The Helm charts for deploying the AI Service. There are two charts for deploying the Ai Service and ChromaDB containers. The ChromaDB chart is a dependency for the Ai Service chart.
- In the kubernetes cluster, the following resources should be available:
instance type for the Ai Service container. Or change the instance type in the values.yaml file.- The Ai Service container/pod should be able to connect the Andromeda service.
- The Nvidia GPU driver should be installed in the node.
- The nvidia-device-plugin should be installed in the cluster.
kubectl get nodes ",GPU:.status.allocatable.nvidia\.com/gpu"
to confirm the GPU availability.
- In the values.yaml file, verify the following attributes:
- Update the following environment variables for the Ai Service container as needed
- AI_SERVICE_ANDROMEDA_HOST: "http://andromeda-service.privado.svc.cluster.local:6001"
- CHROMA_HOST: "ai-service-chroma-chromadb.privado.svc.cluster.local"
- Without any port, the default port (8000) is used.
- Without the 'http://' prefix.
- NodeSelector configuration g5.xlarge
update the instance type as needed.- A GPU core with 24GB+ vRAM is a requirement to deploy the Ai Service container.
- Persistent Volume configuration
- Update the storage class name as needed.
- Update the storage size as needed.
- [Optional] Update the AWS credentials to provide the access key and secret key.
- Update the following environment variables for the Ai Service container as needed
- Updating values.yaml with Instead of manually editing the values.yaml file, the script can be
used to set the necessary values.
- To run the script:
- The script will prompt you for various values. If you do not provide a new value, the default value will be used. The script will update the values.yaml file with the provided values, ensuring that all necessary configurations are set correctly. It is also keep a backup of the original values.yaml file. If you want to revert to the original values.yaml file (or run this script again), you can use the backup file.
- To run the script:
- Adding custom annotations and labels. If you want to add custom annotations and labels to the Ai Service pod, you
can do so by updating the values.yaml file. The annotations and labels are added to the pod spec in the deployment
template. You can add the annotations and labels under the
sections in the values.yaml file. The annotations and labels should be in key-value format. For example:annotations: key1: value1 key2: value2 labels: key1: value1 key2: value2
- Install ChromaDb helm chart before installing the Ai Service chart using the following commands:
helm repo add chroma
helm repo update
helm search repo chroma/
kubectl create namespace privado
helm install ai-service-chroma chroma/chromadb -n privado --set chromadb.allowReset="true" --set chromadb.auth.enabled="false" --set chromadb.serverHost="chromadb"
Following steps will deploy ai-service chart:
kubectl config current-context
to verify the kubectl context.helm package .
to package the Ai Service chart.helm install ai-service ai-service-0.1.0.tgz -n privado
to install the Ai Service chart.
Following steps will verify the installation of ai-service chart:
kubectl -n privado get pods
to verify the Ai Service pods are running.kubectl -n privado logs -f <pod-name>
to view the container logs of the Ai Service pod.kubectl -n privado exec -it <pod-name> -- /bin/bash
to access the Ai Service container shell.tais
to view the ai-service logs. Following like should be visible:GET / => generated X bytes in Y msecs (HTTP/1.1 200) 8 headers in Z bytes
to verify the workers are running. 2 nodes should be online.
Following steps will verify successful integration with Privado backend:
- Login to the Privado dashboard.
- Navigate to the "Contract Scanning" menu
- Upload a DPA (Data Protection Agreement) pdf. Any public DPA is fine.
- Verify that the DPA is scanned and the results are displayed in the dashboard.
Following steps will uninstall ai-service chart:
helm uninstall ai-service -n privado
to uninstall the Ai Service chart.helm uninstall ai-service-chroma -n privado
to uninstall the ChromaDB chart.