A collection of books, blogs and essays that shape me.
- Slate Star Codex - A blog focused on science, medicine (especially within psychiatry), philosophy, politics, and futurism. The blog was written by Scott Alexander Siskind, a San Francisco Bay Area psychiatrist, under the pen name Scott Alexander. NEW SSC: Astral Codex Ten .
- Marginal Revolution - An economics blog co-authored by Tyler Cowen and Alex Tabarrok.
- Less Wrong - LO is a community blog and forum focused on discussion of cognitive biases, philosophy, psychology, economics, rationality, and artificial intelligence, among other topics.
- The Last Psychiatrist - A blog about psychiatry, media, science, philosophy, war.
- Shtetl-Optimized - The Blog of Scott Aaronson.
- 8000 Hours Blog - 80,000 Hours is part of the Centre for Effective Altruism. The blog shares tons of rescources about high-impact careers and earning-to-give.
- The Crypto Anarchist Manifesto
- The Beautiful Struggle // The Beautiful Game - On Capitalism, human dignity and work ethic
- The Myth of Sisyphus and Other Essays - Camus introduces his philosophy of the absurd in this book.
- Beyond Good and Evil
- The Lessons of History
- On the Shortness of Life
- Steppenwolf
- Siddhartha
- Pleasure of Finding Things Out
- The Sovereign Individual
- Story of Your Life
- Exhalation
- The Scout Mindset
- Money and Empire
- The Cathedral and the Bazaar
- Snow Crash
- Daemon
- Hackers & Painters