title | layout |
introduction |
base |
In this section, we explain how to get started with the dataset and modeling. For ease all the necessary element and codes are put into one python library called - phyaat. Here we explain the functionalities that Phyaat library has with possible tuning the process of preprocessing and feature extractions. To start with a quick exmaple to preditive modeling check the Predictive Modeling tab.
For quick start with predictive modeling, check EXAMPLE CODE
Table of Contents
- 1. Install Library
- 2. Download dataset
- 3. Preprocessing
- 4. Extract X,y for a task Rhythmic Features
- 5. Predictive Modelling
- 6. Extracting LWR segments for extranal processing
First install the python library
pip install phyaat
import phyaat
print('Version :' ,phyaat.__version__)
import phyaat as ph
To download data set of only one subject with subject id=1 (subject=1), use following code. Here baseDir = '../PhyAAt_Data' is path where data will be downloaded and stored. Make sure you have permission to write in given path.
dirPath = ph.download_data(baseDir='../PhyAAt_Data', subject=1,verbose=0,overwrite=False)
#returns a dictionary containing file names of all the subjects available in baseDir
SubID = ph.ReadFilesPath(dirPath)
# list of all the subjects in the dataset directory
dirPath = ph.download_data(baseDir='../PhyAAt_Data', subject=-1,verbose=0,overwrite=False)
#Check the humber of subjects are in directory - read the file path of all the subjects available
baseDir='../PhyAAt_Data' # or dirPath return path from above
#returns a dictionary containing file names of all the subjects available in baseDir
SubID = ph.ReadFilesPath(baseDir)
# list of all the subjects in the dataset directory
#Creat an object holding data of a subjects
Subj = ph.Subject(SubID[1])
This is very standard to remove any dc component and drift in the signal
#filtering with highpass filter of cutoff frequency 0.5Hz
Subj.filter_EEG(band =[0.5],btype='highpass',order=5)
Filtering with custum range of feequecy should be between 0-64Hz
To analyse EEG in particulare band of frequency, such as for ERP analysis, you might need to apply for custom range of frequency band.
Lowpass filter
#filtering with lowpass filter
Subj.filter_EEG(band =[30],btype='lowpass',order=5)
Bandpass filter
#filtering with bandpass filter Theta
Subj.filter_EEG(band =[4,8],btype='bandpass',order=5)
Filter settings
#method = 'lfilter' # 'filtfilt', 'SOS'
#useRaw=False # if True, it will use raw eeg and overwirte old processed EEG
Subj.filter_EEG(band =[0.5],btype='highpass',order=5,method='lfilter',fs=128.0,verbose=0,use_joblib=False,n_jobs=-1,useRaw=False)
# with window size =128 (1 sec, recommonded). To save time, use winsize=128*10, 10 sec window
Subj.correct(method='ATAR',verbose=1,winsize=128, wv='db3', thr_method='ipr', OptMode='soft',beta=0.1)
# check all the parameters for ATAR
Tune the parameters of ATAR algorithm: Mostly, we tune beta,
Subj.correct(method='ATAR',verbose=1,winsize=128, wv='db3', thr_method='ipr', OptMode=OptMode,beta=beta)
#check all the parameters here
# with window size =128 (1 sec, recommonded). To save time, use winsize=128*10, 10 sec window
Change parameters of ICA based artifact Removal
KurThr = 2
Corr = 0.8
ICAMed = 'extended-infomax' #picard, fastICA
ICAMed=ICAMed,verbose=0, window=['hamming',True],
#check all the parameters here
# Task 4: LWR classification
X_train,y_train, X_test,y_test = Subj.getXy_eeg(task=4)
print('DataShape: ',X_train.shape,y_train.shape,X_test.shape, y_test.shape)
print('\nClass labels :',np.unique(y_train))
# Task 1: Attention Score Prediction
X_train,y_train, X_test,y_test = Subj.getXy_eeg(task=1)
print('DataShape: ',X_train.shape,y_train.shape,X_test.shape, y_test.shape)
print('\nlabels :',np.unique(y_train))
# Task 2: Noise Level Predicition
X_train,y_train, X_test,y_test = Subj.getXy_eeg(task=2)
print('DataShape: ',X_train.shape,y_train.shape,X_test.shape, y_test.shape)
print('\nlabels :',np.unique(y_train))
# Task 3: Semanticity Classification
X_train,y_train, X_test,y_test = Subj.getXy_eeg(task=3)
print('DataShape: ',X_train.shape,y_train.shape,X_test.shape, y_test.shape)
print('\nClass labels :',np.unique(y_train))
#If features are extracted for task 1, 2 or 3 (listening segments)
# next time while extracting won't compute features again, unless redo=True
winsize=128 # 1 sec window
hopesize=32 # 0.25 shift for next window, if None, overlape is half of windowsize
X_train,y_train, X_test,y_test = Subj.getXy_eeg(task=1, features='rhythmic',
winsize=winsize, hopesize=hopesize)
print('DataShape: ',X_train.shape,y_train.shape,X_test.shape, y_test.shape)
print('\nClass labels :',np.unique(y_train))
X_train,y_train, X_test,y_test = Subj.getXy_eeg(task=1, features='rhythmic',
winsize=winsize, hopesize=hopesize,split='random')
print('DataShape: ',X_train.shape,y_train.shape,X_test.shape, y_test.shape)
print('\nClass labels :',np.unique(y_train))
X_train,y_train, X_test,y_test = Subj.getXy_eeg(task=1, features='rhythmic', eSample=[0, 0], verbose=1, redo=False, split='serial', splitAt=100, normalize=False, log10p1=True, flat=True, filter_order=5, method='welch', window='hann', scaling='density', detrend='constant', period_average='mean', winsize=-1, hopesize=None)
#Check help print(ph.Subject.getXy_eeg)
<h4 class="no-bg">4.4 Extracting EEG Features with custom frequency bands</h4>
* **[https://phyaat.github.io/modeling/8_Custom_Freq_Bands](https://phyaat.github.io/modeling/8_Custom_Freq_Bands)**
fBands = [[None,8],[8,24],[24,32]]
X_train,y_train, X_test,y_test = Subj.getXy_eeg(task=1, redo=True,normalize=False, log10p1=True,
flat=False, filter_order=5, filter_method='SOS', method='welch', window='hann',
scaling='density', detrend='constant', period_average='mean',
fBands=fBands, Sum=True, Mean=False, SD=False,verbose=0,
#Check help
Once you have X_train,y_train, X_test,y_test
, it is easy to apply any ML or DL model to train and test. Here is a simple example of SVM. For more details on other models, check here - Predictive Modeling Examples
# Normalization - SVM works well with normalized features
means = X_train.mean(0)
std = X_train.std(0)
X_train = (X_train-means)/std
X_test = (X_test-means)/std
# Training
clf = svm.SVC(kernel='rbf', C=1,gamma='auto')
# Predition
ytp = clf.predict(X_train)
ysp = clf.predict(X_test)
# Evaluation
print('Training Accuracy:',np.mean(y_train==ytp))
print('Testing Accuracy:',np.mean(y_test==ysp))
L,W,R, Scores, Cols = Subj.getLWR()
Check here - code for using extracting signals and processing with external libraries