Controllers are the 'C' in MVC. After routing has been applied and the correct controller has been found, your controller's action is called. Your controller should handle interpreting the request data, making sure the correct models are called, and the right response or view is rendered. Controllers can be thought of as middle man between the Model and View. You want to keep your controllers thin, and your models fat. This will help you more easily reuse your code and makes your code easier to test.
Commonly, controllers are used to manage the logic around a single model. For example, if you were building a site for an online bakery, you might have a RecipesController and an IngredientsController managing your recipes and their ingredients. In CakePHP, controllers are named after the primary model they handle. It's totally possible to have controllers work with more than one model as well.
Your application's controllers extend AppController
class, which in turn
extends the core :php:class:`Controller` class. The AppController
class can be defined in /app/Controller/AppController.php
and it should
contain methods that are shared between all of your application’s controllers.
Controllers provide a number of methods which are called actions. Actions are methods on a controller that handle requests. By default all public methods on a controller are an action, and accessible from a url.
As stated in the introduction, the AppController class is the
parent class to all of your application's controllers.
AppController itself extends the Controller class included in the
CakePHP core library. As such, AppController is defined in
like so:
<?php class AppController extends Controller { }
Controller attributes and methods created in your AppController will be available to all of your application's controllers. It is the ideal place to create code that is common to all of your controllers. Components (which you'll learn about later) are best used for code that is used in many (but not necessarily all) controllers.
While normal object-oriented inheritance rules apply, CakePHP does a bit of extra work when it comes to special controller attributes. The list of components and helpers used by a controller are treated specially. In these cases, AppController value arrays are merged with child controller class arrays. The values in the child class will always override those in AppController.
CakePHP merges the following variables from the AppController to your application's controllers:
- $components
- $helpers
- $uses
Remember to add the default Html and Form helpers, if you define
var $helpers
in your AppController
Please also remember to call AppController's callbacks within child controller callbacks for best results:
<?php function beforeFilter() { parent::beforeFilter(); }
When a request is made to a CakePHP application, CakePHP's :php:class:`Router` and
:php:class:`Dispatcher` classes use :ref:`routes-configuration` to find and
create the correct controller. The request data is encapsulated into a request
object. CakePHP puts all of the important request information into the
property. See the section on
:doc:`/controllers/request-response` for more information on the CakePHP request
Returning to our online bakery example, our RecipesController might contain the
, share()
, and search()
actions. The controller would be found
in /app/Controller/RecipesController.php
and contain:
<?php # /app/Controller/RecipesController.php class RecipesController extends AppController { function view($id) { //action logic goes here.. } function share($customer_id, $recipe_id) { //action logic goes here.. } function search($query) { //action logic goes here.. } }
In order for you to use a controller effectively in your own application, we'll cover some of the core attributes and methods provided by CakePHP's controllers.
.. php:class:: Controller
CakePHP controllers come fitted with callbacks you can use to insert logic around the request life-cycle:
.. php:method:: beforeFilter() This function is executed before every action in the controller. It's a handy place to check for an active session or inspect user permissions. .. note:: The beforeFilter() method will be called for missing actions, and scaffolded actions.
.. php:method:: beforeRender() Called after controller action logic, but before the view is rendered. This callback is not used often, but may be needed if you are calling render() manually before the end of a given action.
.. php:method:: afterFilter() Called after every controller action, and after rendering is complete. This is the last controller method to run.
In addition to controller life-cycle callbacks, :doc:`/controllers/components` also provide a similar set of callbacks.
For a complete list of controller methods and their descriptions visit the CakePHP API. Check out
Controllers interact with the view in a number of ways. First they
are able to pass data to the views, using set()
. You can also
decide which view class to use, and which view file should be
rendered from the controller.
.. php:method:: set(string $var, mixed $value) The ``set()`` method is the main way to send data from your controller to your view. Once you've used ``set()``, the variable can be accessed in your view:: <?php //First you pass data from the controller: $this->set('color', 'pink'); //Then, in the view, you can utilize the data: ?> You have selected <?php echo $color; ?> icing for the cake. The ``set()`` method also takes an associative array as its first parameter. This can often be a quick way to assign a set of information to the view. .. versionchanged:: 1.3 Array keys will no longer be inflected before they are assigned to the view ('underscored\_key' does not become 'underscoredKey' anymore, etc.): :: <?php $data = array( 'color' => 'pink', 'type' => 'sugar', 'base_price' => 23.95 ); //make $color, $type, and $base_price //available to the view: $this->set($data); The attribute ``$pageTitle`` no longer exists, use ``set()`` to set the title:: <?php $this->set('title_for_layout', 'This is the page title'); ?>
.. php:method:: render(string $action, string $layout, string $file) The ``render()`` method is automatically called at the end of each requested controller action. This method performs all the view logic (using the data you’ve given in using the ``set()`` method), places the view inside its layout and serves it back to the end user. The default view file used by render is determined by convention. If the ``search()`` action of the RecipesController is requested, the view file in /app/View/Recipes/search.ctp will be rendered:: <?php class RecipesController extends AppController { ... function search() { // Render the view in /View/Recipes/search.ctp $this->render(); } ... } Although CakePHP will automatically call it (unless you’ve set ``$this->autoRender`` to false) after every action’s logic, you can use it to specify an alternate view file by specifying an action name in the controller using ``$action``. If ``$action`` starts with '/' it is assumed to be a view or element file relative to the ``/app/View`` folder. This allows direct rendering of elements, very useful in ajax calls. :: <?php // Render the element in /View/Elements/ajaxreturn.ctp $this->render('/Elements/ajaxreturn'); You can also specify an alternate view or element file using the third parameter, ``$file``. The ``$layout`` parameter allows you to specify the layout the view is rendered in.
In your controller you may want to render a different view than
what would conventionally be done. You can do this by calling
directly. Once you have called render()
will not try to re-render the view:
<?php class PostsController extends AppController { function my_action() { $this->render('custom_file'); } }
This would render app/View/Posts/custom_file.ctp
instead of
.. php:method:: redirect(mixed $url, integer $status, boolean $exit) The flow control method you’ll use most often is ``redirect()``. This method takes its first parameter in the form of a CakePHP-relative URL. When a user has successfully placed an order, you might wish to redirect them to a receipt screen.:: <?php function placeOrder() { //Logic for finalizing order goes here if($success) { $this->redirect(array('controller' => 'orders', 'action' => 'thanks')); } else { $this->redirect(array('controller' => 'orders', 'action' => 'confirm')); } } You can also use a relative or absolute URL as the $url argument:: <?php $this->redirect('/orders/thanks')); $this->redirect(''); You can also pass data to the action:: <?php $this->redirect(array('action' => 'edit', $id)); The second parameter of ``redirect()`` allows you to define an HTTP status code to accompany the redirect. You may want to use 301 (moved permanently) or 303 (see other), depending on the nature of the redirect. The method will issue an ``exit()`` after the redirect unless you set the third parameter to ``false``. If you need to redirect to the referer page you can use:: <?php $this->redirect($this->referer());
.. php:method:: flash(string $message, string $url, integer $pause, string $layout) Like ``redirect()``, the ``flash()`` method is used to direct a user to a new page after an operation. The ``flash()`` method is different in that it shows a message before passing the user on to another URL. The first parameter should hold the message to be displayed, and the second parameter is a CakePHP-relative URL. CakePHP will display the ``$message`` for ``$pause`` seconds before forwarding the user on. If there's a particular template you'd like your flashed message to use, you may specify the name of that layout in the ``$layout`` parameter. For in-page flash messages, be sure to check out SessionComponent’s setFlash() method.
In addition to the :ref:`controller-life-cycle`. CakePHP also supports callbacks related to scaffolding.
.. php:method:: beforeScaffold($method) $method name of method called example index, edit, etc.
.. php:method:: afterScaffoldSave($method) $method name of method called either edit or update.
.. php:method:: afterScaffoldSaveError($method) $method name of method called either edit or update.
.. php:method:: scaffoldError($method) $method name of method called example index, edit, etc.
.. php:method:: constructClasses This method loads the models required by the controller. This loading process is done by CakePHP normally, but this method is handy to have when accessing controllers from a different perspective. If you need CakePHP in a command-line script or some other outside use, constructClasses() may come in handy.
.. php:method:: referer(mixed $default = null, boolean $local = false) Returns the referring URL for the current request. Parameter ``$default`` can be used to supply a default URL to use if HTTP\_REFERER cannot be read from headers. So, instead of doing this:: <?php class UserController extends AppController { function delete($id) { // delete code goes here, and then... if ($this->referer() != '/') { $this->redirect($this->referer()); } else { $this->redirect(array('action' => 'index')); } } } you can do this:: <?php class UserController extends AppController { function delete($id) { // delete code goes here, and then... $this->redirect($this->referer(array('action' => 'index'))); } } If ``$default`` is not set, the function defaults to the root of your domain - '/'. Parameter ``$local`` if set to ``true``, restricts referring URLs to local server.
.. php:method:: disableCache Used to tell the user’s **browser** not to cache the results of the current request. This is different than view caching, covered in a later chapter. The headers sent to this effect are:: Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT Last-Modified: [current datetime] GMT Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0 Pragma: no-cache
.. php:method:: postConditions(array $data, mixed $op, string $bool, boolean $exclusive) Use this method to turn a set of POSTed model data (from HtmlHelper-compatible inputs) into a set of find conditions for a model. This function offers a quick shortcut on building search logic. For example, an administrative user may want to be able to search orders in order to know which items need to be shipped. You can use CakePHP's :php:class:`FormHelper` and :php:class:`HtmlHelper` to create a quick form based on the Order model. Then a controller action can use the data posted from that form to craft find conditions:: <?php function index() { $conditions = $this->postConditions($this->request->data); $orders = $this->Order->find('all', compact('conditions')); $this->set('orders', $orders); } If ``$this->request->data['Order']['destination']`` equals "Old Towne Bakery", postConditions converts that condition to an array compatible for use in a Model->find() method. In this case, ``array('Order.destination' => 'Old Towne Bakery')``. If you want to use a different SQL operator between terms, supply them using the second parameter:: <?php /* Contents of $this->request->data array( 'Order' => array( 'num_items' => '4', 'referrer' => 'Ye Olde' ) ) */ //Let’s get orders that have at least 4 items and contain ‘Ye Olde’ $conditions = $this->postConditions( $this->request->data, array( 'num_items' => '>=', 'referrer' => 'LIKE' ) ); $orders = $this->Order->find('all', compact('conditions')); The third parameter allows you to tell CakePHP what SQL boolean operator to use between the find conditions. Strings like ‘AND’, ‘OR’ and ‘XOR’ are all valid values. Finally, if the last parameter is set to true, and the $op parameter is an array, fields not included in $op will not be included in the returned conditions.
.. php:method:: paginate() This method is used for paginating results fetched by your models. You can specify page sizes, model find conditions and more. See the :doc:`pagination <core-libraries/components/pagination>` section for more details on how to use paginate.
.. php:method:: requestAction(string $url, array $options) This function calls a controller's action from any location and returns data from the action. The ``$url`` passed is a CakePHP-relative URL (/controllername/actionname/params). To pass extra data to the receiving controller action add to the $options array. .. note:: You can use ``requestAction()`` to retrieve a fully rendered view by passing 'return' in the options: ``requestAction($url, array('return'));``. It is important to note that making a requestAction using 'return' from a controller method can cause script and css tags to not work correctly. .. warning:: If used without caching ``requestAction`` can lead to poor performance. It is rarely appropriate to use in a controller or model. ``requestAction`` is best used in conjunction with (cached) elements – as a way to fetch data for an element before rendering. Let's use the example of putting a "latest comments" element in the layout. First we need to create a controller function that will return the data:: <?php // Controller/CommentsController.php class CommentsController extends AppController { function latest() { return $this->Comment->find('all', array('order' => 'Comment.created DESC', 'limit' => 10)); } } If we now create a simple element to call that function:: <?php // View/Elements/latest_comments.ctp $comments = $this->requestAction('/comments/latest'); foreach($comments as $comment) { echo $comment['Comment']['title']; } We can then place that element anywhere to get the output using:: <?php echo $this->element('latest_comments'); Written in this way, whenever the element is rendered, a request will be made to the controller to get the data, the data will be processed, and returned. However in accordance with the warning above it's best to make use of element caching to prevent needless processing. By modifying the call to element to look like this:: <?php echo $this->element('latest_comments', array('cache' => '+1 hour')); The ``requestAction`` call will not be made while the cached element view file exists and is valid. In addition, requestAction now takes array based cake style urls:: <?php echo $this->requestAction( array('controller' => 'articles', 'action' => 'featured'), array('return') ); This allows the requestAction call to bypass the usage of Router::url which can increase performance. The url based arrays are the same as the ones that :php:meth:`HtmlHelper::link()` uses with one difference - if you are using named or passed parameters, you must put them in a second array and wrap them with the correct key. This is because requestAction merges the named args array (requestAction's 2nd parameter) with the Controller::params member array and does not explicitly place the named args array into the key 'named'; Additional members in the ``$option`` array will also be made available in the requested action's Controller::params array:: <?php echo $this->requestAction('/articles/featured/limit:3'); echo $this->requestAction('/articles/view/5'); As an array in the requestAction would then be:: <?php echo $this->requestAction( array('controller' => 'articles', 'action' => 'featured'), array('named' => array('limit' => 3)) ); echo $this->requestAction( array('controller' => 'articles', 'action' => 'view'), array('pass' => array(5)) ); .. note:: Unlike other places where array urls are analogous to string urls, requestAction treats them differently. When using an array url in conjunction with requestAction() you must specify **all** parameters that you will need in the requested action. This includes parameters like ``$this->request->data``. In addition to passing all required parameters, named and pass parameters must be done in the second array as seen above.
.. php:method:: loadModel(string $modelClass, mixed $id) The ``loadModel`` function comes handy when you need to use a model which is not the controller's default model or its associated model:: <?php $this->loadModel('Article'); $recentArticles = $this->Article->find('all', array('limit' => 5, 'order' => 'Article.created DESC')); $this->loadModel('User', 2); $user = $this->User->read();
For a complete list of controller attributes and their descriptions visit the CakePHP API. Check out
.. php:attr:: name The ``$name`` attribute should be set to the name of the controller. Usually this is just the plural form of the primary model the controller uses. This property is not required, but saves CakePHP from inflecting it:: <?php # $name controller attribute usage example class RecipesController extends AppController { public $name = 'Recipes'; }
The next most often used controller attributes tell CakePHP what
helpers, components, and models you’ll be using in conjunction with
the current controller. Using these attributes make MVC classes
given by $components
and $uses
available to the controller
as class variables ($this->ModelName
, for example) and those
given by $helpers
to the view as an object reference variable
Each controller has some of these classes available by default, so you may not need to configure your controller at all.
.. php:attr:: uses Controllers have access to their primary model available by default. Our RecipesController will have the Recipe model class available at ``$this->Recipe``, and our ProductsController also features the Product model at ``$this->Product``. However, when allowing a controller to access additional models through the ``$uses`` variable, the name of the current controller's model must also be included. This is illustrated in the example below. If you do not wish to use a Model in your controller, set ``public $uses = array()``. This will allow you to use a controller without a need for a corresponding Model file.
.. php:attr:: helpers The Html, Form, and Session Helpers are available by default, as is the SessionComponent. But if you choose to define your own ``$helpers`` array in AppController, make sure to include ``Html`` and ``Form`` if you want them still available by default in your Controllers. To learn more about these classes, be sure to check out their respective sections later in this manual. Let’s look at how to tell a CakePHP controller that you plan to use additional MVC classes:: <?php class RecipesController extends AppController { public $uses = array('Recipe', 'User'); public $helpers = array('Js'); public $components = array('RequestHandler'); } Each of these variables are merged with their inherited values, therefore it is not necessary (for example) to redeclare the Form helper, or anything that is declared in your App controller.
.. php:attr:: components The components array allows you to set which :doc:`/controllers/components` a controller will use. Like ``$helpers`` and ``$uses`` components in your controllers are merged with those in ``AppController``. As with ``$helpers`` you can pass settings into components. See :ref:`configuring-components` for more information.
While you can check out the details for all controller attributes in the API, there are other controller attributes that merit their own sections in the manual.
.. todo:: This chapter should be less about the controller api and more about examples, the controller attributes section is overwhelming and difficult to understand at first. The chapter should start with some example controllers and what they do.
.. toctree:: controllers/request-response controllers/scaffolding controllers/pages-controller controllers/components