Commit 1157ae5

Brian Moore
Brian Moore
1 parent 9be7439 commit 1157ae5
File tree
2,557 files changed
lines changed- 1-CONTRIBUTION-GUIDE
- 100-blank-template
- 100-marketplace-sample
- 101-1vm-2nics-2subnets-1vnet
- 101-AAD-DomainServices
- 101-DDoS-Attack-Prevention
- nested
- microsoft.compute
- microsoft.loganalytics
- 101-SQL-Injection-Attack-Prevention
- nested
- microsoft.loganalytics
- microsoft.sql
- microsoft.web
- 101-Telegraf-InfluxDB-Grafana
- 101-VM-Virus-Attack-Prevention
- nested
- microsoft.compute
- microsoft.loganalytics
- 101-XSS-Attack-Prevention
- nested
- microsoft.loganalytics
- microsoft.sql
- microsoft.web
- 101-aci-linuxcontainer-public-ip
- 101-aci-vnet
- 101-acs-dcos
- 101-acs-kubernetes
- 101-acs-swarm
- 101-acsengine-swarmmode
- 101-aks
- 101-aks-advanced-networking
- prereqs
- 101-aks-advanced-networking-aad
- prereqs
- 101-analysis-services-create
- 101-api-management-create-with-msi
- 101-app-configuration
- 101-app-function
- 101-app-service-certificate-standard
- 101-app-service-certificate-wildcard
- 101-application-gateway-create
- 101-application-gateway-key-vault-create
- 101-application-gateway-public-ip
- 101-application-gateway-public-ip-ssl-offload
- 101-application-gateway-redirect
- 101-application-gateway-rewrite
- 101-application-gateway-v2-autoscale-create
- 101-application-gateway-waf
- 101-attestation-provider-create
- 101-automation-configuration
- nested
- 101-availability-set-create-3FDs-20UDs
- 101-azure-api-management-create
- 101-azure-bastion
- 101-azure-bastion-nsg
- 101-azure-database-migration-service
- 101-azure-dns-new-zone
- 101-azure-relay-create-namespace
- 101-azure-search-create
- 101-azurefirewall-create-with-ipgroups-and-linux-jumpbox
- 101-azurefirewall-create-with-zones
- 101-azurefirewall-forced-tunneling
- 101-azurefirewall-sandbox-linux
- 101-azurefirewall-with-zones-sandbox
- 101-azurepolicy-assign-builtinpolicy-resourcegroup
- 101-backup-la-reporting
- nestedtemplates
- prereqs
- 101-backup-oms-monitoring
- 101-backup-protect-iaasvm
- 101-backup-vault-create
- 101-batch-with-keyvault-pfx-password
- prereqs
- 101-batchaccount-with-storage
- 101-cdn-with-custom-origin
- 101-cognitive-services-Computer-vision-API
- 101-cognitive-services-translate
- 101-cognitive-services-universalkey
- 101-container-registry
- 101-container-registry-geo-replication
- 101-cosmosdb-cassandra
- 101-cosmosdb-create
- 101-cosmosdb-create-account
- 101-cosmosdb-create-multi-region-account
- 101-cosmosdb-gremlin
- 101-cosmosdb-mongodb
- 101-cosmosdb-sql
- 101-cosmosdb-sql-container-sprocs
- 101-cosmosdb-table
- 101-create-ase-with-webapp
- 101-custom-rp-existing-resource-deployments
- 101-custom-rp-with-function
- 101-custom-rp-with-logicapp
- 101-data-factory-blob-to-sql-copy
- 101-data-factory-blob-to-sql-copy-stored-proc
- 101-data-factory-chained-copy-activities
- 101-data-factory-hive-transformation
- 101-data-factory-salesforce-to-blob-copy
- 101-data-factory-v2-blob-to-blob-copy
- prereqs
- 101-data-factory-v2-blob-to-mysql-copy
- prereqs
- 101-data-factory-v2-blob-to-postgresql-copy
- prereqs
- 101-data-factory-v2-blob-to-sql-copy
- prereqs
- 101-data-factory-v2-create
- 101-data-factory-v2-onprem-sql-to-blob-copy
- prereqs
- 101-data-factory-v2-provision-ssis-runtime
- prereqs
- 101-data-factory-v2-transform-using-spark
- prereqs
- 101-data-lake-analytics
- 101-data-lake-store-encryption-adls
- 101-data-lake-store-encryption-key-vault
- 101-data-lake-store-no-encryption
- 101-databricks-all-in-one-template-for-vnet-injection
- 101-databricks-vnet-for-vnet-injection
- prereqs
- 101-databricks-workspace
- 101-databricks-workspace-with-custom-vnet-address
- 101-databricks-workspace-with-vnet-injection
- prereqs
- 101-dtl-create-lab
- 101-event-grid
- 101-event-grid-cloudevents
- 101-event-grid-event-hubs-handler
- 101-event-grid-resource-events-to-webhook
- prereqs
- 101-event-grid-subscription-and-storage
- prereqs
- 101-eventhubs-create-namespace-and-eventhub
- 101-expressroute-circuit-create
- 101-front-door-create-basic
- 101-front-door-create-multiple-backends
- 101-front-door-custom-domain
- 101-front-door-geo-filtering
- 101-function-app-create-dedicated
- 101-function-app-create-dynamic
- 101-functions-managed-identity
- 101-hdinsight-custom-ambari-db
- prereqs
- 101-hdinsight-hbase-enhancedwrite
- 101-hdinsight-hbase-linux
- 101-hdinsight-hbase-linux-vnet
- 101-hdinsight-hbase-replication-geo
- 101-hdinsight-hbase-replication-one-vnet
- 101-hdinsight-hbase-replication-two-vnets-same-region
- 101-hdinsight-interactive-hive
- 101-hdinsight-kafka
- 101-hdinsight-kafka-with-edge-schema-registry
- 101-hdinsight-linux-add-edge-node
- prereqs
- 101-hdinsight-linux-ssh-password
- 101-hdinsight-linux-ssh-publickey
- 101-hdinsight-linux-ssh-publickey-metastore-vnet
- prereqs
- 101-hdinsight-linux-with-edge-node
- 101-hdinsight-linux-with-existing-default-storage-account
- 101-hdinsight-linux-with-existing-linked-storage-account
- 101-hdinsight-linux-with-sql-database
- 101-hdinsight-minimum-tls
- prereqs
- 101-hdinsight-rserver
- 101-hdinsight-secure-vnet
- 101-hdinsight-spark-linux
- 101-hdinsight-spark-linux-vnet
- 101-hub-and-spoke-sandbox
- 101-integrationpatterns-messagerouter-logicapp
- 101-integrationpatterns-messagerouter-servicebus
- 101-internal-loadbalancer-create
- 101-iothub-with-consumergroup-create
- 101-jenkins
- 101-jenkins-with-ssh-public-key
- 101-key-vault-create
- 101-keyvault-add-access-policy
- prereqs
- 101-kusto-cluster-database
- 101-kusto-vnet
- 101-load-balancer-standard-create
- 101-loadbalancer-with-multivip
- 101-loadbalancer-with-nat-rule
- 101-logic-app-and-function-app
- 101-logic-app-create
- 101-logic-app-ftp-to-blob
- 101-logic-app-sendgrid
- 101-logic-app-sql-proc
- 101-machine-learning-create
- 101-managed-application
- artifacts/ManagedAppZip
- 101-managed-application-with-linked-templates
- artifacts/ManagedAppZip
- linkedtemplates
- 101-managed-application-with-metrics-and-alerts
- artifacts/ManagedAppZip
- 101-managed-mysql-with-vnet
- 101-media-services-create
- 101-mobile-app-create
- 101-mutiple-vms-with-data-management-gateway
- nested
- 101-networkwatcher-create
- 101-networkwatcher-flowLogs-create
- prereqs
- 101-nic-publicip-dns-vnet
- 101-notification-hub
- 101-point-to-site
- 101-powerbi-workspace-create
- 101-private-dns-zone
- 101-rbac-builtinrole-resourcegroup
- 101-rbac-builtinrole-virtualmachine
- prereqs
- 101-recovery-services-backup-vms
- 101-recovery-services-create-vault-enable-diagnostics
- 101-recovery-services-create-vm-and-configure-backup
- 101-recovery-services-daily-backup-policy-create
- 101-recovery-services-vault-create
- 101-recovery-services-vm-workload-backup
- prereqs
- 101-recovery-services-weekly-backup-policy-create
- 101-redis-cache
- prereqs
- 101-scheduler-service-bus
- 101-security-group-create
- 101-servicebus-create-namespace
- 101-servicebus-create-namespace-geo-recoveryconfiguration
- 101-servicebus-namespace
- 101-servicebus-pn-ar
- 101-servicebus-queue
- 101-servicebus-topic
- 101-servicebus-topic-subscription
- 101-servicebus-topic-subscription-sqlfilter
- 101-sig-create
- 101-sig-image-definition-create
- 101-sig-image-version-create
- 101-signalr
- 101-site-to-site-vpn-create
- 101-spinnaker
- 101-spinnaker-existing-vnet
- prereqs
- 101-sql-elastic-pool-create
- 101-sql-logical-server
- 101-sql-managed-instance-azure-environment
- 101-sql-vm-ag-setup
- nested
- 101-sql-vm-aglistener-setup
- 101-sql-vm-new-storage
- prereqs
- 101-sql-vm-new-storage-ultrassd
- prereqs
- 101-sql-with-failover-group
- 101-sqlmi-new-vnet
- 101-storage-account-create
- 101-storage-blob-container
- 101-storage-multi-blob-container
- 101-streamanalytics-create
- 101-subnet-add-vnet-existing
- prereqs
- 101-traffic-manager-external-endpoint
- 101-ubuntu-mate-desktop-vscode
- 101-virtual-wan
- 101-visual-studio-team-services-project-create
- 101-vm-automatic-static-ip
- nested
- 101-vm-customdata
- 101-vm-from-sig
- 101-vm-from-user-image
- prereqs
- 101-vm-linux-Jupyterhub
- 101-vm-linux-serial-output
- 101-vm-multiple-data-disk
- 101-vm-multiple-ipconfig
- 101-vm-secure-password
- 101-vm-simple-freebsd
- 101-vm-simple-linux
- 101-vm-simple-linux-with-accelerated-networking
- 101-vm-simple-rhel
- 101-vm-simple-rhel-unmanaged
- 101-vm-simple-windows
- 101-vm-simple-windows-visualstudio2019
- 101-vm-simple-zones
- 101-vm-sql-existing-autobackup-update
- prereqs
- 101-vm-sql-existing-autopatching-update
- prereqs
- 101-vm-sql-existing-keyvault-update
- 101-vm-sshkey
- 101-vm-tags
- 101-vm-ubuntu-DSVM-GPU-or-CPU
- 101-vm-user-image-data-disks
- 101-vm-windows-copy-datadisks
- 101-vm-with-data-management-gateway
- nested
- 101-vm-with-rdp-port
- 101-vm-with-standardssd-disk
- 101-vmms-with-public-ip-prefix
- 101-vms-with-selfhost-integration-runtime
- prereqs
- 101-vnet-two-subnets
- 101-vsts-cloudloadtest-rig
- 101-webapp-basic-linux
- 101-webapp-basic-windows
- 101-webapp-custom-deployment-slots
- 101-webapp-linux-airflow-postgresql
- 101-webapp-linux-django
- 101-webapp-linux-flask
- 101-webapp-linux-managed-mysql
- 101-webapp-linux-managed-postgresql
- 101-webapp-linux-node
- 101-webapp-linux-sonarqube-azuresql
- 101-webapp-linux-sonarqube-mysql
- 101-webapp-linux-sonarqube-postgresql
- 101-webapp-managed-mysql
- 101-webapp-managed-postgresql
- 101-webapp-windows-ASPNET
- 101-webapp-with-golang
- 101-webappazure-oms-monitoring
- 201-1-vm-loadbalancer-2-nics
- 201-2-vms-internal-load-balancer
- 201-2-vms-loadbalancer-lbrules
- 201-2-vms-loadbalancer-natrules
- 201-IoT-IotHub-EdgeEmulator-VM
- 201-aci-linuxcontainer-healthprobe
- 201-aci-linuxcontainer-secure-environmentvariables
- 201-aci-linuxcontainer-volume-emptydir
- 201-aci-linuxcontainer-volume-gitrepo
- 201-aci-linuxcontainer-volume-secret
- 201-aci-sftp-files
- 201-aci-sftp-files-existing-storage
- prereqs
- 201-aci-udp
- 201-aci-wordpress
- 201-aci-wordpress-vnet
- 201-aks-sql-server-always-on
- 201-alert-to-queue-with-logic-app
- 201-alert-to-slack-with-logic-app
- 201-alert-to-text-message-with-logic-app
- 201-api-management-create-all-resources
- 201-api-management-create-with-external-vnet
- 201-api-management-create-with-hostname
- 201-api-management-create-with-internal-vnet
- 201-api-management-create-with-keyvault-ssl
- nestedtemplate
- 201-api-management-create-with-multiregion
- 201-api-management-create-with-reference-keyvault
- 201-api-management-logs-oms-integration
- 201-application-gateway-2vms-iis-ssl
- 201-application-gateway-multihosting
- 201-application-gateway-path-override
- 201-application-gateway-probe
- 201-application-gateway-sslpolicy-custom
- 201-application-gateway-sslpolicy-predefined
- 201-application-gateway-url-path-based-routing
- 201-application-gateway-webapp-iprestriction
- 201-application-gateway-webapps
- 201-application-security-group
- 201-asev2-ilb-with-web-app
- prereqs
- 201-azure-relay-create-all-resources
- 201-azure-relay-create-hybridconnection
- 201-azure-relay-create-wcfrelay
- 201-blockchain-asaservice
- 201-cdn-customize
- 201-cdn-with-ruleseengine-cacheoverride
- 201-cdn-with-ruleseengine-responseheader
- 201-cdn-with-ruleseengine-rewriteandredirect
- 201-cdn-with-storage-account
- 201-cdn-with-web-app
- 201-cosmosdb-advanced-threat-protection-create-account
- 201-create-encrypted-managed-disk
- 201-customscript-extension-public-storage-on-ubuntu
- 201-data-factory-ftp-hive-blob
- 201-data-factory-v2-azure-sql-database-to-sql-data-warehouse-copy
- prereqs
- 201-decrypt-running-linux-vm
- 201-decrypt-running-linux-vm-without-aad
- prereqs
- 201-decrypt-running-windows-vm
- 201-decrypt-running-windows-vm-without-aad
- prereqs
- 201-decrypt-vmss-linux
- prereqs
- 201-decrypt-vmss-windows
- prereqs
- 201-dependency-between-scripts-using-extensions
- 201-discover-private-ip-dynamically
- 201-documentdb-webapp
- 201-dsc-linux-azure-storage-on-ubuntu
- 201-dsc-linux-public-storage-on-ubuntu
- 201-dynamic-web-tests
- 201-encrypt-create-new-vm-gallery-image
- 201-encrypt-create-new-vm-gallery-image-managed-disks
- 201-encrypt-running-linux-vm
- 201-encrypt-running-linux-vm-without-aad
- prereqs
- 201-encrypt-running-vmss-linux
- prereqs
- 201-encrypt-running-vmss-windows
- prereqs
- 201-encrypt-running-windows-vm
- 201-encrypt-running-windows-vm-aad-client-cert
- 201-encrypt-running-windows-vm-without-aad
- prereqs
- 201-encrypt-vmss-linux-jumpbox
- 201-encrypt-vmss-windows-jumpbox
- 201-event-hubs-create-event-hub-and-consumer-group
- 201-eventhub-create-namespace-geo-recoveryconfiguration
- 201-eventhubs-create-cluster-namespace
- 201-eventhubs-create-cluster-namespace-eventhub
- 201-eventhubs-create-namespace-and-enable-capture
- prereqs
- 201-eventhubs-create-namespace-and-enable-capture-for-adls
- 201-eventhubs-create-namespace-and-enable-inflate
- 201-existing-vnet-to-vnet-peering
- 201-expressroute-circuit-public-private-peering
- 201-extend-vnet-to-multi-vnet
- prereqs
- 201-front-door-create-caching
- 201-front-door-health-probes
- 201-front-door-managed-waf-ruleset
- 201-front-door-priority-lb
- 201-front-door-rate-limiting
- 201-front-door-session-affinity
- 201-front-door-waf-clientip
- 201-front-door-waf-http-params
- 201-function-app-dedicated-github-deploy
- 201-hdinsight-datalake-store-azure-storage
- 201-insights-alertrules-servicehealth
- 201-integration-service-environment
- 201-jenkins-acr
- 201-key-vault-secret-create
- 201-key-vault-use-dynamic-id
- nested
- 201-key-vault-with-logging-create
- nestedtemplates
- 201-list-storage-keys-windows-vm
- 201-load-balancer-ipv6-create
- 201-logic-app-as2-send-receive
- 201-logic-app-b2b-disaster-recovery-replication
- 201-logic-app-correlation-using-servicebus
- 201-logic-app-custom-api
- 201-logic-app-transform-function
- prereqs
- 201-logic-app-veter-pipeline
- artifacts
- 201-logic-app-xslt-with-params
- artifacts
- 201-machine-learning-private-ip
- 201-multi-vm-lb-zones
- 201-nsg-add-to-existing-subnet
- nested
- prereqs
- 201-nsg-dmz-in-vnet
- 201-oms-extension-ubuntu-vm
- 201-oms-extension-windows-vm
- prereqs
- 201-ospatching-extension-on-ubuntu
- prereqs
- 201-rbac-builtinrole-multipleVMs
- 201-rbac-managedidentity-maps
- 201-recovery-services-backup-classic-resource-manager-vms
- 201-redis-vnet-geo-replication
- prereqs
- 201-redis-vnet-nsg
- prereqs
- 201-reserved-ip
- prereqs
- 201-scheduler-webapp
- 201-servicebus-create-queue
- 201-servicebus-create-topic-and-subscription
- 201-servicebus-create-topic-subscription-rule
- 201-site-to-site-vpn
- 201-spinnaker-acr-k8s
- 201-sql-auditing-server-policy-to-blob-storage
- 201-sql-auditing-server-policy-to-eventhub
- 201-sql-auditing-server-policy-to-oms
- 201-sql-data-warehouse-transparent-encryption-create
- 201-sql-database-transparent-encryption-create
- 201-sql-threat-detection-db-policy-multiple-databases
- 201-sqlmi-new-vnet-w-jumpbox
- 201-sqlmi-new-vnet-w-point-to-site-vpn
- 201-storage-account-service-encryption-create
- 201-storage-advanced-threat-protection-create
- 201-timeseriesinsights-environment-payg-with-iothub
- 201-timeseriesinsights-environment-with-eventhub
- 201-traffic-manager-vm
- 201-traffic-manager-vm-zones
- 201-traffic-manager-webapp
- 201-userdefined-routes-appliance
- 201-vm-copy-index-loops
- 201-vm-copy-managed-disks
- 201-vm-custom-image-new-storage-account
- 201-vm-custom-script-output
- nestedtemplates
- 201-vm-custom-script-windows
- 201-vm-dedicated-hosts
- 201-vm-diagnostics-extension-windows
- 201-vm-different-rg-vnet
- prereqs
- 201-vm-domain-join
- 201-vm-domain-join-existing
- 201-vm-dynamic-data-disks-selection
- 201-vm-efficientip-vhd
- prereqs
- 201-vm-generalized-vhd-new-or-existing-vnet
- 201-vm-linux-dynamic-data-disks
- 201-vm-linux-jupyterhub
- 201-vm-monitoring-diagnostics-extension
- prereqs
- 201-vm-msi
- nestedtemplates
- 201-vm-msi-linux-terraform
- 201-vm-msi-storage
- prereqs
- 201-vm-multiple-nics-linux
- 201-vm-new-or-existing-conditions
- 201-vm-os-disk-and-data-disk-existing-vnet
- prereqs
- 201-vm-push-certificate-windows
- 201-vm-specialized-vhd-new-or-existing-vnet
- 201-vm-sql-full-autobackup
- nested
- 201-vm-sql-full-autopatching
- nested
- 201-vm-sql-full-keyvault
- nested
- 201-vm-vmss-orchestrator
- 201-vm-vsts-agent
- 201-vm-win-iis-app-ssl
- 201-vm-winrm-keyvault-windows
- 201-vm-winrm-lb-windows
- 201-vm-winrm-windows
- 201-vmaccess-on-ubuntu
- 201-vmss-automation-dsc
- nested
- 201-vmss-azure-files-linux
- 201-vmss-bottle-autoscale
- 201-vmss-custom-image-existing-vnet-existing-app-gateway
- 201-vmss-custom-script-windows
- 201-vmss-datascience
- 201-vmss-existing-vnet
- prereqs
- 201-vmss-internal-loadbalancer
- 201-vmss-linux-customimage-autoscale
- 201-vmss-linux-jumpbox
- 201-vmss-linux-nat
- 201-vmss-linux-nat-zones
- 201-vmss-master-slave-customscript
- 201-vmss-msi
- nestedtemplates
- 201-vmss-public-ip-linux
- 201-vmss-scale-existing
- prereqs
- 201-vmss-ubuntu-app-gateway
- 201-vmss-ubuntu-autoscale
- 201-vmss-ubuntu-web-gitpull
- 201-vmss-ubuntu-web-ssl
- 201-vmss-win-existing-vnet
- 201-vmss-win-iis-app-ssl
- 201-vmss-windows-app-gateway
- 201-vmss-windows-autoscale
- 201-vmss-windows-customimage
- templates
- 201-vmss-windows-jumpbox
- 201-vmss-windows-nat
- 201-vmss-windows-nat-zones
- 201-vmss-windows-webapp-dsc-autoscale
- 201-vnet-2subnets-service-endpoints-storage-integration
- 201-vnet-to-vnet
- 201-vnet-to-vnet-bgp
- 201-vnet-to-vnet-peering
- 201-vnet-transitive-bgp
- 201-vsts-cloudloadtest-rig-existing-vnet
- 201-web-app-ase-create
- prereqs
- 201-web-app-ase-ilb-configure-default-ssl
- 201-web-app-ase-ilb-create
- prereqs
- 201-web-app-asev2-create
- prereqs
- 201-web-app-asev2-ilb-create
- prereqs
- 201-web-app-asp-app-on-ase-create
- prereqs
- 201-web-app-asp-app-on-asev2-create
- 201-web-app-blob-connection
- prereqs
- 201-web-app-certificate-from-key-vault
- 201-web-app-custom-domain
- 201-web-app-custom-domain-and-ssl
- 201-web-app-github-deploy
- 201-web-app-java-tomcat
- 201-web-app-public-certificate
- 201-web-app-python
- 201-web-app-redis-cache-sql-database
- 201-web-app-sql-database
- 201-web-app-vm-dsc
- 201-web-app-with-app-gateway-v2
- 201-web-app-with-redis-cache
- 201-zerto-zca
- 201-zerto-zca-vpn
- 301-2fe-lb80-rdp-1be-nsg-rdp
- 301-2fe-linux-lb80-ssh-1be-win-nsg-rdp-datadisk-ssd
- 301-azure-relay-create-authrule-namespace-and-hybridconnection
- 301-azure-relay-create-authrule-namespace-and-wcfrelay
- 301-create-ad-forest-with-subdomain
- nested
- 301-custom-images-at-scale
- 301-dmz-nsg
- 301-dns-forwarder
- 301-drupal8-vmss-glusterfs-mysql
- nested
- 301-eventHub-create-authrule-namespace-and-eventHub
- 301-eventhub-namespace-ipfilter
- 301-eventhub-namespace-vnet
- 301-expressroute-circuit-vnet-connection
- 301-insights-alertrules-application-insights
- 301-jenkins-acr-spinnaker-k8s
- 301-jenkins-aks-zero-downtime-deployment
- 301-jenkins-aptly-spinnaker-vmss
- 301-jenkins-vmss-blue-green
- 301-logicapps-jobscheduler
- 301-multi-tier-loadbalancing
- 301-multi-tier-service-networking
- 301-multi-vmss-linux
- nestedtemplates
- 301-multi-vmss-linux-lb-zones
- 301-multi-vmss-windows
- nestedtemplates
- 301-nested-vms-in-virtual-network
- 301-servicebus-create-authrule-namespace-and-queue
- 301-servicebus-namespace-ipfilter
- 301-servicebus-namespace-vnet
- 301-spinnaker-vmss-or-aks
- 301-sql-alwayson-md-ilb-zones
- nestedtemplates
- 301-storage-spaces-direct
- nestedtemplates
- 301-storage-spaces-direct-md-zones
- nestedtemplates
- 301-subnet-driven-deployment
- 301-vm-32-data-disks-high-iops
- 301-vm-sql-full-autobackup-autopatching-keyvault
- nested
- 301-web-app-diagnostics-logs-blob-container
- 301-web-app-sql-docdb-search
- 5-VM-Ubuntu-1-NodeTypes-Secure
- App-Service-Environment-AzFirewall
- IaaS-Story
- 03-Static-public-IP
- 11-MultiNIC
- OpenCanvas-LMS
- OpenScholar
- active-directory-new-domain
- nestedtemplates
- active-directory-new-domain-ha-2-dc
- nestedtemplates
- active-directory-new-domain-ha-2-dc-zones
- nestedtemplates
- ag-docs-wafv2
- ansible-advancedlinux
- ansible-tower-rhel
- anti-malware-extension-windows-vm
- apache2-on-ubuntu-vm
- application-gateway-demo-setup
- application-gateway-logviewer-goaccess
- apprenda60-small
- arm-asm-s2s
- arm-template-retrieve-azure-storage-access-keys
- artifactory-enterprise
- nested
- asr-automation-recovery
- asr-oms-monitoring
- azmgmt-demo
- nestedtemplates
- azure-governance-operations-automation
- OMSAzureDashboards
- nested
- AutomationRunbooksOMSDashboard
- OMSCommon
- azure-resource-optimization-toolkit
- azure-sql-managed-instance
- nestedtemplates
- barracuda-waf-iis
- bitcore-centos-vm
- blockchain
- bootstorm-vm-boot-time
- bosh-cf-crossregion
- bosh-setup
- nestedtemplates
- centos-2nics-lb-cluster
- centos-singularity
- chef-automate-ha
- nested
- chef-ha-cluster
- chef-json-parameters-linux-vm
- prereqs
- cloudbeesjenkins-dockerdatacenter
- nested
- cloudera-director-on-centos
- cloudera-on-centos
- cloudera-tableau
- nested
- cloudlens-moloch-ubuntu
- cloudlens-suricata-ubuntu
- cohesive-vns3-free-multiclient-overlay-linux
- concourse-ci
- consul-on-ubuntu
- coreos-with-fleet-multivm
- coscale-dev-env
- couchbase
- create-budget
- create-hpc-cluster
- create-hpc-cluster-custom-image
- create-hpc-cluster-linux-cn
- custom-private-dns
- nested
- linux-client
- server
- windows-client
- datameer-trend-chef-riskanalysis
- nested
- datastax
- nested
- deis-cluster-coreos
- devopstools-jenkins-chefhabitat-kubernetes
- nested
- devopstools-jenkins-chefhabitat-terraform
- nested
- devtest-p2s-iis
- diagnostics-eventhub-elk
- diagnostics-with-elk
- diskraid-ubuntu-vm
- django-app
- dlworkspace-deployment
- dns-records-office365
- dnx-on-ubuntu
- docker-ckan
- docker-kibana-elasticsearch
- docker-neo4j
- docker-parse
- docker-rancher
- docker-simple-on-ubuntu
- docker-swarm-cluster
- docker-wordpress-mysql
- dokku-vm
- drone-ubuntu-vm
- dsc-extension-azure-automation-pullserver
- dsc-extension-iis-server-windows-vm
- dsc-pullserver-to-win-server
- e-shop-website-with-ilb-ase
- prereqs
- elasticsearch
- nestedtemplates
- test
- tmpl
- elasticsearch-centos-3node
- elasticsearch-jmeter
- prereqs
- elasticsearch-vmss
- episerver-cms-in-azure
- eris-platform
- eset-vm-extension
- ethereum-cpp-on-ubuntu
- ethereum-studio-docker-standalone-ubuntu
- github-enterprise
- glassfish-on-suse
- nestedtemplates
- gluster-file-system
- go-ethereum-on-ubuntu
- go-expanse-on-ubuntu
- gobuffalo
- guacamole-rdp-vnc-gateway-existing-vnet
- prereqs
- haproxy-redundant-floatingip-ubuntu
- hazelcast-vm-cluster
- hazelcast-windows-vm-cluster
- hdInsight-apache-spark
- hdinsight-genomics-adam
- hdinsight-linux-run-script-action
- iis-2vm-sql-1vm
- informatica-adf-hdinsight-powerbi
- nested
- intel-lustre-client-server
- intel-lustre-clients-on-centos
- intel-lustre-clients-vmss-centos
- iomad-cluster-ubuntu
- iomad-singlevm-ubuntu
- ipv6-in-vnet
- ipv6-in-vnet-StdLB
- ipv6-in-vnet-vmss
- jboss-eap-standalone-openshift
- jboss-eap-standalone-rhel7
- jenkins-cicd-container
- nested
- jenkins-cicd-vmss
- nested
- jenkins-cicd-webapp
- nested
- jenkins-on-ubuntu
- kafka-on-ubuntu
- kafka-ubuntu-multidisks
- kemp-loadmaster-ha-pair
- kemp-loadmaster-multinic
- kentico-mvc-environment
- kubernetes-on-ubuntu-vmss
- lamp-app
- lansa-vmss-windows-autoscale-sql-database
- lap-mysql-ubuntu
- lap-neo4j-ubuntu
- nested
- mahara-autoscale-cache
- nested
- managed-disk-performance-meter
- managed-disk-raid-performance-meter
- managementgroup-level-templates/mg-policy
- manifold-endpoint
- matlab-cluster
- scripts
- mcafee-extension-windows-vm
- media-service-output-primary-key
- memcached-multi-vm-ubuntu
- minecraft-on-ubuntu
- mongodb-high-availability
- mongodb-nodejs-high-availability
- mongodb-on-centos
- mongodb-on-ubuntu
- mongodb-replica-set-centos
- nested
- mongodb-sharding-centos
- nested
- monitor-action-groups
- monitor-autoscale-alert
- monitor-autoscale-failed-alert
- monitor-autoscale-vmss-simplemetricbased
- monitor-autoscale-webappserviceplan-simplemetricbased
- monitor-servicehealth-alert
- moodle-scalable-cluster-ubuntu
- nested
- multi-vm-chef-template-ubuntu-vm
- mysql-ha-pxc
- mysql-ha-pxc-zones
- mysql-mha-haproxy-ubuntu
- nested
- mysql-paas-replication
- nested
- mysql-replication
- mysql-standalone-server-ubuntu
- nagios-on-ubuntu
- neo4j-ubuntu-vm
- netapp-ontap-sql
- nested
- netki-wns-api-server-on-ubuntu
- nextflow-genomics-cluster-ubuntu
- nfs-ha-cluster-ubuntu
- nested
- prereqs
- nylas-email-sync-engine
- octopus-deploy-tentacle-windows
- octopusdeploy3-single-vm-windows
- oms-active-directory-security-audit-solution
- oms-all-deploy
- nestedtemplates
- oms-automation-solution
- oms-azure-resource-usage-solution
- oms-azure-storage-analytics-solution
- nestedtemplates
- oms-azure-vminventory-solution
- oms-azurensg-solution
- oms-cloudfoundry-solution
- nested
- oms-existing-storage-account
- prereqs
- oms-hyperv-replica-solution
- oms-kemp-applicationdelivery-solution
- oms-scomacs-solution
- oms-servicebus-solution
- nestedtemplates
- oms-vmm-analytics
- openchain-blockchain-coinprism
- openedx-devstack-ubuntu
- openedx-fullstack-ubuntu
- openedx-scalable-ubuntu
- openjdk-tomcat-ubuntu-vm
- openldap-cluster-ubuntu
- openldap-singlevm-ubuntu
- opensis-cluster-ubuntu
- opensis-singlevm-ubuntu
- openvpn-access-server-ubuntu
- orchard-cms-video-portal
- pf-freebsd-setup
- phabricator-on-ubuntu
- php-pgsql-freebsd-setup
- pivotalcloudfoundry-apigee
- Apigee
- pcf
- postgresql-on-ubuntu
- postgresql-standalone-server-ubuntu
- pubnub-eventhub-bridge
- puppet-agent-linux
- puppet-agent-windows
- puppet-enterprise-cluster
- puppet-enterprise-rhel-win
- python-proxy-on-ubuntu
- qlik-sense-enterprise
- radium-blockchain-ubuntu
- rds-deployment
- rds-deployment-existing-ad
- rds-deployment-ha-gateway
- rds-update-certificate
- rds-update-rdsh-collection
- redis-high-availability
- rhel-3tier-iaas
- ros-vm-windows
- nestedtemplates
- s2d-oms-mgmt-solution
- prereqs
- safekit-cluster-farm
- nestedtemplates
- safekit-cluster-mirror
- nestedtemplates
- sap-2-tier-marketplace-image
- sap-2-tier-marketplace-image-md
- sap-2-tier-user-disk-md
- sap-2-tier-user-image-md
- sap-3-tier-marketplace-image-converged-md
- sap-3-tier-marketplace-image-md
- sap-3-tier-marketplace-image-multi-sid-apps-md
- sap-3-tier-marketplace-image-multi-sid-db-md
- sap-3-tier-marketplace-image-multi-sid-xscs-md
- nestedtemplates
- sap-3-tier-user-image-converged-md
- sap-3-tier-user-image-md
- sap-file-server-md
- sap-lama-apps
- nestedtemplates
- sap-lama-ascs
- nestedtemplates
- sap-lama-database
- nestedtemplates
- sas-viya
- nestedtemplates
- sccm-currentbranch
- sccm-technicalpreview
- scrapy-on-ubuntu
- service-fabric-secure-cluster-5-node-1-nodetype
- service-fabric-secure-nsg-cluster-65-node-3-nodetype
- shibboleth-cluster-ubuntu
- shibboleth-cluster-windows
- shibboleth-singlevm-ubuntu
- shibboleth-singlevm-windows
- slurm
- slurm-on-sles12-hpc
- solace-message-router
- nestedtemplates
- sonarqube-azuresql
- nested
- spark-2.0-on-suse
- spark-and-cassandra-on-centos
- spark-on-ubuntu
- spark-ubuntu-multidisks
- splunk-on-ubuntu
- nested
- sql-encryption-protector-byok
- sql-reporting-services-sql-server
- sql-server-2014-alwayson-existing-vnet-and-ad
- nested
- sqldb-django-on-ubuntu
- sqlvm-alwayson-cluster
- nested
- sqlvm-provisioning-csp
- stampery-trailbot-ubuntu
- steelscript-appfwkdev-linux
- storage-iops-latency-throughput-demo
- sample-managed-disks
- subscription-level-deployments
- create-rg-lock-role-assignment
- create-role-def
- subscription-role-assigment
- symantec-extension-windows-vm
- tableau-server-single-node
- tenant-level-deployments
- new-mg
- tenant-role-assignment
- tfs-basic-domain
- tfs-basic-workgroup
- tfs-dual-server
- nestedtemplates
- tfs-standard-existingsql
- prereqs
- thinkbox-deadline
- torque-cluster
- traffic-manager-application-gateway-demo-setup
- nested
- nested
- traffic-manager-demo-setup
- nested
- trend-chef-splunk-security
- nested
- two-tier-nodejsapp-migration-to-containers-on-Azure
- ubuntu-apache-test-page
- ubuntu-desktop-gnome
- ubuntu-desktop-gnome-rdp
- ubuntu-desktop-xfce-rdp
- ubuntu-netdisk-setup
- umbraco-cms-webapp-redis-cache
- umbraco-webapp-simple
- vertx-openjdk-apache-mysql-on-ubuntu
- visual-studio-dev-vm
- visual-studio-dev-vm-O365
- visual-studio-dev-vm-chocolatey
- visual-studio-vstsbuildagent-vm
- vm-cpu-sysbench-meter
- vm-disk-performance-meter
- vm-simple-sles
- vm-to-vm-bandwidth-meter
- vm-to-vm-throughput-meter-multithreaded
- vod-aspera-wowza-azuremediaservices
- ams
- aspera
- desktop
- wowza
- vsts-fullbuild-redhat-vm
- vsts-fullbuild-ubuntu-vm
- vsts-minbuildjava-ubuntu-vm
- vsts-tomcat-redhat-vm
- vsts-tomcat-ubuntu-vm
- webapp-keyvault-ssl
- nestedtemplates
- website-cluster-centos
- nested
- windows-vm-O365
- wordpress-app-service-mysql-inapp
- wordpress-mysql-replication
- nested
- wordpress-single-vm-ubuntu
- yash-datalake
- nested
- zabbix-monitoring-cluster
- nested
- zookeeper-cluster-ubuntu-vm
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