- 7a3fab2: Fixed type mimatch for ReadonlySignals inside of JSX
- 3891ed7: Refactored codebase for easier alignment with preact/signals original transform
- 46f2d7e: Updated babel version to remove browserlist warnings
e5c15fa: SWC plugin: added transformHooks (default: true) option
Hook is detected by RegEx that checks if function name starts with
It transforms:
- every hook that reads
(in 'auto' and 'all' modes) - every hook that has
comment (in 'manual' mode)
If you want to opt out from the behavior - you can set
- every hook that reads
- 84b296d: Updated repository links
- f02e006: Updated swc_core crate to 0.90.x version, because incompatibility with Next 14.2.0
- 896d8d2: Bumped signals-core package
- 07796cb: Updated README
- 0419e8c: Decreased package size by optimizing wasm
- d34885d: Fixed installation in runtimes without wasm support
- 9b02260: Update README with integration playgrounds
- 1c96810: Fix vite SWC integration in dev mode
75d8a9f: # Breaking Changes
This release changes opt-in and opt-out directives to be the same as in
To support new directives, you can just find and replace all instances of the old directives with the new ones.
- fa41dfe: Added next.js support via swc plugin
- 8d728a5: - added SWC plugin, which behaves the same as Babel plugin.
- added vite plugin, which for transpiling parts of node_modules. Updated information about SWC plugin in README
- 7db50e6: Changed cjs implementation from namespace to named import to align with swc plugin
- 29c5dbf: Written more comprehensive README.md. Added integration comparsion
a1628ba: Added manual tracking option with HOC
for unsupported environments.import { withTrackSignals } from "@preact-signals/safe-react/manual"; const A = withTrackSignals(() => { const count = signal(0); count.value++; return <div>{count.value}</div>; });
d5fc3f0: Removed incorrect jsx exports importSource
- 4616c74: Add info about babel transform
- 16ff353: Add troubleshooting section to README
- 40ee2a3: Remove microtask spam for each
- batching it to onequeueMicrotask
- 58a8047: Remove irrelevant information from README
- 3909f6c: react-native is supported from now. Added info to readme
5a2abc9: Fix of
is trying to use main entry of jsx runtime instead ofjsx-runtime
package. ChangedjsxImportSource
to satisfy this requirement.// vite.config.ts import { defineConfig } from "vite"; import react from "@vitejs/plugin-react"; import { createReactAlias } from "@preact-signals/safe-react/integrations/vite"; // https://vitejs.dev/config/ export default defineConfig({ resolve: { // add react alias alias: [createReactAlias()], }, plugins: [ react({ // using custom wrapper for jsx runtime and babel plugin for components // Previously: jsxImportSource: "@preact-signals/safe-react", jsxImportSource: "@preact-signals/safe-react/jsx", babel: { plugins: ["module:@preact-signals/safe-react/babel"], }, }), ], });
For now old style are also working but will be dropped in next minor
- c716069: Now can transform commonjs modules
- 50214d3: Added vite integration info to README. Enusred stability of work with vite
- 7684de9: Fixed typescript issue with
"moduleResolution": "node"
- 03679a4: Moved deps for integrations to dependencies
- f15ddca: Altered babel plugin, altered some tricky behaviours
- 078119f: Fixed recursive rendering problems
- 1090bd6: Package init