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Essential Git Commands Cheat Sheet

A comprehensive guide covering essential Git commands and operations, including repository management, making changes, parallel development, syncing, configuration, and project management. Perfect for quick reference and detailed workflows.




sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git


sudo dnf install git

Arch Linux

sudo pacman -S git


Using Git for Windows Installer

  1. Download the Git for Windows installer from
  2. Run the installer and follow the instructions.

Using Chocolatey

choco install git


Using Homebrew

brew install git

Using MacPorts

sudo port install git

Using Xcode Kit (macOS)

  • Git comes pre-installed with Xcode.

Git Operations & Commands

1. Repository Setup

Operation Command Description
Init git init Create a new local git repository
Clone git clone [Repo URL] Create a copy of the original repository
Fork git fork Create a copy of the original repository on GitHub
Remove Init rm -rf .git Remove the .git directory

2. Committing Changes

Operation Command Description
Status git status Check the status of the current repository
Add git add [file names] Add single or multiple files to the staging area
git add . Add all files to the staging area
Commit git commit -m "[message]" Commit the changes with a message
Log git log Show details of all commits
git log [Branch Name] Show details of specific commits
Show git show [Commit ID] Show detailed information of a specific commit
Reset git reset Reset the HEAD to the last commit and discard new changes
git reset [file name] Remove specific files from the staging area
git reset --soft HEAD~1 Undo the last commit but keep the changes staged
git reset --hard HEAD~1 Undo the last commit and discard the changes
Stash git stash Stash changes into the staging area
git stash list Show all stash entries
git stash apply Apply a stash
Clean git clean -f Remove untracked files from the working directory
git clean -fd Remove untracked files and directories
Alias git config --global alias.[alias] [command] Shortened commands that map to longer commands
Tag git tag [Tag Name] Add a tag at a specific point for extra information
git tag -l List all tags
git tag -a [Tag Name] -m "[Message]" Create an annotated tag
Blame git blame [File Name] Show the person who made changes in a file
Diff git diff [Branch Name] Compare the branch with the active branch
git diff [Primary Branch Name] [Secondary Branch Name] Compare two branches
git diff [Primary Commit Name] [Secondary Commit Name] Compare two commits
Apply a Patch git apply [Patch File] Apply changes from a patch file
Show Remote Branches git branch -r List remote branches
Check File History git log --follow [file name] Show the commit history of a specific file, including renames
Amend Commit git commit --amend Modify the last commit with new changes
Check Ignore git check-ignore -v [file name] Check if a file is being ignored by .gitignore

3. Branching and Merging

Operation Command Description
Branch git branch List all available branches
git branch [New Branch Name] Create a new branch from the active branch
git branch --delete/-d [Existing Branch Name] Delete a branch in the local repository
git branch -m [Existing Branch Name] [New Branch Name] Rename an existing branch
Checkout git checkout [Existing Branch Name/ New Branch Name] Checkout to another branch or create a new one
Merge git merge [Secondary Branch Name] Merge the secondary branch into the active branch
Rebase git rebase [Branch Name] Update the active branch with commits from the secondary branch
Cherry Pick git cherry-pick [Commit ID] Apply the changes from a specific commit onto the current branch
Revert git revert [Commit ID] Create a new commit that undoes the changes of a specific commit
Squash Commits git rebase -i [Commit ID/Branch Name] Interactive rebase to squash commits
List Commits between Two Branches git log [Branch 1]..[Branch 2] List commits that are in Branch 2 but not in Branch 1
Bisect git bisect start Start a bisect session
git bisect bad Mark the current commit as bad
git bisect good [Commit ID] Mark a known good commit
Rename Branch git branch -m [New Branch Name] Rename the current branch
Restore Branch git checkout -b [Branch Name] [Commit ID] Restore a branch that has been deleted
Delete Remote Branch git push origin --delete [Branch Name] Delete a branch on the remote repository

4. Remote Synchronization

Operation Command Description
Remote git remote -v Verify the remote repository URL
git remote add origin [repo URL] Link a remote repository to the local repository
git remote add upstream [repo URL] Add the upstream repository
git remote rename origin [New Repo Name] Rename the remote repository
git remote remove/rm origin Remove the remote repository
Push git push (-f optional) origin [Branch Name] Push local changes to the remote repository (-f for force push)
git push :[Old Branch Name] [New Branch Name] Rename the branch on the remote repository
git push --delete origin [Branch Name] Delete the remote branch
Pull git pull origin [Branch Name] Copy/update the remote repository to the local repository
git pull --rebase origin [Branch Name] Rebase the local commits on top of the upstream changes
Fetch git fetch Download objects and refs from another repository
git fetch upstream Fetch changes from the upstream repository
Submodule git submodule add [Repo URL] [Path] Add a submodule to the repository
git submodule update --init --recursive Initialize, fetch, and checkout submodules

5. Git Configuration

Operation Command Description
Check Config git config --list Check already configured parameters
Global Config git config --global "Vivek Shravan Tate" Configure username globally
git config --global "[email protected]" Configure email globally
Local Config git config "Vivek Shravan Tate" Configure username locally
git config "[email protected]" Configure email locally
Configure SSH for GitHub ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "[email protected]" Generate a new SSH key
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa Add SSH key to the ssh-agent
Alias Creation git config --global alias.[alias] [command] Create a shortcut for a Git command
Edit Config git config --global --edit Edit the global Git configuration file

6. Repository Management

Operation Command Description
Archive git archive --format=zip --output [path] [Branch Name] Archive the branch into a zip file
Bundle git bundle create ../repo.bundler [Branch Name] Create a file of the branch

7. Troubleshooting

Operation Command Description
Reflog git reflog Show a log of all references (HEAD changes)
FSCK git fsck Check the integrity of the repository
GC git gc Cleanup unnecessary files and optimize the repository
Reflog Recovery git checkout -b [branch] [reflog commit] Recover a branch using a commit from reflog

8. Git Hooks

Operation Command Description
Create Hook vi .git/hooks/[hook-name] Create or edit a Git hook
Enable Hook chmod +x .git/hooks/[hook-name] Make the hook script executable
Sample Hook cp .git/hooks/[hook-name].sample .git/hooks/[hook-name] Copy and edit a sample hook script

Get in Touch

Please feel free to reach out if you have any issues or suggestions. Connect with me on LinkedIn or email me at [email protected].