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Manually Generate Release Notes

jmarkowski edited this page Feb 5, 2020 · 6 revisions

Currently we meet a problem with automatically generation of release notes, after releasing. For unknown reasons our CI tools travis doesn't have access to github api. Release Notes can be fetched from github api and applied to release note manually. Steps:

  1. Make a release (same as before)
  2. Check on release list if release notes are created. If it's not:
  3. Go to local fundamental-styles project directory.
  4. Call npm run release:create -- --repo sap/fundamental-styles --tag v{{version}} --branch master , where {{version}} should be replaced by version that has been released (ex. 0.5.0, or 0.4.1). So for 0.5.0 it will look like that: npm run release:create -- --repo sap/fundamental-styles --tag v0.5.0 --branch master
  5. Script is trying to fetch(GET) and transform the release notes and push(POST) it to repo. After fetching and transforming, prepared message is shown on console example: