Release 1.2.15 Mon Oct 04 2021 16:50:09 GMT+0300 (MSK)
- (EPROC-20779) Remove support of converting language specific translation bundles from json into properties file (#34) (GitHub [email protected], 2021-10-04 16:47:49 +0300)
- (EPROC-20383) Used jdk zulu (GitHub [email protected], 2021-04-06 16:50:55 +0300)
- (EPROC-20252) Added circleci builds jira integration (GitHub [email protected], 2021-03-10 16:08:02 +0300)
- Update CI image to opuscapita/minsk-core-ci:grails-2.4.4-jdk-8u192-nodejs-8.17.0-maven-3.3.9 [ci skip] (Egor Stambakio [email protected], 2020-05-07 16:13:08 +0300)
Release 1.2.15-EPROC-20779-SNAPSHOT Thu Sep 30 2021 22:55:13 GMT+0300 (MSK)
- Remove support of converting language specific translation bundles from json into properties file (Dmitriy Sanko [email protected], 2021-09-30 22:44:53 +0300)
- (EPROC-20383) Used jdk zulu (GitHub [email protected], 2021-04-06 16:50:55 +0300)
- (EPROC-20252) Added circleci builds jira integration (GitHub [email protected], 2021-03-10 16:08:02 +0300)
- Update CI image to opuscapita/minsk-core-ci:grails-2.4.4-jdk-8u192-nodejs-8.17.0-maven-3.3.9 [ci skip] (Egor Stambakio [email protected], 2020-05-07 16:13:08 +0300)
Release 1.2.14 Thu Apr 09 2020 09:58:33 GMT+0300 (MSK)
- (#32) Supported converter for big numbers (Dmitry Divin [email protected], 2020-04-09 09:42:29 +0300)
Release 1.2.13 Fri Nov 29 2019 14:28:24 GMT+0300 (MSK)
- Merge branch 'master' of ssh:// [skip ci] (Dmitry Divin [email protected], 2019-11-29 14:27:24 +0300)
- Fixing escapting [skip ci] (Dmitry Divin [email protected], 2019-11-29 14:27:01 +0300)
Release 1.2.12 Fri Nov 29 2019 14:11:38 GMT+0300 (MSK)
- (#31) Fixing escaping German umlauts with ASCII format (Dmitry Divin [email protected], 2019-11-29 14:09:33 +0300)
Release 1.2.11 Thu Nov 28 2019 16:44:04 GMT+0300 (MSK)
- (#29) Implementing i18n-js2properties CLI for migrate translations (Dmitry Divin [email protected], 2019-11-28 16:40:53 +0300)
Release 1.2.10 Wed Nov 27 2019 10:40:47 GMT+0300 (MSK)
- (#28) Supporting override custom translations (Dmitry Divin [email protected], 2019-11-27 10:38:31 +0300)
Release 1.2.10.beta.1 Tue Nov 26 2019 10:06:41 GMT+0300 (MSK)
- Fixing lint (Dmitry Divin [email protected], 2019-11-26 09:55:46 +0300)
- (#28) Adding override custom translations (Dmitry Divin [email protected], 2019-11-26 09:50:00 +0300)
Release 1.2.9 Mon Aug 26 2019 10:49:40 GMT+0300 (MSK)
- Fixing Am/pm marker with compatible a Java format (Dmitry Divin [email protected], 2019-08-26 10:45:11 +0300)
Release 1.2.8 Fri Feb 15 2019 14:24:48 GMT+0300 (MSK)
- Upgrade lodash version (security fix) (GitHub [email protected], 2019-02-15 14:07:55 +0300)
Release 1.2.7 Tue Oct 30 2018 14:12:00 GMT+0300 (MSK)
- Updated loadash from 4.17.2 to 4.17.5 (Issue #23, PR #24) (GitHub [email protected], 2018-10-30 13:56:25 +0300)
- Updated loadash from 4.17.2 to 4.17.5 (Alexander Pyrkh [email protected], 2018-10-30 10:46:58 +0300)
- Using docker image opuscapita/minsk-core-ci tag grails-2.4.4-jdk-8u131-nodejs-6.9.4-maven-3.3.9 [ci skip] (Alexey Sergeev [email protected], 2018-09-07 09:08:10 +0300)
Release 1.2.6 Mon Jun 11 2018 09:43:08 GMT+0300 (MSK)
- Merge pull request #22 from OpusCapita/issue-21 (GitHub [email protected], 2018-06-11 09:39:59 +0300)
- Fixed support for am/pm AM/PM #21 (Egor Stambakio [email protected], 2018-06-11 09:11:27 +0300)
- Merge pull request #20 from OpusCapita/issue-19-date-converter (GitHub [email protected], 2018-06-01 09:45:57 +0300)
- Added stricter rule to date-and-time parser #19 (Egor Stambakio [email protected], 2018-06-01 09:31:11 +0300)
- Adding an issue template file [ci skip] (Egor Stambakio [email protected], 2018-05-02 12:21:16 +0300)
- Update [skip ci] (GitHub [email protected], 2018-04-11 21:54:31 +0300)
- Remove MomentJS usage (Issue #13) (PR #14) (GitHub [email protected], 2018-04-11 12:52:59 +0300)
- Add test (baliunov [email protected], 2018-04-09 17:34:44 +0300)
- Change .nycrc (baliunov [email protected], 2018-04-09 17:24:23 +0300)
- #13 Change date-and-time.js (baliunov [email protected], 2018-04-09 16:32:26 +0300)
- #13 Add tests for DateConverter.js (baliunov [email protected], 2018-04-09 14:48:57 +0300)
- #13 Removing moment usage from the library (baliunov [email protected], 2018-04-09 12:25:40 +0300)
- #11 Adding a new method in I18nManager to format decimals more flexibly. (#12) (Alexey Sergeev [email protected], 2018-03-19 07:31:06 +0200)
- Update config.yml (GitHub [email protected], 2018-02-16 10:41:50 +0300)
- Updated build config. (Dmitry Shienok [email protected], 2018-02-13 14:02:00 +0300)
- Updated package.json (Dmitry Shienok [email protected], 2018-02-13 13:53:25 +0300)
- Merge pull request #8 from OpusCapita/issue-7 (GitHub [email protected], 2018-02-13 13:34:35 +0300)
- Update (GitHub [email protected], 2017-12-29 18:07:01 +0300)
- Fixes numerical keys thrown
{0} nothing to repeat
exception. (Egor Stambakio [email protected], 2017-12-27 09:38:57 +0300) - Update README [skip ci] (GitHub [email protected], 2017-11-17 13:25:59 +0300)
- Fixing test result publishing (Alexey Sergeev [email protected], 2017-08-24 16:39:41 +0300)
- Adding mocha junit reporer (Alexey Sergeev [email protected], 2017-08-24 16:28:42 +0300)
- Removing nyc reportsers from command line (Alexey Sergeev [email protected], 2017-08-24 16:21:29 +0300)
- Removing CHANGES.txt, use instead (Alexey Sergeev [email protected], 2017-07-24 16:24:29 +0300)
- Updating to a version to 1.1.1 (Alexey Sergeev [email protected], 2017-07-24 15:53:47 +0300)
v1.1.0 (Mon, 24 Jul 2017 12:53:36 GMT)
Preparing 1.1.0 release (Alexey Sergeev [email protected], b3f0999)
Adding fallback support logic for data converters, e.g. if formatting information is not declared for current locale 'de-AT' then formatting information for 'de' locale will be searched, if latest also is not defined then corresponding info will be searched for passed 'fallbackLocale', if it also is not defined then default formatting configuration will be used:
{ datePattern: 'dd/MM/yyyy', dateTimePattern: 'dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss', integerPattern: '#,##0', numberPattern: '#,##0.00', numberDecimalSeparator: '.', numberDecimalSeparatorUseAlways: false, numberGroupingSeparator: ',', numberGroupingSeparatorUse: true, } (Alexey Sergeev [email protected], d6aaaab)
Configuring code coverage (Alexey Sergeev [email protected], 9acf78a)
Update (Alexey Sergeev [email protected], 231433b)
Update (Alexey Sergeev [email protected], 58c72ab)
Update (Alexey Sergeev [email protected], a54e6c1)
Minor changes (Alexey Sergeev [email protected], 462f83b)
Deprecating locale usage in DateConverter and its passing in constructor. E.g. 'new DateConverter(fomat)' should be used, signature 'new DateConverter(format, locale)' is deprecated (Alexey Sergeev [email protected], 0132c17)
Removing unused babel configuration file (Alexey Sergeev [email protected], fb8594f)
Addig coveralls web service usage (Alexey Sergeev [email protected], 946c63a)
Update (Alexey Sergeev [email protected], 8e2abdd)
Adding CircleCI configuration files (Alexey Sergeev [email protected], c4c326a)
v1.0.15-rc.2 (Thu, 20 Jul 2017 09:55:44 GMT)
- Update (Alexey Sergeev [email protected], 8e1bcb3)
- Merge branch 'master' of (e4c8c00 2256e02, a651447)
- Refactor jdateformat parser module to return single function with could be invoked over passed moment instance to enhance it with the methods that support java formats. Refactor DateConverter tests. (Alexey Sergeev [email protected], e4c8c00)
- Update (Alexey Sergeev [email protected], 2256e02)
v1.0.15-rc.1 (Thu, 20 Jul 2017 07:28:57 GMT)
Updating (Alexey Sergeev [email protected], 5d68fb9)
Switch to plain/flat bundle structure (#6)
Redevelop getMessage method to support plain messages object structure e.g. message key/path 'a.b' would mean that message could be stored either by property named 'a.b' or using corresponding object path e.g. {a: {b: '..'}}
Depreacting old way of registering locale message bundles using structure:
[ {locales: ['en'], messages: {yes: 'jes'}} {locales: ['de'], messages: {yes: 'ja'}} ]
Use the following notation instead:
{ 'en': {yes: 'jes'}, 'de': {yes: 'ja'} }
Also constructor signature
new I18nManager(locale, localeBundles, localeFormattingInfo, fallbackLocale)
is deprecated , user the following constructor instead:
new I18nManager({locale, localeFormattingInfo, fallbackLocale})
message bundles registration should be done using 'register' method.
- Renaming goal 'testonly' to 'test-only'
- Fixing code styles. Updating dev dependencies. (Alexey Sergeev [email protected], 72851de)
v1.0.14 (Thu, 15 Jun 2017 10:44:19 GMT)
Merge pull request #3 from OpusCapita/issue/2
#2 i18nManager.getMessage("A B") can't get messages with spaces (e1978ab 114389a, 0338577)
#2 i18nManager.getMessage("A B") can't get messages with spaces (Kirill Volkovich [email protected], 114389a)
v1.0.13 (Mon, 29 May 2017 20:07:10 GMT)
- Updating project info after migration from OpusCapitaBES organization to OpusCapita (Alexey Sergeev [email protected], 5340b61)
v1.0.12 (Wed, 05 Apr 2017 13:09:00 GMT)
Freeze dependency version (Kirill Volkovich [email protected], ea90d02)
Add babel-plugin-lodash
It should reduce size of bundle and transpiled components (Kirill Volkovich [email protected], 58d53ef)
v1.0.11 (Tue, 04 Apr 2017 07:48:16 GMT)
- Fixed lodash version: 4.17.2 (Kirill Volkovich [email protected], bcbc96e)
v1.0.10 (Thu, 23 Mar 2017 11:03:55 GMT)
Path version (Kirill Volkovich [email protected], 2625970)
(RFQ-463) Fixed 'getMessage()' bug when only first arg occurence has been replaced (Kirill Volkovich [email protected], 13a8989)
Merge pull request #1 from amourzenkov-sc/patch-1
Minor wording corrections in (cf97cac 8d4ccde, 755a69b)
Minor wording corrections in (Andrei Mourzenkov [email protected], 8d4ccde)
v1.0.8 (Tue, 03 Jan 2017 10:44:59 GMT)
- (CMMN-5115) Fixed bug. (Dmitriy Sanko [email protected], f7d1c14)
- Fixing format number when numberDecimalSeparatorUseAlways=true (Dmitry Divin [email protected], c816ce9)
v1.0.7 (Thu, 15 Dec 2016 07:47:40 GMT)
- Fixed readme (kirillvolkovich [email protected], 1db6157)
v1.0.6 (Wed, 14 Dec 2016 14:43:19 GMT)
- 1.0.6 (kirillvolkovich [email protected], 1693655)
v1.0.5 (Wed, 14 Dec 2016 14:41:06 GMT)
- Moved '@opuscapita/npm-scripts' => 'opuscapita-npm-scripts (kirillvolkovich [email protected], 86cdd13)
v1.0.4 (Wed, 14 Dec 2016 14:11:13 GMT)
- Prepared to publish public to npm registry (kirillvolkovich [email protected], 9da7dc5)
- Added 'LICENSE' file (kirillvolkovich [email protected], c3e7cbf)
- Moved to Jenkinsfile buildprocess (kirillvolkovich [email protected], 0e807cd)
- Update (Kirill Volkovich [email protected], a2c1cd4)
- Update (Kirill Volkovich [email protected], b662ae6)
- Update (Daniel [email protected], fdc0973)
- Update (Daniel [email protected], 646da44)
- Fixed lint. (kirillvolkovich [email protected], 88d5e70)
v1.0.3 (Wed, 07 Dec 2016 09:46:40 GMT)
- Fixed build. (kirillvolkovich [email protected], b94db40)
v1.0.2 (Wed, 07 Dec 2016 08:49:45 GMT)
- 'moment-jdateformatparser' dependency moved to local. Purpose: 'yarn' 0.19.x package manager can't resolve dependencies with specified commit hash. (kirillvolkovich [email protected], a62d4de)
- Removed odd code. (volkovich [email protected], e27becf)
v1.0.1 (Sun, 27 Nov 2016 15:39:21 GMT)
- Fixed lint errors. (volkovich [email protected], 7ee0280)
- Fixed - DateConverter constructor call throws error if no
argument specified. (volkovich [email protected], 359b02e) - Fixed typos. (volkovich [email protected], 6bb6c1f)
- Improved test of DateConverter. (volkovich [email protected], 1073634)
- Fixed tests running. (volkovich [email protected], 09f68f6)
- Sorted dependny list by alphabet order. (volkovich [email protected], 52a4200)
- Update (Kirill Volkovich [email protected], f3d87d9)
- Update (Kirill Volkovich [email protected], 72a3555)
v1.0.0 (Fri, 25 Nov 2016 06:29:47 GMT)
Updgrading/adjusting dependencies. Set up new package name to @opuscapita/i18n and version to 1.0.0. Cleaup README and CHANGES. (Alexey Sergeev [email protected], 799a6f9)
Fixed NumberConverter bug when 'stringToValue' method returns string. (volkovich [email protected], d803295)
Improved tests of NumberConverter. (volkovich [email protected], 3a8972a)
Revert "Updated CHANGES.txt"
This reverts commit 175bd4d3aa5b23938d387fcdd32e66d8c8c8b6bc. (Alexey Sergeev [email protected], f21b4a7)
Updating to compatible dependency versions (Alexey Sergeev [email protected], 348dc3c)
Adding more tests. Adding test coverage monitoring (Alexey Sergeev [email protected], 72eab76)
Revert "Moved to the latest dependencies."
This reverts commit 96b5dc8069cff351bd94f219f09373ca4608c486. (Alexey Sergeev [email protected], 092562b)
Revert "Updated CHANGES.txt"
This reverts commit d481f93c3fd8d3d53967d806a6716cff9b159063. (Alexey Sergeev [email protected], d8e3fc0)
Moved to the latest dependencies. (Daniel Zhitomirsky [email protected], 96b5dc8)
(CMMN-5044) Cleaup code. Throwing TypeError in case when not a number is passed to NumberConverter.valueToString and when not a string is passed to NumberConverter.stringToValue, if null is passed null will be returted from both methods. (Alexey Sergeev [email protected], e252a41)
(CMMN-5044) Added throwing exception if integer number is too big. (volkovich [email protected], 837890d)
(CMMN-5044) Fixed problem when the integer part of number has 7 and more symbols. (volkovich [email protected], d0bf57c)
(CMMN-5044) Added tests for formatDecimalNumber method. (volkovich [email protected], c5b2936)
Fix version lodash (Dmitry Divin [email protected], 1db2d43)
Fixing lint (Dmitry Divin [email protected], f116672)
(CMMN-4989) Removing underscore with deps & moment-timezone (Dmitry Divin [email protected], 4c5e8b1)
Added dateTime pattern support (Sergey Korsik [email protected], d358a60)
Updated dev-tools version. (dzhitomirsky [email protected], c61043a)
Updating dev tools dependency (Dmitry Divin [email protected], af3d332)
Fixed version. (dzhitomirsky [email protected], 8858cee)
Removed odd dependency. (dzhitomirsky [email protected], de031de)
Refactored buil process. (dzhitomirsky [email protected], d6ea90f)
Updating dependencies (Alexey Sergeev [email protected], 9305859)
Updating version (Dmitry Divin [email protected], 98f53ca)
Using release version of eslint-config-jcatalog module (Alexey Sergeev [email protected], b634635)
Apply jcatalog ESLint styles. (Alexey Sergeev [email protected], 675380d)
Set up new '1.2.0' version after release (Alexey Sergeev [email protected], 985eca1)
(PIM-10996) Added name field for ParseError (Michael Pritchin [email protected], 4c2e679)
Rollback changes (Dmitry Divin [email protected], 96a9164)
Fixing publish dev (Dmitry Divin [email protected], 9149414)
Updating package.json (Dmitry Divin [email protected], a4665ed)
Cleaning code (Dmitry Divin [email protected], ff7180e)
Updating version (Dmitry Divin [email protected], 103907e)
Fixing index.js (Dmitry Divin [email protected], 6885f57)
Updating version (Dmitry Divin [email protected], edef343)
Updating package.json (Dmitry Divin [email protected], 404611d)
(CMMN-4795) Implementing build process for npm module (Dmitry Divin [email protected], efe9ab7)
Set up 0.1.0-SNAPSHOT version (Alexey Sergeev [email protected], bacf173)
Set up 0.1.0 version (Alexey Sergeev [email protected], 3df5ac8)
8.0.1-0 (Alexey Sergeev [email protected], 132635e)
Setup engines versions (Alexey Sergeev [email protected], a1f5038)
Fixing build (Alexey Sergeev [email protected], 4a8d884)
Using fixed dependency version. Use LTS node/npm engines. (Alexey Sergeev [email protected], 201da19)
Fixed browserify build. (Eugene Viktarovich [email protected], 2e6ac73)
Reimplemented webpack workflow. (Eugene Viktarovich [email protected], 92d9779)
(PIM-10743) Fixed package.json (Michael Pritchin [email protected], 7eefc06)
(PIM-10743) Fixed package.json (Michael Pritchin [email protected], 464d9c4)
Revert changes. (Eugene Viktarovich [email protected], 4af5182)
Disabled dependent branch build. (Eugene Viktarovich [email protected], ab5bd4b)
Reimplemented build process using webpack. (Eugene Viktarovich [email protected], 8295e3a)
Revert "Reimplemented build process using webpack."
This reverts commit bd3c7b0ec4d4464663fff76307a57c196dc9fd96. (Eugene Viktarovich [email protected], ca26a86)
Reimplemented build process using webpack. (Eugene Viktarovich [email protected], bd3c7b0)
Merge branch 'master' of (3e2eab5 a238f92, fdfd4ad)
Remove react dependency (Dmitry Divin [email protected], 3e2eab5)
Updating test (Dmitry Divin [email protected], 3bcc461)
(CMMN-4674) Fixed I18nManager problem. (dzhitomirsky [email protected], a238f92)
(PIM-10743) Fixed package.json (Michael Pritchin [email protected], 361bcb6)
(CMMN-4660) Refacotring code rename fields in format info (Dmitry Divin [email protected], 6a216f4)
(CMMN-4660) Fixing formating decimal value (Dmitry Divin [email protected], e7e1115)
(CMMN-4660) Implementing decimalSeparatorUseAlways format patterns parementer (Dmitry Divin [email protected], 3cf5a06)
(PIM-10630) Fix for NumberConverter: valueToString returns as-is value, if it is string (Alexander Benderski [email protected], e5928a5)
(CMMN-4622) Advancing project version to the next development - 7.18-SNAPSHOT (ifursik [email protected], 09c3547)
(CMMN-4622) Releasing 7.18.m2 version (ifursik [email protected], b16b21c)
(CMMN-4609) Implemented i18nManager fallback logic. (dzhitomirsky [email protected], 5cccd7d)
(PRJ-17902) Advancing project version to the next development - 7.18-SNAPSHOT (evgeny [email protected], f0be685)
(PRJ-17902) Releasing 7.18.m1 version (evgeny [email protected], b79f23b)
Fixed formatting numbers (case of not using decimal separator) (Alexander Benderski [email protected], 1bb4438)
Changed returning from NumberConverter value form Object (Number) to primitive (Alexander Benderski [email protected], 9187c49)
(PIM-10624) Adjusted setting for building grails plugin (Michael Pritchin [email protected], dfb2298)
Fixing problems with IE compatibility. (dzhitomirsky [email protected], 5bd7978)
Fixed I18nManager to be compatible with IE. (dzhitomirsky [email protected], 9ce713a)
Fixing parsing exception (Dmitry Divin [email protected], 0138e88)
Fixing convert empty value to date (Dmitry Divin [email protected], c3a0e39)
Fixing undefined param value when get message with null params (Dmitry Divin [email protected], 71b1d28)
Supporting formatted messages (Dmitry Divin [email protected], 2ea3e9f)
Fixing convert string to number in case if value is null (Dmitry Divin [email protected], cf9b39e)
Adding .babelrc (Dmitry Divin [email protected], 106d46f)
Adding getter dateFomrat to I18nManager (Dmitry Divin [email protected], bbdd0d6)
Fixing module name (Dmitry Divin [email protected], 3a352b0)
Fixing module name (Dmitry Divin [email protected], 2593c68)
Moving depends on i18n classes to new repo (Dmitry Divin [email protected], 671ad11)