- ** Create a Todo List application to maintain multiple todo lists.
- Applications first page must have a list of Todo-Lists you want to maintain (Shopping, Study, Travel etc.)
- You must have an option to add a new Todo-list to above mentioned list.
- On click a particular list you should get a Todo list page with add, remove and check/uncheck task functionality
- Take care that each of todo-list must maintain their own data. And you can swith to home page (List of Todo Lists and switch to any todo list and work in it).
- Use bootstrap to make it more usable.
- Use Clever bot API to make a chatbot who talks with you with intelligent answers.
- Make use of clever bot API with $http service.
- Make an input box to send chat messages.
- Send and Receive message from API and display in a list of ng-repeat made list.
- Make UI more intuitive by making chat bubble using CSS and differentiate between your message and chatbot messages via different colors.