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Writing a watcher

This tutorial will guide you through the steps to create a shell specific watcher.

Table of Contents



Writing a shell specific watcher is rather easy. The hardest part of it is to actually get the data you want, sending the event is equivalent to writing to a named pipe (which is pretty similar to writing to a file).

Here is some pseudo code which should cover the generic structure. I recommend to start based of this and if some questions remain, either look at a real example (aw-watcher-bash), sneak peek into the documentation below, or file an issue.

// This function handles event calls
function send_aw_watcher_event(event_args) {
    // Base args are required for all events
    var base_args = [
        '--pid "1234"',
        '--shell "nutshell"',
        '--time "2006-08-14T02:34:56-06:00"', // time in iso8601 format
        '--path "/home/me/my_dir/"',
        '--send-heartbeat' // (Optional) If this flag is passed, the watcher will keep track of the activity in a separate bucket

    var message = str(base_args + event_args)
    message = escape_double_quotes_and_backslashes(message)
    // message could look like:
    // "--pid \"1234\" --shell \"bash\" --path \"/home/me/Documents\" --time \"2006-08-14T02:34:56-06:00\" --event \"preexec\" --command \"echo \\\"Hello world\\\"\""

    // HOME/.local/share represents the data dir. If you have a more cross-platform solution, then use it.
    fifo_path = "HOME/.local/share/activitywatch/aw-watcher-terminal/aw-watcher-terminal-fifo"

    // Writing to a named pipe can stall the process, so make at least this operation asynchronous
    asynchronously write(message).to(fifo_path)

// You will need to somehow set up following hooks in your shell. See "Listening for events" if you have no idea how this could work.
preopen() {
    send_aw_watcher_event('--event "preopen"')
preexec() {
    command = get_command_which_will_be_executed()
    send_aw_watcher_event('--event "preexec"', `--command "${command}"`)
precmd() {
    exit_code = get_exit_code_from_last_command()
    send_aw_watcher_event('--event "precmd"', `--exit-code "${exit_code}"`)
preclose() {
    send_aw_watcher_event('--event "preclose"')

Sending events

To send events to the aw-watcher-terminal you will need to write a message to a named pipe (also called fifo). It will look similar to this:

echo "$message" > "$fifo";

Keep in mind, that the message should be escaped properly. You will need to add a \ in front of every " and \.

# Following command
echo "He said \"Let's go\""
# should be escaped like
"echo \"He said \\\"Let's go\\\"\""

Event types

The aw-watcher-terminal can receive several event types. It is recommended to set up hooks for all events, yet it also works only with preexec events. Following events can be received:

preopen: Send this while/before opening a new terminal

preexec event: Send this before executing a command

precmd event: Send this before the command prompt (or when the previous command has finished)

preclose event: Send this before closing a terminal

Message structure

The aw-watcher-terminal can receive several types of event types. Depending on the event type the message my vary a bit.

Base message

These arguments are required for all event types:

  • --pid The process id of the terminal
  • --shell The shell name which processes the command
  • --path The current path
  • --time The current time in iso8601 format
  • --event The event to trigger (e.g. 'preexec')

Optional flags:

  • --send-heartbeat Pass this flag if you also want to send heartbeats to a separate bucket

preopen message

  • --event preopen

preexec message

  • --event preexec
  • --command The command which got executed

precmd message

  • --event precmd
  • --exit-code The exit code of the previous command

preclose message

  • --event preclose


base_args="--pid \"1234\" --shell \"bash\" --path \"/home/me/Documents\" --time \"2006-08-14T02:34:56-06:00\""
preopen_msg="$base_args --event \"preopen\""
preexec_msg="$base_args --event \"preexec\" --command \"He said \\\"Hey you!\\\" and waved his hands.\""
precmd_msg="$base_args --event \"precmd\" --exit-code \"0\""
preclose_msg="$base_args --event \"preclose\""

messages=("$preopen_msg" "$preexec_msg" "$precmd_msg" "$preclose_msg")

echo "$preopen_msg" > "$fifo_path"
# Note: Following would fail as using exact the same timestamps for multiple events is unsupported
# do
#   echo "$message" > "$fifo_path"
# done

Listening for events

This strongly depends on the shell you use, so you will have to do some research for that on your own (or ask for help in the issues).

Setting up the hooks

preopen hook

Most shell provide a way to listen to terminal startups. For example, in bash the file .bashrc is called every time before starting bash. For cmd you could specify a init script in the Auto-Run registry key.

preexec and precmd hook

Some shells have in-builds for this (e.g. zsh with preexec and precmd), others can easily be extended (e.g. bash with bash-preexec), and for some this may be a bit harder or not possible at all. Maybe you can also listen for changes to the command history file (if existing) and with information call preexec. If none of these works, making a watcher for this shell is likely not possible (feel free to file an issue for help).

preclose hook

In some shells you can do this with the trap command, others probably have an in-built command for that. If none of these is available you could try to check if this specific process ended in an interval or set up a listener (But this seems a bit overkill).


Asynchronously sending events

To prevent the terminal from stalling, it is recommended to send events in a background task. Please note, that writing to the fifo may stall until the fifo is read. So for the case, that aw-watcher-terminal is currently inactive consider killing the background tasks after some delay.

Create a common event handler for all events

If you create an event handler which all event hooks use, you can more easily keep it DRY. The event handler could take care of creating the base arguments, escaping the quotes and backslashes and finally sending the event asynchronously.

precmd() {
    send_aw_watcher_bash_event 'precmd' "$?"
aw-watcher-terminal-preclose() {
    send_aw_watcher_bash_event 'preclose'

Use aw-watcher-bash if supported

If bash is installed on the system you could use as an event handler to simplify things. You can find it here.