作者:Joey Ziolkowski (Advanced Designer, Schell Games)、María Laura Mirabelli Jimenez (XR Developer, Gensler)
As developers, keeping up with all of the new technologies, hardware, and gameplay innovations can be overwhelming. When designing a game on the cutting edge, how can we effectively teach players these new concepts without overwhelming them?
Join the development team behind Party Versus, a groundbreaking multiplayer Mixed Reality game from Schell Games and Oculus Studios where living rooms are connected across the world for the ultimate house party. María and Joey share their experience uncovering a brand new design space, understanding its potential, and designing interactive features that teach players about these new concepts in a fun and concise way. Discover approaches to "find the fun" in emerging technologies, and unlock design tips to help communicate these ideas effectively to players.
加入《Party Versus》的开发团队,这是一款来自Schell Games和Oculus Studios的开创性多人混合现实游戏,在这款游戏中,全世界的客厅被连接起来,为玩家带来终极的居家派对体验。María和Joey分享了他们探索全新设计空间、理解其潜力,并设计互动功能的经验,这些功能以有趣且简洁的方式向玩家传授新概念。发现针对新兴技术“寻找乐趣”的方法,并解锁设计技巧,以帮助有效向玩家传达这些理念。
作者:Bernard Yee (CEO/Executive Producer, Windup Minds)、Austin Grossman (Principal Desginer, Windup Minds)、Benjamin Vance (CTO, Windup Minds)、Jonathan Hamel (Design DIrector, Another Axiom)、Laura Warner (Associate Creative Director , Nerd Ninjas)
Mixed Reality is a step function for XR devices - a more accessible, human centric UX. Both Apple and Meta are investing heavily in these platforms, and this represents the opportunity to build new types of games - and reach new audiences - that VR hasn't tapped. This panel will replicate the real world dynamics of a product owner tasking multiple disciplines - with their biases - to tackle the sorts of challenges whispered at companies like Meta, Magic Leap and EA.s Watch what sorts of design paradigms can be used and advocated in the face of counterpoints - and could thrive from console, PC, mobile; gain insight into the sorts of hypotheses that were explored from the people who worked them inside AR product organizations,and teams actually building MR content. VR has its own lessons - what sorting of things like locomotion solutions can we make now?
混合现实是对XR设备的一个飞跃——这是一种更易于访问、以人类为中心的用户体验。苹果和Meta都在这些平台上投入了大量资金,这代表着有机会构建新型的游戏——并触及新的受众——这是VR尚未涉足的领域。这个小组将模拟产品负责人指派给多个学科(带有各自偏见)来解决像Meta、Magic Leap和EA这样的公司内部热议的各种挑战。观察在面对不同观点时可以使用和倡导什么样的设计范式——并在游戏主机、PC、移动平台等环境中蓬勃发展;从AR产品组织内参与其中的人那里获得见解,了解他们探索了哪些假设,并且实际构建混合现实内容的团队也从中获得了哪些经验。VR也有其自身的教训——我们现在可以开发出什么样的移动解决方案?
作者:Alexander Silkin (Founder & CTO, Survios)
Join they speakers as they unpack the development journey of Alien: Rogue Incursion, Survios' most ambitious VR title. This session will cover the creation of a semi-open world on the planet Purdan, highlighting our approach to balancing player freedom, narrative guidance, and resource management. They'll dive into the technical details behind our save systems. Additionally, they explore our development process, the pitfalls we encountered, and how the project evolved to its final form. Whether you're interested in game design, storytelling, or VR tech, this talk offers a comprehensive look at building a complex VR experience.
加入演讲者们,一起探讨《异形: rogue突袭》(Alien: Rogue Incursion)的开发历程,这是Survios迄今为止最具雄心的VR作品。本次会议将涵盖在普尔丹星球上创建半开放世界的过程,重点介绍我们如何平衡玩家自由、叙事引导和资源管理。他们还将深入探讨我们的存档系统背后的技术细节。此外,他们还将探索我们的开发过程、遇到的陷阱以及项目是如何演变成最终形态的。无论你是对游戏设计、叙事还是VR技术感兴趣,这次讲座都将为你提供一个全面了解构建复杂VR体验的机会。
作者:Guillaume Perreault Roy (Creative Director / Game Designer, TREBUCHET)
Going head-to-head armed with a sword in VR, what could go wrong? While being an attractive genre, most attempts of PvP melee combat in VR have been mitigated by the medium's limitations.
This lecture is a postmortem of Broken Edge, a sword fighting VR game with a niche but healthy player base. It will present a singular approach to VR issues such as the lack of physical feedback and the coherency to virtual and real space. It's a study case of identifying and using VR potentials to work around its limitations.
This talk will focus on biomechanics, skill-based mechanics and positive reinforcement. We will illustrate how those elements lead to the growth of a competitive community and the emergence of a vast array of techniques and we will reflect on a significant milestone: the realization that gameplay characteristics unique to Broken Edge are, in fact, common to all martial arts.
本次讲座是对《Broken Edge》这款VR剑斗游戏的回顾分析,该游戏拥有一个虽然小众但健康的玩家群体。它将展示一种独特的解决VR问题的方法,例如缺乏物理反馈以及虚拟空间与现实空间的一致性问题。这是一次识别并利用VR潜力以克服其局限性的案例研究。
本次演讲将重点关注生物力学、基于技能的机制和积极强化。我们将说明这些元素如何引导竞争社区的成长,并催生出各种技术的涌现。我们还将反思一个重要里程碑:即意识到《Broken Edge》特有的游戏特性实际上是所有武术共有的。
作者:Andrew Eiche (CEOwl, Owlchemy Labs Inc)
Owlchemy Labs could have rested on their laurels — content in updating their existing titles and continuing down the niche they built for themselves as a single player VR developer.Instead, they chose a bolder path.Join Andrew Eiche CEOwl of Owlchemy Labs as he discusses the company's latest title "Dimensional Double Shift." In this talk, he will discuss the choice to develop a hand tracked cooperative multiplayer VR game. He will cover the research and development that went into the game, providing deep insight into the innovation that drove the development of the title.This talk will be an honest look into how a mid-sized VR studio approached releasing a new IP. Where the title succeeds, where it could have been better, and ultimately where the title is heading.
Owlchemy Labs本可以满足于现有的成就——满足于更新他们现有的游戏并继续作为单人VR游戏开发商的道路。相反,他们选择了一条更为大胆的道路。加入Owlchemy Labs的首席执行官Andrew Eiche,一起探讨公司的最新作品“Dimensional Double Shift”。在本次演讲中,他将讨论为何决定开发一款支持手部追踪的多人合作VR游戏。他还将涵盖游戏研发过程中所进行的研究和开发工作,深入剖析推动该作品创新的驱动力。本次演讲将诚实地展示一个中型VR工作室如何推出新的IP。我们将看到这款游戏的成功之处、可以改进的地方,以及最终这款作品的发展方向。
作者:Nathaniel Rossol (Co-founder and CTO, VRCAVE)
The VRCAVE Library is a collection of mostly VR Escape Rooms and short arcade games. Central to its design is its mandatory multiplayer where anywhere between 2 to 6 players must work together in order to complete all the puzzles, defeat bosses, and beat the games.In this session, Nathaniel Rossol will walk through the design challenges and technical challenges the team at VRCave had to overcome to bring these games to the market. He will delve into the design challenges that came up that were unique to multiplayer VR games, including problems with VR multiplayer cutscenes, player engagement, and missed vital cues. He will then walk through some of the more technical challenges their team had to overcome, including network latency problems with fast moving objects and performance problems with high numbers of players.
VRCAVE图书馆主要收录了VR逃脱房间和短小的街机游戏。其设计的核心在于强制性的多人游戏模式,要求2到6名玩家必须合作才能完成所有谜题、击败Boss并通关游戏。在本次会议中,Nathaniel Rossol将介绍VRCave团队在将这些游戏推向市场过程中所面临的各种设计挑战和技术挑战。他将深入探讨那些仅限于多人VR游戏的独特设计挑战,包括VR多人过场动画的问题、玩家参与度以及错过关键提示等问题。随后,他还将介绍团队在技术层面遇到的一些挑战,例如快速移动物体的网络延迟问题以及大量玩家时的性能问题。
Future Realities Summit: XR for All: Accessibility Insights from 'Walkabout Mini Golf' and 'Dimensional Double Shift'
作者:Colby Morgan (Technical Director, Mighty Coconut)、Jazmin Cano (Senior Accessibility Product Manager, Owlchemy Labs)
In this session, Colby Morgan, Technical Director at Mighty Coconut, and Jazmin, Senior Accessibility Product Manager at Owlchemy Labs, share their experiences designing and developing accessible VR games. They showcase key accessibility features from Walkabout Mini Golf and Dimensional Double Shift, including customizable player height, one-handed play, visual aids, and motion adjustments. The discussion emphasizes designing with accessibility from day one, integrating user feedback through ongoing playtesting, and overcoming technical challenges to deliver inclusive gameplay experiences. Attendees will gain insights into balancing performance with accessibility, simplifying complex interactions, and implementing intuitive guidance systems. This session highlights the importance of accessibility as a continual process, demonstrating how both games have evolved to meet the needs of players with disabilities, offering practical takeaways for building more inclusive VR experiences.
在本次会议中,Mighty Coconut 的技术总监 Colby Morgan 和 Owlchemy Labs 的高级无障碍产品经理 Jazmin 分享了他们设计和开发无障碍 VR 游戏的经验。他们展示了《Walkabout Mini Golf》和《Dimensional Double Shift》中的关键无障碍功能,包括可自定义的玩家身高、单手操作、视觉辅助和动作调整。讨论重点在于从第一天开始就考虑无障碍设计,通过持续的游戏测试整合用户反馈,并克服技术挑战以提供包容性的游戏体验。参会者将获得关于如何平衡性能与无障碍性、简化复杂交互以及实施直观引导系统等方面的见解。本次会议强调了无障碍性作为持续过程的重要性,展示了这两款游戏是如何演进以满足残疾玩家的需求,为构建更包容的 VR 体验提供了实用的收获。
Future Realities Summit:Solving VR Gaming's Visibility Crisis: Strategies for Reaching Mainstream Audiences
作者:Jim Squires (Public Relations, Freelance)、Ryan McCaffrey (Executive Editor, IGN)、Maeva Sponbergs (Chief Marketing Officer + Head of Publishing, Beyond Frames Entertainment)、Stephanie Greenall (Head of Communications, Cake or Death)、Amy Pantea (Product Marketing, Polyarc)
VR marketing and communications is trapped in an echo chamber of its own making. Studios can only make sales if they're targeting headset owners — but in failing to prioritize other audiences, the growth of the overall market is poised to stagnate. In this panel, VR marketing and comms experts will be joined by media to explore ways of reaching new audiences, and to solve the riddle that has confounded VR studios for a decade: why aren't mainstream games outlets interested in covering VR games, and what can we do to change that? Featuring Ryan McCaffrey (IGN), Amy Pantea (Polyarc), Maeva Sponbergs (Beyond Frames Entertainment), Stephanie Greenall (Cake or Death), and moderated by XR games consultant Jim Squires.
VR营销和传播被困在其自身营造的回声室中。工作室只有在针对头显拥有者时才能实现销售——但由于未能优先考虑其他受众群体,整个市场的增长可能会停滞不前。在本次小组讨论中,VR营销和传播专家将与媒体共同探讨触及新受众群体的方法,并解决困扰VR工作室十年之久的难题:为什么主流游戏平台对VR游戏缺乏兴趣,以及我们能做些什么来改变这一状况?参与此次讨论的嘉宾包括Ryan McCaffrey(IGN)、Amy Pantea(Polyarc)、Maeva Sponbergs(Beyond Frames Entertainment)和Stephanie Greenall(Cake or Death),由XR游戏顾问Jim Squires主持。
Unity Developer Summit: Graphics Rendering: Getting the Best Performance with Unity 6.1 (Presented by Unity)
作者:Elad Damian Nachman (Senior Technical Product Manager, Unity, Unity)、Mathieu Muller (Lead Product Manager for Graphics, Unity, Unity)
Ready to take your game's performance to the next level across mobile, desktop, and console platforms? This session introduces the powerful graphics optimizations and tools in Unity 6.1 that can help minimize CPU and GPU rendering overhead. Learn how to increase frame rate, extend mobile battery life, and push visual fidelity further.
准备好提升你在移动、桌面和游戏机平台上的游戏性能了吗?本session介绍了Unity 6.1中强大的图形优化和工具,这些可以帮助减少CPU和GPU的渲染开销。了解如何提高帧率,延长移动设备的电池寿命,并进一步提升视觉质量。
Unity Developer Summit: Immersive Experiences: Building Cross-Platform Mixed Reality (Presented by Unity)
作者:Andy Biar (Senior Software Engineer, Unity, Unity)、Matt Schoen (Staff Software Engineer, Unity, Unity)
2025 promises exciting advancements in XR with new devices and enhanced spatial capabilities. Discover Unity's latest cross-platform development tools in Unity 6, designed to help you create innovative and immersive experiences. Build for leading XR platforms with tools that empower creators to push the boundaries of what's possible.
2025年有望在XR领域带来令人兴奋的技术进步,包括新的设备和增强的空间计算能力。探索Unity 6中的最新跨平台开发工具,这些工具旨在帮助您创建创新且沉浸式的游戏体验。使用能够助力创作者突破可能性界限的工具,为领先的XR平台构建内容。