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192 lines (135 loc) · 8.88 KB

File metadata and controls

192 lines (135 loc) · 8.88 KB


1.6.0 - 2024-05-11

  • Middle mouse button can now be used to open Camera controls.

    • Allows opening controls without dismounting from a horse. Or jumping off a plane mid-flight. (Without rebinding sneak)
    • This is independent of the main hotkey, and will work alongside it. Can be disabled in config.
  • Right-clicking on the Camera in inventory will open Camera configuration screen.

    • Right-click with item install/swap an attachment.
  • Added KubeJS integration - Wiki

  • Added three java events (same as in KubeJS) for addon developers.

  • Added Jade integration to Lightroom: it now shows printing progress arrow.

  • Added config option to disable attacking while looking through Viewfinder.

  • Added config option to delay capture (useful when GUI elements are not hidden fully, which happens with some shaders)

  • Stacking two Photographs (by right-clicking in GUI) will keep the resulted item in slot instead of picking it up.

  • Camera tooltip now shows exposed/available frames of the inserted Film Roll.

  • Developed rolls now show frame size (if custom) in tooltip, same as undeveloped rolls.

  • Adjusted 'No Film' icon position with different GUI scales.

  • Adjusted Viewfinder 'catching-up' movement for different GUI scales.

  • Photograph paper texture is now randomly rotated to have more variation.

  • Slightly modified Aged Photograph texture to have less rounded corners.

  • GUI titles now have a separate lang entries instead of using corresponding block/item entries.

  • Fixed custom Lenses not syncing to the player when they join a server.

  • [Fabric] Fixed Sequenced Film Developing (with Create) recipes not showing in EMI

1.5.1 - 2024-04-06

  • Added advancement for getting a Photograph create with Chromatic process.
  • Fixed Chromatic Photograph not displaying correctly when trying to render it too quickly after printing (Usually when mouse was hovering over result slot).
  • Updated one localization file.

1.5.0 - 2024-04-04

  • Added chromatic (trichrome) printing process

  • Red, Green and Blue filters now have stronger effect to enable chromatic process

  • Lenses configuration is now data-driven. Custom Lenses Wiki

    • LensFocalRanges config setting has been removed.
  • Changed how custom filters are configured, allowing the use of shaders from vanilla or other mods. Custom Filters Wiki


  • Aged Photographs can be exported now (same as regular - when screen is opened). PNG will have _aged suffix.
  • Exported PNGs are now X2 the size. Configurable in client config.
  • Exported PNG files will have their Date Created attribute set to time when they were taken. Only for exposures made on this version an up.


  • Renamed literal exposure to id in /exposure show command.
  • Added two optional arguments to /exposure export command:
    • size - Defaults to "X1". (X1/X2/X3/X4)
    • look - Defaults to "regular". (regular/aged/negative/negative_film)
  • id argument (in export and show commands) will show all available exposure IDs as autocomplete suggestions.
  • path argument (in /exposure show texture command) will show a list of all available textures as autocomplete suggestions.


  • When in creative mode, you can now hold [Shift] to print exposure instantly and without dyes/paper

  • Experience points, granted for printing an image, are now different per process - bw/color/chromatic. Config now has three options instead of one to configure this.

  • Fixed crash when rendering a non-square texture as a Photograph.

  • [Forge] Fixed crash when clicking on exposure in mods menu. For real this time.

  • [Fabric] Fixed camera recipe not unlocking in recipe book when iron ingot is obtained.

1.4.1 - 2024-03-15

  • Fixed Lenses config resetting and not working properly.

  • Fixed issue with Cold Sweat when closing viewfinder with filter installed causing blur shader to apply when it shouldn't.

  • Fixed FTB Teams, REI and REI Plugin Compat causing the game to freeze indefinitely when Album is opened.

  • [Fabric] Fixed Create's Spout crashing with latest Create Fabric.

  • There will be no crash anymore if the Create version is not supported. Spout Film Developing will not work for incompatible versions instead.

  • Create 0.5.1f is needed for Spout Film Developing to work.

1.4.0 - 2024-03-02

  • Added Aged Photographs. Created by crafting a Photograph with brown dye

  • Stacked Photographs max stack size can now be changed in a config

  • Lowered required Fabric API version to 0.88.1+

  • Updated localization files

  • Fixed incorrect position of a Photograph in Quark's Glass Item Frame

  • Fixed crash when opening Album that's placed in a Lectern

  • Fixed crash when clicking on Exposure entry in Mods menu

1.3.1 - 2024-02-09

  • Added advancement for taking a selfie
  • Slightly changed order of advancements
  • Entities in frame (in photograph NBT) will now work correctly for selfies
  • Black and white photograph copying recipe now correctly uses only black dye instead of all four colors
  • Changed Film Frame Exposed advancement trigger from minecraft:frame_exposed to exposure:frame_exposed
  • [Fabric] Proper message will now show when Fabric API or Forge Config Api Port is not installed
  • [Fabric] Fixed crash when signing album

1.3.0 - 2024-02-04

  • Added Photo Album

    • Can store up to 16 photographs and some notes
    • Can be placed on Chiseled Bookshelves and Lecterns
  • Changed photograph paper texture to not be so rough at the edges

  • Holding use when opening Viewfinder will no longer cause Camera to shoot immediately after opening

  • Camera controls key can be remapped now. Unbound means it will use sneak key, as before. Unbound by default.

  • Fixed non-english characters in player's nickname causing a crash when trying to render their photos

  • Fixed Lightroom not resetting selected frame back to 0 when film is ejected and another is inserted

  • Fixed Lightroom not dropping due to the missing loot-table

  • [Forge] Fixed item frame also rendering an item over the photograph

1.2.2 - 2024-01-01

  • Added /exposure export command. Allows exporting exposures to PNGs to <world>/exposures folder. Requires OP privileges.

  • Added some creative-mode tools to Photograph screen:

    • Ctrl+S to save as PNG
    • Ctrl+C to copy exposure id to clipboard
    • Ctrl+P to give yourself current photograph in item form
  • Fixed being able to copy Copy of a copy photograph.

  • Fixed fov related issue that was causing problems with zoom mods.

  • Fixed Lightroom Screen film bugging out when replacing Developed Film in slot with a film that has fewer frames than currently selected frame index.

  • Made some changes that may fix the crash with C2ME.

1.2.1 - 2023-12-24

  • Fixed water not rendering properly with shaders when looking through Viewfinder.

1.2.0 - 2023-12-22

  • Added exposure:flashes and exposure:lenses tags, allowing customization of items that can be attached to the camera.
  • Added Focal Length config options, allowing to configure default camera range and range per specific lens.

Changed Developing Recipe:

  • Developing recipes will no longer show in vanilla Recipe Book due to the book not working well with this type of recipes (like with cloning written books or dyeing armor)
  • Developing can now be done with Create's Spouts. Configurable.
  • Films no longer can be developed with Create's Mechanical Crafter


  • Added zh_cn localization provided by 'IwasConfused'
  • When JEI is not present, tooltips will be shown describing Developing and Photograph Copying recipes.
  • Items can now be extracted from any side of a Lightroom block. And inserted through all but bottom side.
  • Fixed Camera Attachments menu not opening from offhand.
  • Pressing Inventory Key or Esc in thirdperson-back camera mode (when viewfinder is not visible) will now deactivate camera instead of opening inventory or pause menu.
  • Slightly reduced z-fighting of the Hanging Photograph at greater distances.

1.1.1 - 2023-12-08

  • Fixed third-person camera distance being closer when not looking through the Viewfinder.

1.1.0 - 2023-12-07

  • Added selfies. Press F5 (by default) to be the star of the show.

  • Fixed Viewfinder Controls not showing up when sneak is bound to one of the mouse buttons.

  • Fixed errors in log about developing and cloning recipes

1.0.2 - 2023-12-03

  • Fixed Hanging Photograph not dropping when the block it's attached to is broken.
  • Fixed crash when trying to add more than 16 photographs to the Stacked Photographs item.

1.0.1 - 2023-12-01

  • Film developing recipe has been removed from Create's Automated Shapeless Crafting due to Mixer's whisk being too rough on the film, clearing any exposed images.