MINIMUM CONFIG REQUIRED : 2 cores and 4 GB of memory
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A server-based application for browsing, organizing and sharing your personal photo collection.
Project homepage :
Based on the docker image :
The installation of this add-on is pretty straightforward and not different in comparison to installing any other add-on.
- Add my add-ons repository to your instance.
- Install this add-on.
- Click the
button to store your configuration. - Start the add-on.
- Check the logs of the add-on to see if everything went well.
- Carefully configure the add-on to your preferences, see the official documentation for for that.
Webui can be found at http://your-ip:2342
localdisks: sda1 #put the hardware name of your drive to mount separated by commas, or its label. Ex: sda1, sdb1, MYNAS...
networkdisks: "//SERVER/SHARE" # optional, list of smb servers to mount, separated by commas
cifsusername: "username" # optional, smb username, same for all smb shares
cifspassword: "password" # optional, smb password
cifsdomain: "domain" # optional, allow setting the domain for the smb share
UPLOAD_NSFW: "true" allow uploads that may be offensive
STORAGE_PATH: "/share/photoprism/storage" # storage PATH for cache, database and sidecar files
ORIGINALS_PATH: "/share/photoprism/originals" # originals PATH containing your photo and video collection
IMPORT_PATH: "/share/photoprism/import" # PATH for importing files to originals
BACKUP_PATH: "/share/photoprism/backup" # backup storage PATH
CUSTOM_OPTIONS: "--site-title HA_Photoprism" # custom options from
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