Releases: RimWorld-CCL-Reborn/JecsTools
JecsTools - Added Lasers
v1.0.8.8 (1-27-18)
-Added JecsTools.Projectile_Laser and JecsTools.ThingDef_LaserProjectile from Skullywag's old laser systems, with new optons for offsets, cycled multiple lasers, and explosions.
JecsTools - Animals can haul vehicles and DamageSoak Fixes
-Animals can now be made to haul carts and other specific vehicles (thanks to @yliankuo)
-DamageSoak fixed to work properly. Previously was throwing false positives and allowing for damage to go through.
-Hotfix - Changed Harmony debug mode to false, greatly improved startup time.
JecsTools - HediffComp_DamageSoak Modified
Now HediffComp_DamageSoak can carry lists of various damages to block, exclude, etc, which prevents XML errors from using multiple versions of the component.
JecsTools - CompKnockback Adjustments
-Fixed issue with downed/dead characters receiving a knockback effect and throwing errors. This is no longer the case.
JecsTools - Added CompAnimated
Many updates are compiled into one fresh release. Newest changes are first, followed by previous changes throughout the past month.
- Added new CompAnimated for animated characters.
- Added Spanish translation by @daru
- Added HediffComp_Knockback to add some cool knockback effects to RimWorld.
- Added HediffComp_DamageSoak from the Vampires mod into the main JecsTools mod for other mods to use.
- Added PlaceWorker_OnTopOfWall
- Short hash error resolved.
- GrappleUtility updated between mods.
- Added minor damage notifier to grapple, so manhunter and faction effects can be triggered.
- Updated with new float menu system handler to improve performance across mods that utilize the new FloatMenuPatch inheritable class.
- Grapple now has an auto-success on sleeping characters.
- Added text into a new grapple file in languages.
JecsTools - 11-25-17 - B18 Release (
Added AbilityAI from ChJees.
- Now ability users can have AI profiles to utilize AI.
Added GrappleUtility - A system for mods and modders to add short, stunning attacks, that check if characters
Added inheritable FloatMenuPatch class - Adds float menus to the game without slowing it down. Just inherit FloatMenuPatch in a new class and the float menu option will load into the game.
JecsTools Update - 10-30-17 - French Edition French Addition & Minor Addition
+French language support added to JecsTools by Zika
+CompAbilityUser now features a virtual "ShouldShowGizmo" bool method to
allow for users to hide Gizmos from abilities for whatever reason. For
instance, passive abilities can be hidden from view.
JecsTools - 10-20-17 - CompAbilityUser Update
Cooldowns have been largely fixed.
New capacity for AI usage of abilities has been opened up.
Added some framework for Passive Abilities (will expand upon this further in coming days).
Text will now throw on successful castings of mental state givers and hediff giver abilities.
TransformedPart hediffs will no longer start bleeding when initialized.
Change all AbilityDefs from<ThingDef.> to <AbilityUser.AbilityDef>
JecsTools - 10-9-17 - Slotted Knife Issue
This patch should resolve any issues with slotted knives spawning.
Also removed Reloader.dll.
JecsTools - 10-4-17 - Hotfix Patch
This fixes an issue with removing blueprints.