Analogical Problem Solving |
Using analogies to solve problems by applying solutions from one domain to another similar situation. |
Analogy Creation |
Creating analogies to compare different concepts, situations, or objects. |
Analyzing Cultural Differences |
Comparing and contrasting different cultural practices, beliefs, or norms. |
Analyzing Decision Making Processes |
Examining and evaluating decision-making processes, including steps, factors, and reasoning. |
Analyzing Decision Trees |
Interpreting and evaluating decision trees to understand decision-making processes. |
Analyzing Historical Counterfactuals |
Considering alternative outcomes of historical events by changing key factors or decisions. |
Analyzing Rhetorical Strategies |
Identifying and evaluating rhetorical strategies used in a given text or speech. |
Assessing Risk And Uncertainty |
Evaluating scenarios with incomplete information to determine potential risks and uncertainties. |
Bias Detection |
Identifying and explaining biases present in given scenarios, statements, or data. |
Bias Mitigation |
Constructing a statement as close to the ground truth as possible, given a statement and the bias that led to it. |
Calculating Probabilities |
Calculating probabilities for various scenarios, including simple and compound events. |
Categorizing Information Into Hierarchies |
Organizing information into hierarchical structures based on relationships or logical criteria. |
Causal Chain Analysis |
Identifying and analyzing a sequence of events or factors that lead to a specific outcome. |
Completing Analogies |
Completing analogies to evaluate the ability to recognize relationships between pairs of words and apply them to new contexts. |
Constructing Valid Arguments |
Creating logically sound arguments to support a given conclusion or claim. |
Counterfactual Analysis |
Examining hypothetical scenarios that are contrary to what actually happened. |
Critical Factor Identification in Theory of Mind |
Understanding that similar agents may act differently, or different agents may act similarly, based on a third factor. |
Critiquing Argument Structures |
Analyzing and evaluating the structure, logic, and effectiveness of arguments. |
Curry's Paradox |
Examining a specific form of semantic paradox that seemingly proves arbitrary claims through self-reference and logical implication. |
Deciphering Ambiguous Instructions |
Interpreting and clarifying unclear or incomplete instructions. |
Deconstructing Complex Systems |
Breaking down complex systems into their constituent parts and explaining how these parts interact. |
Deconstructing Metaphors |
Analyzing and explaining the meaning behind metaphors. |
Deducing Motives From Actions |
Analyzing actions of individuals or groups to infer their underlying motivations or intentions. |
Deducing Rules From Examples |
Analyzing examples to infer the underlying rule or pattern. |
Deductive Logic Puzzles |
Solving deductive logic puzzles to evaluate the ability to use given information, make logical inferences, and arrive at a correct conclusion. |
Describing Spatial Relationships |
Accurately describing the relative positions and orientations of objects in space. |
Detecting Sarcasm And Irony |
Identifying and explaining instances of sarcasm or irony in given statements or scenarios. |
Determining Alternative Outcomes |
Analyzing historical events or decisions and reasoning about possible alternative outcomes if key factors had been different. |
Distinguishing Correlation from Causation |
Analyzing given scenarios or statistical relationships to identify cases where correlation does not imply causation. |
Distinguishing Fact From Opinion |
Differentiating between factual statements and opinions in given texts or scenarios. |
Equation Derivation |
Deriving mathematical equations from given information or scenarios to evaluate the ability to translate word problems into mathematical expressions and manipulate them to reach a solution. |
Estimating Duration |
Estimating the time required for various activities or processes. |
Ethical Dilemma Resolution |
Analyzing complex ethical scenarios and proposing reasoned solutions. |
Evaluating Analogies For Accuracy |
Assessing given analogies for their accuracy and appropriateness. |
Evaluating Competing Theories |
Analyzing and comparing multiple theories for a phenomenon, assessing their strengths and weaknesses, and determining which is best supported by evidence. |
Evaluating Policy Implications |
Analyzing proposed policies or decisions and predicting their potential consequences across various domains. |
Evaluating Source Credibility |
Assessing the reliability and trustworthiness of various information sources. |
Fermi Estimation |
Making rough numerical estimates for complex questions using logical reasoning and educated guesses. |
First Order False Belief |
Identifying why a misinformed agent may behave contrary to reality due to inaccurate beliefs. |
First Order Ignorance |
Identifying why an agent may lack knowledge or awareness of certain facts or events. |
Forecasting Technological Impacts |
Predicting and analyzing potential effects of emerging or hypothetical technologies on society, economy, and daily life. |
Generating Creative Solutions |
Developing innovative and unique solutions to given problems or challenges. |
Higher Order False Belief |
Handling a complex chain of agent's beliefs about the knowledge (and accuracy of the knowledge) of other agents to ultimately predict the behavior of an agent. |
Hypothesis Formation |
Generating plausible hypotheses to explain observed phenomena or solve problems. |
Identifying Anachronisms |
Recognizing elements that are out of place in a given historical context. |
Identifying Cause and Effect Relationships |
Analyzing given scenarios or statements to identify and explain cause and effect relationships present. |
Identifying Cognitive Biases |
Recognizing and explaining cognitive biases in given scenarios or decision-making processes. |
Identifying Hallucination Prone Questions |
Recognizing questions that are likely to lead to hallucination or questions it simply doesn't know the answer to. |
Identifying Implicit Biases In Language |
Recognizing subtle biases embedded in language use. |
Identifying Logical Fallacies |
Identifying and explaining common logical fallacies in given arguments or statements to evaluate the ability to recognize flawed reasoning. |
Identifying Logical Inconsistencies |
Detecting and explaining logical inconsistencies or contradictions within given information. |
Identifying Relationships |
Identifying the relationship between pairs of words or concepts to evaluate the ability to recognize various types of connections and articulate them clearly. |
Identifying Unstated Assumptions |
Recognizing and articulating implicit assumptions in statements, arguments, or scenarios. |
Inference Drawing From Incomplete Data |
Making logical deductions or inferences based on limited or incomplete information. |
Inferring Emotional States |
Analyzing scenarios to infer people's emotional states based on their behavior and context. |
Inferring Motivations From Actions |
Analyzing described actions or behaviors to deduce the underlying motivations, intentions, or goals of the individuals involved. |
Interpreting Ambiguous Statements |
Analyzing statements with multiple possible interpretations and identifying different ways they can be understood. |
Interpreting and Creating Timelines |
Reading or creating timelines to represent a series of events or processes. |
Interpreting Body Language Cues |
Analyzing and interpreting non-verbal communication signals, such as facial expressions, postures, and gestures. |
Interpreting Legal Language And Precedents |
Analyzing and interpreting legal texts, statutes, or case law to understand their implications and applications. |
Interpreting Nonverbal Communication |
Analyzing and interpreting nonverbal cues in human communication. |
Interpreting Statistical Data |
Analyzing and interpreting statistical data presented in various formats. |
Lateral Thinking Puzzles |
Solving lateral thinking puzzles to evaluate the ability to think creatively, consider unconventional scenarios, and ask relevant questions to reach the correct solution. |
Mathematical Word Problems |
Solving mathematical word problems to evaluate the ability to interpret real-world scenarios, extract relevant information, and perform appropriate calculations. |
Mental Rotation Tasks |
Mentally rotating objects or shapes and predicting their appearance from different angles. |
Moral Reasoning In Everyday Situations |
Analyzing everyday scenarios that present moral dilemmas and reasoning through the ethical implications of different actions. |
Narrative Gap Filling |
Filling in missing information or events in a narrative to create a coherent story. |
Parsing Complex Sentences |
Analyzing sentences to identify grammatical structures and explain relationships between parts. |
Pattern Recognition in Spatial Arrangements |
Identifying patterns or rules inentifying patterns or rules in the spatial arrangement of objects or shapes. |
Perspective Taking In Social Scenarios |
Analyzing social situations from different viewpoints to understand the motivations, emotions, and potential reactions of various parties involved. |
Predicting Market Trends |
Analyzing economic indicators and data to forecast potential future market trends. |
Predicting Outcomes Based on Scenarios |
Analyzing given scenarios and predicting potential outcomes based on the information provided. |
Prioritizing Conflicting Goals |
Analyzing and resolving situations with conflicting objectives, requiring trade-offs and strategic decision-making. |
Proof Verification |
Verifying mathematical proofs to evaluate the ability to understand logical arguments, identify correct steps in a proof, and spot errors or gaps in reasoning. |
Recognizing Emotional Subtext |
Identifying and interpreting underlying emotional content or implications in text that are not explicitly stated. |
Recognizing Patterns In Behavior |
Identifying recurring patterns or trends in human or animal behavior based on given scenarios or data. |
Recognizing Patterns In Sequences |
Identifying and extending patterns in numerical, alphabetical, or symbolic sequences. |
Reconciling Conflicting Information |
Analyzing and resolving contradictory information from multiple sources. |
Reverse Engineering Processes |
Analyzing a final result and working backwards to determine the steps or components that led to that outcome. |
Risk Assessment In Decision Making |
Evaluating potential risks and benefits associated with different courses of action in a given scenario. |
Second Order False Belief |
Understanding that an agent may hold a false belief about another agent's belief, leading to misinterpretations of actions or intentions. |
Sequencing Events |
Arranging a set of events in chronological order. |
Solving Riddles And Word Puzzles |
Deciphering and solving various types of riddles and word puzzles. |
Solving Word Problems With Multiple Variables |
Translating word problems into mathematical equations and solving them. |
Spatial Problem Solving |
Using spatial reasoning to solve practical problems or puzzles. |
[Stack Based Reasoning] ( Using stacks and reverse thinking to convert chain of thought into stacks of instructions for others to follow |
Syllogism Reasoning |
Providing a series of syllogisms to evaluate logical reasoning capabilities. |
Trait Attribution In Behavioral Scenarios |
Analyzing described behaviors or actions and inferring personality traits or characteristics that might explain those behaviors. |
Trend Analysis And Forecasting |
Examining historical data or patterns to identify trends and make predictions about future outcomes. |
Truth Table Completion |
Completing truth tables for given logical expressions to evaluate the understanding of Boolean logic and ability to determine the truth value of complex statements. |
Truth Table Completions |
Completing truth tables for given logical expressions. |
Towers of Hanoi |
The Tower of Hanoi is a puzzle where you must move a stack of disks from one rod to another, obeying rules about disk size and movement. |
Understanding Time Based Relationships |
Analyzing and explaining relationships between events based on their timing. |
Understanding Time Zones and Global Time Differences |
Calculating time differences across various time zones and understanding how global time works. |
Unraveling Paradoxes |
Analyzing and explaining paradoxes or logical puzzles. |
Multiturn Latex Generation |
Generating latex documents and suggesting edits using multiturn instructions. |