If REAPER is run from the command line with an unrecognized parameter (like 'reaper -?' for example) the command line help will be displayed, including documentation for the -batchconvert file list (source).
reaper.exe [options] [projectfile.rpp | mediafile.wav | scriptfile.lua [...]] | fxchainpreset.RfxChain | vstbank.fxb | vstpatch.fxp | vstpatch.vstpreset
Multiple media files and/or scripts may be specified, and will be added or run in order. -nonewinst can be used to add media files and/or run scripts in an already-running instance of REAPER.
FX chain, VST plugin bank and preset will be applied to a new automatically added track. The bank/preset will trigger instantiation of the compatible plugin on the newly added track. The feature is supported since build 6.43.
Passing both project/template and a media file isn't supported as of Oct 10, 2021 (see Limitations below).
Since build 6.80 passing either project/template or a media file AND a script file is supported, e.g.
reaper.exe projectfile.rpp scriptfile.lua
reaper.exe -nonewinst media.wav scriptfile.lua
- -noactivate : launch but do not activate (until build 7.29 was only supported on Windows, since then on MacOS/Linux as well)
- -audiocfg : show audio configuration at startup
- -cfgfile file.ini : use full path for alternate resource directory, otherwise uses default path
- -new : start with new project
- -template filename.rpp : start with template project
- -saveas newfilename.rpp : save project (after creating/loading) as file
- -renderproject filename.rpp : render project and exit
- -ignoreerrors : do not show errors on load
- -nosplash : do not show slpash screen window
- -splashlog /path/to/filename.log : write splash screen message log to file; the first line of logfile.txt will include the version number, (source)
- -newinst | -nonewinst : override preference for new instance checking
- -close[all][:save|:nosave][:exit] : close project(s), optionally not prompting for save (:exit argument since 7.29)
- -batchconvert filelist.txt : batch converter mode, filelist.txt includes:
- list of files to convert:
orfilename.wav(TAB CHARACTER)outputfile.wav
- <CONFIG ...> block (optional) which can contain:
- SRATE 44100 (omit to use source samplerate)
- NCH 2 (omit to use source channel count)
- RSMODE modeidx (resample mode, copy from project file)
- DITHER 3 (1=dither, 2=noise shaping, 3=both)
- USESRCSTART 1 (1=write source media BWF start offset to output)
- USESRCMETADATA 1 (1=attempt to preserve original media file metadata if possible)
- PAD_START 1.0 (leading silence in sec, can be negative)
- PAD_END 1.0 (trailing silence in sec, can be negative)
- NORMALIZE 1 -6.0 0 (1=peak, 2=true peak, 3=lufs-i, 4=lufs-s, 5=lufs-m,
2nd parameter is dB,
3rd parameter: 1=normalize only if too loud) - BRICKWALL 1 -1.0 (1=peak, 2=true peak, 2nd parameter is dB) -- (since 6.43)
- FADE 0.0 0.0 1 1 (fade-in length, fade-out length, fade-in shape, fade-out shape; length 0.001 = 1 ms)
- OUTPATH 'path'
- OUTPATTERN 'wildcardpattern'
- FXCHAIN 'fxchainfilename' (use full path if specified, otherwise FxChains directory)
- FX_NCH 4 (if not specified, FX will be configured to 4 channels)
- CPULIMIT 0 (0 or omit=use all available CPU cores, 1=limit to 1 core, etc) -- (since 6.81)
(contents of .RfxChain file)
(base64 data, e.g. contents <RECORD_CFG block from project file)
(contents of RENDER_METADATA block from project file)
- list of files to convert:
As of Oct 13, 2021 Passing two filenames (like a template and a media file) via the command line is not yet supported (source), e.g.
X:\mypath\reaper.exe X:\myotherpath\my_template.rpp X:\myotherpath\my_file.mp4
Using command line syntax with OS shortcuts
Using CONFIG block to batch convert files