This Repo contains the build instructions for the PHP base image (bullseye and bookworm). All PHP images should inherit from this image.
This image is automatically build with following cron expression 0 0 * * *
Argument | Default Value | Description |
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this section.
- removed unused if statement
- added source prepare script to get php src by version argument
- removed duplicate if statement in docker-entrypoint
- updated MozJPEG to 1d2320994dd0d293d39cfaea3d13060b60f32c45
- updated Tiff to 4.1.0
- updated WebP to 1.1.0
- updated OpenJPEG to 563ecfb55ca77c0fc5ea19e4885e00f55ec82ca9
- updated ImageMagick to 7.0.9-24
- added workflow to trigger dockerhub autobuild
- updated MozJPEG to 4.0.0
- updated Tiff to 4.2.0
- updated OpenJPEG to 2.3.1
- updated ImageMagick to 7.0.10-53