Latest release notes are maintained on Github only. Refer to below link:
- Updated favicon by @Nidbhagwat in hotwax#242
- Updated: added customer email on order details page (#85zt94890) by @k2maan in hotwax#240
- Implemented: ship to store page (#85zt824d7) by @k2maan in hotwax#239
- @Nidbhagwat made their first contribution in hotwax#242
Full Changelog:
- Improved: search query by removing wildcards by @adityasharma7 in hotwax#228
- Fixed: facility not changed from the settings page by @adityasharma7 in hotwax#229
- Fixed: Packing slip not generated (#230) by @adityasharma7 in hotwax#231
- Updated: app version for minor release (2.10.0) by @k2maan in hotwax#232
Full Changelog:
- Changed the order of icons in packed section by @dt2patel in hotwax#223 and by @ymaheshwari1 in hotwax#224
- Fixed: typo when defining the config object by @ymaheshwari1 in hotwax#221
- Implemented: show order cards horizontally based on order ship group/part (#85zrv9fhc) by @k2maan in hotwax#225
- @dt2patel made their first contribution in hotwax#223
Full Changelog:
- Implemented: disabling of buttons on orders page based on order update permission (#85zrthgeq) by @k2maan in hotwax#209 and hotwax#210
- Implemented: logic to identify authorisations for the given user (#205) by @adityasharma7 in hotwax#206
- Improved: the assigning picker setting's description on the Settings page. by @Dhiraj1405 in hotwax#215
- Implemented: code to resend ready for pickup email (#85zrtpgxb) by @k2maan in hotwax#212
- Fixed: Updating Delivery address permission for reroute fulfillment doesn't works (#217) by @adityasharma7 in hotwax#218
- @Dhiraj1405 made their first contribution in hotwax#215
Full Changelog:
- Implemented: Feature to update Reroute fulfillment configuration from settings page (#208) by @adityasharma7 in hotwax#211
Full Changelog:
- Add Spanish Label by @Adar9 in hotwax#203
- Implemented: code to retain product search when navigating to other pages (#85zrptx3u) by @k2maan in hotwax#202
- Fixed: Duplicate facility in facility switcher(#85zrpubf1) by @disha1202 in hotwax#200
- @Adar9 made their first contribution in hotwax#203
Full Changelog:
- implemented: support to add picker for ready to pick orders(#85zrnzf31) by @disha1202 in hotwax#187
Full Changelog:
- Implemented: support for using api and client methods from OMS api package (#85zrm1ktj) by @k2maan in hotwax#181
- Updated: UI for packing slip card on settings page (#85zrmkrmq) by @k2maan in hotwax#182
- Updated: UI for shipping orders card on settings page (#85zrmkx7q) by @k2maan in hotwax#183
- Fixed: show packing slip toggle (#85zrphr3t) by @k2maan in hotwax#191
- Fixed: build failure due to node version 18 on github (#85zrmkx7q) by @k2maan in hotwax#192
- Implemented: flow to get and show details on product details page (#1uvvc3x) by @adityasharma7 in hotwax#193
- Fixed: warehouse should not be in other stores list (#1uvvc3x) by @adityasharma7 in hotwax#195
- Fixed: loader should be dismissed when API fails on catalog and product page by @adityasharma7 in hotwax#196
- Moved packing slip and shipping order configuration from oms to app settings(#85zrpq1yd) by @disha1202 in hotwax#197
Full Changelog:
- Implemented: Add time zone support and migrated from moment to luxon (#25k8h53) by @k2maan in hotwax#174
- Implemented: Code to show app version and build information on Settings page (#85zrhn8w8) by @k2maan in hotwax#175
- Implemented: support for completed orders(#85zrkm9e3) by @ymaheshwari1 in hotwax#177
- Implemented: Flow to get and show product on Catalog page (#1uvvc2n) by @k2maan in hotwax#179
Full Changelog:
- Fixed: the case when getting 404 for the getUserPreference api by handling the condition in try catch block(#2gnze24) by @ymaheshwari1 in hotwax#104
- Improved code by wrapping text on bopis order item details for products(#2h77kau) by @azkyakhan in hotwax#114
- Improved markup and styling of segments in orders page(#2hcnrem) by @azkyakhan in hotwax#116
- Implemented: Code to check if user has permission to access the app(#2hr41aq) by @shashwatbangar in hotwax#129
- Updated: UI of Settings page(#32j3r6t) by @shashwatbangar in hotwax#156
- Fixed build issue due to eslint version mismatch in dependencies (#85zrhpak3) by @k2maan in hotwax#158
- Added hotwax-apps-theme package by @disha1202 in hotwax#164
Full Changelog:
- Add Japanese translation for the app by @itaru-tokuda in hotwax#138
- Upgraded ionic to 6.1.15(#2uaz29u) by @disha1202 in hotwax#140
- Added support to alias specific instance URL with environment configuration(#30dkjp1) by @disha1202 in hotwax#149
- Remove important notice by @Jacques-Murray in hotwax#152
- Upgraded to Ionic 6.2(#2w9wz26) by @disha1202 in hotwax#147
- Implemented language switcher (#30yqppq) by @k2maan in hotwax#153
- @itaru-tokuda made their first contribution in hotwax#138
- @Jacques-Murray made their first contribution in hotwax#152
- @k2maan made their first contribution in hotwax#153
Full Changelog:
- Fixed: Instance URL should be case insensitive(#2ft61zw) by @rathoreprashant in hotwax#122
- Improved label to "eCom Store" on Settings page (#23tw4yf) by @rathoreprashant in hotwax#127
- Created static UI of product detail page(#2jum8ga) by @azkyakhan in hotwax#128
- Upgraded to ionic 6(#1wn39h6) by @disha1202 in hotwax#132
Full Changelog: