK-Y0BziQdji": {
+ "text": "dolor de panza"
+ },
+ "FBTheEQmZZfJRiYjd_Np_": {
+ "text": "interpretar"
+ },
+ "FO77qpzyz28knodNtILCA": {
+ "text": "tirar la cadena"
+ },
+ "FTngK946O8S8bYc0g7vM2": {
+ "text": "mamá"
+ },
+ "FaVvbVzZivuxTwxJTPubK": {
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+ },
+ "FfNU04I4mZ54gWcBXqo2c": {
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+ },
+ "FgTird367surh-vxXyAK6": {
+ "text": "ticket"
+ },
+ "FkC5DtSV81OvFMU99qZGg": {
+ "text": "pelota"
+ },
+ "FnCBoLSE19WsbUypUKvFc": {
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+ },
+ "Fogupb264IyCtbZ-Q2D6w": {
+ "text": "borracho"
+ },
+ "Fvm2C5NBq01tm0QK9d9QM": {
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+ },
+ "G09TvOzDSG5m3hTQD9Tej": {
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+ },
+ "G2i9LSK4A19237Zp1vXqF": {
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+ },
+ "G6KKVMvPDnjdD9TfBd-B9": {
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+ },
+ "GAxX7EIz1TTLtMX08RRGr": {
+ "text": "hamburguesería"
+ },
+ "GJlUSznzEHCgoAOrVrkp9": {
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+ },
+ "GSEumxiyeVKRRiaY_c8HW": {
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+ },
+ "GY_flM-6uR6X3L4AwsiwU": {
+ "text": "para"
+ },
+ "G_CRpzxWO5XdEMh01O1eJ": {
+ "text": "aunque"
+ },
+ "Gj7THa6XFHDfYL5H19lwj": {
+ "text": "mañana"
+ },
+ "Gm_qAGnL4OawmlYmTs7K5": {
+ "text": "no veo"
+ },
+ "GoJuWnn72TCXONXKtYHMm": {
+ "text": "tren"
+ },
+ "Gvmy--9DiUn_tkQYWeWhA": {
+ "text": "canelones"
+ },
+ "GxrDtsdGcLepdsQr6V9DT": {
+ "text": "verde"
+ },
+ "H2zMVtjvqi7aUtCypiVKr": {
+ "text": "sentar"
+ },
+ "H8Bsrr2NK9Q3WGbEp8PMe": {
+ "text": "plateado"
+ },
+ "H9SWPnWbR8qcZA-iu5Mz0": {
+ "text": "dolor de Oido"
+ },
+ "HBZNu6m3FELU9eg3OeLdx": {
+ "text": "cortina"
+ },
+ "text": "golpe"
+ },
+ "HMPabuHqgtyiCmTLzg-rM": {
+ "text": "entrar"
+ },
+ "HQiQh4PPBvO1n-d7JGVj8": {
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+ },
+ "HTBNWax6FCSGXuboGsVUW": {
+ "text": "salado"
+ },
+ "HnuZA0UTlnuIfFAN7saxl": {
+ "text": "conejo"
+ },
+ "Hvb4JdDHX_vNMck_US2UN": {
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+ },
+ "I5AJgba5GTdEjdpFB-LBf": {
+ "text": "chocolatada"
+ },
+ "IAdQsjTsbBUAMjlwW34cw": {
+ "text": "me encantaría"
+ },
+ "IEeIvawUD2GIAr1Wypr9i": {
+ "text": "personas"
+ },
+ "IF3R7tLVAkd4RbL8R07K9": {
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+ },
+ "IM8OUKCzHwnjAQWPFgnn6": {
+ "text": "lejos"
+ },
+ "INxOSvKbBNOXwruIpuNho": {
+ "text": "ombligo"
+ },
+ "IO8uTb1K7ElENgp2ujZoK": {
+ "text": "robusto"
+ },
+ "IXRWmFmtqfnHQRcBf1Idl": {
+ "text": "paloma"
+ },
+ "IZbfYRzu2cxxDWdbmQeqw": {
+ "text": "cabeza"
+ },
+ "Ig1oypuwndODbmKh_NEXs": {
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+ },
+ "IsWUeiPnDEnzxePKclBNp": {
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+ },
+ "J3qQMp0OMr5LC9ebfArxH": {
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+ },
+ "J3rDL96c2zfBQzP45VRCp": {
+ "text": "limón"
+ },
+ "J4UUPR-WP0qo1y14bUVI-": {
+ "text": "veterinario"
+ },
+ "J7MmgugOu20UtMcMPj59r": {
+ "text": "canción"
+ },
+ "J7wLwBLVx4UANh_x5HdXd": {
+ "text": "según"
+ },
+ "JB9SIxWzxWFjrbmMuksrY": {
+ "text": "reir"
+ },
+ "JBIehRNmDbK2ALcRN0u9i": {
+ "text": "gallo"
+ },
+ "JBKQaBezKuSDaMsnbJMTB": {
+ "text": "bar"
+ },
+ "JBU2hMw9gbIy9-wGF4mjD": {
+ "text": "pizarrón"
+ },
+ "JDbBWMB5No0pK6HvntLt4": {
+ "text": "lavarme las manos"
+ },
+ "JEDIYq1BDA23ac9TNhON-": {
+ "text": "ayuda"
+ },
+ "JFldbhjqxK3fD6D2K4HY4": {
+ "text": "papá"
+ },
+ "JGm4BL7HAfuxX_PGe6Jzk": {
+ "text": "presente"
+ },
+ "JQOpcZSCPGMOWZsN8w_yb": {
+ "text": "¿qué hora es?"
+ },
+ "JSFuEHlP-CFvuqvFKMumC": {
+ "text": "autos de juguete"
+ },
+ "JVtu9W3AumOwjUedwhUGE": {
+ "text": "rehabilitación"
+ },
+ "JZRBfIXBkeuobtDXbLt5t": {
+ "text": "adiós"
+ },
+ "JawnUo-pseWb3FDVMtxrQ": {
+ "text": "yogur"
+ },
+ "JblWXW8TKDCuYu2yTnFBA": {
+ "text": "mesa"
+ },
+ "Ji5OVFX-uNDewL8eX8Cin": {
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+ },
+ "Jjq8CM8JrYHIMziuQy-WN": {
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+ },
+ "JziaulL-lrAPGNVvwBPK9": {
+ "text": "verano"
+ },
+ "K382TlNZjdMLLpAhCCXLG": {
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+ },
+ "K6hd20tWZfwwlYYi7jctt": {
+ "text": "rica"
+ },
+ "K8cMIDL0ubQvWhhDtr65F": {
+ "text": "llorar"
+ },
+ "K8e2-KkvZfFOQaXnhR37x": {
+ "text": "cansado"
+ },
+ "KC18_sTEqKucPQ-iwEKYY": {
+ "text": "lapiz"
+ },
+ "KK_i8H9qTfDVYZkQGwd2v": {
+ "text": "apagar"
+ },
+ "KNH4sLRpVKtHXQa-0y84K": {
+ "text": "nervioso"
+ },
+ "KWYVDZiERE8jtRsL0faHH": {
+ "text": "nadar"
+ },
+ "KXHW4m6vXxQU-AEOR4pZ4": {
+ "text": "balón de fútbol"
+ },
+ "Khdk8mWpyxgLqfC-6lyT9": {
+ "text": "burro"
+ },
+ "KhyTKtiL4ZT4Z1saU1eJh": {
+ "text": "escuchar música"
+ },
+ "Kn9vE07FK1LrzoD_YxrJD": {
+ "text": "subte"
+ },
+ "KpLFOrpuhFKaIbBbFwVVu": {
+ "text": "mariposa"
+ },
+ "KrOPANVpdkBWdEZoUwxKf": {
+ "text": "grave"
+ },
+ "KvY6Taigm4Va_cVjXAfGR": {
+ "text": "corto"
+ },
+ "L0hfYADgzghRVsZLZHRxE": {
+ "text": "bailarín"
+ },
+ "L19r487_d3RqWXiNuh3gE": {
+ "text": "¿qué color es?"
+ },
+ "L6YLAEsbYcTq-ycQJTvt4": {
+ "text": "pollo"
+ },
+ "LAuEISciEf1Wc1j4fERz8": {
+ "text": "año nuevo"
+ },
+ "LDoi3cxodn_AVKSG-Bf_1": {
+ "text": "ojos"
+ },
+ "LEVKlDlJ0wHo5QEjCNAGa": {
+ "text": "pegamento"
+ },
+ "LEg8z-Q-ONLAAXd-aH_Hb": {
+ "text": "bajo"
+ },
+ "LNBTW0qQtHYQEHatkWGtc": {
+ "text": "mercado"
+ },
+ "LRIKzfm9ZsdNe1u7CUuW_": {
+ "text": "¿cuántos?"
+ },
+ "LRfh-4RAZTj7cnnDwBmqj": {
+ "text": "flotador"
+ },
+ "LU7IoUksATEBhd8PaHS1R": {
+ "text": "sacar"
+ },
+ "LaKT8VTw0_6rvordp5-R8": {
+ "text": "rosa"
+ },
+ "LiBr37yi-YBgQDx4unjyc": {
+ "text": "dá"
+ },
+ "LjTGOcyG7DkTs1lJqNr8w": {
+ "text": "cabellera"
+ },
+ "LksmOMPPOMArbrFsscqOW": {
+ "text": "música"
+ },
+ "LmGq1AZs2a0x26r7E9GUj": {
+ "text": "maestro"
+ },
+ "LngEMJa_ihV8mB7afZX-h": {
+ "text": "ellas"
+ },
+ "LrDai7jXlGAdZ3e8ZQezj": {
+ "text": "hacer pis"
+ },
+ "M5q2CXmK0_WVaVUB_HJB3": {
+ "text": "caliente"
+ },
+ "MEqo2TROHyroK318sm84f": {
+ "text": "pasta"
+ },
+ "MKR-ukiUlJy4uuqO30UU6": {
+ "text": "maltrato verbal"
+ },
+ "MMzjhHID8HMqyPjii5o-h": {
+ "text": "cocina"
+ },
+ "MNCcHiImRS8tmvhBhzCKj": {
+ "text": "ensalada"
+ },
+ "MQHnvvU48NnEptP8a9w8C": {
+ "text": "no me gusta"
+ },
+ "MWIzTM6zhTWL1V-brLtBx": {
+ "text": "cómodo"
+ },
+ "MYqfOzKx2qMHop8GaHs0I": {
+ "text": "verde Claro"
+ },
+ "MiOe5_Djf-pE9V9aDZ_1G": {
+ "text": "ananá"
+ },
+ "MqQgYn5B0uV-DMORCBOmV": {
+ "text": "triste"
+ },
+ "Mw6WRebMAKWwXfAvDA7vu": {
+ "text": "tener calor"
+ },
+ "N2baGNTOapSaFDo1GURiW": {
+ "text": "no escucho"
+ },
+ "N7n4zQIkJZOhaYESk2GgH": {
+ "text": "caer"
+ },
+ "NFdUTit6Ff-4S7Nzf92U5": {
+ "text": "estreñimiento"
+ },
+ "NFgGqhEtl0HqipCGGEvwU": {
+ "text": "peinarme"
+ },
+ "NKQwWPAsVHwFBWuksqfns": {
+ "text": "ducha"
+ },
+ "NLi5ODIzyMAwr2HpDXACp": {
+ "text": "nariz"
+ },
+ "NQayjogCYiimP_0OxIfFj": {
+ "text": "zapatos"
+ },
+ "NVe4u7BTAVfLk3xkDqLnZ": {
+ "text": "horno"
+ },
+ "NVjfEut567uXpTaQUNI2i": {
+ "text": "campera"
+ },
+ "N_893wsadpGg3Ip5sEThe": {
+ "text": "azul"
+ },
+ "NaJxTPq9Ld8I4fwAltyEC": {
+ "text": "maiz"
+ },
+ "NjulpZ9x63ZqxtLMoRjkx": {
+ "text": "prender la luz"
+ },
+ "Njz8DrErsexBu8mAI6mnr": {
+ "text": "pescado"
+ },
+ "NmNouLLx13jzE27jliI_v": {
+ "text": "diente"
+ },
+ "NuhUikdCxP0NgsbO0wvAU": {
+ "text": "cola"
+ },
+ "O-CLnVuXAUapOn6TbdhKx": {
+ "text": "querer"
+ },
+ "O450x4W3OOacvJIy4QicJ": {
+ "text": "verduras"
+ },
+ "OHyrmD5US1rHEAEwLQaII": {
+ "text": "animales"
+ },
+ "OKXIGnLh-i1ydTNj450Q8": {
+ "text": "reina"
+ },
+ "OUcfOOReAfQroBKlBdDb-": {
+ "text": "solución salina"
+ },
+ "OWLDc7Hn3neBAf_V_N27n": {
+ "text": "abrochar"
+ },
+ "O_ZfCPZSxGMPT6orCt-O6": {
+ "text": "chancho"
+ },
+ "OblxxVFC-LKPq-8oC9FpE": {
+ "text": "sentimientos"
+ },
+ "OdCdTUAlbN6kvsPjby_Bi": {
+ "text": "deportes"
+ },
+ "OeA63q6LpqGvXW-cJXEym": {
+ "text": "jamón"
+ },
+ "OeytAsSiEAWC10tXhxbTa": {
+ "text": "personajes"
+ },
+ "OhrHu-xLo8hcn5plWfoX4": {
+ "text": "caro"
+ },
+ "Om1Bvqu8nmGuNGwV8hndM": {
+ "text": "bajo"
+ },
+ "OvyFC1GHkvJZ0dAAF1QkY": {
+ "text": "él"
+ },
+ "OwHzJdOQTFOA8daCVRwm6": {
+ "text": "pincel"
+ },
+ "P5zdq4x58yp5TA_soKQEJ": {
+ "text": "bicicleta"
+ },
+ "PAlC0XSZNru3-LXtfvGjo": {
+ "text": "hacer el amor"
+ },
+ "PBqpK7LL1HQPwowPitrss": {
+ "text": "leer"
+ },
+ "PFAi3SdvH9vL7_Bg3MhCA": {
+ "text": "semáforo"
+ },
+ "PIBHv5VueBi-sf5qFCN_Y": {
+ "text": "ante"
+ },
+ "PIPQnVS2UiS7kGbucJP8l": {
+ "text": "curar"
+ },
+ "PLXxIPYyztaztLf4sPCst": {
+ "text": "garganta"
+ },
+ "PbtM3htZocZb8YifuPoY5": {
+ "text": "cangrejo"
+ },
+ "PfNLmlHKFT9d1w6IgeXbU": {
+ "text": "control remoto"
+ },
+ "Pl-M4bc6k2rdhu6FHEbkA": {
+ "text": "patio"
+ },
+ "PogTYrGfa2WNfBRuA8O4e": {
+ "text": "malo"
+ },
+ "PszHdOxMsS_tAzSrN52Wa": {
+ "text": "plastilina"
+ },
+ "Pw3GgPwp7fpDVC6wJjgPn": {
+ "text": "subir"
+ },
+ "Q6LQqdLcvNOiCFjC0DVo2": {
+ "text": "tambor"
+ },
+ "Q6nNH4AIoSeDHODC_Ip8O": {
+ "text": "vecino"
+ },
+ "Q9Ra0aJaQnOJQ1Kqdc43-": {
+ "text": "bebé"
+ },
+ "QCQRmsQY6AggjreY9Z0MF": {
+ "text": "rechazar"
+ },
+ "QGf1Tb1roL7HAXUSrRqRJ": {
+ "text": "naranja"
+ },
+ "QJhkOh48xapiTObEDQLB9": {
+ "text": "piano"
+ },
+ "QTkFHWp9KEDgfCjoQjBY2": {
+ "text": "plurales"
+ },
+ "QUTQLuD2Gv7fHh0V_O5tg": {
+ "text": "avergonzado"
+ },
+ "QVqSPPgA89whFTJ0HTphK": {
+ "text": "abrir"
+ },
+ "QZNQOaf0SdHDbx1otCmrH": {
+ "text": "niño"
+ },
+ "QcGJ9u_JqmrW0X47PXWH4": {
+ "text": "despeinada"
+ },
+ "QclUM2p3iexSjFZI8OU4-": {
+ "text": "fiebre"
+ },
+ "QeqA20MCXB-zNfuKIssMY": {
+ "text": "lata de atún"
+ },
+ "QllvOUe8utZrcBRGw_0vc": {
+ "text": "curita"
+ },
+ "QnlQ1HOEB9yNjuW3Dd6fc": {
+ "text": "celebración"
+ },
+ "Qo3Qn_nMe3E6EqNw0UdNZ": {
+ "text": "soleado"
+ },
+ "QohNih4wgqjnpWt3kSwtd": {
+ "text": "entrenador"
+ },
+ "QvaMxPy-3iixHAJFyIrN-": {
+ "text": "sandwich"
+ },
+ "R06chAQYswLtQK46OInW7": {
+ "text": "leche con galletas"
+ },
+ "R9ECa_HQRtpFrb59ebMTQ": {
+ "text": "escuela"
+ },
+ "RBCjBvNXQSZOOpg-5lBlK": {
+ "text": "bueno"
+ },
+ "RZfMOtjw0DoGHWaRfCEc4": {
+ "text": "pantalón"
+ },
+ "Ra2rxEEohwxRqDsW2AT3C": {
+ "text": "videojuegos"
+ },
+ "RbZetbSC5064rZccOFD1D": {
+ "text": "televisión"
+ },
+ "RkpoG4KB8m_TJFJf2v3EG": {
+ "text": "cambiar de canal"
+ },
+ "RwlZ1jr2Ix3evzrW71lN0": {
+ "text": "manzana"
+ },
+ "S3um53pcko7_BPHy7R6FL": {
+ "text": "nosotros"
+ },
+ "SE-71I_ahm3oKROReyJHE": {
+ "text": "hacer caca"
+ },
+ "SOyGnJXLPeVRoZy3vBgpK": {
+ "text": "examen"
+ },
+ "SXz8iA1Qn_BlgLTAG6Epl": {
+ "text": "cena"
+ },
+ "SiOmZdwX8Hf2nE2v6HfCp": {
+ "text": "zapato"
+ },
+ "Sp2Ias_Y1HplkHWjIb7Mp": {
+ "text": "sin"
+ },
+ "TAbuXSnSHU6C3CQ4kbKVh": {
+ "text": "triángulo"
+ },
+ "TBV2BhoZVgl1jMV_jWZYi": {
+ "text": "derecha"
+ },
+ "TIgoS-YONIwzbrImXetaD": {
+ "text": "ciruela"
+ },
+ "TIsM6aTTZ9W8j6UhW9Qqj": {
+ "text": "coro"
+ },
+ "TLxsYdrBdHgFZkNJtVTmK": {
+ "text": "tortuga"
+ },
+ "TP-gGRcpcFyx1SrNRsdRV": {
+ "text": "perdón"
+ },
+ "TR5CXN8-pfbWkshdxSBSV": {
+ "text": "oveja"
+ },
+ "TS9z8ZmMEwn0MGSfr9amH": {
+ "text": "palta"
+ },
+ "TZF-7m8VKZ7IL6pyv0Daf": {
+ "text": "cepillarme los dientes"
+ },
+ "T_Q5c4XAfkhkclmnCGHo5": {
+ "text": "hasta"
+ },
+ "Td5pgVQDTFOftUgOJ-bD-": {
+ "text": "picante"
+ },
+ "Te_jJfeU8Xwa9St2RihBq": {
+ "text": "sangre"
+ },
+ "ThqkHs4az5tgLqLcfFPaZ": {
+ "text": "largo"
+ },
+ "TpPNZLsh5jrN9RdPFwmA7": {
+ "text": "¡genial!"
+ },
+ "Tpj-Fs8LQ566TM0bYlZ6H": {
+ "text": "viernes"
+ },
+ "TuAjBKPp3-PSdQuooSWZi": {
+ "text": "rana"
+ },
+ "TyqVzfOniQNa9WKQRXqr-": {
+ "text": "hermana"
+ },
+ "U1KQsrvTa2E00-ugc-Iy6": {
+ "text": "ausente"
+ },
+ "U6PoeH-cMdO3ttnLkN7_3": {
+ "text": "cabalgar"
+ },
+ "U7GiGcYacowWi4MWrCYyj": {
+ "text": "antiinflamatorio"
+ },
+ "UQ-5wOfR0tDzljoDjj2xU": {
+ "text": "otoño"
+ },
+ "UQ5B5K-tpk1XmQC1B9TjQ": {
+ "text": "no"
+ },
+ "US8_vYTnDfxBw2Ung_J38": {
+ "text": "partes íntimas"
+ },
+ "UVzdJiqY36fqgBYyz880c": {
+ "text": "jamón crudo"
+ },
+ "UXJDiwb3j_zyfGa26ByJL": {
+ "text": "pecho"
+ },
+ "Ubaq6h7wasdP_YRombm2c": {
+ "text": "azúcar"
+ },
+ "Ugs9V9c2c5iHrVC6p17zr": {
+ "text": "analgésico"
+ },
+ "Uk1Emn5IovsTfFzpQX5Jw": {
+ "text": "sosten"
+ },
+ "UkLF5sKtVKW0D8RzVCoue": {
+ "text": "bombero"
+ },
+ "UnQJwWfWCe40DJYR1Er0o": {
+ "text": "dolor"
+ },
+ "UssSOEEKutvzB_B4fAQE-": {
+ "text": "escuchar de nuevo"
+ },
+ "Ust3oadA0PUGViYo28Mf3": {
+ "text": "caminar"
+ },
+ "UvRS0KmtZn3dq7e8L5RcE": {
+ "text": "enojado"
+ },
+ "UwvZVcX_CAQFrI6U4LsNT": {
+ "text": "huevo"
+ },
+ "VJ9AU_y7CqsONR6TvhdLh": {
+ "text": "¿dónde es?"
+ },
+ "VKrLGgYjc-nLPGsyESDgb": {
+ "text": "canario"
+ },
+ "VL4pd0vnJ-CNfMg9bCNed": {
+ "text": "aspirina"
+ },
+ "VUJ-zrdsyL9MOuFbdMCAx": {
+ "text": "mareo"
+ },
+ "Vioyf8EXJfY5t34NnN0WO": {
+ "text": "tablet"
+ },
+ "Vjlet5P7XuqTrc22nt_Zz": {
+ "text": "agua"
+ },
+ "Vmnu5eormo-_TOCgF4YzG": {
+ "text": "jarabe para la tos"
+ },
+ "VoZumy5GtnRdqSOmXAw7j": {
+ "text": "preparado"
+ },
+ "VrC7AnovfA7VzmYESVc8L": {
+ "text": "conversar"
+ },
+ "VwZ4EKSggYWxlnAbp-pNB": {
+ "text": "enfermo"
+ },
+ "Vzov0z9acB-I1_W_CcFcY": {
+ "text": "rojo"
+ },
+ "WDUIQV43zghFQq_rSk1Z4": {
+ "text": "churrasco"
+ },
+ "WL3ZN-W_zgnuTJpuqz0YQ": {
+ "text": "príncipe"
+ },
+ "WNhpmD_XlTaNEBo7GsFXu": {
+ "text": "diarrea"
+ },
+ "WQ0CNIQ_gjaCxg4tEIsOo": {
+ "text": "clavado"
+ },
+ "WRzleD-mI84LaimFH8h6P": {
+ "text": "escuchar"
+ },
+ "WUt3I-NkdbqlSVcwuLfFx": {
+ "text": "patines"
+ },
+ "WWK2v56LM-zWqujabk9bM": {
+ "text": "plástica"
+ },
+ "W_f7h3qOLl2uEd_OYpMfQ": {
+ "text": "policía"
+ },
+ "WasZ5bKZZy5Jt4Y-JipxS": {
+ "text": "bikini"
+ },
+ "Wgh5iCzUmx4Je-B85-pra": {
+ "text": "heladera"
+ },
+ "WjXQhSFPpz42ZUyHvurYG": {
+ "text": "grillo"
+ },
+ "WtYSntcy2CijEORmROeaj": {
+ "text": "un cuarto"
+ },
+ "Wu47Qs6Zupu1Ox2gUhkxn": {
+ "text": "cuarto"
+ },
+ "Wva5W8GA0dHzyt2_0FPdm": {
+ "text": "hermano"
+ },
+ "X0-Tf-KR24qEkpGDzG2Z-": {
+ "text": "ayer"
+ },
+ "X3u4pXTWKcGc43lOkgSBt": {
+ "text": "cumplimiento"
+ },
+ "XA952Z60D0-cesNCVA-OX": {
+ "text": "chau"
+ },
+ "XC5fIljJ819OYpllYTjpE": {
+ "text": "jirafa"
+ },
+ "XN0nzhQyHVOhuYuNqrp8g": {
+ "text": "durazno"
+ },
+ "XOoGN6huCjVHxH8hRFAw1": {
+ "text": "blanca"
+ },
+ "XY6ZCNzeJIEzLtWJcufJm": {
+ "text": "camiseta manga larga"
+ },
+ "XYY8SV1IAMHjdGjMZxbdy": {
+ "text": "cancha"
+ },
+ "XeVaDdUWSEkhfJvTVvUHR": {
+ "text": "salir"
+ },
+ "XnocVMEeUGCSnlnusP44O": {
+ "text": "agarrar"
+ },
+ "XuAtFop5_JNSYiZkUBzaU": {
+ "text": "cocinar"
+ },
+ "Y5HQq_4crSF2lpwH-KUrt": {
+ "text": "dos"
+ },
+ "YCu-B26PqjE30AhikHdkI": {
+ "text": "dibujos animados"
+ },
+ "YIP0Xc4aJsfv0s8BpiQnn": {
+ "text": "cinco"
+ },
+ "YLKXFZ9ze9K9NvJiAx8w0": {
+ "text": "¿qué?"
+ },
+ "YbrNtdUmyMNdAF5CfvY1A": {
+ "text": "toalla"
+ },
+ "YbvMRsCtMbww8OQgF45QF": {
+ "text": "resfrío"
+ },
+ "YeT-jstVSA7-mD9t99Isg": {
+ "text": "rompecabeza"
+ },
+ "YusWY8GwdO43bSp1o3BWC": {
+ "text": "molesto"
+ },
+ "Yvxm8RGoFYKUsIXOl33yR": {
+ "text": "apagar la luz"
+ },
+ "Z5-sBklfLIWE00CJ_T_ZK": {
+ "text": "cuchara"
+ },
+ "Z8xp3kxXuhMVoNm7ddQSX": {
+ "text": "lanzar"
+ },
+ "ZA2C4bJaL90lBxsTemYWZ": {
+ "text": "piscina"
+ },
+ "ZAnmv4CLb7hldYUlp2wJU": {
+ "text": "ninguno"
+ },
+ "ZBIFtTq-BH1jv5jLbzrhj": {
+ "text": "repetir"
+ },
+ "ZQEXAf10BkoTvCJx3Ox39": {
+ "text": "sorpresa"
+ },
+ "ZR-NXJk3SD351W-95cf_T": {
+ "text": "pintar"
+ },
+ "ZRYQmYRGKzheBqk11eGRZ": {
+ "text": "ballena"
+ },
+ "Zm4OIanIKTigDGIsInO7o": {
+ "text": "un supermercado"
+ },
+ "ZnMba2r4XIg9lPi_H2d_Z": {
+ "text": "sí"
+ },
+ "_1lOt0C0MQhvU8QWC6_oZ": {
+ "text": "buenas noches"
+ },
+ "_2SjbH-xHZq173EU4J65c": {
+ "text": "parque"
+ },
+ "_3ihCSMQCokXNo8pXii-h": {
+ "text": "llamar a alguien"
+ },
+ "_8RIOebHpkr9nCy0_9qhP": {
+ "text": "llamar"
+ },
+ "_CsJMxqGcNSaujXwRZcpu": {
+ "text": "ansioso"
+ },
+ "_FNTsoEjTMV3Uas-gggi2": {
+ "text": "estrés"
+ },
+ "_HUf6SR0mTP7v72Y9_4gw": {
+ "text": "coche de bomberos"
+ },
+ "_Lc2-NNL69ZX-aVnUNzgx": {
+ "text": "frutilla"
+ },
+ "_S9Eck14cdOTr0QH4i7sQ": {
+ "text": "cuarto de baño"
+ },
+ "_WIT6qs1kaiJqB1Ild5Xs": {
+ "text": "paseo"
+ },
+ "_eug92AvR1UXpYlfm6o_Q": {
+ "text": "dorado"
+ },
+ "_hqTU9A7I3RFDVrcIEK-L": {
+ "text": "%null%"
+ },
+ "_lU200bb9Sjv0b_iJKgU2": {
+ "text": "una bicicletería"
+ },
+ "_tDZtalMxKSNpWydJ1aeW": {
+ "text": "cero"
+ },
+ "aC_XP9Ch5PqWoCmcJwI77": {
+ "text": "algodón"
+ },
+ "aMs2YNnWkw4XN0gAm-jI3": {
+ "text": "cajón"
+ },
+ "aP9QisUdxhgOKIQ2kHNb3": {
+ "text": "acelga"
+ },
+ "aSzpwNza22HZp46Sh6wfx": {
+ "text": "súcio"
+ },
+ "aTwzShtP_zR9x6bSGSzEB": {
+ "text": "muslo de pollo"
+ },
+ "text": "tú"
+ },
+ "aa3xDW6F9YUKyX0fe5uX8": {
+ "text": "espaldas"
+ },
+ "ajesFjbC7hwCNLKdif-ix": {
+ "text": "contra"
+ },
+ "ak5fBauJzapC4JIf0lT8N": {
+ "text": "cerro"
+ },
+ "alsoa_V3wz3vPpG1TKRZc": {
+ "text": "transportes"
+ },
+ "amk4WRd1sNEIp24pnFw8j": {
+ "text": "rodilla"
+ },
+ "armmpopt2RLsVDlqLrQ94": {
+ "text": "restaurante"
+ },
+ "atVEXuftxSiDDj8rzUlFg": {
+ "text": "crayones"
+ },
+ "atWxG3KTHB5moW1dylLJc": {
+ "text": "juguete"
+ },
+ "avzcTznCsQCISYJsLC-w_": {
+ "text": "notas musicales"
+ },
+ "b1XpSC0ndnm0ZewNXC3pp": {
+ "text": "carnicero"
+ },
+ "b5OdBMMzkf1FlQbUR5-m7": {
+ "text": "servilletas"
+ },
+ "b9Y5MrR-jn8fh77gAkLZy": {
+ "text": "pintar"
+ },
+ "bAoK85XLNb7p0ebevYZ6O": {
+ "text": "mirarme al espejo"
+ },
+ "bDnuS19hfd9GhJ-6rjNPD": {
+ "text": "estar"
+ },
+ "bFodvUraUhJeq4waMdlxv": {
+ "text": "domingo"
+ },
+ "bNJfccUvG2DQfR1iZP3eR": {
+ "text": "serpiente"
+ },
+ "bVN3R44VuZDw3IdQMolca": {
+ "text": "cambiar"
+ },
+ "beNprvNb0UztxR4JLxDFm": {
+ "text": "cumpleaños"
+ },
+ "bge6qR6NzsD5Vk4ifPsSO": {
+ "text": "ketchup"
+ },
+ "bpSuQQRlIcSse40OAxNSG": {
+ "text": "lunes"
+ },
+ "bqjKW_qBtRzIThWxdZx2s": {
+ "text": "gafas de sol"
+ },
+ "buyy_2ydocKoi9TnBhZ1N": {
+ "text": "amiga"
+ },
+ "bw3rqHXD1TJ53xbNggEqH": {
+ "text": "desayuno"
+ },
+ "c7kK5ROVbO3DHrwSFEawq": {
+ "text": "dulce"
+ },
+ "cI0JxwhkWU-YA7E7rmJtp": {
+ "text": "cuello"
+ },
+ "cJMQi3SVmqvWJ00VxI6gy": {
+ "text": "¿cómo estás?"
+ },
+ "cJw2i319mzBUpEfBRDxc9": {
+ "text": "pez"
+ },
+ "cJzHrV_PsV-PwwyFN9jka": {
+ "text": "%null%"
+ },
+ "cS3g4KXf39akVFHCG5AwL": {
+ "text": "camión de juguete"
+ },
+ "cTiw7_Yjxu_Kg90q7PdYl": {
+ "text": "gripe"
+ },
+ "cb0rJJEYOeEoRU5fDdQQq": {
+ "text": "el"
+ },
+ "ccGASDOGtty6GfQMEEBEU": {
+ "text": "tres"
+ },
+ "cj6OuVw4Nob8jxP-E4rZc": {
+ "text": "cambiarme la ropa"
+ },
+ "cnyLFMkJu2i3cqOY0e9kl": {
+ "text": "pasas"
+ },
+ "curstMeuThu2KUph-8rkB": {
+ "text": "jugar con"
+ },
+ "cxMNBGV3LytDXgwDMCiga": {
+ "text": "violeta"
+ },
+ "d4zNoj2BAFG9B7J3KAlLE": {
+ "text": "botones"
+ },
+ "d6s8fLFBiQ3KEJlNdJfUW": {
+ "text": "un poco loco"
+ },
+ "dHM0qnbmtJAkZY0WBsqaY": {
+ "text": "lila"
+ },
+ "dLHDzm0rfgL-vXTx14HSm": {
+ "text": "buscar"
+ },
+ "dNvN5P787hAPE7ZYNgwkw": {
+ "text": "pasear"
+ },
+ "dR72liRxC3qmoSa6Dz2a2": {
+ "text": "jarabe"
+ },
+ "dS-KyYREUQIk7sDlmsvoa": {
+ "text": "cerca"
+ },
+ "d_I8jNfbkQD0CHgZn7hyB": {
+ "text": "camisa"
+ },
+ "dgm3NCKuz7L39PX8LYxj7": {
+ "text": "juguetes"
+ },
+ "djgKI9embnk95PAtFcn45": {
+ "text": "cambiarme el pañal"
+ },
+ "dn41o5K_1fo-qHO-YLoQn": {
+ "text": "sábado"
+ },
+ "dnXsSOeVG7mq37uciIi2J": {
+ "text": "recreo"
+ },
+ "e5sCl246xFMESEfFy2PhX": {
+ "text": "coche"
+ },
+ "e5un1yrIuZHQi048e5kD6": {
+ "text": "alfajores"
+ },
+ "e8zl_ecIloo4Vk-OZPJWe": {
+ "text": "jugar con la tablet"
+ },
+ "eDX2HSkGaY2TeVwPjR07S": {
+ "text": "fácil"
+ },
+ "eGJ8MC1xPE6ueF82jCmVg": {
+ "text": "cepillar"
+ },
+ "eKJCZc-kD0-m6cVLorFzO": {
+ "text": "pera"
+ },
+ "eWSI1NInbQowtO99phhGA": {
+ "text": "boca"
+ },
+ "eZEqRZjRK8JJMsfHo4Y7w": {
+ "text": "del"
+ },
+ "ebo03xnkyiHD2pKUKULmr": {
+ "text": "dibujos animados"
+ },
+ "ecUOs24Pp5ZTRt_ZvED5W": {
+ "text": "acompañar"
+ },
+ "eduqLSyC3m4uB1Oee6dt6": {
+ "text": "mitad"
+ },
+ "eji-M2j5eHkG71DCksleY": {
+ "text": "huevo duro"
+ },
+ "emm_RirDsO30Enax5Q4gd": {
+ "text": "con"
+ },
+ "eo3Q5AjHJz5kp1EbdALwh": {
+ "text": "ustedes"
+ },
+ "eoYtISVZl3mdwoE_HW-Mv": {
+ "text": "guitarra"
+ },
+ "et1KiL5-zob_EcGlj7tLN": {
+ "text": "despues"
+ },
+ "f2dl12fMZbRdQ7STpcTdk": {
+ "text": "fútbol"
+ },
+ "fF3ijeQzetfSn6EGcs1yY": {
+ "text": "cerezas"
+ },
+ "fL_4POdbPVL9-lvQVWSqY": {
+ "text": "avión de juguete"
+ },
+ "fNAlqbgrpirQZO_LhrkXY": {
+ "text": "primavera"
+ },
+ "fNv4Nb6Vafxk0JxXr-iDo": {
+ "text": "investigar"
+ },
+ "fUUj_4pKPflmJlxZfk0cX": {
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+ },
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+ },
+ "fjCOcN-PKP6F07IZcI71X": {
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+ },
+ "fkNwVm56PSe-qh-QoM0vm": {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ "gYrIz3R13-BC_pYcvQ9BL": {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ "hDvpMlPw-chcuxEisBJTl": {
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+ },
+ "hKJhXxultsxm0TJl1P8-L": {
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+ },
+ "hOyjT1JgOYB-mGLFMaNJR": {
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+ },
+ "hT3Lrjn5-q7YIM1loG4MN": {
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+ },
+ "hUYfE_vmNBT_7E60YZsSu": {
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+ },
+ "hWWOw1gWjWwN7wQJkHrTu": {
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+ },
+ "hXgGhazQ_nA5uqpRD6Qwq": {
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+ },
+ "hmhAUgqvGp7nc1w25sRSx": {
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+ },
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+ },
+ "hyUaYltGVJU-wRrAjhhPa": {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ "ifd0M0pAlFm7aPt1A0ze_": {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ "j5xZZev5nTNa-p088Oqnp": {
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+ },
+ "jBqD3qhhcrioLlCU-xq5b": {
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+ },
+ "jOALQbfxdXmJVyY6P5gZG": {
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+ },
+ "jTEb3A5ZEKEy2ojuq2vO_": {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ "jprAsdXWGQKPlUWwgBBot": {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ "k41gkf6A_bDtQAJDOrWpP": {
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+ },
+ "k7dZhQtwDPFlOk1iPjEOz": {
+ "text": "subir volumen"
+ },
+ "k8tJx6PikRcnVuZEqrXRM": {
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+ },
+ "k9ZpWM4oRb1q20c0qWCsg": {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ "lR84gCk8OM-oYoLAV7tar": {
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+ },
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+ },
+ "l_ncJLRdVGBzzQc9yqBqs": {
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+ },
+ "lrUuPKco_O8FXDuclzpKE": {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ "m3qTT8tiGZQheKIWREzMT": {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ "mRK--C5Q1aGe8MMPJJLYi": {
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+ },
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+ },
+ "mWXxPPvhSHf9hyb-VyuZH": {
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+ },
+ "mZFwH8xY_OeVDWCdvPZBy": {
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+ },
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+ },
+ "ms97ZsgQOvD-Z8qpSW4oN": {
+ "text": "¿quiénes?"
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ "nQSk6_KCEVdO7oC_uxLXN": {
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+ },
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+ },
+ "nUg2M7p5sUPlGdbBev2-G": {
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+ },
+ "nm6e_s01gWHzdVj25BHyq": {
+ "text": "¡qué lindo!"
+ },
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+ },
+ "ntzBlFkDMTKEUHoGNc65u": {
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+ },
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+ },
+ "oAxNCJufVUqZMyWRGdZl9": {
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+ },
+ "oEHzYcfxDGGcsL-deud1j": {
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+ },
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+ "text": "flauta"
+ },
+ "oO21zLMEtHEakvnuTohLu": {
+ "text": "¡qué divertido!"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "text": "viajar en auto"
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ "pM-bC77hbj-w44A0HFRDZ": {
+ "text": "sonarme la nariz"
+ },
+ "p_XyUXRmeUk_bdjRTMtkz": {
+ "text": "revistas"
+ },
+ "p_qpVEd677b2Bk56yhvj6": {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ "pkuppr1jMH7SMpa2hrIWQ": {
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+ },
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+ },
+ "pptyFMhLrbC6lN6zmc7D0": {
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+ },
+ "ptQZXjMQyXWycUD1kAkQo": {
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+ },
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+ },
+ "pvXSy-5M4i8kysUppvdME": {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ "q22wRFF21EigV8YzQ_MfV": {
+ "text": "¿me ayudas?"
+ },
+ "q6F-qJ7mTxvwa43F6vwun": {
+ "text": "escondidas"
+ },
+ "q7Pz4UqqZUlXeFfXrwXDR": {
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+ },
+ "qA4v2JWQU0zzBBZgvW7Vt": {
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+ },
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+ },
+ "qU5IvFLD8d16iIHSs_9TM": {
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+ },
+ "qWhpDTMd8eAEoq7yTKc57": {
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+ },
+ "qYA2U_BFOZtFLClxuCIBJ": {
+ "text": "dolor de muelas"
+ },
+ "qeJdrxKIIcUctIjo8wWhc": {
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+ },
+ "qn-7ERrcZxJTqfW6hwNs8": {
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+ },
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+ },
+ "qscoBbrWu7tQbpNj9XUPt": {
+ "text": "papel higiénica"
+ },
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+ },
+ "qy3c7gvRU7shWuJYr1kBk": {
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+ },
+ "r7eJgCF_b_ktkztv4-oda": {
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+ },
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+ "text": "juegos de salón"
+ },
+ "r9qUBQwgY8eycnU2OVey0": {
+ "text": "comer un sándwich"
+ },
+ "rBwDn3PcJGqytqnOZTJMV": {
+ "text": "taxi"
+ },
+ "rMFGfzFobfGsH3_qrLHXU": {
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+ },
+ "rU9cpWF0I4wnJjzTXpGtO": {
+ "text": "hoy mismo"
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ "rnjJyPTabH_Xpmy4Z4O3U": {
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+ },
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+ "text": "papas fritas"
+ },
+ "rwyX2YemNEx_Mh64IArDQ": {
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+ },
+ "rxdfuk6egO7VmZEB3JrUN": {
+ "text": "la"
+ },
+ "ry_jOegpMf4nB3spGf4d2": {
+ "text": "me gusta"
+ },
+ "s0BXoyn7AqUAlZ9BOHY6S": {
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+ },
+ "sAsTkky29uEVC9vo3Ofbo": {
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+ },
+ "sDKIldL3tit328Joneo_7": {
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+ },
+ "sFNUgvnglgrm6cbYiM0di": {
+ "text": "¿cuándo?"
+ },
+ "sP6uvKmY5kA_yuYR8H21c": {
+ "text": "halloween"
+ },
+ "sPtazVgymXESdS-BcHqU_": {
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+ },
+ "sSTGRl6DpYGZXp8vtTNbm": {
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+ },
+ "sbv5HLPUR6gHo-EJR2S7S": {
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+ },
+ "sc0hr3jQ80yXRFDlAn56V": {
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+ },
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+ },
+ "sjGytpiPjwqJfPaRUJ-Iw": {
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+ },
+ "sysOciGqtL7y4ULuyYVc-": {
+ "text": "canal de cocina"
+ },
+ "t-w8e69GwxLyfxlWwHk9f": {
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+ },
+ "t34TbvjJ3zG2jcgJaCeHa": {
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+ },
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+ },
+ "tQwMPLvqAMAstcqvnOERE": {
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+ },
+ "tWxC4hR6di5zQC-Hujlev": {
+ "text": "bajar volumen"
+ },
+ "tYwEpd2EOtH8wEUr-jwHk": {
+ "text": "caro"
+ },
+ "tw1doIY-jFPofZjlPFj4z": {
+ "text": "¿cómo te llamas?"
+ },
+ "txj22hip0CE9qp_z-daIK": {
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+ },
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+ },
+ "u2e4Zh8qwJF7zKkohQ8df": {
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+ },
+ "u3BufiTZTK6AylGh80ZFd": {
+ "text": "ella"
+ },
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+ },
+ "uDg7Yy86PlwsAd-U96vJR": {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ "viAHJeLRr_6j9dEi5klj_": {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "text": "dibujar"
+ },
+ "APXF-lEplPOloppSeIjAY": {
+ "text": "menos"
+ },
+ "AQKGKdoX5CYycZ2YqBZVW": {
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+ },
+ "AT_rDWsr6xRBgrvgw9Zih": {
+ "text": "nueve"
+ },
+ "AWJXh6URGN0Vwm66i6IvL": {
+ "text": "hola"
+ },
+ "AeFbJQ0M9uTObAlKEX3zr": {
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+ },
+ "Akf0xlH8UJdXn8BJzPV2A": {
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+ },
+ "B1845IfYfPMz2FWpVFIQv": {
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+ },
+ "BKmATW2uBk4pxnmOaARyq": {
+ "text": "documentos"
+ },
+ "BNjZz9MGLJEKZ4CZoTs2M": {
+ "text": "ajedrez"
+ },
+ "BQhqx1PuF94jwT0ySTlbJ": {
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+ },
+ "BQm-YCPc0lfD1-mhecCTL": {
+ "text": "yo"
+ },
+ "Bebnh8-UWwtYLnK6p3fKi": {
+ "text": "pan negro"
+ },
+ "BjqWZnzLlxdOo4KEzZ46j": {
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+ },
+ "BqS7d4PMhGRqPYlZQzUbR": {
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+ },
+ "Bub9ZYygLcly15D7_wYks": {
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+ },
+ "ByrvXHEN9Mb8D--7MQAjM": {
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+ },
+ "C12mJ1W11fODI3pv1QOnx": {
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+ },
+ "C29KJ8BTFavhj_R9UfnSv": {
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+ },
+ "C2bgADoxmINRnAiYxZHqd": {
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+ },
+ "CBTemIvgIN1UAtftkc3sz": {
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+ },
+ "CCWCtXdMuQBJRmaFOAlfQ": {
+ "text": "navidad"
+ },
+ "CY-IQvUehkaiGFCdKf9bf": {
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+ },
+ "CYH_6DL9q1iLLetuWeR9A": {
+ "text": "tener"
+ },
+ "CZrETqLgQlvDkLHvw1t_w": {
+ "text": "a"
+ },
+ "C_JKGNCxOI5x_f2C4qAyZ": {
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+ },
+ "CbO32RkDdf9aCucv6BnGS": {
+ "text": "cabra"
+ },
+ "ChBc7LjL8dgzZ6LUCAHGh": {
+ "text": "por favor"
+ },
+ "CkTiaqBY3jf86JRq636lt": {
+ "text": "¿cuál?"
+ },
+ "CsKZSNiJw5Q48b26Kskf-": {
+ "text": "heroe"
+ },
+ "CxFmyJYmy6gMRqP9U0cBP": {
+ "text": "estoy perdido"
+ },
+ "CyKtU9yC0Jy7Ypb4WFp6w": {
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+ },
+ "D1gCni2jXpCvKZe4qCtQN": {
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+ },
+ "D2tSkngqbQmdKLNhn9xWV": {
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+ },
+ "D7dt_hFX5DScV_ssm1nKz": {
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+ },
+ "D85FU-Wqr2u53tfTXAtHo": {
+ "text": "patalear"
+ },
+ "DAq2J_xXHsSCSNPp9qVsk": {
+ "text": "oler"
+ },
+ "DBd09yUlbkaYLsemjFXEs": {
+ "text": "helado"
+ },
+ "DG1RiDjDfwWRhpAiIpPqA": {
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+ },
+ "DSgrhLHauub-gBqMGwacO": {
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+ },
+ "DXb0FpjVM9q8LVl9vvSHn": {
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+ },
+ "DXpjgLKTdx9eLLohVdmWM": {
+ "text": "verdulería"
+ },
+ "D_4Weq7iyi7GMEsgP0xy6": {
+ "text": "té"
+ },
+ "Djs1QsLNf8Q5LBIFV5zNC": {
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+ },
+ "DkeHJFtqAS005fYUrl1Xz": {
+ "text": "pantalon"
+ },
+ "Dm3yiKSB134LrjtW_KrO7": {
+ "text": "buen día"
+ },
+ "DqGa4gqd2ABDi45BT43x4": {
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+ },
+ "Dv9MSCRYbR4Q3K114wXki": {
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+ },
+ "E-vUPARie8MmfgZwv3Omr": {
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+ },
+ "EM8VyonJ7WNdvmRyE3nhZ": {
+ "text": "lento"
+ },
+ "EO4O-s7oafi6QJdxTFNkd": {
+ "text": "anticongestivo"
+ },
+ "ETZNYbrG5wveDl6c9k2_k": {
+ "text": "codo"
+ },
+ "EUsNyf5bDdSLqvZKH1Ltx": {
+ "text": "no entiendo"
+ },
+ "EVmt43vDI3NHFfbbkqokF": {
+ "text": "pizza"
+ },
+ "Erg6LuA8IOQ5V8RTP3pPi": {
+ "text": "abeja"
+ },
+ "F4cGnA_QHsVKTjUE6MAu9": {
+ "text": "mameluco"
+ },
+ "F7kJ8VM31BWB4K4T4USzs": {
+ "text": "maltrato físico"
+ },
+ "F8roVYxKZi88UUGfOvTwl": {
+ "text": "maestra"
+ },
+ "F90bXbc0tz9nuzTT7SgqV": {
+ "text": "cuatro"
+ },
+ "FBPIabyaoCK-Y0BziQdji": {
+ "text": "dolor de panza"
+ },
+ "FBTheEQmZZfJRiYjd_Np_": {
+ "text": "interpretar"
+ },
+ "FO77qpzyz28knodNtILCA": {
+ "text": "tirar la cadena"
+ },
+ "FTngK946O8S8bYc0g7vM2": {
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+ },
+ "FaVvbVzZivuxTwxJTPubK": {
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+ },
+ "FfNU04I4mZ54gWcBXqo2c": {
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+ },
+ "FgTird367surh-vxXyAK6": {
+ "text": "ticket"
+ },
+ "FkC5DtSV81OvFMU99qZGg": {
+ "text": "pelota"
+ },
+ "FnCBoLSE19WsbUypUKvFc": {
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+ },
+ "Fogupb264IyCtbZ-Q2D6w": {
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+ },
+ "Fvm2C5NBq01tm0QK9d9QM": {
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+ },
+ "G09TvOzDSG5m3hTQD9Tej": {
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+ },
+ "G2i9LSK4A19237Zp1vXqF": {
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+ },
+ "G6KKVMvPDnjdD9TfBd-B9": {
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+ },
+ "GAxX7EIz1TTLtMX08RRGr": {
+ "text": "hamburguesería"
+ },
+ "GJlUSznzEHCgoAOrVrkp9": {
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+ },
+ "GSEumxiyeVKRRiaY_c8HW": {
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+ },
+ "GY_flM-6uR6X3L4AwsiwU": {
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+ },
+ "G_CRpzxWO5XdEMh01O1eJ": {
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+ },
+ "Gj7THa6XFHDfYL5H19lwj": {
+ "text": "mañana"
+ },
+ "Gm_qAGnL4OawmlYmTs7K5": {
+ "text": "no veo"
+ },
+ "GoJuWnn72TCXONXKtYHMm": {
+ "text": "tren"
+ },
+ "Gvmy--9DiUn_tkQYWeWhA": {
+ "text": "canelones"
+ },
+ "GxrDtsdGcLepdsQr6V9DT": {
+ "text": "verde"
+ },
+ "H2zMVtjvqi7aUtCypiVKr": {
+ "text": "sentar"
+ },
+ "H8Bsrr2NK9Q3WGbEp8PMe": {
+ "text": "plateado"
+ },
+ "H9SWPnWbR8qcZA-iu5Mz0": {
+ "text": "dolor de Oido"
+ },
+ "HBZNu6m3FELU9eg3OeLdx": {
+ "text": "cortina"
+ },
+ "text": "golpe"
+ },
+ "HMPabuHqgtyiCmTLzg-rM": {
+ "text": "entrar"
+ },
+ "HQiQh4PPBvO1n-d7JGVj8": {
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+ },
+ "HTBNWax6FCSGXuboGsVUW": {
+ "text": "salado"
+ },
+ "HnuZA0UTlnuIfFAN7saxl": {
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+ },
+ "Hvb4JdDHX_vNMck_US2UN": {
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+ },
+ "I5AJgba5GTdEjdpFB-LBf": {
+ "text": "chocolatada"
+ },
+ "IAdQsjTsbBUAMjlwW34cw": {
+ "text": "me encantaría"
+ },
+ "IEeIvawUD2GIAr1Wypr9i": {
+ "text": "personas"
+ },
+ "IF3R7tLVAkd4RbL8R07K9": {
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+ },
+ "IM8OUKCzHwnjAQWPFgnn6": {
+ "text": "lejos"
+ },
+ "INxOSvKbBNOXwruIpuNho": {
+ "text": "ombligo"
+ },
+ "IO8uTb1K7ElENgp2ujZoK": {
+ "text": "robusto"
+ },
+ "IXRWmFmtqfnHQRcBf1Idl": {
+ "text": "paloma"
+ },
+ "IZbfYRzu2cxxDWdbmQeqw": {
+ "text": "cabeza"
+ },
+ "Ig1oypuwndODbmKh_NEXs": {
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+ },
+ "IsWUeiPnDEnzxePKclBNp": {
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+ },
+ "J3qQMp0OMr5LC9ebfArxH": {
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+ },
+ "J3rDL96c2zfBQzP45VRCp": {
+ "text": "limón"
+ },
+ "J4UUPR-WP0qo1y14bUVI-": {
+ "text": "veterinario"
+ },
+ "J7MmgugOu20UtMcMPj59r": {
+ "text": "canción"
+ },
+ "J7wLwBLVx4UANh_x5HdXd": {
+ "text": "según"
+ },
+ "JB9SIxWzxWFjrbmMuksrY": {
+ "text": "reir"
+ },
+ "JBIehRNmDbK2ALcRN0u9i": {
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+ },
+ "JBKQaBezKuSDaMsnbJMTB": {
+ "text": "bar"
+ },
+ "JBU2hMw9gbIy9-wGF4mjD": {
+ "text": "pizarrón"
+ },
+ "JDbBWMB5No0pK6HvntLt4": {
+ "text": "lavarme las manos"
+ },
+ "JEDIYq1BDA23ac9TNhON-": {
+ "text": "ayuda"
+ },
+ "JFldbhjqxK3fD6D2K4HY4": {
+ "text": "papá"
+ },
+ "JGm4BL7HAfuxX_PGe6Jzk": {
+ "text": "presente"
+ },
+ "JQOpcZSCPGMOWZsN8w_yb": {
+ "text": "¿qué hora es?"
+ },
+ "JSFuEHlP-CFvuqvFKMumC": {
+ "text": "autos de juguete"
+ },
+ "JVtu9W3AumOwjUedwhUGE": {
+ "text": "rehabilitación"
+ },
+ "JZRBfIXBkeuobtDXbLt5t": {
+ "text": "adiós"
+ },
+ "JawnUo-pseWb3FDVMtxrQ": {
+ "text": "yogur"
+ },
+ "JblWXW8TKDCuYu2yTnFBA": {
+ "text": "mesa"
+ },
+ "Ji5OVFX-uNDewL8eX8Cin": {
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+ },
+ "Jjq8CM8JrYHIMziuQy-WN": {
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+ },
+ "JziaulL-lrAPGNVvwBPK9": {
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+ },
+ "K382TlNZjdMLLpAhCCXLG": {
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+ },
+ "K6hd20tWZfwwlYYi7jctt": {
+ "text": "rica"
+ },
+ "K8cMIDL0ubQvWhhDtr65F": {
+ "text": "llorar"
+ },
+ "K8e2-KkvZfFOQaXnhR37x": {
+ "text": "cansado"
+ },
+ "KC18_sTEqKucPQ-iwEKYY": {
+ "text": "lapiz"
+ },
+ "KK_i8H9qTfDVYZkQGwd2v": {
+ "text": "apagar"
+ },
+ "KNH4sLRpVKtHXQa-0y84K": {
+ "text": "nervioso"
+ },
+ "KWYVDZiERE8jtRsL0faHH": {
+ "text": "nadar"
+ },
+ "KXHW4m6vXxQU-AEOR4pZ4": {
+ "text": "balón de fútbol"
+ },
+ "Khdk8mWpyxgLqfC-6lyT9": {
+ "text": "burro"
+ },
+ "KhyTKtiL4ZT4Z1saU1eJh": {
+ "text": "escuchar música"
+ },
+ "Kn9vE07FK1LrzoD_YxrJD": {
+ "text": "subte"
+ },
+ "KpLFOrpuhFKaIbBbFwVVu": {
+ "text": "mariposa"
+ },
+ "KrOPANVpdkBWdEZoUwxKf": {
+ "text": "grave"
+ },
+ "KvY6Taigm4Va_cVjXAfGR": {
+ "text": "corto"
+ },
+ "L0hfYADgzghRVsZLZHRxE": {
+ "text": "bailarín"
+ },
+ "L19r487_d3RqWXiNuh3gE": {
+ "text": "¿qué color es?"
+ },
+ "L6YLAEsbYcTq-ycQJTvt4": {
+ "text": "pollo"
+ },
+ "LAuEISciEf1Wc1j4fERz8": {
+ "text": "año nuevo"
+ },
+ "LDoi3cxodn_AVKSG-Bf_1": {
+ "text": "ojos"
+ },
+ "LEVKlDlJ0wHo5QEjCNAGa": {
+ "text": "pegamento"
+ },
+ "LEg8z-Q-ONLAAXd-aH_Hb": {
+ "text": "bajo"
+ },
+ "LNBTW0qQtHYQEHatkWGtc": {
+ "text": "mercado"
+ },
+ "LRIKzfm9ZsdNe1u7CUuW_": {
+ "text": "¿cuántos?"
+ },
+ "LRfh-4RAZTj7cnnDwBmqj": {
+ "text": "flotador"
+ },
+ "LU7IoUksATEBhd8PaHS1R": {
+ "text": "sacar"
+ },
+ "LaKT8VTw0_6rvordp5-R8": {
+ "text": "rosa"
+ },
+ "LiBr37yi-YBgQDx4unjyc": {
+ "text": "dá"
+ },
+ "LjTGOcyG7DkTs1lJqNr8w": {
+ "text": "cabellera"
+ },
+ "LksmOMPPOMArbrFsscqOW": {
+ "text": "música"
+ },
+ "LmGq1AZs2a0x26r7E9GUj": {
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+ },
+ "LngEMJa_ihV8mB7afZX-h": {
+ "text": "ellas"
+ },
+ "LrDai7jXlGAdZ3e8ZQezj": {
+ "text": "hacer pis"
+ },
+ "M5q2CXmK0_WVaVUB_HJB3": {
+ "text": "caliente"
+ },
+ "MEqo2TROHyroK318sm84f": {
+ "text": "pasta"
+ },
+ "MKR-ukiUlJy4uuqO30UU6": {
+ "text": "maltrato verbal"
+ },
+ "MMzjhHID8HMqyPjii5o-h": {
+ "text": "cocina"
+ },
+ "MNCcHiImRS8tmvhBhzCKj": {
+ "text": "ensalada"
+ },
+ "MQHnvvU48NnEptP8a9w8C": {
+ "text": "no me gusta"
+ },
+ "MWIzTM6zhTWL1V-brLtBx": {
+ "text": "cómodo"
+ },
+ "MYqfOzKx2qMHop8GaHs0I": {
+ "text": "verde Claro"
+ },
+ "MiOe5_Djf-pE9V9aDZ_1G": {
+ "text": "ananá"
+ },
+ "MqQgYn5B0uV-DMORCBOmV": {
+ "text": "triste"
+ },
+ "Mw6WRebMAKWwXfAvDA7vu": {
+ "text": "tener calor"
+ },
+ "N2baGNTOapSaFDo1GURiW": {
+ "text": "no escucho"
+ },
+ "N7n4zQIkJZOhaYESk2GgH": {
+ "text": "caer"
+ },
+ "NFdUTit6Ff-4S7Nzf92U5": {
+ "text": "estreñimiento"
+ },
+ "NFgGqhEtl0HqipCGGEvwU": {
+ "text": "peinarme"
+ },
+ "NKQwWPAsVHwFBWuksqfns": {
+ "text": "ducha"
+ },
+ "NLi5ODIzyMAwr2HpDXACp": {
+ "text": "nariz"
+ },
+ "NQayjogCYiimP_0OxIfFj": {
+ "text": "zapatos"
+ },
+ "NVe4u7BTAVfLk3xkDqLnZ": {
+ "text": "horno"
+ },
+ "NVjfEut567uXpTaQUNI2i": {
+ "text": "campera"
+ },
+ "N_893wsadpGg3Ip5sEThe": {
+ "text": "azul"
+ },
+ "NaJxTPq9Ld8I4fwAltyEC": {
+ "text": "maiz"
+ },
+ "NjulpZ9x63ZqxtLMoRjkx": {
+ "text": "prender la luz"
+ },
+ "Njz8DrErsexBu8mAI6mnr": {
+ "text": "pescado"
+ },
+ "NmNouLLx13jzE27jliI_v": {
+ "text": "diente"
+ },
+ "NuhUikdCxP0NgsbO0wvAU": {
+ "text": "cola"
+ },
+ "O-CLnVuXAUapOn6TbdhKx": {
+ "text": "querer"
+ },
+ "O450x4W3OOacvJIy4QicJ": {
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+ },
+ "OHyrmD5US1rHEAEwLQaII": {
+ "text": "animales"
+ },
+ "OKXIGnLh-i1ydTNj450Q8": {
+ "text": "reina"
+ },
+ "OUcfOOReAfQroBKlBdDb-": {
+ "text": "solución salina"
+ },
+ "OWLDc7Hn3neBAf_V_N27n": {
+ "text": "abrochar"
+ },
+ "O_ZfCPZSxGMPT6orCt-O6": {
+ "text": "chancho"
+ },
+ "OblxxVFC-LKPq-8oC9FpE": {
+ "text": "sentimientos"
+ },
+ "OdCdTUAlbN6kvsPjby_Bi": {
+ "text": "deportes"
+ },
+ "OeA63q6LpqGvXW-cJXEym": {
+ "text": "jamón"
+ },
+ "OeytAsSiEAWC10tXhxbTa": {
+ "text": "personajes"
+ },
+ "OhrHu-xLo8hcn5plWfoX4": {
+ "text": "caro"
+ },
+ "Om1Bvqu8nmGuNGwV8hndM": {
+ "text": "bajo"
+ },
+ "OvyFC1GHkvJZ0dAAF1QkY": {
+ "text": "él"
+ },
+ "OwHzJdOQTFOA8daCVRwm6": {
+ "text": "pincel"
+ },
+ "P5zdq4x58yp5TA_soKQEJ": {
+ "text": "bicicleta"
+ },
+ "PAlC0XSZNru3-LXtfvGjo": {
+ "text": "hacer el amor"
+ },
+ "PBqpK7LL1HQPwowPitrss": {
+ "text": "leer"
+ },
+ "PFAi3SdvH9vL7_Bg3MhCA": {
+ "text": "semáforo"
+ },
+ "PIBHv5VueBi-sf5qFCN_Y": {
+ "text": "ante"
+ },
+ "PIPQnVS2UiS7kGbucJP8l": {
+ "text": "curar"
+ },
+ "PLXxIPYyztaztLf4sPCst": {
+ "text": "garganta"
+ },
+ "PbtM3htZocZb8YifuPoY5": {
+ "text": "cangrejo"
+ },
+ "PfNLmlHKFT9d1w6IgeXbU": {
+ "text": "control remoto"
+ },
+ "Pl-M4bc6k2rdhu6FHEbkA": {
+ "text": "patio"
+ },
+ "PogTYrGfa2WNfBRuA8O4e": {
+ "text": "malo"
+ },
+ "PszHdOxMsS_tAzSrN52Wa": {
+ "text": "plastilina"
+ },
+ "Pw3GgPwp7fpDVC6wJjgPn": {
+ "text": "subir"
+ },
+ "Q6LQqdLcvNOiCFjC0DVo2": {
+ "text": "tambor"
+ },
+ "Q6nNH4AIoSeDHODC_Ip8O": {
+ "text": "vecino"
+ },
+ "Q9Ra0aJaQnOJQ1Kqdc43-": {
+ "text": "bebé"
+ },
+ "QCQRmsQY6AggjreY9Z0MF": {
+ "text": "rechazar"
+ },
+ "QGf1Tb1roL7HAXUSrRqRJ": {
+ "text": "naranja"
+ },
+ "QJhkOh48xapiTObEDQLB9": {
+ "text": "piano"
+ },
+ "QTkFHWp9KEDgfCjoQjBY2": {
+ "text": "plurales"
+ },
+ "QUTQLuD2Gv7fHh0V_O5tg": {
+ "text": "avergonzado"
+ },
+ "QVqSPPgA89whFTJ0HTphK": {
+ "text": "abrir"
+ },
+ "QZNQOaf0SdHDbx1otCmrH": {
+ "text": "niño"
+ },
+ "QcGJ9u_JqmrW0X47PXWH4": {
+ "text": "despeinada"
+ },
+ "QclUM2p3iexSjFZI8OU4-": {
+ "text": "fiebre"
+ },
+ "QeqA20MCXB-zNfuKIssMY": {
+ "text": "lata de atún"
+ },
+ "QllvOUe8utZrcBRGw_0vc": {
+ "text": "curita"
+ },
+ "QnlQ1HOEB9yNjuW3Dd6fc": {
+ "text": "celebración"
+ },
+ "Qo3Qn_nMe3E6EqNw0UdNZ": {
+ "text": "soleado"
+ },
+ "QohNih4wgqjnpWt3kSwtd": {
+ "text": "entrenador"
+ },
+ "QvaMxPy-3iixHAJFyIrN-": {
+ "text": "sandwich"
+ },
+ "R06chAQYswLtQK46OInW7": {
+ "text": "leche con galletas"
+ },
+ "R9ECa_HQRtpFrb59ebMTQ": {
+ "text": "escuela"
+ },
+ "RBCjBvNXQSZOOpg-5lBlK": {
+ "text": "bueno"
+ },
+ "RZfMOtjw0DoGHWaRfCEc4": {
+ "text": "pantalón"
+ },
+ "Ra2rxEEohwxRqDsW2AT3C": {
+ "text": "videojuegos"
+ },
+ "RbZetbSC5064rZccOFD1D": {
+ "text": "televisión"
+ },
+ "RkpoG4KB8m_TJFJf2v3EG": {
+ "text": "cambiar de canal"
+ },
+ "RwlZ1jr2Ix3evzrW71lN0": {
+ "text": "manzana"
+ },
+ "S3um53pcko7_BPHy7R6FL": {
+ "text": "nosotros"
+ },
+ "SE-71I_ahm3oKROReyJHE": {
+ "text": "hacer caca"
+ },
+ "SOyGnJXLPeVRoZy3vBgpK": {
+ "text": "examen"
+ },
+ "SXz8iA1Qn_BlgLTAG6Epl": {
+ "text": "cena"
+ },
+ "SiOmZdwX8Hf2nE2v6HfCp": {
+ "text": "zapato"
+ },
+ "Sp2Ias_Y1HplkHWjIb7Mp": {
+ "text": "sin"
+ },
+ "TAbuXSnSHU6C3CQ4kbKVh": {
+ "text": "triángulo"
+ },
+ "TBV2BhoZVgl1jMV_jWZYi": {
+ "text": "derecha"
+ },
+ "TIgoS-YONIwzbrImXetaD": {
+ "text": "ciruela"
+ },
+ "TIsM6aTTZ9W8j6UhW9Qqj": {
+ "text": "coro"
+ },
+ "TLxsYdrBdHgFZkNJtVTmK": {
+ "text": "tortuga"
+ },
+ "TP-gGRcpcFyx1SrNRsdRV": {
+ "text": "perdón"
+ },
+ "TR5CXN8-pfbWkshdxSBSV": {
+ "text": "oveja"
+ },
+ "TS9z8ZmMEwn0MGSfr9amH": {
+ "text": "palta"
+ },
+ "TZF-7m8VKZ7IL6pyv0Daf": {
+ "text": "cepillarme los dientes"
+ },
+ "T_Q5c4XAfkhkclmnCGHo5": {
+ "text": "hasta"
+ },
+ "Td5pgVQDTFOftUgOJ-bD-": {
+ "text": "picante"
+ },
+ "Te_jJfeU8Xwa9St2RihBq": {
+ "text": "sangre"
+ },
+ "ThqkHs4az5tgLqLcfFPaZ": {
+ "text": "largo"
+ },
+ "TpPNZLsh5jrN9RdPFwmA7": {
+ "text": "¡genial!"
+ },
+ "Tpj-Fs8LQ566TM0bYlZ6H": {
+ "text": "viernes"
+ },
+ "TuAjBKPp3-PSdQuooSWZi": {
+ "text": "rana"
+ },
+ "TyqVzfOniQNa9WKQRXqr-": {
+ "text": "hermana"
+ },
+ "U1KQsrvTa2E00-ugc-Iy6": {
+ "text": "ausente"
+ },
+ "U6PoeH-cMdO3ttnLkN7_3": {
+ "text": "cabalgar"
+ },
+ "U7GiGcYacowWi4MWrCYyj": {
+ "text": "antiinflamatorio"
+ },
+ "UQ-5wOfR0tDzljoDjj2xU": {
+ "text": "otoño"
+ },
+ "UQ5B5K-tpk1XmQC1B9TjQ": {
+ "text": "no"
+ },
+ "US8_vYTnDfxBw2Ung_J38": {
+ "text": "partes íntimas"
+ },
+ "UVzdJiqY36fqgBYyz880c": {
+ "text": "jamón crudo"
+ },
+ "UXJDiwb3j_zyfGa26ByJL": {
+ "text": "pecho"
+ },
+ "Ubaq6h7wasdP_YRombm2c": {
+ "text": "azúcar"
+ },
+ "Ugs9V9c2c5iHrVC6p17zr": {
+ "text": "analgésico"
+ },
+ "Uk1Emn5IovsTfFzpQX5Jw": {
+ "text": "sosten"
+ },
+ "UkLF5sKtVKW0D8RzVCoue": {
+ "text": "bombero"
+ },
+ "UnQJwWfWCe40DJYR1Er0o": {
+ "text": "dolor"
+ },
+ "UssSOEEKutvzB_B4fAQE-": {
+ "text": "escuchar de nuevo"
+ },
+ "Ust3oadA0PUGViYo28Mf3": {
+ "text": "caminar"
+ },
+ "UvRS0KmtZn3dq7e8L5RcE": {
+ "text": "enojado"
+ },
+ "UwvZVcX_CAQFrI6U4LsNT": {
+ "text": "huevo"
+ },
+ "VJ9AU_y7CqsONR6TvhdLh": {
+ "text": "¿dónde es?"
+ },
+ "VKrLGgYjc-nLPGsyESDgb": {
+ "text": "canario"
+ },
+ "VL4pd0vnJ-CNfMg9bCNed": {
+ "text": "aspirina"
+ },
+ "VUJ-zrdsyL9MOuFbdMCAx": {
+ "text": "mareo"
+ },
+ "Vioyf8EXJfY5t34NnN0WO": {
+ "text": "tablet"
+ },
+ "Vjlet5P7XuqTrc22nt_Zz": {
+ "text": "agua"
+ },
+ "Vmnu5eormo-_TOCgF4YzG": {
+ "text": "jarabe para la tos"
+ },
+ "VoZumy5GtnRdqSOmXAw7j": {
+ "text": "preparado"
+ },
+ "VrC7AnovfA7VzmYESVc8L": {
+ "text": "conversar"
+ },
+ "VwZ4EKSggYWxlnAbp-pNB": {
+ "text": "enfermo"
+ },
+ "Vzov0z9acB-I1_W_CcFcY": {
+ "text": "rojo"
+ },
+ "WDUIQV43zghFQq_rSk1Z4": {
+ "text": "churrasco"
+ },
+ "WL3ZN-W_zgnuTJpuqz0YQ": {
+ "text": "príncipe"
+ },
+ "WNhpmD_XlTaNEBo7GsFXu": {
+ "text": "diarrea"
+ },
+ "WQ0CNIQ_gjaCxg4tEIsOo": {
+ "text": "clavado"
+ },
+ "WRzleD-mI84LaimFH8h6P": {
+ "text": "escuchar"
+ },
+ "WUt3I-NkdbqlSVcwuLfFx": {
+ "text": "patines"
+ },
+ "WWK2v56LM-zWqujabk9bM": {
+ "text": "plástica"
+ },
+ "W_f7h3qOLl2uEd_OYpMfQ": {
+ "text": "policía"
+ },
+ "WasZ5bKZZy5Jt4Y-JipxS": {
+ "text": "bikini"
+ },
+ "Wgh5iCzUmx4Je-B85-pra": {
+ "text": "heladera"
+ },
+ "WjXQhSFPpz42ZUyHvurYG": {
+ "text": "grillo"
+ },
+ "WtYSntcy2CijEORmROeaj": {
+ "text": "un cuarto"
+ },
+ "Wu47Qs6Zupu1Ox2gUhkxn": {
+ "text": "cuarto"
+ },
+ "Wva5W8GA0dHzyt2_0FPdm": {
+ "text": "hermano"
+ },
+ "X0-Tf-KR24qEkpGDzG2Z-": {
+ "text": "ayer"
+ },
+ "X3u4pXTWKcGc43lOkgSBt": {
+ "text": "cumplimiento"
+ },
+ "XA952Z60D0-cesNCVA-OX": {
+ "text": "chau"
+ },
+ "XC5fIljJ819OYpllYTjpE": {
+ "text": "jirafa"
+ },
+ "XN0nzhQyHVOhuYuNqrp8g": {
+ "text": "durazno"
+ },
+ "XOoGN6huCjVHxH8hRFAw1": {
+ "text": "blanca"
+ },
+ "XY6ZCNzeJIEzLtWJcufJm": {
+ "text": "camiseta manga larga"
+ },
+ "XYY8SV1IAMHjdGjMZxbdy": {
+ "text": "cancha"
+ },
+ "XeVaDdUWSEkhfJvTVvUHR": {
+ "text": "salir"
+ },
+ "XnocVMEeUGCSnlnusP44O": {
+ "text": "agarrar"
+ },
+ "XuAtFop5_JNSYiZkUBzaU": {
+ "text": "cocinar"
+ },
+ "Y5HQq_4crSF2lpwH-KUrt": {
+ "text": "dos"
+ },
+ "YCu-B26PqjE30AhikHdkI": {
+ "text": "dibujos animados"
+ },
+ "YIP0Xc4aJsfv0s8BpiQnn": {
+ "text": "cinco"
+ },
+ "YLKXFZ9ze9K9NvJiAx8w0": {
+ "text": "¿qué?"
+ },
+ "YbrNtdUmyMNdAF5CfvY1A": {
+ "text": "toalla"
+ },
+ "YbvMRsCtMbww8OQgF45QF": {
+ "text": "resfrío"
+ },
+ "YeT-jstVSA7-mD9t99Isg": {
+ "text": "rompecabeza"
+ },
+ "YusWY8GwdO43bSp1o3BWC": {
+ "text": "molesto"
+ },
+ "Yvxm8RGoFYKUsIXOl33yR": {
+ "text": "apagar la luz"
+ },
+ "Z5-sBklfLIWE00CJ_T_ZK": {
+ "text": "cuchara"
+ },
+ "Z8xp3kxXuhMVoNm7ddQSX": {
+ "text": "lanzar"
+ },
+ "ZA2C4bJaL90lBxsTemYWZ": {
+ "text": "piscina"
+ },
+ "ZAnmv4CLb7hldYUlp2wJU": {
+ "text": "ninguno"
+ },
+ "ZBIFtTq-BH1jv5jLbzrhj": {
+ "text": "repetir"
+ },
+ "ZQEXAf10BkoTvCJx3Ox39": {
+ "text": "sorpresa"
+ },
+ "ZR-NXJk3SD351W-95cf_T": {
+ "text": "pintar"
+ },
+ "ZRYQmYRGKzheBqk11eGRZ": {
+ "text": "ballena"
+ },
+ "Zm4OIanIKTigDGIsInO7o": {
+ "text": "un supermercado"
+ },
+ "ZnMba2r4XIg9lPi_H2d_Z": {
+ "text": "sí"
+ },
+ "_1lOt0C0MQhvU8QWC6_oZ": {
+ "text": "buenas noches"
+ },
+ "_2SjbH-xHZq173EU4J65c": {
+ "text": "parque"
+ },
+ "_3ihCSMQCokXNo8pXii-h": {
+ "text": "llamar a alguien"
+ },
+ "_8RIOebHpkr9nCy0_9qhP": {
+ "text": "llamar"
+ },
+ "_CsJMxqGcNSaujXwRZcpu": {
+ "text": "ansioso"
+ },
+ "_FNTsoEjTMV3Uas-gggi2": {
+ "text": "estrés"
+ },
+ "_HUf6SR0mTP7v72Y9_4gw": {
+ "text": "coche de bomberos"
+ },
+ "_Lc2-NNL69ZX-aVnUNzgx": {
+ "text": "frutilla"
+ },
+ "_S9Eck14cdOTr0QH4i7sQ": {
+ "text": "cuarto de baño"
+ },
+ "_WIT6qs1kaiJqB1Ild5Xs": {
+ "text": "paseo"
+ },
+ "_eug92AvR1UXpYlfm6o_Q": {
+ "text": "dorado"
+ },
+ "_hqTU9A7I3RFDVrcIEK-L": {
+ "text": "%null%"
+ },
+ "_lU200bb9Sjv0b_iJKgU2": {
+ "text": "una bicicletería"
+ },
+ "_tDZtalMxKSNpWydJ1aeW": {
+ "text": "cero"
+ },
+ "aC_XP9Ch5PqWoCmcJwI77": {
+ "text": "algodón"
+ },
+ "aMs2YNnWkw4XN0gAm-jI3": {
+ "text": "cajón"
+ },
+ "aP9QisUdxhgOKIQ2kHNb3": {
+ "text": "acelga"
+ },
+ "aSzpwNza22HZp46Sh6wfx": {
+ "text": "súcio"
+ },
+ "aTwzShtP_zR9x6bSGSzEB": {
+ "text": "muslo de pollo"
+ },
+ "text": "tú"
+ },
+ "aa3xDW6F9YUKyX0fe5uX8": {
+ "text": "espaldas"
+ },
+ "ajesFjbC7hwCNLKdif-ix": {
+ "text": "contra"
+ },
+ "ak5fBauJzapC4JIf0lT8N": {
+ "text": "cerro"
+ },
+ "alsoa_V3wz3vPpG1TKRZc": {
+ "text": "transportes"
+ },
+ "amk4WRd1sNEIp24pnFw8j": {
+ "text": "rodilla"
+ },
+ "armmpopt2RLsVDlqLrQ94": {
+ "text": "restaurante"
+ },
+ "atVEXuftxSiDDj8rzUlFg": {
+ "text": "crayones"
+ },
+ "atWxG3KTHB5moW1dylLJc": {
+ "text": "juguete"
+ },
+ "avzcTznCsQCISYJsLC-w_": {
+ "text": "notas musicales"
+ },
+ "b1XpSC0ndnm0ZewNXC3pp": {
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+ },
+ "b5OdBMMzkf1FlQbUR5-m7": {
+ "text": "servilletas"
+ },
+ "b9Y5MrR-jn8fh77gAkLZy": {
+ "text": "pintar"
+ },
+ "bAoK85XLNb7p0ebevYZ6O": {
+ "text": "mirarme al espejo"
+ },
+ "bDnuS19hfd9GhJ-6rjNPD": {
+ "text": "estar"
+ },
+ "bFodvUraUhJeq4waMdlxv": {
+ "text": "domingo"
+ },
+ "bNJfccUvG2DQfR1iZP3eR": {
+ "text": "serpiente"
+ },
+ "bVN3R44VuZDw3IdQMolca": {
+ "text": "cambiar"
+ },
+ "beNprvNb0UztxR4JLxDFm": {
+ "text": "cumpleaños"
+ },
+ "bge6qR6NzsD5Vk4ifPsSO": {
+ "text": "ketchup"
+ },
+ "bpSuQQRlIcSse40OAxNSG": {
+ "text": "lunes"
+ },
+ "bqjKW_qBtRzIThWxdZx2s": {
+ "text": "gafas de sol"
+ },
+ "buyy_2ydocKoi9TnBhZ1N": {
+ "text": "amiga"
+ },
+ "bw3rqHXD1TJ53xbNggEqH": {
+ "text": "desayuno"
+ },
+ "c7kK5ROVbO3DHrwSFEawq": {
+ "text": "dulce"
+ },
+ "cI0JxwhkWU-YA7E7rmJtp": {
+ "text": "cuello"
+ },
+ "cJMQi3SVmqvWJ00VxI6gy": {
+ "text": "¿cómo estás?"
+ },
+ "cJw2i319mzBUpEfBRDxc9": {
+ "text": "pez"
+ },
+ "cJzHrV_PsV-PwwyFN9jka": {
+ "text": "%null%"
+ },
+ "cS3g4KXf39akVFHCG5AwL": {
+ "text": "camión de juguete"
+ },
+ "cTiw7_Yjxu_Kg90q7PdYl": {
+ "text": "gripe"
+ },
+ "cb0rJJEYOeEoRU5fDdQQq": {
+ "text": "el"
+ },
+ "ccGASDOGtty6GfQMEEBEU": {
+ "text": "tres"
+ },
+ "cj6OuVw4Nob8jxP-E4rZc": {
+ "text": "cambiarme la ropa"
+ },
+ "cnyLFMkJu2i3cqOY0e9kl": {
+ "text": "pasas"
+ },
+ "curstMeuThu2KUph-8rkB": {
+ "text": "jugar con"
+ },
+ "cxMNBGV3LytDXgwDMCiga": {
+ "text": "violeta"
+ },
+ "d4zNoj2BAFG9B7J3KAlLE": {
+ "text": "botones"
+ },
+ "d6s8fLFBiQ3KEJlNdJfUW": {
+ "text": "un poco loco"
+ },
+ "dHM0qnbmtJAkZY0WBsqaY": {
+ "text": "lila"
+ },
+ "dLHDzm0rfgL-vXTx14HSm": {
+ "text": "buscar"
+ },
+ "dNvN5P787hAPE7ZYNgwkw": {
+ "text": "pasear"
+ },
+ "dR72liRxC3qmoSa6Dz2a2": {
+ "text": "jarabe"
+ },
+ "dS-KyYREUQIk7sDlmsvoa": {
+ "text": "cerca"
+ },
+ "d_I8jNfbkQD0CHgZn7hyB": {
+ "text": "camisa"
+ },
+ "dgm3NCKuz7L39PX8LYxj7": {
+ "text": "juguetes"
+ },
+ "djgKI9embnk95PAtFcn45": {
+ "text": "cambiarme el pañal"
+ },
+ "dn41o5K_1fo-qHO-YLoQn": {
+ "text": "sábado"
+ },
+ "dnXsSOeVG7mq37uciIi2J": {
+ "text": "recreo"
+ },
+ "e5sCl246xFMESEfFy2PhX": {
+ "text": "coche"
+ },
+ "e5un1yrIuZHQi048e5kD6": {
+ "text": "alfajores"
+ },
+ "e8zl_ecIloo4Vk-OZPJWe": {
+ "text": "jugar con la tablet"
+ },
+ "eDX2HSkGaY2TeVwPjR07S": {
+ "text": "fácil"
+ },
+ "eGJ8MC1xPE6ueF82jCmVg": {
+ "text": "cepillar"
+ },
+ "eKJCZc-kD0-m6cVLorFzO": {
+ "text": "pera"
+ },
+ "eWSI1NInbQowtO99phhGA": {
+ "text": "boca"
+ },
+ "eZEqRZjRK8JJMsfHo4Y7w": {
+ "text": "del"
+ },
+ "ebo03xnkyiHD2pKUKULmr": {
+ "text": "dibujos animados"
+ },
+ "ecUOs24Pp5ZTRt_ZvED5W": {
+ "text": "acompañar"
+ },
+ "eduqLSyC3m4uB1Oee6dt6": {
+ "text": "mitad"
+ },
+ "eji-M2j5eHkG71DCksleY": {
+ "text": "huevo duro"
+ },
+ "emm_RirDsO30Enax5Q4gd": {
+ "text": "con"
+ },
+ "eo3Q5AjHJz5kp1EbdALwh": {
+ "text": "ustedes"
+ },
+ "eoYtISVZl3mdwoE_HW-Mv": {
+ "text": "guitarra"
+ },
+ "et1KiL5-zob_EcGlj7tLN": {
+ "text": "despues"
+ },
+ "f2dl12fMZbRdQ7STpcTdk": {
+ "text": "fútbol"
+ },
+ "fF3ijeQzetfSn6EGcs1yY": {
+ "text": "cerezas"
+ },
+ "fL_4POdbPVL9-lvQVWSqY": {
+ "text": "avión de juguete"
+ },
+ "fNAlqbgrpirQZO_LhrkXY": {
+ "text": "primavera"
+ },
+ "fNv4Nb6Vafxk0JxXr-iDo": {
+ "text": "investigar"
+ },
+ "fUUj_4pKPflmJlxZfk0cX": {
+ "text": "discoteca"
+ },
+ "ff7ES190q1dmFYZ7lo6x0": {
+ "text": "pan blanco"
+ },
+ "fjCOcN-PKP6F07IZcI71X": {
+ "text": "plaza"
+ },
+ "fkNwVm56PSe-qh-QoM0vm": {
+ "text": "allá"
+ },
+ "fk_z_HrvcUh8XIq8D6gQP": {
+ "text": "nueces"
+ },
+ "g1Cj6HW8kg8yPE1XX9pxa": {
+ "text": "desde"
+ },
+ "g1TLUpuQX2Zs1ob9gqYui": {
+ "text": "gorro"
+ },
+ "g2MhHawoIC9oFNEv5_w63": {
+ "text": "vida"
+ },
+ "g2sQSxCcoZuKJ3TabK6oT": {
+ "text": "vino"
+ },
+ "g75y4E53ViakV-s5UfnIF": {
+ "text": "equipaje"
+ },
+ "gFEnqFhYoXF7QN-n0ONad": {
+ "text": "montaña"
+ },
+ "gYrIz3R13-BC_pYcvQ9BL": {
+ "text": "invierno"
+ },
+ "gaem1LHTtfQdnnqYi-sOm": {
+ "text": "billetera"
+ },
+ "gff2FqDlgXknRld7YMLWl": {
+ "text": "entero"
+ },
+ "gsU8pE9ozhR73xS2icwJ0": {
+ "text": "libro"
+ },
+ "gvPwrzDSSEPwcxY878T_c": {
+ "text": "gato"
+ },
+ "gzCjycNS8Cf0vNlo1klji": {
+ "text": "molesto"
+ },
+ "gzb-RNDLMNkgk9wnPILJi": {
+ "text": "abuela"
+ },
+ "hAZhogJSH3bL1iL237N8J": {
+ "text": "pochoclos"
+ },
+ "hDvpMlPw-chcuxEisBJTl": {
+ "text": "castañas"
+ },
+ "hKJhXxultsxm0TJl1P8-L": {
+ "text": "chau"
+ },
+ "hOyjT1JgOYB-mGLFMaNJR": {
+ "text": "dolor de pecho"
+ },
+ "hT3Lrjn5-q7YIM1loG4MN": {
+ "text": "parlante"
+ },
+ "hUYfE_vmNBT_7E60YZsSu": {
+ "text": "pintura"
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ "hmhAUgqvGp7nc1w25sRSx": {
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+ },
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+ },
+ "hyUaYltGVJU-wRrAjhhPa": {
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+ },
+ "i0wB--S4sdL8Q4H9b93UY": {
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+ },
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+ },
+ "iAqItRUQL_YpbMn2pgjsA": {
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+ },
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+ },
+ "ifd0M0pAlFm7aPt1A0ze_": {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ "islCzqFq1SYrZAh63dLhQ": {
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+ },
+ "j5xZZev5nTNa-p088Oqnp": {
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+ },
+ "jBqD3qhhcrioLlCU-xq5b": {
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+ },
+ "jOALQbfxdXmJVyY6P5gZG": {
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+ },
+ "jTEb3A5ZEKEy2ojuq2vO_": {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ "jprAsdXWGQKPlUWwgBBot": {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ "k41gkf6A_bDtQAJDOrWpP": {
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+ },
+ "k7dZhQtwDPFlOk1iPjEOz": {
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+ },
+ "k8tJx6PikRcnVuZEqrXRM": {
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+ },
+ "k9ZpWM4oRb1q20c0qWCsg": {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ "ms97ZsgQOvD-Z8qpSW4oN": {
+ "text": "¿quiénes?"
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ "nm6e_s01gWHzdVj25BHyq": {
+ "text": "¡qué lindo!"
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ "oEHzYcfxDGGcsL-deud1j": {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "text": "¡qué divertido!"
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ "pM-bC77hbj-w44A0HFRDZ": {
+ "text": "sonarme la nariz"
+ },
+ "p_XyUXRmeUk_bdjRTMtkz": {
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+ },
+ "p_qpVEd677b2Bk56yhvj6": {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ "q22wRFF21EigV8YzQ_MfV": {
+ "text": "¿me ayudas?"
+ },
+ "q6F-qJ7mTxvwa43F6vwun": {
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+ },
+ "q7Pz4UqqZUlXeFfXrwXDR": {
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+ },
+ "qA4v2JWQU0zzBBZgvW7Vt": {
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+ },
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+ },
+ "qU5IvFLD8d16iIHSs_9TM": {
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+ },
+ "qWhpDTMd8eAEoq7yTKc57": {
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+ },
+ "qYA2U_BFOZtFLClxuCIBJ": {
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+ },
+ "qeJdrxKIIcUctIjo8wWhc": {
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+ },
+ "qn-7ERrcZxJTqfW6hwNs8": {
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+ },
+ "qsA1zm1DOlItK7DCWzAw8": {
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+ },
+ "qscoBbrWu7tQbpNj9XUPt": {
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+ },
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+ },
+ "qy3c7gvRU7shWuJYr1kBk": {
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+ },
+ "r7eJgCF_b_ktkztv4-oda": {
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+ },
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+ "text": "juegos de salón"
+ },
+ "r9qUBQwgY8eycnU2OVey0": {
+ "text": "comer un sándwich"
+ },
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+ "text": "taxi"
+ },
+ "rMFGfzFobfGsH3_qrLHXU": {
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+ },
+ "rU9cpWF0I4wnJjzTXpGtO": {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ "rnjJyPTabH_Xpmy4Z4O3U": {
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+ },
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+ "text": "papas fritas"
+ },
+ "rwyX2YemNEx_Mh64IArDQ": {
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+ },
+ "rxdfuk6egO7VmZEB3JrUN": {
+ "text": "la"
+ },
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+ "text": "me gusta"
+ },
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+ },
+ "sAsTkky29uEVC9vo3Ofbo": {
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+ },
+ "sDKIldL3tit328Joneo_7": {
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+ },
+ "sFNUgvnglgrm6cbYiM0di": {
+ "text": "¿cuándo?"
+ },
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+ "text": "halloween"
+ },
+ "sPtazVgymXESdS-BcHqU_": {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ "sc0hr3jQ80yXRFDlAn56V": {
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+ },
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+ },
+ "sjGytpiPjwqJfPaRUJ-Iw": {
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+ },
+ "sysOciGqtL7y4ULuyYVc-": {
+ "text": "canal de cocina"
+ },
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+ },
+ "t34TbvjJ3zG2jcgJaCeHa": {
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+ },
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+ },
+ "tQwMPLvqAMAstcqvnOERE": {
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+ },
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+ "text": "bajar volumen"
+ },
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+ "text": "caro"
+ },
+ "tw1doIY-jFPofZjlPFj4z": {
+ "text": "¿cómo te llamas?"
+ },
+ "txj22hip0CE9qp_z-daIK": {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ "uDg7Yy86PlwsAd-U96vJR": {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "texto": {
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+ "picto": "fresa"
+ },
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+ {
+ "id": 415,
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+ "en": "cookie",
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 425,
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+ {
+ "id": 426,
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+ "en": "milk with cacao",
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+ "picto": "manteca"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
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+ {
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+ },
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+ {
+ "id": 468,
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+ "en": "apple juice",
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+ {
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+ {
+ "id": 494,
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+ "en": "Candy",
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+ {
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 904,
+ "frec": 1
+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ {
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+ {
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+ "frec": 1
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+ {
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+ {
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+ "frec": 1
+ },
+ {
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+ "frec": 1
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+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 20,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "Feelings",
+ },
+ "tipo": 0,
+ "imagen": {
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+ },
+ "relacion": [
+ {
+ "id": 119,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "dull",
+ "es": "aburrido"
+ },
+ "tipo": 4,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "ic_aburrido"
+ },
+ "relacion": [
+ {
+ "id": 44,
+ "frec": 1
+ }
+ ],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 121,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "scared",
+ "es": "asustado"
+ },
+ "tipo": 4,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "asustado"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 124,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "anxious",
+ "es": "ansioso"
+ },
+ "tipo": 4,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "ansioso"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 125,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "grieved",
+ "es": "apenado"
+ },
+ "tipo": 4,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "apenado"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 133,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "good",
+ "es": "bien"
+ },
+ "tipo": 4,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "ic_estoy_bien"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 137,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "tired",
+ "es": "Cansado"
+ },
+ "tipo": 4,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "ic_cansado"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 161,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "funny",
+ "es": "divertido"
+ },
+ "tipo": 4,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "divertido"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 164,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "in love",
+ "es": "enamorado"
+ },
+ "tipo": 4,
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+ "picto": "enamorado"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 167,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "angry",
+ "es": "enojado"
+ },
+ "tipo": 4,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "ic_enojado"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 171,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "happy",
+ "es": "feliz"
+ },
+ "tipo": 4,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "feliz"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 194,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "irritated",
+ "es": "irritado"
+ },
+ "tipo": 4,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "irritado"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 212,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "upset",
+ "es": "molesto"
+ },
+ "tipo": 4,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "molesto"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 217,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "nervous",
+ "es": "nervioso"
+ },
+ "tipo": 4,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "nervioso"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 237,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "worried",
+ "es": "preocupada"
+ },
+ "tipo": 4,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "preocupada"
+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ "en": "sad",
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+ },
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+ "picto": "ic_triste"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
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+ "gps": 0
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 21,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "Stores",
+ "es": "TIENDAS"
+ },
+ "tipo": 0,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/ottaaproject-flutter.appspot.com/o/Archivos%20Paises%2Ficonos%2Flibro_tiendas.webp?alt=media&token=4f4f3669-ad33-4baa-8a6e-bace7f17b45f"
+ },
+ "relacion": [
+ {
+ "id": 650,
+ "frec": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 661,
+ "frec": 1
+ },
+ {
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+ "frec": 1
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+ {
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+ "frec": 1
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+ {
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+ {
+ "id": 680,
+ "frec": 1
+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ {
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+ "frec": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 700,
+ "frec": 1
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 22,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "Time",
+ "es": "TIEMPO"
+ },
+ "tipo": 0,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/ottaaproject-flutter.appspot.com/o/Archivos%20Paises%2Ficonos%2Ftiempos.webp?alt=media&token=a9cba0e5-1635-4d9c-8f1b-9db6243f7e5f"
+ },
+ "relacion": [
+ {
+ "id": 812,
+ "frec": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 811,
+ "frec": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 815,
+ "frec": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 816,
+ "frec": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 817,
+ "frec": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 818,
+ "frec": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 810,
+ "frec": 1
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 23,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "Transport",
+ "es": "TRANSPORTE"
+ },
+ "tipo": 0,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/ottaaproject-flutter.appspot.com/o/Archivos%20Paises%2Ficonos%2Ftransportes.webp?alt=media&token=94bd980f-eeed-4310-8fe7-09148e19612f"
+ },
+ "relacion": [
+ {
+ "id": 606,
+ "frec": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 607,
+ "frec": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 608,
+ "frec": 1
+ },
+ {
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+ "frec": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 610,
+ "frec": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 611,
+ "frec": 1
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 24,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "ALL",
+ "es": "TODO"
+ },
+ "tipo": 0,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/ottaaproject-flutter.appspot.com/o/Archivos%20Paises%2Ficonos%2Ftodos.webp?alt=media&token=694aae8b-22c8-4274-b9f1-b3bbdd15d061"
+ },
+ "relacion": [
+ {
+ "id": 1,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "escort",
+ "es": "acompañar"
+ },
+ "tipo": 3,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "ic_acompanar"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 2,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "turn off",
+ "es": "apagar"
+ },
+ "tipo": 3,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "ic_apagar_television"
+ },
+ "relacion": [
+ {
+ "id": 1016,
+ "frec": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 1019,
+ "frec": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 773,
+ "frec": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 774,
+ "frec": 2
+ }
+ ],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 3,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "turn the volume down",
+ "es": "bajar volumen"
+ },
+ "tipo": 3,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "ic_volumen_menos"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 4,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "erase",
+ "es": "borrar"
+ },
+ "tipo": 3,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "ic_borrar"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 5,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "search",
+ "es": "buscar"
+ },
+ "tipo": 3,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "ic_buscar"
+ },
+ "relacion": [
+ {
+ "id": 996,
+ "frec": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 500,
+ "frec": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 989,
+ "frec": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 737,
+ "frec": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 385,
+ "frec": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 628,
+ "frec": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 1014,
+ "frec": 2
+ }
+ ],
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+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 6,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "sing",
+ "es": "cantar"
+ },
+ "tipo": 3,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "ic_cantar"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 7,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "change",
+ "es": "cambiar"
+ },
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+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "ic_cambiar"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 8,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "change channel",
+ "es": "cambiar de canal"
+ },
+ "tipo": 3,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "ic_cambiar_canal"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 9,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "change diapper",
+ "es": "cambiarme el pañal"
+ },
+ "tipo": 3,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "ic_cambiarpanal"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 10,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "change clothes",
+ "es": "cambiarme la ropa"
+ },
+ "tipo": 3,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "ic_cambiarropa"
+ },
+ "relacion": [
+ {
+ "id": 385,
+ "frec": 1
+ }
+ ],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 11,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "brush my teeth",
+ "es": "cepillarme los dientes"
+ },
+ "tipo": 3,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "ic_cepillar"
+ },
+ "relacion": [
+ {
+ "id": 385,
+ "frec": 4
+ }
+ ],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 12,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "eat a sandwich",
+ "es": "comer un sandwich"
+ },
+ "tipo": 3,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "comer_un_bocadillo"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 13,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "buy",
+ "es": "comprar"
+ },
+ "tipo": 3,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "ic_comprar"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 14,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "give",
+ "es": "dame"
+ },
+ "tipo": 3,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "ic_dar"
+ },
+ "relacion": [
+ {
+ "id": 427,
+ "frec": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 989,
+ "frec": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 500,
+ "frec": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 774,
+ "frec": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 986,
+ "frec": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 857,
+ "frec": 1
+ }
+ ],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 15,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "draw",
+ "es": "dibujar"
+ },
+ "tipo": 3,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "ic_dibujar"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 17,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "turn on",
+ "es": "encender"
+ },
+ "tipo": 3,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "encender_la_television"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 18,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "write",
+ "es": "escribir"
+ },
+ "tipo": 3,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "ic_escribir"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 19,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "listen again",
+ "es": "escuchar de nuevo"
+ },
+ "tipo": 3,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "ic_de_nuevo"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 20,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "listen to music",
+ "es": "escuchar música"
+ },
+ "tipo": 3,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "ic_escuchar_musica"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 21,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "listen",
+ "es": "escuchar"
+ },
+ "tipo": 3,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "ic_escuchar"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 22,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "be",
+ "es": "estoy"
+ },
+ "tipo": 3,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "ic_estoy"
+ },
+ "relacion": [
+ {
+ "id": 133,
+ "frec": 6
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 205,
+ "frec": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 204,
+ "frec": 4
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 181,
+ "frec": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 272,
+ "frec": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 274,
+ "frec": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 819,
+ "frec": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 831,
+ "frec": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 119,
+ "frec": 6
+ }
+ ],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0,
+ "esSugerencia": false
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 23,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "wait",
+ "es": "esperar"
+ },
+ "tipo": 3,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "esperar"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 26,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "win",
+ "es": "ganar"
+ },
+ "tipo": 3,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "ic_ganar"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 28,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "do",
+ "es": "hacer"
+ },
+ "tipo": 3,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "ic_haciendo"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 29,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "pee",
+ "es": "hacer pis"
+ },
+ "tipo": 3,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "ic_hacerpis"
+ },
+ "relacion": [
+ {
+ "id": 385,
+ "frec": 3
+ }
+ ],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 30,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "go",
+ "es": "ir a"
+ },
+ "tipo": 3,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "ir"
+ },
+ "relacion": [
+ {
+ "id": 653,
+ "frec": 5
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 118,
+ "frec": 5
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 650,
+ "frec": 4
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 651,
+ "frec": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 682,
+ "frec": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 688,
+ "frec": 5
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 668,
+ "frec": 5
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 87,
+ "frec": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 51,
+ "frec": 1
+ }
+ ],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 31,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "wash hands",
+ "es": "lavarme las manos"
+ },
+ "tipo": 3,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "ic_lavamano"
+ },
+ "relacion": [
+ {
+ "id": 385,
+ "frec": 1
+ }
+ ],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 32,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "read",
+ "es": "leer"
+ },
+ "tipo": 3,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "leer"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 33,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "call someone",
+ "es": "llamar a alguien"
+ },
+ "tipo": 3,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "ic_llamaralguien"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 34,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "play with",
+ "es": "jugar con"
+ },
+ "tipo": 3,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "ic_jugar"
+ },
+ "relacion": [
+ {
+ "id": 996,
+ "frec": 13
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 761,
+ "frec": 15
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 615,
+ "frec": 5
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 632,
+ "frec": 10
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 628,
+ "frec": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 977,
+ "frec": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 982,
+ "frec": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 1005,
+ "frec": 1
+ }
+ ],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0,
+ "edad": [
+ "NINO"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 35,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "look at the mirror",
+ "es": "mirarme al espejo"
+ },
+ "tipo": 3,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "ic_espejo"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 38,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "take a walk",
+ "es": "pasear"
+ },
+ "tipo": 3,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "ic_pasear"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
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+ {
+ "id": 39,
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+ },
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+ {
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+ {
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+ },
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+ {
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+ },
+ "tipo": 3,
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+ "picto": "ic_quiero"
+ },
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+ {
+ "id": 118,
+ "frec": 20
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 34,
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+ },
+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ },
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+ {
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ {
+ "id": 500,
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 54,
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ {
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+ },
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+ {
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+ },
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+ {
+ "id": 65,
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 66,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 68,
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+ },
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+ "picto": "cerrar"
+ },
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+ {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 71,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 76,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 78,
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+ "en": "hacer el amor",
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+ },
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+ "picto": "hacer_el_amor"
+ },
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+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 79,
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+ },
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+ },
+ "relacion": [],
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 81,
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+ "picto": "investigar"
+ },
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 82,
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+ "en": "play with the tablet",
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+ },
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+ "picto": "jugar_con_la_tablet"
+ },
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+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 85,
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ {
+ "id": 87,
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+ },
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+ {
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+ {
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 92,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 93,
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 94,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 95,
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+ },
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+ "picto": "repetir"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 97,
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+ "en": "take out",
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+ },
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+ "picto": "sacar"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
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+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 98,
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+ "en": "go out",
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+ },
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+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "salir"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
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+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 100,
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+ "en": "dry",
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+ },
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+ "picto": "secar"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 101,
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+ "en": "seat",
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+ },
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+ "picto": "sentar"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 103,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "blow your nose",
+ "es": "sonarme la nariz"
+ },
+ "tipo": 3,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "sonarse_los_mocos"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 104,
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+ },
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+ },
+ "relacion": [],
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 107,
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+ },
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+ "picto": "viajar"
+ },
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 108,
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+ "en": "travel by car",
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 112,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 113,
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+ "en": "heal",
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+ },
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+ "picto": "curar"
+ },
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+ {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 117,
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+ "en": "touch",
+ "es": "tocar"
+ },
+ "tipo": 3,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "tocar"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 118,
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+ "en": "eat",
+ "es": "comer"
+ },
+ "tipo": 3,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "comer"
+ },
+ "relacion": [
+ {
+ "id": 474,
+ "frec": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 504,
+ "frec": 4
+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
+ "id": 119,
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+ "en": "dull",
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+ },
+ "tipo": 4,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "ic_aburrido"
+ },
+ "relacion": [
+ {
+ "id": 44,
+ "frec": 1
+ }
+ ],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 121,
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+ "en": "scared",
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+ },
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+ "picto": "asustado"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 122,
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+ "en": "acid",
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+ },
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+ "picto": "acido"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 123,
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+ "en": "tall",
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 125,
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+ },
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+ "picto": "apenado"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 126,
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+ "en": "fixed",
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+ },
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+ "picto": "arreglado"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 129,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 130,
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+ },
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+ {
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 134,
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+ "en": "drunk",
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ {
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 137,
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+ },
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+ "picto": "ic_cansado"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ {
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+ {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ {
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 356,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "tortoise",
+ "es": "tortuga"
+ },
+ "tipo": 2,
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+ "picto": "tortuga"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 357,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "cow",
+ "es": "vaca"
+ },
+ "tipo": 2,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "vaca"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 359,
+ "texto": {
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+ },
+ "tipo": 2,
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+ "picto": "vibora"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 362,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "cock",
+ "es": "gallo"
+ },
+ "tipo": 2,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "gallo"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 363,
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+ },
+ "tipo": 2,
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+ "picto": "atun"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 367,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "duck",
+ "es": "pato"
+ },
+ "tipo": 2,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "pato"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 374,
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+ },
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+ "picto": "ternera"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 375,
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+ },
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+ },
+ "relacion": [],
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 376,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "rabbit",
+ "es": "conejo"
+ },
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+ "picto": "conejo"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 377,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "Hello",
+ "es": "Hola"
+ },
+ "tipo": 5,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "ic_hola"
+ },
+ "relacion": [
+ {
+ "id": 378,
+ "frec": 12
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 49,
+ "frec": 4
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 44,
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ {
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+ "frec": 3
+ },
+ {
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+ {
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 22,
+ "frec": 1
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+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 378,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "How are you?",
+ "es": "¿Cómo estás?"
+ },
+ "tipo": 5,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "ic_como_estas"
+ },
+ "relacion": [
+ {
+ "id": 22,
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 49,
+ "frec": 1
+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 379,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "Good morning",
+ "es": "Buen día"
+ },
+ "tipo": 5,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "ic_buenos_dias"
+ },
+ "relacion": [
+ {
+ "id": 22,
+ "frec": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 44,
+ "frec": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 49,
+ "frec": 1
+ }
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+ ],
+ "gps": 0,
+ "esSugerencia": false
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 380,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "Good afternoon",
+ "es": "Buenas tardes"
+ },
+ "tipo": 5,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "ic_buenas_tardes"
+ },
+ "relacion": [
+ {
+ "id": 22,
+ "frec": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 49,
+ "frec": 1
+ },
+ {
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+ ],
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 381,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "Good night",
+ "es": "Buenas noches"
+ },
+ "tipo": 5,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "ic_buenas_noches"
+ },
+ "relacion": [
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+ {
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+ "es": "Adiós"
+ },
+ "tipo": 5,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "ic_adios"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 383,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "Please",
+ "es": "Por favor"
+ },
+ "tipo": 5,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "por_favor"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 384,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "Thank you",
+ "es": "Gracias"
+ },
+ "tipo": 5,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "ic_gracias"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 385,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "Help",
+ "es": ". ¿me ayudas?"
+ },
+ "tipo": 5,
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+ "picto": "ic_ayuda"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 386,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "Luck",
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+ },
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+ },
+ "relacion": [],
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+ {
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+ "texto": {
+ "en": "Good bye",
+ "es": "Chau"
+ },
+ "tipo": 5,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "ic_adios"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 388,
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+ "en": "Yes",
+ "es": "Si"
+ },
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+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "ic_si"
+ },
+ "relacion": [
+ {
+ "id": 49,
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 44,
+ "frec": 1
+ },
+ {
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+ }
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+ {
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+ "en": "No",
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+ "picto": "ic_no"
+ },
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+ {
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 390,
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+ "en": "I would love to",
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 391,
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+ "en": "chard",
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 393,
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+ },
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+ "picto": "almendras"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 394,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "pineapple",
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+ },
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+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "anana"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 396,
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+ "en": "sugar",
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+ },
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+ "picto": "azucar"
+ },
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 398,
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+ "en": "sandwich",
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "agenda": 0,
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 399,
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+ "en": "pumpkin",
+ "es": "calabaza"
+ },
+ "tipo": 2,
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+ "picto": "calabaza"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 400,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 401,
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+ "en": "cappchino",
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 402,
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+ "en": "chestnuts",
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+ },
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+ },
+ "relacion": [],
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+ {
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+ "en": "onion",
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 404,
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+ "en": "cherry",
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+ },
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+ "picto": "cerezas"
+ },
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 406,
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+ "en": "chupetin",
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "agenda": 0,
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+ "NINO"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 407,
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+ },
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+ },
+ "relacion": [],
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+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 408,
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+ "en": "apricot",
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+ },
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+ "picto": "damasco"
+ },
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+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 412,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "creme caramel",
+ "es": "flan"
+ },
+ "tipo": 2,
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+ "picto": "flan"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 413,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "raspberry",
+ "es": "frambuesa"
+ },
+ "tipo": 2,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "frambuesas"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 414,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "strawberry",
+ "es": "frutilla"
+ },
+ "tipo": 2,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "fresa"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 415,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "cookie",
+ "es": "galleta"
+ },
+ "tipo": 2,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "galletas"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 417,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "jelly",
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+ },
+ "tipo": 2,
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+ "picto": "gelatina"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 420,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "boiled egg",
+ "es": "huevo duro"
+ },
+ "tipo": 2,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "huevo_duro"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 421,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "fried eg",
+ "es": "huevo frito"
+ },
+ "tipo": 2,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "huevo_frito"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 424,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "canned tuna",
+ "es": "lata de atún"
+ },
+ "tipo": 2,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "atun"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 425,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "canned sardine",
+ "es": "lata de sardinas"
+ },
+ "tipo": 2,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "lata_de_sardinas"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 426,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "milk with cacao",
+ "es": "leche con cacáo"
+ },
+ "tipo": 2,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "leche_con_cacao"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0,
+ "edad": [
+ "NINO"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 427,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "milk and cookies",
+ "es": "leche y galletas"
+ },
+ "tipo": 2,
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+ "picto": "leche_y_galletas"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 428,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "lettuce",
+ "es": "lechuga"
+ },
+ "tipo": 2,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "lechuga"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 430,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "corn",
+ "es": "maiz"
+ },
+ "tipo": 2,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "maiz"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 431,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "butter",
+ "es": "manteca"
+ },
+ "tipo": 2,
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+ "picto": "manteca"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 432,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "peach",
+ "es": "durazno"
+ },
+ "tipo": 2,
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+ "picto": "melocoton"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 435,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "orange",
+ "es": "naranja"
+ },
+ "tipo": 2,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "naranja"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 438,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "white bread",
+ "es": "pan blanco"
+ },
+ "tipo": 2,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "pan_blanco"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 439,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "black bread",
+ "es": "pan negro"
+ },
+ "tipo": 2,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "pan_negro"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 447,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "grapefruit",
+ "es": "pomelo"
+ },
+ "tipo": 2,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "pomelo"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 449,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "smashed potatoes",
+ "es": "puré"
+ },
+ "tipo": 2,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "pure"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 458,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "sandwich",
+ "es": "sandwich"
+ },
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+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "sandwich"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 462,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "pie",
+ "es": "tarta"
+ },
+ "tipo": 2,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "tarta"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 463,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "tomato",
+ "es": "tomate"
+ },
+ "tipo": 2,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "tomate"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 465,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "toast",
+ "es": "tostada"
+ },
+ "tipo": 2,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "tostada"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 468,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "apple juice",
+ "es": "jugo de manzana"
+ },
+ "tipo": 2,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "zumo_de_manzana"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 469,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "peach juice",
+ "es": "jugo de durazno"
+ },
+ "tipo": 2,
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+ "picto": "melocoton"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 471,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "grape juice",
+ "es": "jugo de uva"
+ },
+ "tipo": 2,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "zumo_de_uva"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 472,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "soup",
+ "es": "Sopa"
+ },
+ "tipo": 2,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "sopa"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 473,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "banana",
+ "es": "banana"
+ },
+ "tipo": 2,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "banana"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 474,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "apple",
+ "es": "manzana"
+ },
+ "tipo": 2,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "manzana"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 475,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "pear",
+ "es": "pera"
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ {
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+ },
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+ {
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+ {
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+ },
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+ {
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+ },
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ },
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ },
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 587,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "How much is it?",
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+ },
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+ "picto": "ic_precio"
+ },
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+ {
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+ {
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+ },
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+ {
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+ },
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+ {
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 595,
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+ "en": "Where?",
+ "es": "¿Dónde es?"
+ },
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+ "picto": "donde"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 598,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "afternoon snack",
+ "es": "merienda"
+ },
+ "tipo": 2,
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+ "picto": "ic_merienda"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 599,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "dish",
+ "es": "plato"
+ },
+ "tipo": 2,
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+ "picto": "plato"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 600,
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+ },
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+ "picto": "postre"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 602,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "What time is it?",
+ "es": "¿Qué hora es?"
+ },
+ "tipo": 5,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "que_hora_es"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 604,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "napkin",
+ "es": "servilletas"
+ },
+ "tipo": 2,
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+ "picto": "servilleta"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 605,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "glass",
+ "es": "vaso"
+ },
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+ "picto": "vaso"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 606,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "plane",
+ "es": "avión"
+ },
+ "tipo": 2,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "avion"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 607,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "Bus",
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+ },
+ "tipo": 2,
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+ "picto": "autobus"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 608,
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+ "en": "car",
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+ },
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+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 609,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "Metro",
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+ },
+ "tipo": 2,
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+ "picto": "metro"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 610,
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+ },
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+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 611,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "transportation",
+ "es": "transportes"
+ },
+ "tipo": 2,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "transportes"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 614,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "grandpa",
+ "es": "abuelo"
+ },
+ "tipo": 1,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "ic_abuelo"
+ },
+ "relacion": [
+ {
+ "id": 22,
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
+ "id": 615,
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+ },
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+ },
+ "relacion": [],
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 617,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "Butcher",
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+ },
+ "tipo": 1,
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+ "picto": "carnicero"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 619,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "chef",
+ "es": "cocinero"
+ },
+ "tipo": 1,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "cocinero"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 620,
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+ "en": "team",
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+ },
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+ },
+ "relacion": [],
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 621,
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+ },
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+ "picto": "ic_familia"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 622,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "futbol player",
+ "es": "futbolista"
+ },
+ "tipo": 1,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "ic_futbolista"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 623,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "brother",
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+ },
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+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "ic_hermano"
+ },
+ "relacion": [
+ {
+ "id": 22,
+ "frec": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 49,
+ "frec": 1
+ },
+ {
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+ "frec": 1
+ },
+ {
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+ "frec": 1
+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 624,
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+ "en": "sister",
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+ },
+ "tipo": 1,
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+ "picto": "hermana"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 626,
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+ "en": "teacher",
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+ },
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+ "picto": "ic_maestra"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 627,
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+ "en": "teacher",
+ "es": "maestro"
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ "en": "mom",
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+ },
+ "tipo": 1,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "ic_mama"
+ },
+ "relacion": [
+ {
+ "id": 44,
+ "frec": 18
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 22,
+ "frec": 4
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 49,
+ "frec": 6
+ },
+ {
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+ "frec": 6
+ },
+ {
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+ }
+ ],
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 629,
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+ },
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+ },
+ "relacion": [],
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 630,
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+ "en": "boy",
+ "es": "niño"
+ },
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+ "picto": "nino"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 631,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "girl",
+ "es": "niña"
+ },
+ "tipo": 1,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "nina"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 632,
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+ "en": "dad",
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+ },
+ "tipo": 1,
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+ "picto": "ic_papa"
+ },
+ "relacion": [
+ {
+ "id": 44,
+ "frec": 16
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 22,
+ "frec": 5
+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ {
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+ {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 635,
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+ "en": "princess",
+ "es": "princesa"
+ },
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+ "picto": "princesa"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 638,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "Queen",
+ "es": "reina"
+ },
+ "tipo": 1,
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+ "picto": "reina"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 639,
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+ "en": "King",
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+ },
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+ "picto": "rey"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 640,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "taxi driver",
+ "es": "taxista"
+ },
+ "tipo": 1,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "taxista"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 642,
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+ "en": "you",
+ "es": "vos"
+ },
+ "tipo": 1,
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+ "picto": "ic_tu"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 643,
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+ "en": "I",
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+ },
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+ "picto": "ic_yo"
+ },
+ "relacion": [
+ {
+ "id": 22,
+ "frec": 4
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 44,
+ "frec": 20
+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 644,
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+ "en": "here",
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 646,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "airport",
+ "es": "aeropuerto"
+ },
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+ },
+ "relacion": [],
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 648,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 649,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "Pub",
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+ },
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+ },
+ "relacion": [],
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+ "gps": 0,
+ "edad": [
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 650,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "bike shop",
+ "es": "una bicicletería"
+ },
+ "tipo": 2,
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+ "picto": "tienda_de_bicicletas"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 651,
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+ "en": "field",
+ "es": "la cancha"
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 653,
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+ "en": "house",
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 656,
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+ "en": "city",
+ "es": "ciudad"
+ },
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+ "picto": "ciudad"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 657,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "dinning room",
+ "es": "comedor"
+ },
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+ "picto": "ic_comedor"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 660,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "bathroom",
+ "es": "cuarto de baño"
+ },
+ "tipo": 2,
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+ "picto": "ic_lugarbanio"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 661,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "disco",
+ "es": "la discoteca"
+ },
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+ "picto": "discoteca"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 662,
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+ "en": "school",
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+ },
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+ "picto": "ic_escuela"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 666,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "Burger shop",
+ "es": "hamburguesería"
+ },
+ "tipo": 2,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "hamburgueseria"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 668,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "hospital",
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+ },
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+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 672,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "garden",
+ "es": "jardín"
+ },
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+ },
+ "relacion": [],
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 675,
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+ "en": "market",
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+ },
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+ },
+ "relacion": [],
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 678,
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+ "en": "yard",
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+ },
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+ "picto": "ic_patio"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 679,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "Pizza shop",
+ "es": "pizzería"
+ },
+ "tipo": 2,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "pizzeria"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 680,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "Poultry shop",
+ "es": "pollería"
+ },
+ "tipo": 2,
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+ "picto": "polleria"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 682,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "square",
+ "es": "la plaza"
+ },
+ "tipo": 2,
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+ "picto": "plaza"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 685,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "Restaurant",
+ "es": "restaurante"
+ },
+ "tipo": 2,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "restaurante"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 687,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "traffic light",
+ "es": "semáforo"
+ },
+ "tipo": 2,
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+ "picto": "semaforo"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 688,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "supermarket",
+ "es": "un supermercado"
+ },
+ "tipo": 2,
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+ "picto": "supermercado"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 698,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "greengrocery",
+ "es": "verdulería"
+ },
+ "tipo": 2,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "verduleria"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 700,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "Blockbuster",
+ "es": "videoclub"
+ },
+ "tipo": 2,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "videoclub"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 702,
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+ "en": "friendship",
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+ },
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+ "picto": "amistad"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 703,
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+ "en": "help",
+ "es": "ayuda"
+ },
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+ "picto": "ayuda"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 704,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "celebration",
+ "es": "celebración"
+ },
+ "tipo": 6,
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+ "picto": "celebracion"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 706,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "fulfillment",
+ "es": "cumplimiento"
+ },
+ "tipo": 6,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "cumplimiento"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 707,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "description",
+ "es": "descripción"
+ },
+ "tipo": 6,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "descripcion"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 708,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "Personal hygiene",
+ "es": "higiene personal"
+ },
+ "tipo": 6,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "higiene_personal"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 712,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "physical abuse",
+ "es": "maltrato físico"
+ },
+ "tipo": 6,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "maltrato_fisico"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 713,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "verbal abuse",
+ "es": "maltrato verbal"
+ },
+ "tipo": 6,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "maltrato_verbal"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 714,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "plural",
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+ },
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+ "picto": "plurales"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 718,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "rehab",
+ "es": "rehabilitación"
+ },
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+ "picto": "rehabilitacion"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
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+ "gps": 0
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+ {
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+ {
+ "id": 745,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "What color it is?",
+ "es": "¿Qué color es?"
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+ },
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+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 815,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "tomorrow",
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+ },
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+ "picto": "maniana"
+ },
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 816,
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+ "en": "fall",
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+ },
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+ "picto": "otonio"
+ },
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 817,
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+ "en": "spring",
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+ },
+ "tipo": 2,
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+ "picto": "primavera"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 818,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "summer",
+ "es": "verano"
+ },
+ "tipo": 2,
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+ "picto": "verano"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 819,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "sick",
+ "es": "enfermo"
+ },
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+ "picto": "enfermo"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 820,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "diarrhea",
+ "es": "diarrea"
+ },
+ "tipo": 2,
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+ "picto": "zid_diarrea"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 821,
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+ "en": "pain",
+ "es": "dolor"
+ },
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+ "picto": "zid_dolor"
+ },
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 822,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "toothache",
+ "es": "dolor de muela"
+ },
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+ "picto": "zid_dolor_de_muela"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 823,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "chest pain",
+ "es": "dolor de pecho"
+ },
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+ "picto": "zid_dolor_de_pecho"
+ },
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 824,
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+ "en": "earache",
+ "es": "dolor de Oido"
+ },
+ "tipo": 2,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "zid_dolor_de_oido"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 825,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "stomachache",
+ "es": "dolor de Panza"
+ },
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+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "zid_dolor_de_espalda"
+ },
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 826,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "throat sore",
+ "es": "dolor de Garganta"
+ },
+ "tipo": 2,
+ "imagen": {
+ "picto": "zid_dolor_de_garganta"
+ },
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 827,
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+ "en": "headache",
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+ },
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+ "picto": "zid_dolor_de_cabeza"
+ },
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 828,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "constipation",
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+ },
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+ },
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+ {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ {
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 834,
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+ "en": "football match",
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+ "picto": "ic_partido"
+ },
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
+ "id": 844,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 845,
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+ "en": "ten",
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+ {
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+ },
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+ {
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+ {
+ "id": 851,
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+ "en": "peruvian box",
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+ },
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+ {
+ "id": 853,
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+ "en": "chore",
+ "es": "el coro"
+ },
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+ "picto": "coro"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 855,
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+ "en": "guitar",
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 857,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "musical instruments",
+ "es": "los instrumentos musicales"
+ },
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+ "picto": "instrumentos"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 860,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "music lesson",
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+ },
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+ "picto": "ic_musica_id"
+ },
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+ {
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+ },
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+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 870,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "drum",
+ "es": "el tambor"
+ },
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+ "picto": "tambor"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
+ "agenda": 0,
+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 871,
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+ "en": "triangle",
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+ },
+ "relacion": [],
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 874,
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+ "en": "trumpet",
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+ },
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+ "picto": "trompeta"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 876,
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+ "en": "violin",
+ "es": "el violín"
+ },
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+ },
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+ {
+ "id": 878,
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 881,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "descongestant",
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+ },
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+ "picto": "ic_descongestivo"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 882,
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+ "en": "digestive",
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 884,
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+ "en": "syrup",
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+ },
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+ "picto": "jarabe"
+ },
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 885,
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+ "en": "nebulizer",
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+ },
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+ "picto": "nebulizador"
+ },
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 886,
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+ "en": "pills",
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+ },
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+ "picto": "pastillas"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 887,
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+ "en": "bandage",
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 889,
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+ "en": "although",
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+ },
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+ {
+ "id": 22,
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+ }
+ ],
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 890,
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+ "en": "which?",
+ "es": "¿Cuál?"
+ },
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+ "picto": "cual"
+ },
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+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
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+ "en": "anyone",
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+ },
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+ "picto": "cualquier"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
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+ },
+ {
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+ "en": "when?",
+ "es": "¿Cuándo?"
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+ "picto": "cuando"
+ },
+ "relacion": [],
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+ "gps": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 893,
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+ "en": "how many?",
+ "es": "¿Cuántos?"
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+ "picto": "cuantos"
+ },
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+ {
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+ "en": "how much",
+ "es": "¿Cuántas?"
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 895,
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+ "en": "his",
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+ },
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+ {
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+ "en": "hers",
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+ {
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+ "en": "its",
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+ },
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+ {
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+ {
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+ },
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+ {
+ "id": 901,
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+ "en": "I like",
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ "en": "no one",
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+ },
+ "relacion": [],
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+ },
+ {
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+ {
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+ },
+ {
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+ "en": "I don't like",
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+ },
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+ },
+ "relacion": [],
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ {
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+ "en": "what?",
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+ },
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+ {
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+ {
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 28,
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+ "en": "Restaurant Book",
+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ "en": "Hygiene book",
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+ },
+ {
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+ "en": "Butcher book",
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+ {
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 34,
+ "texto": {
+ "en": "Music lesson",
+ "es": "CLASE DE MúSICA"
+ },
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+ {
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+ {
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+ "en": "Art lesson",
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"en": "How much is it?",
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"imagen": {
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"en": "Where?",
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"en": "What color it is?",
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+ $default:
+ builders:
+ injectable_generator:injectable_builder:
+ options:
+ auto_register: true
+ # auto registers any class with a name matches the given pattern
+ class_name_pattern:
+ "Service$|Impl$"
+ # auto registers any class inside a file with a
+ # name matches the given pattern
+ file_name_pattern: "_service$|_repository$|_bloc$|_impl$"
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+# Automatically generated on 2023-01-03 UTC from https://codemagic.io/app/633ae2406e6d53fd76823f7f/settings
+# Note that this configuration is not an exact match to UI settings. Review and adjust as necessary.
+ dev-workflow:
+ name: dev workflow
+ max_build_duration: 20
+ environment:
+ groups:
+ - ottaa-flutter
+ flutter: 3.7.11
+ xcode: latest
+ cocoapods: default
+ triggering:
+ events:
+ - push
+ branch_patterns:
+ - pattern: development
+ include: true
+ source: true
+ tag_patterns:
+ - pattern: '*'
+ include: true
+ scripts:
+ - name: Setting up the environment
+ script: |
+ flutter upgrade
+ flutter packages pub get
+ flutter config --enable-web
+ echo $FIREBASE_JSON | base64 --decode > $FCI_BUILD_DIR/firebase.json
+ echo $GOOGLE_SERVICES | base64 --decode > $FCI_BUILD_DIR/android/app/google-services.json
+ echo $ENV | base64 --decode > $FCI_BUILD_DIR/.env
+ - name: Testing
+ script:
+ flutter test
+ - name: Building
+ script: |
+ flutter build web --release --web-renderer canvaskit
+ cd build/web
+ 7z a -r ../web.zip ./*
+ - name: Deploying web
+ script:
+ firebase deploy --only hosting:dev-ottaaproject --token "$FIREBASE_TOKEN"
+ artifacts:
+ - build/web.zip
+ - '*.snap'
+ - build/windows/**/*.msix
+ - flutter_drive.log
+ publishing:
+ email:
+ recipients:
+ - hectoritr@hotmail.com
+ master-workflow:
+ name: master workflow
+ max_build_duration: 30
+ integrations:
+ app_store_connect: OTTAAAppStore
+ environment:
+ groups:
+ - ottaa-flutter
+ flutter: default
+ xcode: latest
+ cocoapods: default
+ ios_signing:
+ distribution_type: app_store
+ bundle_identifier: com.ottaaproject.ottaa
+ vars:
+ APP_ID: 1668864533
+ triggering:
+ events:
+ - push
+ branch_patterns:
+ - pattern: master
+ include: true
+ source: true
+ tag_patterns:
+ - pattern: '*'
+ include: true
+ scripts:
+ - name: Set up key.properties
+ script: |
+ echo $FCI_KEYSTORE | base64 --decode > $FCI_KEYSTORE_PATH
+ cat >> "$FCI_BUILD_DIR/android/key.properties" < "$FCI_BUILD_DIR/android/local.properties"
+ - name: Setting up the environment
+ script:
+ flutter upgrade
+ flutter packages pub get
+ flutter config --enable-web
+ echo $FIREBASE_JSON | base64 --decode > $FCI_BUILD_DIR/firebase.json
+ echo $GOOGLE_SERVICES | base64 --decode > $FCI_BUILD_DIR/android/app/google-services.json
+ echo $ENV | base64 --decode > $FCI_BUILD_DIR/.env
+ flutter packages pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
+ - name: Set up code signing settings on Xcode project
+ script: xcode-project use-profiles
+ - name: Install pods
+ script: |
+ find . -name "Podfile" -execdir pod install \;
+ - name: Build Android & Web
+ script:
+ flutter build appbundle --release --build-name=1.0.$(($BUILD_NUMBER + 1)) --build-number=$(($BUILD_NUMBER + 1))
+ flutter build web --release --web-renderer canvaskit
+ cd build/web
+ 7z a -r ../web.zip ./*
+ - name: Build iOS
+ script: |
+ BUILD_NUMBER=$(($(app-store-connect get-latest-app-store-build-number "$APP_ID") + 1))
+ flutter build ipa --release \
+ --build-name=1.0.$BUILD_NUMBER \
+ --build-number=$BUILD_NUMBER
+ - name: Deploying web
+ script:
+ firebase deploy --only hosting:ottaaproject --token "$FIREBASE_TOKEN"
+ artifacts:
+ - build/**/outputs/apk/**/*.apk
+ - build/**/outputs/bundle/**/*.aab
+ - build/**/outputs/**/mapping.txt
+ - build/web.zip
+ - '*.snap'
+ - build/windows/**/*.msix
+ - build/ios/ipa/*.ipa
+ - /tmp/xcodebuild_logs/*.log
+ - flutter_drive.log
+ publishing:
+ email:
+ recipients:
+ - hectoritr@hotmail.com
diff --git a/crowdin.yml b/crowdin.yml
index 64732ffe..a99cf7cb 100644
--- a/crowdin.yml
+++ b/crowdin.yml
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
- - source: /assets/i18n/es.json
+ - source: /assets/i18n/es_AR.json
translation: /assets/i18n/%locale_with_underscore%.json
+ - source: /assets/languages/es_AR.json
+ translation: /assets/languages/%locale_with_underscore%.json
diff --git a/firebase.json b/firebase.json
index adaa1a42..2f2715fb 100644
--- a/firebase.json
+++ b/firebase.json
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
- "hosting":[
- { "site":"ottaaproject-flutter",
+ "hosting": [
+ {
+ "site": "ottaaproject-flutter",
"public": "build/web",
"ignore": [
@@ -14,7 +15,8 @@
- { "site":"dev-ottaaproject",
+ {
+ "site": "dev-ottaaproject",
"public": "build/web",
"ignore": [
@@ -29,6 +31,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ios/.gitignore b/ios/.gitignore
index 151026b9..7a7f9873 100644
--- a/ios/.gitignore
+++ b/ios/.gitignore
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/ios/Flutter/AppFrameworkInfo.plist b/ios/Flutter/AppFrameworkInfo.plist
index 8d4492f9..9625e105 100644
--- a/ios/Flutter/AppFrameworkInfo.plist
+++ b/ios/Flutter/AppFrameworkInfo.plist
@@ -21,6 +21,6 @@
- 9.0
+ 11.0
diff --git a/ios/Podfile b/ios/Podfile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8a07e80f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ios/Podfile
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# Uncomment this line to define a global platform for your project
+ platform :ios, '16.0'
+# CocoaPods analytics sends network stats synchronously affecting flutter build latency.
+project 'Runner', {
+ 'Debug' => :debug,
+ 'Profile' => :release,
+ 'Release' => :release,
+def flutter_root
+ generated_xcode_build_settings_path = File.expand_path(File.join('..', 'Flutter', 'Generated.xcconfig'), __FILE__)
+ unless File.exist?(generated_xcode_build_settings_path)
+ raise "#{generated_xcode_build_settings_path} must exist. If you're running pod install manually, make sure flutter pub get is executed first"
+ end
+ File.foreach(generated_xcode_build_settings_path) do |line|
+ matches = line.match(/FLUTTER_ROOT\=(.*)/)
+ return matches[1].strip if matches
+ end
+ raise "FLUTTER_ROOT not found in #{generated_xcode_build_settings_path}. Try deleting Generated.xcconfig, then run flutter pub get"
+require File.expand_path(File.join('packages', 'flutter_tools', 'bin', 'podhelper'), flutter_root)
+target 'Runner' do
+ use_frameworks!
+ use_modular_headers!
+ flutter_install_all_ios_pods File.dirname(File.realpath(__FILE__))
+post_install do |installer|
+ installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
+ flutter_additional_ios_build_settings(target)
+ end
diff --git a/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj b/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
index e956e4bc..be5b4937 100644
--- a/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
+++ b/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
@@ -3,15 +3,15 @@
archiveVersion = 1;
classes = {
- objectVersion = 51;
+ objectVersion = 54;
objects = {
/* Begin PBXBuildFile section */
1498D2341E8E89220040F4C2 /* GeneratedPluginRegistrant.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 1498D2331E8E89220040F4C2 /* GeneratedPluginRegistrant.m */; };
3B3967161E833CAA004F5970 /* AppFrameworkInfo.plist in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 3B3967151E833CAA004F5970 /* AppFrameworkInfo.plist */; };
- 411C52A9E7C511044368DE79 /* Pods_Runner.framework in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 34EA2C355246212C8C072E08 /* Pods_Runner.framework */; };
- 729855B127AACC5300FE7578 /* GoogleService-Info.plist in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 729855B027AACC5300FE7578 /* GoogleService-Info.plist */; };
+ 7234228F2A18F13300342D88 /* GoogleService-Info.plist in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 7234228E2A18F13200342D88 /* GoogleService-Info.plist */; };
74858FAF1ED2DC5600515810 /* AppDelegate.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 74858FAE1ED2DC5600515810 /* AppDelegate.swift */; };
+ 79D983F69E8B8A0D19E497EE /* Pods_Runner.framework in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = FF399D1209334B04009F121B /* Pods_Runner.framework */; };
97C146FC1CF9000F007C117D /* Main.storyboard in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 97C146FA1CF9000F007C117D /* Main.storyboard */; };
97C146FE1CF9000F007C117D /* Assets.xcassets in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 97C146FD1CF9000F007C117D /* Assets.xcassets */; };
97C147011CF9000F007C117D /* LaunchScreen.storyboard in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 97C146FF1CF9000F007C117D /* LaunchScreen.storyboard */; };
@@ -31,16 +31,16 @@
/* End PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase section */
/* Begin PBXFileReference section */
- 141DBC16CC80A9B0A175ED0D /* Pods-Runner.release.xcconfig */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; includeInIndex = 1; lastKnownFileType = text.xcconfig; name = "Pods-Runner.release.xcconfig"; path = "Target Support Files/Pods-Runner/Pods-Runner.release.xcconfig"; sourceTree = ""; };
1498D2321E8E86230040F4C2 /* GeneratedPluginRegistrant.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = GeneratedPluginRegistrant.h; sourceTree = ""; };
1498D2331E8E89220040F4C2 /* GeneratedPluginRegistrant.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = GeneratedPluginRegistrant.m; sourceTree = ""; };
- 34EA2C355246212C8C072E08 /* Pods_Runner.framework */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; explicitFileType = wrapper.framework; includeInIndex = 0; path = Pods_Runner.framework; sourceTree = BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR; };
3B3967151E833CAA004F5970 /* AppFrameworkInfo.plist */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.xml; name = AppFrameworkInfo.plist; path = Flutter/AppFrameworkInfo.plist; sourceTree = ""; };
- 729855B027AACC5300FE7578 /* GoogleService-Info.plist */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.xml; path = "GoogleService-Info.plist"; sourceTree = ""; };
+ 4A5A7451D36DE31D979FD8FA /* Pods-Runner.debug.xcconfig */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; includeInIndex = 1; lastKnownFileType = text.xcconfig; name = "Pods-Runner.debug.xcconfig"; path = "Target Support Files/Pods-Runner/Pods-Runner.debug.xcconfig"; sourceTree = ""; };
+ 5403D70F87245BF217C05FCB /* Pods-Runner.release.xcconfig */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; includeInIndex = 1; lastKnownFileType = text.xcconfig; name = "Pods-Runner.release.xcconfig"; path = "Target Support Files/Pods-Runner/Pods-Runner.release.xcconfig"; sourceTree = ""; };
+ 7234228E2A18F13200342D88 /* GoogleService-Info.plist */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.xml; path = "GoogleService-Info.plist"; sourceTree = ""; };
+ 72EA9CAB2A30A8CF0022AB08 /* Runner.entitlements */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.entitlements; path = Runner.entitlements; sourceTree = ""; };
74858FAD1ED2DC5600515810 /* Runner-Bridging-Header.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = "Runner-Bridging-Header.h"; sourceTree = ""; };
74858FAE1ED2DC5600515810 /* AppDelegate.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = AppDelegate.swift; sourceTree = ""; };
7AFA3C8E1D35360C0083082E /* Release.xcconfig */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.xcconfig; name = Release.xcconfig; path = Flutter/Release.xcconfig; sourceTree = ""; };
- 96781113B1DD4166E3EDE877 /* Pods-Runner.debug.xcconfig */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; includeInIndex = 1; lastKnownFileType = text.xcconfig; name = "Pods-Runner.debug.xcconfig"; path = "Target Support Files/Pods-Runner/Pods-Runner.debug.xcconfig"; sourceTree = ""; };
9740EEB21CF90195004384FC /* Debug.xcconfig */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text.xcconfig; name = Debug.xcconfig; path = Flutter/Debug.xcconfig; sourceTree = ""; };
9740EEB31CF90195004384FC /* Generated.xcconfig */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text.xcconfig; name = Generated.xcconfig; path = Flutter/Generated.xcconfig; sourceTree = ""; };
97C146EE1CF9000F007C117D /* Runner.app */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; explicitFileType = wrapper.application; includeInIndex = 0; path = Runner.app; sourceTree = BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR; };
@@ -48,7 +48,8 @@
97C146FD1CF9000F007C117D /* Assets.xcassets */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = folder.assetcatalog; path = Assets.xcassets; sourceTree = ""; };
97C147001CF9000F007C117D /* Base */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = file.storyboard; name = Base; path = Base.lproj/LaunchScreen.storyboard; sourceTree = ""; };
97C147021CF9000F007C117D /* Info.plist */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.xml; path = Info.plist; sourceTree = ""; };
- A8CA4C6FDEB24B7079A44988 /* Pods-Runner.profile.xcconfig */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; includeInIndex = 1; lastKnownFileType = text.xcconfig; name = "Pods-Runner.profile.xcconfig"; path = "Target Support Files/Pods-Runner/Pods-Runner.profile.xcconfig"; sourceTree = ""; };
+ DEDD5A724870E0F55D89F2B6 /* Pods-Runner.profile.xcconfig */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; includeInIndex = 1; lastKnownFileType = text.xcconfig; name = "Pods-Runner.profile.xcconfig"; path = "Target Support Files/Pods-Runner/Pods-Runner.profile.xcconfig"; sourceTree = ""; };
+ FF399D1209334B04009F121B /* Pods_Runner.framework */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; explicitFileType = wrapper.framework; includeInIndex = 0; path = Pods_Runner.framework; sourceTree = BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR; };
/* End PBXFileReference section */
/* Begin PBXFrameworksBuildPhase section */
@@ -56,27 +57,19 @@
isa = PBXFrameworksBuildPhase;
buildActionMask = 2147483647;
files = (
- 411C52A9E7C511044368DE79 /* Pods_Runner.framework in Frameworks */,
+ 79D983F69E8B8A0D19E497EE /* Pods_Runner.framework in Frameworks */,
runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
/* End PBXFrameworksBuildPhase section */
/* Begin PBXGroup section */
- 41E4637D620F93C68546A490 /* Frameworks */ = {
+ 1B9C197EF024164A5E251CF2 /* Pods */ = {
isa = PBXGroup;
children = (
- 34EA2C355246212C8C072E08 /* Pods_Runner.framework */,
- );
- name = Frameworks;
- sourceTree = "";
- };
- 548EC9CF274625B7894C879E /* Pods */ = {
- isa = PBXGroup;
- children = (
- 96781113B1DD4166E3EDE877 /* Pods-Runner.debug.xcconfig */,
- 141DBC16CC80A9B0A175ED0D /* Pods-Runner.release.xcconfig */,
- A8CA4C6FDEB24B7079A44988 /* Pods-Runner.profile.xcconfig */,
+ 4A5A7451D36DE31D979FD8FA /* Pods-Runner.debug.xcconfig */,
+ 5403D70F87245BF217C05FCB /* Pods-Runner.release.xcconfig */,
+ DEDD5A724870E0F55D89F2B6 /* Pods-Runner.profile.xcconfig */,
path = Pods;
sourceTree = "";
@@ -98,8 +91,8 @@
9740EEB11CF90186004384FC /* Flutter */,
97C146F01CF9000F007C117D /* Runner */,
97C146EF1CF9000F007C117D /* Products */,
- 548EC9CF274625B7894C879E /* Pods */,
- 41E4637D620F93C68546A490 /* Frameworks */,
+ 1B9C197EF024164A5E251CF2 /* Pods */,
+ 9E60A7492E09F88D4218E14F /* Frameworks */,
sourceTree = "";
@@ -114,7 +107,8 @@
97C146F01CF9000F007C117D /* Runner */ = {
isa = PBXGroup;
children = (
- 729855B027AACC5300FE7578 /* GoogleService-Info.plist */,
+ 72EA9CAB2A30A8CF0022AB08 /* Runner.entitlements */,
+ 7234228E2A18F13200342D88 /* GoogleService-Info.plist */,
97C146FA1CF9000F007C117D /* Main.storyboard */,
97C146FD1CF9000F007C117D /* Assets.xcassets */,
97C146FF1CF9000F007C117D /* LaunchScreen.storyboard */,
@@ -127,6 +121,14 @@
path = Runner;
sourceTree = "";
+ 9E60A7492E09F88D4218E14F /* Frameworks */ = {
+ isa = PBXGroup;
+ children = (
+ FF399D1209334B04009F121B /* Pods_Runner.framework */,
+ );
+ name = Frameworks;
+ sourceTree = "";
+ };
/* End PBXGroup section */
/* Begin PBXNativeTarget section */
@@ -134,15 +136,14 @@
isa = PBXNativeTarget;
buildConfigurationList = 97C147051CF9000F007C117D /* Build configuration list for PBXNativeTarget "Runner" */;
buildPhases = (
- 226D57371B40B5525F940D73 /* [CP] Check Pods Manifest.lock */,
+ F14CCD00FD72D66B735AADEA /* [CP] Check Pods Manifest.lock */,
9740EEB61CF901F6004384FC /* Run Script */,
97C146EA1CF9000F007C117D /* Sources */,
97C146EB1CF9000F007C117D /* Frameworks */,
97C146EC1CF9000F007C117D /* Resources */,
9705A1C41CF9048500538489 /* Embed Frameworks */,
3B06AD1E1E4923F5004D2608 /* Thin Binary */,
- 8A7E9B05BDBE9C0B3ECD5318 /* [CP] Embed Pods Frameworks */,
- D0E0B4EE0AA30CC34DFFDF55 /* [CP] Copy Pods Resources */,
+ EF9B596E0A8FEBCDB2EFF1A6 /* [CP] Embed Pods Frameworks */,
buildRules = (
@@ -159,7 +160,7 @@
97C146E61CF9000F007C117D /* Project object */ = {
isa = PBXProject;
attributes = {
- LastUpgradeCheck = 1320;
+ LastUpgradeCheck = 1300;
TargetAttributes = {
97C146ED1CF9000F007C117D = {
@@ -193,52 +194,46 @@
files = (
97C147011CF9000F007C117D /* LaunchScreen.storyboard in Resources */,
3B3967161E833CAA004F5970 /* AppFrameworkInfo.plist in Resources */,
+ 7234228F2A18F13300342D88 /* GoogleService-Info.plist in Resources */,
97C146FE1CF9000F007C117D /* Assets.xcassets in Resources */,
97C146FC1CF9000F007C117D /* Main.storyboard in Resources */,
- 729855B127AACC5300FE7578 /* GoogleService-Info.plist in Resources */,
runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
/* End PBXResourcesBuildPhase section */
/* Begin PBXShellScriptBuildPhase section */
- 226D57371B40B5525F940D73 /* [CP] Check Pods Manifest.lock */ = {
+ 3B06AD1E1E4923F5004D2608 /* Thin Binary */ = {
isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase;
+ alwaysOutOfDate = 1;
buildActionMask = 2147483647;
files = (
- inputFileListPaths = (
- );
inputPaths = (
- "${PODS_PODFILE_DIR_PATH}/Podfile.lock",
- "${PODS_ROOT}/Manifest.lock",
- );
- name = "[CP] Check Pods Manifest.lock";
- outputFileListPaths = (
+ name = "Thin Binary";
outputPaths = (
- "$(DERIVED_FILE_DIR)/Pods-Runner-checkManifestLockResult.txt",
runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
shellPath = /bin/sh;
- shellScript = "diff \"${PODS_PODFILE_DIR_PATH}/Podfile.lock\" \"${PODS_ROOT}/Manifest.lock\" > /dev/null\nif [ $? != 0 ] ; then\n # print error to STDERR\n echo \"error: The sandbox is not in sync with the Podfile.lock. Run 'pod install' or update your CocoaPods installation.\" >&2\n exit 1\nfi\n# This output is used by Xcode 'outputs' to avoid re-running this script phase.\necho \"SUCCESS\" > \"${SCRIPT_OUTPUT_FILE_0}\"\n";
- showEnvVarsInLog = 0;
+ shellScript = "/bin/sh \"$FLUTTER_ROOT/packages/flutter_tools/bin/xcode_backend.sh\" embed_and_thin";
- 3B06AD1E1E4923F5004D2608 /* Thin Binary */ = {
+ 9740EEB61CF901F6004384FC /* Run Script */ = {
isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase;
+ alwaysOutOfDate = 1;
buildActionMask = 2147483647;
files = (
inputPaths = (
- name = "Thin Binary";
+ name = "Run Script";
outputPaths = (
runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
shellPath = /bin/sh;
- shellScript = "/bin/sh \"$FLUTTER_ROOT/packages/flutter_tools/bin/xcode_backend.sh\" embed_and_thin";
+ shellScript = "/bin/sh \"$FLUTTER_ROOT/packages/flutter_tools/bin/xcode_backend.sh\" build\n";
- 8A7E9B05BDBE9C0B3ECD5318 /* [CP] Embed Pods Frameworks */ = {
+ EF9B596E0A8FEBCDB2EFF1A6 /* [CP] Embed Pods Frameworks */ = {
isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase;
buildActionMask = 2147483647;
files = (
@@ -255,35 +250,26 @@
shellScript = "\"${PODS_ROOT}/Target Support Files/Pods-Runner/Pods-Runner-frameworks.sh\"\n";
showEnvVarsInLog = 0;
- 9740EEB61CF901F6004384FC /* Run Script */ = {
- isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase;
- buildActionMask = 12;
- files = (
- );
- inputPaths = (
- );
- name = "Run Script";
- outputPaths = (
- );
- runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
- shellPath = /bin/sh;
- shellScript = "/bin/sh \"$FLUTTER_ROOT/packages/flutter_tools/bin/xcode_backend.sh\" build\n";
- };
- D0E0B4EE0AA30CC34DFFDF55 /* [CP] Copy Pods Resources */ = {
+ F14CCD00FD72D66B735AADEA /* [CP] Check Pods Manifest.lock */ = {
isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase;
buildActionMask = 2147483647;
files = (
inputFileListPaths = (
- "${PODS_ROOT}/Target Support Files/Pods-Runner/Pods-Runner-resources-${CONFIGURATION}-input-files.xcfilelist",
- name = "[CP] Copy Pods Resources";
+ inputPaths = (
+ "${PODS_PODFILE_DIR_PATH}/Podfile.lock",
+ "${PODS_ROOT}/Manifest.lock",
+ );
+ name = "[CP] Check Pods Manifest.lock";
outputFileListPaths = (
- "${PODS_ROOT}/Target Support Files/Pods-Runner/Pods-Runner-resources-${CONFIGURATION}-output-files.xcfilelist",
+ );
+ outputPaths = (
+ "$(DERIVED_FILE_DIR)/Pods-Runner-checkManifestLockResult.txt",
runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
shellPath = /bin/sh;
- shellScript = "\"${PODS_ROOT}/Target Support Files/Pods-Runner/Pods-Runner-resources.sh\"\n";
+ shellScript = "diff \"${PODS_PODFILE_DIR_PATH}/Podfile.lock\" \"${PODS_ROOT}/Manifest.lock\" > /dev/null\nif [ $? != 0 ] ; then\n # print error to STDERR\n echo \"error: The sandbox is not in sync with the Podfile.lock. Run 'pod install' or update your CocoaPods installation.\" >&2\n exit 1\nfi\n# This output is used by Xcode 'outputs' to avoid re-running this script phase.\necho \"SUCCESS\" > \"${SCRIPT_OUTPUT_FILE_0}\"\n";
showEnvVarsInLog = 0;
/* End PBXShellScriptBuildPhase section */
@@ -343,7 +329,6 @@
@@ -362,7 +347,7 @@
SDKROOT = iphoneos;
@@ -376,16 +361,19 @@
baseConfigurationReference = 7AFA3C8E1D35360C0083082E /* Release.xcconfig */;
buildSettings = {
+ CODE_SIGN_ENTITLEMENTS = Runner/Runner.entitlements;
INFOPLIST_FILE = Runner/Info.plist;
- PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = com.ottaaproject.flutter;
+ PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = com.ottaaproject.ottaa;
SWIFT_OBJC_BRIDGING_HEADER = "Runner/Runner-Bridging-Header.h";
@@ -416,7 +404,6 @@
@@ -441,7 +428,7 @@
SDKROOT = iphoneos;
@@ -472,7 +459,6 @@
@@ -491,7 +477,7 @@
SDKROOT = iphoneos;
@@ -507,16 +493,19 @@
baseConfigurationReference = 9740EEB21CF90195004384FC /* Debug.xcconfig */;
buildSettings = {
+ CODE_SIGN_ENTITLEMENTS = Runner/Runner.entitlements;
INFOPLIST_FILE = Runner/Info.plist;
- PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = com.ottaaproject.flutter;
+ PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = com.ottaaproject.ottaa;
SWIFT_OBJC_BRIDGING_HEADER = "Runner/Runner-Bridging-Header.h";
@@ -530,16 +519,19 @@
baseConfigurationReference = 7AFA3C8E1D35360C0083082E /* Release.xcconfig */;
buildSettings = {
+ CODE_SIGN_ENTITLEMENTS = Runner/Runner.entitlements;
INFOPLIST_FILE = Runner/Info.plist;
- PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = com.ottaaproject.flutter;
+ PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = com.ottaaproject.ottaa;
SWIFT_OBJC_BRIDGING_HEADER = "Runner/Runner-Bridging-Header.h";
diff --git a/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/xcschemes/Runner.xcscheme b/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/xcschemes/Runner.xcscheme
index 2852ce3a..c87d15a3 100644
--- a/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/xcschemes/Runner.xcscheme
+++ b/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/xcschemes/Runner.xcscheme
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Bool {
GeneratedPluginRegistrant.register(with: self)
+ // This function registers the desired plugins to be used within a notification background action
+ SwiftAwesomeNotificationsPlugin.setPluginRegistrantCallback { registry in
+ SwiftAwesomeNotificationsPlugin.register(
+ with: registry.registrar(forPlugin: "io.flutter.plugins.awesomenotifications.AwesomeNotificationsPlugin")!)
+ }
return super.application(application, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: launchOptions)
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Binary files /dev/null and b/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/AppIcon-83.5@2x~ipad.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..645acbee
Binary files /dev/null and b/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/AppIcon@2x.png differ
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new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/AppIcon~ipad.png differ
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index d36b1fab..bd04914a 100644
--- a/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Contents.json
+++ b/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Contents.json
@@ -1,122 +1,134 @@
- "images" : [
+ "images": [
- "size" : "20x20",
- "idiom" : "iphone",
- "filename" : "Icon-App-20x20@2x.png",
- "scale" : "2x"
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+ "idiom": "iphone",
+ "scale": "2x",
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- "size" : "20x20",
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- "filename" : "Icon-App-20x20@3x.png",
- "scale" : "3x"
+ "filename": "AppIcon@3x.png",
+ "idiom": "iphone",
+ "scale": "3x",
+ "size": "60x60"
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- "idiom" : "iphone",
- "filename" : "Icon-App-29x29@1x.png",
- "scale" : "1x"
+ "filename": "AppIcon~ipad.png",
+ "idiom": "ipad",
+ "scale": "1x",
+ "size": "76x76"
- "size" : "29x29",
- "idiom" : "iphone",
- "filename" : "Icon-App-29x29@2x.png",
- "scale" : "2x"
+ "filename": "AppIcon@2x~ipad.png",
+ "idiom": "ipad",
+ "scale": "2x",
+ "size": "76x76"
- "size" : "29x29",
- "idiom" : "iphone",
- "filename" : "Icon-App-29x29@3x.png",
- "scale" : "3x"
+ "filename": "AppIcon-83.5@2x~ipad.png",
+ "idiom": "ipad",
+ "scale": "2x",
+ "size": "83.5x83.5"
- "size" : "40x40",
- "idiom" : "iphone",
- "filename" : "Icon-App-40x40@2x.png",
- "scale" : "2x"
+ "filename": "AppIcon-40@2x.png",
+ "idiom": "iphone",
+ "scale": "2x",
+ "size": "40x40"
- "size" : "40x40",
- "idiom" : "iphone",
- "filename" : "Icon-App-40x40@3x.png",
- "scale" : "3x"
+ "filename": "AppIcon-40@3x.png",
+ "idiom": "iphone",
+ "scale": "3x",
+ "size": "40x40"
- "size" : "60x60",
- "idiom" : "iphone",
- "filename" : "Icon-App-60x60@2x.png",
- "scale" : "2x"
+ "filename": "AppIcon-40~ipad.png",
+ "idiom": "ipad",
+ "scale": "1x",
+ "size": "40x40"
- "size" : "60x60",
- "idiom" : "iphone",
- "filename" : "Icon-App-60x60@3x.png",
- "scale" : "3x"
+ "filename": "AppIcon-40@2x~ipad.png",
+ "idiom": "ipad",
+ "scale": "2x",
+ "size": "40x40"
- "size" : "20x20",
- "idiom" : "ipad",
- "filename" : "Icon-App-20x20@1x.png",
- "scale" : "1x"
+ "filename": "AppIcon-20@2x.png",
+ "idiom": "iphone",
+ "scale": "2x",
+ "size": "20x20"
- "size" : "20x20",
- "idiom" : "ipad",
- "filename" : "Icon-App-20x20@2x.png",
- "scale" : "2x"
+ "filename": "AppIcon-20@3x.png",
+ "idiom": "iphone",
+ "scale": "3x",
+ "size": "20x20"
- "size" : "29x29",
- "idiom" : "ipad",
- "filename" : "Icon-App-29x29@1x.png",
- "scale" : "1x"
+ "filename": "AppIcon-20~ipad.png",
+ "idiom": "ipad",
+ "scale": "1x",
+ "size": "20x20"
- "size" : "29x29",
- "idiom" : "ipad",
- "filename" : "Icon-App-29x29@2x.png",
- "scale" : "2x"
+ "filename": "AppIcon-20@2x~ipad.png",
+ "idiom": "ipad",
+ "scale": "2x",
+ "size": "20x20"
- "size" : "40x40",
- "idiom" : "ipad",
- "filename" : "Icon-App-40x40@1x.png",
- "scale" : "1x"
+ "filename": "AppIcon-29.png",
+ "idiom": "iphone",
+ "scale": "1x",
+ "size": "29x29"
- "size" : "40x40",
- "idiom" : "ipad",
- "filename" : "Icon-App-40x40@2x.png",
- "scale" : "2x"
+ "filename": "AppIcon-29@2x.png",
+ "idiom": "iphone",
+ "scale": "2x",
+ "size": "29x29"
- "size" : "76x76",
- "idiom" : "ipad",
- "filename" : "Icon-App-76x76@1x.png",
- "scale" : "1x"
+ "filename": "AppIcon-29@3x.png",
+ "idiom": "iphone",
+ "scale": "3x",
+ "size": "29x29"
- "size" : "76x76",
- "idiom" : "ipad",
- "filename" : "Icon-App-76x76@2x.png",
- "scale" : "2x"
+ "filename": "AppIcon-29~ipad.png",
+ "idiom": "ipad",
+ "scale": "1x",
+ "size": "29x29"
- "size" : "83.5x83.5",
- "idiom" : "ipad",
- "filename" : "Icon-App-83.5x83.5@2x.png",
- "scale" : "2x"
+ "filename": "AppIcon-29@2x~ipad.png",
+ "idiom": "ipad",
+ "scale": "2x",
+ "size": "29x29"
- "size" : "1024x1024",
- "idiom" : "ios-marketing",
- "filename" : "Icon-App-1024x1024@1x.png",
- "scale" : "1x"
+ "filename": "AppIcon-60@2x~car.png",
+ "idiom": "car",
+ "scale": "2x",
+ "size": "60x60"
+ },
+ {
+ "filename": "AppIcon-60@3x~car.png",
+ "idiom": "car",
+ "scale": "3x",
+ "size": "60x60"
+ },
+ {
+ "filename": "AppIcon~ios-marketing.png",
+ "idiom": "ios-marketing",
+ "scale": "1x",
+ "size": "1024x1024"
- "info" : {
- "version" : 1,
- "author" : "xcode"
+ "info": {
+ "author": "iconkitchen",
+ "version": 1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ios/Runner/Info.plist b/ios/Runner/Info.plist
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e681db0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ios/Runner/Info.plist
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+ CADisableMinimumFrameDurationOnPhone
+ CFBundleDevelopmentRegion
+ CFBundleDisplayName
+ CFBundleExecutable
+ CFBundleIdentifier
+ CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion
+ 6.0
+ CFBundleName
+ com.ottaaproject.ottaa
+ CFBundlePackageType
+ CFBundleShortVersionString
+ CFBundleSignature
+ ????
+ CFBundleURLTypes
+ CFBundleTypeRole
+ Editor
+ CFBundleURLSchemes
+ CFBundleVersion
+ FirebaseMessagingAutoInitEnabled
+ LSRequiresIPhoneOS
+ NSMicrophoneUsageDescription
+ Microphone allows you to record custom voices & sounds.
+ NSCameraUsageDescription
+ Camera allows user to take pictures and use them in app.
+ NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription
+ Photos & Images allows you to create customized pictograms.
+ UIApplicationSupportsIndirectInputEvents
+ UIBackgroundModes
+ fetch
+ remote-notification
+ UILaunchStoryboardName
+ LaunchScreen
+ UIMainStoryboardFile
+ Main
+ UISupportedInterfaceOrientations
+ UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait
+ UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft
+ UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight
+ UISupportedInterfaceOrientations~ipad
+ UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait
+ UIInterfaceOrientationPortraitUpsideDown
+ UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft
+ UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight
+ UIViewControllerBasedStatusBarAppearance
diff --git a/ios/Runner/Runner.entitlements b/ios/Runner/Runner.entitlements
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a430a85e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ios/Runner/Runner.entitlements
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ aps-environment
+ development
+ com.apple.developer.applesignin
+ Default
+ com.apple.developer.user-fonts
diff --git a/lib/application/adapters/datetime_adapter.dart b/lib/application/adapters/datetime_adapter.dart
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d3b3dbdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/application/adapters/datetime_adapter.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+import 'package:hive_flutter/hive_flutter.dart';
+class DateTimeAdapter extends TypeAdapter {
+ @override
+ final typeId = 16;
+ @override
+ DateTime read(BinaryReader reader) {
+ final micros = reader.readInt();
+ return DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(micros);
+ }
+ @override
+ void write(BinaryWriter writer, DateTime obj) {
+ writer.writeInt(obj.millisecondsSinceEpoch);
+ }
diff --git a/lib/application/application.dart b/lib/application/application.dart
index 4c777d93..97a28ddd 100644
--- a/lib/application/application.dart
+++ b/lib/application/application.dart
@@ -1,16 +1,31 @@
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
+import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart';
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/common/i18n.dart';
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/locator.dart';
import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/router/app_router.dart';
-import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/theme/app_theme.dart';
+import 'package:ottaa_ui_kit/theme.dart';
-class Application extends StatelessWidget {
+final appRouter = AppRouter.instance.buildRouter();
+class Application extends ConsumerStatefulWidget {
const Application({super.key});
+ @override
+ ConsumerState createState() => _ApplicationState();
+class _ApplicationState extends ConsumerState {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
- return MaterialApp.router(
- debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
- routerConfig: appRouterSingleton.router,
- theme: AppTheme.instance.defaultThemeData(),
+ return I18nNotifier(
+ notifier: getIt.get(),
+ child: MaterialApp.router(
+ title: "OTTAA Project",
+ debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
+ routerConfig: appRouter,
+ theme: kOttaaLightThemeData,
+ restorationScopeId: 'root',
+ ),
diff --git a/lib/application/common/app_images.dart b/lib/application/common/app_images.dart
index a19e6464..fb4a33bc 100644
--- a/lib/application/common/app_images.dart
+++ b/lib/application/common/app_images.dart
@@ -179,8 +179,7 @@ class AppImages {
static const kCamisas = "assets/imgs/camisas.webp";
- static const kCamisetaDeMangaLarga =
- "assets/imgs/camiseta_de_manga_larga.webp";
+ static const kCamisetaDeMangaLarga = "assets/imgs/camiseta_de_manga_larga.webp";
static const kCampera = "assets/imgs/campera.webp";
@@ -382,8 +381,7 @@ class AppImages {
static const kEnamorados = "assets/imgs/enamorados.webp";
- static const kEncenderLaTelevision =
- "assets/imgs/encender_la_television.webp";
+ static const kEncenderLaTelevision = "assets/imgs/encender_la_television.webp";
static const kEnfermo = "assets/imgs/enfermo.webp";
@@ -571,8 +569,7 @@ class AppImages {
static const kIcCanalDeportes = "assets/imgs/ic_canal_deportes.webp";
- static const kIcCanalDibujosAnimados =
- "assets/imgs/ic_canal_dibujos_animados.webp";
+ static const kIcCanalDibujosAnimados = "assets/imgs/ic_canal_dibujos_animados.webp";
static const kIcCanalNoticiero = "assets/imgs/ic_canal_noticiero.webp";
@@ -600,8 +597,7 @@ class AppImages {
static const kIcClases = "assets/imgs/ic_clases.webp";
- static const kIcCloudDownloadBlack24dp =
- "assets/imgs/ic_cloud_download_black_24dp.webp";
+ static const kIcCloudDownloadBlack24dp = "assets/imgs/ic_cloud_download_black_24dp.webp";
static const kIcColores = "assets/imgs/ic_colores.webp";
@@ -617,8 +613,7 @@ class AppImages {
static const kIcControlRemoto = "assets/imgs/ic_control_remoto.webp";
- static const kIcControlarTelevision =
- "assets/imgs/ic_controlar_television.webp";
+ static const kIcControlarTelevision = "assets/imgs/ic_controlar_television.webp";
static const kIcCorner = "assets/imgs/ic_corner.webp";
@@ -744,8 +739,7 @@ class AppImages {
static const kIcHambre = "assets/imgs/ic_hambre.webp";
- static const kIcHelpOutlineWhite24dp =
- "assets/imgs/ic_help_outline_white_24dp.webp";
+ static const kIcHelpOutlineWhite24dp = "assets/imgs/ic_help_outline_white_24dp.webp";
static const kIcHermano = "assets/imgs/ic_hermano.webp";
@@ -821,8 +815,7 @@ class AppImages {
static const kIcModifiers = "assets/imgs/ic_modifiers.webp";
- static const kIcMoreVertWhite24dp =
- "assets/imgs/ic_more_vert_white_24dp.webp";
+ static const kIcMoreVertWhite24dp = "assets/imgs/ic_more_vert_white_24dp.webp";
static const kIcMujer = "assets/imgs/ic_mujer.webp";
@@ -954,11 +947,9 @@ class AppImages {
static const kIcVioleta = "assets/imgs/ic_violeta.webp";
- static const kIcVolumeOffWhite24dp =
- "assets/imgs/ic_volume_off_white_24dp.webp";
+ static const kIcVolumeOffWhite24dp = "assets/imgs/ic_volume_off_white_24dp.webp";
- static const kIcVolumeUpWhite24dp =
- "assets/imgs/ic_volume_up_white_24dp.webp";
+ static const kIcVolumeUpWhite24dp = "assets/imgs/ic_volume_up_white_24dp.webp";
static const kIcVolumenMenos = "assets/imgs/ic_volumen_menos.webp";
@@ -1058,8 +1049,7 @@ class AppImages {
static const kLibroViaje = "assets/imgs/libro_viaje.webp";
- static const kLicenciaAccesibilidad =
- "assets/imgs/licencia_accesibilidad.webp";
+ static const kLicenciaAccesibilidad = "assets/imgs/licencia_accesibilidad.webp";
static const kLicenciaGames = "assets/imgs/licencia_games.webp";
@@ -1453,8 +1443,7 @@ class AppImages {
static const kSweater = "assets/imgs/sweater.webp";
- static const kTableroDeComunicacion =
- "assets/imgs/tablero_de_comunicacion.webp";
+ static const kTableroDeComunicacion = "assets/imgs/tablero_de_comunicacion.webp";
static const kTagHorarioWhite = "assets/imgs/tag_horario_white.webp";
@@ -1572,8 +1561,7 @@ class AppImages {
static const kZapato = "assets/imgs/zapato.webp";
- static const kZicAddCircleOutlineWhite24dp =
- "assets/imgs/zic_add_circle_outline_white_24dp.webp";
+ static const kZicAddCircleOutlineWhite24dp = "assets/imgs/zic_add_circle_outline_white_24dp.webp";
static const kZicV1Perdonar = "assets/imgs/zic_v1_perdonar.webp";
@@ -1605,8 +1593,7 @@ class AppImages {
static const kZidGripe = "assets/imgs/zid_gripe.webp";
- static const kZidHamburguesaYPatatasFritas =
- "assets/imgs/zid_hamburguesa_y_patatas_fritas.webp";
+ static const kZidHamburguesaYPatatasFritas = "assets/imgs/zid_hamburguesa_y_patatas_fritas.webp";
static const kZidHelado = "assets/imgs/zid_helado.webp";
@@ -1644,16 +1631,13 @@ class AppImages {
static const kOttaaDrawerLogo = "assets/otta_drawer_logo.png";
- static const kProfileIcon1 =
- "assets/profile/profile_chooser_screen_icon_1.png";
+ static const kProfileIcon1 = "assets/profile/profile_chooser_screen_icon_1.png";
- static const kProfileIcon2 =
- "assets/profile/profile_chooser_screen_icon_2.png";
+ static const kProfileIcon2 = "assets/profile/profile_chooser_screen_icon_2.png";
static const kNotificationIcon = "assets/profile/notification_icon.png";
- static const kProfileMainScreenIcon =
- "assets/profile/profile_main_screen_icon2.png";
+ static const kProfileMainScreenIcon = "assets/profile/profile_main_screen_icon2.png";
static const kProfileAddIcon = "assets/profile/profile_add_icon.png";
@@ -1661,20 +1645,81 @@ class AppImages {
static const kProfileOttaalogo = "assets/profile/profile_ottaa_logo.png";
- static const kProfileSettingsIcon1 =
- "assets/profile/profile_settings_icon_1.png";
- static const kProfileSettingsIcon2 =
- "assets/profile/profile_settings_icon_2.png";
- static const kProfileSettingsIcon3 =
- "assets/profile/profile_settings_icon_3.png";
- static const kProfileSettingsIcon4 =
- "assets/profile/profile_settings_icon_4.png";
- static const kProfileSettingsIcon5 =
- "assets/profile/profile_settings_icon_5.png";
- static const kTestImage =
- 'https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2020/05/25/17/21/link-5219567_1280.jpg';
+ static const kProfileSettingsIcon1 = "assets/profile/profile_settings_icon_1.png";
+ static const kProfileSettingsIcon2 = "assets/profile/profile_settings_icon_2.png";
+ static const kProfileSettingsIcon3 = "assets/profile/profile_settings_icon_3.png";
+ static const kProfileSettingsIcon4 = "assets/profile/profile_settings_icon_4.png";
+ static const kProfileSettingsIcon5 = "assets/profile/profile_settings_icon_5.png";
+ static const kTestImage = 'https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2020/05/25/17/21/link-5219567_1280.jpg';
+ static const kProfileHelpIcon1 = 'assets/profile/profile_help_screen_icon_1.png';
+ static const kProfileHelpIcon2 = 'assets/profile/profile_help_screen_icon_2.png';
+ static const kOnboardingFirstScreen = 'assets/onboarding/1.png';
+ static const kOnboardingSecondScreen = 'assets/onboarding/2.png';
+ static const kOnboardingThirdScreen = 'assets/onboarding/3.png';
+ static const kOttaaTablet = 'assets/ottaa_tablet.png';
+ static const kBoardImageEdit1 = 'assets/board/board_edit_image_1.png';
+ static const kBoardImageEdit2 = 'assets/board/board_edit_image_2.png';
+ static const kBoardFavouriteIcon = "assets/board/icons/icons_not_selected/favourite.png";
+ static const kBoardHistoryIcon = "assets/board/icons/icons_not_selected/history.png";
+ static const kBoardCameraIcon = "assets/board/icons/icons_not_selected/camara.png";
+ static const kBoardDiceIcon = "assets/board/icons/icons_not_selected/dice.png";
+ static const kBoardYesIcon = "assets/board/icons/icons_not_selected/yes.png";
+ static const kBoardNoIcon = "assets/board/icons/icons_not_selected/no.png";
+ static const kBoardShareIcon = "assets/board/icons/icons_not_selected/share.png";
+ static const kBoardFavouriteIconSelected = "assets/board/icons/icons_selected/favourite.png";
+ static const kBoardHistoryIconSelected = "assets/board/icons/icons_selected/history.png";
+ static const kBoardDiceIconSelected = "assets/board/icons/icons_selected/dice.png";
+ static const kBoardCameraIconSelected = "assets/board/icons/icons_selected/camara.png";
+ static const kBoardYesIconSelected = "assets/board/icons/icons_selected/yes.png";
+ static const kBoardNoIconSelected = "assets/board/icons/icons_selected/no.png";
+ static const kBoardShareIconSelected = "assets/board/icons/icons_selected/share.png";
+ static const kBoardCustomizeWaitIcon = "assets/board/customize_wait_icon.png";
+ static const kProfileTipsIcon = 'assets/profile/icon_tips.png';
+ static const kCustomizePictoIcon = 'assets/edit/picto/picto_edit_icon.png';
+ static const kDeletePictoIcon = 'assets/edit/picto/delete_picto_icon.png';
+ static const kProfileUserIcon1 = 'assets/profile/user_profile_icon_1.png';
+ static const kProfileUserIcon2 = 'assets/profile/user_profile_icon_2.png';
+ static const kOttaaMinimalist = 'assets/Ottaa.png';
+ static const kOttaaMinimalistOrange = 'assets/Ottaa-orange.png';
+ static const kDelete = 'assets/Delete.png';
+ static const kDeleteOrange = 'assets/Delete-orange.png';
+ static const kSearch = 'assets/Buscar.png';
+ static const kSearchOrange = 'assets/Buscar-Orange.png';
+ static const kRefresh = 'assets/refresh.png';
+ static const kRefreshOrange = 'assets/refresh-Orange.png';
+ static const kAccessibilityIcon1 = 'assets/user_settings/accessibility_icon_1.png';
+ static const kAccessibilityIcon2 = 'assets/user_settings/accessibility_icon_2.png';
+ static const kAccessibilityPhoto1 = 'assets/user_settings/accessibility_photo_1.png';
+ static const kAccessibilityPhoto2 = 'assets/user_settings/accessibility_photo_2.png';
+ static const kAccessibilityPhoto3 = 'assets/user_settings/accessibility_photo_3.png';
+ static const kMainSettingsIcon1 = 'assets/user_settings/main_settings_icon_1.png';
+ static const kMainSettingsIcon2 = 'assets/user_settings/main_settings_icon_2.png';
+ static const kGameBackgroundIcon = 'assets/games_images/game_icon.png';
+ static const kGameSelectPhoto = 'assets/games_images/game_select_photo';
+ static const kGameSearch = 'assets/games_images/game_search.png';
+ static const kGamesMark = 'assets/games_images/mark.png';
+ static const kGamesTrophy = 'assets/games_images/trophy.png';
+ static const kAddIcon = 'assets/games_images/icon_add.png';
+ static const kOttaa = 'assets/games_images/speak_logo.png';
+ static const kSaveIcon = 'assets/games_images/save_icon.png';
+ static const kShareIcon = 'assets/games_images/share_icon.png';
+ static const kArsacImage = 'assets/edit/arsac_image.png';
+ static const kCameraIcon = 'assets/edit/camera_icon.png';
+ static const kGalleryIcon = 'assets/edit/gallery_icon.png';
+ static const kSearchPhoto = 'assets/edit/search_data.png';
+ static const kBoardSelectImage = 'assets/edit/board_select_image.png';
diff --git a/lib/application/common/constants.dart b/lib/application/common/constants.dart
index a29e8381..b03b5a33 100644
--- a/lib/application/common/constants.dart
+++ b/lib/application/common/constants.dart
@@ -9,4 +9,4 @@ const kPortuguesePictoName = 'pt-BR';
const kFrenchGrupoName = 'fr-FR';
const kPortugueseGrupoName = 'pt-BR';
const kMostUsedSentences = 'MostUsedFrases';
-const kFavouriteSentences = 'FavouriteFrases';
\ No newline at end of file
+const kFavouriteSentences = 'FavouriteFrases';
diff --git a/lib/application/common/extensions/translate_string.dart b/lib/application/common/extensions/translate_string.dart
index 77bdd01a..1465ba30 100644
--- a/lib/application/common/extensions/translate_string.dart
+++ b/lib/application/common/extensions/translate_string.dart
@@ -3,6 +3,32 @@ import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/locator.dart';
extension TranslateString on String {
String get trl {
- return locator.get().currentLanguage.translations[this] ?? this;
+ final currentTree = getIt.get().currentLanguage;
+ if (currentTree == null) {
+ return this;
+ }
+ return currentTree.translate(this) ?? this;
+ }
+ String trlf([Map? args]) {
+ final translation = trl;
+ if (args == null) {
+ return translation;
+ }
+ if (args.isEmpty) {
+ return translation;
+ }
+ String result = translation;
+ args.forEach((key, value) {
+ result = result.replaceAll("{$key}", value.toString());
+ });
+ return result;
diff --git a/lib/application/common/extensions/user_extension.dart b/lib/application/common/extensions/user_extension.dart
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c48ecc20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/application/common/extensions/user_extension.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/abstracts/user_model.dart';
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/enums/user_types.dart';
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/models/base_user_model.dart';
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/models/caregiver_user_model.dart';
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/models/patient_user_model.dart';
+extension User on UserModel {
+ PatientUserModel get patient {
+ return this as PatientUserModel;
+ }
+ bool get isPatient {
+ return type == UserType.user;
+ }
+ bool get isCaregiver {
+ return type == UserType.caregiver;
+ }
+ bool get isNone {
+ return type == UserType.none;
+ }
+ CaregiverUserModel get caregiver {
+ return this as CaregiverUserModel;
+ }
+ BaseUserModel get base {
+ return this as BaseUserModel;
+ }
diff --git a/lib/application/common/extensions/validator_string.dart b/lib/application/common/extensions/validator_string.dart
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..071282ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/application/common/extensions/validator_string.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+extension ValidatorString on String {
+ bool get isEmail {
+ final RegExp regex = RegExp(
+ r'^[a-zA-Z0-9.]+@[a-zA-Z0-9]+\.[a-zA-Z]+',
+ caseSensitive: false,
+ multiLine: false,
+ );
+ return regex.hasMatch(this);
+ }
+ bool get isPassword {
+ final RegExp regex = RegExp(
+ r'^(?=.*[A-Za-z])(?=.*\d)[A-Za-z\d]{8,}$',
+ caseSensitive: false,
+ multiLine: false,
+ );
+ return regex.hasMatch(this);
+ }
diff --git a/lib/application/common/i18n.dart b/lib/application/common/i18n.dart
index 0e9326de..d1c106e2 100644
--- a/lib/application/common/i18n.dart
+++ b/lib/application/common/i18n.dart
@@ -1,47 +1,87 @@
import 'dart:convert';
+import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
-import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/language/file_language.dart';
-import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/language/spanish.dart';
-import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/abstracts/language.dart';
+import 'package:injectable/injectable.dart';
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/language/translation_tree.dart';
+import 'package:universal_io/io.dart';
-const defaultFallbackLanguage = SpanishLanguage();
+const Map supportedLocales = {
+ "es_AR": Locale("es", "AR"),
+ "en_US": Locale("en", "US"),
+ "it_IT": Locale("it", "IT"),
+ "pt_BR": Locale("pt", "BR"),
+ "ca_ES": Locale("ca", "ES"),
+ "es_CL": Locale("es", "CL"),
+ "es_CO": Locale("es", "CO"),
+ "es_ES": Locale("es", "ES"),
+ "ur_PK": Locale("ur", "PK"),
-class I18N {
- final Map _languages = {"es": defaultFallbackLanguage};
+class I18N extends ChangeNotifier {
+ final Map _languages = {};
+ final platformLanguages = {
+ "es": const Locale("es", "CO"),
+ "en": const Locale("en", "US"),
+ "it": const Locale("it", "IT"),
+ "pt": const Locale("pt", "BR"),
+ };
- final String languageCode;
- late Language _currentLanguage;
+ late Locale currentLocale;
+ TranslationTree? _currentLanguage;
- I18N(this.languageCode);
+ TranslationTree? get currentLanguage => _currentLanguage;
+ @FactoryMethod(preResolve: true)
+ static Future start() => I18N().init();
Future init() async {
+ final List deviceLanguage = Platform.localeName.split('_');
+ if (deviceLanguage.length == 2) {
+ currentLocale = Locale(deviceLanguage[0], deviceLanguage[1]);
+ } else {
+ currentLocale = platformLanguages[deviceLanguage[0]] ?? const Locale("es", "CO");
+ }
+ String languageCode = "${currentLocale.languageCode}_${currentLocale.countryCode}";
+ if (!supportedLocales.containsKey(languageCode)) {
+ languageCode = platformLanguages[currentLocale.languageCode]?.toString() ?? "es_CO";
+ }
if (_languages.containsKey(languageCode)) {
_currentLanguage = _languages[languageCode]!;
return this;
- final newLanguage = await loadLanguage(languageCode);
+ TranslationTree? newLanguage = await loadTranslation(currentLocale);
+ newLanguage ??= await loadTranslation(const Locale("es", "CO"));
- if (newLanguage != null) {
- _languages[languageCode] = newLanguage;
- _currentLanguage = newLanguage;
- } else {
- _currentLanguage = defaultFallbackLanguage;
- }
+ _languages.putIfAbsent(languageCode, () => newLanguage!);
+ _currentLanguage = newLanguage;
return this;
- Future loadLanguage(String languageCode) async {
+ Future loadTranslation(Locale locale) async {
try {
+ final languageCode = "${locale.languageCode}_${locale.countryCode}";
+ if (_languages.containsKey(languageCode)) {
+ return _languages[languageCode];
+ }
final languageString = await rootBundle.loadString("assets/i18n/$languageCode.json");
- FileLanguage newLanguage = FileLanguage(
- languageCode: languageCode,
- translations: Map.from(json.decode(languageString)),
- );
+ //We execute this in a compute function to avoid blocking the UI thread
+ final languageJson = await compute(json.decode, languageString) as Map;
+ final newLanguage = TranslationTree(locale);
+ newLanguage.addTranslations(languageJson);
return newLanguage;
} catch (e) {
@@ -49,13 +89,52 @@ class I18N {
- Language get currentLanguage => _currentLanguage;
+ Future changeLanguage(String languageCode) async {
+ if (languageCode == 'en_US') {
+ final languageString = await rootBundle.loadString("assets/i18n/$languageCode.json");
+ final languageJson = json.decode(languageString) as Map;
+ Locale locale = const Locale('en', 'US');
+ final newLanguage = TranslationTree(locale);
+ newLanguage.addTranslations(languageJson);
+ _languages[locale.toString()] = newLanguage;
+ _currentLanguage = _languages[locale.toString()];
+ currentLocale = locale;
+ notify();
+ return;
+ }
+ var split = languageCode.split("_");
+ assert(split.length == 2, "Language code must be in the format: languageCode_countryCode (en_US)");
+ Locale locale = Locale(split[0], split[1]);
+ await changeLanguageFromLocale(locale);
+ notify();
+ }
+ Future changeLanguageFromLocale(Locale locale) async {
+ assert(locale.countryCode != null, "Locale must have a country code");
- void changeLanguage(String languageCode) {
- _currentLanguage = _languages[languageCode] ?? const SpanishLanguage();
+ if (!supportedLocales.containsKey(locale.toString())) return;
+ TranslationTree? newLanguage = _languages[locale.toString()] ?? await loadTranslation(locale);
+ if (newLanguage == null) {
+ throw Exception("Language not found");
+ }
+ _languages[locale.toString()] ??= newLanguage;
+ _currentLanguage = _languages[locale.toString()];
+ currentLocale = locale;
+ notify();
+ }
+ void notify() {
+ notifyListeners();
- void changeLanguageFromLocale(Locale locale) {
- changeLanguage(locale.languageCode);
+ static I18N of(BuildContext context) => (context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType())!.notifier!;
+class I18nNotifier extends InheritedNotifier {
+ const I18nNotifier({super.key, super.notifier, required super.child});
+ @override
+ bool updateShouldNotify(I18nNotifier oldWidget) {
+ return true;
diff --git a/lib/application/common/screen_helpers.dart b/lib/application/common/screen_helpers.dart
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0e605068
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/application/common/screen_helpers.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
+Future blockPortraitMode() async {
+ await SystemChrome.setPreferredOrientations([
+ DeviceOrientation.portraitUp,
+ DeviceOrientation.portraitDown,
+ ]);
+Future blockLandscapeMode() async {
+ await SystemChrome.setPreferredOrientations([
+ DeviceOrientation.landscapeLeft,
+ DeviceOrientation.landscapeRight,
+ ]);
+Future unblockRotation() async {
+ await SystemChrome.setPreferredOrientations([]);
diff --git a/lib/application/common/time_helper.dart b/lib/application/common/time_helper.dart
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e7d04a4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/application/common/time_helper.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+import 'package:intl/intl.dart';
+extension TimeHelper on DateTime {
+ String get timeString {
+ return DateFormat("dd/MM/yy HH:mm").format(this);
+ }
+ DateTime get timezonedDate {
+ final timeZoneOffset = DateTime.now().timeZoneOffset;
+ return DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(millisecondsSinceEpoch)
+ .add(timeZoneOffset)
+ .toLocal();
+ }
diff --git a/lib/application/language/file_language.dart b/lib/application/language/file_language.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index f81e76ea..00000000
--- a/lib/application/language/file_language.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/abstracts/language.dart';
-class FileLanguage implements Language {
- const FileLanguage({required this.languageCode, required this.translations});
- @override
- final String languageCode;
- @override
- final Map translations;
diff --git a/lib/application/language/spanish.dart b/lib/application/language/spanish.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 06ebf7ff..00000000
--- a/lib/application/language/spanish.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/abstracts/language.dart';
-class SpanishLanguage implements Language {
- const SpanishLanguage();
- @override
- String get languageCode => "es";
- @override
- Map get translations => {
- "hello_world": "Hola Mundo",
- "we_are_preparing_everything": "Estamos preparando todo...",
- "Hello": "Hola",
- "Continue": "Continuar",
- "Please_register_to": "Por favor regístrese en",
- "Login_with_google": "Acceder con Google",
- "Login_with_facebook": "Acceder con Facebook",
- "Welcome_this_is_ottaa": "Bienvenidos, esto es OTTAA",
- "We_help_thousands_of_children_with_speech_problems_to_communicate_improving_their_quality_of_life":
- "Ayudamos a miles de niños con problemas de habla a comunicarse, mejorando su calidad de vida",
- "Previous": "Anterior",
- "Next": "Siguiente",
- "Thank_you_for_choosing_ottaa_project":
- "Gracias por elegir OTTAA PROJECT",
- "please_enter_some_text": "Por favor ingrese un texto",
- "Name": "Nombre",
- "Gender": "Genero",
- "Date_of_birth": "Fecha de Nacimiento",
- "Lets_get_to_knwo_each_other_first": "Vamos a conocernos primero",
- "We_are_going_to_collect_some_data_to_get_to_know_you_better":
- "Vamos a recolectar algunos datos para conocerte mejor",
- "Launch_short_tutorial": "TUTORIAL CORTO",
- "Do_a_guided_workshop": "HACER UN TALLER GUIADO",
- "Book_a_demo": "RESERVA UNA DEMO",
- "Ottaa_is_a_powerful_communication_tool":
- "OTTAA es una potente\nherramienta de comunicación",
- "We_offer_you_different_options_so_that_you_learn_how_to_use_it_and_get_the_most_out_of_it":
- "Te ofrecemos diferentes opciones para que aprendas a usarla y sques el mayor provecho",
- "Choose_your_avatar": "Escoge tu Avatar",
- "Final_step_join": "Paso final, unete",
- "Create_your_avatar_to_be_able_to_recognize_you_all_the_time":
- "Crea tu Avatar para poder reconocerte todo el tiempo",
- "Create_your_phrase": "CREA TUS FRASES",
- "step1_long":
- "Toca uno o más de los pictogramas para crear una frase tan larga cómo quieras. Los pictogramas se relacionan automáticamente y siempre tendrás un pictograma más para agregar",
- "Talk_to_the_world": "HABLA CON EL MUNDO",
- "step2_long":
- "Una vez creada la frase, toca el logo de OTTAA par hablar en voz alta o usando el ícono de compartir, podrás enviar tu frase a través de las redes sociales más usadas",
- "Access_thousands_of_pictograms": "ACCEDE A MILES DE PICTOGRAMAS",
- "Step3_long":
- "En OTTAA tenés acceso a miles de pictogramas para que hables de lo que quieras. Encuentra la Galería de Pîctos en la esquina inferior izquierda de la pantalla principal",
- "Ready": "Listo",
- "Step4_long":
- "Entra a la selección de juegos para aprender jugando. OTTAA cuenta con juegos didácticos para aprender vocabulario, conceptos y mucho más. Además, pronto habrá más juegos disponibles",
- "Play_and_learn": "JUEGA Y APRENDE",
- "Male": "Masculino",
- "Female": "Femenino",
- "Binary": "Binary",
- "Fluid": "Fluid",
- "Other": "Other",
- "hola_nnos_conozcamos_un_poco": "Hola,\nNos conozcamos un poco",
- "vamos_a_pedirte_cierta_informaci_n_para_nmejorar_tu_experiencia_con_ottaa":
- "Vamos a pedirte cierta información para\nmejorar tu experiencia con OTTAA",
- "check_if_the_info_is_correct_nif_not_change_it_as_you_wish_this_will_help_us_to_personalize_the_app_for_you":
- "Comprueba si la información es correcta,\nsi no, cámbiala como quieras. Esto nos ayudará a personalizar la aplicación para ti.",
- "te_ofrecemos_varias_opciones_para_naprender_a_utilizarla_y_sacarle_el_maximo_provecho":
- "Te ofrecemos varias opciones para\naprender a utilizarla y sacarle el maximo provecho",
- "por_ltimo": "Por Ultimo!",
- "elige_un_personaje_que_nmejor_te_represente":
- "Elige un personaje que mejor te represente",
- "edit_pictogram": "Editar pictograma",
- "text": "Texto",
- "frame": "Marco",
- "tags": "Tag",
- "keep_your_ottaa_up_to_date": "Mantenga su OTTAA actualizada",
- "account_info": "Informacion de cuenta",
- "account": "Cuenta",
- "account_type": "Tipo de cuenta",
- "current_ottaa_installed": "OTTAA actual instalado",
- "current_ottaa_version": "Versión actual de OTTAA",
- "device_name": "Nombre del dispositivo",
- "contact_support": "Soporte de contacto",
- "edit": "Editar",
- "delete": "Borrar",
- "fitzgerald_key": "clave fitzgerald",
- "actions": "Comportamiento",
- "interactions": "Interacciones",
- "people": "gente",
- "nouns": "Sustantivos",
- "adjectives": "adjetivos",
- "miscellaneous": "Diverso",
- "choose_a_tag": "Elige una ETIQUETA",
- "tags_widget_long_1":
- "Al elegir las ETIQUETAS, necesita predecir mejor cuándo mostrar ciertos pictogramas, según la hora, la ubicación, el calendario o el clima.",
- "text_widget_long_1":
- "Ingrese el texto para decirlo en voz alta, puede ser una sola palabra o una oración completa. ¡Depende de ti!",
- "important": "Importante",
- "do_you_want_to_save_changes": "Quieres guardar los cambios",
- "no": "No",
- "yes": "sí",
- "go_back": "Regresa",
- "choose_an_option": "Elige una opcion",
- "camera": "Cámara",
- "gallery": "Galería",
- "download_from_arasaac": "Descargar desde ARASAAC",
- "tags_will_come_in_next_release":
- "Los TAG aparecerán en la próxima versión",
- "mute": "Silenciar",
- "about_ottaa": "Acerca de OTTAA",
- "configuration": "Configuración",
- "tutorial": "Tutorial",
- "close_application": "Cierra la aplicación",
- "sign_out": "Desconectar",
- "language": "Idioma",
- "ottaa_labs": "Laboratorios OTTAa",
- "language_page_long_1":
- "Usa la inteligencia artificial para generar una oración más rica. Necesitas una conexión a Internet estable.",
- "settings": "Ajustes",
- "pictograms": "Pictogramas",
- "prediction": "Predicción",
- "accessibility": "Accesibilidad",
- "voice_and_subtitles": "Voz y subtítulos",
- "all_phrases": "Todas las frases",
- "search": "Búsqueda",
- "please_enter_a_valid_search": "Por favor ingrese una búsqueda válida",
- "choose_a_picto_to_speak": "Elige un Picto para hablar",
- "we_are_working_on_this_feature":
- "Estamos trabajando en esta funcionalidad",
- "most_used_sentences": "Oraciones más usadas",
- "price_one":
- "Obtenga acceso hoy a todas las funciones útiles que OTTAA Premium tiene para ofrecer por solo 990 ARS al mes.",
- "purchase_subscription": "COMPRAR SUSCRIPCIÓN",
- "sentence_1":
- "Accede a juegos educativos que te permiten evaluar vocabulario de una manera divertida",
- "sentence_2":
- "Use OTTAA Project con escaneo de pantalla, conéctese accesible Botones y mucho más.",
- "sentence_3":
- "Con la versión premium puedes usar el GPS para tener una mejor predicción basada en el comercio o lugar donde te encuentres",
- "whats_the_picto": "¿Cual es el Picto ?",
- "report": "Reporte",
- "game1":
- "Responde a las preguntas eligiendo el pictograma adecuado. ¡Aprende jugando!",
- "match_picto": "Igualar pictogramas",
- "game2": "Adjunta el pictograma correctamente",
- "memory_game": "Juego de memoria",
- "game3": "Prueba tu memoria",
- "play": "JUGAR",
- "select_a_category_to_play": "Seleccione una categoría para jugar",
- "image": "Imagen",
- "share_text":
- "por favor, crea una frase y selecciona el botón de compartir",
- "text_to_speche_engine": "MOTOR DE TEXTO A VOZ",
- "enable_custom_tts": "Habilitar TTS personalizado",
- "speech_rate": "Nivel de conversación",
- "speech_pitch": "Tono de voz",
- "customized_subtitle": "subtítulo personalizado",
- "size": "Tamaño",
- "upperCase": "Mayúsculas",
- "it_allows_uppercase_subtitles": "Permite subtítulos en mayúsculas",
- "login_screen":
- "Hola, bienvenido a OTTAA Project, la primera plataforma de comunicación predictiva para personas con problemas del habla, inicie sesión con su cuenta y complete algunos datos para beneficiarse de nuestra predicción.",
- "ottaa_score": "OTTAA Score",
- "most_used_groups": "Grupos más usados",
- "score_text_1":
- "OTTAA Score es una medida del uso en general de la aplicación, usando datos como uso en los últimos días y promedio de pictos por frase",
- "phrases_last_seven_days": "Frases creadas en los últimos 7 días",
- "pictogram_by_sentence_on_average":
- "Pictogramas por frases en promedio",
- "most_used_phrases": "Frases Mas Usadas",
- "vocabulary": "Vocabulario",
- "add_group": "Añadir grupo",
- "add_pict": "Agregar imagen",
- "galeria_grupos": "Galeria Grupos",
- };
diff --git a/lib/application/language/translation_tree.dart b/lib/application/language/translation_tree.dart
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3dcf6619
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/application/language/translation_tree.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+import 'dart:ui';
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/language/translation_tree_node.dart';
+class TranslationTree {
+ final Locale locale;
+ final TranslationTreeNode root = TranslationTreeNode();
+ TranslationTree(this.locale);
+ void addTranslation(String key, String translation) {
+ final sections = key.split(".");
+ TranslationTreeNode currentNode = root;
+ for (final section in sections) {
+ currentNode.children ??= {};
+ currentNode.children!.putIfAbsent(section, () => TranslationTreeNode());
+ currentNode = currentNode.children![section]!;
+ }
+ currentNode.translation = translation;
+ }
+ String buildKeyFromMap(Map map, String key) {
+ String newKey = "";
+ map.forEach((key, value) {
+ if (value is Map) {
+ newKey = buildKeyFromMap(value, key);
+ } else {
+ newKey = key;
+ }
+ });
+ return "$key.$newKey";
+ }
+ void processMap(Map translations, String? parentKey) {
+ translations.forEach((key, value) {
+ final String fullKey = parentKey != null ? "$parentKey.$key" : key;
+ if (value is String) {
+ addTranslation(fullKey, value);
+ } else {
+ processMap(value, fullKey);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ void addTranslations(Map translations) {
+ processMap(translations, null);
+ }
+ String? translate(String key) {
+ final sections = key.split(".");
+ TranslationTreeNode currentNode = root;
+ for (final section in sections) {
+ if (currentNode.children == null || currentNode.children!.isEmpty || !currentNode.children!.containsKey(section)) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ currentNode = currentNode.children![section]!;
+ }
+ return currentNode.translation;
+ }
diff --git a/lib/application/language/translation_tree_node.dart b/lib/application/language/translation_tree_node.dart
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bb2e9161
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/application/language/translation_tree_node.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+class TranslationTreeNode {
+ Map? children;
+ String? translation;
+ TranslationTreeNode({
+ this.translation,
+ this.children,
+ });
diff --git a/lib/application/locator.config.dart b/lib/application/locator.config.dart
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c6c84989
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/application/locator.config.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+// **************************************************************************
+// InjectableConfigGenerator
+// **************************************************************************
+// ignore_for_file: unnecessary_lambdas
+// ignore_for_file: lines_longer_than_80_chars
+// coverage:ignore-file
+// ignore_for_file: no_leading_underscores_for_library_prefixes
+import 'package:get_it/get_it.dart' as _i1;
+import 'package:injectable/injectable.dart' as _i2;
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/common/i18n.dart' as _i3;
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/service/about_service.dart'
+ as _i48;
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/service/auth_service.dart'
+ as _i21;
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/service/chatgpt_service.dart'
+ as _i23;
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/service/create_picto_services.dart'
+ as _i33;
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/service/customise_service.dart'
+ as _i35;
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/service/groups_service.dart'
+ as _i50;
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/service/hive_database.dart'
+ as _i5;
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/service/local_storage_service.dart'
+ as _i7;
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/service/notifications_service_impl.dart'
+ as _i9;
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/service/pictograms_service.dart'
+ as _i52;
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/service/profile_services.dart'
+ as _i41;
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/service/remote_config_service.dart'
+ as _i11;
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/service/remote_storage_service.dart'
+ as _i43;
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/service/report_service.dart'
+ as _i45;
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/service/sentences_service.dart'
+ as _i47;
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/service/server_service.dart'
+ as _i13;
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/service/tts_service.dart'
+ as _i15;
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/service/user_settings_service.dart'
+ as _i17;
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/use_cases/create_email_token_impl.dart'
+ as _i25;
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/use_cases/create_group_impl.dart'
+ as _i27;
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/use_cases/create_phrase_impl.dart'
+ as _i29;
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/use_cases/create_picto_impl.dart'
+ as _i31;
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/use_cases/learn_pictogram_impl.dart'
+ as _i37;
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/use_cases/predict_pictogram_impl.dart'
+ as _i39;
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/use_cases/verify_email_token_impl.dart'
+ as _i19;
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/repositories/auth_repository.dart'
+ as _i20;
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/repositories/create_picto_repository.dart'
+ as _i32;
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/repositories/customise_repository.dart'
+ as _i34;
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/repositories/groups_repository.dart'
+ as _i49;
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/repositories/local_database_repository.dart'
+ as _i4;
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/repositories/local_storage_repository.dart'
+ as _i6;
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/repositories/pictograms_repository.dart'
+ as _i51;
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/repositories/profile_repository.dart'
+ as _i40;
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/repositories/remote_config_repository.dart'
+ as _i10;
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/repositories/remote_storage_repository.dart'
+ as _i42;
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/repositories/report_repository.dart'
+ as _i44;
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/repositories/repositories.dart'
+ as _i22;
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/repositories/sentences_repository.dart'
+ as _i46;
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/repositories/server_repository.dart'
+ as _i12;
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/repositories/tts_repository.dart'
+ as _i14;
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/repositories/user_settings_repository.dart'
+ as _i16;
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/service/notifications_service.dart'
+ as _i8;
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/use_cases/create_email_token.dart'
+ as _i24;
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/use_cases/create_group_data.dart'
+ as _i26;
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/use_cases/create_phrase_data.dart'
+ as _i28;
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/use_cases/create_picto_data.dart'
+ as _i30;
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/use_cases/learn_pictogram.dart'
+ as _i36;
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/use_cases/predict_pictogram.dart'
+ as _i38;
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/use_cases/verify_email_token.dart'
+ as _i18;
+extension GetItInjectableX on _i1.GetIt {
+ // initializes the registration of main-scope dependencies inside of GetIt
+ Future<_i1.GetIt> init({
+ String? environment,
+ _i2.EnvironmentFilter? environmentFilter,
+ }) async {
+ final gh = _i2.GetItHelper(
+ this,
+ environment,
+ environmentFilter,
+ );
+ await gh.singletonAsync<_i3.I18N>(
+ () => _i3.I18N.start(),
+ preResolve: true,
+ );
+ await gh.singletonAsync<_i4.LocalDatabaseRepository>(
+ () => _i5.HiveDatabase.start(),
+ preResolve: true,
+ );
+ gh.singleton<_i6.LocalStorageRepository>(_i7.LocalStorageService.start());
+ await gh.singletonAsync<_i8.NotificationsService>(
+ () => _i9.NotificationsServiceImpl.onInit(gh<_i3.I18N>()),
+ preResolve: true,
+ );
+ await gh.singletonAsync<_i10.RemoteConfigRepository>(
+ () => _i11.RemoteConfigService.start(),
+ preResolve: true,
+ );
+ gh.singleton<_i12.ServerRepository>(_i13.ServerService.create());
+ gh.singleton<_i14.TTSRepository>(_i15.TTSService.create(gh<_i3.I18N>()));
+ gh.singleton<_i16.UserSettingRepository>(
+ _i17.UserSettingsService(gh<_i12.ServerRepository>()));
+ gh.singleton<_i18.VerifyEmailToken>(
+ _i19.VerifyEmailTokenImpl(gh<_i12.ServerRepository>()));
+ gh.singleton<_i20.AuthRepository>(_i21.AuthService.from(
+ gh<_i4.LocalDatabaseRepository>(),
+ gh<_i12.ServerRepository>(),
+ gh<_i3.I18N>(),
+ ));
+ gh.singleton<_i22.ChatGPTRepository>(_i23.ChatGPTService(
+ gh<_i22.ServerRepository>(),
+ gh<_i22.RemoteConfigRepository>(),
+ ));
+ gh.singleton<_i24.CreateEmailToken>(
+ _i25.CreateEmailTokenImpl(gh<_i12.ServerRepository>()));
+ gh.singleton<_i26.CreateGroupData>(
+ _i27.CreateGroupDataImpl(gh<_i12.ServerRepository>()));
+ gh.singleton<_i28.CreatePhraseData>(
+ _i29.CreatePhraseDataImpl(gh<_i12.ServerRepository>()));
+ gh.singleton<_i30.CreatePictoData>(
+ _i31.CreatePictoDataImpl(gh<_i12.ServerRepository>()));
+ gh.singleton<_i32.CreatePictoRepository>(
+ _i33.CreatePictoServices(gh<_i22.ServerRepository>()));
+ gh.singleton<_i34.CustomiseRepository>(
+ _i35.CustomiseService(gh<_i12.ServerRepository>()));
+ gh.singleton<_i36.LearnPictogram>(
+ _i37.LearnPictogramImpl(serverRepository: gh<_i22.ServerRepository>()));
+ gh.singleton<_i38.PredictPictogram>(_i39.PredictPictogramImpl(
+ serverRepository: gh<_i22.ServerRepository>()));
+ gh.singleton<_i40.ProfileRepository>(
+ _i41.ProfileService(gh<_i12.ServerRepository>()));
+ gh.singleton<_i42.RemoteStorageRepository>(_i43.RemoteStorageService.from(
+ gh<_i20.AuthRepository>(),
+ gh<_i12.ServerRepository>(),
+ gh<_i3.I18N>(),
+ ));
+ gh.singleton<_i44.ReportRepository>(
+ _i45.ReportService(gh<_i12.ServerRepository>()));
+ gh.singleton<_i46.SentencesRepository>(_i47.SentencesService(
+ gh<_i20.AuthRepository>(),
+ gh<_i12.ServerRepository>(),
+ ));
+ gh.singleton<_i22.AboutRepository>(_i48.AboutService(
+ gh<_i22.AuthRepository>(),
+ gh<_i22.ServerRepository>(),
+ gh<_i22.LocalDatabaseRepository>(),
+ ));
+ gh.singleton<_i49.GroupsRepository>(_i50.GroupsService(
+ gh<_i20.AuthRepository>(),
+ gh<_i42.RemoteStorageRepository>(),
+ gh<_i12.ServerRepository>(),
+ ));
+ gh.singleton<_i51.PictogramsRepository>(_i52.PictogramsService(
+ gh<_i20.AuthRepository>(),
+ gh<_i12.ServerRepository>(),
+ gh<_i42.RemoteStorageRepository>(),
+ gh<_i6.LocalStorageRepository>(),
+ ));
+ return this;
+ }
diff --git a/lib/application/locator.dart b/lib/application/locator.dart
index 402dbc20..b5639230 100644
--- a/lib/application/locator.dart
+++ b/lib/application/locator.dart
@@ -1,68 +1,16 @@
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:get_it/get_it.dart';
-import 'package:intl/intl.dart';
-import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/common/i18n.dart';
-import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/service/server_service.dart';
-import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/service/sql_database.dart';
-import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/service/auth_service.dart';
-import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/service/groups_service.dart';
-import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/service/local_storage_service.dart';
-import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/service/mobile_remote_storage_service.dart';
-import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/service/pictograms_service.dart';
-import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/service/sentences_service.dart';
-import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/service/tts_service.dart';
-import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/service/web_remote_storage_service.dart';
-import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/repositories/about_repository.dart';
-import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/repositories/auth_repository.dart';
-import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/repositories/groups_repository.dart';
-import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/repositories/local_database_repository.dart';
-import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/repositories/local_storage_repository.dart';
-import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/repositories/pictograms_repository.dart';
-import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/repositories/remote_storage_repository.dart';
-import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/repositories/sentences_repository.dart';
-import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/repositories/server_repository.dart';
-import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/repositories/tts_repository.dart';
-import 'service/about_service.dart';
+import 'package:injectable/injectable.dart';
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/locator.config.dart';
-final locator = GetIt.instance;
+final getIt = GetIt.instance;
-Future setupServices() async {
- final deviceLocale = Intl.getCurrentLocale().split("_")[0];
+const desktop = Environment('desktop');
- final LocalDatabaseRepository databaseRepository = SqlDatabase();
- await databaseRepository.init();
+// const bool _kIsDesktop = bool.fromEnvironment('dart.vm.product');
- final ServerRepository serverRepository = ServerService();
- final i18n = await I18N(deviceLocale).init();
- final AuthRepository authService = AuthService(databaseRepository, serverRepository);
- final LocalStorageRepository localStorageService = LocalStorageService();
- late final RemoteStorageRepository remoteStorageService;
- if (kIsWeb) {
- remoteStorageService = WebRemoteStorageService(authService, serverRepository, i18n);
- } else {
- remoteStorageService = MobileRemoteStorageService(authService, serverRepository, i18n);
- }
- final PictogramsRepository pictogramsService = PictogramsService(authService, serverRepository, remoteStorageService);
- final GroupsRepository groupsService = GroupsService(authService, remoteStorageService, serverRepository);
- final AboutRepository aboutService = AboutService(authService, serverRepository);
- final SentencesRepository sentencesService = SentencesService(authService, serverRepository);
- final TTSRepository ttsService = TTSService();
- locator.registerSingleton(i18n);
- locator.registerSingleton(databaseRepository);
- locator.registerSingleton(serverRepository);
- locator.registerSingleton(ttsService);
- locator.registerSingleton(authService);
- locator.registerSingleton(localStorageService);
- locator.registerSingleton(remoteStorageService);
- locator.registerSingleton(pictogramsService);
- locator.registerSingleton(groupsService);
- locator.registerSingleton(aboutService);
- locator.registerSingleton(sentencesService);
+ preferRelativeImports: false,
+ throwOnMissingDependencies: true,
+Future configureDependencies() => getIt.init();
diff --git a/lib/application/notifiers/auth_notifier.dart b/lib/application/notifiers/auth_notifier.dart
index a81b38a8..49c362e7 100644
--- a/lib/application/notifiers/auth_notifier.dart
+++ b/lib/application/notifiers/auth_notifier.dart
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ class AuthNotifier extends StateNotifier {
void setSignedOut() {
state = false;
final authNotifier = StateNotifierProvider((ref) {
diff --git a/lib/application/notifiers/loading_notifier.dart b/lib/application/notifiers/loading_notifier.dart
index 289fcae0..ea31fbaf 100644
--- a/lib/application/notifiers/loading_notifier.dart
+++ b/lib/application/notifiers/loading_notifier.dart
@@ -14,7 +14,8 @@ class LoadingNotifier extends StateNotifier {
void toggleLoading() {
state = !state;
- bool getState() => state;
+ bool getState() => state;
final loadingProvider = StateNotifierProvider((ref) {
diff --git a/lib/application/notifiers/patient_notifier.dart b/lib/application/notifiers/patient_notifier.dart
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0e50b742
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/application/notifiers/patient_notifier.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart';
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/models/patient_user_model.dart';
+class PatientNotifier extends StateNotifier {
+ PatientNotifier() : super(null);
+ void setUser(PatientUserModel? user) {
+ state = user;
+ }
+ PatientUserModel get user {
+ return state!;
+ }
+ PatientUserModel? get patient {
+ return state;
+ }
+final patientNotifier = StateNotifierProvider((ref) {
+ return PatientNotifier();
diff --git a/lib/application/notifiers/user_avatar_notifier.dart b/lib/application/notifiers/user_avatar_notifier.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 65a0ffc1..00000000
--- a/lib/application/notifiers/user_avatar_notifier.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart';
-class UserAvatarNotifier extends StateNotifier {
- UserAvatarNotifier() : super(615);
- void changeAvatar(int imageId) {
- state = imageId;
- }
- String getAvatar() {
- return state.toString();
- }
-final userAvatarNotifier = StateNotifierProvider((ref) {
- return UserAvatarNotifier();
diff --git a/lib/application/providers/about_provider.dart b/lib/application/providers/about_provider.dart
index bd905c7a..bc7b04c6 100644
--- a/lib/application/providers/about_provider.dart
+++ b/lib/application/providers/about_provider.dart
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart';
import 'package:get_it/get_it.dart';
-import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/enums/user_types.dart';
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/enums/user_payment.dart';
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/models/assets_image.dart';
import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/repositories/about_repository.dart';
class AboutProvider extends ChangeNotifier {
@@ -11,8 +12,7 @@ class AboutProvider extends ChangeNotifier {
Future getAppVersion() => aboutService.getAppVersion();
- Future getAvailableAppVersion() =>
- aboutService.getAvailableAppVersion();
+ Future getAvailableAppVersion() => aboutService.getAvailableAppVersion();
Future getDeviceName() => aboutService.getDeviceName();
@@ -20,12 +20,11 @@ class AboutProvider extends ChangeNotifier {
Future getProfilePicture() => aboutService.getProfilePicture();
- Future getUserType() => aboutService.getUserType();
+ Future getUserType() => aboutService.getUserType();
Future sendSupportEmail() => aboutService.sendSupportEmail();
- Future uploadProfilePicture(String photo) =>
- aboutService.uploadProfilePicture(photo);
+ Future uploadProfilePicture(String network, String asset) => aboutService.uploadProfilePicture(AssetsImage(asset: asset, network: network));
Future uploadUserInformation() => aboutService.uploadUserInformation();
diff --git a/lib/application/providers/auth_provider.dart b/lib/application/providers/auth_provider.dart
index 7bb0ed12..b514c981 100644
--- a/lib/application/providers/auth_provider.dart
+++ b/lib/application/providers/auth_provider.dart
@@ -4,8 +4,9 @@ import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart';
import 'package:get_it/get_it.dart';
import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/notifiers/auth_notifier.dart';
import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/notifiers/loading_notifier.dart';
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/providers/user_provider.dart';
import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/enums/sign_in_types.dart';
-import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/models/user_model.dart';
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/abstracts/user_model.dart';
import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/repositories/about_repository.dart';
import 'dart:async';
@@ -19,51 +20,79 @@ class AuthProvider extends ChangeNotifier {
final AboutRepository _aboutService;
final LocalDatabaseRepository _localDatabaseRepository;
final AuthNotifier authData;
+ final UserNotifier _userNotifier;
- AuthProvider(this._loadingNotifier, this._authService, this._aboutService,
- this._localDatabaseRepository, this.authData);
+ AuthProvider(
+ this._loadingNotifier,
+ this._authService,
+ this._aboutService,
+ this._localDatabaseRepository,
+ this.authData,
+ this._userNotifier,
+ );
+ Future isUserLoggedIn() async {
+ return await _authService.isLoggedIn();
+ }
Future logout() async {
await _authService.logout();
+ await _localDatabaseRepository.setIntro(false);
+ // _userNotifier.setUser(null);
+ }
+ Future deleteAccount() async {
+ await _authService.logout();
+ await _localDatabaseRepository.setIntro(false);
+ authData.setSignedOut();
+ return await _authService.deleteAccount(userId: _userNotifier.user!.id);
- Future> signIn(SignInType type) async {
+ Future> signIn(SignInType type, [String? email, String? password]) async {
+ try {
+ Either result = await _authService.signIn(type, email, password);
- Either result = await _authService.signIn(type);
+ if (result.isRight) {
+ await _localDatabaseRepository.setUser(result.right);
+ //todo: talk with Emir about this and resolve it
+ await _aboutService.getUserInformation();
- if (result.isRight) {
- await _localDatabaseRepository.setUser(result.right);
- //todo: talk with Emir about this and resolve it
- final res = await _aboutService.getUserInformation();
- if (res.isRight) {
- final re = await _authService.runToGetDataFromOtherPlatform(
- email: res.right.email, id: res.right.id);
- print('here is the result $re');
+ _userNotifier.setUser(result.right);
+ authData.setSignedIn();
+ } else {
+ throw Exception(result.left);
- authData.setSignedIn();
+ // notifyListeners();
+ return result;
+ } catch (e) {
+ return Left(e.toString());
+ } finally {
+ _loadingNotifier.hideLoading();
- _loadingNotifier.hideLoading();
- notifyListeners();
- return result;
-final authProvider = ChangeNotifierProvider((ref) {
+final ChangeNotifierProvider authProvider = ChangeNotifierProvider((ref) {
final loadingNotifier = ref.watch(loadingProvider.notifier);
final AuthRepository authService = GetIt.I.get();
final AboutRepository aboutService = GetIt.I.get();
- final LocalDatabaseRepository localDatabaseRepository =
- GetIt.I.get();
+ final LocalDatabaseRepository localDatabaseRepository = GetIt.I.get();
final AuthNotifier authData = ref.watch(authNotifier.notifier);
+ final UserNotifier userState = ref.watch(userProvider);
- return AuthProvider(loadingNotifier, authService, aboutService,
- localDatabaseRepository, authData);
+ return AuthProvider(
+ loadingNotifier,
+ authService,
+ aboutService,
+ localDatabaseRepository,
+ authData,
+ userState,
+ );
diff --git a/lib/application/providers/chat_gpt_game_provider.dart b/lib/application/providers/chat_gpt_game_provider.dart
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6be50fb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/application/providers/chat_gpt_game_provider.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
+import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart';
+import 'package:get_it/get_it.dart';
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/common/extensions/translate_string.dart';
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/providers/games_provider.dart';
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/providers/tts_provider.dart';
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/providers/user_provider.dart';
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/models/picto_model.dart';
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/repositories/repositories.dart';
+class ChatGptGameProvider extends ChangeNotifier {
+ final ChatGPTRepository _chatGPTServices;
+ String generatedStory = '';
+ int sentencePhase = 0;
+ List gptPictos = [];
+ final GamesProvider _gamesProvider;
+ final PictogramsRepository _pictogramsService;
+ final UserNotifier userState;
+ final TTSProvider _tts;
+ List gptBoards = [];
+ bool isBoard = true;
+ ScrollController boardScrollController = ScrollController();
+ ScrollController pictoScrollController = ScrollController();
+ List chatGptPictos = [];
+ bool btnText = false;
+ bool isStoryFetched = false;
+ final Map pictosTranslations = {};
+ final List nounBoards = ['0geft4arn_A8kL-rfUPYc', 'WZYuZd331Hm5gHXJtUmBN', 'puda9fUGjqvm9oSM6CpTk', 'xjfPlDs-AcFV9LCyY-v9j'];
+ final List modifierBoards = ['7ngCuvmAnM_7ygpFQgLpk', '7w5ACMFdOCTkBrS911MA1', 'berI6X2_pAVCNOrcHAL6y'];
+ final List actionBoards = ['PYTnUqCLwAbngR2Ozroc2'];
+ final List placeBoards = ['y545pM8pvB3WgukIac6NT'];
+ ChatGptGameProvider(this._chatGPTServices, this._gamesProvider, this._tts, this._pictogramsService, this.userState);
+ void scrollUpBoards() {
+ int currentPosition = boardScrollController.position.pixels.toInt();
+ if (currentPosition == 0) return;
+ boardScrollController.animateTo(
+ currentPosition - 96,
+ duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 500),
+ curve: Curves.easeOut,
+ );
+ }
+ void scrollDownBoards() {
+ int currentPosition = boardScrollController.position.pixels.toInt();
+ if (currentPosition >= boardScrollController.position.maxScrollExtent + 96) return;
+ boardScrollController.animateTo(
+ currentPosition + 96,
+ duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 500),
+ curve: Curves.easeOut,
+ );
+ }
+ void scrollUpPictos() {
+ int currentPosition = pictoScrollController.position.pixels.toInt();
+ if (currentPosition == 0) return;
+ pictoScrollController.animateTo(
+ currentPosition - 96,
+ duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 500),
+ curve: Curves.easeOut,
+ );
+ }
+ void scrollDownPictos() {
+ int currentPosition = pictoScrollController.position.pixels.toInt();
+ if (currentPosition >= (pictoScrollController.position.maxScrollExtent + 96)) return;
+ pictoScrollController.animateTo(
+ currentPosition + 96,
+ duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 500),
+ curve: Curves.easeOut,
+ );
+ }
+ void notify() {
+ notifyListeners();
+ }
+ Future createStory() async {
+ final String prompt = 'game.prompt'.trl;
+ final finalPrompt = '$prompt ${gptPictos[0].text}, ${gptPictos[1].text}, ${gptPictos[2].text}, ${gptPictos[3].text}.';
+ final res = await _chatGPTServices.getGPTStory(prompt: finalPrompt);
+ if (res.isRight) {
+ isStoryFetched = true;
+ generatedStory = res.right;
+ } else {
+ isStoryFetched = false;
+ }
+ notifyListeners();
+ }
+ Future fetchGptPictos({required String id}) async {
+ List picts = [];
+ final gro = _gamesProvider.groups[id];
+ int i = 0;
+ for (var e in gro!.relations) {
+ picts.add(
+ _gamesProvider.pictograms[e.id]!,
+ );
+ picts[i].text = pictosTranslations[e.id] ?? picts[i].text;
+ i++;
+ }
+ chatGptPictos.clear();
+ chatGptPictos.addAll(picts);
+ }
+ Future loadTranslations() async {
+ pictosTranslations.clear();
+ final translations = await _pictogramsService.loadTranslations(language: userState.user!.settings.language.language);
+ pictosTranslations.addAll(translations);
+ }
+ Future speakStory() async {
+ if (_gamesProvider.backgroundMusicPlayer.playing) {
+ _gamesProvider.backgroundMusicPlayer.pause();
+ }
+ _tts.speak(generatedStory);
+ }
+ void resetStoryGame() {
+ gptPictos.clear();
+ gptBoards = [];
+ sentencePhase = 0;
+ notifyListeners();
+ }
+ Future stopTTS() async {
+ await _tts.ttsStop();
+ }
+final chatGptGameProvider = ChangeNotifierProvider.autoDispose((ref) {
+ final pictogramService = GetIt.I();
+ final userState = ref.watch(userProvider);
+ final chatGpt = GetIt.I();
+ final gamesProvider = ref.watch(gameProvider);
+ final tts = ref.watch(ttsProvider);
+ return ChatGptGameProvider(chatGpt, gamesProvider, tts, pictogramService, userState);
diff --git a/lib/application/providers/chatgpt_provider.dart b/lib/application/providers/chatgpt_provider.dart
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8595b3e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/application/providers/chatgpt_provider.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
+import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart';
+import 'package:get_it/get_it.dart';
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/common/extensions/user_extension.dart';
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/notifiers/patient_notifier.dart';
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/providers/user_provider.dart';
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/models/picto_model.dart';
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/repositories/chatgpt_repository.dart';
+class ChatGPTNotifier extends ChangeNotifier {
+ final UserNotifier _userNotifier;
+ final PatientNotifier _patientNotifier;
+ final ChatGPTRepository _chatGPTRepository;
+ ChatGPTNotifier(this._userNotifier, this._patientNotifier, this._chatGPTRepository);
+ Future generatePhrase(List pictograms) async {
+ final user = _patientNotifier.patient ?? _userNotifier.user!.patient;
+ int age = (user.settings.data.birthDate.difference(DateTime.now()).inDays / 365).round().abs();
+ String gender = user.settings.data.genderPref;
+ String pictogramsString = pictograms.map((e) => e.text).join(", ");
+ int maxTokens = (pictograms.length * 10).round().clamp(300, 5100);
+ final String lang = user.settings.language.language;
+ final response = await _chatGPTRepository.getCompletion(
+ age: age,
+ gender: gender,
+ pictograms: pictogramsString,
+ maxTokens: maxTokens,
+ language: lang.split('_')[0],
+ );
+ return response.fold(
+ (l) => l,
+ (r) => r,
+ );
+ }
+ void notify() {
+ notifyListeners();
+ }
+final ChangeNotifierProvider chatGPTProvider = ChangeNotifierProvider((ref) {
+ final chatGPTRepository = GetIt.I.get();
+ final userState = ref.watch(userProvider);
+ final patientState = ref.watch(patientNotifier.notifier);
+ return ChatGPTNotifier(userState, patientState, chatGPTRepository);
diff --git a/lib/application/providers/create_picto_provider.dart b/lib/application/providers/create_picto_provider.dart
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e852ad05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/application/providers/create_picto_provider.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,458 @@
+import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
+import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart';
+import 'package:get_it/get_it.dart';
+import 'package:image_picker/image_picker.dart';
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/common/extensions/user_extension.dart';
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/common/i18n.dart';
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/providers/tts_provider.dart';
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/providers/user_provider.dart';
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/providers/view_board_provider.dart';
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/enums/user_types.dart';
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/models/arsaac_data_model.dart';
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/models/assets_image.dart';
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/models/group_model.dart';
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/models/picto_model.dart';
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/repositories/create_picto_repository.dart';
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/repositories/groups_repository.dart';
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/repositories/local_database_repository.dart';
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/repositories/pictograms_repository.dart';
+import 'package:path/path.dart';
+class CreatePictoProvider extends ChangeNotifier {
+ final Map dataSetMapId = {
+ 0: 0,
+ 1: 17,
+ 2: 84,
+ 3: 14,
+ 4: 13,
+ 5: 82,
+ 6: 83,
+ 7: 81,
+ 8: 66,
+ 9: 95,
+ 10: 75,
+ 11: 16,
+ 12: 67,
+ 13: 74,
+ 14: 86,
+ 15: 88,
+ 16: 15,
+ 17: 97,
+ 18: 76,
+ };
+ final Map dataSetMapStrings = {
+ 0: 'All',
+ 17: 'ARASAAC',
+ 84: 'Gumeil',
+ 14: 'Jellow',
+ 13: 'mulberry',
+ 82: 'OCHA Humanitarian Icons',
+ 83: 'OpenMoji',
+ 81: 'Sclera Symbols',
+ 66: 'Srbija Simboli',
+ 95: 'Typical Bulgarian Symbols',
+ 75: 'Adam Urdu Symbols',
+ 16: 'Blissymbolics',
+ 67: 'Cma Gora',
+ 74: 'Hrvatski simboli za PK',
+ 86: 'Mulberry Plus',
+ 88: 'Otsmin Turkish',
+ 15: 'Tawasol',
+ 97: 'Typical Bulgarian Symbols SVG',
+ 76: 'DoeDY',
+ };
+ final CreatePictoRepository _createPictoServices;
+ final GroupsRepository _groupsService;
+ final LocalDatabaseRepository _localDatabaseRepository;
+ final I18N _i18n;
+ final PictogramsRepository _pictogramsService;
+ final UserNotifier userState;
+ final TTSProvider _ttsProvider;
+ final ViewBoardProvider _viewBoardProvider;
+ PageController controller = PageController(initialPage: 0);
+ int currentIndex = 0;
+ bool isImageSelected = false;
+ String userID = '';
+ int selectedBoardID = -1;
+ bool isBoardFetched = false;
+ List searchedData = [];
+ bool isArsaacSearched = false;
+ bool isEditBoard = false;
+ bool isUrl = false;
+ List daysToUsePicto = [];
+ List timeForPicto = [];
+ String daysString = '';
+ String timeString = '';
+ String selectedPictoForEditId = '';
+ String userIdByCareGiver = '';
+ List pictoInBoards = [];
+ /// 6 is the default color for black and Miscellaneous
+ int borderColor = 6;
+ List boards = [];
+ List pictograms = [];
+ List filteredPictograms = [];
+ XFile imageForPicto = XFile('');
+ String imageUrlForPicto = '';
+ final ImagePicker _imagePicker = ImagePicker();
+ final TextEditingController nameController = TextEditingController();
+ final TextEditingController arsaacController = TextEditingController();
+ CreatePictoProvider(this._createPictoServices, this._i18n, this._groupsService, this._pictogramsService, this.userState, this._localDatabaseRepository, this._ttsProvider, this._viewBoardProvider);
+ Future init({required String userId, bool isFromBoard = false}) async {
+ userID = userId;
+ await fetchUserGroups(userId: userId);
+ await fetchUserPictos(userId: userId);
+ if (isFromBoard) {
+ controller = PageController(initialPage: 1);
+ currentIndex = 1;
+ } else {}
+ controller.addListener(setIndex);
+ }
+ void setToSecondPage() async {
+ controller.jumpToPage(1);
+ }
+ Future captureImageFromCamera() async {
+ final image = await _imagePicker.pickImage(
+ source: ImageSource.camera,
+ preferredCameraDevice: CameraDevice.rear,
+ maxHeight: 300,
+ maxWidth: 300,
+ );
+ if (image != null) {
+ imageForPicto = image;
+ isImageSelected = true;
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ //todo:handle the error if image is not picked
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ Future captureImageFromGallery() async {
+ // todo: implement for web too
+ final image = await _imagePicker.pickImage(source: ImageSource.gallery);
+ if (image != null) {
+ imageForPicto = image;
+ isImageSelected = true;
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ //todo:handle the error if image is not picked
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ void resetCreateBoardScreen() {
+ isImageSelected = false;
+ nameController.text = '';
+ timeForPicto.clear();
+ daysToUsePicto.clear();
+ }
+ Future speakWord() async {
+ await _ttsProvider.speak(nameController.text);
+ }
+ @override
+ void dispose() {
+ controller.removeListener(setIndex);
+ controller.dispose();
+ super.dispose();
+ }
+ setIndex() {
+ final index = controller.page;
+ currentIndex = (index ?? 0).toInt();
+ notifyListeners();
+ }
+ void nextPage() {
+ controller.nextPage(
+ duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 300),
+ curve: Curves.easeIn,
+ );
+ }
+ void previousPage() {
+ controller.previousPage(
+ duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 300),
+ curve: Curves.easeIn,
+ );
+ }
+ void goToPage(int index) {
+ controller.animateToPage(
+ index,
+ duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 300),
+ curve: Curves.easeIn,
+ );
+ }
+ Future fetchUserGroups({required String userId}) async {
+ final res = await _createPictoServices.fetchUserGroups(languageCode: _i18n.currentLocale.toString(), userId: userId);
+ if (res.isEmpty) {
+ final res = await _createPictoServices.fetchDefaultGroups(languageCode: _i18n.currentLocale.toString());
+ boards = res;
+ } else {
+ boards = res;
+ }
+ isBoardFetched = true;
+ notifyListeners();
+ }
+ Future fetchUserPictos({required String userId}) async {
+ pictograms = await _createPictoServices.fetchUserPictos(languageCode: _i18n.currentLocale.toString(), userId: userId);
+ if (pictograms.isEmpty) {
+ pictograms = await _createPictoServices.fetchDefaultPictos(languageCode: _i18n.currentLocale.toString());
+ }
+ }
+ void notify() {
+ notifyListeners();
+ }
+ Future fetchPhotoFromGlobalSymbols({required String text}) async {
+ isArsaacSearched = false;
+ searchedData.clear();
+ final res = await _createPictoServices.fetchPhotosFromGlobalSymbols(
+ searchText: text,
+ languageCode: _i18n.currentLocale.languageCode,
+ );
+ if (res.isRight) {
+ searchedData = res.right;
+ } else {
+ searchedData = [];
+ }
+ isArsaacSearched = true;
+ notifyListeners();
+ }
+ Future saveAndUploadPictogram() async {
+ final id = '$userID-${pictograms.length.toString()}';
+ final url = await getImageUrl();
+ Picto pict = Picto(
+ id: id,
+ type: borderColor,
+ resource: AssetsImage(asset: '', network: url),
+ tags: {
+ "WEEKDAY": daysToUsePicto,
+ "HORA": timeForPicto,
+ },
+ text: nameController.text,
+ );
+ pictograms.add(pict);
+ _viewBoardProvider.pictograms.add(pict);
+ _viewBoardProvider.filteredPictos.add(pict);
+ _viewBoardProvider.boards[selectedBoardID].relations.add(
+ GroupRelation(id: id, value: 0),
+ );
+ _viewBoardProvider.notify();
+ boards[selectedBoardID].relations.add(
+ GroupRelation(id: id, value: 0),
+ );
+ await _pictogramsService.uploadPictograms(pictograms, _i18n.currentLocale.toString(), userId: userID);
+ await _groupsService.uploadGroups(boards, _i18n.currentLocale.toString(), 'type', userId: userID);
+ if (userState.user!.type == UserType.user) {
+ //todo: emir can you check this
+ final newUser = userState.user!.patient;
+ newUser.pictos[_i18n.currentLocale.toString()] = pictograms;
+ newUser.groups[_i18n.currentLocale.toString()] = boards;
+ await _localDatabaseRepository.setUser(newUser);
+ }
+ }
+ Future saveAndUploadGroup() async {
+ final url = await getImageUrl(isPicto: false);
+ Group group = Group(
+ id: '$userID-${boards.length.toString()}',
+ block: false,
+ resource: AssetsImage(asset: '', network: url),
+ text: nameController.text,
+ relations: [],
+ freq: 0,
+ );
+ boards.add(group);
+ _viewBoardProvider.boards.add(group);
+ _viewBoardProvider.notify();
+ await _groupsService.uploadGroups(boards, 'type', _i18n.currentLocale.toString(), userId: userID);
+ if (userState.user!.type == UserType.user) {
+ final newUser = userState.user!.patient;
+ newUser.groups[_i18n.currentLocale.toString()] = boards;
+ userState.user!.patient.groups[_i18n.currentLocale.toString()] = boards;
+ await _localDatabaseRepository.setUser(newUser);
+ }
+ }
+ Future saveChangesInPicto({required String id}) async {
+ final url = await getImageUrl();
+ int index = -1;
+ final res = pictograms.firstWhere((element) {
+ index++;
+ return element.id == id;
+ });
+ pictograms[index].tags["WEEKDAY"] = daysToUsePicto;
+ pictograms[index].tags["HORA"] = timeForPicto;
+ Picto pict = Picto(
+ id: id,
+ type: borderColor,
+ resource: AssetsImage(asset: pictograms[index].resource.asset, network: url),
+ tags: pictograms[index].tags,
+ text: nameController.text,
+ freq: pictograms[index].freq,
+ );
+ pictograms[index] = pict;
+ _viewBoardProvider.pictograms[index] = pict;
+ _viewBoardProvider.notify();
+ await _pictogramsService.uploadPictograms(pictograms, _i18n.currentLocale.toString(), userId: userID);
+ if (userState.user!.type == UserType.user) {
+ //todo: emir can you check this
+ final newUser = userState.user!.patient;
+ newUser.pictos[_i18n.currentLocale.toString()] = pictograms;
+ await _localDatabaseRepository.setUser(newUser);
+ }
+ }
+ Future saveChangesInBoard() async {
+ final url = await getImageUrl(isPicto: false);
+ final oldBoard = boards[selectedBoardID];
+ Group newBoard = Group(
+ id: oldBoard.id,
+ relations: oldBoard.relations,
+ text: nameController.text,
+ resource: AssetsImage(
+ asset: oldBoard.resource.asset,
+ network: url,
+ ),
+ freq: oldBoard.freq,
+ block: oldBoard.block,
+ );
+ boards[selectedBoardID] = newBoard;
+ _viewBoardProvider.boards[selectedBoardID] = newBoard;
+ _viewBoardProvider.notify();
+ await _groupsService.uploadGroups(boards, 'type', _i18n.currentLocale.toString(), userId: userID);
+ if (userState.user!.type == UserType.user) {
+ final newUser = userState.user!.patient;
+ newUser.groups[_i18n.currentLocale.toString()] = boards;
+ userState.user!.patient.groups[_i18n.currentLocale.toString()] = boards;
+ await _localDatabaseRepository.setUser(newUser);
+ }
+ isEditBoard = false;
+ }
+ Future getImageUrl({bool isPicto = true}) async {
+ final userId = userIdByCareGiver.isEmpty ? userState.user!.id : userIdByCareGiver;
+ String pictoPath = isPicto ? "images/$userId/pictos" : "images/$userId/boards";
+ if (imageForPicto.path.isNotEmpty) {
+ return await _createPictoServices.uploadOtherImages(
+ imagePath: imageForPicto.path,
+ directoryPath: pictoPath,
+ name: imageForPicto.name,
+ userId: userId,
+ );
+ } else {
+ return imageUrlForPicto;
+ }
+ // Asim, please stop of repeat yourself :c
+ // if (userIdByCareGiver.isEmpty) {
+ // if (imageUrlForPicto.isNotEmpty) {
+ // return imageUrlForPicto;
+ // } else {
+ // return _createPictoServices.uploadOtherImages(
+ // imagePath: imageForPicto.path,
+ // directoryPath: 'images/${userState.user!.id}/pictos',
+ // name: imageForPicto.name,
+ // userId: userState.user!.id,
+ // );
+ // }
+ // } else {
+ // if (imageUrlForPicto.isNotEmpty) {
+ // return imageUrlForPicto;
+ // } else {
+ // return _createPictoServices.uploadOtherImages(
+ // imagePath: imageForPicto.path,
+ // directoryPath: 'images/$userIdByCareGiver/pictos',
+ // name: imageForPicto.name,
+ // userId: userIdByCareGiver,
+ // );
+ // }
+ // }
+ }
+ /* Future hideCurrentPicto({required String id, required int index}) async {
+ int i = -1;
+ final res = pictograms.firstWhere((element) {
+ i++;
+ return element.id == id;
+ });
+ pictograms[i].block = !pictograms[i].block;
+ filteredPictograms[index].block = !filteredPictograms[index].block;
+ notifyListeners();
+ }*/
+ Future setForPictoEdit({required Picto pict}) async {
+ daysToUsePicto.clear();
+ timeForPicto.clear();
+ selectedPictoForEditId = pict.id;
+ borderColor = pict.type;
+ imageUrlForPicto = pict.resource.network!;
+ nameController.text = pict.text;
+ isImageSelected = true;
+ if (pict.tags.containsKey('WEEKDAY')) {
+ daysToUsePicto = pict.tags['WEEKDAY']!;
+ }
+ if (pict.tags.containsKey('HORA')) {
+ timeForPicto = pict.tags['HORA']!;
+ }
+ await searchBoard(id: pict.id);
+ notifyListeners();
+ }
+ Future setForBoardEdit({required int index}) async {
+ selectedBoardID = index;
+ final board = boards[index];
+ isImageSelected = true;
+ isUrl = true;
+ isEditBoard = true;
+ imageUrlForPicto = board.resource.network!;
+ nameController.text = board.text;
+ }
+ Future searchBoard({required String id}) async {
+ pictoInBoards.clear();
+ int boardIndex = -1;
+ for (var board in boards) {
+ boardIndex++;
+ for (var relation in board.relations) {
+ if (relation.id == id) {
+ pictoInBoards.add(boardIndex);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+final createPictoProvider = ChangeNotifierProvider((ref) {
+ final CreatePictoRepository createPictoServices = GetIt.I.get();
+ final pictogramService = GetIt.I();
+ final groupService = GetIt.I();
+ final i18N = GetIt.I();
+ final tts = ref.watch(ttsProvider);
+ final viewBoard = ref.watch(viewBoardProvider);
+ final localDatabase = GetIt.I();
+ final userState = ref.watch(userProvider);
+ return CreatePictoProvider(createPictoServices, i18N, groupService, pictogramService, userState, localDatabase, tts, viewBoard);
diff --git a/lib/application/providers/customise_provider.dart b/lib/application/providers/customise_provider.dart
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..afa4c1af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/application/providers/customise_provider.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+import 'package:flutter/material.dart' hide Shortcuts;
+import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart';
+import 'package:get_it/get_it.dart';
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/common/extensions/user_extension.dart';
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/common/i18n.dart';
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/providers/user_provider.dart';
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/enums/customise_data_type.dart';
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/enums/user_types.dart';
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/models/group_model.dart';
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/models/picto_model.dart';
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/models/shortcuts_model.dart';
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/repositories/repositories.dart';
+class CustomiseProvider extends ChangeNotifier {
+ final PictogramsRepository _pictogramsService;
+ final GroupsRepository _groupsService;
+ final CustomiseRepository _customiseService;
+ final LocalDatabaseRepository _localDatabaseRepository;
+ final I18N _i18n;
+ List pictograms = [];
+ List groups = [];
+ List selectedGruposPicts = [];
+ bool groupsFetched = false;
+ int selectedGroup = 00;
+ String selectedGroupName = '';
+ String selectedGroupImage = '';
+ bool selectedGroupStatus = false;
+ Map pictosMap = {};
+ CustomiseDataType type = CustomiseDataType.defaultCase;
+ final UserNotifier userState;
+ // userId for other use cases
+ String userId = '';
+ bool dataExist = true;
+ CustomiseProvider(
+ this._pictogramsService,
+ this._groupsService,
+ this._customiseService,
+ this._i18n,
+ this.userState,
+ this._localDatabaseRepository,
+ );
+ List selectedShortcuts = List.generate(7, (index) => true);
+ Future setGroupData({required int index}) async {
+ selectedGroup = index;
+ selectedGroupImage = (groups[index].resource.network ?? groups[index].resource.asset);
+ selectedGroupName = groups[index].text;
+ selectedGroupStatus = groups[index].block;
+ notifyListeners();
+ }
+ Future setShortcutsForUser({required String userId}) async {
+ ShortcutsModel model = ShortcutsModel(
+ enable: true,
+ favs: selectedShortcuts[0],
+ history: selectedShortcuts[1],
+ camera: selectedShortcuts[2],
+ games: selectedShortcuts[3],
+ yes: selectedShortcuts[4],
+ no: selectedShortcuts[5],
+ share: selectedShortcuts[6],
+ );
+ await _customiseService.setShortcutsForUser(
+ shortcuts: model,
+ userId: userId,
+ );
+ return model;
+ }
+ Future fetchDesiredPictos() async {
+ selectedGruposPicts = [];
+ for (int i = 0; i < groups[selectedGroup].relations.length; i++) {
+ for (var e in pictograms) {
+ if (e.id == groups[selectedGroup].relations[i].id) {
+ selectedGruposPicts.add(e);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Future inIt({String? userId}) async {
+ switch (type) {
+ case CustomiseDataType.careGiver:
+ case CustomiseDataType.user:
+ await fetchUserCaseValues(userId: userId!);
+ break;
+ case CustomiseDataType.defaultCase:
+ await fetchDefaultCaseValues();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ Future fetchDefaultCaseValues() async {
+ await getDefaultGroups();
+ groupsFetched = true;
+ notifyListeners();
+ await getDefaultPictos();
+ await createMapForPictos();
+ if (!dataExist) {
+ type = CustomiseDataType.user;
+ notifyListeners();
+ }
+ }
+ Future fetchUserCaseValues({required String userId}) async {
+ await fetchShortcutsForUser(userId: userId);
+ await fetchUserGroups(userId: userId);
+ groupsFetched = true;
+ notifyListeners();
+ await fetchUserPictos(userId: userId);
+ await createMapForPictos();
+ }
+ Future uploadData({required String userId, required bool savePictograms, required bool saveGroups, required bool saveShortcuts}) async {
+ final locale = _i18n.currentLocale;
+ final languageCode = locale.toString();
+ if (savePictograms) await _pictogramsService.uploadPictograms(pictograms, languageCode, userId: userId);
+ if (saveGroups) await _groupsService.uploadGroups(groups, 'type', languageCode, userId: userId);
+ ShortcutsModel? shortcutsModel;
+ if (saveShortcuts) shortcutsModel = await setShortcutsForUser(userId: userId);
+ if (userState.user!.type == UserType.user) {
+ final newUser = userState.user!.patient;
+ newUser.groups[languageCode] = groups;
+ newUser.pictos[languageCode] = pictograms;
+ if (saveShortcuts && shortcutsModel != null) {
+ newUser.patientSettings.layout.shortcuts = shortcutsModel;
+ }
+ await _localDatabaseRepository.setUser(newUser);
+ userState.setUser(newUser);
+ }
+ }
+ void notify() {
+ notifyListeners();
+ }
+ Future getDefaultGroups() async {
+ final locale = _i18n.currentLocale;
+ final languageCode = locale.toString();
+ final res = await _customiseService.fetchDefaultGroups(languageCode: languageCode);
+ groups = res;
+ }
+ Future getDefaultPictos() async {
+ final locale = _i18n.currentLocale;
+ final languageCode = locale.toString();
+ pictograms = await _customiseService.fetchDefaultPictos(languageCode: languageCode);
+ }
+ Future createMapForPictos() async {
+ int i = 0;
+ for (var element in pictograms) {
+ pictosMap[element.id.toString()] = i;
+ }
+ }
+ void block({required int index}) async {
+ selectedGruposPicts[index].block = !selectedGruposPicts[index].block;
+ pictograms[pictosMap[selectedGruposPicts[index].id]!].block = !pictograms[pictosMap[selectedGruposPicts[index].id]!].block;
+ notifyListeners();
+ }
+ Future fetchShortcutsForUser({required String userId}) async {
+ final res = await _customiseService.fetchShortcutsForUser(userId: userId);
+ selectedShortcuts[0] = res.favs;
+ selectedShortcuts[1] = res.history;
+ selectedShortcuts[2] = res.camera;
+ selectedShortcuts[3] = res.games;
+ selectedShortcuts[4] = res.yes;
+ selectedShortcuts[5] = res.no;
+ selectedShortcuts[6] = res.share;
+ notifyListeners();
+ }
+ Future fetchUserGroups({required String userId}) async {
+ final res = await _customiseService.fetchUserGroups(languageCode: _i18n.currentLocale.toString(), userId: userId);
+ groups = res;
+ notifyListeners();
+ }
+ Future fetchUserPictos({required String userId}) async {
+ final locale = _i18n.currentLocale;
+ final languageCode = "${locale.languageCode}_${locale.countryCode}";
+ pictograms = await _customiseService.fetchUserPictos(languageCode: languageCode, userId: userId);
+ }
+ Future dataExistOrNot({required String userId}) async {
+ final locale = _i18n.currentLocale;
+ final languageCode = "${locale.languageCode}_${locale.countryCode}";
+ final bool = _customiseService.valuesExistOrNot(languageCode: languageCode, userId: userId);
+ this.userId = userId;
+ return bool;
+ }
+final customiseProvider = ChangeNotifierProvider((ref) {
+ final CustomiseRepository customiseService = GetIt.I.get();
+ final pictogramService = GetIt.I();
+ final groupService = GetIt.I();
+ final i18N = GetIt.I();
+ final localDatabase = GetIt.I();
+ final userState = ref.watch(userProvider);
+ return CustomiseProvider(pictogramService, groupService, customiseService, i18N, userState, localDatabase);
diff --git a/lib/application/providers/games_provider.dart b/lib/application/providers/games_provider.dart
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ba0b33d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/application/providers/games_provider.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+import 'dart:async';
+import 'dart:math';
+import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
+import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart';
+import 'package:get_it/get_it.dart';
+import 'package:just_audio/just_audio.dart';
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/notifiers/patient_notifier.dart';
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/models/group_model.dart';
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/models/picto_model.dart';
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/repositories/repositories.dart';
+class GamesProvider extends ChangeNotifier {
+ int numberOfGroups = 45;
+ int completedGroups = 0;
+ int activeGroups = 00;
+ int selectedGame = 0;
+ String selectedGroupName = '';
+ final PageController mainPageController = PageController(initialPage: 0);
+ ScrollController gridScrollController = ScrollController();
+ Map pictograms = {};
+ Map groups = {};
+ int correctScore = 0;
+ int incorrectScore = 0;
+ List selectedPicts = [];
+ int useTime = 00;
+ int streak = 0;
+ List matchPictoTop = List.filled(4, false);
+ List matchPictoBottom = List.filled(4, false);
+ bool isMute = false;
+ List gamePictsWTP = [];
+ List gamePictsMP = [];
+ int correctPictoWTP = 99;
+ bool hintsBtn = false;
+ late Timer hintTimer1, hintTimer2, gameTimer;
+ bool hintsEnabled = false;
+ /// 0 == 2 pictos, 1 == 3 pictos, 2 == 4 pictos
+ int difficultyLevel = 0;
+ late final AudioPlayer backgroundMusicPlayer;
+ late final AudioPlayer clicksPlayer;
+ Map bottomPositionsMP = {};
+ Map topPositionsMP = {};
+ final PictogramsRepository _pictogramsService;
+ final GroupsRepository _groupsService;
+ final PatientNotifier patientState;
+ GamesProvider(
+ this._groupsService,
+ this._pictogramsService,
+ this.patientState, {
+ AudioPlayer? backgroundMusicPlayer,
+ AudioPlayer? clicksPlayer,
+ }) {
+ this.backgroundMusicPlayer = backgroundMusicPlayer ?? AudioPlayer();
+ this.clicksPlayer = clicksPlayer ?? AudioPlayer();
+ }
+ Future createRandomForGameWTP() async {
+ gamePictsWTP.clear();
+ List numbers = [];
+ Random random = Random();
+ while (numbers.length < difficultyLevel + 2) {
+ int randomNum = random.nextInt(selectedPicts.length - 1);
+ if (!numbers.contains(randomNum)) {
+ numbers.add(randomNum);
+ }
+ }
+ for (var element in numbers) {
+ gamePictsWTP.add(selectedPicts[element]);
+ }
+ correctPictoWTP = Random().nextInt(difficultyLevel + 2);
+ notifyListeners();
+ }
+ resetScore() {
+ incorrectScore = 0;
+ correctScore = 0;
+ gameTimer.cancel();
+ useTime = 0;
+ streak = 0;
+ difficultyLevel = 0;
+ }
+ Future createRandomForGameMP() async {
+ topPositionsMP.clear();
+ bottomPositionsMP.clear();
+ List topNumbers = [];
+ List bottomNumbers = [];
+ Random random = Random();
+ while (topNumbers.length < difficultyLevel + 2) {
+ int num = random.nextInt(selectedPicts.length - 1);
+ if (!topNumbers.contains(num)) {
+ topNumbers.add(num);
+ }
+ }
+ while (bottomNumbers.length < difficultyLevel + 2) {
+ int num = random.nextInt(topNumbers.length);
+ if (!bottomNumbers.contains(num)) {
+ bottomNumbers.add(num);
+ }
+ }
+ int i = 0;
+ for (var element in topNumbers) {
+ topPositionsMP[i] = selectedPicts[element];
+ i++;
+ }
+ i = 0;
+ for (var element in bottomNumbers) {
+ bottomPositionsMP[i] = topPositionsMP[element]!;
+ i++;
+ }
+ notifyListeners();
+ }
+ Future fetchSelectedPictos() async {
+ List picts = [];
+ final gro = groups.values.where((element) => !element.block).toList();
+ int i = 0;
+ int selectedGroup = 0;
+ for (var e in gro) {
+ if (e.text == selectedGroupName) {
+ selectedGroup = i;
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ for (var e in gro[selectedGroup].relations) {
+ picts.add(
+ pictograms[e.id]!,
+ );
+ }
+ selectedPicts.clear();
+ selectedPicts.addAll(picts);
+ }
+ void moveForward() {
+ mainPageController.nextPage(duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 300), curve: Curves.easeIn);
+ notifyListeners();
+ }
+ void moveBackward() {
+ mainPageController.previousPage(duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 300), curve: Curves.easeIn);
+ notifyListeners();
+ }
+ void scrollUp() {
+ int currentPosition = gridScrollController.position.pixels.toInt();
+ if (currentPosition == 0) return;
+ gridScrollController.animateTo(
+ currentPosition - 96,
+ duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 500),
+ curve: Curves.easeOut,
+ );
+ }
+ void scrollDown() {
+ int currentPosition = gridScrollController.position.pixels.toInt();
+ if (currentPosition >= gridScrollController.position.maxScrollExtent + 96) {
+ return;
+ }
+ gridScrollController.animateTo(
+ currentPosition + 96,
+ duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 500),
+ curve: Curves.easeOut,
+ );
+ }
+ Future fetchPictograms() async {
+ if (pictograms.isNotEmpty && groups.isNotEmpty) return;
+ List? pictos;
+ List? groupsData;
+ if (patientState.state != null) {
+ pictos = patientState.user.pictos[patientState.user.settings.language];
+ groupsData = patientState.user.groups[patientState.user.settings.language];
+ }
+ pictos ??= (await _pictogramsService.getAllPictograms()).where((element) => !element.block).toList();
+ groupsData ??= (await _groupsService.getAllGroups()).where((element) => !element.block).toList();
+ for (var e in groupsData) {
+ if (!e.block) {
+ activeGroups++;
+ }
+ }
+ pictograms = Map.fromIterables(pictos.map((e) => e.id), pictos);
+ groups = Map.fromIterables(groupsData.map((e) => e.id), groupsData);
+ notifyListeners();
+ }
+ // Future checkAnswerMatchPicto({required bool upper, required int index}) async {}
+ Future init() async {
+ gameTimer = Timer.periodic(const Duration(seconds: 1), (timer) {
+ useTime = useTime + 1;
+ });
+ await initializeBackgroundMusic();
+ if (hintsBtn) {
+ showHints();
+ }
+ }
+ Future showHints() async {
+ hintTimer1 = Timer.periodic(const Duration(seconds: 4), (timer) {
+ hintTimer2 = Timer(const Duration(seconds: 2), () {
+ hintsEnabled = true;
+ notify();
+ });
+ hintsEnabled = false;
+ notify();
+ });
+ }
+ Future cancelHints() async {
+ hintTimer1.cancel();
+ hintTimer1.cancel();
+ hintTimer2.cancel();
+ hintTimer2.cancel();
+ hintsEnabled = false;
+ // notifyListeners();
+ }
+ void notify() {
+ notifyListeners();
+ }
+ Future playClickSounds({required String assetName}) async {
+ await clicksPlayer.setAsset('assets/audios/$assetName.mp3');
+ await clicksPlayer.play();
+ }
+ Future changeMusic({required bool mute}) async {
+ if (mute) {
+ await backgroundMusicPlayer.pause();
+ } else {
+ await backgroundMusicPlayer.play();
+ }
+ }
+ Future initializeBackgroundMusic() async {
+ ///check if we can buffer the audios before even loading the properties of the given class
+ // backgroundMusicPlayer.setAudioSource();
+ if (!isMute) {
+ await backgroundMusicPlayer.setAsset('assets/audios/funckygroove.mp3');
+ await backgroundMusicPlayer.setLoopMode(LoopMode.one);
+ await backgroundMusicPlayer.setVolume(0.2);
+ await backgroundMusicPlayer.play();
+ }
+ }
+ @override
+ void dispose() {
+ hintTimer1.cancel();
+ hintTimer2.cancel();
+ super.dispose();
+ }
+final ChangeNotifierProvider gameProvider = ChangeNotifierProvider((ref) {
+ final pictogramService = GetIt.I();
+ final groupsService = GetIt.I();
+ final patientState = ref.watch(patientNotifier.notifier);
+ // final tts = ref.watch(ttsProvider);
+ return GamesProvider(groupsService, pictogramService, patientState);
diff --git a/lib/application/providers/home_provider.dart b/lib/application/providers/home_provider.dart
index 31e85f17..6d26f8e8 100644
--- a/lib/application/providers/home_provider.dart
+++ b/lib/application/providers/home_provider.dart
@@ -1,117 +1,363 @@
+import 'dart:math' show min;
+import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
+import 'package:dio/dio.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart';
import 'package:get_it/get_it.dart';
import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/common/constants.dart';
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/common/extensions/translate_string.dart';
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/common/extensions/user_extension.dart';
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/notifiers/patient_notifier.dart';
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/providers/chatgpt_provider.dart';
import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/providers/tts_provider.dart';
-import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/models/groups_model.dart';
-import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/models/pictogram_model.dart';
-import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/models/sentence_model.dart';
-import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/repositories/groups_repository.dart';
-import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/repositories/pictograms_repository.dart';
-import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/repositories/sentences_repository.dart';
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/application/providers/user_provider.dart';
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/enums/display_types.dart';
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/enums/home_screen_status.dart';
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/models/assets_image.dart';
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/models/group_model.dart';
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/models/learn_token.dart';
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/models/patient_user_model.dart';
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/models/phrase_model.dart';
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/models/picto_model.dart';
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/repositories/repositories.dart';
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/use_cases/learn_pictogram.dart';
+import 'package:ottaa_project_flutter/core/use_cases/predict_pictogram.dart';
+const String kStarterPictoId = "_hqTU9A7I3RFDVrcIEK-L";
class HomeProvider extends ChangeNotifier {
+ List basicPictograms = [];
final PictogramsRepository _pictogramsService;
final GroupsRepository _groupsService;
final SentencesRepository _sentencesService;
+ final PatientNotifier patientState;
+ final UserNotifier userState;
+ final LocalDatabaseRepository _hiveRepository;
final TTSProvider _tts;
- HomeProvider(this._pictogramsService, this._groupsService, this._sentencesService, this._tts);
+ final PredictPictogram predictPictogram;
+ final LearnPictogram learnPictogram;
+ final ChatGPTNotifier _chatGPTNotifier;
- List mostUsedSentences = [];
+ HomeProvider(
+ this._pictogramsService,
+ this._groupsService,
+ this._sentencesService,
+ this._tts,
+ this.patientState,
+ this.predictPictogram,
+ this.learnPictogram,
+ this.userState,
+ this._chatGPTNotifier,
+ this._hiveRepository,
+ );
+ List mostUsedSentences = [];
int indexForMostUsed = 0;
- List pictograms = [];
- List groups = [];
+ Map pictograms = {};
+ Map groups = {};
+ List? suggestedPicts;
- List suggestedPicts = [];
+ List pictoWords = [];
- int suggestedIndex = 0;
+ String suggestedIndex = kStarterPictoId;
int suggestedQuantity = 4;
+ int indexPage = 0;
+ bool confirmExit = false;
+ bool talkEnabled = true;
+ bool isSpeakWidget = false;
+ bool isExit = false;
+ bool isLongClick = false;
+ int? selectedWord;
+ bool isExitLong = false;
+ bool isLongClickCheck = false;
+ String subtitleText = '';
+ ScrollController scrollController = ScrollController();
+ HomeScreenStatus status = HomeScreenStatus.pictos;
+ // Home Tabs
+ String currentTabGroup = "";
+ ScrollController groupTabsScrollController = ScrollController();
+ ScrollController pictoTabsScrollController = ScrollController();
+ //Home grids
+ String? currentGridGroup;
+ ScrollController gridScrollController = ScrollController();
+ final List _cancelsToken = [];
+ final Map pictosTranslations = {};
+ void setCurrentGroup(String group) {
+ currentTabGroup = group;
+ pictoTabsScrollController.jumpTo(0);
+ notifyListeners();
+ }
+ Future isLongClickEnabled() async {
+ return await _hiveRepository.getLongClick();
+ }
+ Future setLongClickEnabled({required bool isLongClick}) async {
+ await _hiveRepository.setLongClick(isLongClick: isLongClick);
+ }
Future init() async {
await fetchPictograms();
- buildSuggestion(0);
+ await loadTranslations();
+ basicPictograms = predictiveAlgorithm(list: pictograms[kStarterPictoId]!.relations);
+ currentTabGroup = groups.keys.first;
+ isExitLong = await isLongClickEnabled();
+ await buildSuggestion();
+ Future loadTranslations() async {
+ pictosTranslations.clear();
+ final translations = await _pictogramsService.loadTranslations(language: userState.user!.settings.language.language);
+ pictosTranslations.addAll(translations);
+ notify();
+ }
+ void switchToPictograms() {
+ final currentUser = patientState.patient ?? userState.user!;
+ bool isGrid = currentUser.isPatient && currentUser.patient.patientSettings.layout.display == DisplayTypes.grid;
+ if (isGrid) {
+ status = HomeScreenStatus.grid;
+ } else {
+ status = HomeScreenStatus.tabs;
+ }
+ notify();
+ }
Future fetchMostUsedSentences() async {
- mostUsedSentences = await _sentencesService.fetchSentences(
- language: "es-AR", //TODO!: Fetch language code LANG-CODE
+ final res = await _sentencesService.fetchSentences(
+ language: "es_AR", //TODO!: Fetch language code LANG-CODE
type: kMostUsedSentences,
+ if (res.isRight) {
+ mostUsedSentences = res.right;
+ } else {
+ mostUsedSentences = [];
+ }
- // if (result.isRight) {
- // mostUsedSentences = result.right;
- // }
+ notifyListeners();
+ }
+ void notify() {
+ notifyListeners();
+ }
+ void setSuggedtedQuantity(int quantity) {
+ suggestedQuantity = quantity;
+ notifyListeners();
+ }
+ void addPictogram(Picto picto) {
+ pictoWords.add(picto);
+ suggestedPicts = null;
+ if (pictoWords.length > 5) {
+ scrollController.jumpTo(scrollController.offset + 100);
+ }
+ buildSuggestion(picto.id);
+ notifyListeners();
+ }
+ void removeLastPictogram() {
+ pictoWords.removeLast();
+ if (pictoWords.isEmpty) {
+ for (var element in _cancelsToken) {
+ element.cancel();
+ }
+ _cancelsToken.clear();
+ }
+ notify();
+ suggestedPicts = null;
+ Picto? lastPicto = pictoWords.lastOrNull;
+ buildSuggestion(lastPicto?.id);
Future fetchPictograms() async {
- pictograms = await _pictogramsService.getAllPictograms();
- groups = await _groupsService.getAllGroups();
+ List? pictos;
+ List? groupsData;
+ if (patientState.patient != null) {
+ pictos = patientState.user.pictos[patientState.user.settings.language.language];
+ groupsData = patientState.user.groups[patientState.user.settings.language.language];
+ }
+ pictos ??= (await _pictogramsService.getAllPictograms()).where((element) => !element.block).toList();
+ groupsData ??= (await _groupsService.getAllGroups()).where((element) => !element.block).toList();
+ pictograms = Map.fromIterables(pictos.map((e) => e.id), pictos);
+ groups = Map.fromIterables(groupsData.map((e) => e.id), groupsData);
- void buildSuggestion(int id) {
- suggestedPicts = [];
- suggestedIndex = 0;
+ Future buildSuggestion([String? id]) async {
+ indexPage = 0;
- final Pict addPict = Pict(
- id: 0,
- texto: Texto(en: "add", es: "agregar"),
- tipo: 6,
- imagen: Imagen(picto: "ic_agregar_nuevo"),
- localImg: true,
- );
+ if (patientState.patient != null) {
+ PatientUserModel user = patientState.user;
+ final cancelToken = CancelToken();
- final Pict pict = pictograms.firstWhere((pict) => pict.id == id);
- print('the id of the pict is ${pict.id}');
+ cancelToken.whenCancel.then((value) {
+ _cancelsToken.remove(cancelToken);
+ });
- if (pict.relacion!.isNotEmpty) {
- final List recomendedPicts = pict.relacion!.toList();
- recomendedPicts.sort((b, a) => a.frec!.compareTo(b.frec!));
- suggestedPicts = predictiveAlgorithm(list: recomendedPicts);
- } else {
+ for (var element in _cancelsToken) {
+ element.cancel();
+ }
+ _cancelsToken.clear();
+ _cancelsToken.add(cancelToken);
+ String hour = "";
+ int time = DateTime.now().hour;
+ if (time >= 5 && time <= 11) {
+ hour = 'MANANA';
+ } else if (time > 11 && time <= 14) {
+ hour = 'MEDIODIA';
+ } else if (time > 14 && time < 20) {
+ hour = 'TARDE';
+ } else {
+ hour = 'NOCHE';
+ }
+ final response = await predictPictogram.call(
+ sentence: pictoWords.map((e) => e.text).join(" "),
+ uid: user.id,
+ language: user.settings.language.language,
+ model: "test",
+ groups: (user.groups[user.settings.language.language] ?? []).where((element) => !element.block).map((e) => e.id).toList(),
+ tags: {
+ "HORA": [hour]
+ },
+ reduced: true,
+ chunk: suggestedQuantity,
+ cancelToken: cancelToken,
+ );
+ _cancelsToken.remove(cancelToken);
+ if (response.isRight) {
+ suggestedPicts = response.right.map((e) => pictograms[e.id["local"]]!).toList();
+ notifyListeners();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ id ??= kStarterPictoId;
+ if (id == kStarterPictoId) {
suggestedPicts = [];
+ suggestedPicts!.addAll(basicPictograms);
+ notify();
+ return;
- ///
- /// predictive algorithm will replace teh code from here
+ Picto? pict = pictograms[id];
+ if (pict == null) return;
+ if (pict.relations.isNotEmpty) {
+ final List recomendedPicts = pict.relations.toList();
+ recomendedPicts.sortBy((element) => element.value);
+ List requiredPictos = predictiveAlgorithm(list: recomendedPicts);
+ suggestedPicts ??= [];
+ suggestedPicts!.addAll(requiredPictos);
+ suggestedPicts = suggestedPicts!.toSet().toList();
+ }
- // recomendedPicts.forEach((recommendedPict) {
- // this._suggestedPicts.add(picts.firstWhere(
- // (suggestedPict) => suggestedPict.id == recommendedPict.id));
- // });
+ suggestedIndex = id;
- /// to here
- ///
- suggestedPicts.add(addPict);
+ // suggestedPicts = suggestedPicts.sublist(0, min(suggestedPicts.length, suggestedQuantity));
+ return notifyListeners();
+ }
- while (suggestedPicts.isEmpty || suggestedPicts.length % suggestedQuantity != 0) {
- suggestedPicts.add(addPict);
+ List getPictograms() {
+ if (suggestedPicts == null) {
+ return List.generate(4, (index) {
+ return Picto(
+ id: "-777",
+ text: "",
+ type: 0,
+ resource: AssetsImage(
+ asset: "",
+ network: null,
+ ),
+ );
+ });
- notifyListeners();
+ int currentPage = (suggestedPicts!.length / suggestedQuantity).round();
+ if (indexPage > currentPage) {
+ indexPage = currentPage;
+ }
+ if (indexPage < 0) {
+ indexPage = 0;
+ }
+ int start = indexPage * suggestedQuantity;
+ List pictos = suggestedPicts!.sublist(start, min(suggestedPicts!.length, (indexPage * suggestedQuantity) + suggestedQuantity));
+ if (pictos.length < suggestedQuantity) {
+ int pictosLeft = suggestedQuantity - pictos.length;
+ pictos.addAll(
+ List.generate(
+ pictosLeft,
+ (index) => Picto(
+ id: "777",
+ text: "",
+ type: 0,
+ resource: AssetsImage(
+ asset: "",
+ network: null,
+ ),
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ return pictos;
- List predictiveAlgorithm({required List list}) {
- const int pesoFrec = 2,
- // pesoAgenda = 8,
- // pesoGps = 12,
- // pesoEdad = 5,
- // pesoSexo = 3,
- pesoHora = 50;
+ List predictiveAlgorithm({required List list}) {
+ const int pesoFrec = 2, pesoHora = 50;
final time = DateTime.now().hour;
- List requiredPicts = [];
+ List requiredPicts = [];
for (var recommendedPict in list) {
- pictograms.firstWhere((suggestedPict) => suggestedPict.id == recommendedPict.id),
+ pictograms[recommendedPict.id]!,
late String tag;
@@ -130,30 +376,150 @@ class HomeProvider extends ChangeNotifier {
int hora = 0;
/// '0' should be replaced by the value of HORA
- if (e.hora == null) {
+ if (e.tags["hour"] == null) {
hora = 0;
} else {
- for (var e in e.hora!) {
+ for (var e in e.tags["hour"]!) {
if (tag == e) {
hora = 1;
- e.score = (list[i].frec! * pesoFrec) + (hora * pesoHora);
- // print(e.score);
+ e.freq = (list[i].value * pesoFrec) + (hora * pesoHora);
- requiredPicts.sort((b, a) => a.score!.compareTo(b.score!));
+ requiredPicts.sort((b, a) => a.freq.compareTo(b.freq));
return requiredPicts;
+ Future speakSentence() async {
+ isSpeakWidget = true;
+ subtitleText = '';
+ notifyListeners();
+ if (patientState.state != null) {
+ learnPictogram.call(
+ uid: patientState.user.id,
+ language: patientState.user.patientSettings.language.language,
+ model: "", //TODO: Change to the current model later uwu
+ tokens: pictoWords.map((e) => LearnToken(name: pictosTranslations[e.id] ?? e.text, id: e.id)).toList(),
+ );
+ }
+ if (patientState.state != null && !patientState.user.patientSettings.layout.oneToOne) {
+ notifyListeners();
+ String? sentence;
+ scrollController.jumpTo(0);
+ if (patientState.user.patientSettings.language.labs) {
+ final picts = pictoWords.map((e) => e.copyWith(text: pictosTranslations[e.id] ?? e.text)).toList();
+ sentence = await _chatGPTNotifier.generatePhrase(picts);
+ if (sentence != null && sentence.startsWith(".")) sentence = sentence.replaceFirst(".", "");
+ }
+ sentence ??= pictoWords.map((e) => pictosTranslations[e.id] ?? e.text).join(' ');
+ subtitleText = sentence;
+ subtitleText = subtitleText.replaceAll('\n', '');
+ notifyListeners();
+ await _tts.speak(sentence);
+ isSpeakWidget = false;
+ notifyListeners();
+ } else {
+ for (var i = 0; i < pictoWords.length; i++) {
+ selectedWord = i;
+ scrollController.animateTo(
+ i == 0 ? 0 : i * 45,
+ duration: const Duration(microseconds: 50),
+ curve: Curves.easeIn,
+ );
+ final e = pictoWords[i];
+ subtitleText = "$subtitleText ${pictosTranslations[e.id] ?? e.text}";
+ notifyListeners();
+ await _tts.speak(pictosTranslations[e.id] ?? e.text);
+ }
+ isSpeakWidget = false;
+ notifyListeners();
+ }
+ isSpeakWidget = false;
+ notifyListeners();
+ if (patientState.state != null && patientState.user.patientSettings.layout.cleanup) {
+ pictoWords.clear();
+ await buildSuggestion();
+ notify();
+ }
+ }
+ void refreshPictograms() {
+ if (suggestedPicts == null) return;
+ int currentPage = suggestedPicts!.length ~/ suggestedQuantity;
+ indexPage++;
+ if (indexPage > currentPage) {
+ indexPage = 0;
+ }
+ if (indexPage < 0) {
+ indexPage = 0;
+ }
+ notifyListeners();
+ }
+ void scrollUp(ScrollController controller, double amount) {
+ int currentPosition = controller.position.pixels.toInt();
+ if (currentPosition == 0) return;
+ controller.animateTo(
+ currentPosition - amount,
+ duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 500),
+ curve: Curves.easeOut,
+ );
+ }
+ void scrollDown(ScrollController controller, double amount) {
+ int currentPosition = controller.position.pixels.toInt();
+ if (currentPosition >= controller.position.maxScrollExtent + amount) return;
+ controller.animateTo(
+ currentPosition + amount,
+ duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 500),
+ curve: Curves.easeOut,
+ );
+ }
+ Future speakYes() async {
+ await _tts.speak("global.yes".trl);
+ }
+ Future speakNo() async {
+ await _tts.speak("global.no".trl);
+ }
+ @override
+ void dispose() {
+ patientState.setUser(null);
+ super.dispose();
+ }
-final homeProvider = ChangeNotifierProvider((ref) {
+final AutoDisposeChangeNotifierProvider