diff --git a/mv2-archive/readme.md b/mv2-archive/readme.md
index 01c8495bfb..6329281b24 100644
--- a/mv2-archive/readme.md
+++ b/mv2-archive/readme.md
@@ -91,8 +91,7 @@ Sample | Calls
[WebView Extension Communications Demo: App](api/webview/comm_demo_app)
[WebView Extension Communications Demo: Extension](api/webview/comm_demo_ext)
Provides content scripts to an app hosting a WebView. | - runtime.id
- runtime.onConnectExternal
[Merge Windows](api/windows/merge_windows)
Merges all of the browser's windows into the current window | - browserAction.onClicked
- tabs.getAllInWindow
- tabs.move
- windows.getAll
- windows.getCurrent
-[Simple Background App](apps/background-simple)
A simple calculator. |
+[Chrome Apps](../apps)
A collection of samples demonstrating the Chrome App platform. |
[App Launcher](extensions/app_launcher)
Get access to your apps in a browser action | - extension.getURL
- management.getAll
- management.launchApp
- tabs.create
[Chromium Buildbot Monitor](extensions/buildbot)
Displays the status of the Chromium buildbot in the toolbar. Click to see more detailed status in a popup. | - browserAction.setBadgeBackgroundColor
- browserAction.setBadgeText
- browserAction.setTitle
- extension.getBackgroundPage
- extension.getURL
- extension.getViews
- storage.StorageArea.get
- storage.StorageArea.set
[Google Calendar Checker (by Google)](extensions/calendar)
Quickly see the time until your next meeting from any of your calendars. Click on the button to be taken to your calendar. | - browserAction.onClicked
- browserAction.setBadgeBackgroundColor
- browserAction.setBadgeText
- i18n.getMessage
- management.uninstallSelf
- notifications.clear
- notifications.create
- notifications.onButtonClicked
- notifications.onClicked
- runtime.getURL
- runtime.id
- runtime.onInstalled
- tabs.create