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File metadata and controls

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Section 8: Export Annotated VCF Table

This section explains how to export an annotated VCF file. By default, AnnotationHive stores output files in BigQuery, so the output is unsorted. To export an annotated VCF file, the table must be sorted and then stored as a VCF file.

There are two options for sorting the annotated VCF file: 1) Dataflow Sort and 2) BigQuery Sort. If you have a small input file (e.g., a one-exome VCF file), we recommend using the BigQuery Sort solution. However, if you have an mVCF file or many annotation reference files involved in the annotation process, then we recommend using the Dataflow Sort solution.

  • Dataflow Sort Set the following key options:

    • --localOutputFilePath: Specify this file when you want to sort the output of BigQuery using BigQuery itself.
    • --createVCF: Select this option if user wishes to obtain a VCF file (true/false - default is false, and it creates a table).
    • --workerMachineType: Set this with n1-highmem-16 so that the instance have enough main memory to sort large VCF files.
    mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.args="BigQueryAnnotateVariants --projectId=<Your_Google_Cloud_Project_Name> --runner=DataflowRunner --bigQueryDatasetId=test  --outputBigQueryTable=annotate_variant_Google_1000_test_chr17_with_num_samples_Export_WO_Sample --variantAnnotationTables=<Your_Google_Cloud_Project_Name>:test.sample_variant_annotation_chr17:alleleFreq:dbsnpid  --VCFTables=genomics-public-data:1000_genomes_phase_3.variants --stagingLocation=gs://<Your_Google_Bucket_Name>/staging --googleVCF=true --workerMachineType=n1-highmem-16 --bucketAddrAnnotatedVCF=gs://<Your_Google_Cloud_Bucket_Name>/Output.VCF --createVCF=true" -Pdataflow-runner

    After the sorting process is complete, then AnotationHive will populate the following output:

    INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Chrom	Start	End	Ref	Alt	<sample_variant_annotation_chr17(alleleFreq/dbsnpid),1>
    INFO: To download the annotated VCF file from Google Cloud, run the following command:
    INFO: 	 ~: gsutil cat gs://<Your_Google_Cloud_Project_Name>/Output.VCF* > Output.VCF
    INFO: To remove the output files from the cloud storage run the following command:
    INFO: 	 ~: gsutil rm gs://<Your_Google_Cloud_Project_Name>/OutputWOSample.VCF* 
    INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • BigQuery Sort Set the following key options:

    • --localOutputFilePath: Specify this file when you want to sort the output of BigQuery using BigQuery itself.
    • --bigQuerySort: Users can choose BigQuery to sort the output. Note that Order By has an upper bound for the size of table it can sort, AnnotationHive dynamically partitions the output considering the number of annotated variants and then applies the Order By to each of those partitions.
    • --createVCF: Select this option if the user wants to obtain a VCF file (true/false - default is false, and it creates a table).
    mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.args="BigQueryAnnotateVariants --projectId=<Your_Google_Cloud_Project_Name> --runner=DataflowRunner --bigQueryDataset=<YOUR_BigQuery_Dataset_Name> --outputBigQueryTable=<The_Output_Table_Name> --variantAnnotationTables=<Table address Plus selected fields> (e.g., myProject:myPublicAnnotationSets.hg19_refGene:name:name2 - selecting name and name2 from hg19_refGene table) --VCFTables=<VCF_Table_Names> --bigQuerySort=true --localOutputFilePath=<Local_Annotated_VCF_File_Address> --googleVCF=true --numberSamples=true" -Pdataflow-runner

    Here is a test example for the 1000 Genomes Project:

    mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.args="BigQueryAnnotateVariants --projectId=<Your_Google_Cloud_Project_Name> --runner=DataflowRunner --bigQueryDatasetId=test --outputBigQueryTable=annotate_variant_Google_1000_test_chr17_with_num_samples_Export --variantAnnotationTables=<Your_Google_Cloud_Project_Name>:test.sample_variant_annotation_chr17:alleleFreq:dbsnpid  --VCFTables=genomics-public-data:1000_genomes_phase_3.variants --stagingLocation=gs://<Your_Google_Cloud_Bucket_Name>/staging --googleVCF=true --numberSamples=true --bigQuerySort=true --localOutputFilePath=<Local_Address>/Output.vcf --createVCF=true" -Pdataflow-runner