implement column in db to track using own key
implement column in db to track using own key
implement freemium with personal api keys
implement freemium with personal api keys
fix prod grouped chunks with nginx and server config
fix prod grouped chunks with nginx and server config
print statements debug backend
print statements debug backend
debugging client side useDiagram
debugging client side useDiagram
Implement streaming output for loading component
Implement streaming output for loading component
Force push
fix fastapi, nginx, and entrypoint for sse
fix fastapi, nginx, and entrypoint for sse
Implement streaming output for loading component
Implement streaming output for loading component
remove legend from prompts (makes diagrams very long)
remove legend from prompts (makes diagrams very long)
add example mermaid.js flow and move explanation reasoning to medium
add example mermaid.js flow and move explanation reasoning to medium
add high reasoning for code generation step + other things
add high reasoning for code generation step + other things
increase zoom sensitivity, move modify to o3
increase zoom sensitivity, move modify to o3