Social Media Analysis - Cancellation of Airpower
How did Apple handle a negative event and crisis (Here the cancellation of Airpower on 29th March, 2019), and also try to analyse the sentiments with respect to locations.
- Data Cleaning
- WordCloud of Prominent words before and After Cancellation
- Emoji Analysis before and after cancellation
- Who are the top influencers?
- Are the top influencers more positive or negative in general?
- Where are the top influencers located? (DOES INFLUENCERS HAVE IMPACT ON A PARTICULAR LOCATION?)
- Were the top influencers spreading Positive or negative sentiments in each location?
- Who have the tendency to connect diverse people together? Where are they located? (Highest Betweenness centrality)
- IS IT A LOCAL IMPACT OR GLOBAL IMPACT? —are influencers of the same location influencing the sentiments on social media?
- Recommendations
Please refer to the document attached for more details