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523 lines (313 loc) · 11.7 KB

File metadata and controls

523 lines (313 loc) · 11.7 KB

0.19 (unreleased)

Goal: Website has snippets that are checked and linkified. Goal: Offer actions when runtime errors occur.


Added ^ to concatenate strings.

Added ** to raise a number to a power.

assert is now syntax rather than a built-in function. The symbol assert is now a reserved word.

Standard Library

Removed String::append.

Added String::replace, List::enumerate, lex and check_snippet.

List::get now returns an option rather than erroring on out-of-bounds access.


Fixed several type checking bugs on type parameters in methods.

The unused function check now reports functions that are only used in tests.


Renamed eval_up_to_id JSON command to eval_up_to.

The check --json CLI command now returns line and columns in its output, instead of offsets.

0.18 (released 31st December 2024)

Goal: Speculative sandboxed execution of tests and completions.

Standard Library

Added a Path type, with methods Path::exists, Path::extension, Path::file_name, Path::join, Path::parent and Path::read.

Added List::slice, Option::is_some(), Option::is_none() and Option::or_value().

list_directory and working_directory now return absolute Path values. list_directory now takes a Path argument.

Removed path_exists (use Path::exists instead) and read_file (use Path::read instead).

String methods are now substantially faster, 10x in common cases.

Added source_directory(), assert(), range() and removed should_equal().

Removed List::for_each (use for x in y loops instead).


Type parameters now occur after function or method names, so Garden programs are more easily searched with grep or rg.

// Old
fun<T> foo(items: List<T>) {}

// New
fun foo<T>(items: List<T>) {}

Tests now require a name, so test {} is no longer legal. Use test some_name {} instead.

Added %, += and -= operators.


Fixed several type checking bugs.


Added a destructure and an extract-function CLI commands.

0.17 (released 15th September 2024)

Goal: WASM and website. Goal: Less compulsory punctuation following eval-up-to-cursor testing.


Expressions no longer use trailing semicolons, so let x = 1; is now let x = 1.

Added tuples, e.g. (1, "Foo").

Added for x in some_list loops, and added continue to both while and for loops.

Variable shadowing is now supported, so the following is legal:

let x = 1;
let x = x + 1; // 2

Struct literals now require the opening brace to be touching the type name, so Person { name: "wilfred" } is now written Person{ name: "wilfred" }.

while loops, match expressions and if expressions no longer require parentheses, so while x {}, match x {} and if True {} are now valid.


Fixed an interpreter crash when evaluating tests.


Added List::for_each, List::is_non_empty, String::chars and Bool::not.


Fixed several type checking bugs.

0.16 (released 11th August 2024)

Goal: Evaluate functions up to the cursor.


Added an eval_up_to_id JSON command that allows functions or blocks to be evaluated up to a specific expression. For functions, the previous argument values used are passed in.

The command :methods now takes an additional argument, to only show items matching that substring, e.g. :methods Str.

Fixed several crashes, particularly on incomplete programs.

0.15 (released 15th July 2024)

Goal: Basic IDE features.


Added a command garden show-type 123 that shows the type of the expression in file at offset 123.

Added a command garden definition-position 123 that shows the definition position of the symbol in file at offset 123.

Added a command garden definition-position 123 that shows the definition position of the symbol in file at offset 123.

Added a command garden complete 123 that shows all the methods available for the type of the expression in file at offset 123.

Configured Emacs mode to show hover information, provide go-to-def and code completion.


There is now a syntax for function types. For example, Fun<(Int, Int), Int> is the type of the function fun(x, y) { x + y; }.


dbg now returns its argument, so it can be added to subexpressions.

Added String::split, List::map and List::last.

Renamed String::concat to String::append.


The type checker now solves generics on arbitrary user-defined types.

The type checker also handles many more expressions correctly.


Garden now requires Rust 1.78 to build.

0.14 (released 16th May 2024)

Fixing bugs with the GitHub actions for uploading releases to

0.13 (released 16th May 2024)

Goal: Implement generics. Goal: Implement type checker.


Added break; inside loops. continue is now a reserved word.

let x = y; now evaluates to Unit rather than y.


Type hints for built-in types are now checked for the correct arity (e.g. List or String<Foo>).

Added a basic type checker.


Added methods write_file(), String::trim_left(), String::trim_right(), String::starts_with(), String::ends_with(), String::strip_prefix(), String::strip_suffix(), String::split_once() and Option::or_exception().

Added function todo().

list_directory now returns a Result.

Fixed a crash on shell() with a nonexistent command.


:doc now prints the position of functions.

:funs now only shows callable values in the file scope.

Test Runner

If tests fail, the test runner now has an exit code of 1.


Garden now requires Rust 1.73 to build.

0.12 (released 3 April 2024)

Goal: Add structs.


C-c C-z now toggles between session and source code buffers.


Added the read_file function.

shell now returns a Result, where Err represents a non-zero exit code.

Added Result::or_error().

Added a NoValue type.


Added structs.

Match cases now support an optional trailing comma.

match (x) {
  None => 0,
  Some(i) => { i + 1; }

return; is now syntax sugar for return Unit;.


Added a type hint arity checker.


Added a placeholder site with a parser sandbox.

0.11 (released 30th December 2023)


Added pattern matching.

match (x) {
  Some(i) => { i + 1; }
  _ => 0


Added the Result type.

Added the List::first method.


:source now shows the source code of a single definition, rather than the session history.


Fixed an issue where use of function parameters would generate a warning about unbound symbols.

0.10 (released 30th November 2023)

Goal: Warn on loading functions with free variables.


A warning is generated when loading a function with non-existent type names.

A warning is generated when loading a function with unbound symbols.

Interactive Sessions

Loading a function will now display any warnings generated.


Fixed a crash on evaluating an empty test.


Added garden-switch-to-session (bound to C-c C-z) to switch to the *garden* buffer from a garden-mode buffer.

0.9 (released 13th November 2023)

Goal: User-defined enum types.


Added :forget, :types and :uptime. :doc now supports types as well as functions.


Void has been renamed to Unit and moved to the prelude.

The function lines() has been replaced with String::lines.


Bool is now an enum defined in the prelude. true and false are no longer reserved words, and boolean values are now True and False.

0.8 (released 30th October 2023)

Goal: Red and yellow squiggles.


Added functions: list_directory and should_equal.

Added methods: String::join, String::contains, String::lines, List::filter, and List::is_empty().


Emacs sessions now handle large outputs without crashing.

0.7 (released 21st October 2023)

Goal: Support interactive unit tests.


A local variable or parameter named _ is now always ignored. The following is now legal:

fun f(_, _) {}
fun g() {
    let _ = 1;
    let _ = 2;


Implemented List::append, List::get, List::len, String::concat, String::len and String::substring methods, removing the corresponding list_append, list_get, list_len, string_concat, string_length and `string_substring functions.

Added error() and string_repr() functions. Removed int_to_string() in favour of string_repr().


Added :forget_local and :test.


Fixed a crash on calling method calls with the wrong arity.


Repeating a parameter is now a parse error.

0.6 (released 16th September 2023)

Goal: Support method calls.


Functions and methods can now specify the return type and parameter types. That type will be enforced at runtime.

Added <= and >= comparison operators.

Added parsing and evaluation support for methods.

Symbols may now include uppercase ASCII letters, so Foo is a legal function name.


Added :type to show the type of an expression.

Added :methods to show all the defined methods available.


Added println and changed print to not include a trailing newline.

0.5 (released 27th August 2023)

Goal: Define a real program that solves a problem for me.


Added dbg, list_get, list_length, path_exists, string_concat and working_directory.


Renamed :globals to :funs to reflect its current purpose.


Fixed parsing of repeated calls, e.g. f()() was previously not permitted.

Added closures, e.g. fun(x, y) { x + y; }.

If the first line of a file starts with #, it will be ignored, enabling use of garden in a shebang.


main functions are now always called with one argument, the CLI arguments that are passed.

0.4 (released 9 June 2023)

Goal: Build up and evaluate blocks of code

Interactive sessions: Added the :search command for finding definitions with a given name.

Syntax: if is now an expression, so the following is legal:

let x = if (y) { 1; } else { 2; };

Syntax: Added support for escaping in string literals, so "\n", "\\" and "\"" now work correctly.

Syntax: Added list literals, e.g. [1, 2 + 3].

Syntax: Added negative int literals, e.g. -123.

Syntax: == and != now work for all types.

Syntax: Added block expressions, e.g. { foo(); bar(); } evaluates foo() and returns the value of bar().

Syntax: if and while now have block scope, so local variables introduced there are only available until the end of the block.

Standard library: Added the functions list_append, string_substring and string_length.

Garden executable: Added the run command, so the following now works:

$ garden run sample_programs/

Commands: :abort exits out of any blocks as well as functions.

0.3 (released 17 May 2023)

Goal: Basic Emacs integration

Syntax: Added // comment syntax. Added return. Allowed if without else, as well as else if (...) { ... }.

Interactive interpreter: added :abort, :doc, fstmts, :replace, :resume, :skip, :trace and :quit commands. :help can now show information on what commands do.

0.2 (released 14 March 2023)

Goal: Run FizzBuzz

Syntax: Added if, while, assignment, !=, -, *, /, <, >, || and &&.

Standard library: Added int_to_string.

Interactive interpreter: added :stack and :source commands. Commands can now be run when errors occur.

0.1 (released 11 February 2023)

Goal: Run Hello World

A basic toplevel that supports hello world.