Salesforce Moxygen is an intuitive Salesforce mocking library for Apex unit testing that can reduce deployment times from two hours to two minutes!
Moxygen is unique from other Apex mocking libraries in that it includes a functional in-memory mock database that can handle most SOQL queries, parse them, and return the correct results. This means, in most cases, it is not required to specify what's returned from queries or to stub a data access object.
Lets say you have an AccountService class like so:
public class AccountService {
public void updateAcctName(Id accountId) {
Map<String, Object> binds = new Map<String, Object> {
'acctId' => accountId
// one-to-one wrapper around Database.queryWithBinds
List<Account> acctList = Selector.queryWithBinds(
'SELECT Name FROM Account WHERE Id = :acctId',
for(Account acct : acctList) {
acct.Name = 'WOOOO!!!!';
// one-to-one wrapper around Database.update
DML.doUpdate(acctList, true);
To test this, you can create an account with an @TestSetup class... orr....
public class AccountServiceTest {
private static void testUpdateAcctNameUnitTest() {
// Moxygen already knows its in a unit test, no setup required
Account newAcct = new Account(
Name = 'Lame'
// Does an insert without registering that DML was performed
AccountService service = new AccountService();
'Expected no DML statement to register'
Account updatedAcct = (Account) Selector.queryWithBinds(
'SELECT Name FROM Account WHERE Id = :newAccountId',
new Map<String, Object> {
'newAccountId' => newAcct.Id
// Did we actually update the record?
'Expected account name to be updated'
// check for any DML
'Expected DML to fire'
// check for a specific DML operation
'Expected data to be updated'
// did we call a query?
'Expected some query to be called'
// check that our specific query was called
Selector.calledQuery('SELECT Name FROM Account WHERE Id = :acctId'),
'Expected query to be called'
private static void testUpdateAcctNameIntegrationTest() {
// defaults to unit tests, need to specify when we want real DML and SOQL to fire off
Account newAcct = new Account(
Name = 'Lame'
DML.doInsert(newAcct, true);
AccountService service = new AccountService();
Map<String, Object> acctBinds = new Map<String, Object> {
'newAcctId' => newAcct.Id
List<Account> updatedAcctList = (List<Account>) Selector.queryWithBinds(
'SELECT Name FROM Account WHERE Id = :newAcctId',
Account updatedAcct = updatedAcctList[0];
// Did we actually update the record?
'Expected account name to be updated'
Still a rough-sketch for now, but this is the general organization of the codebase.
Under the hood, a mock SOQL parser is used to handle queries in the context of a unit test.
SELECT fieldList [subquery][...]
[TYPEOF typeOfField whenExpression[...] elseExpression END][...]
FROM objectType[,...]
[USING SCOPE filterScope]
[WHERE conditionExpression]
[WITH [DATA CATEGORY] filteringExpression]
[GROUP BY {fieldGroupByList|ROLLUP (fieldSubtotalGroupByList)|CUBE (fieldSubtotalGroupByList)}
[HAVING havingConditionExpression] ]
[LIMIT numberOfRowsToReturn]
[OFFSET numberOfRowsToSkip]
There are four categories of support for a SOQL query done via the mock SOQL database.
- Fully Supported
- Partially Supported
- Ignored
- It won't throw an exception when parsed, but won't be applied by the mock database
- Not Supported
- Throws a QueryException when read by the parser
Clause | Level of Support | Notes |
SELECT | Partially Supported | FORMAT(), convertCurrency(), convertTimezone(), GROUPING(), date functions, and toLabel() are not supported. |
TYPEOF | Fully Supported | |
FROM | Fully Supported | |
USING SCOPE | Ignored | |
WHERE | Partially Supported | Date functions and date literals are being gradually rolled out. |
WITH | Not Supported | |
GROUP BY | Partially Supported | GROUP BY ROLLUP and GROUP BY CUBE are not supported |
HAVING | Partially Supported | Date functions and date literals are being gradually rolled out. |
ORDER BY | Fully Supported | |
LIMIT | Fully Supported | |
OFFSET | Fully Supported | |
FOR UPDATE | Ignored | |
WITH SECURITY_ENFORCED | Ignored | Syntax is enforced, will not allow this clause in sub-queries |
The ORM class acts as a simple state manager for the Selector and DML classes. It determines whether to make calls to the Database class or the MockDatabase class based on the isUnitTest variable. This variable's value defaults to Test.isRunningTest(), but can be set to false via a call to ORM.doIntegrationTest().
Sets isUnitTest to false, causes DML and Selector class methods to use the Database class when doing DML statements or SOQL queries.
The selector manages SOQL queries. It determines whether to use a call to the Database class or MockDatabase class based on the context set in the ORM class. In normal usage, it calls Database methods, in a test class it defaults to MockDatabase but this can be changed by calling ORM.doIntegrationTest();
List<SObject> query(String queryString)
List<SObject> query(String queryString, System.AccessLevel accessLevel)
List<SObject> queryWithBinds(String queryString, Map<String, Object> bindMap, System.AccessLevel accessLevel)
List<Aggregate> aggregateQuery(String queryString);
List<Aggregate> aggregateQuery(String queryString, System.AccessLevel accessLevel);
List<Aggregate> aggregateQueryWithBinds(String queryString, Map<String, Object> bindMap, System.AccessLevel accessLevel);
Integer countQuery(String queryString)
Integer countQuery(String queryString, System.AccessLevel accessLevel)
Integer countQueryWithBinds(String queryString, Map<String, Object> bindMap, System.AccessLevel accessLevel)
There is also a suite of @TestVisible methods that are only available in the context of a unit test.
Retrieve a record from the mock database, by Id.
NOTE: This will grab deleted records.
Returns whether any query was called.
Returns whether a specific query was called.
Register a query so that when it is called, it returns a specific set of SObjects. Because the SObjects are passed in a list, edits to these SObjects will be reflected in the mock database (i.e. pointer logic).
If a query is registered, the mock soql database will not be used.
Register a query such that when it is called, an exception is thrown. This throws a generic QueryException.
@TestVisible private static void registerAggregateQuery(String queryString, List<Aggregate> records)
Register an aggregate query to return a list of Aggregate objects when its called.
If a query is registered, the mock soql database will not be used.
Register a failed aggregate query. Will throw a QueryException when called (via the queryAggregate methods).
Register a count query (i.e. a call to queryCount).
If a query is registered, the mock soql database will not be used.
Register a failed count query. Throws a QueryException.
The DML class handles DML statements. Just like the Selector class, it determines whether to make calls to the Database or MockDatabase class based on the context set in the ORM class. In normal usage, it calls Database methods, in a test class it defaults to MockDatabase but this can be changed by calling ORM.doIntegrationTest();
Database.DeleteResult doDelete(SObject recordToDelete, Boolean allOrNone)
List<Database.DeleteResult> doDelete(List<SObject> recordsToDelete, Boolean allOrNone)
Database.DeleteResult doDelete(Id recordID, Boolean allOrNone)
List<Database.DeleteResult> doDelete(List<Id> recordIDs, Boolean allOrNone)
Database.SaveResult doInsert(SObject recordToInsert, Boolean allOrNone)
List<Database.SaveResult> doInsert(List<SObject> recordsToInsert, Boolean allOrNone)
Database.SaveResult doInsert(SObject recordToInsert, Boolean allOrNone, System.AccessLevel accessLevel)
List<Database.SaveResult> doInsert(List<SObject> recordsToInsert, Boolean allOrNone, System.AccessLevel accessLevel)
Database.SaveResult doUpdate(SObject recordToUpdate, Boolean allOrNone)
List<Database.SaveResult> doUpdate(List<SObject> recordsToUpdate, Boolean allOrNone)
Database.SaveResult doUpdate(SObject recordToUpdate, Boolean allOrNone, System.AccessLevel accessLevel)
List<Database.SaveResult> doUpdate(List<SObject> recordsToUpdate, Boolean allOrNone, System.AccessLevel accessLevel)
Database.UpsertResult doUpsert(SObject recordToUpsert, SObjectField externalIdField, Boolean allOrNone)
List<Database.UpsertResult> doUpsert(List<SObject> recordsToUpsert, SObjectField externalIdField, Boolean allOrNone)
Database.UpsertResult doUpsert(SObject recordToUpsert, SObjectField externalIdField, Boolean allOrNone, System.AccessLevel accessLevel)
List<Database.UpsertResult> doUpsert(List<SObject> recordsToUpsert, SObjectField externalIdField, Boolean allOrNone, System.AccessLevel accessLevel)
Database.UndeleteResult doUndelete(sObject recordToUndelete, Boolean allOrNone)
List<Database.UndeleteResult> doUndelete(List<SObject> recordsToUndelete, Boolean allOrNone)
Database.UndeleteResult doUndelete(Id recordID, Boolean allOrNone)
List<Database.UndeleteResult> doUndelete(List<Id> recordIDs, Boolean allOrNone)
Database.UndeleteResult doUndelete(SObject recordToUndelete, Boolean allOrNone, System.AccessLevel accessLevel)
This class also contains a suite of @TestVisible methods that can only be used in the context of a unit test.
Inserts a record into the mock database without registering an insert.
Inserts a list of records into the mock database without registering an insert.
Returns whether any DML, aside from calls to doMockInsert, were made.
Returns whether a specific DML operation was performed, excluding calls to doMockInsert. The options for type are:
Returns whether a record has been deleted, given the fake ID that was created for it when it was inserted
This object is a wrapper around AggregateResult. The reason for its existence is that AggregateResult objects cannot be mocked. It takes the AggregateResult record, and perserves it as a read-only Map<String, Object>.
Returns the value on the aggregate keyed by "field"