Linden provides user the ability to rewrite some linden component in plugin mode, for example Analyzer, Merge Policy, Metric Manager, Index Warmer and Similarity. Linden will initialize linden plugin automatically when linden loads config from Of course you need make sure JVM could find the plugin jar.
Linden plugin has 2 modes: Direct and Factory.
In direct mode, the plugin class can be initialized directly by the function init.
public interface LindenPlugin {
void init(Map<String,String> config);
void close();
Your plugin class should implement LindenPlugin interface. init function is called by LindenPluginManager and the config parameter is generated from by LindenPluginManager.
Linden implements KafkaGateway and SimpleFileGateway in plugin mode, so linden supports indexing data from kafka and text file natively. Index data is in JSON string format, please see Linden Work Mode Document for detail.
abstract public class LindenGateway implements LindenPlugin {
protected Map<String, String> config;
public abstract DataProvider buildDataProvider() throws IOException;
public void init(Map<String, String> config) {
this.config = config;
public void close() {
public class KafkaGateway extends LindenGateway {
private static final String ZOOKEEPER = "zookeeper";
private static final String GROUP = "group";
private static final String TOPIC = "topic";
public DataProvider buildDataProvider() throws IOException {
return new KafkaDataProvider(config.get(ZOOKEEPER), config.get(TOPIC), config.get(GROUP));
If you want to enable kafka gateway, gateway config should be like this in
The “class” suffix in config name indicates the config value is a linden plugin class name. All config with “gateway” prefix will be stripped the prefix and passed to plugin init function in map format. The config parameter of this example is
Then Linden will consume data from DataProvider built from KafkaGateway.
Linden provides com.xiaomi.linden.plugin.metrics.MetricsManager which is designed to report linden working status. This is an abstract class, you can report linden status to your own report system by extending MetricsManager and enable it in direct mode.
Linden provides com.xiaomi.linden.plugin.warmer.LindenWarmer which is designed to warm linden before linden serves traffic. This is an abstract class, you can warm linden in your own way by extending LindenWarmer and enable it in direct mode.
In factory mode, you need create a sub class of LindenPluginFactory which implements getInstance to load properties and initialize the plugin class instance.
public interface LindenPluginFactory<T> {
T getInstance(Map<String,String> params) throws IOException;
Linden provides all lucene native analyzers and two Chinese analyzers(MMSeg4J and Jieba) as index and search analyzer options. Index analyzer is used to analyze text when indexing data and search analyzer is used to analyze query when searching. Generally, the two analyzers should be the same one. You can implement your own analyzer in plugin mode by extending org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer.
public class LindenMMSeg4jAnalyzerFactory implements LindenPluginFactory<LindenMMSeg4jAnalyzer> {
private static final String MODE = "mode";
private static final String DICT = "dict";
private static final String STOPWORDS = "stopwords";
private static final String CUT_LETTER_DIGIT = "cut_letter_digit";
public LindenMMSeg4jAnalyzer getInstance(Map<String, String> params) throws IOException {
String mode = params.get(MODE);
String dictPath = params.get(DICT);
String stopWordPath = params.get(STOPWORDS);
boolean cut = params.containsKey(CUT_LETTER_DIGIT) && params.get(CUT_LETTER_DIGIT).equalsIgnoreCase("TRUE");
return new LindenMMSeg4jAnalyzer(mode, dictPath, stopWordPath, cut);
Now you can use MMSegAnalyzer to extracting index terms by configuration:
See MMSeg4J analyzer detail:
public class LindenJiebaAnalyzerFactory implements LindenPluginFactory<LindenJiebaAnalyzer> {
private static final String MODE = "mode";
private static final String USER_DICT = "user.dict";
public LindenJiebaAnalyzer getInstance(Map<String, String> params) throws IOException {
String mode = params.get(MODE);
String userDict = params.get(USER_DICT);
JiebaSegmenter.SegMode segMode = JiebaSegmenter.SegMode.SEARCH;
if (mode != null && mode.equalsIgnoreCase("index")) {
segMode = JiebaSegmenter.SegMode.INDEX;
} else {
segMode = JiebaSegmenter.SegMode.SEARCH;
return new LindenJiebaAnalyzer(segMode,userDict);
Jieba Analyzer config example:
See Jieba analyzer detail:
com.xiaomi.linden.lucene.analyzer.LindenStandardAnalyzerFactory is a very simple plugin factory which provides org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardAnalyzer with stopwords switch.
com.xiaomi.linden.lucene.merge.SortingMergePolicyFactory provides a configurable sort merge policy which can be used to overwrite default merge policy.
com.xiaomi.linden.lucene.merge.TieredMergePolicyFactory provides a configurable tiered merge policy which can be used to overwrite default merge policy.
com.xiaomi.linden.lucene.similarity.LindenSimilarityFactory provides a customized linden similarity which extends TFIDFSimilarity. IDF value of linden similarity is read from data file, not calculated from index.
com.xiaomi.linden.plugin.metrics.MetricsManagerFactory provides MetricsManager factory, so you can use it for MetricsManager in factory mode.
com.xiaomi.linden.plugin.warmer.LindenWarmerFactory provides LindenWarmer factory, so you can use it for LindenWarmer in factory mode.
com.xiaomi.linden.plugin.LindenPluginFactoryWrapper is a plugin factory wrapper. It allows you to import any outside linden factory.
public class LindenPluginFactoryWrapper<T> implements LindenPluginFactory<T> {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LindenPluginFactoryWrapper.class);
private static final String FACTORY_PATH = "factory.path";
private static final String CLASS_NAME = "";
public T getInstance(Map<String, String> config) throws IOException {
try {
String pluginPath = config.get(FACTORY_PATH);
if (pluginPath == null) {
throw new IOException("Factory path is null");
String className = config.get(CLASS_NAME);
Class<?> clazz = ClassLoaderUtils.load(pluginPath, className);
if (clazz != null) {
LindenPluginFactory<T> pluginFactory = (LindenPluginFactory) clazz.getConstructor().newInstance();
return pluginFactory.getInstance(config);
} else {
throw new IOException("Factory " + className + " not found.");
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.warn("Get Linden plugin factory failed, ", e);
throw new IOException(e);
An example configuration:
This example specifies linden index analyzer with IKAnalyzer. com.xiaomi.oakbay.linden.plugins.analyzer.IKAnalyzerFactory is plugin factory class name.
index.analyzer.factory.path specifies where to load the factory. is IKAnalyzer internal property, passed to IKAnalyzerFactory with as property name.