Click here to download Tom J. Wilson's Academic CV, here to download Tom J. Wilson's Research Software Engineer CV, and here to view Tom J. Wilson's publications on ADS.
Senior Research Fellow, University of Exeter, 2024-
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Exeter, 2020-2023
Postdoctoral Researcher, Space Telescope Science Institute, 2018-2019
PhD in Physics, University of Exeter, 2013-2018
MPhys in Physics with Astrophysics, First Class Honours, University of Exeter, 2009-2013
2023, LINCC Frameworks Incubator Program, "Integrating Robust Cross-Matching from the LSST:UK into the LINCC Framework", $20,000
2023-2025, Co-PI STFC Grant, "UK Involvement in LSST: Phase C (Exeter Component)", £310,000
2022, "Above and Beyond" Award, University of Exeter -- extending second-year astrophysics lab experiments and converting from IRAF to Python
2019-2023, Co-writer and lead researcher STFC Grant, "UK Involvement in LSST: Phase B (Exeter Component)", £440,000
Wilson Tom J., Naylor T., in prep.; Improvements to the Astrometric Uncertainty Function: Updated Algorithms for Astrometric Perturbations due to Unresolved Contaminants in Background-Dominated Sources and More Accurate Flux Contaminations
Wilson Tom J., 2023, RASTI, 2, 1; Overcoming Separation Between Counterparts Due to Unknown Proper Motions in Catalogue Cross-Matching
Wilson Tom J., 2022, RNAAS, 6, 60; A Parameterized Model for Differential Galaxy Counts at Any Wavelength
Wilson Tom J., 2021, RNAAS, 5, 265; On the Use of Evidence and Goodness-of-Fit Metrics in Exoplanet Atmosphere Interpretation
Wilson Tom J., Naylor T., 2018, MNRAS, 481, 2148; A Contaminant-Free Catalogue of Gaia DR2-WISE Galactic Plane Matches: Including the Effects of Crowding in the Cross-Matching of Photometric Catalogues
Wilson Tom J., Naylor T., 2018, MNRAS, 473, 5570; Improving Catalogue Matching By Supplementing Astrometry with Additional Photometric Information
VizieR Online Data Catalog: Gaia DR2-WISE Galactic Plane Matches (Wilson+, 2018)
Wilson Tom J., Naylor T., 2017, MNRAS, 469, 2517; The Effect of Unresolved Contaminant Stars on the Cross-matching of Photometric Catalogues
Wilson A. J., Lakeland B. S., Wilson T. J., Naylor T., 2023, MNRAS, 521, 354; A Naive Bayes Classifier for identifying Class II YSOs
Astropy Collaboration, ..., Wilson T. J., et al., 2022, ApJ, 935, 167; The Astropy Project: Sustaining and Growing a Community-oriented Open-source Project and the Latest Major Release (v5.0) of the Core Package
Bruno G., Lewis N. K., Valenti J. A., Pagano I., Wilson T. J., et al., 2022, MNRAS, 509, 5030; Hiding in Plain Sight: Observing Planet-Starspot Crossings with the James Webb Space Telescope
Bradley L., Sipőcz B., Robitaille T., Tollerud E., Vinícius Z., Deil C., Barbary K., Wilson T. J., et al., 2019-2022, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.7419741; astropy/photutils: v0.6 through v1.6.0
Lewis N. K., ..., Wilson T. J., et al., 2020, ApJL, 902, 19; Into the UV: The Atmosphere of the Hot Jupiter HAT-P-41b Revealed
Wakeford H. R., Sing D. K., Stevenson K. B., Lewis N. K., Pirzkal N., Wilson T. J., et al., 2020, AJ, 159, 204; Into the UV: A Precise Transmission Spectrum of HAT-P-41b Using Hubble's WFC3/UVIS G280 Grism
Steinhardt C., ..., Wilson T. J., et al., 2020, ApJS, 247, 64; The Buffalo HST Survey
Wakeford H. R., Wilson T. J., et al., 2019, RNAAS, 3, 7; Exoplanet Atmosphere Forecast: Observers Should Expect Spectroscopic Transmission Features to be Muted to 33%
Wakeford H. R., Lewis N. K., Fowler J., Bruno G., Wilson T. J., et al., 2019, AJ, 157, 11; Disentangling the Planet from the Star in Late-Type M Dwarfs: A Case Study of TRAPPIST-1g
Wakeford H. R., Sing D. K., Deming D., Lewis N. K., Goyal J., Wilson T. J., et al., 2018, AJ, 155, 29; The Complete Transmission Spectrum of WASP-39b with a Precise Water Constraint
Rumble D., Hatchell J., Pattle K., Kirk H., Wilson T., et al., 2016, MNRAS, 460, 4150; The JCMT Gould Belt Survey: Evidence for Radiative Heating and Contamination in the W40 Complex
VizieR Online Data Catalog: JCMT Gould Belt Survey: W40 complex (Rumble+, 2016)
Rees J., Wilson T., et al., 2016, IAUS, 314, 205; The Age of Taurus: Environmental Effects on Disc Lifetimes
Hatchell J., Wilson T., et al., 2013, MNRAS, 429, 10; The JCMT Gould Belt Survey: SCUBA-2 Observations of Radiative Feedback in NGC 1333
[//]: # Rees J., Wilson Tom J., et al., in prep.; Pre-main-sequence Isochrones -- IV. the Age of Taurus and Increased Disc Lifetimes in Low-Density Environments
7 invited seminars, 6 invited conference talks, 4 contributed seminars, 23 contributed conference talks, 5 contributed conference posters.
Links to talk slides and posters given below where available
October 2024, SMWLV Science Collaboration, Invited Talk
October 2024, Southampton, Invited Seminar
September 2024, LSST@Europe6, Contributed Talk
July 2024, Rubin Community Workshop 2024, LSST Science Collaborations Plenary, Invited Talk
July 2024, Rubin Community Workshop 2024, Stellar Science and Crowded Fields, Contributed Talk
July 2024, National Astronomy Meeting 2024, Invited Talk
March 2024, LINCC Tech Talk Series, Invited Talk
January 2024, Rubin Solar Neighborhood Ultracool Dwarfs Meeting, Contributed Talk
October 2023, LSST@Europe 5, Contributed Talk
August 2023, Rubin Project and Community Workshop 2023, Contributed Talk
July 2023, National Astronomy Meeting 2023, UK Involvement in LSST, Contributed Talk
July 2023, National Astronomy Meeting 2023, 10 years after Herschel, Contributed Talk
July 2023, National Astronomy Meeting 2023, Euclid exploitation in the UK, Contributed Talk
March 2023, 3rd TVS Software Workshop, Invited Talk
October 2022, LSST@Europe4, Contributed Talk
July 2022, National Astronomy Meeting 2022, Contributed Talk
July 2022, Cool Stars 21, Contributed Poster
June 2022, Asteroseismology MW-Gaia Workshop, Contributed Talk
June 2022, Bristol-Cardiff Joint Seminar Series, Invited Seminar
May 2022, Carnegie EPL, Invited Seminar
February 2022, University of Delaware, Invited Seminar
August 2021, Rubin Observatory Project and Community Workshop, Contributed Talk
July 2021, National Astronomy Meeting 2021, Contributed Talk
July 2021, National Astronomy Meeting 2021, Invited Talk
June 2021, Statistical Challenges in Modern Astronomy VII, Contributed Poster
May 2021, LSST:UK All-Hands Meeting, Invited Talk
May 2021, LSST:UK All-Hands Meeting, Contributed Talk
April 2021, UKEXOM 2021, Contributed Talk; recording here
April 2021, University of Exeter, Contributed Seminar
March 2021, Cool Stars 20.5, Contributed Poster
October 2020, Royal Astronomical Society Specialist Meeting: TVS with Rubin Observatory, Contributed Talk
August 2020, Rubin Observatory Project and Community Workshop, Contributed Talk
July 2020, University of Exeter, Contributed Seminar
July 2019, Python in Astronomy 19, Contributed Talk
June 2019, STScI, HotSci@STScI Colloquia, Contributed Seminar
March 2019, STScI, Friday Science Coffee, Contributed Seminar
February 2019, TESS Data Workshop, STScI, Contributed Talk
February 2019, UNLV BUFFALO 2019 Meeting, Contributed Talk
May 2018, Exeter, First Year PhD Development Day, Invited Seminar
March 2018, Science with Precision Astrometry, Contributed Poster
September 2017, Cardiff Star Formation Workshop, Contributed Talk
July 2016, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Invited Seminar
June 2016, Cool Stars 19, Contributed Poster
April 2015, BECSS Bristol, Contributed Talk
March 2015, Milky Way Astrophysics from Wide-Field Surveys, Contributed Talk
August 2023, Rubin Project and Community Workshop 2023 Crowded Fields Session, Science Organising Committee
May 2021, LSST:UK All-Hands Meeting, Local Organising Committee
June 2019, Hubble Support Scientist for Cycle 29 Time Allocation Committee
Peer review referee for AAS Journals and JOSS
LSST:UK Exec Group, ECR Representative, 2024-
Member of LSST Stars, Milky Way and Local Volume Science Collaboration (SMWLVSC)
Member of LSST SMWLVSC Crowded Stellar Field Task Force
Member of Vera C. Rubin Observatory SIT-Com Commissioning team (Astrometric and Crowded Field Science Units)
Astrophysics Lab Course Re-Write Lead, 2021-
Undergraduate Astrophysics Lab Demonstrator, 2013-2022
Undergraduate Python Demonstrator, 2021
Undergraduate Astrophysics Teaching Telescope Operator, 2013-2017
Undergraduate Physics Problem Tutor, 2013-2017
"Pint of Science" Event Organiser, 2013-2018
Observing at the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope, 2014
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