CakePHP features not only a web framework but also a console framework for creating console applications. Console applications are ideal for handling a variety of background tasks such as maintenance, and completing work outside of the request-response cycle. CakePHP console applications allow you to reuse your application classes from the command line.
CakePHP comes with a number of console applications out of the box. Some of these applications are used in concert with other CakePHP features (like ACL or i18n), and others are for general use in getting you working faster.
This section provides an introduction into CakePHP at the command-line. If you’ve ever needed access to your CakePHP MVC classes in a cron job or other command-line script, this section is for you.
PHP provides a CLI client that makes interfacing with your file system and applications much smoother. The CakePHP console provides a framework for creating shell scripts. The Console uses a dispatcher-type setup to load a shell or task, and hand it its parameters.
A command-line (CLI) build of PHP must be available on the system if you plan to use the Console.
Before we get into specifics, let’s make sure we can run the CakePHP Console. First, you’ll need to bring up a system shell. The examples shown in this section will be in bash, but the CakePHP Console is Windows-compatible as well. Let’s execute the Console program from bash. This example assumes that the user is currently logged into a bash prompt and is currently at the root of a CakePHP application.
CakePHP applications contain a Console
directory that contains
all the shells and tasks for an application. It also comes with an
$ cd /my/app_folder $ Console/cake
Its often wise to add the core cake executable to your system path
so you can use the cake command anywhere. This comes in handy when you are
creating new projects. See :ref:`adding-cake-to-your-path` for how to make cake
available systemwide.
Running the Console with no arguments produces this help message:
Welcome to CakePHP v2.0.0 Console --------------------------------------------------------------- App : app Path: /Users/markstory/cakephp/app/ --------------------------------------------------------------- Current Paths: -working: /path/to/cake/ -root: /path/to/cake/ -app: /path/to/cake/app/ -core: /path/to/cake/ Changing Paths: your working path should be the same as your application path to change your path use the '-app' param. Example: -app relative/path/to/myapp or -app /absolute/path/to/myapp Available Shells: acl [CORE] i18n [CORE] api [CORE] import [app] bake [CORE] schema [CORE] command_list [CORE] testsuite [CORE] console [CORE] To run a command, type 'cake shell_name [args]' To get help on a specific command, type 'cake shell_name help'
The first information printed relates to paths. This is especially helpful if you're running the console from different parts of the filesystem.
Since many users add the CakePHP console to their system's path so it can
be accessed easily. Printing out the working, root, app, and core
paths allows you to see where the console will be making changes.
To change the app folder you wish to work with, you can supply its
path as the first argument to the cake command. This next example
shows how to specify an app folder, assuming you’ve already added
the console folder to your PATH
$ cake -app /path/to/app
The path supplied can be relative to the current working directory or supplied as an absolute path.
If you are on a *nix system (linux, MacOSX) the following steps will let you add the cake executable to your system path.
Locate where your cakephp install, and cake executable are. For example
Edit your
file in your home directory, and add the following:export PATH="/Users/mark/cakephp/lib/Cake/Console:$PATH"
Reload the bash configuration or open a new terminal, and
should work anywhere.
.. todo:: Add how to setup PATH for windows systems.
Let's create a shell for use in the Console. For this example,
we'll create a simple Hello world shell. In you applications
directory create HelloShell.php
. Put the following
code inside it:
<?php class HelloShell extends AppShell { public function main() { $this->out('Hello world.'); } }
The conventions for shell classes are that the class name should match
the file name, with the suffix of Shell. In our shell we created a main()
This method is called when a shell is called with no additional commands. We'll add
some more commands in a bit, but for now lets just run our shell. From your application
directory, run:
Console/cake hello
You should see the following output:
Welcome to CakePHP v2.0.0 Console --------------------------------------------------------------- App : app Path: /Users/markstory/Sites/cake_dev/app/ --------------------------------------------------------------- Hello world.
As mentioned before, the main()
method in shells is a special method called
whenever there are no other commands or arguments given to a shell. You may have also
noticed that HelloShell is extending AppShell
. Much like :ref:`app-controller`, AppShell
gives you a base class to contain all your common functions or logic. You can define an AppShell,
by creating app/Console/Command/AppShell.php
. If you don't have one, CakePHP will use the
built-in one. Since our main method wasnn't very interesting lets add another command
that does something:
<?php class HelloShell extends AppShell { public function main() { $this->out('Hello world.'); } public function hey_there() { $this->out('Hey there ' . $this->args[0]); } }
After saving this file you should be able to run Console/cake hello hey_there your-name
and see your name printed out. Any public method not prefixed by an _
is allowed to be
called from the command line. In our hey_there
method we also used $this->args
, this
property contains an array of all the positional arguments provided to a command. You can
also use switches or options on shell applications, these are available at $this->params
but we'll cover that in a bit.
You'll often need access to your application's business logic in shell utilities;
CakePHP makes that super easy. By setting a $uses
property, you can define an
array of models you want to have access to in your shell. The defined models
are loaded in as properties attached to your shell, just like a controller gets
models attached to it:
<?php class UserShell extends AppShell { public $uses = array('User'); public function show() { $user = $this->User->findByUsername($this->args[0]); $this->out(print_r($user, true)); } }
The above shell, will fetch a user by username and display the information stored in the database.
There will be times when building more advanced console applications, you'll want
to compose functionality into re-usable classes that can be shared across many shells.
Tasks allow you to extract commands into classes. For example the bake
is made
almost entirely of tasks. You define a shell's tasks by using the $tasks
<?php class UserShell extends Shell { public $tasks = array('Template'); }
You can use tasks from plugins using the standard :term:`plugin syntax`.
Tasks are stored in Console/Command/Task/
in files named after
their classes. So if we were to create a new 'FileGenerator' task, you would create
Each task must at least implement an execute()
method. The ShellDispatcher,
will call this method when the task is invoked. A task class looks like:
<?php class FileGeneratorTask extends Shell { public $uses = array('User'); public function execute() { } }
A shell can also access it's tasks as properties, which makes tasks great for making re-usable chunks of functionality similar to :doc:`/controllers/components`:
<?php // found in Console/Task/SeaShell.php class SeaShell extends Shell { public $tasks = array('Sound'); //found in console/shells/tasks/sound.php public function main() { $this->Sound->execute(); } }
You can also access tasks directly from the command line:
$ cake sea sound
In order to access tasks directly from the command line, the task must be included in the shell class' $tasks property. Therefore, be warned that a method called “sound” in the SeaShell class would override the ability to access the functionality in the Sound task specified in the $tasks array.
You can load tasks on the fly using the Task collection object. You can load tasks that were not declared in $tasks this way:
$Project = $this->Tasks->load('Project');
Would load and return a ProjectTask instance. You can load tasks from plugins using:
$ProgressBar = $this->Tasks->load('ProgressBar.ProgressBar');
Shells no longer have direct access to the ShellDispatcher any more through $this->Dispatch. There are still many cases where you will want to invoke one shell from another though. Shell::dispatchShell() gives you the ability to call other shells by providing the argv for the sub shell. You can provide arguments and options either as var args or as a string:
<?php // As a string $this->dispatchShell('schema create Blog --plugin Blog'); // As an array $this->dispatchShell('schema', 'create', 'Blog', '--plugin', 'Blog');
The above shows how you can call the schema shell to create the schema for a plugin from inside your plugin's shell.
Shells often need different levels of verbosity. When running as cron jobs, most output is un-necessary. And there are times when you are not interested in everything that a shell has to say. You can use output levels to flag output appropriately. The user of the shell, can then decide what level of detail they are interested in by setting the correct flag when calling the shell. :php:meth:`Shell::out()` supports 3 types of output by default.
- QUIET - Only absolutely important information should be marked for quiet output.
- NORMAL - The default level, and normal usage
- VERBOSE - Mark messages that may be too noisy for everyday use, but helpful for debugging as VERBOSE
You can mark output as follows:
<?php // would appear at all levels. $this->out('Quiet message', 1, Shell::QUIET); // would not appear when quiet output is toggled $this->out('normal message', 1, Shell::NORMAL); $this->out('loud message', 1, Shell::VERBOSE); // would only appear when verbose output is enabled. $this->out('extra message', 1, Shell::VERBOSE);
You can control the output level of shells, by using the --quiet
and --verbose
options. These options are added by default, and allow you to consistently control
output levels inside your CakePHP shells.
Styling output is done by including tags - just like html - in your output. ConsoleOutput will replace these tags with the correct ansi code sequence, or remove the tags if you are on a console that doesn't support ansi codes. There are several built in styles, and you can create more. The built in ones are
Error messages. Red underlined text.warning
Warning messages. Yellow
Informational messages. Cyan text.comment
Additional text. Blue text.question
Text that is a question, added automatically by shell.
You can create additional styles using $this->stdout->styles(). To declare a new output style you could do:
<?php $this->stdout->styles('flashy', array('text' => 'magenta', 'blink' => true));
This would then allow you to use a <flashy>
tag in your shell output, and if ansi
colours are enabled, the following would be rendered as blinking magenta text
$this->out('<flashy>Whoooa</flashy> Something went wrong');
. When defining
styles you can use the following colours for the text and background attributes:
- black
- red
- green
- yellow
- blue
- magenta
- cyan
- white
You can also use the following options as boolean switches, setting them to a truthy value enables them.
- bold
- underline
- blink
- reverse
Adding a style makes it available on all instances of ConsoleOutput as well, so you don't have to redeclare styles for both stdout and stderr objects.
Although colouring is pretty awesome, there may be times when you want to turn it off, or force it on:
<?php $this->output->outputAs(ConsoleOutput::RAW);
The above will put the output object into raw output mode. In raw output mode, no styling is done at all. There are three modes you can use.
- Raw output, no styling or formatting will be done. This is a good mode to use if you are outputting XML or, want to debug why your styling isn't working.ConsoleOutput::PLAIN
- Plain text output, known style tags will be stripped from the output.ConsoleOutput::COLOR
- Output with color escape codes in place.
By default on *nix systems ConsoleOutput objects default to colour output.
On windows systems, plain output is the default unless the ANSICON
variable is present.
.. php:class:: ConsoleOptionParser
Console option parsing in CakePHP has always been a little bit different
from everything else on the command line. In 2.0 ConsoleOptionParser
helps provide a more familiar command line option and argument parser.
OptionParsers allow you to accomplish two goals at the same time. First they allow you to define the options and arguments, separating basic input validation and your code. Secondly, it allows you to provide documentation, that is used to generate well formatted help file.
The console framework gets your shell's option parser by calling
. Overriding this method allows you to
configure the OptionParser to match the expected inputs of your shell.
You can also configure subcommand option parsers, which allow you to
have different option parsers for subcommands and tasks.
The ConsoleOptionParser implements a fluent interface and includes
methods for easily setting multiple options/arguments at once.:
<?php public function getOptionParser() { $parser = parent::getOptionParser(); //configure parser return $parser; }
All of the methods that configure an option parser can be chained, allowing you to define an entire option parser in one series of method calls:
<?php $parser->addArgument('type', array( 'help' => 'Either a full path or type of class.' ))->addArgument('className', array( 'help' => 'A CakePHP core class name (e.g: Component, HtmlHelper).' ))->addOption('method', array( 'short' => 'm', 'help' => __('The specific method you want help on.') ))->description(__('Lookup doc block comments for classes in CakePHP.'));
The methods that allow chaining are:
- description()
- epilog()
- command()
- addArgument()
- addArguments()
- addOption()
- addOptions()
- addSubcommand()
- addSubcommands()
.. php:method:: description($text = null)
Gets or sets the description for the option parser. The description displays above the argument and option information. By passing in either an array or a string, you can set the value of the description. Calling with no arguments will return the current value:
<?php // Set multiple lines at once $parser->description(array('line one', 'line two')); // read the current value $parser->description()
.. php:method:: epilog($text = null)
Gets or sets the epilog for the option parser. The epilog is displayed after the argument and option information. By passing in either an array or a string, you can set the value of the epilog. Calling with no arguments will return the current value:
<?php // Set multiple lines at once $parser->epilog(array('line one', 'line two')); // read the current value $parser->epilog()
.. php:method:: addArgument($name, $params = array())
Positional arguments are frequently used in command line tools,
and ConsoleOptionParser
allows you to define positional
arguments as well as make them required. You can add arguments
one at a time with $parser->addArgument();
or multiple at once
with $parser->addArguments();
<?php $parser->addArgument('model', array('help' => 'The model to bake'));
You can use the following options when creating an argument:
The help text to display for this argument.required
Whether this parameter is required.index
The index for the arg, if left undefined the argument will be put- onto the end of the arguments. If you define the same index twice the first option will be overwritten.
A array of valid choices for this argument. If left empty all- values are valid. An exception will be raised when parse() encounters an invalid value.
Arguments that have been marked as required will throw an exception when parsing the command if they have been omitted. So you don't have to handle that in your shell.
.. php:method:: addArguments(array $args)
If you have an array with multiple arguments you can use $parser->addArguments()
to add multiple arguments at once.:
<?php $parser->addArguments(array( 'node', array('help' => 'The node to create', 'required' => true), 'parent' => array('help' => 'The parent node', 'required' => true) ));
As with all the builder methods on ConsoleOptionParser, addArguments can be used as part of a fluent method chain.
When creating positional arguments, you can use the required
flag, to
indicate that an argument must be present when a shell is called.
Additionally you can use choices
to force an argument to
be from a list of valid choices:
<?php $parser->addArgument('type', array( 'help' => 'The type of node to interact with.', 'required' => true, 'choices' => array('aro', 'aco') ));
The above will create an argument that is required and has validation on the input. If the argument is either missing, or has an incorrect value an exception will be raised and the shell will be stopped.
.. php:method:: addOption($name, $options = array())
Options or flags are also frequently used in command line tools.
supports creating options
with both verbose and short aliases, supplying defaults
and creating boolean switches. Options are created with either
or $parser->addOptions()
<?php $parser->addOption('connection', array( 'short' => 'c' 'help' => 'connection', 'default' => 'default' ));
The above would allow you to use either cake myshell --connection=other
cake myshell --connection other
, or cake myshell -c other
when invoking the shell. You can also create boolean switches, these switches do not
consume values, and their presence just enables them in the
parsed parameters.:
<?php $parser->addOption('no-commit', array('boolean' => true));
With this option, when calling a shell like cake myshell --no-commit something
the no-commit param would have a value of true, and 'something'
would be a treated as a positional argument.
The built-in --help
, --verbose
, and --quiet
use this feature.
When creating options you can use the following options to define the behavior of the option:
- The single letter variant for this option, leave undefined for
- Help text for this option. Used when generating help for the option.default
- The default value for this option. If not defined the default will be true.boolean
- The option uses no value, its just a boolean switch. Defaults to false.choices
An array of valid choices for this option. If left empty all values are valid. An exception will be raised when parse() encounters an invalid value.
.. php:method:: addOptions(array $options)
If you have an array with multiple options you can use $parser->addOptions()
to add multiple options at once.:
<?php $parser->addOptions(array( 'node', array('short' => 'n', 'help' => 'The node to create'), 'parent' => array('short' => 'p', 'help' => 'The parent node') ));
As with all the builder methods on ConsoleOptionParser, addOptions is can be used as part of a fluent method chain.
Options can be provided with a set of choices much like positional arguments
can be. When an option has defined choices, those are the only valid choices
for an option. All other values will raise an InvalidArgumentException
<?php $parser->addOption('accept', array( 'help' => 'What version to accept.', 'choices' => array('working', 'theirs', 'mine') ));
Options can be defined as boolean options, which are useful when you need to create some flag options. Like options with defaults, boolean options always include themselves into the parsed parameters. When the flags are present they are set to true, when they are absent false:
<?php $parser->addOption('verbose', array( 'help' => 'Enable verbose output.', 'boolean' => true ));
The following option would result in $this->params['verbose']
being available. This lets you omit empty()
or isset()
checks for boolean flags:
if ($this->params['verbose']) { // do something }
Since the boolean options are always defined as true
you can omit additional check methods.
.. php:method:: addSubcommand($name, $options = array())
Console applications are often made of subcommands, and these subcommands
may require special option parsing and have their own help. A perfect
example of this is bake
. Bake is made of many separate tasks that all
have their own help and options. ConsoleOptionParser
allows you to
define subcommands and provide command specific option parsers so the
shell knows how to parse commands for its tasks:
<?php $parser->addSubcommand('model', array( 'help' => 'Bake a model', 'parser' => $this->Model->getOptionParser() ));
The above is an example of how you could provide help and a specialized
option parser for a shell's task. By calling the Task's getOptionParser()
we don't have to duplicate the option parser generation, or mix concerns
in our shell. Adding subcommands in this way has two advantages.
First it lets your shell easily document its subcommands in the
generated help, and it also allows easy access to the subcommand
help. With the above subcommand created you could call
cake myshell --help
and see the list of subcommands, and
also run cake myshell model --help
to view the help for
just the model task.
When defining a subcommand you can use the following options:
- Help text for the subcommand.parser
- A ConsoleOptionParser for the subcommand. This allows you to create method specific option parsers. When help is generated for a subcommand, if a parser is present it will be used. You can also supply the parser as an array that is compatible with :php:meth:`ConsoleOptionParser::buildFromArray()`
Adding subcommands can be done as part of a fluent method chain.
.. php:method:: buildFromArray($spec)
As previously mentioned, when creating subcommand option parsers you can define the parser spec as an array this method. This can help make building subcommand parsers easier, as everything is an array:
<?php $parser->addSubcommand('check', array( 'help' => __('Check the permissions between an ACO and ARO.'), 'parser' => array( 'description' => array( __("Use this command to grant ACL permissions. Once executed, the ARO "), __("specified (and its children, if any) will have ALLOW access to the"), __("specified ACO action (and the ACO's children, if any).") ), 'arguments' => array( 'aro' => array('help' => __('ARO to check.'), 'required' => true), 'aco' => array('help' => __('ACO to check.'), 'required' => true), 'action' => array('help' => __('Action to check')) ) ) ));
Inside the parser spec, you can define keys for definition
, options
, and epilog
. You cannot define
subcommands inside an array style builder. The values for
arguments, and options, should follow the format that
:php:func:`ConsoleOptionParser::addArguments()` and :php:func:`ConsoleOptionParser::addOptions()`
use. You can also use buildFromArray on its own, to build an option parser:
<?php public function getOptionParser() { return ConsoleOptionParser::buildFromArray(array( 'description' => array( __("Use this command to grant ACL permissions. Once executed, the ARO "), __("specified (and its children, if any) will have ALLOW access to the"), __("specified ACO action (and the ACO's children, if any).") ), 'arguments' => array( 'aro' => array('help' => __('ARO to check.'), 'required' => true), 'aco' => array('help' => __('ACO to check.'), 'required' => true), 'action' => array('help' => __('Action to check')) ) )); }
With the addition of ConsoleOptionParser getting help from shells is done
in a consistent and uniform way. By using the --help
or -h
option you
can view the help for any core shell, and any shell that implements a ConsoleOptionParser:
cake bake --help cake bake -h
Would both generate the help for bake. If the shell supports subcommands you can get help for those in a similar fashion:
cake bake model --help cake bake model -h
This would get you the help specific to bake's model task.
When building automated tools or development tools that need to interact with CakePHP shells, its nice to have help available in a machine parse-able format. The ConsoleOptionParser can provide help in xml by setting an additional argument:
cake bake --help xml cake bake -h xml
The above would return an XML document with the generated help, options, arguments and subcommands for the selected shell. A sample XML document would look like:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<commmand>bake fixture</commmand>
<description>Generate fixtures for use with the test suite. You can use
`bake fixture all` to bake all fixtures.</description>
<epilog>Omitting all arguments and options will enter into an interactive mode.</epilog>
<option name="--help" short="-h" boolean="1">
<option name="--verbose" short="-v" boolean="1">
<option name="--quiet" short="-q" boolean="1">
<option name="--count" short="-n" boolean="">
<option name="--connection" short="-c" boolean="">
<option name="--plugin" short="-p" boolean="">
<option name="--records" short="-r" boolean="1">
<argument name="name" help="Name of the fixture to bake.
Can use to bake plugin fixtures." required="">
.. php:class:: AppShell AppShell can be used as a base class for all your shells. It should extend :php:class:`Shell`, and be located in ``Console/Command/AppShell.php``
.. php:class:: Shell Shell is the base class for all shells, and provides a number of functions for interacting with user input, outputting text a generating errors.
.. php:attr:: tasks An array of tasks you want loaded for this shell/task.
.. php:attr:: uses An array of models that should be loaded for this shell/task.
.. php:method:: in($prompt, $options = null, $default = null) :param string $prompt: The prompt to display to the user. :param array $options: An array of valid choices the user can pick from. Picking an invalid option will force the user to choose again. :param string $default: The default option if there is on. This method helps you interact with the user, and create interactive shells. It will return the users answer to the prompt, and allows you to provide a list of valid options the user can choose from:: <?php $selection = $this->in('Red or Green?', array('R', 'G'), 'R'); The selection validation is case-insensitive.
.. php:method:: out($message = null, $newlines = 1, $level = Shell::NORMAL) :param string $method: The message to print. :param integer $newlines: The number of newlines to follow the message. :param integer $level: The highest :ref:`shell-output-level` this message should display at. The primary method for generating output to the user. By using levels, you can limit how verbose a shell is. out() also allows you to use colour formatting tags, which will enable coloured output on systems that support it. There are several built in styles for colouring text, and you can define your own. * ``error`` Error messages. * ``warning`` Warning messages. * ``info`` Informational messages. * ``comment`` Additional text. * ``question`` Magenta text used for user prompts By formatting messages with style tags you can display styled output:: <?php $this->out('<warning>This will remove data from the filesystems.</warning>'); By default on \*nix systems ConsoleOutput objects default to colour output. On windows systems, plain output is the default unless the ``ANSICON`` environment variable is present.
.. php:method:: nl($multiplier = 1) Outputs a number of newlines.
.. php:method:: hr($newlines = 0, $width = 63) :param int $newlines: The number of newlines to precede and follow the line. :param int $width: The width of the line to draw. Create a horizontal line preceded and followed by a number of newlines.
.. php:method:: err($message = null, $newlines = 1) :param string $method: The message to print. :param integer $newlines: The number of newlines to follow the message. Outputs a method to ``stderr``, works similar to :php:meth:`Shell::out()`
.. php:method:: error($title, $message = null) :param string $title: Title of the error :param string $message: An optional error message Displays a formatted error message and exits the application with status code 1
.. php:method:: clear() Clears the current output being displayed.
.. php:method:: createFile($path, $contents) :param string $path: Absolute path to the file you want to create. :param string $contents: Contents to put in the file. Creates a file at a given path. If the Shell is interactive, a warning will be generated, and the user asked if they want to overwrite the file if it already exists. If the shell's interactive property is false, no question will be asked and the file will simply be overwritten.
.. php:method:: getOptionParser() Should return a :php:class:`ConsoleOptionParser` object, with any sub-parsers for the shell.
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 console-and-shells/cron-jobs console-and-shells/code-generation-with-bake console-and-shells/schema-management-and-migrations console-and-shells/i18n-shell console-and-shells/acl-shell console-and-shells/testsuite-shell