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Open Liberty Operator v1.2.0+

The Open Liberty Operator can be used to deploy and manage applications running on Open Liberty or WebSphere Liberty into Kubernetes clusters. You can also perform Day-2 operations such as gathering traces and dumps using the Operator.

Important: This user guide only applies to Operator versions 1.2.0 and above.

System requirements

Your environment must meet cluster, sizing, persistent storage, and network requirements for Open Liberty operator.

OpenShift Container Platform Requirements

If you are installing an Open Liberty operator on an Red Hat OpenShift cluster, your environment must meet Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) cluster requirements.

OCP requirements

Open Liberty operator requires an OCP version 4.17, OCP version 4.16, OCP version 4.15, or OCP version 4.14 cluster on Linux x86_64 (amd64), Linux on Power (ppc64le), or Linux on IBM Z (s390x) platform, with cluster-admin permissions. To manage OCP projects with OCP CLI (oc) commands, the installation also requires the OCP CLI.

By default, certificates are generated by using the OpenShift certificate manager. If you want to use the manageTLS capability and use a different certificate manager (such as cert-manager) to generate and manage the certificates, you must install it.

Kubernetes Requirements

If you are installing an Open Liberty operator on a Kubernetes cluster, your environment must meet the Kubernetes cluster requirements.

Kubernetes requirements

Open Liberty operator requires a Kubernetes version 1.30, 1.29, 1.28, or 1.27 cluster on Linux x86_64 (amd64), Linux on Power (ppc64le), or Linux on IBM Z (s390x) platform, with cluster-admin permissions.

If you plan to use Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM), it must be installed on your cluster.

If you want to use the manageTLS capability, you must have a certificate manager (such as cert-manager) installed.

Before you can use the Ingress resource to expose your application, you must install an ingress controller such as Nginx or Traefik.

Sizing Requirements

Your environment must meet sizing requirements for Open Liberty operator.

Open Liberty operator sizing

Table 1. Operator sizing requirements


CPU request (cores)

Memory request (Mi)

Disk space (Gi)


Open Liberty operator

0.2 (limit: 0.4)

128 (limit: 1024)


Applications that are deployed and managed by the operator have their own resource requests and limits as specified in the Open Liberty operator custom resources.

The values in the tables do not include any requirements inherent in the storage provider. The storage infrastructure might require more resources (for example, CPU or memory) from the worker nodes.

Storage requirements

Your environment might need to meet certain storage requirements when you use Open Liberty operator.

No storage requirements exist for Open Liberty operator. However, if you are using the Open Liberty operator serviceability feature, and you have applications with multiple replicas, storage must support ReadWriteMany access mode. For more information, see Storage for serviceability.

You are responsible for configuring and managing storage for any applications that you deploy with Open Liberty operator.

Network requirements

Your environment must meet network requirements for Open Liberty operator.

Table 2. External network requirements


Ports and Protocols


443 (HTTP over TLS)

The listed domain is the container image registry that is used as part of the Open Liberty operator installation. This registry is also used when Open Liberty operator and dependency software levels are updated.

Operator installation

Important: Are you upgrading from version 0.8.x or below? If so, before the upgrade, make sure to review the documentation on behavioural changes that could impact your applications.

Use the instructions for one of the releases to install the operator into a Kubernetes cluster.

The Open Liberty Operator is available for the following CPU architectures:

  • Linux® x86_64 (amd64)

  • Linux® on IBM® Z (s390x)

  • Linux® on Power® (ppc64le)

The Open Liberty Operator can be installed to:

  • watch own namespace

  • watch another namespace

  • watch all namespaces in the cluster

Appropriate cluster roles and bindings are required to watch another namespace or to watch all namespaces in the cluster.

The Open Liberty Operator can only interact with resources it is given permission to interact through Role-based access control (RBAC). Some of the operator features require interacting with resources in other namespaces. In that case, the operator must be installed with correct ClusterRole definitions.

Operator upgrade from 0.8.x

You can continue to use existing custom resources (CRs) with apiVersion:, but there are some out-of-the-box behavioural changes in versions 1.2.0+ that could impact your applications. Primary changes are listed below. Prior to upgrading the Operator in a production environment, try the upgrade in a test or staging environment and validate that your applications function as you expect with the new version of the Open Liberty Operator. If not, make the necessary changes to your custom resources (CRs).


The architecture of the Open Liberty Operator follows the basic controller pattern: the Operator container with the controller is deployed into a Pod and listens for incoming resources with Kind: OpenLibertyApplication. Creating an OpenLibertyApplication custom resource (CR) triggers the Open Liberty Operator to create, update or delete Kubernetes resources needed by the application to run on your cluster.

In addition, Open Liberty Operator makes it easy to perform Day-2 operations on an Open Liberty or WebSphere Liberty server running inside a Pod as part of an OpenLibertyApplication instance: * Gather server traces using resource Kind: OpenLibertyTrace * Generate server dumps using resource Kind: OpenLibertyDump


Custom Resource Definition (CRD)

Each instance of OpenLibertyApplication CR represents the application to be deployed on the cluster:

kind: OpenLibertyApplication
  name: my-liberty-app
    type: ClusterIP
    port: 9080
  expose: true
      size: 2Gi
      mountPath: "/logs"

The following table lists configurable fields of the OpenLibertyApplication CRD. For complete OpenAPI v3 representation of these values, view the files under /deploy/releases/<operator-version>/kubectl/openliberty-app-crd.yaml. For example, the OpenLibertyApplication CRD for release 0.8.2.

Each OpenLibertyApplication CR must specify .spec.applicationImage field. Specifying other fields is optional.

Table 3. Custom Resource Definition




Configures pods to run on specific nodes. For examples, see Limit a pod to run on specified nodes.


An array of architectures to be considered for deployment. Their position in the array indicates preference.


A YAML object that represents a NodeAffinity.


A YAML object that contains set of required labels and their values.


A YAML object that represents a PodAffinity.


A YAML object that represents a PodAntiAffinity.


The absolute name of the image to be deployed, containing the registry and the tag. On OpenShift, it can also be set to <project name>/<image stream name>[:tag] to reference an image from an image stream. If <project name> and <tag> values are not defined, they default to the namespace of the CR and the value of latest, respectively.


The name of the application this resource is part of. If not specified, it defaults to the name of the CR.


The current version of the application. Label will be added to all resources when the version is defined.


Configures the wanted resource consumption of pods. For examples, see Configure multiple application instances for high availability.


Required field for autoscaling. Upper limit for the number of pods that can be set by the autoscaler. It cannot be lower than the minimum number of replicas.


Lower limit for the number of pods that can be set by the autoscaler.


Target average CPU utilization (represented as a percentage of requested CPU) over all the pods.


A Boolean to toggle the creation of Knative resources and use of Knative serving. To create a Knative service, set the parameter to true. For examples, see Deploy serverless applications with Knative and Expose applications externally.


The wanted state and cycle of the deployment and resources owned by the deployment.


Annotations to be added only to the deployment and resources owned by the deployment.


A field to specify the update strategy of the deployment. For examples, see updateStrategy


The type of update strategy of the deployment. The type can be set to RollingUpdate or Recreate, where RollingUpdate is the default update strategy.


DNS settings for the application pods. For more information, see #configure-dns-specdnspolicy-and-specdnsconfig


The DNS Config for the application pods.


The DNS Policy for the application pod. Defaults to ClusterFirst.


Disable information about services being injected into the application pod as environment variables. The default value for this field is false.


An array of environment variables following the format of {name, value}, where value is a simple string. It may also follow the format of {name, valueFrom}, where valueFrom refers to a value in a ConfigMap or Secret resource. For examples, see Set environment variables for an application container and Override console logging environment variable default values.


An array of references to ConfigMap or Secret resources containing environment variables. Keys from ConfigMap or Secret resources become environment variable names in your container. For examples, see Set environment variables for an application container.


A boolean that toggles the external exposure of this deployment via a Route or a Knative Route resource.


The list of Init Container definitions.


A Boolean that enables management of Lightweight Third-Party Authentication (LTPA) key sharing among Liberty containers. The default is false. For more information, see Configuring Lightweight Third-Party Authentication (LTPA).


Enable management of password encryption key sharing amongst Liberty containers. Defaults to false. For more information, see Managing Password Encryption.


A boolean to toggle automatic certificate generation and mounting TLS secret into the pod. The default value for this field is true.


Specifies parameters for Service Monitor. For examples, see Monitor resources and Specify multiple service ports.


A YAML snippet representing an array of Endpoint component from ServiceMonitor.


Labels to set on ServiceMonitor.


Defines the network policy. For examples, see Allowing or limiting incoming traffic.


A Boolean to disable the creation of the network policy. The default value is false. By default, network policies for an application are created and limit incoming traffic.


The labels of one or more pods from which incoming traffic is allowed.


The labels of namespaces from which incoming traffic is allowed.


Defines health checks on an application container to determine whether it is alive or ready to receive traffic. For examples, see Configure probes.


A YAML object configuring the Kubernetes liveness probe that controls when Kubernetes needs to restart the pod.


A YAML object configuring the Kubernetes readiness probe that controls when the pod is ready to receive traffic.


A YAML object configuring the Kubernetes startup probe that controls when Kubernetes needs to startup the pod on its first initialization.


The policy used when pulling the image. One of: Always, Never, and IfNotPresent.


If using a registry that requires authentication, the name of the secret containing credentials.


The static number of desired replica pods that run simultaneously.


The upper limit of CPU core. Specify integers, fractions (e.g. 0.5), or millicores values(e.g. 100m, where 100m is equivalent to .1 core).


The memory upper limit in bytes. Specify integers with suffixes: E, P, T, G, M, K, or power-of-two equivalents: Ei, Pi, Ti, Gi, Mi, Ki.


The minimum required CPU core. Specify integers, fractions (e.g. 0.5), or millicore values(e.g. 100m, where 100m is equivalent to .1 core). Required field for autoscaling.


The minimum memory in bytes. Specify integers with one of these suffixes: E, P, T, G, M, K, or power-of-two equivalents: Ei, Pi, Ti, Gi, Mi, Ki.


Annotations to be added to the Route.


A name of a secret that already contains TLS key, certificate and CA to be used in the Route. It can also contain destination CA certificate. The following keys are valid in the secret: ca.crt, destCA.crt, tls.crt, and tls.key.

Hostname to be used for the Route.


HTTP traffic policy with TLS enabled. Can be one of Allow, Redirect and None.


Path to be used for the Route.


Path type to be used. Required field for Ingress. See Ingress path types.


TLS termination policy. Can be one of edge, reencrypt and passthrough.


A security context to control privilege and permission settings for the application container. For examples, see Set privileges and permissions for a pod or container. If set, the fields of SecurityContext override the equivalent fields of PodSecurityContext. For examples, see Configure a Security Context for a Pod or Container.


A Boolean that controls whether a process can gain more privileges than its parent process. This Boolean controls whether the no_new_privs flag is set on the container process. AllowPrivilegeEscalation is true always when the container is run as Privileged and has CAP_SYS_ADMIN.


The capabilities to add or drop when containers are run. Defaults to the default set of capabilities that the container runtime grants.


An array of added capabilities of POSIX capabilities type.


An array of removed capabilities of POSIX capabilities type.


A Boolean to specify whether to run a container in privileged mode. Processes in privileged containers are equivalent to root on the host. The default is false.


The type of proc mount to use for the containers. The default is DefaultProcMount, which uses the container runtime defaults for read-only paths and masked paths. To use procMount, the ProcMountType feature flag must be enabled.


A Boolean to specify whether this container has a read-only root file system. The default is false.


The GID to run the entrypoint of the container process. If unset, runAsGroup uses the runtime default. The value can be set in PodSecurityContext. If set in both SecurityContext and PodSecurityContext, the SecurityContext value takes precedence.


A Boolean that specifies whether the container must run as a nonroot user. If true, the kubelet validates the image at run time to ensure that it does not run as UID 0 (root), and fails to start the container if it does. If unset or false, the validation is not performed. The value can be set in PodSecurityContext. If set in both SecurityContext and PodSecurityContext, the SecurityContext value takes precedence.


The UID to run the entrypoint of the container process. If unset, the default is the user that is specified in image metadata. The value can be set in PodSecurityContext. If set in both SecurityContext and PodSecurityContext, the SecurityContext value takes precedence.


The SELinux context to be applied to the container. Its properties include level, role, type, and user. If unspecified, the container runtime allocates a random SELinux context for each container. The value can be set in PodSecurityContext. If set in both SecurityContext and PodSecurityContext, the SecurityContext value takes precedence.


The seccomp options to use by this container. If seccomp options are set at both the pod and container level, the container options override the pod options.


A profile that is defined in a file on the node. The profile must be preconfigured on the node to work. Specify a descending path, relative to the kubelet configured seccomp profile location. Only set localhostProfile if type is Localhost.


(Required) The kind of seccomp profile to use. Valid options are Localhost (use a profile that is defined in a file on the node), RuntimeDefault (use the container runtime default profile), and Unconfined (use no profile).


The Windows specific settings to apply to all containers. If unset, the options from the PodSecurityContext are used. If set in both SecurityContext and PodSecurityContext, the SecurityContext value takes precedence. The windowsOptions properties include gmsaCredentialSpec, gmsaCredentialSpecName, hostProcess, and runAsUserName.


Configures the Semeru Cloud Compiler to handle Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation requests from the application.


Enables the Semeru Cloud Compiler. Defaults to false.


Number of desired pods for the Semeru Cloud Compiler. Defaults to 1.


Resource requests and limits for the Semeru Cloud Compiler. The CPU defaults to 100m with a limit of 2000m. The memory defaults to 800Mi, with a limit of 1200Mi.


Configures parameters for the network service of pods. For an example, see Specify multiple service ports.


Annotations to be added to the service.


A boolean to toggle whether the operator expose the application as a bindable service. Defaults to false. For examples, see Bind applications with operator-managed backing services.


Configure the TLS certificates for the service. The annotations property is available for this parameter. Set annotations on the .spec.service.certificate.annotations parameter to add them to the certificate.


A name of a secret that already contains TLS key, certificate and CA to be mounted in the pod. The following keys are valid in the secret: ca.crt, tls.crt, and tls.key.


Node proxies this port into your service. Please note once this port is set to a non-zero value it cannot be reset to zero.


The port exposed by the container.


An array consisting of service ports.


The name for the port exposed by the container.


The port that the operator assigns to containers inside pods. Defaults to the value of service.port.


The Kubernetes Service Type.


Specifies serviceability-related operations, such as gathering server memory dumps and server traces. For examples, see Storage for serviceability.


A convenient field to request the size of the persisted storage to use for serviceability. Can be overridden by the serviceability.volumeClaimName property.


A convenient field to request the StorageClassName of the persisted storage to use for serviceability. Can be overridden by the serviceability.volumeClaimName property.


The name of the PersistentVolumeClaim resource you created to be used for serviceability. Must be in the same namespace.


Deprecated. Use instead.


The service account to use for application deployment. If a service account name is not specified, a service account is automatically created. For examples, see Configure a service account.


A Boolean to toggle whether the service account’s token should be mounted in the application pods. If unset or true, the token will be mounted.

Name of the service account to use for deploying the application.


The list of sidecar containers. These are additional containers to be added to the pods. Note: Sidecar containers should not be named app.


Specifies the configuration for single sign-on providers to authenticate with. Specify sensitive fields, such as clientId and clientSecret, for the selected providers by using the Secret. For examples, see Configuring Single Sign-On (SSO).


Specifies the host name of your enterprise GitHub, such as The default is, which is the public GitHub.


Specifies whether to map a user identifier to a registry user. This field applies to all providers.


The list of OAuth 2.0 providers to authenticate with. Required fields: authorizationEndpoint and tokenEndpoint fields. Specify sensitive fields, clientId and clientSecret by using the Secret.


Name of the header to use when an OAuth access token is forwarded.


Determines whether the access token that is provided in the request is used for authentication. If the field is set to true, the client must provide a valid access token.


Determines whether to support access token authentication if an access token is provided in the request. If the field is set to true and an access token is provided in the request, then the access token is used as an authentication token.


Specifies an authorization endpoint URL for the OAuth 2.0 provider. Required field.


The name of the social login configuration for display.


Specifies the name of the claim. Use its value as the user group membership.


Specifies the unique ID for the provider. The default value is oauth2.


Specifies the realm name for this social media.


Specifies the name of the claim. Use its value as the subject realm.


Specifies one or more scopes to request.


Specifies a token endpoint URL for the OAuth 2.0 provider. Required field.


Specifies the required authentication method.


The URL for retrieving the user information.


Indicates which specification to use for the user API.


Specifies the name of the claim. Use its value as the authenticated user principal.


The list of OpenID Connect (OIDC) providers with which to authenticate. Each list item provides an OIDC client configuration. List items must include the discoveryEndpoint field. Specify sensitive fields, such as clientId and clientSecret, for the selected providers by using the Secret.


Specifies a discovery endpoint URL for the OpenID Connect provider. Required field.


The name of the social login configuration for display.


Specifies the name of the claim. Use its value as the user group membership.


Specifies whether to enable host name verification when the client contacts the provider.


The unique ID for the provider. Default value is oidc.


Specifies the name of the claim. Use its value as the subject realm.


Specifies one or more scopes to request.


Specifies the required authentication method.


Specifies whether the UserInfo endpoint is contacted.


Specifies the name of the claim. Use its value as the authenticated user principal.


Specifies a callback protocol, host and port number, such as This field applies to all providers.


The wanted state and cycle of stateful applications. For examples, see Persist resources.


Annotations to be added only to the StatefulSet and resources owned by the StatefulSet.

The directory inside the container where this persisted storage will be bound to.

A convenient field to set the size of the persisted storage. Can be overridden by the storage.volumeClaimTemplate property. Operator will create a StatefulSet instead of a Deployment when storage is configured. For examples, see Persist resources.

A YAML object representing a volumeClaimTemplate component of a StatefulSet.


A field to specify the update strategy of the StatefulSet. For examples, see updateStrategy


The type of update strategy of the StatefulSet. The type can be set to RollingUpdate or OnDelete, where RollingUpdate is the default update strategy.


Tolerations to be added to application pods. Tolerations allow the scheduler to schedule pods on nodes with matching taints. For more information, see Configure tolerations.


Configures topology spread constraints for the application instance and if applicable, the Semeru Cloud Compiler instance. For examples, see Constrain how pods are spread between nodes and zones.


A YAML array that represents a list of TopologySpreadConstraints.


Disables the default TopologySpreadConstraints set by the operator. Defaults to false. By default, pods of the application instance are (preferably) spread across zones and nodes with a maxSkew of 1. If applicable, pods of the Semeru Cloud Compiler instance are also (preferably) spread across zones and nodes with a maxSkew of 1.


A YAML object representing a pod volumeMount. For examples, see Persist Resources.


A YAML object representing a pod volume.

Basic usage

Use official Open Liberty images and guidelines to create your application image.

Use the following CR to deploy your application image to a Kubernetes environment:

kind: OpenLibertyApplication
  name: my-liberty-app

The applicationImage value must be defined in OpenLibertyApplication CR. On OpenShift, the operator tries to find an image stream name with the applicationImage value. The operator falls back to the registry lookup if it is not able to find any image stream that matches the value. If you want to distinguish an image stream called my-company/my-app (project: my-company, image stream name: my-app) from the Docker Hub my-company/my-app image, you can use the full image reference as

To get information on the deployed CR, use either of the following:

oc get olapp my-liberty-app
oc get olapps my-liberty-app
oc get openlibertyapplication my-liberty-app

Viewing operator application status

An application administrator can view the status of an application that is deployed in a container. To get information about the deployed custom resource (CR), use a CLI or the Red Hat OpenShift console.

Status types for .status.condition

The status types for the .status.condition parameter in the OpenLibertyApplication CR are Ready, ResourcesReady, Reconciled.


  • Indicates whether the current version of the operator successfully processed the configurations in the CR.


  • Indicates whether the application resources created and managed by the operator are ready.


  • Indicates the overall status of the application. If true, the application configuration was reconciled and its resource are in ready state.

Viewing status with the CLI

To use the CLI to get information about a deployed CR, run a kubectl get or oc get command.

To run kubectl commands, you need the Kubernetes command line tool or the Red Hat OpenShift command-line interface (CLI). To run oc commands, you need the Red Hat OpenShift CLI.

In the following get commands, replace my-liberty-app with your CR name. Run any one of the commands. olapp and olapps are short names for openlibertyapplication and openlibertyapplications.

  • Run any of the following kubectl get commands.

kubectl get olapp my-liberty-app
kubectl get olapps my-liberty-app
kubectl get openlibertyapplication my-liberty-app
  • Run any of the following oc get commands.

oc get olapp my-liberty-app
oc get olapps my-liberty-app
oc get openlibertyapplication my-liberty-app

The results of the command resemble the following.

NAME             IMAGE                       EXPOSED   RECONCILED   RESOURCESREADY   READY   AGE
my-liberty-app            True         True             True    18m

The value in the READY column is True when the application is successfully installed. If the value in the READY column is not True, see Troubleshooting Open Liberty operators.

Viewing status with the Red Hat OpenShift console

To use the Red Hat OpenShift console to get information about a deployed CR, view the deployed OpenLibertyApplication instance and inspect the .status section.

    - lastTransitionTime: '2022-05-10T15:59:04Z'
      status: 'True'
      type: Reconciled
    - lastTransitionTime: '2022-05-10T15:59:16Z'
      message: 'Deployment replicas ready: 3/3'
      reason: MinimumReplicasAvailable
      status: 'True'
      type: ResourcesReady
    - lastTransitionTime: '2022-05-10T15:59:16Z'
      message: Application is reconciled and resources are ready.
      status: 'True'
      type: Ready
  imageReference: ''
    svcCertSecretName: my-liberty-app-svc-tls-ocp
    reconciled: 1.0.0

If the .status.conditions.type Ready type does not have a status of True, see Troubleshooting Open Liberty operators.

The value of the .status.versions.reconciled parameter is the version of the operand that is deployed into the cluster after the reconcile loop completes.

Viewing reconciliation frequency in the status

The operator controller periodically runs reconciliation to match the current state to the wanted state so that the managed resources remain functional. Open Liberty operator allows for increasing the reconciliation interval to reduce the controller’s workload when status remains unchanged. The reconciliation frequency can be configured with the Operator ConfigMap settings.

The value of the .status.conditions.unchangedConditionCount parameter represents the number of reconciliation cycles during which the condition status type remains unchanged. Each time this value becomes an even number, the reconciliation interval increases according to the configurations in the ConfigMap. The reconciliation interval increase feature is enabled by default but can be disabled if needed.

The .status.reconcileInterval parameter represents the current reconciliation interval of the instance. The parameter increases by the increase percentage, which is specified in the ConfigMap, based on the current interval. The calculation uses the base reconciliation interval, the increase percentage, and the count of unchanged status conditions, with the increases compounding over time. The maximum reconciliation interval is 240 seconds for repeated failures and 120 seconds for repeated successful status conditions.

Operator ConfigMap

The ConfigMap named open-liberty-operator is used for configuring Liberty operator managed resources. It is created once when the operator starts and is located in the operator’s installed namespace.

For OCP users, the AllNamespaces install mode designates openshift-operators as the operator’s installed namespace.

This is a sample operator ConfigMap that would get generated when the operator is installed and running in the test-namespace namespace.

kind: ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
  name: open-liberty-operator
  namespace: test-namespace
  certManagerCACertDuration: 8766h
  certManagerCertDuration: 2160h
  defaultHostname: ""
  operatorLogLevel: info
  reconcileIntervalIncreasePercentage: "100"
  reconcileIntervalMinimum: "5"

And here is the set of descriptions corresponding to each configurable field.

Table 4. Table 1. Operator ConfigMap data fields




The cert-manager issued CA certificate’s duration before expiry in Go time.Duration string format. The default value is 8766h (1 year). To learn more about this field see Generating certificates with certificate manager.


The cert-manager issued service certificate’s duration before expiry in Go time.Duration string format. The default value is 2160h (90 days). To learn more about this field see Generating certificates with certificate manager.


The default hostname for the OpenLibertyApplication Route or Ingress URL when .spec.expose is set to true. To learn more about this field see Expose applications externally (.spec.expose, .spec.createKnativeService, .spec.route).


The log level for the Liberty operator. The default value is info, other options are warning, fine, finer, finest. The log level can be dynamically modified and takes effect immediately.


The default value of the base reconciliation interval in seconds is 5. The operator runs the reconciliation loop every reconciliation interval seconds for each instance. If an instance’s status conditions remain unchanged for 2 consecutive reconciliation loops, the reconciliation interval increases to reduce the reconciliation frequency. The interval increases based on the base reconciliation interval and specified increase percentage. For more information on the operator’s reconciliation frequency, see Viewing reconciliation frequency in the status.


When the reconciliation interval increases, the increase is calculated as a specified percentage of the current interval. To disable the reconciliation interval increase, set the value to 0.

Operator configuration examples

Open Liberty Operator builds upon components from the generic Runtime Component Operator and provides additional features to customize your Open Liberty applications.

Open Liberty Operator Components

Common Components

Override console logging environment variable default values (.spec.env) OL

The Open Liberty operator sets environment variables that are related to console logging by default. You can override the console logging default values with your own values in your CR .spec.env list.

Table 5. Default Environment Variables









To override default values for the console logging environment variables, set your preferred values manually in your CR .spec.env list. For information about values that you can set, see the Open Liberty logging documentation.

The following example shows a CR .spec.env list that sets nondefault values for the console logging environment variables.

      value: "DEV"
      value: "messages,trace,accessLog"
      value: "error"

For more information about overriding variable default values, see Set environment variables for an application container (.spec.env or .spec.envFrom).

Configuring single sign-on (SSO) (.spec.sso) OL

An administrator can configure single sign-on (SSO) for Open Liberty operators to authenticate and manage users. Authentication can be delegated to external providers, such as Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, GitHub, or any OpenID Connect (OIDC) or OAuth 2.0 clients.


  1. Configure and build the application image with single sign-on following the instructions in Open Liberty images and guidelines and then Configuring Security: Single Sign-On configuration.

  2. Complete one of these choices to configure SSO in your operator.

Configuring SSO with specified client IDs and secrets

The operator can specify a client ID and secret in advance. A disadvantage to this configuration is that the client ID and secret must be supplied for registration repetitively, rather than automatically with the provider administrator supplying the information needed for registration one time.

  1. Create a secret that specifies sensitive information such as client IDs, client secrets, and tokens for the login providers you selected in application image. Create the Secret named OpenLibertyApplication_name-olapp-sso in the same namespace as the OpenLibertyApplication instance. In the following sample snippets, OpenLibertyApplication is named my-app, so the secret must be named my-app-olapp-sso. Both are in the same namespace called demo.

    • The keys within the Secret must follow the provider_name-sensitive_field_name naming pattern. For example, google-clientSecret. Instead of a - character in between, you can also use . or _. For example, oauth2_userApiToken.

        apiVersion: v1
        kind: Secret
          # Name of the secret should be in this format: <OpenLibertyApplication_name>-olapp-sso
          name: my-app-olapp-sso
          # Secret must be created in the same namespace as the OpenLibertyApplication instance
          namespace: demo
        type: Opaque
          # The keys must be in this format: <provider_name>-<sensitive_field_name>
          github-clientId: bW9vb29vb28=
          github-clientSecret: dGhlbGF1Z2hpbmdjb3c=
          twitter-consumerKey: bW9vb29vb28=
          twitter-consumerSecret: dGhlbGF1Z2hpbmdjb3c=
          oidc-clientId: bW9vb29vb28=
          oidc-clientSecret: dGhlbGF1Z2hpbmdjb3c=
          oauth2-clientId: bW9vb29vb28=
          oauth2-clientSecret: dGhlbGF1Z2hpbmdjb3c=
          oauth2-userApiToken: dGhlbGF1Z2hpbmdjb3c=
    • The operator watches for the creation and deletion of the SSO secret and any updates to it. Adding, updating, or removing keys from the secret are passed down to the application automatically.

  2. Configure single sign-on in the OpenLibertyApplication custom resource (CR). At minimum, set the .spec.sso: {} field so that the operator can pass the values from the secret to your application. Refer to the OpenLibertyApplication CR for more SSO configurations.

  3. Configure secured Service and secured Route with necessary certificates. Refer to Certificates for more information.

  4. To automatically trust certificates from popular identity providers, including social login providers such as Google and Facebook, set the SEC_TLS_TRUSTDEFAULTCERTS environment variable to true. To automatically trust certificates issued by the Kubernetes cluster, set environment variable SEC_IMPORT_K8S_CERTS to true. Alternatively, you can include the necessary certificates manually when building application image or mounting them using a volume when you deploy your application.

          value: "true"
        - name: SEC_IMPORT_K8S_CERTS
          value: "true"
          - authorizationEndpoint: specify-required-value
            tokenEndpoint: specify-required-value
          - discoveryEndpoint: specify-required-value
        certificateSecretRef: mycompany-service-cert
        port: 9443
        type: ClusterIP
      expose: true
        certificateSecretRef: mycompany-route-cert
        termination: reencrypt

Configuring SSO automatic registration with OIDC providers

The operator can request a client ID and client secret from providers, rather than requiring them in advance. This ability can simplify deployment, as the provider administrator can supply the information that is needed for registration one time, instead of supplying client IDs and secrets repetitively. The callback URL from the provider to the client is supplied by the operator, so doesn’t need to be known in advance.

  1. Add attributes that are named provider_name-autoreg-field_name to the Kubernetes secret. First, the operator makes an https request to the .spec.sso.oidc[].discoveryEndpoint field to obtain URLs for subsequent REST calls. Next, it makes other REST calls to the provider and obtains a client ID and client secret. The Kubernetes secret is updated with the obtained values.

  2. For Red Hat® Single Sign-on (RH-SSO), you can set the .spec.sso.oidc[].userNameAttribute field to preferred_username to obtain the user ID that was used to log in. For IBM Security Verify, set the field to given_name. The following example secret is tested on Red Hat OpenShift® with RH-SSO and IBM® Security Verify.

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      # Name of the secret should be in this format: <OpenLibertyApplication_name>-olapp-sso
      name: my-app-olapp-sso
      # Secret must be created in the same namespace as the OpenLibertyApplication instance
      namespace: demo
    type: Opaque
      # base64 encode the data before entering it here.
      # Leave the clientId and secret out, registration will obtain them and update their values.
      # oidc-clientId
      # oidc-clientSecret
      # Reserved: <provider>-autoreg-RegisteredClientId and RegisteredClientSecret
      # are used by the operator to store a copy of the clientId and clientSecret values.
      # Automatic registration attributes have -autoreg- after the provider name.
      # Red Hat Single Sign On requires an initial access token for registration.
      oidc-autoreg-initialAccessToken: xxxxxyyyyy
      # IBM Security Verify requires a special clientId and clientSecret for registration.
      # oidc-autoreg-initialClientId: bW9vb29vb28=
      # oidc-autoreg-initialClientSecret: dGhlbGF1Z2hpbmdjb3c=
      # Optional: Grant types are the types of OAuth flows the resulting clients will allow
      # Default is authorization_code,refresh_token. Specify a comma separated list.
      # oidc-autoreg-grantTypes: base64 data goes here
      # Optional: Scopes limit the types of information about the user that the provider will return.
      # Default is openid,profile. Specify a comma-separated list.
      # oidc-autoreg-scopes: base64 data goes here
      # Optional: To skip TLS certificate checking with the provider during registration, specify insecureTLS as true.
      # Default is false.
      # oidc-autoreg-insecureTLS: dHJ1ZQ==

Configuring multiple OIDC and OAuth 2.0 providers

You can authenticate with multiple OIDC and OAuth 2.0 providers.

  1. Configure and build application image with multiple OIDC or OAuth 2.0 providers. For example, set the provider name in your Dockerfile. The provider name must be unique and must contain only alphanumeric characters.

    ARG SEC_SSO_PROVIDERS="google oidc:provider1,provider2 oauth2:provider3,provider4"
  2. Use the provider name in an SSO Secret to specify its client ID and secret. For example, the following Secret sets provider1-clientSecret: dGhlbGF1Z2hpbmdjb3c= for a client ID and secret.

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      # Name of the secret should be in this format: <OpenLibertyApplication_name>-olapp-sso
      name: my-app-olapp-sso
      # Secret must be created in the same namespace as the OpenLibertyApplication instance
      namespace: demo
    type: Opaque
      # The keys must be in this format: <provider_name>-<sensitive_field_name>
      google-clientId: xxxxxxxxxxxxx
      google-clientSecret: yyyyyyyyyyyyyy
      provider1-clientId: bW9vb29vb28=
      provider1-clientSecret: dGhlbGF1Z2hpbmdjb3c=
      provider2-autoreg-initialClientId: bW9vb29vb28=
      provider2-autoreg-initialClientSecret: dGhlbGF1Z2hpbmdjb3c=
      provider3-clientId: bW9vb29vb28=
      provider3-clientSecret: dGhlbGF1Z2hpbmdjb3c=
      provider4-clientId: bW9vb29vb28=
      provider4-clientSecret: dGhlbGF1Z2hpbmdjb3c=
  3. Configure a field for each corresponding provider in the OpenLibertyApplication CR. Use one or both of the .spec.sso.oidc[].id and .spec.sso.oauth2[].id fields.

        - id: provider1
          discoveryEndpoint: specify-required-value
        - id: provider2
          discoveryEndpoint: specify-required-value
        - id: provider3
          authorizationEndpoint: specify-required-value
          tokenEndpoint: specify-required-value
        - id: provider4
          authorizationEndpoint: specify-required-value
          tokenEndpoint: specify-required-value

Storage for serviceability (.spec.serviceability) OL

The operator provides single storage for serviceability.

The operator makes it easy to use a single storage for Day-2 Operations that are related to serviceability, such as gathering server traces or server dumps. The single storage is shared by all pods of a OpenLibertyApplication instance. You don’t need to mount a separate storage for each pod.

Your cluster must be configured to automatically bind the PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC) to a PersistentVolume or you must bind it manually.

You can specify the size of the persisted storage to request with the .spec.serviceability.size parameter.

    size: 1Gi

You can specify which storage class to request with the .spec.serviceability.storageClassName parameter if you don’t want to use the default storage class. The operator automatically creates a PersistentVolumeClaim with the specified size and access mode ReadWriteMany. It is mounted at /serviceability inside all pods of the OpenLibertyApplication instance.

Alternatively, you can create the PersistentVolumeClaim and specify its name with the .spec.serviceability.volumeClaimName parameter. You must create it in the same namespace as the OpenLibertyApplication instance.

kind: OpenLibertyApplication
  name: my-liberty-app
    size: 1Gi

You can also create the PersistentVolumeClaim yourself and specify its name using .spec.serviceability.volumeClaimName field. You must create it in the same namespace as the OpenLibertyApplication instance.

kind: OpenLibertyApplication
  name: my-liberty-app
    volumeClaimName: my-pvc

Once a PersistentVolumeClaim is created by operator, its size can not be updated. It will not be deleted when serviceability is disabled or when the OpenLibertyApplication is deleted.

Reference image streams (.spec.applicationImage)

To deploy an image from an image stream, you must specify a .spec.applicationImage field in your CR.

  applicationImage: my-namespace/my-image-stream:1.0

The previous example looks up the 1.0 tag from the my-image-stream image stream in the my-namespace project and populates the CR .status.imageReference field with the exact referenced image similar to the following one: image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/my-namespace/my-image-stream@sha256:*. The operator watches the specified image stream and deploys new images as new ones are available for the specified tag.

To reference an image stream, the .spec.applicationImage field must follow the <project name>/<image stream name>[:<tag>] format. If <project name> or <tag> is not specified, the operator defaults the values to the namespace of the CR and the value of latest, respectively. For example, the applicationImage: my-image-stream configuration is the same as the applicationImage: my-namespace/my-image-stream:latest configuration.

The Operator tries to find an image stream name first with the <project name>/<image stream name>[:<tag>] format and falls back to the registry lookup if it is not able to find any image stream that matches the value.

This feature is only available if you are running on Red Hat OpenShift. The operator requires ClusterRole permissions if the image stream resource is in another namespace.

Configuring Lightweight Third-Party Authentication (LTPA) (.spec.manageLTPA) OL

Lightweight Third-Party Authentication (LTPA) provides SSO configuration to authenticate users to access applications. With LTPA, cryptographic keys enable and disable user details that pass between servers for authentication. To complete authentication, an LTPA token is generated. The LTPA token is signed with cryptographic keys, stores the user details, and has an expiration time. When authentication is complete, the LTPA token passes to other servers through cookies for web sources when SSO is enabled.

Open Liberty operator can generate and manage an LTPA key for applications. By default, this functionality is disabled. Set the .spec.manageLTPA parameter to true in each OpenLibertyApplication custom resource to enable this functionality.

A single LTPA key is used per each namespace and is shared with microservices and applications in a namespace. A password is generated and encrypted to secure the LTPA key. The LTPA key and the password are stored in a Kubernetes Secret resource with the label.

To revoke the LTPA key, delete the Kubernetes Secret resource with the label in the namespace. A new LTPA key and password is then generated and used with applications in the namespace. When .spec.manageLTPA is enabled with .spec.managePasswordEncryption, the Liberty Operator encrypts the password of the LTPA key with the specified password encryption key. For more information on LTPA, see Single sign-on (SSO).

LTPA support from Liberty Operator version 1.3 continues to work as before. The LTPA key that is generated with Liberty Operator version 1.3 remains used.

When any OpenLibertyApplication CR enables the .spec.managePasswordEncryption parameter in the namespace, the LTPA key is regenerated. The new LTPA key is shared between OpenLibertyApplication CR instances with and without .spec.managePasswordEncryption.

LTPA prerequisites

The Liberty server must allow configuration drop-ins. The following configuration must not be set on the server. Otherwise, the manageLTPA functionality does not work.

<config updateTrigger="disabled"/>

Enable the Application Security feature in the Liberty server configuration for the application.

Managing Password Encryption (.spec.managePasswordEncryption) OL

Only available for operator version v1.4.0+

The managePasswordEncryption function allows management of password encryption key sharing among Liberty containers. Encrypting a password makes it difficult for someone to recover a password without the password encryption key.

The Liberty Operator can manage password encryption key sharing among Liberty containers. To enable password encryption support, create a Secret named wlp-password-encryption-key in the same namespace as the OpenLibertyApplication CR instance. Within the secret, the encryption key must be specified by using passwordEncryptionKey. All CR instances that enable password encryption share the encryption key in the namespace.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: wlp-password-encryption-key
type: Opaque
  passwordEncryptionKey: randomkey

Set .spec.managePasswordEncryption to true in the CR.

  managePasswordEncryption: true

The Liberty Operator handles mounting the password encryption key into the application pod and enables the necessary Liberty server configuration to use it.

When .spec.manageLTPA is enabled with .spec.managePasswordEncryption, the Liberty Operator encrypts the password of the LTPA key with the password encryption key you specified.

Encrypt all other passwords that are in a Liberty server configuration and uses AES encryption by using the password encryption key that you specify in the Secret named wlp-password-encryption-key. Liberty servers cannot decrypt the passwords if the passwords are not encrypted. For more information about how to obfuscate passwords for Liberty, see the securityUtility encode command.

Managing Password Encryption prerequisites

The Liberty server must allow configuration drop-ins. The following configuration must not be set on the server. Otherwise, the managePasswordEncryption function does not work.

<config updateTrigger="disabled"/>

Configure a service account (.spec.serviceAccount)

The operator can create a ServiceAccount resource when deploying an OpenLibertyApplication custom resource (CR). If is not specified in a CR, the operator creates a service account with the same name as the CR (e.g. my-app).

.spec.serviceAccountName is now deprecated. The operator still looks up the value of .spec.serviceAccountName, but you must switch to using

You can set .spec.serviceAccount.mountToken to disable mounting the service account token into the application pods. By default, the service account token is mounted. This configuration applies to either the default service account that the operator creates or to the custom service account that you provide.

If applications require specific permissions but still want the operator to create a ServiceAccount, users can still manually create a role binding to bind a role to the service account created by the operator. To learn more about Role-based access control (RBAC), see Kubernetes documentation.

Add or change labels (.metadata.labels)

By default, the operator adds the following labels into all resources created for an OpenLibertyApplication CR:

Table 6. Open Liberty operator label default values
Label Default value Description

A unique name or identifier for this component. You cannot change the default.

A name that represents this component.


The tool that manages this component.


The type of component that is created. For a full list, see the Red Hat OpenShift documentation.


The name of the higher-level application that this component is a part of. If the component is not a stand-alone application, configure this label.


The version of the component.

You can add new labels or overwrite existing labels, excluding the label. To set labels, specify them in your CR as key-value pairs in the .metadata.labels field.

  name: my-app
    my-label-key: my-label-value

After the initial deployment of the CR, any changes to its labels are applied only if a spec field is updated.

When running in Red Hat OpenShift, there are additional labels and annotations that are standard on the platform. Overwrite defaults where applicable and add any labels from the Red Hat OpenShift list that are not set by default using the previous instructions.

Add annotations (.metadata.annotations)

To add new annotations into all resources created for a OpenLibertyApplication, specify them in your CR as key-value pairs in the .metadata.annotations field. Annotations in a CR override any annotations specified on a resource, except for the annotations set on Service with .spec.service.annotations.

  name: my-app
    my-annotation-key: my-annotation-value

After the initial deployment of OpenLibertyApplication, any changes to its annotations are applied only when one of the fields from spec is updated.

When running in Red Hat OpenShift, there are additional annotations that are standard on the platform. Overwrite defaults where applicable and add any labels from the Red Hat OpenShift list that are not set by default using the previous instructions.

Set environment variables for an application container (.spec.env or .spec.envFrom)

To set environment variables for your application container, specify .spec.env or .spec.envFrom fields in a CR. The environment variables can come directly from key-value pairs, ConfigMap, or Secret. The environment variables set by the .spec.env or .spec.envFrom fields override any environment variables that are specified in the container image.

Use .spec.envFrom to define all data in a ConfigMap or a Secret as environment variables in a container. Keys from ConfigMap or Secret resources become environment variable names in your container. The following CR sets key-value pairs in .spec.env and .spec.envFrom fields.

    - name: DB_NAME
      value: "database"
    - name: DB_PORT
          name: db-config
          key: db-port
    - name: DB_USERNAME
          name: db-credential
          key: adminUsername
    - name: DB_PASSWORD
          name: db-credential
          key: adminPassword
    - configMapRef:
        name: env-configmap
    - secretRef:
        name: env-secrets

For another example that uses .spec.envFrom[].secretRef, see Setting up basic authentication credentials by using environment variables.

Setting up basic authentication credentials by using environment variables (.spec.envFrom[].secretRef)

An administrator can use the username and password container environment variables for basic authentication credentials.

  1. Create a secret with your wanted username and password values in your Kubernetes cluster.

  2. Modify your OpenLibertyApplication CR to add a .spec.envFrom parameter definition that references your Secret. For example, add the following .spec.envFrom[].secretRef parameter to your CR and replace basic-auth with your secret.

       - secretRef:
          name: basic-auth
  3. Ensure that your application container can access the Secret.

The .spec.envFrom configuration sets two environment variables for your application container, username and password, and uses the username and password values in your secret.

Configure multiple application instances for high availability (.spec.replicas or .spec.autoscaling)

To run multiple instances of your application for high availability, use the .spec.replicas field for multiple static instances or the .spec.autoscaling field for auto-scaling, which autonomically creates or deletes instances based on resource consumption. The .spec.autoscaling.maxReplicas and .spec.resources.requests.cpu fields are required for auto-scaling.

Set privileges and permissions for a pod or container (.spec.securityContext)

A security context controls privilege and permission settings for a pod or application container. By default, the operator sets several .spec.securityContext parameters for an application container as shown in the following example.

    - name: app
            - ALL
        privileged: false
        runAsNonRoot: true
        readOnlyRootFilesystem: false
        allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
          type: RuntimeDefault

To override the default values or set more parameters, change the .spec.securityContext parameters, for example:

    readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
    runAsUser: 1001
      level: "s0:c123,c456"

For more information, see Set the security context for a Container. For more information about security context parameters, see SecurityContext v1 core.

If your Kubernetes cluster does not generate a user ID and .spec.securityContext.runAsUser is not specified, the user ID defaults to the value in the image metadata. If the image does not have a user ID specified either, you will have to assign a user ID through .spec.securityContext.runAsUser to meet .spec.securityContext.runAsNonRoot requirement.

Persist resources (.spec.statefulSet and .spec.volumeMounts)

If storage is specified in the OpenLibertyApplication CR, the operator can create a StatefulSet and PersistentVolumeClaim for each pod. If storage is not specified, StatefulSet resource is created without persistent storage.

The following CR definition uses to provide basic storage. The operator creates a StatefulSet with the size of 1Gi that mounts to the /data folder.

      size: 1Gi
      mountPath: "/data"

An Open Liberty operator CR definition can provide more advanced storage. With the following CR definition, the operator creates a PersistentVolumeClaim called pvc with the size of 1Gi and ReadWriteOnce access mode. The operator enables users to provide an entire for full control over the automatically created PersistentVolumeClaim. To persist to more than one folder, the CR definition uses the .spec.volumeMounts field instead of

  - name: pvc
    mountPath: /data_1
    subPath: data_1
  - name: pvc
    mountPath: /data_2
    subPath: data_2
          name: pvc
          - "ReadWriteMany"
          storageClassName: 'glusterfs'
              storage: 1Gi
After StatefulSet is created, the persistent storage and PersistentVolumeClaim cannot be added or changed.

The following CR definition does not specify storage and creates StatefulSet resources without persistent storage. You can create StatefulSet resources without storage if you require only ordering and uniqueness of a set of pods.

  statefulSet: {}

Monitor resources (.spec.monitoring)

An Open Liberty operator can create a ServiceMonitor resource to integrate with Prometheus Operator.

The operator monitoring does not support integration with Knative Service. Prometheus Operator is required to use ServiceMonitor.

At minimum, provide a label for Prometheus set on ServiceMonitor objects. In the following example, the .spec.monitoring label is apps-prometheus.

       app-prometheus: ''
    - interval: '30s'
          key: username
          name: metrics-secret
          key: password
          name: metrics-secret
        insecureSkipVerify: true

For more advanced monitoring, set many ServiceMonitor parameters such as authentication secret with Prometheus Endpoint.

       app-prometheus: ''
    - interval: '30s'
          key: username
          name: metrics-secret
          key: password
          name: metrics-secret
        insecureSkipVerify: true

Specify multiple service ports (.spec.service.port* and .spec.monitoring.endpoints)

To provide multiple service ports in addition to the primary service port, configure the primary service port with the .spec.service.port, .spec.service.targetPort, .spec.service.portName, and .spec.service.nodePort fields. The primary port is exposed from the container that runs the application and the port values are used to configure the Route (or Ingress), Service binding and Knative service.

To specify an alternative port for Service Monitor, use the .spec.monitoring.endpoints field and specify either the port or targetPort field, otherwise it defaults to the primary port.

Specify the primary port with the .spec.service.port field and additional ports with the .spec.service.ports field as shown in the following example.

    type: NodePort
    port: 9080
    portName: http
    targetPort: 9080
    nodePort: 30008
      - port: 9443
        name: https
      - basicAuth:
            key: password
            name: metrics-secret
            key: username
            name: metrics-secret
        interval: 5s
        port: https
        scheme: HTTPS
          insecureSkipVerify: true
      app-monitoring: 'true'

Configure probes (.spec.probes)

Probes are health checks on an application container to determine whether it is alive or ready to receive traffic. The Open Liberty operator has startup, liveness, and readiness probes.

Probes are not enabled in applications by default. To enable a probe with the default values, set the probe parameters to {}. The following example enables all 3 probes to use default values.

    startup: {}
    liveness: {}
    readiness: {}

The following code snippet shows the default values for the startup probe (.spec.probes.startup).

  path: /health/started
  port: 9443
  scheme: HTTPS
timeoutSeconds: 2
periodSeconds: 10
failureThreshold: 20

The following code snippet shows the default values for the liveness probe (.spec.probes.liveness).

  path: /health/live
  port: 9443
  scheme: HTTPS
initialDelaySeconds: 60
timeoutSeconds: 2
periodSeconds: 10
failureThreshold: 3

The following code snippet shows the default values for the readiness probe (.spec.probes.readiness).

  path: /health/ready
  port: 9443
  scheme: HTTPS
initialDelaySeconds: 10
timeoutSeconds: 2
periodSeconds: 10
failureThreshold: 10

To override a default value, specify a different value. The following example overrides a liveness probe initial delay default of 60 seconds and sets the initial delay to 90 seconds.

      initialDelaySeconds: 90

When a probe initialDelaySeconds parameter is set to 0, the default value is used. To set a probe initial delay to 0, define the probe instead of using the default probe. The following example overrides the default value and sets the initial delay to 0.

        path: "/health/live"
        port: 9443
      initialDelaySeconds: 0

Deploy serverless applications with Knative (.spec.createKnativeService)

If Knative is installed on a Kubernetes cluster, to deploy serverless applications with Knative on the cluster, the operator creates a Knative Service resource which manages the entire life cycle of a workload. To create a Knative service, set .spec.createKnativeService to true.

  createKnativeService: true

The operator creates a Knative service in the cluster and populates the resource with applicable OpenLibertyApplication fields. Also, it ensures non-Knative resources such as Kubernetes Service, Route, and Deployment are deleted.

The CRD fields that can populate the Knative service resource include .spec.applicationImage, .spec.serviceAccountName, .spec.probes.liveness, .spec.probes.readiness, .spec.service.port, .spec.volumes, .spec.volumeMounts, .spec.env, .spec.envFrom, .spec.pullSecret and .spec.pullPolicy. Startup probe is not fully supported by Knative, thus .spec.probes.startup does not apply when Knative service is enabled.

When using private registries with Knative / OpenShift Serverless .spec.pullSecret must be specified. OpenShift global pull secret can not be used to provide registry credentials to Knative Services.

For details on how to configure Knative for tasks such as enabling HTTPS connections and setting up a custom domain, see the Knative documentation.

Autoscaling fields in OpenLibertyApplication are not used to configure Knative Pod Autoscaler (KPA). To learn how to configure KPA, see Configuring the Autoscaler.

Expose applications externally (.spec.expose, .spec.createKnativeService, .spec.route)

Expose an application externally with a Route, Knative Route, or Ingress resource.

To expose an application externally with a route in a non-Knative deployment, set .spec.expose to true.

The operator creates a secured route based on the application service when .spec.manageTLS is enabled. To use custom certificates, see information about .spec.service.certificateSecretRef and .spec.route.certificateSecretRef.

  expose: true

To expose an application externally with Ingress in a non-Knative deployment, complete the following steps.

  1. To use the Ingress resource to expose your cluster, install an Ingress controller such a Nginx or Traefik.

  2. Ensure that a Route resource is not on the cluster. The Ingress resource is created only if the Route resource is not available on the cluster.

  3. To use the Ingress resource, set the defaultHostName variable in the open-liberty-operator ConfigMap object to a hostname such as

  4. Enable TLS. Generate a certificate and specify the secret that contains the certificate with the .spec.route.certificateSecretRef field.

      expose: true
        certificateSecretRef: mycompany-tls
  5. Specify .spec.route.annotations to configure the Ingress resource. Annotations such as Nginx, HAProxy, Traefik, and others are specific to the Ingress controller implementation. The following example specifies annotations, an existing TLS secret, and a custom hostname.

  expose: true
      # You can use this annotation to specify the name of the ingress controller to use.
      # You can install multiple ingress controllers to address different types of incoming traffic such as an external or internal DNS. "nginx"

      # The following nginx annotation enables a secure pod connection: true "HTTPS"

      # The following traefik annotation enables a secure pod connection: https

    # Use a custom hostname for the Ingress
    # Reference a pre-existing TLS secret:
    certificateSecretRef: mycompany-tls

To expose an application as a Knative service, set .spec.createKnativeService and .spec.expose to true. The operator creates an unsecured Knative route. To configure secure HTTPS connections for your Knative deployment, see Configuring HTTPS with TLS certificates.

  createKnativeService: true
  expose: true

Allowing or limiting incoming traffic (.spec.networkPolicy)

By default, network policies for an application isolate incoming traffic.

  • The default network policy created for applications that are not exposed limits incoming traffic to pods in the same namespace that are part of the same application. Traffic is limited to only the ports that are configured by the service. By default, traffic will be exposed to .spec.service.targetPort when specified and otherwise fallback to using the .spec.service.port. Using the same logic, traffic will be exposed for each additional targetPort or port provided in the .spec.service.ports[] array.

  • Red Hat OpenShift supports network policies by default. For exposed applications on Red Hat OpenShift, the network policy allows incoming traffic from the Red Hat OpenShift ingress controller on the ports in the service configuration. The network policy also allows incoming traffic from the Red Hat OpenShift monitoring stack.

  • For exposed applications on other Kubernetes platforms, the network policy allows incoming traffic from any pods in any namespace on the ports in the service configuration. For deployments to other Kubernetes platforms, ensure that your network plug-in supports the Kubernetes network policies.

To disable the creation of network policies for an application, set .spec.networkPolicy.disable to true.

    disable: true

You can change the network policy to allow incoming traffic from specific namespaces or pods. By default, .spec.networkPolicy.namespaceLabels is set to the same namespace to which the application is deployed, and .spec.networkPolicy.fromLabels is set to pods that belong to the same application specified by .spec.applicationName. The following example allows incoming traffic from pods that are labeled with the frontend role and are in the same namespace.

      role: frontend

The following example allows incoming traffic from pods that belong to the same application in the example namespace.

    namespaceLabels: example

The following example allows incoming traffic from pods that are labeled with the frontend role in the example namespace.

    namespaceLabels: example
      role: frontend

Bind applications with operator-managed backing services ( and .spec.service.bindable)

The Service Binding Operator enables application developers to bind applications together with operator-managed backing services. If the Service Binding Operator is installed on your cluster, you can bind applications by creating a ServiceBindingRequest custom resource.

You can configure an Open Liberty application to behave as a Provisioned Service that is defined by the Service Binding Specification. According to the specification, a Provisioned Service resource must define a that refers to a Secret. To expose your application as a Provisioned Service, set the .spec.service.bindable field to a value of true. The operator creates a binding secret that is named CR_NAME-expose-binding and adds the host, port, protocol, basePath, and uri entries to the secret.

To override the default values for the entries in the binding secret or to add new entries to the secret, create an override secret that is named CR_NAME-expose-binding-override and add any entries to the secret. The operator reads the content of the override secret and overrides the default values in the binding secret.

After an Open Liberty application is exposed as a Provisioned Service, a service binding request can refer to the application as a backing service.

The instructions that follow show how to bind Open Liberty applications as services or producers to other workloads (such as pods or deployments).

Two Open Liberty applications that are deployed through the Open Liberty Operator cannot be bound.
  • Set up the Service Binding operator to access Open Liberty applications. By default, the Service Binding operator does not have permission to interact with Open Liberty applications that are deployed through the Open Liberty operator. You must create two RoleBindings to give the Service Binding operator view and edit access for Open Liberty applications.

    1. In the Red Hat OpenShift dashboard, navigate to User Management > RoleBindings.

    2. Select Create binding.

    3. Set the Binding type to Cluster-wide role binding (ClusterRoleBinding).

    4. Enter a name for the binding. Choose a name that is related to service bindings and view access for Open Liberty applications.

    5. For the role name, enter

    6. Set the Subject to ServiceAccount.

    7. A Subject namespace menu appears. Select openshift-operators.

    8. In the Subject name field, enter service-binding-operator.

    9. Click Create.

      Now that you have set up the first role binding, navigate to the RoleBindings list and click Create binding again. Set up edit access by using the following instructions.

    10. Set Binding type to Cluster-wide role binding (ClusterRoleBinding).

    11. Enter a name for the binding. Choose a name that is related to service bindings and edit access for Open Liberty applications.

    12. In the Role name field, enter

    13. Set Subject to ServiceAccount.

    14. In the Subject namespace list, select openshift-operators.

    15. In the Subject name field, type service-binding-operator.

    16. Click Create.

    Service bindings from Open Liberty applications (or "services") to pods or deployments (or "workloads") now succeed. After a binding is made, the bound workload restarts or scales to mount the binding secret to /bindings in all containers.

  • Set up a service binding by using the Red Hat method. For more information, see the Red Hat documentation or the Red Hat tutorial.

    1. On the Red Hat OpenShift web dashboard, click Administrator in the sidebar and select Developer.

    2. In the Topology view for the current namespace, hover over the border of the Open Liberty application to be bound as a service, and drag an arrow to the Pod or Deployment workload. A tooltip appears entitled Create Service Binding.

    3. The Create Service Binding window opens. Change the name to value that is fewer than 63 characters. The Service Binding operator might fail to mount the secret as a volume if the name exceeds 63 characters.

    4. Click Create.

    5. A sidebar opens. To see the status of the binding, click the name of the secret and then scroll until the status appears.

    6. Check the pod/deployment workload and verify that a volume is mounted. You can also open a terminal session into a container and run ls /bindings.

  • Set up a service binding using the Spec API Tech Preview / Community method.

    This method is newer than the Red Hat method but achieves the same results. You must add a label to your Open Liberty application, such as app=frontend, if it does not have any unique labels. Set the binding to use a label selector so that the Service Binding operator looks for an Open Liberty application with a specific label.

    1. Install the Service Binding operator by using the Red Hat OpenShift Operator Catalog.

    2. Select Operators > Installed Operators and set the namespace to the same one used by both your Open Liberty application and pod/deployment workload.

    3. Open the Service Binding (Spec API Tech Preview) page.

    4. Click Create ServiceBinding.

    5. Choose a short name for the binding. Names that exceed 63 characters might cause the binding secret volume mount to fail.

    6. Expand the Service section.

    7. In the Api Version field, enter

    8. In the Kind field, enter OpenLibertyApplication.

    9. In the Name field, enter the name of your application. You can get this name from the list of applications on the Open Liberty operator page.

    10. Expand the Workload section.

    11. Set the Api Version field to the value of apiVersion in your target workload YAML. For example, if the workload is a deployment, the value is apps/v1.

    12. Set the Kind field to the value of kind in your target workload YAML. For example, if the workload is a deployment, the value is Deployment.

    13. Expand the Selector subsection, and then expand the Match Expressions subsection.

    14. Click Add Match Expression.

    15. In the Key field, enter the label key that you set earlier. For example, for the label app=frontend, the key is app).

    16. In the Operator field, enter Exists.

    17. Expand the Values subsection and click Add Value.

    18. In the Value field, enter the label value that you set earlier. For example, if using the label app=frontend, the value is frontend.

    19. Click Create.

    20. Check the Pod/Deployment workload and verify that a volume is mounted, either by scrolling down or by opening a terminal session into a container and running ls /bindings.

Limit a pod to run on specified nodes (.spec.affinity)

Use .spec.affinity to constrain a Pod to run only on specified nodes.

To set required labels for pod scheduling on specific nodes, use the .spec.affinity.nodeAffinityLabels field.

      customNodeLabel: label1, label2
      customNodeLabel2: label3

The following example requires a large node type and preferences for two zones, which are named zoneA and zoneB.

  name: my-app
  namespace: test
        - matchExpressions:
          - key:
            operator: In
            - large
      - weight: 60
          - key:
            operator: In
            - zoneA
      - weight: 20
          - key:
            operator: In
            - zoneB

Use pod affinity and anti-affinity to constrain which nodes your pod is eligible to be scheduled based on labels on pods that are already running on the node rather than based on labels on node.

The following example shows that pod affinity is required and that the pods for Service-A and Service-B must be in the same zone. Through pod anti-affinity, it is preferable not to schedule Service_B and Service_C on the same host.

  name: Service-B
  namespace: test
      - labelSelector:
          - key: service
            operator: In
            - Service-A
      - weight: 100
            - key: service
              operator: In
              - Service-C

Constrain how pods are spread between nodes and zones (.spec.topologySpreadConstraints)

Use the .spec.topologySpreadConstraints YAML object to specify constraints on how pods of the application instance (and if enabled, the Semeru Cloud Compiler instance) are spread between nodes and zones of the cluster.

Using the .spec.topologySpreadConstraints.constraints field, you can specify a list of Pod TopologySpreadConstraints to be added, such as in the example below:

      - maxSkew: 1
        whenUnsatisfiable: ScheduleAnyway

By default, the operator will add the following Pod topology spread constraints on the application instance’s pods (and if applicable, the Semeru Cloud Compiler instance’s pods). The default behaviour is to constrain the spread of pods which are owned by the same application instance (or Semeru Cloud Compiler generation instance), denoted by <instance name> with a maxSkew of 1.

- maxSkew: 1
  whenUnsatisfiable: ScheduleAnyway
    matchLabels: <instance name>
- maxSkew: 1
  whenUnsatisfiable: ScheduleAnyway
    matchLabels: <instance name>

To remove the operator’s default topology spread constraints from above, set the .spec.topologySpreadConstraints.disableOperatorDefaults flag to true.

    disableOperatorDefaults: true

Alternatively, override each constraint manually by creating a new TopologySpreadConstraint under .spec.topologySpreadConstraints.constraints for each topologyKey you want to modify.

When using the disableOperatorDefaults: true flag. If cluster-level default constraints are not enabled, by default, the K8s scheduler will use its own internal default Pod topology spread constraints as outlined in

Configuring transport layer security (TLS) certificates

An administrator can configure TLS certificates to secure applications that run on Kubernetes-based clusters. By default, the operator generates certificates. Instead, an administrator can specify certificates for the Route and Service.

By default, the OpenLibertyApplication .spec.manageTLS parameter is set to true and the operator attempts to generate certificates and mount them to the pod at /etc/x509/certs. You must enable TLS within your application image to use this capability. Port 9443 is used as the default service port. If your OpenLibertyApplication custom resource specifies the port explicitly using .spec.service.port field then make sure its value is set to the secure TLS port. Specifying 9080 as the value for .spec.service.port can cause the application to not work properly. If .spec.expose is set to true, the Route also is configured automatically to enable TLS by using reencrypt termination. This configuration ensures end-to-end encryption from an external source to the application or pod.

To change this default configuration, see the following sections.

If your application CR sets .spec.manageTLS to false, then the operator does not manage the certificate. You must provide your own TLS certificates and configure probes, monitoring, routes, and other parameters.

Configure DNS (.spec.dns.policy and .spec.dns.config)

Only available for operator version v1.4.0+

DNS can be configured in OpenLibertyApplication CR by using the .spec.dns.policy field or the .spec.dns.config field. The .spec.dns.policy field is the DNS policy for the application pod and defaults to the ClusterFirst policy. The .spec.dns.config field is the DNS config for the application pod. Kubernetes supports the following pod-specific DNS policies. The following policies can be specified by using the .spec.dns.policy field:

  • Default: The pod inherits the name resolution configuration from the node that the pods run on.

  • ClusterFirst: Any DNS query that does not match the configured cluster domain suffix, such as, is forwarded to an upstream name server by the DNS server. Cluster administrators can have extra stub-domain and upstream DNS servers configured.

  • ClusterFirstWithHostNet: Set the DNS policy to ClusterFirstWithHostNet if the pod runs with hostNetwork. Pods running with hostNetwork and set to the ClusterFirst policy behaves like the Default policy.

ClusterFirstWithHostNet is not supported on Windows. For more information, see DNS Resolution on Windows.
  • None: A pod can ignore DNS settings from the Kubernetes environment. All DNS settings are provided by using the .spec.dns.config field of OpenLibertyApplication CR.

For more information, see Customizing DNS Service.

Default is not the default DNS policy. If .spec.dns.policy is not explicitly specified, then ClusterFirst is used.

DNS Config allows users more control over the DNS settings for an application Pod.

The .spec.dns.config field is optional and it can work with any .spec.dns.policy settings. However, when a .spec.dns.policy is set to None, the .spec.dns.config field must be specified.

The following properties are specified within the .spec.dns.config field:

  • .spec.dns.config.nameservers: a list of IP addresses that are used as DNS servers for the Pod. Up to 3 IP addresses are specified. When .spec.dns.policy is set to None, the list must contain at least one IP address, otherwise this property is optional. The servers that are listed are combined to the base name servers generated from the specified DNS policy with duplicate addresses removed.

  • .spec.dns.config.searches: a list of DNS search domains for hostname lookup in the Pod. This property is optional. When specified, the provided list is merged into the base search domain names that are generated from the chosen DNS policy. Duplicate domain names are removed. Kubernetes allows up to 32 search domains.

  • .spec.dns.config.options: an optional list of objects where each object must have a name property and can have a value property. The contents in this property are merged to the options generated from the specified DNS policy. Duplicate entries are removed.

    policy: "None"
        - # this is an example
        - ns1.svc.cluster-domain.example
        - name: ndots
          value: "2"
        - name: edns0

For more information on DNS, see the Kubernetes DNS documentation.

Configure tolerations (.spec.tolerations)

Only available for operator version v1.4.0+

Node affinity is a property that attracts pods to a set of nodes either as a preference or a hard requirement. However, taints allow a node to repel a set of pods.

Tolerations are applied to pods and allow a scheduler to schedule pods with matching taints. The scheduler also evaluates other parameters as part of its function.

Taints and tolerations work together to help ensure that application pods are not scheduled onto inappropriate nodes. If one or more taints are applied to a node, the node cannot accept any pods that do not tolerate the taints.

Tolerations can be configured in OpenLibertyApplication CR by using the .spec.tolerations field.

  - key: "key1"
    operator: "Equal"
    value: "value1"

For more information on taints and toleration, see the Kubernetes taints and toleration documentation.

Generating certificates with certificate manager

When .spec.manageTLS is set to true, the default, certificate manager must be installed on the Kubernetes cluster.

When certificate manager is installed on the cluster, the service certificate is generated with the Certificate kind. The cert-manager tool enables the operator to automatically provision TLS certificates for pods and routes. Certificates are mounted into containers from a Kubernetes secret so that the certificates are automatically refreshed when they update. For more information about the cert-manager tool, see

The operator creates a certificate authority (CA) Issuer instance to be shared by applications within a single namespace. The secret (or issuer) must be created in the same namespace as the OpenLibertyApplication. The issuer is used to generate a service certificate for each application that is mounted into the pod. The tls.crt, tls.key, and ca.crt files are mounted to the pod. The location is set by the TLS_DIR environment variable. The same secret (or issuer) is used for all instances of the application in the namespace.

Generating certificates with certificate manager (existing certificate scenario)

By default, the operator creates its own certificate authority (CA) for issuing service certificates. However, you can use your own CA certificate. To use your CA certificate, create a Kubernetes secret named olo-custom-ca-tls. This secret must contain the CA’s tls.crt and tls.key file. After this secret is provided, the operator reissues certificates for the service by using the provided CA.

See the following example CA secret:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: olo-custom-ca-tls
  tls.crt: >-
  tls.key: >-

Generating certificates with certificate manager (custom issuer)

You can provide a custom Issuer (for example, certificate authority (CA), or Vault) for the service certificates.

The issuer must be named olo-custom-issuer.

See the following example custom issuer:

kind: Issuer
  name: olo-custom-issuer
        key: token
        name: vault-token
    path: pki/sign/cert-manager
    server: >-

Generating certificates with Red Hat OpenShift service CA (.spec.service.annotations)

If the operator runs on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform, the operator can automatically generate service certificates with Red Hat OpenShift Service CA.

This method is the default, and is the simplest way to generate certificates if the certificate manager operator is not installed on the cluster.

The tls.crt and tls.key files are mounted to the pod and the location is set by the TLS_DIR environment variable. The Red Hat OpenShift CA certificate is in the /var/run/secrets/ file.

If the certificate manager is installed on the cluster, the certificate manager generates service certificates unless otherwise specified by the application. For example, to force use of the Red Hat OpenShift service CA, add an annotation to the application YAML file with .spec.service.annotations.

  manageTLS: true
  expose: true
    annotations: my-app-svc-tls-ocp
    port: 9443

Specifying certificates for a secret Route and Service (.spec.service.certificateSecretRef and .spec.route.certificateSecretRef)

Specify your own certificate for a secret Route with the OpenLibertyApplication CR .spec.route.certificateSecretRef parameter. Specify your own certificate for a secret Service with the .spec.service.certificateSecretRef parameter.

The following examples specify certificates for a route.

For .spec.route.certificateSecretRef, replace my-app-rt-tls with the name of a secret that contains TLS key, certificate, and CA to use in the route. It can also contain destination CA certificate.

  expose: true
    termination: reencrypt
    certificateSecretRef: my-app-rt-tls
    port: 9443

The following example manually provides a route secret. For the secret, replace my-app-rt-tls with the name of the secret. For a route, the following keys are valid in the secret.

  • ca.crt

  • destCA.crt

  • tls.crt

  • tls.key

kind: Secret
apiVersion: v1
  name: my-app-rt-tls
  ca.crt: >-
    Certificate Authority public certificate...(base64)
  tls.crt: >-
    Route public certificate...(base64)
  tls.key: >-
    Route private key...(base64)
  destCA.crt: >-
    Pod/Service certificate Certificate Authority (base64). Might be required when using reencrypt termination policy.

For an example that uses .spec.route.certificateSecretRef and makes applications available externally, see the .spec.expose examples.

Day-2 Operations


  • The corresponding OpenLibertyApplication must already have storage for serviceability configured in order to use the day-2 operations

  • The custom resource (CR) for a day-2 operation must be created in the same namespace as the OpenLibertyApplication

Operation discovery

To allow auto-discovery of supported day-2 operations from external tools the following annotation has been added to the OpenLibertyApplication CRD:

  annotations: OpenLibertyTrace,OpenLibertyDump

Additionally, each day-2 operation CRD has the following annotation which illustrates the k8s Kind(s) the operation applies to:

  annotations: Pod

Request server dump

You can request a snapshot of the server status including different types of server dumps, from an instance of Liberty server running inside a Pod, using Open Liberty Operator and OpenLibertyDump custom resource (CR). To use this feature the OpenLibertyApplication needs to have storage for serviceability already configured. Also, the OpenLibertyDump CR must be created in the same namespace as the Pod to operate on.

The configurable fields are:

Table 7. Configurable Dump Fields




The name of the Pod, which must be in the same namespace as the OpenLibertyDump CR.


Optional. List of memory dump types to request: thread,heap,system

Example including thread dump:

kind: OpenLibertyDump
  name: example-dump
  podName: Specify_Pod_Name_Here
    - thread

The dump file name is added to the OpenLibertyDump CR status and file is stored in the serviceability folder with a format such as /serviceability/namespace/pod_name/

Once the dump has started, the CR can not be re-used to take more dumps. A new CR needs to be created for each server dump.

You can check the status of a dump operation using the status field inside the CR YAML. You can also run the command oc get oldump -o wide to see the status of all dump operations in the current namespace.

Note: System dump might not work on certain Kubernetes versions, such as OpenShift 4.x

Request server traces

You can request server traces, from an instance of Liberty server running inside a Pod, using Open Liberty Operator and OpenLibertyTrace custom resource (CR). To use this feature the OpenLibertyApplication must already have storage for serviceability configured. Also, the OpenLibertyTrace CR must be created in the same namespace as the Pod to operate on.

The configurable fields are:

Table 8. Configurable Trace Fields




The name of the Pod, which must be in the same namespace as the OpenLibertyTrace CR.


The trace string to be used to selectively enable trace. The default is *=info.


The maximum size (in MB) that a log file can reach before it is rolled. To disable this attribute, set the value to 0. By default, the value is 20. This setting does not apply to the console.log file.


If an enforced maximum file size exists, this setting is used to determine how many of each of the logs files are kept. This setting also applies to the number of exception logs that summarize exceptions that occurred on any particular day.


Set to true to stop tracing.


kind: OpenLibertyTrace
  name: example-trace
  podName: Specify_Pod_Name_Here
  traceSpecification: "**=all"
  maxFileSize: 20
  maxFiles: 5

Generated trace files, along with messages.log files, are stored in the serviceability folder with a format such as /serviceability/namespace/pod_name/

Once the trace has started, it can be stopped by setting the .spec.disable field to true. Deleting the CR will also stop the tracing. Changing the podName will first stop the tracing on the old Pod before enabling traces on the new Pod.

You can check the status of a trace operation using the status field inside the CR YAML. You can also run the command oc get oltrace -o wide to see the status of all trace operations in the current namespace.

Important: Liberty server must allow configuration dropins. The following configuration should not be set on the server: <config updateTrigger=“disabled”/>. Otherwise, OpenLibertyTrace operation will not work on the server.

Note: The operator doesn’t monitor the Pods. If the Pod is restarted or deleted after the trace is enabled, then the tracing wouldn’t be automatically enabled when the Pod comes back up. In that case, the status of the trace operation may not correctly report whether the trace is enabled or not.


See the troubleshooting guide for information on how to investigate and resolve deployment problems.