An AI based on a genetic evolutionary algorithm, that learns how to play snake on a 10x10 matrix. For visualizing the AI, the best snake overall (number of eaten snaks) is captured in an mp4 file called "Fig.mp4"
1. Xfood - Xhead
2. Xhead - Xfood
3. Yfood - Yhead
4. Yhead - Yfood
5. distance to wall/tail down
6. distance to wall/tail right
7. distance to wall/tail up
8. distance to wall/tail left
1. probability of going down
2. probability of going right
3. probability of going up
4. probability of going left
Making the snake making one step towards the dominant decision from Output
The exact value for the constants is given in the file ''.
Each generation has N individuals, playing on a DIM x DIM matrix, and having at most T time stamps without eating to make the biggest fitness.
After each generation, the best SURVIVAL snakes evolve in N / SURVIVAL new snakes.
The fitness of a snake is the number of times it ate.
Each individual evolves into N / SURVIVAL new individuals.
The evolution process is the following:
1. Each snake breakes down into 2 copies: one identical and one with some minor mutations.
2. Pairs of snakes cross-bread: one new snake is made with a part of the ADN of the first snake and a part of the second one, WITHOUT mutations.