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Introduction: Why Do Our Designs Go Wrong?

What comes to mind when you hear the word chaos? Perhaps you think of a noisy stock exchange, or your kitchen in the morning - everything confused and jumbled. When you think of the word order perhaps you think of an empty room, serene and calm. For scientists, though, chaos is characterized by homogeneity, and order by complexity.

For example, a well-tended garden is a highly ordered system. Gardeners define boundaries with paths and fences, and they mark out flower beds or vegetable patches.

Over time, the garden evolves, growing richer and thicker, but without deliberate effort, the garden will run wild. Weeds and grasses will choke out other plants, covering over the paths until, eventually, every part looks the same again - wild and unmanaged.

Software systems, too, tend toward chaos. When we first start building a new system, we have grand ideas that our code will be clean and well-ordered, but over time we find that it gathers cruft and edge cases, and ends up a confusing morass of manager classes and utils modules. We find that our sensibly layered architecture has collapsed into itself like an over-soggy trifle. Chaotic software systems are characterised by a sameness of function: API handlers that have domain knowledge, and send emails and perform logging; "business logic" classes that perform no calculations but do perform IO; and everything coupled to everything else so that changing any part of the system becomes fraught with danger. This is so common that software engineers have their own term for chaos: The Big Ball of Mud anti-pattern (A real-life class dependency diagram)[1].

big ball of yarn
Figure 1. A real-life class dependency diagram

Big ball of mud is the natural state of software in the same way that wilderness is the natural state of your garden. It takes energy and direction to prevent the collapse. Fortunately, the techniques to avoid creating a big ball of mud aren’t complex.

Encapsulation and Abstractions

The term encapsulation covers two closely related ideas: simplifying behavior, and hiding data. In this book, when we say "encapsulation" we’re using the first sense. We encapsulate behavior by identifying a task that needs to be done in our code, and giving that task to a well defined object or function; we call that an abstraction.

Take a look at the following two snippets of Python code, Do a search with urllib and Do a search with requests:

Example 1. Do a search with urllib
import json
from urllib.request import urlopen
from urllib.parse import urlencode

params = dict(q='Sausages', format='json')
handle = urlopen('' + '?' + urlencode(params))
raw_text ='utf8')
parsed = json.loads(raw_text)

results = parsed['RelatedTopics']
for r in results:
    if 'Text' in r:
        print(r['FirstURL'] + ' - ' + r['Text'])
Example 2. Do a search with requests
import requests

params = dict(q='Sausages', format='json')
parsed = requests.get('', params=params).json()

results = parsed['RelatedTopics']
for r in results:
    if 'Text' in r:
        print(r['FirstURL'] + ' - ' + r['Text'])

Both of these code listings do the same thing: they submit form-encoded values to a URL in order to use a search engine API. But the second is simpler to read and understand because it operates at a higher level of abstraction.

We can take this one step further still by identifying and naming the task we want the code to perform for us, and use an even higher-level abstraction to make it explicit:

Example 3. Do a search with the duckduckgo module
import duckduckgo
for r in duckduckgo.query('Sausages').results:
    print(r.url + ' - ' + r.text)

Encapsulating behavior using abstractions is a powerful tool for making our code more expressive, more testable, and easier to maintain.

This approach is inspired by the OO practice of responsibility-driven design. which would use the words roles and responsibilities rather than tasks. The main point is to think about code in terms of behavior, rather than in terms of data or algorithms. If you’ve come across CRC cards, they’re driving at the same thing.

In a traditional OO language you might use an abstract base class or an interface to define an abstraction. In Python you can (and we sometimes do) use ABCs, but you can also rely on duck typing. The abstraction can just mean, "the public API of the thing you’re using"; a function name plus some arguments, for example.

Most of the patterns in this book involve choosing an abstraction, so you’ll see plenty of examples in each chapter. We also talk about some general heuristics for choosing abstractions in [chapter_03_abstractions].


Encapsulation and abstraction help us by hiding details and protecting the consistency of our data, but we also need to pay attention to the interactions between our objects and functions. When one function, module or object uses another, we say that the one depends on the other. These dependencies form a kind of network or graph.

In a big ball of mud, the dependencies are out of control. Changing one node of the graph becomes difficult because it has the potential to affect many other parts of the system. Layered architectures are one way of tackling this problem. In a layered architecture, we divide our code into discrete categories or roles and we introduce rules about which categories of code can call each other.

For example most people are familiar with the three layered architecture (see Layered architecture):

layered architecture
Figure 2. Layered architecture
|                  Presentation Layer                        |
|                   Business Logic                           |
|                    Database Layer                          |

Layered architecture is perhaps the most common pattern for building business software. In this model we have user-interface components, which could be a web page, or an API, or a command line; these user-interface components communicate with a business logic layer that contains our business rules and our workflows; and finally we have a data layer that’s responsible for storing and retrieving data.

For the rest of this book, we’re going to be systematically turning this model inside out by obeying one simple principle.

The Dependency Inversion Principle

You might be familiar with the dependency inversion principle already, because it’s the D in the SOLID[2] mnemonic.

Unfortunately we can’t illustrate the DIP using three tiny code listings like we did for encapsulation, but since the whole of Part 1 is essentially a worked example of implementing the DIP throughout an application, hopefully you’ll get your fill of concrete examples from those.

In the meantime, we can talk about the formal definition of the DIP, which is:

  1. High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules. Both should depend on abstractions.

  2. Abstractions should not depend on details. Details should depend on abstractions.

But what does this mean? Let’s take it bit by bit.

High level modules are the code that your organisation really cares about. Perhaps you work for a pharmaceutical company, and your high-level modules deal with patients and trials. Perhaps you work for a bank, and your high level modules manage trades and exchanges. The high-level modules of a software system are the functions, classes, and packages that deal with our real world concepts.

By contrast, low-level modules are the code that your organisation doesn’t care about. It’s unlikely that your HR department gets excited about file systems, or network sockets. It’s not often that you can discuss SMTP, or HTTP, or AMQP with your finance team. For our non-technical stakeholders, these low-level concepts aren’t interesting or relevant. All they care about is whether the high-level concepts work correctly. If payroll runs on time, your business is unlikely to care whether that’s a cron job or a transient function running on Kubernetes.

Depends on doesn’t mean "imports" or "calls", necessarily, but more a more general idea that one module "knows about" or "needs" another module.

And we’ve mentioned abstractions already: they’re simplified interfaces that encapsulate some behavior, in the way that our duckduckgo module encapsulated a search engine’s API.

So the first part of the DIP says that our business code shouldn’t depend on technical details; instead they should both use abstractions.

All problems in computer science can be solved by adding another level of indirection

— David Wheeler

Why? Broadly, because we want to be able to change them independently of each other. High-level modules should be easy to change in response to business need. Low-level modules (details) are often, in practice, harder to change: think about refactoring to change a function name vs defining, testing and deploying a database migration to change a column name. We don’t want business logic changes to be slowed down because they are closely coupled to low-level infrastructure details. But, similarly, it is important to be able to change your infrastructure details when you need to (think about sharding a database, for example), without needing to make changes to your business layer. Adding an abstraction in between them (the famous extra layer of indirection) allows the two to change (more) independently of each other.

The second part is even more mysterious. "Abstractions should not depend on details" seems clear enough, but "Details should depend on abstractions" is hard to imagine. How can we have an abstraction that doesn’t depend on the details it’s abstracting? By the time we get to [chapter_04_service_layer], we’ll have a concrete example which should make this all a bit more clear.

A Place for all our Business Logic: the Domain Model

But before we can turn our three-layered architecture inside out, we need to talk more about that middle layer, the "high-level modules", the business logic. One of the most common reasons that our designs go wrong is that business logic becomes spread out throughout the layers of our application, hard to identify, understand and change.

In [chapter_01_domain_model], we’ll show how to build a business layer using a Domain Model, and the rest of the patterns in Part 1 will show how we can keep the domain model easy to change and free of low-level concerns, by choosing the right abstractions and continuously applying the DIP.

2. Uncle Bob’s five principles of object-oriented design: Single responsibility, Open for extension but closed for modification, Liskov substitution, Interface segregation, and Dependency Inversion. There’s a good overview, with examples, at