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Example: Python E-commerce

Demo tests to serve as a starting point for the State Model Based Testing with Selenium workshop at SeleniumConf 2023 in Chicago.

The site under test is available on GitHub pages here.


You will need to have Python3 installed for this workshop. More info on that here:


Download or clone this repository locally, then run the following commands:


$ cd python-ecommerce-selenium-conf
$ python3 -m venv .venv
$ source .venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt


$ cd python-ecommerce-selenium-conf
$ python -m venv .venv
$ .venv/Scripts/activate.bat
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Read more about venv here.


Download geckodriver.

After you download and extract the executable, make sure you set the path to the geckodriver executable in the Path variable to make other programs aware of its location.

On Windows:

$ set PATH=%PATH%;C:\bin\geckodriver

On Linux/MacOS:

$ ln -s /path/to/geckodriver /usr/local/bin/geckodriver

Run Tests

To run the tests use:

pytest -s 

Prepare Setup for State Model Based Tools

We will be using AltWalker and GraphWalker to implement and run models that we create during the State Model Based Workshop.

For this you will need to:

  • Install Java
  • Install and configure GraphWalker CLI using these commands:

on Mac/Linux

wget && \
mkdir -p ~/graphwalker && \
mv graphwalker-cli-4.3.2.jar ~/graphwalker/ && \
echo -e '#!/bin/bash\njava -jar ~/graphwalker/graphwalker-cli-4.3.2.jar "$@"' > ~/graphwalker/ && \
chmod +x ~/graphwalker/ && \
ln -s ~/graphwalker/ /usr/local/bin/gw

and on Windows:

setx PATH "%PATH%;C:\graphwalker" & :: Adds graphwalker to current user PATH
cd C:\
mkdir graphwalker
cd graphwalker
powershell -Command "[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = 'tls12'; Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '' -outfile 'graphwalker-cli-4.3.2.jar'" & :: Downloads graphwalker using powershell command Invoke-Request
@echo off
@echo @echo off> gw.bat
@echo java -jar C:\graphwalker\graphwalker-cli-4.3.2.jar %*>> gw.bat
@echo on

To check that you GraphWalker correctly configured, run the following command and check that you get the same version:

$ gw --version
org.graphwalker version: 4.3.2-408d9b4

org.graphwalker is open source software licensed under MIT license
The software (and it's source) can be downloaded from
For a complete list of this package software dependencies, see