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CasperH2O edited this page Jan 12, 2024 · 11 revisions

Development of HC is primarily done using Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition. It is highly recommended to develop on a handheld (preferably docked), but not strictly required.

Visual Studio 2022 can be downloaded from the Microsoft website here: Visual Studio 2022 Community

During installation, choose the .NET Desktop Development option:


Once the application has been built, Inno Setup is used to create an installer. Inno Setup Download

In case HC has not been already installed on this device, it's possible HidHide and or Vigem are missing. These can either be installed from the redist folder of the repo or from their respective GitHub release pages.



Merging from Early Access to Public

This is not great, but it is what it is. Basically, merge all commits from EA to Public, then do another commit with all the files overwritten.

Possibility 1. Steps to start merging through local main on your desktop.

  1. On GitHub, for public repo, create branch from Main

  2. In GitHub Desktop client, open the EA repo, main branch, change the primary remote repository to the public one

  3. Fetch the (new) remote, it should indicate the new commits in EA as push and the new changes in Public as pull, so say 300/20 currently

  4. Hit pull to start the whole merge conflict interaction...

  5. Once this is done, you can create branch from local Main and push that new branch to Github and merge with remote main

  6. Delete local main and pull it again from remote main

Possibility 2.

  1. On your local EA main branch, make a branch, call it "EAMergeToPublic" or something
  2. In GitHub Desktop client, open the EA repo, main branch, change the primary remote repository to the public one
  3. Push the branch to my own fork on Github (as I do normally)
  4. Go to github and create a PR with the newly pushed branch (which is xxx ahead based on EA and xx behind based on public)
  5. In GitHub Desktop client, open the Public repo and check the pull requests
  6. In the local public repo, create a new branch and at the bottom of the UI, choose a branch to merge into it, choose the PR and start with merge conflicts... (or merge it into main locally)
  7. Push to public remote and merge/rebase there
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