This repository contains the lab reports for the 6th semester of my Integrated MSc at the National Institute of Science Education and Research (NISER), Bhubaneswar, India. We had two lab courses in the 6th semester, namely:
- Nuclear Physics Lab
- Solid State Physics Lab
We had to write Lab Reports for the experiments in these courses. The reports were written in LaTeX. The reports are available in the following directories:
- Experiment 1: G.M. 1: Basics of GM Counter-Characteristics and Counting Statistics.
- Experiment 2: G.M. 2: Application of GM Counter
- Experiment 3: Study of Gamma Ray Spectroscopy by SCA and MCA
- Experiment 4: Study of Gamma-Gamma Coincidence using Na-22
- Experiment 5: Study of Rutherford Scattering
- Experiment 6: ADC-DAC Circuit
- Experiment 7: ADC-DAC 2
- Experiment 8: Compton Scattering
- Experiment 1: Measurement of resistivity and determination of band gap using Four-Probe method
- Experiment 2: Bandgap measurement by Uv-Vis Spectroscopy and analysis of band structure
- Experiment 3: Hall effect of semiconductors
- Experiment 4: Studying Magnetoresistance And Hall Effect Of Bismuth
- Experiment 5: Study Of Lattice Vibrations Using Analogous Electronic Circuits
- Experiment 6: Study of phase transition in BaTiO3
- Experiment 7: Study of the I-V Characteristics of a Solar Cell
- Experiment 8: Study of the C-V Characteristics of a Solar Cell
- Experiment 9: SeeLab 1
- Experiment 10: SeeLab 2