Releases: adafruit/Adafruit_Blinka
Bug Fixes
What's Changed
- Add check to ODroid n2 to make sure i2c matches expected ports #705 by @makermelissa
- Separate SPDX to separate files for issue markdown #704 by @makermelissa
To use in CPython, pip3 install adafruit-blinka
Read the docs for info on how to use it.
Update pre-commit, JH71X0 constant, pylint
What's Changed
- Add issue templates and update pre-commit config #703 by @makermelissa
To use in CPython, pip3 install adafruit-blinka
Read the docs for info on how to use it.
Add LeMaker Banana Pro Support
What's Changed
- Add Release Drafter to make releases easier #698 by @makermelissa
- Bananapro #694 by @Xenokrates
To use in CPython, pip3 install adafruit-blinka
Read the docs for info on how to use it.
Updated Orange Pi 5 i2c
This release includes the following changes:
- added support for i2c1-m4 overlay in orange pi 5 #691 by @ErikApption
To use in CPython, pip3 install adafruit-blinka
Read the docs for info on how to use it.
Added KB2040 U2IF Support
This release includes the following changes:
- Add KB2040 #688 by @caternuson
To use in CPython, pip3 install adafruit-blinka
Read the docs for info on how to use it.
RK3399 updated to libgpiod and pulseio support for odroidc4
Fixes and New Boards
This release includes the following changes:
- Fix Incorrect SPI Pin Assignments for Rockpi4 #674 by @MathijsNL
- Adding support for CAN and RFM Feathers #673 by @BlitzCityDIY
- Fixing swapped SPI0/SPI1 #671 by @BlitzCityDIY
- Add second I2C to #670 by @stevengilbertoksi
To use in CPython, pip3 install adafruit-blinka
Read the docs for info on how to use it.
Add support for EPD U2IF
merged and release for Feather EPD U2IF (somewhat experimental!)
To use in CPython, pip3 install adafruit-blinka
Read the docs for info on how to use it.
New Board Support
Pin Fixes
This release includes the following changes:
- Fix Rock 4C Plus pin mapping and board file #658 by @MathijsNL
- Add support for missing rp2040 SPI0 RX (GP20) pin #662 by @FlantasticDan
To use in CPython, pip3 install adafruit-blinka
Read the docs for info on how to use it.