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File metadata and controls

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Section 1: Import VCF/mVCF/Annotation Files

This section explains how to import VCF, mVCF and annotation files to BigQuery, which AnnotationHive uses Google Dataflow.


The first step in importing VCF/annotation files is to upload your local files to a bucket in Google.

  • Upload the sample transcript annotation (Samples/sample_transcript_annotation_chr17.bed)

    mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.args="UploadFileToGCS --project=<YOUR_Google_Cloud_Project_ID> --username=<YOUR_Google_Cloud_Registered_Email> --bucketName=<Your_Google_Cloud_Bucket_Name> --localFilenameAddr=Samples/sample_transcript_annotation_chr17.bed --cloudObjectName=sample_transcript_annotation_chr17.bed --runner=DataflowRunner" -Pdataflow-runner
  • Alternatively, you can easily upload/remove/read/rename files in Google Cloud Storage using gsutil tool

    gsutil cp Samples/sample_transcript_annotation_chr17.bed gs://<Your_Google_Cloud_Bucket_Name>/<DIR>
  • Upload the sample variant annotation (Samples/sample_variant_annotation_chr17.bed)

    gsutil cp Samples/sample_variant_annotation_chr17.bed gs://<Your_Google_Cloud_Bucket_Name>/<DIR>
  • Upload the sample VCF file (Samples/NA12877-chr17.vcf)

    gsutil cp Samples/NA12877-chr17.vcf gs://<Your_Google_Cloud_Bucket_Name>/<DIR>

Import mVCF/VCF

VCF files can be imported from Google Storage to Google BigQuery using either: 1) Using Google Genomics API, or 2) Using AnnotationHive's API. In order to calculate the number of samples having a genotype larger than 0, the mVCF file must be in the Google Genomics format. So, if you have an mVCF file, and want AnnotationHive to calculate the number of samples, then use the Google Genomics solution.

  • Import mVCF/VCF files using the API provided by Google Genomics (Please follow instructions provided here)

  • Import mVCF/VCF files using the API provided by AnnotationHive If this is the first time you are importing a VCF file using AnnotationHive, please run the following command. This command will create a new table called VCFList that stores metadata and keeps track of your VCF files.

    mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.args="ImportVCFFromGCSToBigQuery --project=<Your_Google_Cloud_Project_Name> --stagingLocation=gs://<Your_Google_Cloud_Bucket_Name>/<Staging_Address>/  --bigQueryDatasetId=<Google_Genomics_DatasetId> --runner=DataflowRunner --createVCFListTable=true" -Pdataflow-runner

Use the following command to import mVCF/VCF files

mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.args="ImportVCFFromGCSToBigQuery --project=<Your_Google_Cloud_Project_Name> --stagingLocation=gs://<Your_Google_Cloud_Bucket_Name>/<Staging_Address>/  --bigQueryDatasetId=<Google_Genomics_DatasetId> --header=CHROM,POS,ID,REF,ALT,QUAL,FILTER,INFO,FORMAT,NA12877 --columnOrder=1,2,2,4,5 --base0=no --bigQueryVCFTableId=NA12877_chr17 --VCFInputTextBucketAddr=gs://<YOUR_Google_Bucket_Name>/NA12877-chr17.vcf --VCFVersion=1.0 --assemblyId=hg19 --columnSeparator=\t --POS=true  --runner=DataflowRunner" -Pdataflow-runner

To find number of samples presenting a particular variant using AnnotationHive, use --sampleIDs; here is an example with a sample header:

mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.args="ImportVCFFromGCSToBigQuery --project=<Your_Google_Cloud_Project_Name> --stagingLocation=gs://<Your_Google_Cloud_Bucket_Name>/<Staging_Address>/  --bigQueryDatasetId=<YOUR_BigQuery_Dataset_ID> --header=CHROM,POS,ID,REF,ALT,QUAL,FILTER,INFO,FORMAT,RWGS_10_N,RWGS_5_T,RWGS_6_N,RWGS_8_N,RWGS_9_T,WGS_1_T,WGS_2_N,WGS_3_T,WGS_4_N,WGS_7_T --columnOrder=1,2,2,4,5 --base0=no --bigQueryVCFTableId=<VCF_Table_ID> --VCFInputTextBucketAddr=gs://<YOUR_Google_Bucket_Name>/<InputVCF>.vcf --VCFVersion=1.0 --assemblyId=hg38 --columnSeparator=\t --POS=true  --runner=DataflowRunner --sampleIDs=RWGS_10_N,RWGS_5_T,RWGS_6_N,RWGS_8_N,RWGS_9_T,WGS_1_T,WGS_2_N,WGS_3_T,WGS_4_N,WGS_7_T" -Pdataflow-runner

Import annotation files into BigQuery

To import annotation datasets into BigQuery, first run the following command to create an "AnnotationList" table for tracking annotation sets inside your BigQuery dataset.

mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.args="BigQueryAnnotationRepository --project=<Your_Google_cloud_Project> --bigQueryDatasetId=<YOUR_BigQuery_Dataset_ID> --createAnnotationSetListTable=true --runner=DataflowRunner " -Pdataflow-runner

After successfully creating the AnnotationList table, you can then import your annotation sets from Google Storage using the following options:

  • --annotationType: Specify whether the annotation is a Variant or Generic annotation dataset. This is a required field.
  • --bigQueryDatasetId: Specify the BigQuery dataset ID.
  • --annotationInputTextBucketAddr: Specify the URI of the input file that contains annotations. This is a required field.
  • --annotationSetInfo: Provide more information about the annotationset (e.g., Link=''). This is an optional field.
  • --assemblyId: Specify the assemblyId (e.g., "hg19"). This is a required field.
  • --base0: Specify whether the base is 0 or 1. This is a required field.
  • --bigQueryAnnotationSetTableId: Specify the name of the BigQuery table for the new annotation dataset.
  • --header: Specify the header for the annotations. This is a required field (e.g., "Chrom,start,end,ref,alter,all other fields").
  • --annotationSetVersion: Specify the version of annotationset (e.g., v1.0). This is a required field.
  • --columnOrder: In case the input file does not follow (chrom ID, start, end, ...) for Generic annotation, or (chrom ID, start, end, ref, alt, ...) for Variant annotation, then you can specify the order using this option. For example, if header is bin,chrom,info1,start,end,infor2 then --columnOrder=2,4,5. AnnotationHive automatically, reorders the fields.
  • --columnSeparator: You can specify separator character between columns (default value is '\s+' that covers all type of spaces.Note, if you only have tab, then set this option to \t).
  • --forceUpdate: If you want to update an existing table (i.e., bigQueryAnnotationSetTableId) exists, set this option as true; it will remove the existing table and import the new version.
  • --POS: Specify whether the file contains a POS field [true] instead of Start and End [false]. AnnotationHive calculates the start and end automatically based on the size of the reference bases. This is helpful for annotation files that have a VCF format.

To import Samples/sample_transcript_annotation_chr17.bed, you need to first upload this file to Google Storage. Then, update and run the following command:

mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.args="ImportAnnotationFromGCSToBigQuery --project=<Your_Google_Cloud_Project_Name> --runner=DataflowRunner --annotationInputTextBucketAddr=gs://<Your_Google_Cloud_Bucket_Name>/sample_transcript_annotation_chr17.bed --stagingLocation=gs://<Your_Google_Cloud_Bucket_Name>/<Staging_Address>/ --annotationType=generic --header=chrom,txStart,txEnd,bin,name,strand,cdsStart,cdsEnd,exonCount,exonStarts,exonEnds,score,name2,cdsStartStat,cdsEndStat,exonFrames --base0=no --bigQueryDatasetId=<YOUR_BigQuery_Dataset_ID> --bigQueryAnnotationSetTableId=sample_transcript_annotation_chr17 --annotationSetVersion=1.0 --assemblyId=hg19 --annotationSetInfo='Source: AnnotationHive/Samples'" -Pdataflow-runner

To import Samples/sample_variant_annotation_chr17.bed, you need to first upload this file to Google Storage. Then, update and run the following command using:

mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.args="ImportAnnotationFromGCSToBigQuery --project=<Your_Google_Cloud_Project_Name> --runner=DataflowRunner --annotationInputTextBucketAddr=gs://<Your_Google_Cloud_Bucket_Name>/sample_variant_annotation_chr17.bed --stagingLocation=gs://<Your_Google_Cloud_Bucket_Name>/<Staging_Address>/ --annotationType=variant --header=chrom,chromStart,chromEnd,ref,alterBases,alleleFreq,dbsnpid --base0=no --bigQueryDatasetId=<YOUR_BigQuery_Dataset_ID> --bigQueryAnnotationSetTableId=sample_variant_annotation_chr17 --annotationSetVersion=1.0 --assemblyId=hg19 --annotationSetInfo='Source: AnnotationHive/Samples'" -Pdataflow-runner