A simulation of the Thorvald weeding robot by Saga Robotics. The solution focuses on perception and attempts to identify and eliminate weeds amongst 3 distinct types of crop:
young lettuce (denoted as easy ),
matured lettuce (denoted as medium ),
Ubuntu 18.04 and ROS Melodic.
Work is based on https://github.com/LCAS/CMP9767M. Clone it into your catkin workspace.
cd ~/catkin_ws && git clone https://github.com/LCAS/CMP9767M.git
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
Install required packages.
sudo apt-get install \ ros-melodic-opencv-apps \ ros-melodic-rqt-image-view \ ros-melodic-image-geometry \ ros-melodic-uol-cmp9767m-base \ ros-melodic-uol-cmp9767m-tutorial \ ros-melodic-find-object-2d \ ros-melodic-video-stream-opencv \ ros-melodic-image-view \ ros-melodic-gmapping \ ros-melodic-topological-utils \ ros-melodic-robot-pose-publisher
Rotate camera to increase FOV.
cd CMP9767M-master/uol_cmp9767m_base/urdf
Where CMP9767M-master is the cloned LCAS repository.
gedit sensors.xacro
Replace lines 268,269 with:<xacro:property name="kinect2_cam_op" value="1.85" /> <xacro:property name="kinect2_cam_oy" value="0" />
Change Thorvald spawn point to replicate my solution.
cd CMP9767M-master/uol_cmp9767m_base/launch && gedit thorvald-sim.launch
replace lines 26,27 with:<arg name="x" value="5.7" /> <arg name="y" value="-5.1" />
Change Marc's sprayer to spray where the camera is.
cd CMP9767M-master/uol_cmp9767m_base/scripts && gedit sprayer.py
change value in line 64 from -0.45 to 0.45. -
Gazebo tips.
Restarting the simulation can be a pain. The process gzserver needs to be killed manually before attempting to reopen the simulator. The process can sometimes be stopped withkillall -9 gzserver
, but killing it through the System Monitor application works 100% of the time. -
Extra tips
Using terminator (https://gnometerminator.blogspot.com/p/introduction.html) makes life much easier.
cd && gedit .bashrc
and add these 3 lines to the bottom of the file. Your workspace is now automatically sourced with every newly opened terminal window, roscd also takes you to /catkin_ws/develsource /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash source /home/<USERNAME>/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash echo $ROS_PACKAGE_PATH
cd && mkdir mongodb
- Launch gazebo sim.
roslaunch uol_cmp9767m_base thorvald-sim.launch
- Launch move_base.
roslaunch uol_cmp9767m_tutorial move_base_topo_nav.launch
- Launch topological navigation.
roslaunch uol_cmp9767m_tutorial topo_nav.launch
- Load map into mongodb.
rosrun topological_utils load_yaml_map.py $(rospack find weeder)/maps/map.yaml
- Launch rviz and have a demo.
rviz -d $(rospack find weeder)/rviz/topo.rviz
- Finally, do this to start moving.
rosrun weeder navigation.py
thorvald_001/crop_difficulty , which vision subscribes to and decides which segmentation algorithm to run.
- easyAlgo() ^^
- mediumAlgo() ^^
- hardAlgo() ^^
- easyAlgo(),
- mediumAlgo()
- hardAlgo()
- removeGround()
All 3 segmentation algorithms call removeGround() on start.
- Start vision node.
rosrun weeder vision.py
- Visualize with
output from /thorvald_001/kinect2_camera/hd/image_color_rect ^^
In the images below, crops are segmented as green, weeds are red.
- easyAlgo() ^^
- mediumAlgo() ^^
- hardAlgo() ^^
output from /thorvald_001/kinect2_camera/hd/image_color_rect_filtered ^^
Each of the 3 segmentation algorithms uses OpenCV SimpleBlobDetector to identify weeds (https://learnopencv.com/blob-detection-using-opencv-python-c/).
World weed coordinates are obtained using everything learned in https://github.com/LCAS/CMP9767M/wiki/Workshop-4---Robot-Vision.
World weed points are then published via Pointcloud to /thorvald_001/weed_PCL
(https://answers.ros.org/question/207071/how-to-fill-up-a-pointcloud-message-with-data-in-python/?answer=218951#post-id-218951) -
To visualize pointcloud (open before running vision and navigation nodes).
rviz -d $(rospack find weeder)/rviz/pcl.rviz
- There is a launch file for y'all lazy ones, although I discourage its usage as it clogs up the terminal window (I didn't write those colored print statements for nothing). If anything, please run
roslaunch essential.launch
rather than
roslaunch quick.launch
and initialize vision and navigation nodes separately.
UPDATE!!!! roslaunch quick.launch
skips starting topo node. Navigation node has been removed. If you wish to use quick.launch, you must start navigation node separately rosrun weeder navigation.py
Camera to world transform is interfering with segmentation output, resulting in low output FPS. Future work should solve this by refactoring the code and moving transform/pointcloud functionality to a separate node.
Too many points are being published due to the same weed being registered again in a following frame. Extra functionality must somehow account for this.
Environment is predefined, meaning that the solution would require reinventing the topological map in a new environment. Ideally, Thorvald should learn to identify the rows, move along them and dynamically place topological points. Vision node should also be upgraded so that it is able to diferentiate between crops visually.
Thorvald still needs a proper spraying mechanism. Might be worth trying to merge in Josh's work (https://github.com/joshDavy1/CMP9767M).
Color thresholding will only work to a certain extent, a well trained CNN would be considered a more robust vision solution.