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Lauren Padia edited this page Jun 15, 2016 · 13 revisions

[User Guide](User Guide)

#Working With Dashboards Dashboard content is specific to the visualization framework being used to render the dashboard. Argus web services do not support rendering of metric data or dashboards.

##Dashboard Structure A dashboard includes the end date, ID, name, owner, metric, scope, shared, start date, and tags.

Component Description
End date Notification end date
ID Notification ID
Metric Metric name
Name Dashboard name
Owner Dashboard owner
Scope Scope of the notification object
Shared Visible by other users
Start date Notification start date
Tags Additional information in form of tag-key value pair

##Create a Dashboard
To create a dashboard, click the Add button on the Dashboard List page. To view your new dashboard, enter your last name in the search box.

##Modify a Dashboard To modify an existing dashboard, search for the ID number, dashboard name, description, or last name of the owner in the search box.

  1. Click the dashboard name that you want to modify.
  2. Click the Edit tab.
  3. Modify the dashboard and click Save.

##Delete a Dashboard You must be logged in as a user with appropriate permissions to delete a dashboard. Select the dashboard from the dashboard list, and click Delete.


[Getting Started](Getting Started)
##[User Guide](User Guide)
[Data Model](Data Model)

[Web Service API](Web Service API)

  • [/alerts](Alerts Resource)
  • [/annotations](Annotation Resource)
  • [/audit](Audit Resource)
  • [/authentication](Authentication Resource)
  • [/collection](Collection Resource)
  • [/dashboards](Dashboard Resource)
  • [/discover](Discover Resource)
  • [/history](History Resource)
  • [/management](Management Resource)
  • [/metrics](Metrics Resource)
  • [/namespace](Namespace Resource)
  • [/users](Users Resource)


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