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Dokkatoo is a Gradle plugin that generates documentation for your Kotlin projects.

Under the hood it uses Dokka, the API documentation engine for Kotlin.

Why Dokkatoo?

If Dokka already has a Gradle plugin, then what is Dokkatoo for?

Dokkatoo has a number of improvements over the existing Dokka Gradle Plugin:


Dokkatoo is used in production by many projects, and can generate documentation for single-module and multimodule projects.

Dokkatoo has been merged into the Dokka codebase, although as of December 2023 it has not been released. Until JetBrains releases a version of Dokkatoo, continue to use this version and watch this space.


Dokkatoo is published on the Gradle Plugin Portal and Maven Central. Snapshot releases are also available.

Quick start

  1. Apply the appropriate plugin for any formats you'd like to generate.

    For example, HTML and Javadoc

    // build.gradle.kts
    plugins {
      // only generate HTML and Javadoc
      id("dev.adamko.dokkatoo-html") version "$dokkatooVersion"
      id("dev.adamko.dokkatoo-javadoc") version "$dokkatooVersion"
      //id("dev.adamko.dokkatoo-gfm") version "$dokkatooVersion"
      //id("dev.adamko.dokkatoo-jekyll") version "$dokkatooVersion"

    Or all formats

    // build.gradle.kts
    plugins {
      // generate all formats - HTML, Jekyll, Javadoc, and GFM (GitHub Flavoured Markdown)
      id("dev.adamko.dokkatoo") version "$dokkatooVersion"

    Read more about the available formats in the Dokka docs.

  2. Run the generation task

    ./gradlew dokkatooGenerate
  3. View the results in ./build/dokka/

Configuring Dokkatoo

Once the Dokkatoo plugin is applied to a project, it can be configuring using the dokkatoo {} DSL.

Here is an example - it is not exhaustive and does not cover all functionality.

// build.gradle.kts
import dev.adamko.dokkatoo.dokka.plugins.DokkaHtmlPluginParameters

plugins {
  id("dev.adamko.dokkatoo-html") version "$dokkatooVersion"

dokkatoo {
  moduleName.set("Basic Project")

  dokkatooSourceSets.configureEach {
    perPackageOption {
    perPackageOption {

  pluginsConfiguration.html {
    footerMessage.set("(C) The Owner")

  dokkatooPublications.configureEach {

  // The default versions that Dokkatoo uses can be overridden:
  versions {

Combining subprojects

Dokkatoo can aggregate documentation from subprojects.

To do this, apply the Dokkatoo plugin in all subprojects that should be documented.

In the aggregating project, depend on the other subprojects.

// build.gradle.kts

plugins {
  id("dev.adamko.dokkatoo-html") version "$dokkatooVersion"

dependencies {
  // aggregate both subproject-hello and subproject-world
  // the subprojects must also have Dokkatoo applied

  // If using Dokkatoo v2.1.0+ a dependency on all-modules-page-plugin is no longer required,
  // see

  // Earlier versions of Dokkatoo must manually add a dependency:
  dokkatooPluginHtml( { dokkaVersion ->

Run the Dokkatoo generation task.

./gradlew :dokkatooGeneratePublicationHtml

Dokkatoo will then generate documentation into ./build/dokka/

To improve performance only run the task in the aggregating project by prefixing the task name with the subproject path (or : if aggregating in the root project).

Migrating from Dokka Gradle Plugin

Dokkatoo is not a drop-in replacement for the Dokka Gradle Plugin, and requires migration.

When Dokkatoo matures, a guide will be made available. For now, check the example projects for comparative examples.

Apply both Dokka Gradle Plugin and Dokkatoo

For help in migrating from the Dokka Gradle Plugin to Dokkatoo, you can still apply both plugins - just make sure to update the Dokkatoo output directory!

// build.gradle.kts

plugins {
  id("org.jetbrains.dokka") version "$dokkaVersion"
  id("dev.adamko.dokkatoo-html") version "$dokkatooVersion"

dokkatoo {
  // update the output directory, so it doesn't clash with the Dokka plugin! 

Snapshot releases

Snapshot versions of Dokkatoo are available on Maven Central.

// settings.gradle.kts

pluginManagement {
  repositories {

    // add Maven Central snapshot repository
    maven("") {
      name = "MavenCentralSnapshots"
      mavenContent { snapshotsOnly() }