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cryptofuzz python cryptography library


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Installing & Quick Use


On Windows, you can install CryptoFuzz using the following pip command:

pip install --upgrade cryptofuzz

Linux & Mac

On Linux and macOS, you should use pip3 for installation:

pip3 install --upgrade cryptofuzz


To use the latest version from the source, you can clone the CryptoFuzz repository:

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
  1. Navigate to the cloned directory:
cd cryptofuzz
  1. Install the package:


You can either run the install.bat or install command:

# or

Linux & Mac

On Linux and Mac, you can use the following commands to install:

# or simply:

Note: If you face any permission issues on Linux, make the script executable using:

sudo chmod +x

Add New Class For Generate and Convert TON Address.

  • cryptofuzz.Ton
  • cryptofuzz.Ton.privatekey_to_address
  • cryptofuzz.Ton.mnemonic_to_address
  • cryptofuzz.Ton.decimal_to_address
  • cryptofuzz.Ton.publickey_to_address
  • cryptofuzz.Ton.raw_address

Add Function for Convert Private Key To Hex Address TRON :

  • cryptofuzz.hd.Tron.bytes_to_addr
  • cryptofuzz.hd.Tron.bytes_to_hex_addr
  • cryptofuzz.hd.Tron.pvk_to_hex_addr

Add Function for Convert Decimal Number to Tron Address :

  • cryptofuzz.hd.Tron.dec_to_addr

Add Function for checking mnemonic standard type :

  • cryptofuzz.utils.is_mnemonic
from cryptofuzz import Convertor

cn = Convertor()
isValid = cn.is_mnemonic("abandon ... help abandon flower")  # Mnemonic 12/18/24

Add Short Key (Mini Private Key) Converter for bitcoin wallet. (Mini Private Key : More Detail's)

Short Key Like: S6c56bnXQiBjk9mqSYE7ykVQ7NzrRy

  • Convert Short Key To Private Key (hex).
  • Convert Short Key To Seed (bytes)
  • Convert Short Key To Wif Compress and Uncompress.
  • Convert Short Key To Decimal Number.

Private Key

More details about private key convert in python with cryptofuzz : cryptofuzz/Example/Privatekey

from cryptofuzz import Convertor, Generator

# // Convertor and Generator Shortcut
conv = Convertor()
gen = Generator()
# // Generate private key
privatekey = gen.generate_private_key()
# // Convert private key To bytes
seed = conv.hex_to_bytes(privatekey)
# // Convert private key To mnemonic
mnemonic = conv.hex_to_mne(privatekey)
# // Convert private key To wif compress
wif_compress = conv.hex_to_wif(privatekey, True)
# // Convert private key To wif uncompress
wif_uncompress = conv.hex_to_wif(privatekey, False)
# // Convert private key To decimal number
dec = conv.hex_to_int(privatekey)
# // Convert private key To binary
binary_str = conv.hex_to_binary(privatekey)
# // Convert private key To xprv
xprv = conv.hex_to_xprv(privatekey)
# // Convert private key To xpub
xpub = conv.hex_to_xpub(privatekey)
# // Convert private key To compress address
compress_address = conv.hex_to_addr(privatekey, True)
# // Convert private key To uncompress address
uncompress_address = conv.hex_to_addr(privatekey, False)


Convert From Wif ( More detail and Example )

import os
from cryptofuzz import Convertor

conv = Convertor()

# // generate byte
byte = os.urandom(32)
# // convert Byte To wif
wif = conv.bytes_to_wif(byte)
# // wif to mnemonic
mnemonic = conv.wif_to_mne(wif)
# // Convert Wif To Hex
privatekey = conv.wif_to_hex(wif)
# // Convert bytes To WIF Uncompress
wif_uncompress = conv.bytes_to_wif(byte, False)
# // Convert Wif To Decimal Number
dec = conv.wif_to_int(wif)
# // Convert Wif To Binary
binary_str = conv.wif_to_binary(wif)
# // Convert Wif To xprv
xprv = conv.wif_to_xprv(wif)
# // Convert Wif To xpub
xpub = conv.wif_to_xpub(wif)
# // Convert Wif To compress address
compress_address = conv.wif_to_addr(wif, True)
# // Convert Wif To uncompress address
uncompress_address = conv.wif_to_addr(wif, False)


Convert From Mnemonic (BIP39) ( More Detail )

from cryptofuzz import Convertor, Generator

conv = Convertor()
gen = Generator()

# Generate Mnemonic
mnemonic = gen.generate_mnemonic(12)
# Convert Mnemonic To Seed Bytes
seed = conv.mne_to_bytes(mnemonic)
# Convert Mnemonic To Hex
privatekey = conv.mne_to_hex(mnemonic)
# Convert Mnemonic To WIF Compress
wif_compress = conv.mne_to_wif(mnemonic, True)
# Convert Mnemonic To WIF Uncompress
wif_uncompress = conv.mne_to_wif(mnemonic, False)
# Convert Mnemonic To Decimal Number
dec = conv.mne_to_int(mnemonic)
# Convert Mnemonic To Binary
binary_str = conv.mne_to_binary(mnemonic)
# Convert Mnemonic To xprv
xprv = conv.mne_to_xprv(mnemonic)
# Convert Mnemonic To xpub
xpub = conv.mne_to_xpub(mnemonic)
# Convert Mnemonic To compress address
compress_address = conv.mne_to_addr(mnemonic, True)
# Convert Mnemonic To uncompress address
uncompress_address = conv.mne_to_addr(mnemonic, False)


Convert From Decimal (Number) ( More Detail )

from cryptofuzz import Convertor, Generator

conv = Convertor()
gen = Generator()

# generate random number decimal
dec = gen.generate_decimal()
# decimal to mnemonic
mnemonic = conv.int_to_mnemonic(dec)
# Convert decimal To Hex
privatekey = conv.int_to_hex(dec)
# Convert decimal To WIF Compress
wif_compress = conv.int_to_wif(dec, True)
# Convert decimal To WIF Uncompress
wif_uncompress = conv.int_to_wif(dec, False)
# Convert Wif To Binary
binary_str = conv.int_to_binary(dec)
# Convert Wif To xprv
xprv = conv.int_to_xprv(dec)
# Convert Wif To xpub
xpub = conv.int_to_xpub(dec)
# Convert Wif To compress address
compress_address = conv.int_to_addr(dec, True)
# Convert Wif To uncompress address
uncompress_address = conv.int_to_addr(dec, False)


read block data from block file (bitcoin core sync data file's) [ blk00001.dat ]

from cryptofuzz import block
import os

# path block file
path_data = os.path.join("BITCOIN_CORE_SYNC_BLOCK_FOLDER")
block_path = os.path.join(path_data, "blk00001.dat")  # first block file sync
# full block data
block_data = block.reader(block_path) 

Command-Line Usage

After installing the cryptofuzz package, you can use the cryptofuzz command-line tool to perform various cryptographic operations directly from your terminal.


Here are some examples demonstrating how to use the cryptofuzz command-line tool:

Generate a New Private Key

cryptofuzz --privatekey


Generating a new private key...
Private Key (Hex): 0x1e99423a4ed27608a15a2616c1...
WIF: L5BmW3B5xBv...
Public Key: 04a34b...
Bitcoin Address (P2PKH): 1BoatSLRHtKNngkdXEeobR76b53LETtpyT
Ethereum Address: 0x742d35Cc6634C0532925a3b844Bc454e4438f44e

Generate a New Mnemonic Phrase

cryptofuzz --mnemonic


Generating a new mnemonic phrase...
Mnemonic: abandon amount liar amount expire adjust cage candy arch gather drum buyer
Seed: 5eb00bbddcf069084889a8ab9155568165f5c0...
Private Key: 0x8f2a559490...
Public Key: 04bfcab...
Bitcoin Address (P2PKH): 1HZwkCg...
Ethereum Address: 0xAb5801a7...

Convert Private Key to Bitcoin Addresses

cryptofuzz --bitcoin


Converting private key to Bitcoin addresses...
Private Key (Hex): 0x1e99423a4ed27608a15a2616c1...
P2PKH Address: 1BoatSLRHtKNngkdXEeobR76b53LETtpyT
P2SH Address: 3J98t1WpEZ73CNmQviecrnyiWrnqRhWNLy
Bech32 Address: bc1qw508d6qejxtdg4y5r3zarvary0c5xw7kygt080

Display Example Usages

cryptofuzz --example


Cryptofuzz Usage Examples:

1. Generate a new private key:
   cryptofuzz --privatekey

2. Generate a new mnemonic phrase:
   cryptofuzz --mnemonic

3. Convert a private key to Ethereum address:
   cryptofuzz --ethereum

4. Display help information:
   cryptofuzz --help

Handling Incorrect Commands

If you enter an incorrect or unsupported command, cryptofuzz will suggest the closest matching command or prompt you to view the help documentation.


cryptofuzz --bitcon


Unknown command '--bitcon'.
Did you mean '--bitcoin'?
For a list of available commands, type: cryptofuzz --help

Display Help Information

To view detailed help information about all available commands, use the --help flag:

cryptofuzz --help


usage: cryptofuzz [OPTIONS]

Example Cryptofuzz Operations

optional arguments:

  • -h, --help show this help message and exit
  • -p, --privatekey Generate a new private key and display associated data.
  • -m, --mnemonic Generate a new mnemonic phrase and display associated data.
  • -b, --bytes Generate a random byte sequence and display associated data.
  • -bin, --binary Generate a random binary string and display associated data.
  • -x, --xprv Generate a new extended private key (XPRV) and display associated data.
  • -d, --decimal Generate a random decimal number and display associated data.
  • -w, --wif Generate a new WIF key and display associated data.
  • -btc, --bitcoin Convert a private key to Bitcoin addresses.
  • -eth, --ethereum Convert a private key to an Ethereum address.
  • -dash, --dash Convert a private key to a Dash address.
  • -ltc, --litecoin Convert a private key to Litecoin addresses.
  • -doge, --dogecoin Convert a private key to a Dogecoin address.
  • -btg, --bitcoingold Convert a private key to a Bitcoin Gold address.
  • -qtum, --qtum Convert a private key to a Qtum address.
  • -zcash, --zcash Convert a private key to a Zcash address.
  • -rvn, --ravencoin Convert a private key to a Ravencoin address.
  • -ex, --example Display example usages of different commands.


Programmer & Owner : Mr. PyMmdrza

Email : [email protected]

Github: cryptofuzz/cryptofuzz

Document: cryptofuzz


Bitcoin (BTC): 1MMDRZA12xdBLD1P5AfEfvEMErp588vmF9

Ethereum & USDT (ERC20): 0x348e3C3b17784AafD7dB67d011b85F838F16E2D1


Litecoin (LTC): ltc1qtgvxc6na9pxvznu05yys3j5rq9ej6kahe2j50v