- Logging files with S3, Lambda, CloudWatch and Python
- HTTP POST file upload with S3, ECS, CloudWatch, S3FS, rsyslog, uWSGI and Python
- Upload-only HTTPS CloudFront Distribution
- Redirecting uploads to signed S3 URLs with Python, Lambda and API Gateway
- Matlab Task Processing with SQS, MCR, Python, S3FS, rsyslog, Ubuntu, Docker, ECS and CloudWatch
- Serving files from S3 with Amazon API Gateway, Lambda and Python
- Kraken Logger with Lambda, DynamoDB and Python
- Artificial Lector with Amazon Polly
- Cross-region (cross-account) ECR replication for AWS Lambda
- Kubernetes: EKS with Fargate, ECR and a simple ALB, using Terraform & Helm
For ad-hoc CLI usage you can use amazon/aws-cli
- Uploading to Azure Blob Storage
- Password-protected, App Service (Python, Flask & Docker) with Swagger API and static frontend served by Nginx
- Container Registry creation script
- Multicontainer App Service with Volume
- Kubernetes: AKS with authenticated App Service ingress
- Azure VPN Gateway & on-premise facility integration
- Azure IoT Edge: Containerized
- Azure IoT Edge: Module & service boilerplate example
- Azure IoT Edge: Provisioning with Ansible
- Apache-based reverse proxy with Let's Encrypt and Azure Active Directory authentication
For ad-hoc CLI usage you can use mcr.microsoft.com/azure-cli
- SSH jump server on Kubernetes
- Forwarding service on a local socket to an SSH jump server
- Bypassing firewall rules with socat and an SSH jump server
- SSH over Tor
- Tailscale as a Sidecar Container
- Ansible: Install GitLab Server on CentOS
- Sovreign Compute
- Quick & Dirty Bare Metal Kubernetes Cluster with kubespray
- API-to-API pump with cron & curl
- BitTorrent over VPN